HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-4-23, Page 1VOL, 36 NO. 42
Now Advertisements
r n, ..
)3111w1(o G. Rials» d
Inns- last -Tom I Poo
Ila n-121,-' L, Pox 4 Irons.
Wonted -1, flax 2'i . strn,'li,
Jsaa aunt 1cao-eros. Ntrnuhnn.
,U istnnt 1'no8er-T. 13 1Cni41ht.
I'tart •ngo sole -A. It tdnorloatial.
Wntahransiting-II It. oa14cnon.
(lottog. for sole -Alex. hlc'hiiiwblI11.
Sapta'lmday-Winghnua Badness Oollege.
11 1'1
(stilet ale s
Over 3,000 pounds of elegant made
syrup were made by W, R. Belden
during the past season.
The norlt ly meeting of the
Woolen's Institute will be hold on
'�Churad)ay, Aproil 30111, et 2.3`1
The topic will be "Flowers and bulbs •
seeds 8,01 farts gardening." A de-
monstration in '!J )1•essrnn'king" will
also he given by Mi's, Fraser,- Mrs,
A. 121. Caulpbell is the Secretary.
The W. M. S. of Belgrawe Oirenit
hold an Easter Thank -offering meet -
int (111 P114131' (LL1C1'I10011 111 the Meth-
odist church, A very" instructive and
beneficial time was spent. Apart
11,0111 the 0821461 order of service were
vocal solos by ,hisses Reid and Pen-
ny ; instrumental solo;)` Miss Clark ;
(bait by Mesdames Proctor 1 a gond
paper o1) "The progress of one .1115.
51041:4 121 ('lima 01111 japan" lay Sirs,
,Patterson 1 readings by 411144 ,', al,1
J'rt,o101',Airs. and 141)13,4 ('le.
41 butu1'11)11 floss! tribote (41 Easter
ll white tied pinkil
rurlultfuns remit
IN. 4, 1lnNorinn,
'1'lle Per'.vident,
1115, (Rev.) Rivers, etnido'led the
pivoting in a curry able and pleasingi,
manner and at the (lose 1L liberal ol-
feeing War; take0,
1b', Thos. Chisholm, 11. P., is horny
from Ottawa ('01' the Easter holidays,
Next Monday evenin • the ani11ua1
meeting and election of effieers hill
take plane 111 the Epworth Lengno
1'ithe Methodist church.
Iiev. P. 5. Bo le will conclude his
pulpit work in 1Tingham on Sunday.
On tate. following Monday evening
the '0ngrega101I1l reunion will be
1\Tingham Council, No 222,,, d, 0,
ie., will attend the Baptist Church
in to body next Sunday, 20211 list., at
i1 a. nl, Hey. Ii: l2, Allen will pre'aela
t0 the order.
Quarterly sacramental servlees will
be held in ion \tetilodist• (dowel/ next
Sunday, and rho cnslollac\ 14)0(1
feast will ' be held on Wednesday
evening. The sacrament is being
held next Sunday Instead of the .first
Sunday'i4) May, on account of thatbeing he Sunday 5011001 anniversary
You will look well dressed this
Spring with one of our new
56 708 19
12,16, 119, 13 50, 15, 1l 18, 20 and 22
See our South Window and make your selection - of e4 1Gfo
We also carry a beautiful range of Suits by other
the fro 5 to 15,.00:
makers, all Cie way ha � �
'n Brussels for the20th pea,
Wo are Sole Agents I Bl s G
tllry 1i'ine'Tailored Garments.
D1op in and let us show you -the "finest. 21112(le
Clothing lothin g in>, anada;
E. C. jJ..jj\pflfl.:..& SO
Clothier: and rutnishers
.111 UI SUIS
BRUSSELS, ONI4.810, THURSDAY, APKIL :3, 129318 il', I.I. KZRRR; Proprietor
\4'i11ghan Baseball (Chub has been
re0rg(toized for tiro season with the
following till—leers:- J14,44. I'le%it1e111,
A. 7T. .ilimg-vice ; Pl'e311t10112, (1. 1.'.
1.11011118 ; Scorc1.at\ .1.' i\' 14141<11-
144,14 ; 'l rt•asu'er, J, 11, 2Vo'knaan ;
'Manager, 'P, lfeLettu. Prospects are
bright for placing a good leant In
the livid.
