HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-4-16, Page 6Weett
Pao 1)0900000009.090114
Teddy1s a little bluer -mei -white ter.
'do, with the stubbiest of tails stick-
ing straight up into the air, as if it
WON) trying to meet bits Sharp little:
ears, that 'seek up, too. ire lives in •a
big yard, web a 11,0use in hionerldaI
it, where s reader lives, mei 4
teard fence all round it, with beams
running along below the top on the
fence -posts, for the boards to be nailed
to, Teddy carnet get over that fence
although ire woukl litre to, and has
'tried to many fuues, for over in the
next yard lives his best playmate, Dodo.
Dodo is no dog at all, but a big
gray equierel. with a huge bushy tail
that flirts and quivers whenever he
moves. Dodo lives in a little wooden
house up on the branch of e tree, and
hos a wide rind e whole faintly of little
agDLrrels up there with him. Dodo Sue
elm up and down that fence as cosily
as you can climb the stairs to the nur-
sery, and he hes Bene it many times,
otter when Teddy was very close be-
hind ]rim for although he enjoys play -
Do Not Dasa With Pu'gatives—
A Tonto is All People lied..
Not exactly etck--but not feeling
quite well. That's the way most pee`
lee feel in the Spring, Easily tired,
appetite variable, sometimes, headaches
and a fearing 01 depression, Perhaps
pimples or erruptirns appear, or there
may be twinges of rheumatism or neu-
ralgia. Any of these indieatO that the
blood is out of order; that the ll-cloot
life of winter has left its mark upoe
you and may easily develop into more
e.er:otu trouble. Dmf t dose yourself
us many people eeriest/1y do with pur-
gatives in the hope that you can put
year brood right. Purgatives gallop
through the system and weaken in-
stead of giving strength. What you
need in spring Is a tonic medicine that
will make new. rich blood, build up
the weakened nerves, and thus giveyou
new health and strength. Dr. Williams'
Pink P11is is the one medicine that can
Io this speedily, safely and surely.
Every dose of this medicine makes new,
ing with Teddy, be Mears ]lam. His rich, red blood, strengthenss_ the apse-
- a
depressed men and women, bright, ac-
tive and strong. Me harry Huggins,
Oshawa, 'Ont., says:—"I don't think
there is anything equal to Dr. Wil -
favorite game is to watch Isom his tree tete clears the skin, and makes tired
until Teddy is looking the other way,
then climb over the fence, run up close
behind Teddy and chatter shrilly et
him just a second.
But one clay the laugh was on the Dame Pink Pills as a cure for nerv-
ousness, indigestion and a run down
condition of iso blood. For sometime
I was a great sufferer from these trou-
bles. I tried several remedies, but no-
thing helped me until I began to}cin;
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Before tak-
ing them I felt like an old man, but
by the time i hail taken Sour boxes my
Note there was fn the house He fresh- strength had returned, my appetite im
other side, Teddy knows why he is in
the big yard. Ile is there to watch the
house and ace that no one comes in to
Meal or to hurt anything. Perhaps that
is 'why he will not let Dodo stay there.
One day, when Teddy was away down
et the end of the yard, Dodo cane over
and thought he would go in and see
ed up the steps and into the pantry proved, my nerves were steady and
window. The pantry was a wonder-
ful place. 1 -be lasted all the kinds er
crumbs. and at las decided that half
a loaf of Graham bread was the very
nicest thing there. That was within.
easy reach of the -window, boo; so he
eaught hold of 1t and dragged it to the
sill, and then tumbled it out,
But climbing It now was a different
matter. IIe could go up the fence alum
but he could not take the bread with
him. And to make it worse, Teddy had
started up that way.
Pddlo locflccel up and clown the fence,
and et last saw a sloping Nord that
reached to the beam. Ho dragged the
loaf to this, and IGund he could go up;
tut that Leek hen curly to the beam, and
tho top of the boards was a foot higher.
He tried and tried to gel over, but the
hread was toe heavy, At last he grew
se vexed he chattered at the bread,
scolding it for being se obstinate. And
Teddy hoard him.
Just a second later Teddy came with
n springanti aliened to catch him. and
-rrightened Do'o lot go the bread and
scr•enit:led to safely on the fend0 top.
He went so meekly that he knocked
the brerid eft. and it fell to the ground
00 Teddy's side. Teddy jumped and
turned to see what it was he had drop-
foel. Teddy liked Graham bread very
rnttch; so he set down and ate the half-
knt greedily. And as for Dodo, he
weed only sit en the fence end scream.
