HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-4-16, Page 8House-cleaning Time Many of its neede are right in aur line Caustic Sova Makes the finest of (soap and at the eametune will nee up the grease .tallow, &c., Int has collected durlug the Winter, 6 lb, tin 400, Two Good Gittinfeeta cilia ZENOLEUM-20e per bottle. Will Blake up a large quauttty of disinfect. tent solution, CHLORIDE OF LIME -100 Tins. Household Ammonia' A great ofeenser. 10o bottles, Moth Halle 'For putting under Carpets, and with Wiilter_thiuge white ()tering away. WALL PAPER Now that tide bright days are here a room which seemed to look all right before may begin to appear shabby, It is 'surprising what a difference fresh paper will make. Bring in the meaeuremente of your roome and get au eetimete. The poet may bo ooueiderably low- er than you had thought. We have mug patterns in good taste at a very low price. Our Papers are eeleoted with a view to looking right when on the wall. See them before you buy. F S DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, pailsetewiteetettetwwWweetwaseowseteweetwetweetwesese al leths' tans 9 ohiel'e among ye takit' notes, Art' faith he'll prent it. LA GRIPPE is prevalent. Rum are g twig good. Fool PAIL Concert Apri; 24th, • . A. 0. U, W. Ftidey evening of this Weeks Tae Fire Engine Was out for a test on Monday, Mesons. J1;mmTT & BATSMAN shipped 8 deoke or lines this week BAYS yen bought ',our ticket for Foot Ball Coueert on tit. 2111 yet 7 Now is the time w eommeuee a Olean np ortiarils, cellose rind premises. PUBLIC ohoole olose Thursday of this week for Easter to be re -opened ou the 27th. GEoeeO Thomas purchased two extra good equines from Walter Forrest, 2nd line, Morrie, this weak, Goon FRIDAY is s publics holiday and the bueiue,e paces Will be closed. East- er Monday is a bank holiday also. TEE Eokhardt Bell ringers are to be berg on Thnraday, June 18tb nudes the auspices of the Agriooltnral Society. REPAIR, to the water rou'weya at the mill cern, neeeesery after the eubetding of the Spring freuhet, were in order this week. COMPLAINTS are ma's abentba+l playing on the etreete sea the BF law will have to be enforced if thee° iutereeted do not demist. LARGE quantities of maple syrup have been sold to town dining the peat week. $126 per gallon wee the lowest pride we beard of. EASTER return tickets ab Fingle fare are good going Tburaday, April 10th, to. ffiouday, 20 h, returning not later than Tneeday 210. Oe Monday, 27th inst., an Assembly will be held ha the Town Hall, Bromide. The London 'Herrera will supply the musical program. CHILD'S woollen toque andother artiolee found. Owner may have Berge by prov. ing property and paying for tbie notioe. THE POST. EAST HURON Fal Fair Directors will meet in the Omutail Ohamber, at 2 o'olook, on Setneday of this week to diem's plane for the' coming exhibition to be held on Ont. 1 & 2 N, Messes Sant & Warwiok took prizes at -.'•Palmerston and Atwood Spring Fairs this week with their well known roadster stallion Repent. When it comes to speed Kaplan has it on them all. ON Saturday afternoon, 251h Met., at the Central Hotel, Bru.eele, the North halt of lot 27, Don. 8, Morris, will be offered for sale by public auction. Sale at 1 p. m., F. d. Saatt being the auctioneer. A FEW youths were hauled over the coals this week for meddling- with pails, 190&0., utilized fn welting pep by some of the citizens. afoot people ate kept busy minding their own affairs witbodt looking for trouble. PEOPLE