On Saturday '(ening a number of
1111' teachers and il''l1c'e7's Mt. Paul's
Church 40)4310 , School }net in \V,
l'anStone's ofllee (111(1 p)1r'se1)14 )1 Apr,
C00)Onan (411(1 ,lirHollister with as
1'rayer 13001( oath. Ed. Nash, Sup -
eel ntendert 2 of the 0eh0ol, 141014. ih4
presentation, and. Rev. '1'. 4. Boyle
said a few words. A(1'. C'unpint1n 18
removing his family to O''al(f;'e,,ille,
and 111'. Hollister is Imo lug las fain-
tly to hineardlne, '12'Iuo • families
will be missed i4) St. Pani'S ('Irnrch.
Thos. Jacklin is. doing the ';print,
work on the farm of \l'm. 1•a1r'(1 none
Wm, 3. Adams' 1.il211' fly' yea(' old sou
Ayes injured by Lln' kick of es horse
hist (wool. We hope lie will soon be
0. It.
Grainger has to00yd. hs ("Innis
to the old homestead from the (11m41
he recently disposed of to Tyndall
T. R. Bennett is planting -1,101)
yoling trees this week in his forest
plantation. The planting material
21'a,4 supplied ;y the Deportment of
A \ricin! use,
J7u). McDowell 10111 M. Murdie were
at Blyth Thursday of last week 11) ti'1Id'
(014 44, meeting of the Liberal Executive
of the new Centre Biding o1.` Huron.
Fara", Ace)n17N'r.-0111' of those
slwoking fatalities, which Peery now
and then startle and horrify a (whole
()missed on Friday even-
ing of lastweek. 11'111. 1. Dennis,
conn g'est 14(1)1 of Thomas Dennis, ,d
the 14'211 con. of the township of Mc -
when returning home with a
load of tile, stopped 111 front o1' Peter
Gardner's farm to give Win. Far-
a ride. Starting on again
the tile, which 'unknown to
w 'had
been gradually working. forward
suddenly slid off, precipitating him be-
tween the horses 21141 Waggon. The
team taking lr'i.ght swerved ,a the
t'en,02 back ragain,
wheret k to the road
they were stopped byFarspiluti
son, W110 hearing nothing of lois Mtn -
pinion returnd to the scene of the
accident where, toids h.ortor, hedis-
c 1, re
c ) ed 041•l the lifeless ,111'5 1'1.'
1115 Ricard. 1710 sublet( of this sketch
was in his thirty-ninth year and
lifelong resident of the township. For
the. past I1t711tlletr of years he was in the
employ of his brothers, ,Toho and
Seg yr ,
${llltc��i! ij ��� 1ats
'These ar'C English Felt,
macre in the latest Aineri
can styles and conformed
to fit any head," -We in-
vite inspection of the n'ew
shames.. .
Ifetn'1, 1121' was c (inlet. unas14>411 11114
14.14)1 1)11-1w'syed of (1va1itlea (('llicll \woo
1'1111111 tail' 1'4.4)11 1. of all With 24:h0.11
he rasa in c.outa't. The funeral,
21941,'14 left lila iate phare of resfd'u,'e,
on '1'1l('sela) larteen(tnl 4)2 this we'd..
(was (4434. 4)1' the largest ('('1'r seen in
this 0ieinity, thus attesting to the
high fame Ire attained! lnte'rtent
was nettle el the lirtlsseie 1'eiuehr\'.
Rev. Ah ('ur1•y, of Milton, condu0(4(1
the. sets iee 4(1. 111e hone and cemetery,
To 11)11 agisl father, brothers and sisters
the sympathy nf' illy oolire eom1mnnity
goes Out 111 this 11)011' 11(311' 0l great
Miss dar,11n, (4l' Stilt Mirth spent. her
12 oo',e 11'11 ,htcs visiting at the ,pmt
so) tag, • 4)1)11 :111;; 1 ''at'1 13;tk or.
Sirs, 141)14'0, tip.:, 13, Rtitta 1 sail ii,
1)tdln4rge and dang14t41 Ware. 0131iting4
L. nand 141rs. Rul t•cu, and llill'on and
irr,. S pith, of this plies., at Enstcr.
11'14, 1Sanlry; turnlr'i'ly of Bloc vale,
inn 1'1' Southampton, paid! 'an 11laste,'
visit l0 our village. 11 is many friend
o see
here are pleased
s0 well I t x 1 111111 1ri01ciug
Next. 4)04141(', Al,
11•1l 221i111 Bev.