"Dore, cookie be seemed, to say. "Stop
this dog! He is eating year brendi"
But cook was out of the kitchen, as
he should have I nown, so Teddy had
the tent, and Dodo earl to go home
without his plunder.—Youth's Compan-
1 was feeling a renewed man.
I( you need a medicine this spring—
and mast people do—try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and see how speedily they
will make you feel like a new person.
Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Egypt and India Willi Also 'Varve a
fiefenlless War Against 'These
At last rats are doomed. Sir James
Crichton-Browne has formed a society,
the role object of which is tear exter-
The greatest rat centre in the world
Le London, and it has been estimated
that round about the docks there are
fully six millions of them. Sir Lauder
Brunton has slated that the plague of
rals is a national danger. London
spends over $50,000 a year on lighting
the pest, and all over the world a re-
britain's latest war
tentless war is being waged against
Mese rodents, says Pearsen's \\reedy.
Egypt has Wren special measures
against the creatures and an anti -rat
campaign is in active progress at the
present time. The Nile rats aro very
big and fierce, and they swarm up from
the river in thousands, infesting the
tewns all around, Khartoum being the
great centre.
India is the most determined enemy
of the rat. Year after year that dread-
ful scourge, the plague, takes a terrible
tee of llunlnn life, and it is believed
That its propagation is largely due to
rats; 111e infection being conveyed to
human beings by means of the biles
(:f fleas, which have forsaken rats
stricken with the plague.
In various parts of India the Brit-
ish Government bas establisher, sto-
llens for the reception of rats. A pro-
per staff of officials Is appointed, and
each stelian is provided with cages for
the reception of the rodents. Rat traps
ore supplied free to the poor. A teeth-
ing a head Is paid for every rat caught,
dead or alive. The whole of the rats
are thrown talo a tank Containing a
selution of carbolic acid. After the
bodies have been in the tank for a cer-
tain time they are withdrawn and cre-
mated. Weekly rot`hunls are also or-
ganized in the plague districts of the
Agnes is a little girl with such a
bright, happy face that it is a :pleasure
to lock at her. One day, In answer to
bee mother's call, she came running
Thorne from a neigbbor's, two or three
doors away. 1kr eyes were bright, her
lips so smiling that her mother smiled
"Do you want me, mother?' asked
Agnes. -
No, dear," spill her mother. "Net
for anything imparlanl. 1 missed you,
that Is all. Where were you, daugh-
"At the Browns'. And, 0 mother,
Waller was cross. bet 1 happ(ed him
up so that he get all over it; and then
the bnhy cried, and I had to happy her
Me then some one stepped on the kit-
eit-tenis tail, and 1 was just going to hap-
py her up when you called me.
The mother laughed, "Neely, what
a hn,ppying time you hod! It must
make you happy yourself to happy up
little boys nerd babies and kittens, for
you look as happy as possible."
And this is true. The, more we try
tr make others happy, the happier tee
shall be ourselves. Then put away
frown,, and pouting lips. Try to "hap-
py up" these who are troubled, cross,
r^ skit, and soon you will find yourself
se happy that your lace will shine with
tm1 f lee.
in another forty years it had found 14s• The popularity enjoyed liy the dim
way to America. peror Joseph of Austria compares very
Atter the bleak rat had been t'stab- favorably with that, accorded .our otvn
Betted soma time to Europe, the fierce fling, When Francis Joseph ascended
brown rat eine, en the scene; gradual, the thione he was only elgllteen year,;
ly it came westwards from China. Then, of age -.-he is now seventy -seven --and
In 7727, ono of the most remarkable the people of both Hungary and Au.
scenes ever witnessed took place. Ener• stria vie with each older In loyalty to
metas numbers of rats swam across the their monarch. How many people, by
Vclgu in a seemingly endless army, ih1 way, aro aware that the Austrian
and rapidly advanced over Europe, Emperor is the only living European
driving the belief rat before It. monarch wive has led an army in 110
The black rat was aur couhmd:n IloUse lual battle with the enemy? This woe
rat until the present brown or grey in ISMS, at the 13111110 of Santa Lucia.
