HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-4-16, Page 4_ ,e - _ _... 1!. Bradarlakt President
the man who tore bed;, but what annul §'�7 erele°.416 tP� .07A"51t'a �Mr"2 '`3.7'd''r' :t" �1
;%+r P•4:ii 4r•t4s75ets vat, t
the wonl0u, Who tut perhaps tin teat
tune to her rite, hos to stay mime, fur
trim her ueareat oeigeburs. Hutt/ many I !
THURSDAY, APR. 10, 1908 women of you acquaintance would not
have an attack at hyelenoa at the bare i
1thongbt of spending even ane eight
were for a rumple
HEROINES', a one on rhe prairie,
i of ebu1ren? Yet oue old lady tore 'we
that in her youth in Meuttoba, elle and I r
Milman nae boo written about the
r: u man, who is not
the a
bravery of y g
afraid to utko hie family and feavieg
wit tee babied t„ pinuge fora the new
annuity, tar to the SVeec, as a homestead.
er. Re ghee wits the oouviation that
in a 6hot.. while life will have opened
up before ban, and put within hie grasp
all the dream. tb-.t he has abertrbed
tow boyhood. Bat bow little had
beau eaid shunt the woman who gone
-with him.
- To those who have never been in thio
new (mouthy the life no a homestead
meane so little. They oauuet realize
what privation it means.
A year ago a turu of fortune's wheel
made it nraeeeary for me to spend some
time oat on the prairie, and thea I
realized as never before just what the
word "heroism" means. There I mime
in touch with delicately matured women,
• women of ednoation and culture, etriviog
t0 make a home for bei buebande and
. children agetnet almost iuearmoantebte
At first 7 need to watch them prepare
for their long junruey. Women of all
ages I satiny -faced brldee, to whom all
life looked ro8y, and white haired moth
ere, whose hearts must have been wreuoh
001 at leaving the eoeoee of their happy
youth ; yet, wtto, for the sake of the
stalwart sone Gast entering lite, cheer-
fully abandoned their homegodO.
Some werefort0natd euoagh to have
horeee, some males, but many bad to
est out on their mug jeuruey of over a
bundrea miles behind am 0E team. All
that they poesesaed was piled in the
wagon behind them, and the men, often
inexperienced, walked by the oxen eu•
aouraging them to greater efforts. All
seemed happy and expectant, I cannot
remember ever seeing a clouded or
troubled tame. The women waved as
they peased as, and the children greeted
ue vociferonely. One would almost
imagine they were off for a pleasure
Even then I did not realize what it
meant, but later when opportunity was
given me to au among-tbeee people, I be-
gan to anderetand.
Though everything seemed eo rosy at
starting, it was beoaaee the arevellere
did not realize what the trip meant.
To people wb • nave ,seed in a omitted
eeott• n of the colutry, distatoee mean
sotnetuiug very segue, and (store the
first day our trev.d,ere begiu to thtuk it
time for the promised land to appear.
As tire; wetubtug the uhangieg ao,ore
of the prairie (tad chat met teem ; for
what le mo:e neaut,fu' than the prairie
in Spring. true it td not to some as to.
8pirlug as lofty mountain peaks, yet He
vastness end great arinuoa seem to prime
one foes to face with the ,salines of
lite. There a man Oat to talk to lits
own emu It rude away osaatitut and
ahangiog. A tether greeu creeps from
u3 away, awry ❑81,1 it mwglee with the
soft blue of the sky It ie broken here
and there with patches of the loverlest
Dolor, which draw tee chtdree like lode
atone and they fairly wary tbemeelvea
in fl ,wary beds of orooaeee.
But all &bid pada to a little while and
the mothers are kept buy trying to Intl
the now gneroiuue children to rest.
Thus hour atter hoar creeps by, the
light bsarted tale thee out by degrees,
and thou all that breaks the stiIlneee ie
the protesttng creek of the wheels ae
they bump over BOm8 hillock, or descend
into a buffalo trail.
Taeu mimes the eight, and the women
prepared to epend it ander the stars.
Of coarse, at first they felt timorous,
but their Imre were Wielded to eoorn
by the maeou'•ine members at the party
to whom a tv7miu'e tears were some-
thing weak mud foolish. At last all are
muddied down ander the wagoabox.
Sleep comae at 0noe to ail bac the woman,
who ie uegiuuing to have vagna borebod-
inge se co the entwine of a journey be-
ginning eo ivao6piuroadly. For a time
she dee awake and worriee, bat at
leugth sleep comes and forgetlnlueos.