AlAleTt • f1.
ni sh, of (x41'1'11, d�ilJu•en(hi
educationalsermons 4111 the B11u \ al e' e
t, Rev, . O. 13.11ter will preach
on the (3011'ly Circuit,
Schools will open im for business
next. Monday,
Clleste r Armstrong was 1lolidtt.yin1
with relatives ani friends in ('11111444.
and other points,
Miss Stella .lf)Qtuu•ric, who 11; at -
14 0 -al school at Goderittla, is "tome'
'for lier Easter holidays. '
Stanley 'Wheeler has gone to ('1141s.
Forreysts, 2nd line .Morris, where he
will be employed Ins 1110 Summer.
Last week Russell 1Vhceler, who
haul been here 011 an extended 1101-
lday, rettu'ned too his position in Tor-
Last week Thos. Strachan; 0th eon.,
was 11111011}; Clic tick, to commence
seeding The season is rather bael.
\4 arilIt s
t 1 year.
1\1''1111 un 1\Yrs
nn of Iiarrm\y, Essex
(0 , was t 4 net\ -m old friendships in
Gley and 11(41'1'1:, townships. Ile 1(415
a former residmit of the latter.
A, :[iislop, M. P. P. was at 331111(1118
last wells addressing sm6 a
alhLieal meet-
caItecl to nonnnat•e a candidate for
the Legislature 11. A Thompson, the
Present, 111, P. P., 24as the choice.
Miss Jennie Armstrong, who has
betel teaching at 143'01'11, Ont., is home
for vacation. Easter t ( 11011. , 5'
will take tL
school in the Niagara Pe1111su1a,
11'11ere she Will get 4111 increased'
1\'ni. and :1[1'44, Armstrong, 1)11;1 con..
were at IbMott on Stolidity. attending
the funeral o1' their nephew, Cecil,
youngest son of Matthcly A.r n15t1'0nL
1 -Ie find 11bad attack of measles and
mum ninni41, ensu1(1 causing his death
011 4a:htr'day morning. Ile was eleven
months old, 13nt,,ti1 Ives made in the
family plot in 1344'144' celnete)•y. Rev.
111•, Currieare a most appro»'J4111
discourse. The parents tare •sy'inpath-'
350(1 with in their ctulden isosia1-e-
lisingsair of Promotion L+'xatnlnation
01' S. S. No. 0 Grey. Thee classes are as
thy will situul after .(;aster. :iVamt-
are not in order of merit. Sts
Pearl Harrison, 11 alrison, G1 aci4;t Schnook, Dave
'('ttrr, Alice 14121Kay. Jr. 1.V.—Passed.
13essiil 111Quiorl -., Lity )Tarrison is
l oily Smith +, P,eth McNaught,
Lama Sp Iran, Harold Livingstone.
Jr. 111' 13,- ('roil llodtge, May Living-
stone, Neble Lotti,' Me Ray;
.I is ft4 P tssod ,Stewttrt ?V.cQlti u-
ric 4-, Minor r McKLa2y is. Johnny Y aL ha MIc-
-I- 1114) ill c i lar, ('ca osteo Bray,
Melvin [) i1 IJ7 ('ail 71' l7
n 7 l,e Marshal Smith,
Careie Snelling, -Laurie 1{1510p. Sr,
iI .Passed '13aeriette lf(Quasrie-l-,
Agnes Tarr, :Pearl Pride, liar y Br'o\\ n
Rtnnt1in, Wdlfricl MONau 4111 Wilfrid
Smith. Jr. 1L Passed, --George Craw-
ford, Flossie Meehan,, Willie Neable,
Mabel Hodge. 1't, IT.. Passer!.—Hazel
!McNaught, Stas -y Smith, Viola Sch-
nook, Pearl t uuunings, Howard
1414eciran, Arnold Mc3 ay,'3'Iary ey
91101114 , Willie Meehan. Remain,
Sant. Snelling, Sr, I,—bra McKay,
.A.rclrie Mann, Harold Nesbit,. Jr. 1..--
harlie Smelling, Names marked'
vli;ll + took honors. Jl(13i'4t1 Itss2ns
}-rsmsszwa w -x11• -tin'
\Ue are showing very s ecial•'valuas 111 Lace Curtains
at per pair
25c 500 150 i.0
.5 140 2 z ,g SAP ,o� 3.00 4. and S.Uii
f f f 9 f f f ,f
Uf. Carpets
"1'�'i.i l 11'11'(1. wvltic. 1'u 30c�9)�3045c r. .�
9 9
• 11n(1 1 o- l 1
w ) al wool Carpet 06 l ��
l Y; � tfxel ;31: per yard
Our Stock In all I C ones isI� asa "
sonad and valuest ha
\Inv S)anC25((1 P ltterl10 and l444shled Sheets to !rand,
- 121 Fashion Sheet 14121:11 to those whocall for therm,
No.l=ancy.Prlces ' Ivor thin Che
1 l''.1,1.1.41U1'3
J1 ,u.. -ft is with no small
degree of s141)1)ss 1141)) '1'e rin'i)niek
the 14')) 1(1,1 lit 1.le Helen 13rotvaat Who
departed 1 1113, lite 1;13'1 1al'bat11 int rm•
Mg, after till illness of wisely 1111'1,.