rat made its appearanee in our isles when 1.110 Archdnite, as 110 then wa4
less than a century end a half ago, ]leaded the cavalry charge against the
'Whenever the brown rat has landed it Sardinian squares ansi captured the
has quickly driven out the older binek guns which had been playing havoc
rill, the stronger end bigger creature ilii day with the Austrian troops, Fran -
proving an easy victor in the fight for eiscop Josephed was
of rt. to few few who es -
Them is a great difference in the ha- afterwards he ons called to the theme.
tails of black mid brown rats, The When be started ranching 1n his early
brown rat is distinctly a burrowing ant- days President Iloesevelt was looked
11101, but the black rat prefers the top d.wn upon with some contempt by leis
moots of premises, and is not parti- hired cowboys, owing to the fact that
culchr}y-partial to burrowing. be was a. college graduate and also
Benlle, rats are most remarkable wore glasses. One bullying fellow,
creatures, full of strange contrasts, 010Ill ell "Long 11te," used to be fond of
glott and bac!. They aro shrewd and entering drinking bps and taking up
cunning to a degree„ while all their the glass of any man he thought he
senses are remal'ltably acute, and by colt1lt1 frighten. Ile played this trick
nisi of their marvellous teeth can find on Roosevelt, and was so certain that
their way through what seem insur- he was a typical "tenderfoot" that he
mountable obstacles, did not even make his customary blue
THE BATS' GOOD POINTS. first with the revolver. Before "Long
Hunger will drive them 10 accomplish Ileo" quite !anew what had happened he
the most w ldrithem
feats, and they found himself on the floor; then he was
extraordinary y picked up, rushed cut of the saleon.
are frightful enemies when short of and Rung dower again On the ground
food. Under the pangs of clnrcalton outside. Ile was unable to gel up for
they will nut hesitate to attack any live five minutes; and then he quietly sneak-
ing creature, man or elephant. ed out of the Sapp.
Yet the hated rodents have many
good points. They are extremely clean
animals, and take es much care over
their toilets as cals. No creatures are
more hind and loving to their young.
They will swim foaming rivers, and
dare the most formidable of enemies
to order to protect their young or to
furnish food for them. -
Although they are visited with so
much hatred they make good pets; it
Is no uncommon occurrence for a pris-
oner In a rat-inre.sted place to maim
firm friends with the rodents.
Rats are sometimes starved, curious
to relate, owing to their teeth growing
ko long. In order to prevent their
teeth getting to an Inordinate length,
they, become their own dentists, grind-
ing their teeth on stones. If the, rat is
cooked in the sante fashion as the rala-
bie its flesh is superior, according to
author -less.
Madame Adelina Pala q,ueen of song-
isle's, 11f18, in the course of her -long
girek,ssional career, nlct with many ad-
vcnlures--:Ohne amusing, Sone other-
On ,ne occeskrin, many years ago,
she attended a supper -party after a con.
erre one cf her fellow -guests being an
erninenL lawyer. After supper, the lat-
ter preasea the diva to sing, but for
a wldle site refused.
"Sing. and 1'11 do anything you 111101"
be (holly pleaded.
Syn Madame Paltl sang "home, Sweet
Now, Mr. 11.,' She remarked, at the
close of her song, "please stand en
your had."
'Good gr'nclolhs, child, you're joking)'
WAS the aslant:shed reply,
"Not at alit' retorted the singer, ''A
bargain is a bargain,"
"Se 1t 1S," agreed tyle la\Wyer resigned-
ly, "tiers gdcsl"
And up In the air went MS feet, wevj
trig wildly t0 preserve his balance, timid
general lipplause,
Every man thinks, he 0640 go the
paek if he Wallet halltiirspjjed.
—_ i'--- •---'
The Comtesso de Martel, the well-
imown novelist who writes under the
name of "Gyp," has a pretty wit.
She was on one occasion assisting
at a charity bazaar in Paris, to which
came Baron Potheeeld as a visitor. The
writer immediately pressed him le buy
"What, am I to buy?" said the wealthy
nobleman. "You have nothing I want.
Slay, I have an idea. Sell me your ate
tograph. I should like that."
Without delay, the lady took a sheet
of note -paper, and wrote:
"Received from Baron Rothschild the
Muni of 1,000 francs for charity.—GYP.'
Tho baron read, handed over the
money willingly, and departed,. well
pleased with the comtesse's ingenuity.
The Salvation Army has talten a
hand in the war of extermination, and
war of extermination, and for some time
has keen collecting cats in England.