In a few minutes, it seems, daybreak
Domes, and aft is activity. The men
water and feed the exert, and breakfast
is rooked over-( campfire. The day ieu't
es bright 00 the day before, and the
heavy oloade,gatheriva in the West seem ehauty is replaced by alarge, oomfortatde
to sugar damp weather, farm hones, and things look eo humeItke.
Abe" norm the rain ecmes, not a Bat who( 01 0138 w0ma0 who tufted 80
heavy rain, which would reconcile them unremittingly that ail this might be?
to being wet, but a dull drizzle, whioh tlhe to etrll there, ceder. bot the same
seems to ,oke the very spirit out of the •
oalmfaoed, sweet voiced mother, who hes
given etber beet that her obndree might
tie happy and prosperous.
n Tenshe
ue e
n nota rd ?
the then y
Is b
nae not dune any deed mamma the world
into words of praise, but in a gtuet On
aaeamutg way ebe h.e mashed down
alt ambitious and deelree 1u beree.f, mad
given net ole that her loved odea mien
find a Heber and a to ler tile. An home
to her, I say, and al. tb••ee who have
ever come within reeoh of her hepta.
lufiueuoe heartily arty. Amen.
her tittle daughter stayed alone in a
w eke
tittle tog ebnuty fur steady two m
when niers wasn't a uaighbor within
forty miles P,00ky, you say? X' -e.
..ud the stearins tbiug wee that ebe
,ttdu't neem to a0neaer It Bo,
Some of the people menet amen afford
o have .0001380 fur their p0110980, and
wee! et Ina shanties are beta of nude
colt trona the prairie. At trot when I
maw them I twee to chink of the glow
tread houses we loved se ohildreu.
One would wonder how each a place
(meld be made homelike, but never have
I seen dotucier or prettier homes then
w ono of those sod ehautie8.
Tue Arm one I saw was gaits an old
our, and my first thought wee bow coati
people ism in a prams oke that. 0,.
uterine it I oheuged my eyed, however
The sod wan bed been ouvered with
cheese olotb, over whiob had been mime
(minty paper. The 00rlalne were snowy,
hue ple000 boomed. gaily in the deep
wtuduw mats.
Oue of ins greatest difflou-,iea with
wbreb the womeu hod to meowed war
the look of suit water. Before the welt
18 doe ail water tae 10 be baa eu 1om
the nearest creek. Tete water te timothy
uirty end um At for use, end the house
wife looks meetly furwatd to the 1-1008
when their own well 18 ready. Al .oat
a well borer arrives std wan tittle tufa-
unity flues an abundant flow of mteet,.
Quid water. The taught of tee (emu)
c hanged 5o dleeppulutmeu1 wheu they
find that the imam 1 so mato that note
.ug eau bleak 01. Soap just iterate- n
ata a Dan of lye Beene 80 render %1 only.
not grille 80 bad. It re dleaut.8811g,
hat 88 08 .he beet to be had ; au the res,
mast be made of it.
Stara eraa00LF.e FOR 111PP18088.
Orae the hoose is emu Under way,
Moat Eaeterb people are auai0ue to have
the dear mu bonne $)(rare ar. 01.0 them
It to Liu witty Metter preparing a bed f
them, but with sufiuite 90180 It 18 got
reedy, and the seeds are sown. Iu
short time they apring ap' and seem to
pro00iee to make a home spot m this
uew laud. But as tee Summer Moe
get hotter and tee dhowore 0880081, they
droop and fade. 1'he weft water cult
wide them, acid bature they tame 0te-
htd time to bad obey die, and to Irma or
the iouged1100 garden, there stands un1y
a few ebuveed stalks. Bow keen inn
dieeppomtmeut no one knows but the
women whose heart yearn for the beady
89050 of her old home. The bare flower
beds near the i00.e damn just a remdNle
to her, .bat tier life is ,u integer 01 be
coming se barren 08 they
Snuday mu the new borne -toad 1. a
artery clay. Later wheu they a8,
action:wed it beuumee a visiting day,
hub during the firs: few weeks it is the
One time when they Oat, take up time to
think of the home bank Eaet. There le
uu obarch wltutn react], and eo tae wren
tonere 100119e Uneasily around talklug
and dreaming of Souday me it need to be
`there is great excitement when the
fir -t venom arrive. Nu tlu8 maid doabt
the warmth of the welcome_ auOardea
these onep,ete etr01gere. They seem t
make the 8oroemeader8 teal as lf_ they
were rest y part ,•t the world, instead of
out off from it. Theta is great joy whet,
1-t jo tumid that oat 1118,1 from the same
proe,00e, and whet. some mutual no
quaietanoes are foetid, tbeee welts of
1 01au8 opeu .heir boort( and demure
fidelity to their found friends.