mouths. She wlul the only daughter
oi' Robert and lava liro(('0, 2)1'utegh•
of (!)..ev fo'vn511ip, 144124' of .1iarper's
('oruers, 4110 11'a4 111 a bright, loving
disposition and hill be greatly missed
in (20' 111,4,1' e !role, The funeral took
place Tie. d;ty afternoon to the little
chime)] yard cemetery on )110+ Brock
road. The little Shite casket, e;hielt
Was covec,')1 With -1011,))' lilies, teas
;girlie to the 4rat'e by ('ulu' 4)1' Ler lit-
tle playmates,
(41(1' 11nr1140.1v,--Jame
24 well 1nuw, former' resid, 7 01' the
�J2)1, roll, Gro)', in 81111': • in John
\ 1'igllt, (1) Brussels, fro.. 11'alho•e,
`+asltntolaeavnn, sa's : -''1 at11 alto-
gether oat o1' the World Lore. M`'
/tare 111111) 0110011 week anti to go to
Yorktotl to (self e w
i from the 1')1'15111)•
world is out of tit' gists) ion as 1 halo
no liersiss 10ri11 p0ssihlV ;e;11111' by
14text 1,811. I expect any [teed nest
lay. \0114a)'
toll+try o\'f so1\•es12,v'r(int'11(1.1,' nt' 0'41111)."‘;'101(g4.13111-1
1pols etnlgld. 14 -six \seeks ago, and
wont,' have nareusel the windier 11ac1
not been for the ins, or his host dog.
1111ay state that 1 celebrated My vig11-
ty-11i:Gt birthday on the twenty-second
day of Novell last in which foul gen.
erasions 1110t (besides others) trnul4'iV
niy daaghta l day ; toy gratlil-
(laughter, -lite, A. M. Mini p4011 aa141
11)151114( incl their - daagllt))', Dor-
othy, 1111 great (maulctuttughter. The
gathering took piaci' atthe residence
of 10.y dowliter where 1 11111 residing
at present, Lakeside, 'Wallace, Sask."
�S1r, ,Vitelell's old lime friends will b'
glad to hear 1't'an1 Lint and will unite'
with '1'112 Pubs in exh'ndingeongr'atlt-
latinns over the birthday celebration
1111(1 wishing' him not• a few ret nrus of
1110 (lay.
ft. Armstrong 11,4121esl friends !n
W'iiu,on last week.
141.11n1Les o1' Township Council may
he read en page 4 o1 this issue,
L. Kerfor Fordwich,
Spent Easter w ith,,1tiss ;\Clinic'. lius-
L11. t wook c ( Pralic \fGCraclten, aril
lhlie, set the pence by sowing Spring)
sal ,
1115n, 11,4011 0141 Hiss .1. 110011, of
Blyth, were Eater visitors tit A. J'
Ceil4 lith line.
81). 1). Cardiff, of the 'Metropolitan
Mc staff, Toronto; Wits here fon' his
The :Wieldy f 0701)1' have been hav-
ing a Stege of la grippe but me now
1'eenl erng We Lire pleased to state.
Miss Catherine Jackson, of Lindsay,
and Miss Gestic Drumlin. 4114
-visited friends at Jamestown this
\l aper and Mrs, Sharpe, of (1041e1' -
111t, were Easter visitors at J.lnta,
51111111(.'4 and other holies 711 the
alcig ils,sh104.
