HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-4-16, Page 5� PREPARE POR POSITIONS1:1i° 11ayltg'µ111n 806 to 61100 per mouth p�(t 3 E tiding the popular• 03 i l (;') 1•r'Ir:a.11f3T T�� n LC/ TORONTO, ONT. 1400•.ohunl ,0(10(01 -ler and near f,1 the,nporior ednouttou given to the et0duut0, and fur the naval:- aide .seueese el its graduates. t.oi- Ltuloouopuu the .... .y,ag1 r. 11e11 now. Our 1 ,tuuru w ,1 make 1 1 u g Y / , uduu 1-,t to- t W u Uu lor eat, - 1611 r4 aluguu yal W. J I'LI,IU1' (1 a Prinulpul V U' Our. You,;o & A extruder trite, 8-- . 1 ; €S e;J t2 SJSINEl1S CAIfIISR C 1. i1io01iAUli1+', — r ! • I u2) 01 ,1Lu u e 0e 11- g Lro60eun Ui• tion 611 ur6uur31 "1 uruuerr} ntiaut, Bru6su,r WM. SPENCE CONVEYANUEIt AND I88UE.11 Op MARRIAGE 1.101081il8 111110 In 1101 1'oel 40111ec, Ethel. 90.4 MISS LAURA SPLNCE Teaoher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. K. O. T. M. Bt'u1sula Taut of the Maccabees, No. 24 hold their regular meetings to the Lodge Room, Benner Biwa, On the 161 and gid Tuesday evenings o1 earth mouth. Visitors Olwey6 welcome. A, 6001E1t1i, Oom. A. A1ootllltll, R. E. JAMES IIAl1RIS, Agent Howick Mutual .Fire Insurance Company O'mem cud iteetdenee— WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAN DI 1NBOn,NOB, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. •47 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • B&B, will sell lot bolter prices, to butter men, 111 less time and lees oh)1tge8 than any other Auctioneer to hast linrou or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders eon u.lwa a be arranged at t aleffi office or peeaonal upplication� by ROST. H. GARNISS bLU1;VAX 14 — ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reaeonuble. gales arranged for at the oldest of Tun Poem, Brue0ele, 2211 VETERINARY. r4. A. CUNN1NGE1ANi— ‘.A • Nouor .,1011(10,0 of the Ontario Vett orioary College, ,6 prepared to treat all ditt- oed/08 of domesticated animalsin a conmet. ant manner, earthen/1 0(1601iou paid to Veterinary ,len ttetry and Sf11k fever Oahe promptly 111061111ed 10. Whet and infirmary —Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry at., •Brueeele. 'Phone 41 k LEGAL ANO LUNVEYANCINIi. A B. M.AODONALD- 1.A.• isurriotor, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. buoees/ux to G. I'. Blurt. O03ae over Stan. dna'd Bunk, Brunelle. hullo/tor for Metro- polituu Bank, M. BINCLAIR— VV a 12ur(ieter. aullouur, UOuveyeueta, Notary r ubdo. A:0. O11i6e—S 46wart'e Bloch 1 door Borth uI Central Hotel. (1611011011 fur the 8taudard. Bank, (1OUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— HABltlliTEItd, SULICl'1'uRd, NOTARINSS PUBLI., STU. W. PltcuDruutr, K. U. 14. U. Here G. F, BLem, Omega—These fore/ally 000upie11 by Beesre Cameron 111 110(0, GontutiOn, 0NTAmo. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD. ItieN1101' etradeato or the Royal "ollege or neural Bergeuu1 of Ontario and Flret•olass Honor Graduate of Toroulo University, Ofllee tint to Brewe1'8 Phocograpu Gnllory, BRUSSELS, 1 1n -J ' bio lt11 tt STRATFORD. ONT. PI is the teadtug huountoe tran.ing school Nadu departmetti is to chd tlaadd Of etecirlen04(1 iuseramots. We assist 11 81{Vayd Succeed, 100 OUr 00111,808 aro tue bout, tiet tote Woe eatekteue mid le4tgt more mutate us. You way