shoat,' ex•imine their cherry and plum trees and tt blaok knot ie toned it should be out off and burned. The law le strict in thio reepeot if en foroed. Constable Olivet is appointed by the Connod to look after it. Lunette ir.nann -Owing to the Read ing Room of the Feblio Library under. "se, going Sprleg bowie cleaning in the way «tot new paper, kaleomining, &o , the library will be °meed until books can be re•atrenged on the eheiving, due notice of whioh will be given. THURSDAY of Brie week the Liberal Examinee for Centre Boron le meeting et Blyth emceeing for a Nominating Convention and attending to other neoeseary work preparatory to an elms. tion, The gerrymander bee broken up the old orgeoizetloue hence pew ones are neoeeeary. New LIBRARIAN, -;fire, Jessie Kerr hag been appointed Librarian for the Public %Library 40 ano0eeeor to dies Minuie Mo ,.•.,,.'Nanghton, whose term expires on May 1st, The eatery ie $85 00 per annum Mies MoNaughten has pr..ven herself to he it Bret otets Librarian end we wieb We. Beer the eame mimeo Lew , PRAOTxa0 801,1:4-Thie week Barrister. A. 'B, !41aodentud, who per. . poem removing to Oranhrook, B. 0, to follow lets vermilion, disposed of hie few praatioe here to Barrister `A, H, Mon. ' teith, of Stratford, who will sesame the wotk On bisy let, Mr. Maoioneld has spent the poet 4 years here and has not Only enjoyed a lucrative preotloe bet has meds hosts of friends who will regret to hear Of his dsoiaion to remive freta • Brueeela. He will be in town for a templeul weeks yet. I NDIO:Mt T AN OPERATION. -1)r. F. Datable, who hag been on the teaching Stall of.tbe Ontario Veterinary Oohege, t.I'brobto, underwent an operation late week at 80, Miehael'e hospital. Ile was kicked in the book some years ago by a horse and the old bruise was bothering Noon the need of medioal attention. Dr, Lambie is getting along ninety and will noon be able -to be ant we hope. Jamee and hire. Duncan, of Morris, who are old and true Mende, went to Toronto 10,098 WM. , APRIL ehowere, EARLY gardening is on the program. WEDNeeoAY was a oold day owing to tbe bleak North wind. BRustELa poet o0loe will be open from 0 to 10 a- m. and from •1 to 6 p. m. on Gond Friday. Bowxnte.-The officers for tbe Bowling Club tor 1008 are ae totlowe :-Hon, President, poetmasterjFerrow; President, R Leatherde e ; Viae Presides, Atex Btraohan ;• Secretary-Treeenrer, W. L. Deathbeds:le. Executive O, nom( tee, Jno. Hankirk, R Downing end D. 0. Rome. Organization mee1iug was held tact Friday 8venioe E$PIaEo UN 1a AY La. -The present MAY alnboiu,. rat,' Tog POST effete !or The Weekly Globe and tuts journal win expire tie May Lt An who have not renewed or who desire to be puma on the dem for the email sum of $1.86, to advance, fur one year should do so at 000e. A twenty five Dent can of Campbell's Stain will restore the finish on four ordinary chairs. Any lady can gee When applied it flews out under the brneh, and dries without showing tape. A eeventy.five meat nam o! Oempbell'e Floor Finish will do au ordinary fluor one coat. Ask Ma ay & Shaw tor color pard. SODDEN CALL.