A now chstinage By-law is being
dealt with by the Township Council
known 'asth1' 14)1 4112 drain, The Count
of Revision will be !sold on it at the
next meeting. May 20th,
A g00(1))' representation of Morris
Conservatives tire at 1\'inghanl Thurs-
day 0f this week attend -big the Con-
servative Convention. '1'he Liberals
Rill] take their innings on a shutter
1(1184ion o)1 Friday,
Last week James Shnric, Ails lfrle,
disposed of as span of heavy draft colts
rising a year old, sired' by 'S9(dtlaud's
Ilopc + owned by George llulcloou,
Brussels, a1 a figure n Yp1'oa('hing
000111). The buyer was Eli Smith,
711) can. (trey township, Joe has 1i
pair of dandies that sh01111 give good
1181aGLt •-101 Y1.
Bestow. l21,ro11rl',—T11e following is�
the result of the Promotion Examine -
Wits in S. S. No. J Morris ]geld April
Ott„10112 and 13217. Froil jr. Il to
Sr. 11'.—Total 750. lioy Th1re11, 514
Martha McOutthemr, 932. From Sr.
to Jr. 1V.—Total 750. Marry Ate-
('nteheon, 572 Willie 7 hnell, 500.
Front Sr, 11 to 1r, 11.J. -'T0(121 050,
Bessid .Jordan 520 ; Joseph Tlulell,
170 ; ;fenny Scott, 4.75 Peed Timell,
1011 ; Harvey 1 c C0telie0n, 420.: ;Ti Tl.
—Florence S) ott, PL 11.'.- S' nest
Smith Sr, 1't, 1•--[(n Reritsghau,
Alvin 13adyley, Annie Tbuill, Jo .Pt
1,-1101} McFadden. 1 1fc'Dbit,
14012001 1#1:101(1.-•-Fo1loving is the
Sehool Deport of S. S. No. a ll01'0is,
110111(39 arranged 1n order of !merit.
Sr, 11 , dlnss Normnu 1\'hcck'r',
nester John's/
in, cars n !lull
a Johnson,
1'7111 c
r l e 1 1 11511 1
r 5(1'(11Irvine.
13 t Jl',
4th 'V1Gtov' Young, Morley Jordan,
Henry Armstrong. Sr.3"d.-']+liner
\Vi)ltansan, Carol Proctor., Henry
Armstrong. Jl III.—�o5ie Johnson,
llary Cole, Charles 0010, Gcrti ode
Arnlst0n14, Clarence 11011011, Willie
Irvine Sr. 11.1111. --Willie lrancamp,
Gordon Fergnsen 11'. Ti1it1,—Florenc1
Procter, ll'1le .141 icter, Howard
'4Vill:iuson, Jr..Pt, 11, --Caret, Arm-
strong, Myrtle 1ohusou, Tr. .--Grace
Irvin( l[. Seoa t Tesluits:
r:1essosi- ens to. --A. very biter -
e'1)114 event took vises on Wednes-
day 4 r n >.
y 2tte n c n SLh hist„ When 17155
llargatret 1atn1clt Craig, daughter of
liobt Craig. (1111 lute,tolt t5, Wa1 join-
ed in t1 edlac14 lir Albert 11411)1')'
Son, ;,on of ,1-415 Jackson, of the same
fol\unship. '1'110 (ot41001ty Was Per-
formed 1)y Rev .1. I„ 19itta1l, 13. A., of
131yth, alae bridal party standing under
an asbiu111 aryl '1141 bride Was It
t nt(1od }3V' 111ias !label Jackson, sister'
or the gloom; '11 bile 11(1 8100111, wa s
8npptn ted by'Fl nt; C. (Craig, b4 (11111'('
of the bride Thestie !(ling marc'lt. wits
})ossa! by • alias 11.ar).nce Jaclr,on,
the brit!' 21'415 ,1112111)1)' (ct),8 tecl, in 1
a. (110'45 of c 1'c' ))11 }0521(1' trinnnod,
twlth. 241412s 501 in ribbon , aryl 1101'. 1101'1.. •
l lm. l l 4)l 'S1 '
t Slal •! I
d Was 51117' l'11010;14 hi
(101'1\ a4tat'has
atilmcd,t '1111'.( 1pi5 farm
Thu ring bearer Was little i4[iss (Noss, 1141 has t:Ll rpt the 111'(1x(, & \'11'11041
a niece of the bride. '.(j101e. were lin Agent's' at 14Vr, Teter, Ile
Y lay gileSts and the presents. W04'o. Ivi11. also 111>41C11.e a 01x)40111- separat02”
'n1nnerott5 'and 2250(111, After the that is Said to 111 a dollar;
eele)n I1)y' the compal))' partook 111' ,
s ullptn'ns supper, Mx, and MI's,
f.l'•k.,,;n will live on 1114 13th con, o
1. mMmy nolo navy o1' about it spent
a veru ))'tlHalf�titlle Rtith. T10)44 4 Janc1
dancing 4)t the hone 0f Bolter( and
1)15, Jitunillun. As host -.land hostess
Mr. ' 1111 'ti
. 1.4 and H7� '1 .n
1'111 t n R'Pre voted A
L Stun, ('ruuplre}l tins 111treed I.0 0onws
in L. 4. P4111000 s 1111,, Ji.