Thus it is. The womeu eteye home
wbtethe mac works. She dote nu
D..mpiaiuwgly the work of a 0uzeo, Abe
keeps 8118 icy home imm0ua1a1-, cook-,
wanhee, nukes batter, mama the teething
for the wuole fertility, and scut Trude time
to keepthechildren from forgetting the
lesson- which they learned at eohoo, Ae
yet there 1e no 0amool within many
001 se, and there ie not much prospect of
one for some time; and 'the mother heart
feels Masa her obildreu She, I be given
What ebauoe she Kao give them.
The year. pace ua. The .and becomes
theirs new, trot they have grown to love
the wad prairie with a love that nee
hot prolrie dwell -re can audereteud. Iu
the lima railway cornea near they will
be gotta pmsperoae. The first tittle
oxen. The country grows timber and
at last et few eorubby willows appear.
at eyes a •
• we
to their y Y p
peered a hoose, and then the river.
The Seeketuhewen is not like other
rivers. is deems eo ragtime. Ile coarse
has changed, and the mighty stream
has eaten Its way Into the very heart
of the prairie, unit the bauke neem like
great terraces deteeedi014 to the water.
In plane they reae008te the walls of old
muse, In the Spring the river rashes
along a torpid flood, bearing with 18
mod and sand, with wbioh it halide up
great sandbars tar out in the channel,
At a place where the mutant is nut too
etr0llg a ferry to raft fur the homestead•
ate. Often when the tient is more that
aeaady swill the terry cannot ram and
people have bad to wait ae Mach as
three weeks before they -maid make a
°teeming. A weary wait it ie and happy
Le the troveder who gets over .psedlly.
Oioe over the river the travelree begins
to fee a sense of proprietorship. It is
• their home -land now, and they begin to
regard it as such. Atter a day or two
loader they arrive ata plain that looks
like all the other oo6u0ry they have seen,
and ere told that this rs home, I5 does
n'1- look eeuoaraging, for thele ien't
even a rase to bleak the monotony of
the prairie, but the women who have de•
oided to matte the must of things, fame
the prormeeto1390rity,
10100 1 00312,
Catarrh Now Curable
'I finer
Spring Millinery €
Our Sp I g M y P
was a Decided Success
The Latest and dost Fashionable
Goods are on (tale and at Moderate Prises
If you 'Dive not made Sour pureb,lst• for ibis
season 01111 and see our styles. Your pat-
ronage will be appreciated.
ri5y r„m ,'1J-`. a�iiY�tuYliritYriya�i7.�
��.`,,+�tarbrutiAteyd�veG��verbtuvA��vi,�.bv;968zsG�.viti.'C. -0. 4.
A Competition u1- Seed Grain for
Agrieuluu'al Societies.
Saperiuteudent of Agrleurt0rul So
ciente, J. Lookle Wileou, bee ieeued the
01-0w11,g circular, which ehou a have .he
arefnl 01,8011010 et ell egrio0,laral
8808(1 e0
In 1907 Butt Nelson Monteith, Mtn•
8 -ter el Agriculture, by a specie. ap-
propriation, mode provt-ion for the
arrylug 010 of a a mpetitlui ill 5601101nµ
fl ,d drupe, fur ten soatetiea El,eem
repetitious were nu enuaeeefat that eo
eurt06aa appropnauon. for thin year
hes been proviued for a emllar 900r9ore.
The prize W1811500 in 1081 peri 000090--
,t10u r,oei'.d an advauee 01 tram 25 to
50 per aeut, over market pr,oe lor their
ten gray). Wnee the fait in aoueidered
hat the annual 9810e or the field trope in
Outeriu 16 8140,000.090, nue kaolin 10
bonze the 8(118 u1 thin new departure.
The ou009et11 out wilt be umttea to 100
societies, and should more than that
member apply for the Kraal, the two
-00101186 flretapplying in any 000uty will
be eeleote0,
But never by Redlch's Swallowed,
Snuffs, (09001 0 or Douches.