The relines have been consigned to the
Snivetaon Army settlement in India 7n
order to assist, in routing•out the chtet
means of disseminating the plague. Two
cut farms have been established in or-
der to breed cats of the fiercest type,
The rat is quite :a new -comer, Com-
paratively eptaiking, to our part of the
world, as really it Is a nlvtiroA of -Asia,
which has made its raids westward.
It was somewhere In the sixteenth cen-
tury that the black rat first came le
Europe, while it reached our shores
about a couple of hundred years ago,
Cored by 'Lam -Built. '
Mr. F. Ashridge, of 3 St. Paul Street.,
Se Catharines, Ont., says: "For five
years 1 suffered untold agony with pro-
truding piles. Tho pain was so great
at tines I would almost scream, I went
down in weight and had no appetite. 1
tried everything 1 heard of for,piles,but
(rot no roller. I went to several doctors..
but they would give me little hope of
ever getting rid el them and I finally
gave up 10 despair. One day a friend
gave me a sample of Zan1-1luk salve
and told me of someone who hail been
cured. 1 decided to try it, and the re-
lief I got was encouraging. d bought
a box, and the piles kept on diminishing.
I used three boxes 'and nm 11001 com-
pletely cured. One -thousand dollars
would be none too small an amount
to give for such a cure as mine. I
`wish e could convince every sufferer
of the value of Zanl-Bnir."
Zane -Bilk cures cuts, burns, Shopped
hands, cold sores, itch, ulcers, enema,
running sores, catarrh, piles, bad legs,
abscrs-cs, face scree, spying eruptions,
and all stein diseusles, Of ell druggists
and stores, 500., or from Zam B ,
Mother --"Tommy, what are you do.
ing in rho pc-?"
'Tommy--"Oh,nlry just ' putting a MW
flings awayl"
When you give your child a so-called
"soothing" medicine you are not curing
its sickness. You are merely -drugging
it into temporary insensibility. Sooth-
ing medicines contain opiates and an
oterdose may kill the child. Whoa
you give your 1lllie one trilby's •Own
Tablets you have the guarantee of a
gcvernmcnt analyst that this medicine
is safe. And you have the word of
llsousends of grateful mothers that (his
medicine will promptly cure all the
minor ailments of childhood. 'Mrs. L.
W. Smith, St. Giles, Que., Says:—"I
have used Baby's Own Tablets for my
little girl for constipation and other
Doubles and have found them the best
niediicine I have ever used." Sold by
medicine dealer's or by mail at 25 cents
a box dream The lir, Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, One
Interesting Gossip About Some Promin-
ent People.
Many stories are told concerning the
dry wit and humor of the iron. Joseph
Cannon, Speaker of the Washington
Cannon's salary Mr. a n
as a
it. C
r \
Congressman amounts to $417 per
month, and on his election to the
Speakership he decided to go to a W-
ee. bold than he had formerly lived
in, Ile accordingly was conducted by
lte clerk of one of the more fashion-
able establishments to such a small
suite of looms as his actual needs re-
quired. "Meow much is It?" asked the
Speaker. "We would let you have it
for lour hundred dollars a month." As
the Speaker hesitated, fingering his
cigar in a nervous way, the solicitous
clerk inquired, "That is not too much,
Ls it, Mr. Speaker?" "Oh, no, not at
all," responded Mr. Cannon, gravely,
"I was merely puzzling my ;brain 10
think what I could do with my other
seventeen *Marg."
The world loves a lover, and for that
reason is deeply interested at the mo-
ment in the doings of Prince George
of Greece, who is to marry Princesfa
Marie Bonaparte. The world also lovesi
a brave matt, and has net forgotten
how Prince George saved. an Emperor's
life sem= years ago. In a pineo of
donor in the Winter Patrice at St. Petr
orsherg hangs a. walking -shelf which,
11 it Could speak, would tell rho story,
Of how Prince George saved the Czar
from a murderer's blow. The Royal
cousins were walking through the
streets of a Japanese town during the
Celebration of a religlous festival, where
A fanatical polleeman aimed et the
Czar with a heavy bludgeon, The blow
must have tolled Nicholas --tion the
Czarewitoh had not Prince `George
averted 1t, ,and ltnoelced 1115 assailant
gown With his stick. -
The Putter Store
Mother Graves' Worm Exlermintor
bars no equal for destroying worms in
children and adults. See that you get
the genuine when pw'elrasing.