cute r t etere Loot 1118 Voice EntlrelY J. H. Woods, of Puiut Rook. Oneida, Co„ N. Y., had a hurl exeerienoe, "A bad Amok of Ua1arrle 00111011 in my fore- head and the phut 0081 my eyes was' S0 hamlets I thought my head would buret, My voice grew very boated told I Coughed (very !tight, told through the Winter u0uld 8mtr0ely speak. My voice wee gone. Two dooture didn't help me at all. L'he melt dootur ordered "Ualarthoeone," It omen me nun now many othet6 !fere we It emu .fly (motor any,. he QlleOn'1 Igl0w 0nything nu gaud for Ual turn alio 1L'broit4 llr tui, ad "1.1,.8+rrIuz ,ue t' Use t tu,day, you b0t40r tu•morIuw,25a .uo $61,00 at all d0a10r(, Try Oat arrh2zoue, from April Obh merges into our Humber Term from July 6111,. Eater now and be ready for a good situation in the early Autumn, New Uabelogue free. Write for it. CENTRAL ECJ:INNS COLLEGE Yougo e, Gerrard stn„ Toronto W. H, SHAW, Piinoipal URAN TRUNK RAILWAY, *0o'r110,86 ax0an6100 W. G. & 8. entitle leave Brtle6010 Station, North Ona South, as foliowe: GOING Hoole GOINe Nolema. Hall 7:06 eau ;Hammes ,.,..•10;55 e,2) Mauro(' ... 11:2611.10 81)111 ... .... 1:44 eau is%pr08x 6102 (1,m) Waitron 8:51p,m Ct1NAD'AN PACIFIC R. R. b'ollowlug is the 0 P R 'rime Table at Walton:— To alton:— To Toronto To Goderthe Express ...... 7:46 u in I Express 11;09 a 10 14xproe6 5195 p 111 Express 0:26p m 9t 15trt.Ci i Ede %. Souooz, RBroaT.—Fallowing to bhe report of p0pn8 ut B. S. No. 1 Grey, lot March end Apri,, (ham V—Willie Huuvsr, Addle Grant, Maggie Steveueon, Liazte Bower. Sr. IV—Jessie Aluook John A0uunt, Ina Ronde. Sr. I1I— lame,f tireveueuu, Arable Engel. Ji. 1LI—.11111,m Lowe, Our'. Armors. S. II— Willie Grant, Stewart Miner. .1) II --Wil ,6 Huhu ge , Wilms Ammo., Noa.vu Hulhuger, Marvin 1141iler, Robes, 131rd, Pc. I1—Mo,00m Engel, E.18 Ronde, R, LANODOs, 1'euuher. Wo.k 000106(1 get prompt 8113 lasting help by using Dr. Bbuup'o Night Cern. i'ueee soothing healing,- ao1leep) 0 68ppee110r1ee, with full lnlormatlou 11010 to /mama are lbtereetin,ay tofu of to my wok. "Nu. 4 for Women." The bow and Strictly eoufidentiul mo1ioal advice is entirely free. Bnmply write Dr. Shoop Racine, Wis. fur my book No. 4. Bold by all dealers. 11..iteil,u00'1-11. Lietuwel Spring Show Tooeday, April 21o4, James Morrison, one of the towu'1 oldest 01018006, had a stroke and ie very low. Hie lordebip Bishop William's will hold 80ufirmaii011 m Ohrin8 Ohurab, Listowel, du Frway awning, 24th inst. The va0enuy ou the Listowel High School Board, caused by the reale nation of Dr. W. n. Bruce, wee tined by the appuiutmen4 of H. Sundt/rd. Lewis Bolton has rammed word that he bee been widened by the Dumiui,.0 Government woven 100(06111p0 40 0010ey In 0,•utral Alberto. They are 1026180 about 70 011160 Sutliff of Stetter, Aka. and are uhlelly pralr)e. He expecte to Mush the work by Beptem,.er and will leave 10110 In about two weeks. The )0u810al meeting of the Liotowo, B0wlieg A000011001061 wee held to CLIC Library Bui.dmg when the following of doers Were elected lor the euawtle year :— lion. Free., A. F. McLaren, ,al P. ; dun. Visa Prue., Jenne Turrunoe, M. Y. P., and F. W. Hay ; Prooldeut, Ju- Aiuiey ; V.00 Pres., F. Bomar ; Bburat0y, L. U. Thonilon ,• Treas., D. L. 170014 ; Cum melee of t10)10440m011t, W. R. Lugie, A. .1. Bmioh, R. A. -°limns, John