-4,ie6 (tiara Mo•Lean, of Lucknuw, tied very edddenly Thursday of tart week. She bad undermine a sor- ceeetnl medioal operation Tue.day in the removal of a tumor. Her death was oeueed by the bursting of a blood verse( 000asioned by a bad vomiting spelt. Miss McDeao was greatly beloved end her andden demise hoe aaaeed great sad. nese. She was 33 years of age. The funeral took peace on Monday to Dun. gannets cemetery. The deceased wa. a oouaiu to hire. Jae. Fox, Brussels, with whom abe visited a abort time ego. MRs. HENRY BALL 081,090 HOME. -Last Friday alter0000, Mary A, 'Umbers, relict of the late leery Ball, Wiugham, was surnamed from the earthly to the celestial home, leaving behind her a clear testimony of odufident trust in her Redeemer. She had bean in failing health for abe past 10 mouths, a com- plication of eilmeote biding defiance to medics! treatment and the kindly atten- tion of loving relatives and thoughtful friende. Deceased was born to Pickering Out ,1838, being the eldest daughter of the 'ale George Crothers, and was united at so early age to Mr. Ball, who paid Nature's debt 5 months ago, 32 yeate ago the family moved from tate East to a farm purchased near. Brussels upon weioh they resided until they sold it in 1900 and took up residence in Wtnmb•.m. Four eons, (shoe., of O'kanagati Valley, B. 0. ; Dr. G. L., Juo. J. and 9. A., of Toronto) and tone daughters, (Mrs. Copp and Mee Rosanna, of Vancouver, B. 0., and Miseee Dibble and Hanna, us. Wing ham) 0010100 to bold in loving remem• branoe the Godly life and well rounded Ohrietiam character of a loving mother, wbo by preoept and example pointed the way to the Heavenly ,iuheritanoe. The obildren were all home for the tuners( except T. Ball and Mre. Copp. Mra. Ban bad for long yearn been a faithful and active member of the Methodist ohuroh and bee religions experience and prayere were often a great bleeeimg to those who heard them. Her name will 000 0000 be forgotten in Brussels and Wingbam Methodist obnrohee, where her Beat was seldom esthete The fnuerel took plane Monday afternoon Rev. Mr. Hobbe, of Toronto, a former pastor, 000dmoting the service, dwelling on the 14th chapter of Be John's Gospel. Rev. Mr, Howson, deceased's pastor was ab sent at Toronto, be and Rev, Mr.•.Hobb'e exchanging work, The members of the bereaved family have the sympathy of many old frieode in their sorrow. Mrs. Bell was in her 72nd year. People We }Know. t,84re, Paul will spend the Easter bol. iday with her btotber, Samuel Gordon, at Peieley.-Mie, Wm, ?eyrie ie holiday- ing with her daughter at Nawbnry,-J. Leslie and Mrs. R••rr, of Btytb, were visitors in Brussels for a Pew days Bor- ing the meet week.-IWee'O. Smith and Walter Williemson are away to Al ton, they have theof Ont., where h ypaint q job Mg 60 riga for the Barber Carriage Works./ They do oholos work withoet any double -Mimi Margaret Brown left on Wedneeday for Winnipeg where ehe expects to spend a few month.. -G, R. Stubbs has gone to Stn aebnrg, Seek,, on a proepeoting tour, He may spend the Sommer there. Mr, Stabile went to Warwiok, Oat r ea Re to aeonmpony Mrs. R. W. Jewitt and children on their Western journey to join husband and father us. Straeebnrg. Dire, Stable. and daughters are continuing their residence in Broaeele.-•••Miee Roby Plum le vielt ing at Blyth. -Peter Bishop, who was Maid Op with it out on hie foot, le able to go to work again.-Relimving agent H, Smith is in charge of the G. T. R. `'d8 pot at the present, Agent O'Neil not having agffltitntly recovered from hie rhenmatiam yet to attend to the work, - Dr, M. Cavanagh, who bee spent the Baas low- tn0nth0 in Idex10a, arrived • Good habit t Cultivate= i The way to Independence In to reserve something from Your earnings every week: then regularly deposit the moot 41.00 Nvol do to begin with) in the Savings Department of ,t. The Metropolitan Bank Capital Paid Up, 1411,000,000.00 eserPe brand anti Undivided I'roftts+ 411184i032.2$ interest on Savings Accounts allowed from date of deposit and compounded FOUR times a year. No delay in withdrawal. 