f 31'tu. Rutherford and daughter',
Lulu, were visitors in Ilantilt0)1 this
Miss Cassie 1hills, of P01nui0, visit -
4'(l holo 100thet•. Mrs. (Ivo, Dania, 1)14'11
It . s and 511'5, H olid c
) 1, 0f''Lon 11'71',
were goods 4)i' Alis, A. McLean for a
11'11' 1141)'x.
Miss lies1, 01' Seafnrth, visited 'over
the holiday' with her cousin, Miss
Alive Hamilton,
Mrs. C. !iris and brother, Norman
K1111111015011, spent Sunday with rela-
tives in'Mildway.
Thos. Simpson, from smear' Lakelct,.
hits purchased Mrs. '94911, Wright's
faro). on the gravel road.
A. Paulin had a windmill erected
00 his livery barn last week, He's de
[ermined to be up -to -dale,
Miss Stewart and Mrs, 12111ott, of
11'itigluani, visited the 20rmer's sister,
'Mrs. Cleo, Darr's, last. week.
1)1'. J. P. 11itchel1 has seeta'ed a posi-
tion as house surgeon in the General
Hospital Tomo to, where he Will go in
the pours,' 4,1 4a fits days.
11 ugh 1,og.,lai1, Who has been 'em-
ployed by '('11os. Lovell fc>1' several.'
1lontl)s, left ('or Montreal on Tuesday
where be 1aa +;(cured a good n08121011.
Word was received here on Tuesday
of the sudden death in Wellesley of
T. 13. Sanders, where he had 1?een re •
siding with a son, \i1', Handers was
one 0f'tlo' early business Hien of the
village. (Inning here iron! (}alt thivtq-
fireyem'sago, and Was :Bost liighly
resected by .all who knew "'hlm..
Thi body. Was brouglltltere for Inter -
went, the !!metal taking -place on
An event of interest took' 1a t
place a
the Presbyterian manse. here .Bast
"Wednesday afternoon when 'Wm..
('asemure and hiss Maggie Wright,
eldest daughter of Frank and 1\'Lrs.
Wright, of Turnbet'1'y, were united in
tnaratiage, Rev. L. 1 twin officiating. -
Th. young couple will take up house-
keeping on Ilii. Casemore's farm: On
the Brussels road. The best W114he5
of their many friends for a happy and
f 1
are extended.
prosperous cl.
Seeding is in progress.
Our p141>11,• school will open n(3 Nom.
day after the Easter vacatin.
Miss Alice Lu1'ie4 has been on the
sick list but is considerably !letter
.1, '1'. and 1121'5, Durgin and Son Wil-
lard, of 1.1'1'41410, very Plaster visitors
\(.illi .'41.15, .Anes.
l.uster music was 11 very ph'2sont
feature o1' 11)51 galas,211 s services in
rile einuwhes here,
Ethel cheese reel ory will commence
bas t1e's. for Mils on !(onlay, May -11h.
1 t•w.pe) is are Bund.
Jaunts and 111'., 11(11oy'.01' 11ill.bnl'g.
were 5') 11, 1's at Mrs. Midcolto
l,aont's during file past week.
]joy ('unuiughatn, of 11,0104 11111(1,
has b,•eu visiting his Iro)i11-r Hugh.
11e will return to the West next (week.
21, 7', It, agent Smith 1'epresente.1
Ft bet hunt Ball leant al the ,lssoeia-
11on 4)1)111ng i4) 4)n,1rnrv1 on (fond.
1:. 1311'11('0 wit, laid up last
\tial( with threatened }ancmnome. but
is able to be (about 0 nit 1we 4110 pleas-.
ed 10 51101,'. •
Last weelt •'Baron Black," the
Clydesdale s(11111on owned by the Ethel
syndicate, R•as awarded 21111 prize at.
Atwood Spriug]!'alr.
We are. sorry to hear that 14[rs.