Gaoei, A. Yu,e ; Grouude 00101011466, J, Howo4, Jae Leo ; Bopreeeut..tIve to the 0utar,0 Bowing AeeUoatln,, Geo. Bray ; Repro• 60d4811V9 40 the Weateru Buwliug Ae- 6ouialiuu, E. U. Thoroton. Peculiar Weakness 111 Women d any Weinau buffs, 00(0,11 torture Iron] 0ervou0 debility ari.iog drum die - orders of the !tomtine organs. Day by day they grow worse. A 111100 'mune to modesty preve)16 them using a g,.t to remedy nee Ferruzuue; amu It mune uure them. Lust nerve force is bruugh,. hack—uew 01481 energy (6 euppu6u— F,a'rozoue does restore weak pale women Fur those who buffer and find work hard t0 bear 001111Ug 6Upp1)00 the health anti 011 dily that Forruzune so .ar61y briug0. Guaranteed free from alcohol end sure to cure, 50o at all dealers. fel ode:icht. A, E. 11101110auu hes Rome unusually flue rhubarb whims be 116v61ope1 in a cellar. eylro. R. W. MuKeurte wee standing en a ()hair In 111e p0(10ry of her houoe, whet' She supped and fell oft the chair, stalk. lug the Mot with mush tome as to lruutur° her right hip bone. The fra0luro, a oeriouo one, is exueedlugiy paint ul. Rev, Ibir, Anderson, of Suez ohnron, weal Oal1Oit 40 .121601000 by. the 0eriou6 ill• neer' 01 hie te.her, who 1e annum 86 yams of age and bus been ,aid up for 8buut u year. 1'ha venerable imamate May Hugel for a mhuet 1111113 but there to uo (00111 lor hope 111100be w2) receiver. The Godurwh Bicycle and Eugiue Works, Inter known am the Rogers Mfg. Uo, wa0 per:Mewed by 6°ine Toronto patties automated with the Duty Doom Werke U2), and it to uneer611011 ChM. the plant and busmen' will be put into opera - two iu tete «ear future. It is 0ald the price paid wee .82,000 more then 0110 010011)18 of a mortgage :on the plant Of $10,000, the animal meeting of the God*rlob BOw1ll,g (r,011 Wan held with a 'air a4. 1andai106. A 0Urnmlttee was epp2(016d to ea61va0s for members and it wee de. aided to hold a 1o111amenl this year ice wrier. The 0(1160)0 and 0om10ittee up. pointed were as follows :—Soo, Prem. dent, E. N, Lowe, M. P. ; Preoident, W. A Rollins ; Vibe Prouideut, Jolla Galt ; S4or0rary,yW10, L•ono ; Treasurer, dositCi{t.[1 J(,d,l ; ayx^eti1,ye 000111111400, P11. llrrt 01, -B H0.1710.) Iced .1. H. 1it.0.01, ', Audied,a, A P,ri.er, and 1'.'1(1100,0; 0e0ra060.e 0001(06. tae ter 11)010.061 Ship, Ildeseta,111111ward6, Leanne and Putter. Mre, J6m0e Or enemy, Boron road, had a good hated' of N,yruoulh awoke on So,uroay, dill 1111-1, EL . ewis N .P. tor geeHuron, West H a, wax tun guest 61M. she Onuudlau Club at Toronto on Monday evening of (1101 week el' and delivered an Uddrase ou the pulpwood 14yux e It ion. The Goderioh Unbar:CIO wee organ• teed lar the .(4000*) 00(111•*. 010 following oliuere wore elected :•—Hon, Free., E N, Lewin, ef, P. I Petrone, W. Proudfoot, M G Cameron, ;J,L Iilloran and F. Davie ; Pro, 0, Munroe ; Sea. treas., k strung ; Exeo0tive (3m., f3, Edward'', 0, MoV,Oar, 13 Ruston and 1, F. Bat lend '!'here le talk 03 terming a league with teems born Blyth, , 9 au1'h 5 Y m aud Luoknow. 6 Pain anywboro eau be quickly stopped by one of Dr. Sboop'e Fmk Pain Tublete, Pall always 10e11,116 Oongeatio1-uunalura, blood premiere, Dr. Shoop'e Pink Pain Tablets 'simply coax oong80ted bl. od away from pain 011 0000, These Tablett- kuu2)n by druggists as Dr. Shoop's e H ad. ache tablets—simply equalize the blood cumulation and then pain elwave departs in 20 minutest. 