770 Special attention given to FARMERS' BUSINESS: SALE NQT.S Promptly Collected, DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS Bought and Sold, BRUSSELS BRANCH, F. H, GILROY, Manager IFoot Ball Concert • STOWN HALL, ti BRUSSELS 4 „30{ FRIDAY EVENING . 024 1 ir'Choice Program ,Q Reserve date ' Watch for particulars .F1agrAzi'iramoggy13oos'r21'4 hems last week and spent a few days u, town while entente to Owen Buoud. lie has not remained his old time visor yet but we hope the flue weather wi+ prove benedoial.-This week Jno. Ricoh le, of Woodetook, to enjoying a holiday with Bruesele relatives and triende,- Wm Roes, William street, was hard y ae well ae panel d0riog the past week but is 000eiderably better now and we hope he will continue to improve. -- F 13. Gilroy, Manager of the Metra pohtan Bauk here, has gone Beet for alt Easter outing. -Samuel and Mre. flamer Hud Mise My tits are away to Owen Soured to visit relatives for the E.eter holiday. -Mies Joeie Bnohanen le still 000fiued to her home from en attack of la grippe.-Mre. R be Me. Alpine, of Lnaknaw, 1a vieitirl# her par encs 1hie week. -George Muldoon ar rived home from bio hnaineee trip to the West 1..01 Friday Be wee .way wuh n oar of horeea•-Mre. H. L. Jeokson, utas Lizzie Downing, W 13, McCracken, B. Gerry and W. H. Kerr attended the funeral of the late Odra. 13 Bail at Wing- hem tact Monaay. R. Leatherda e & Roo took charge of the Undertaking— N B. Gerry, o1 Blyth, was in town ou Saturday. Be intends removing to Fort William to follow the hardware bueineee in the course of a month —Mra. alis, Fox was at Laokmow thio week a1• tending the funeral of her cousin, Mien Uiara McLean. -We are sorry to hear 'hat Station Agent Wm. Beery, of the G. T. R. at Wiugham, reaentty of Brae els, ie ill with typhoid fever. We hope he will soon be o. k. -David Haiet, who has been seriously ill for the past three weeks is improving we are pleaead to hear.-Oounoidor Baeker is retber under the weather with la grippe this week. -Mrs, W. H. Kerr has been ill with la grippe and bronchitis. - Mee Carr, and her grandson, of Grey, have gone to Stratford to Melt Weigle - Jean Jackson, who has not been in the teat of health for some time, hoe 1.808 quite ail daring the past week with • brmto*itis, we hope abe will soon be o. k: -A Monktou correspondent: Bayo Weber & Banger had their 8priug Mil livery Opening on Friday and Saturday, Aptit 3rd and 401 and it was a grand goo nese, They are to be congratulated on, haying mob a good mauaver as Mier Rose, of Bruesele.-Miee M. Satherlaud, of Suaforth, returned on Monday from Bruesele, where etre has been visiting relatives for the past • moatli,-Mtge Maggie Ament ie visiting rela4evee ' In London.-Mre A. R. Currie,. John street, ie holidaying with London relatives, Business Locals. GOVERNMENT hl.peered clover end tiro. oth' yeed et t ot'RAO$EN'9 SEED oats anti p es fur ease Apply to Wm wattle, tot Il, con. 10, Grey. Pisces eopptiee- and rept ore will be oesh fr m chi- date. Moller & 8new 1000 Moen rate want. d. Seauou wih soon be gut. Being ru yew furs. Good pietist. McKee & effete Fun Saes on RaNT.