"The most cxlreordin0ry thing about
him is that he ahvnys attaches import-
ance to the most hosigntfieant things,"
"Yes, that is plain to be seen. 11 11
were not so, how else could he have
such an opinion of himself?'
Take LARATIVR BROMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money if 1t falls to cure. E: W.
.G80V11'S Signature la on each box. Sae.
13 1N014
Natural Wavy Switches
in brown shades only
> 0W1.tda
Please .end Cash with order,
The Pember Store
127.128 TOW STREET,
Fare Excursions to Toronto
April 16th to loth.
We pay highest prieo for all kinds. SHIP TO Ua
Liberal assortment. Prompt returns.
Manufacturers and Exporters,
77 Hing 8t. nest, Toronto. ICetablisbao 1878
"Tim" Healey, the Irish member 01
parliartee. A
volerament, M once informed lthim that at at hewould
',sooner vola ler the devil than for
Heaney." "But possibly your friend
may not turn up," said "Tim,' adding
in a tone of mild enquiry. „Perhaps
you would support nee then?"
The first train in Canada was operated
on what is now a part of the Grand
'!'runic Railway and this great .system
leas ever been on the alert to stay in
Ltd. first rank, in keeping with, this
gencral policy ire "International 1.1m.
tie," the premier train of the Grand
Trunk Syetetn, is also the finest and
lastest train in Canada, and, one of the
lastest long distance trains in the world.
Leaves Montreal every day at 9.10 a.m.,
Toronto 4,40 p.m., arriving at Detroit
at 10.00 p.m. and Chicago at 7.40 a.m.
Gladys—"Got yer spring hat yet,
Mamie " leamio--t :Sure. Ate mother
got it for ane three years ago."
Sleeplessness. -When the nerves are
unstrung and the whole body given tip
tr. wretchedness, when the mind is fill-
ed wilh gloom and dismal forebodings,
the result of derangement of the fliges-
lire organs, sleeple.ssness comes: to add
to the (Heiress. 1f only the subject
could sleep, there would be oblivion
far a while and temporary relief. Par.
melee's Vegetable Pills will net only in -
(Mee sleep, but will act so beneficially
that the subject will wake refreshed
and restored to happiness.
Love cometh 11110 life,
Abiding with us still;
13u1 though ho has a winsome way,
"Viz Love that never loves le pay
'The jingling grocery bill.
"Does your wife take any interest in
current polities?' asked the earriest wo-
man, "No,' replied Mr. Ferman, "she
dori t. But if it's currant jelly or cur-
rant roly-poly, wily, 1 believe she could
tell you mere things about 'em than
you over dreamt of."
In its initial stages a cold is a local
aliment easily dealt with. But many
neglect it and the result is often the
development of distressing seizures of
bronchial tubes and lungs that
render ]'rte miserable fon the unhal PY
victim. As a first aid there Is nothing
111 the handy medicine line so' certain
in curative results as Bicicle's Anil-Con-
serplhe Syrup, the tar -tamed remedy
for oath -and coughs.
"We get some sad cases," said the
attendant at the lualic asylum to the
interested visitor, and opened the door
of the first cell.
Inside was a man silting on a three-
legged stool, gazing vacantly at he
"Ills is an unhappy story," said the
attendant, "lie was 10 love with a girl,
but site married another pian, and he
lest his reason from grief."
They stele out seflly, closing the door
behind them, and proceeded to the next
This cell was Utterly padded, and
the man within was stark, sliming mad.
"\\'110 is this?" Inquired the visitor.
"This?' repeated the attetelant. ""This
is 111e othee man.
ISSUE NO. 15-08.
PAZO OINTMENT le guaranteed to cure any
case of Ttailing, Blind, Blooding or Protuding
Plies in 8 to 14 days or money refunded, 000.
Lady (lo caller)—"You won't mind my
going on with my work while you're
]fere, will you Then I shan't Seel I'm
wasting tinge." .
Shoppers nd HltRl.d a Owners
hero You Visit Toronto
There is no place where those who are refurnishing ter aping, can
Rad ac much that is eoononiloot and beautiful; so much that to In the
highest ar•ttstio taste, and In such a variety as to offer things that are
in keeping with any style of decoration. Our offerings consist of:-
Turikish Ru52;9 Oriental Bras9Tltfar0
Indian Ruga Russian Crassware
Persian Rugs Japanese Art Warc'o
• visitors are always welcome and they will find our collection very
40 King 8t, Soot, Toronto, Ont.
This is the time to paint with Ramsay's
Paints. Paint your roof, paint your steps•
paint your whole house. Ramsay's Paints
ere the oldest and best known in Canada
for style, beauty, wear and tear. Your
dealer has a large stork. Look at his color
carols. They nre beautiful. Write A. Ram-
say & Son Co., Montreal, For paek of Sou-
venir Pictura Post Cards of Homes.