20 Tablets 25 Bente. Write Dr, Shoop, Ra0iue, Wis, for free package. Bold by all dealer's. Pl.l wof) (I. Mies Elle H8mi'tou left for George town, where ebe iutende to reside. Frank'Tuwnaeud, o1 No wioh Jot., hes been .*gaged 616 head mutt at the E•ma Factory. Matthew Bidner, of Raven Lake, Ont., hoe taken the pueitiml tee bead grinder at the 06100611 mill. The Bi -bop of Hurn* will hold oon- Orm11tio61 service in St. Albou'e Church, F. tday April 24th at 8 p, ne. Hiklop Dietitian, who hoe just oom• pieced In. firm year in linea 0 doge and was sucoesefulfe peeling, spent several days at his home here, (8tt for Toronto Mid went from the city to. spend six months in the 10160100 fields of A beets. The Combination Always Wine Ruw 01 01 we h a 1 01 people who have had an anteing Mut or muscle for years. Nu more, opeedv remedy con be adopted teen Hi rub on N.rvdu,e and tiro n apply Notvia...Portia. Paster. At once the mueu(00 been; to :Biome their wont. d vigor teed flexibility.- Inflammatory symptoms and pain disappear, Nervilfne Penitent can be worn by the moat delicate shod or aged paroou. They are level cable as thousands have proved. 'Nee along with Norviline•tbey are gnarauteen to permanently drive oat any nemmul18r ,10(16, pant or 0tiffneee. Try these tame. thee and judge for yodreelf, 250 at all iealero, or N 0. Polson & Co., Singeton, Out. W i nucha=n. Wingham bores ramie wi11 be held em June 9, 10 and 11. Wm. Roderuo hoe been engaged in a large hardware more in Roohe•ter. Mrs. B. Roodhoaee underwent a Geri 'me operation at the hospital but a .set 180009810 Wae doing nicely, 00.1. and Mre. Treleaven and family eft ou Monday for Han ey, Sask., where they Intend making their home. Wm and Mrs. F,eid renewed the silver amp, donated by the Toronto W old fbr their !Meet arrival, born February 29 h F. Buohouuu nod Geo. Sp tion 11tie8d• u the annum °ones/mon of Young M0e',• Obrl.riao Aseodiatioue held in Stratford Mre. A. J. Nieholle, who undertvent an operation some weeks ego and was ap peremly on the way to recovery, has taken t.(1 again and her ooudition ie dude dug her fri611d8 some nneaetne(9. A large depatatlon from the Wingham General Hoepleal Board wee intro- duced to the town Council by W. H, Green. The epokeemen were A. H. Musgrove and Dr. P. M6oDonald, who solicited a grant in aid of the hospital. 9176 wee promised. The )06800801'0 roll ebowe ail inoreaeed e6ee0ement of 926 525,mu11e np priroipat y to the aumb,r of new bur dings which were erected atter the 1180eee0r made kit• 11,luude 11184 year. The ember of child ren between 5 and 16 to 486, uompared with 487 for last year, and the numb. r of permute r6uue Iretwneu 5 and 21 ie 686, ooro pared 00)8(1 609 168, year. The number of dogs 18 given et 102 and la -t year the number was 105, Th.• population of W Ingham 10 given 81 2810 and this ie su increase over last year. A meeting of the Liberal -Conservative 110eo01)ve of Berth Huron riding Ivan held here on Thursday of last w' ek and t was 11111111191110 hold a om,ven8(o0 for .he nomloatlon of a 0amdidate for the O, oarlo Legisletore on Thursday, the 23rd inst., to Wingborn. An effort ie beteg made to 160vethe Provinolal Beare eery, Hon. W. J Hanna, here for that date,but if he cannot oome, some other mood epeeker wdl be pre est A 0umbO- dllll!11�111i91 y'. 