--OomfonIel.le dwe ling sun aoree .auc. F'relt of a'1 klude, convenient to eehont end front e l s e e t. I. 0. Beit tent e. CIIUItCH 111114125 Service will be held in 81. John's ohnrnh, Brussels, on Good ,.Friday al 10 30 a. m. Bev. Mr. Powell will give an illustrated leutgre at Walton next Monday evening in the Methodist church, There win be Divine servie8 in the Oathotio ohnrnh, Braaeale, next Sunday (neat, r) at 10:30 a in. with sermon on " I'be reen-reutton of Uhri•t, the femme - 'toe of Christian F.rtll." "I elm', thy works and where thou dwrlleet,&o,' was Rev, Mr, Whitten'. text Wei Sabbath merhine in Me'vrte- ohuroh. "Doers rather thou hearers" was the evening theme. Lear Sabbath morning Rev. Mr Powell dealt with the subject of "The training of childhood," and in the evening the theme was "Feehiooab a stns of the church " Mise Edythe MoOraoken, of Cleveland, sang a oboioe eolo entitled "The Lord is my Shepherd," at the evening eervioe. Mrs. A. Mo(luire, A. M. MoRay and A. D. Grant were deputized 0u attend the Temperanoe 0envention at Clinton on Thursday, representing Brussels W. 0 T. U and 1lelvidaeheroh Sabbath eohoo) and Gelid. Mrs. George -Bolter, Mrs. Jane Mitchell and Cheater Armstrong represented the Metbodiet ohuroh. Next Sabbath morning the pastor of the Methodist church win preach an Easter eermon. In the evening the animal praise eervioe will take the plane of 1• e usual order. The choir will be ae-ieted by Maw Wood, of Berlin, and .Nies E lythe Mo0rauken, of Cleveland. Anthema, hymns, sate, duets, oborueee and quartettes, with a abort address by the pastor will oenetitttte the program twateareememesesa Our Special $5.00 Suit With Extra Kickers $1,00 •alto®Jla The LION i RAND KNIGKERS Double Elbows Double Seats Double Knees Double Stitched Seams Our Special $61.00 Suit LION BRAND make is the best, and cleverest tailored Suit for the Can- adian boy we have ever offered. It is fully guaran- teed in every way. We have them in the new, Spring Patterns. Boys ask for this special suit with Extra Knickers at $,1,00. FERGUSON & ROSS The Leading Old,thiers 1amossowswermemoseptegglii.plialawl „roc... -,...._...1...6.6.(. eumvm.ffinR,r.mrRram z rlr 7'8NiLJ11 iic� io731 THESPIARDBANK OF CANADA Head Office - - • - Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of a household, This form of account is specially suitable for those dieing in the country, es either member can attend to the banking when In town. In case of death, the money may be withdrawn by the survivor without elay oncost. Write or call for (archer particulars. Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Brandies. 13t BRUSSELS BRANCH J. F. Rowland. Manager 3 seam Ola also at Walton. rsatazionnonsainexemonsinommomm OpticaIAdvice Enquire from your neighbor' Where he got hi glasses. Yon will be Mire to Sud a re- commend fur W. F Si rettoa, Alwaya here to be ooneulted. Pi oee moderate, Oall and see us," eall111111810-e'"' Jewelry The most up-to-date Jewelry both in. Quality, Style and Finish. Repairing. a Specialty. Stret ton JEWELER and OP'1'I('IAN linniiMilliiiii The eOIlpoifnn wi+l be devoted to the Ohoir one. . Thursday eveoiug of est week a goodly Bndienae see milled iu St. John's ohornh it rhe weekly Leuteo eerytee. The Rsv. H M Lang -Ford offieiatetl eel' Jno. Reneford, .