Quite snail was his bedroom, but he
Was neer[ awl content as a saint.
Ile made no complaint for, you see,
There ons really no room for com-
ITGfi, Mange Pralrlo Scratches and•
,every form of contagious Itch on human
or animals cured in 30 minutes by Woe
ford's Sanitary Letson, It never fails.
Sold by all drugglsts,
"I shall expect you not to wear my
clothes," said the lady of the house.
"You needn't worry on that point,
madam," retorted the new maid. eI
wouldn't eten patronize your dress-
r s -maker."
1 'sternally or Internally, It is C,004.—
oOd—\\hen applied externally by brlslc rub-
bing, Die Thomas' Ecieclrio 011 opens
tee pores and penetrates the tissue as
few liniments do, touching the seat of
the Ia•ouble and immediately affording
relict. Administered internally, it will
sill the irritation in the 111roet which
induces coughing and will cure aloe -
eerie of the bronchial tubes and res-
pirnlory -organs, Try it and be con-
True happiness consists in the
Foretelling low to fret
Abeui the many things that we
Are sure we cannot get,
should be' the Bost obtainable, 'rho singer and
Wheeler k Wilson sowing machines aro noknow,
lodged the lightest running, most durable and
convenient of any, Look for Melted 8.
laity /unkind need any make of Stade )
maahtno ford 54000 er Moro write Singer
Hewing ..IAhh'Nfffaohins Ge„ ,M'anninfi Chambers,
Toronto for beautiful set of ten soubenir
Wows of Ontario, ae for asking.
Rellingstone--"This hero country is
gett(n' too prosperous."
'Pattarddn--"That's right. 1 was
Obliged to refuse six fobs ytstldy,"
%Yeah and Sickly Polite envy those in rested
,health. No neon to stay sick when by the nue o
the beet tomo 'Perrovlle"rycit ooh got rich bleed
fluid renewed etrength.earl! vino*,
Will Relieve Those
Suffering From
Neuralgia 8heumaticm,
Cant, Colds, Sore Throat
Sprains aril Pains
Price 55 cadge Cents. All Druggists.
or by mail from
The IPangfl Company, - Toronto
WE OUACANTEE IlELIEP, 11005150 1111E 17.
We A ,res to Make You Hear Ordinary Conversation
Providing You Can Still Hear Thunder.
We wish you to see a new electrically sensitized
soaring dovies, called tho Electrophono, that instantly
causes even the deafest people to hear clattery.
The very best result we can promise you as a re.
ward for using the Electrophono is the complete. last-
ing restoration Of your bearing.
Nast to that in importance is tho certainty that
the moment you apply this marvellous little instru-
ment you will be able to hear clearly and distinctly
either In nubile or 111 private.
This eaiootifio electrical sound -conducting instru-
ment fits snugly over the ear, as shown in cut, and
Is so small that it usually escapes observation. /to
purpose is to magnify sound waves and throw -them
directly on tho ear -drum. In a manner according to
nature. The result is your deaf oar Is exercised just
ns well ears are, and after a while most people and
their hearing has become as gond as ever. Mean-
while. however, with the Electronhone attached you
can hear even the faintest sound without strain, et -
fort or embarrassment, and your pleasure is vastly
Increased by the assurance that no harm is being done, as Is the case with
artificial ear -drums, trumpets, etc., that poison and ruin the oars of all who
use them. Come and test the Eleotrophone free. We agree to make you hoar.
You will receive courteous attention and not he urged to purchase. We
would advise, however. that when you have tried an Eleatrophone exactly
suited in your degree of deafness, you pay a deposit on It and try 11 at
home, Those who cannot call should write for our froo illustrated booklet
and list of satisfied users of the Eleotrophone
Sent on Trial Anywhere In Canada,
Remember the Electrophono will open up a new Wend to you, per-
haps you are only looking for temporary relief, but you will find that 11
will do much 1.1101‘0, the Etcc(ropllone gradually restores the natural
hearing. 'We satisfy 09 per cent of our Patrons, because we sell all
insla•ulnents subject to one full months' trial.