1 Rl a 'UM Before Deciding on that new Hat ask to see our ICING, BORSALINO, and THE FIT WELL, each with that little "something" which we all call style. Do it now. For fit, style and quality none } etter. Inn trouble to slow them. Ferguson & Ross Tun Luau* FwRNISLIERs. of oandtdateo will likely be In the Said namely, A. Li. Musgrove, 01 Wingham ; Dudley Bulmee, of Wingham ; Joe Bow. 818 .0, or Morris i W. McQI Ito at Wool ry Wuwul.oeh, M. Lonkh..rt, of 138,1 Wawo11uo11 ; and Ge•. Branton, of Wing - (11,10, An entertainment will be bald in St, 4ndrew'e Presbyterian Ohurob during the Met week of April, when Prof. W. 13 119001088, of 11Mm111011, will give 811 urge's recital aud there will oleo be n cantata entitled "Vi0,tivity" by Oebel Simper. whi011 will inolude HOMO excellent phurutee. ie Tour A Reek Weak? Melt the Mew U wage aud aches, teals awe over the .pine, when there le In 'gammon, heana0130 and 000088nt call to make water, 1ewere of Wok kidneys If nrg40ted, thin ooudili0, develops weak nese and soon youhl be unable to work. The one remedy you ORO rely on is Dr Hamilton's Pills, Every eywptom of disordered kidneve they Dore by rewov 111 E hn cause, i Yuaim improve ' g e lmmod'u day by day yea will experience benefit. 'ram Dr, Hamiitoo'e P1110, Beet for the 6idueye, liver and manumit, it, Sold by all deulere. HIV Lill. Divieioo Court on May 141.1s. Master Harvey Wtlbe, of Beaforbb, woe a mime i0 town lust week. Rev. A B. Brown, 13. A., B. D„ 0f Val um, occupied the purple of the Moth° dist churub tact Sunday, An Aesembly will be held in Industry Hall me Wednesday, April 220d, The Lundon Orchestra wilt supply the 2)06)0. The damaged eats of .3, MoMnrohie was moves out aud a new one put in the bank. A vault will be built for extra 0600111y, The choir of the MeihOdiet cherub Under their capable leader, Mies Emma Moser, ie preparing a beautiful service of 00ug to Easter Sunday, April 19th. At the Oilmen Spring Show Jae. Heffroo took 2nd prize for oarri„ ge horse; John Barr, :dud prize for aged Durham dal ; and Mo0onuel end Bell, 2011 fur .biro eta hon. M 06 Lizzie Brown 11)14 arrived home 'rum Vattern), Luoi.iane, atter a visit of our muniho. It Ie expected that Mre. Hurry Batty will Mate the South shortly *110 make a visit at her home here. The old frame hm,ee, formerly owned uy Uha0. Hamintou is tot* dowu and the umber win be need in the bnilaiug of the new double hoarse of Allen Beimton, which will be oomwenoed 88 soon as the weather is favorable. The annual meeting of the Methodist Sunday Bottom Viae held at the home of R Slater on Monday evening of 1)1et week. Tke Aunitor'e report was preoeut tat and awarded. The 1011000 ug officers were elected for the ensuing year :— Superintendent, U. H. Been ; A881848.1, E Bender ; Secretary, Relit. 