-f Oiintou, delivered au •.ddreee on "Parente' Privies me" He pointed out what the homeehomd be and its rely tion to 11. church and proved the position he took by many passages of Boriptmre. Parente and edmte were urged to eat examples worthy of /mite trot' and to study t•h. high ideate laid down iu the Bible Mr. Raneford 1laedled the subject welt and the aid sea should be produotite of•good in omelet ing people to he,pfnlly adwinieter home training and 00 tare eo that the tonne ;wove wit eruw np with a love for the Roodinboth church and State, Last Monday evening the annual el oti• n of offioera to connection won Brussels Epwurt.h League was held in tn. cehootroum of the Methodist ohq oh, 'the pastor in the crisis etd a good :v artrnils"n« of mpmhrtr, F„nnwn,g e rhe 01..0 ter eh' en.0 09 peer: -Hon. Preemie t, Ras E. G Flexed ; Prt•atnet t, iuneph A Hooter ; art vice, eltee R na Otioningbam ; 2.2 viae W. J MaUraok- eu ; 8rd woe, F. 13.Gilroy ; 4th . tine,, wise Ida Bailey ; bib vele, Miee Nora Maunders ; Recording Secretary, Me• - Pees ie MtWhet l; Our, Secretary, Mian Heleh Ford 1 1'teaenrer, Chester Arm etrooe ; Oreaniet, Mies Alta. .Pryne There are 85 Active mernbere. The Leaene lite adored. 9 edooeesfol year and the+tutlook is favorable Inc a forward marsh, in the coming twelve menthe $10000 Will be 000tribueed to Mreeiorrt. Iirrlesole 8ettoel Board. Regular meetin, of the Broaeele Public Bee of Board was bele to the Board Ro•,m diet Friday evening. Membpre present D 0 Rose, M 13 M •ore,'l', Farrow, R Leatlterdale, J. . B iota and J. ti Skene. ,,l urea til tae, meeting read am) ad op•,n Moved b. D. C. Rose, seconded by R L,aiherdae abet. ,1 H. Oamertn, be main noted t • procure the necessary eUppreee to maintain the Viet Otago mending of the eohoo' Citified. • Mu*ed by R Leethertlale, meoondei 11 m 13, moor. hat (hie Bua d ask' lar tpntters fur It 80 -un 010 of egg neat to be deliVe,sd to the sohoo1, tenders to be re Delved .0p to May 8.0 and the B •ard to 'accept railroad weight. Carried. . Board then adjourned. J. G. BRIeee, Beoretary, Brussels Council. The regular monthly meeting of, Brun. eels Council was held in the (loaned Obamber on Monday evening All the membere present except Councillor anthem, Minutes of last meeting read and pave ed,. Following ammonia, were presented t- W..1 Palmer, Eteotrio Lieht....3129 24 3. Hawthorn, rotate 4 90 Wm Beller ,rondo 0 26 WnI MaEwetl, work ou etrret50 8m. Barton, work on eosin 1 00 R' Betide' eou,Fier Department., 1 50 Geo. Brown, rmade 8 00 R, Oliver, eatery 80 83 Jno Doig, dog tax remitted 1 00 N. F Derry, Fire Dept , A('nrrtp,i'ir�Dppi„.r+.,100 Move(' by Jae ,lal.ee, cru s.1 ted tit 8 )wetter that the above aouull, to be puts. Carried. ' The report of Welehmaeter Ouvor 1 for soak) 118oeipt0 for Marah 'who $24;06, TT gives ns epeoial p1900010 to roper to tide ewer's stook of Wall Paper, We have had the opportunity of seleoting our stook from the two loading 0aundian faetouee as well as severed American hinnies, shooeiR6 from 00111 of them 001u0 of their protttos', coloiinge and deelgne. Pretty .00mbttta•ioue in . epostriee and Ymboesed Papers eniteble for any style of a room from the small pantry to the most elegant drawing room. We will be Illea9ed if you will do no the favor of see. nog our samples, Porro ail .shy eke ],fOR3JALDEHYDR to the euooeeeful 1l farmer hap beaome a iieeeeeity, nut only from it sanitary het *0 financial etaud- point, The cost of application ie small ' oumpared with the antiahiotory results attidnec). At•poond bottle auffe lent fur' 100 bushels of grain costa but 40 ciente, Full direetioue for urine on ouob bottle. We guarantee every -bottle we eoll to be fully up to the standard. at Reeve Ireokie asked if the Mulish were . wit+ing .o,pprmi• B.ir01 and Qeefurh,the, aee•ot tba Oari'atte Library ptaueproo0r• ed by Broaeele Cloonan. Consent was given Correspondence