1)0111('1 I9ckumier, of Clinton, is 011 the
sick list at the hospital. Her many
old friends here hope. she will soon be
1'011\ aiescent,
The auction sale of the. 1'111'1 stock,
implements, '1217, tool( place at Mrs.
1)10!00141 J.anlmlt'41, "West of here, Jost
Monday afternoon. • c
} ttiul )on wlLh h'. S. Scott
115 tuletiouctr. Sale "- f
ah netted o\ r n
A PRETTY y 11'annl1(4.—AL the com-
modious residence of Roht, Pearson,
rd con. a
,3 Gr'y, occurred one of those
nippy - and pleasing events I {, \ its when his
youngest daughter, t
a t liter Miss Susie \ 1510 Ida
e au' the bride fEmerson
z do o 11'ntsat
\-ipnnd, of Atwood. Whilst Menelel-
sohus' \\reading ;\44'(•11 was being
rench')'(i1 by Miss L Spence, of I;th1'),
the iridal party toot„ their' places in
front 4' b
e a anlcof ow' ": beneath
ii clsnlyd
a \wedding bell. .A:1 the appearance of
the bride, leaning on the arm of her
father, a solo was sung by Miss R.
ASpence, when the marriage ceremony
las perforated.hy'liev, 3o)iu Hender-
son, of Ethel, assisted by Rey. S.
Bonc1, ex -President of London Confel'-
10141', of Atwood. The br!de was at-
tended by her cousin, Miss Ethel
Alus rove,` of W'uiglla0Y, Pretty
Misses 11114 Bremner niece of the bride,
and Edtla Musgrove, cousin of the
bride, acted ars floral attendant :and
ring bearer. The groom was support-
ed by T. l4[urray, of Thunder Bay.
Bride was gowned in 1^hite silk, trim-
med. with 1-al01.1,denues lace and wore
a veil caught with lilies of the valley
and carried a 'baguet of white carna-
tions. She presented a chariniug ap-
pe dance', The bridesmaid and flower
gals were gowned in white organdie
and earned pink c'ar'nations. The
grn0m's gift to the bride 'MIS a gold
luelu'1 ; to the bridesmaid n gold
brooch and to the flower girls each a
;old ling. Slimy useful and eostly
presents were 1eceived by the bride.
l'he dining roots. decorations .were
carnations and smilax. The evening
\ spent VPI". pleasantly ..
1111 x es
And an, impromptu. program. The
brides going -away gown. was brown
chiffon broadcloth with creme lace
waist, white mohair halt and sable
stole. The bride and . groom left for
their new 141110 amid. showers of rite
and confetti cari'\'ing with. then1 the
hest wishes ' of ! a host 0f friends.
Guests were 3)1405el221 (rot Toronto,
Hipper, 111n;•ilaln and Teeswater.
May their joys be many, -14 2s, Vipond
will be greatly hissed in the eonnitum
ity and -especiaallyy in the Methodist
(lilac!( whets, .1w has been a valued
Jolts 23ont11 spent Cnod. Friday in
(1'c o, (211(1 Mrs. Leckie spent Sunday
i4) 11 inglitun
Miss Janet 131ack is tr)2111ug friends
111 1 a1' 1 sly isweek.
1 t<tr ill ..
D lgnoR of 111nghau, was a
visitor 4)r the village last week.
Doss L, 11Ring, of Peeswatel', is the.
guest of her sister, Mrs, Geo. "Slims
Miss 141, Miller, of Toronto Jlrnction,
ronewe'd al'1tliaintatncts in the village
this Reek.
Arthur Stut2 has purchased 2: 411100
business 111 Gerrie and took possession
last weep,
1telwart 'l'[cKereher has returned
fnout Brussels to spend the E(1ster.
holidays al t his Monte. Imre,
Miss E. Henry loft for her !(null' in
AVIiiteellnveli on `l'luusday where she
will slum() the Easter \ actttion.
Miss Millie ili01)14left for the !loin-
Main hospital on 'Slouchy where s1ii2'
will 1111)lergn a slight operation,
w,'i4i, 3tohnuml, (1t 111'spels, was
the guest of his 'parents, 1\'.' t\1. end
Mrs, Robinson,for several ral. days
John Rao, relieving lieving agent on 1111 C.
P. Si , is enjoying 11 few holiday 1 \lith
his pnrettls, 1). M: and Mi:s, .lion, of.
M1s, 1''al7'elatnc1 Bliss Farrel return-
ed to 'Toronto on Tuesday after spend-
(lt, 20111)' clays 151!11 1310 formol 5 son,.