8 star; i'rea9urer, A. H. Wilford •, Organist, Mi- E Maser ; Lauder, Mee B. Bent ay. A fu , staff of 4800oere were appointed. At the mune a vote of thanke wee moved 10 N. B. Gerry, who has beeusaperiutond out of the oobool for the pest few years, and all wished hem prosperity in his new homa l'taahere and oMuere decided to ettheir photo taken and present M,. Gerry with one as u remcmbranoe. Condemned By Physicians U000ruplono de0ler0 Of len prepare 0010 remedlee with 011001108 and aoide. Refuse ouch, and loa18t on Patuam'e Fellness Corn Extraotor. It's purely vegetable eafe sari mire. Grey Council Meeting. The Council met pertinent to order at Luuq's 13111:, Oranbruok, on Monday Apra 6th, at 10 a. m. '4,mbert/ au present, Reeve in the chair. Minutes ut last meeting road and adopted. Moved by John Grant, eats. dudrd oy John Brown, that the Preoeurer ue autburtzeu to pay Bonus to Guelph J011141011 Ra,lwey Oo (lamed: James Heath Wade application for payment of 8 horse that w)1e auoideutally killed on side roan 5, con. 1. Moved by Juo. Brown, 0e0Uude11 by Jao, Grant that no action be taken al presets', but that Mr, Heath be asked to appear at next meet- ing of Commit Bud state hie mamma for Maiming damageeIn writing, 08rriee. Moved by James MaFadzoan, seconded by John OOtt that Engineer's report o0 Wa fou cement eidewalk8 be referred nook to bon. The sidewalk, ae (matted by the Engineer do not meet with the approval uta number of the ratepayers interested, the eetimaned wet being no barrier an the way, Oerrted. Moved by John Brown, seconded by John Grant that Engineer's rlfport on the Ltviugetou D,am as read be canoe)' ied, e8ub party ese8eeed agreeing to pay We portion of expenses on said deem pro rata x000011 ug to their ae0eeeneeut. Carrlod, Moved by Johu Out, seconded by John Grant, that the Engineer's Report on the (hark MOuiolpa. Deane us read be adopted and that the Clerk prepares By Law toe same. Carried. Moved by Jain Brown, eeoouded by James rboF,dzeon that By Law Nu. 284 be read a let and 2nd time and be pro- vi8)nua1ly adopted. Chimed. Moved by John Grant, encoded by John 0uto, that 101111 Brown look atter the tile portion of the Hail drain, 1ua0 rime not appear to be working eatiefautorily an 800)1 as the water iowere to allow 8aid work to be done and that all parties on MooIoipai &aloe, re (piping minor repairs, amid a•regnieitron Writing t0 the thawed fur Same. (landed, Moved by John 0u11, seconded by John Brown end carried that the following 6o0o0nte be paid :— Mummpal World A0809em0nt Roll 8(601 Rupp tee - •1 1 88 R A. T"ompoon, Vater: List books 1 05 R. H. LivingeWo0, Remotes to Ramey family during (Marne- . 8 50 Guelph Juuu4i011 Lint 101111 Com petty leoue 5000 00 John MuDunum, powing road Jaa, Bemis, broken mow plowtng Grey end Morrie Adyt. 1 60 Mill road., ..... eao•aae•1a 1 26 Berry Smite, rop'g road Grey & aueun B,ly .. .,. 50' WmSV, Praser, 1411(110 from Listo- wet to .vY. 130' 26 Win. Fraser, 1nsp0c is(( farm 11' (.t"e elate nut d drat.' 150 Wm Schad, .61,10 01 Bat Grey eel. .. t.... 12 60 Mulled)) (wooded arid(tarried that the i Connell do now adjourn to meet on Monday, Mat 11th at 1n a m, 'Township Bali, Joos Noncom, Oleek. PA'ru0AeT1411e Pee 1007. N•,rt1, B ly —George McDonald, Geo, Armouring. Henry irmltrong, Joseph. Oummmgo, Samuel M0080rge, 00010, 1 and 2.—Bornios Payus, Gldeun Parks, Edward Bryeno, Job L. Sing, John Mof.3onald, George Brown, George Coat., Art(1ur Bradford. OOPS. 8 and 4.—Robert T. Straohan, James Turnbull, Joh,, B, Smith, Joe. Baynard, Jame, Pearson, Wm, Bremner, John Ooete, Wm. Pbie, Oono 5 and 6—John Oliver, 309116 W, bee, Juuten 1 0nba I , Peter 410 Iaioeh, '!'hos. V.,d,,en, Joshua Fiord, Bien Mille, Juo F. Beirnea. U ,116.7 all, 8.