Free Trial to All Who Calf. Free Booklet to All Who Write.
Excursion rates on all rail reads April lain to .21st., over
Easter holidays.
1111grs. and Patentees: The Stolz Eleotrophone Co.
In use.
"Father," -said the lawyer's pretty
daughter, "I just won't Mien when old
Judge Prosy makes love to me,"
"My dear child, don't refuse," cried
her horrified father; "that's contempt 01
From October to May, Colds 800 the most ire•
qquant cause of Iteadaohe. LAXATIV.6 IiROMO
QUININE removes cause. II. Iv. Grove on bas Sao
Of course, the world may owe
A living W us, though
When fate's unified,
We're apt le find
Collectors mighty slow.
The Flogging Energies Revived. —
Constnnt application 10 business is a
ta.x upon the energies, and if there be
net reiteration, las,sitlde and depres,
Sion are Sure to intervene. These
comes from stomachic troubles, The
want of exercise brings on nervous ir-
regulnri.tes, and the stomach ceases to
assimilate food! properly. In this con-
dition Parmelee's Vogelable P111s will be
found n 1'emeeralive of rare power, re-
storing the organs 10 healthful action,
dispelling depression and a•eviving the
flagging energies.
Mother—"To ',bine that my little Eth-
al shou'id have speeen so impertinent-
ly to papa to -day at clinnerl She never
hears ire tall[ in that way to 11im,
Ell e1 (stoutly)—"\Veli, but you choosed
1111, and 1 didn t."
You ere right in regarding orysipolns as a
dangerous disease. Annelid, tl,e swollen,Golfing
skin with Weaver's Curate: And take I''eaver'o
Syrup internally.
H --"Flow can. 1 repay yell for that
delightful waltz?" She (whose train has
tattered)—"Oh, don't repay me, settle
with my drehnakerl"
Thos. Sabin of Eglinglon, says: '1
have removed ten corns Linen my feet
with I'Iollewny's corn Cure." Reader,
go thou and do likewise.
'President Fnllicres enjoys =Wool' and
indoor- pursulis equally well; Fond et
shooting In the morning, in the even-
ing he is generally to be found either
reading, pal/Ung, or writing. In his
time he has Composed some very read-
able verse. 1Ie is else en assidnens
collector of rare bootie, and on ncen-
sloes may bre seen runsmnging amongst
the second-hand volumes !lint are dis-
played for sale on the riverside quays
111 Pals,
tlnd-tatad 80101 would look hotter Arsd. 1t ria srenb
s1 our to yo,, Sona, write diroat naleoab, nn. Its
to boat Irons owner baring
for Bale. Not particular about location -
son for ailing. state when and possession ion, and can
be had. Will deal with owners only.
L, Darbyshire, Ilex 984, Rochester, N, Y,
7i R
r�QR��Ra��t�E CO.LD
3 y Old, Cenadd.
with ono of Loomis' Into lmpr sed mnebine@
you are 'sere of 'largo profits on the capital
Invented, - They are the leaders In this line
DrillingyMachinerynmado 10 Amerrico lnAddress
Icor hunting or target practice. The king air
Alio is sura death to small. game, Wo will give
this gun to nay boy who will sell twenty-five
paokaged of Blaine tar us. Send 500 the Maine:
to -day. We trust. you. when you sell the 2E
packages 8010 soots each, return our 52.00, -and
'we will
�rop td iately Saud you the rifle, ell
chargerThin 00LOr11At. 1HANUPACIIRINU'00.,
Dept:. a, tilimilton. Ont.
9004 8e your
nnmo2edeces en
TM` 12 plccoa1
Jewelry to Sall atr0.00eleanel, When sold send ne 5105
'h1x1,20 *awttnnd you need TWO
lolIUAfi, weteeaembusary adtvnlsel0
it Aliaharaesp•ldBand usertneeleand
STAR ,bW0, co•.44 8s1 Ot.,Pill81b8ll0}l,5.1„U.e.A.,
tlafing those WOnderlal
Se13e01.0, V. C. Olabann ',*114,7146
Oolitmbuo, 0teat 1102 ' ayod co mssa,,.;R7it,
, I,bo 1, w4 0lsl9' you Wltrpnaan►.,''-� ^
ono do 11 we sh1011,
sr rrcla i]nduoomapls to CanaiRanAgents,
Tttemao-ba'f+&O0,, 110 kt 8k. P•ylotto Q.