parried on by the Reeve with tee 0s. P. 11' in eonneetiob with a proposed line to Bruanele 0000 submitted Drug Store to the Beard, leaved by Ja'. Jones,emended icy D• 9 A. Lowry. that Wm 8te.etr.on he given he contract or keepmx^V,atnrte Perk in sheep for the ee•,eon or 1008 for rhe punt of 310.00. Oarried. . Council that, adjourned. eoxexe MAOPagecoN-Iu Btneoarth, Manitoba, ou Apr, 4(ti , to Mr. and Mre. F. R. eleePheraon, a eon. SMITH -At Dubuc, Ameu., on April 2nd, to Mr and Mre. 1[. M 01121111, pia n,•n agent, a daughter Talmo/ -In Br,esele, on April 14'b, .to Mr end Mrs. T. R. Thomson n daughter. 09 .A. Ex MX EZ:. JBOReoN—f'RAro —Io Worm, on April 8th, by Rev 3. 1). Small, B. 8., of lityth, Mr. Henry Juakeon to Mite Margaret Janet Craig, both of Morrie. axam2g. CoLg0on011.-In Grey, on April 14th, Winans Girdwund, eldest e et of J•e. 13. and Maggie Onlcloegh, eyed 24 yeare, 6 menthe and 20 days. FEAR; -Lr Si Paola, Ne rusks, on April 4'l., Joseph H. Frain, formerly of Gr•y t'swuahrp, aged 50 year. end 9 moot lie. . LooxaeeT- 01. Friday, April 10,h, en,rreo gnu rest, at Ate home neer Bee'o 1It, Georg,. L okhart, a native of El e,rdmeehire, Soutlaud, in hie 77 h Meer MoLicett-At Lnokuow, on April 9th, 0 -era, (weenier of the lace Arthur M oIe an, 119t 33 ) Para MILLER. -In Mor,ir, p April 18th, Mi EIS100 ,9',, in sue 87.1 year Signe-Iu Ohineg.-, III., ou April 01b., E tea An.'ie Adelaide Tole, wile of the tate B, B. Swale, M D., aged 65 viers and 9 months. 9. CT) =1y. E. Tti • • • 'MONDAY Al'RIL20'rg.-Farm stook, p ements, 80, but 15, (eon 8, Gray, - Node unreerrved at 1 p. m. Mrs. Malo(m Lamont, Proprirtreee. F 03 Soots., Auctioneer. SR T7mm:00 0a: e r0 •e,m Fall Wheat 80 85 Series, 65 00 Pea 80 80 Oats 40 45 Butter, tube and rot e..., 22 24 Eggs per dozen 18 16 )lay porton 12 00 12 00 Flour, per ow* 2 75 8 25 Boge, Live 8 10 8 10 App es (per bble 1 00 1 50 P tattoo per boa 60 50 Wo (waahett)....... 20 22 NE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 10 RENT—ACOM I'ORT ABLE eev.o.-roomed 0011,00 In Rrueeola South, For further partiaulara apply to TROs. BALLANTYNa. EGGS FOR HATCHING— From = brown Logho tier O,.wi+l do�1 ot-g 0 setting b 903 D. A. Lt WAY, Bruesele. DINING ROOM GIRL AND Riteheu Girl wanted et the °antral Hotel, Hrueeele. Apply It ones to ItloUONALD & Ds. 041011, t 1 UL ormk'O a wSICRVIOE.—TSL 1.0014 ou 6, (Grey, the w di knew. thorn' bred Du. Int m 111111 Bootttnh tlbief ” Telma 21 00 it paid at same of service, othnrivl..e 9160, with p ivilegi of returning 11 neces- sary R J. RI5H1P, 41.4 Ptoprietor. etteelatostowteweweeereatereverasew Brussels Day -light Store D. N. McLaren Spring ew We want You to See Our New White Shirt Waists from, 78c to $8 00. • Our New Reatlyniode Shirt- ill Panama, Venetians, Poplins a:utl Tweeds from $2 00 eo $7,50. Our New '-priug jackets,. $300 10'10.00. New Dress Got'de, 11.fusIitts, Prints and Gingham's. New. l7tnbrititleries sal Laces. , New Lltce C letainn and Floor Oilcloths. We are Offering Special Wakilies Dir New Spring Hats for Men are Bandies &Boys',,, CIothugThe very latest shapes in best qualities of .Tut nglishFur-Pelts, soft and bard'. Pricesthe Lowest. &o��Bear Men's We have, without doubt, one of the largest and beat stooks of Ready-tn•we'Ni''Clothing for Mep-and Boys in this .sectii it of (he County. We are offer- ing Special values and would be pleased to show you Qualities and Prices bef le you buy. HIGHEST PRICES FOR rQOCHCE Goods Right or Your Money ': nck Gal N. McLa.ren