—Alsx 0, Grant, David Inglis, Aiwa Lament, Peter Lemont, D W Dauber, Andrew McKee, Chas. Eerr, Robe. Brewer, Joseph Eugler, David Oaraone, Oooe, 9 and 10.—Wm, Hemingway, Jae. Armot,o n, Jas.Steles, Wm Smal 1 don, Hm=h Cnooingleam, Isaac Lake, Inc S. Baker. BI1ud Line —John Flatter. O..ne. 11 end 12.—John Gluoaier, Hugh Lamont, jr., Ohae, Switzer, John Rano, Daniel Beecher, Levi Whitfield, Juo. M, Hutchinson. Cone. 18 and 14.—Edward Armstrong, Robe. Odobrane, Donald Blewart, Lorne Tey'or,Jaoob Zeigler, Jae. McNair, jr., Jbo. Howard, Joseph Whitfield, Side Read D,v —Robert Miller. (roue. 15 and 16 —J din Bolger, Hagb Stewart, O.iver Tarubnll, Frauoie Woods McTaggart, Andrew Maoban, R. W. Livingston. Cone. 17 and 18.—Ino, Harri0, Thos. Williamson, Alex Buobaoan, Wm. 0000an6011, 380, H. Williamson. S. Road.—Jno. Williumeon, Alfred Smith, Wm. Maohan, Tboe. Mo33'adzean, Jr. Gravel Road.—Sam0e1 Snell, Jae. eltroohen, Jas. Peer, Geo. MoFarltue, Wm Rands, Wm. Shold,oe, Grabam'e Survey —Hugh Elliott, Wte.tou Village.—R. H Fergmeou, Onr National Danger 'tune to cry a Balt Before complete Wreck Results. T here are thousand., both mete and women, who do not take lime to eat properly. They rush 111rongh life, and KS a result we have an age of indigestion, uervo61enes0, irritability, sleepless nights, and morose disposition. Our national danger is etomaoh weak0eee, due to the etrennons lite. Mi o-na tablets, etrengtheo the walla of the etomaoh and stimulate seoretioo of the digestive joioee They make the 11(umaoh comfortable and cure iodises. Moe. o Slut( hie palpitation, daohee, pe p106tion, yellow eklu, and oou(ed tor(eme are a few of the many distressing results of indigeoliou Quit MI o 1111 never fails to Dora, Jae. Fox 00110 .Ni o 00 in 50 cent boas-, and patentees to refund the money of it doers not give oomplete satisfaction, 11311.11. LOrl. The wife of Maya Phase, who cement. ly underwent a t operation, we are pleas- ed to nay is doing 610 well ea Can be ex. peeled. The work of pulling down the frame of St. Joseph's ohnrob, to make way for the new edifice, oommenoed o; Monday of leek week. This building ie one of elle oldeat in town, having been ereotod.. originally about the year 1854 and need for a somber of years by the members of Wi tie oungregatinn as a pleas of worship, before the erection of the meant oburob. Afterwards it was need for a short time as a wagon chop, eventlally (mining 11840 poeaeeeion of the memhere of Bt. Joseph's congregation, and by them refitted for (Monti purpoe00. It will be replaced by a handsome brick edifice, The first year the old church wee pat up it wee blown down, enc re erected next year by Time P ommer, brother of Stew .18 P.ttwmer The timbers for the church (cud the from le am good as the day it 2)a+ put 4p) were handled by D11110110 McDonald, stn. a resident Of town. We Sell inol on the positive guarantee that if it does not give satis- faction we will return the entire amount of money paid us for it. We mean this -- and ask all those who are sick and n ''1' 1x• to try it with t.bi�, 1tan4irg. James Fox, Druggist BRUSSELS Rheu ' atism !have found a tiled and tested mm for Rhea imatlem 1 Nota