J(i)nn Farrel, of the King 1'Idward.
Mrs. Gains -worth, of Illinois State,
was home for her brother's funeral,
the. late 1 '
\ 4)1. Dennis.
Mrs. Alt. Dennison, of Sturgeon
Falls, is visiting fiends in NIGRilIo and letaforih at present. -p
John. iiaist has rented the (10 a{�cre,
farm of Alex. Souter on the boundary
1111[1 move will y1
to It 5111Tt1\'.
Carey and McKillop beef ring is clos-
ed this season as 1101 enough. members
arc willing to patronize the ring.
Mrs. Gillespie and children, of
1'\'lughaut, are visiting with " lairs.
1<1n'ohtel for the Easter holidays:
Mrs. 141018h 0x21 fancily from near
Peterhor o , were spending a few days
at Alex. Gardinel''sand. other. friends.
A flag 'for Ilse at public schools is
being presented by the department of
Education, Toronto, to the Province
of Ontario and a nnnlhel• of schools
have received theirs. It is very nice-
ly gotten op but a. little on the small
side but will show the- loyalty of the
pupils to the British crown we expect.
Percy Si11itll spent . Eatster at his
home !n Ethel.
Mrs. 1)euaut left last eek on a. visit
to. Eastern points.
Hiss Jo5epheme C. 81.12 11sd0 air.
Easter visit with hex sister, Mrs. , A.
R. Small, (d' Stratford.
The illustrate(! Lecture given, lay.
Rev. 1121`. Powell, of :Brussels, last
e\Pig '
evening was a
great '
g flea
Tile 5111
g)) iti
e of the 1 new ecwentsldewdlks
have been laid out on rbc Morris side
of our village and lvork Will be cola-
ine'11e'e( very 0(10(1,
Talc ('1114411741 01' 11141 late 1Vrrr. Dennis,
which passed through here nnT1lesday,
\vas one of the largest, seen. in this vtc-
llnty' 1(12D8(11111' thee.
31rs. (Dr.) Waters 2,11)1 Master Jim
are at present visitors at Ur. .l3erry* s.
Pile ninny frien,), of Mess:Waters will
\i'i1l be sorry to hear that she
enjoyed the best of sh not
12 gild tilt 101010: hat
hop slit: will soon be idly xesfored,, ;
The mall $41 sire hits liven estulilislt-
ed o1i'the G. Si. (1. Railway, common°,
inp on the 20th inst. Walton receives
two mtt.l daily oil' it, the 11,39 a.' m.
and 5,35 p 111, ('Hans Neil MaNeii sr.,
13a5 the 11041110(1•"of carrying mailsiioin
tit( pesto£Cce to the station and re-
t urn.
An 1.
DI E6E1 ANT/ 1 n
1 ',TCxr
Dun 1
young people of Walton and vicinity
assembled 1n the A O. tr. Mr. Hall 0(1
11*etlnescla\ evening of last week to
bid farewell ll to A,. F. Calvert, who has
been liana140 of the Sovereign Bank
here for the past eighteen months.
The most important itcnlon the pro.
grain was the presentation to the
sliest of the evening• of an address 4141
old beaded cane suitably esu ll5 e, 1.
Ir. Calvert Wag enmpletly;, �)<kry
surprise but t'apressedi his ;haSil ani r,
Meat speech, The following is the
address 1—
Os t est --
121111,24..[1 luNlr;•--IC'nnwng (110;1 yen
lase about to take yoltr departure f1121,1
ansong its we (nrbracetltis oa1pporturl}ty
of expressing to yon our high ostaein
of your many. good dualities. Dining
yells' 1os('nrn• her'e')'on have s0 .con
dueled yin -Itself a's to 21 in a 3inst' of
)1,10411' 344( fri1111310 land. 4ts +a slight 1.018-14
of your ,ancon° regard we desire to
present went' you with. this (Joon, Please:
iteropt tins 9111411 Sett at. our hands
kno1114 that, the donors, who have
been so interested in you here, will
still '11(1)sh1 the sante •kindly feelings'
toward you and the feel sure the 9ealne
qualities which endeared you to tis will
115 1 C yo
it Many Y1
Y at trim
wherever yy(4nr loo; May be cast, i(Vo
lain. hill in wishful; you. success and
la31ppibess in all your tindcrtaking4.
�7lgtletl on behalf 0f the 1Valt,)1Y boys.
x.12, i1T 1r'Ay.