remedy that win etraigbten the !distorted limbs. of chronfo orlp los, nor turn bony Fgrowths back to flesh again. What is impossiblee,, iala I can now surely kin the pains and pangs of ,tills doplomblo 11100010, In Germany—with a Chemist In the City of 'Darmstadt—I found tbo lest ingredient with which Dr, Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made kt perfected, dependable pres�eripptlo'n. Without iman3disoeofH(,00ma1lam1blitaoty atlost,)tunil ltormly cares all curable easel of this heretofore much dree,dnd dfsonso. Those snnd•11ke granular 'wastes, @t.1 1ldamn.toSlood seem to di tearyes does Begat when added to. pure water'. vnstas,f0ndd eeolve Don't forget that our "White Loaf" Flour' RICHARDS' BLOCK OW that the Official Open- ing is past we are ready to attend to business regularly, Gunstock is from the Lat- est Styles, most Fashionably Trimmed and sure to please. It2)2)il 1 be a pleasure to 118 to supply the -Lad',.s of Brussels and locality with their Spring and Summer Millinery. If you have not favored us with a call yet do so. Choice stock of Fancy Goods. Our prices are within reach of all. Mrs. McKinlay ABEEENNIBMISIN Go to Skene's v Dross Goods, Shiftily, Cottons, Flannelettes, Laces and flosievy Teas and Coffees a Specialty Prices no Higher but goods the. Beet. Always stocked with a full line of High Grade Groceries A T SKENE'S EASTER TERM OPENS APRIL 21ST 'valt6'11►. Canada's Greatest Chain of High - Grade Nosiness Colleges, looated at PET011n011.,00U WINaIIAti CLINT,.N WeLBootTalr OniNORVILLE G,DoRI08 folfowe the customs of buafneae con. 06rn0 and takes no vacation Stenographers, Book -keener(' and Telegraphers are in great demand in July, August, contemner and Ootober. We train more young people than any other management in Ontario. There must be areason; write for it. MAIL COURSES WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE A. A. Hr1NE1, IT A,, Ph D., Vice Prlucipal G>.0. SpoTTON, Principal 410111111131111al 01621101010111116, SINGER SEWING MACHINES ARE THE BEST ! Machines may be seen at MoKAY & SHAW'S Hardware Store, Brussels. Easy payment system may be arranged for. I also handle the Nordheim- er Piano. S. CARTER, AGENT PAINT' NG S A L T PAPER- HANGING Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. The undersigned is prepared to attend to all work en- trusted to him in the above lines with neatness and des- patch. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. T. NICHOLLS 37-510 BRUSSELS. NATIONAL Roller Flour iV,Tal.ls OUR NEW "FLAKINC ROLL" is now in full operation. It will save you money to have your Oats "Flaked" before feeding horses. T'ry our New BREAKFAST FOOD - rneo1a Made from White Wheat, ;Healthful and Invigorating, g lel pass away under the notion of this malady as. 'freely lease from thAnd then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes is still taking the lead for Bread Flours.' freely system, end the 0sueo of. Rheum0110m is gone forever, Thorn le now 118 teal need -no actual moose to entree longer with. We help. Wo sell, andin confident* recmm0end �e Shoop's s e'All kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand. Dd a Jho® s {�^.�,�''r�-�i A� (ate ..� .+v,'a`�/�® �y�y,�,`�,!, Ethe otic t,.1 .. -�.7.Mb. & R. A. PRYNE "ALL DEALERS" BRUSSELS 11