Catarrh ie not a blood dieeaee and that
is why it cannot be oared by any mads
oine taken into the etomeah. Catarrh le
a germ trouble contracted from the aerm
lades air you b each inward. These
germs fasten theme61ve9 in the tissue
and air cella, of the breathing organs
multiply by million-, Diose sneezing
maiming, nightie of =mine, di0008r88
from the nom, d1ffiou 18y in breeching,
hoarseness, dry0eee and stoppage of the
noee, Hotting in the throat and other
symptoms that can only be reached by
the dry ,1r pridoipal of 11vom81.
It toe1i0a0ee the air yea breathe with
tits euraltve ar0pertlee of the Aneirel'bn
Booetypmot, Foreete where catarrh ye 0i
The reason von get relief in a minute
or two from Hyornei ie because it de
ttmmys every ma tterhal germ to the sir
yea breathe rind rte dry penetrating
For some tune atter their arrival at
their bomeetead it is neoeesary for the
home to bo in a tent.. Toe men begin
at 0008 to make a.' permanent home,
wh110 the women are kept busy prepar-
ing food to satisfy the appetite wbiah
the Western ate whets to au almost tin-
na1arnl degree. Ail the Iamber for the
house. has to be hauled from 100088,
w1110b,.09118iderirlg the dyetanoe, means
a weary jlnrliay. duettdotar9 to your-
selfa trip of tWo hundred miles behind so
ex team, That wane pretty hard for 1
TB& t111L1 OB000Te.
1. To eti0OlelO 10 et tater lmter8et in
h0 grow lug of reed Wein.
2. To entourage the practice of grow -
Ile 9e d fur 0e11 year's aru9 ill a 13-1d ny
1,0811, 0uing Only the beet obta,uab,e
e.d,aOwlug x110 the 0.0.1,8tt emu beet
prepared laud, eauww,..O to ripen, and
uleoblug amu storing it eeper0cely
8. '1'o obtain pure seed, i. e., free
'rum other varieties, the presence of
wbtub ran be beet decided when the or. p
n gruwlug
4. To encourage the use of seed from
limey yfeldi119 strain.
5. To promote the Bowleg of eeed from
,,lean, vigorous orope of oviform aimed,
with brieht stiff straw.
8 T.. euouurage eareful and iutel.igent
farming and the production of seed free
from weeds.
The hearty o0 operation of all 0000ern-
d le urged to further this moat fm.
911rtaut of agrloa.1-ara1 work, which le
trainload 0o acid materially to the weatib
.d pro0u0lweuees of the farms of
Euoloeed, herewith, please find rotes,
teenlatluue and rutty form fur nee of
Iu this oonneoti,o the fo•lowing from
Supt. MaOready, of the Botanical
Department, 0. A. 0„ Guelph, to also Of
u10re8t :
"Tue attention of (0rmere and eeed
merehaut8 le ceded 10 the fait that 011
kiude 01 810Ver, 90888 and eeed grain le
I rated aua reported 09010 as to 1m9url11ee
free of charge at the Outariu Agriculture'
Uodege. 00rreepun08ute ehunlu be oare-
lot to prepay postage and give their ad.
dresses. Where h,furmetion is wanted
only du the weed eeene, the clover, 080.,
need mot ha 86111. Where inlvrmet0ou re
w00t601 oil the relative prevt118u08 of weed
seed-, two mime ,.t the clover 8e, d
should he sent. Germlualion trete will
0e malts if specially req( sled. Address
8am9.88 and 00mmn11100110118 10 the
Bolauioat Deparlmeut, 0. A. 0.,
Piles are easily and qutokly checked
with Dr. Sbeemes Meg10 Ch,tmeuc.
To prove it I 00111 men a email trial box
ea a oouvalollg teat, Simply entrees
Dr bboop, Racine Wit. I surely would
net mend R tree 0,11698 1 wee certain that
Dr. bib top's .Cages Oudmeut even d stand
.ne tent. Remember it is made ex9reeely
and alone for ewolleu 981uft1, bisecting
or itoby piteo, either external or internal
Large jar 50u. Sold by all dea18r8.
From flth to 11th, look for dbange to
Warmer with April Atmore and thunder
storms. Lets snow •q -salla and from moAiene I Iver used."
Mae be expeo,ed to loduw about 11th, Tri Fen iters 0801."[, 60o per box 0r
12,0, 18th On 005 touuhlna 10t0, d six for Fe '50, o ad nreere,
0n'111en rt0e 10' high lrmpetatare,. [sit of
the baronet• r and Sou y
presage violent dieturbauoee 01 the
atmosphere. From 21et to 98rd vieiona
ammo 0f light111n8, rent ant heti wit
.weep many parte of the eu0ntry.
Jdpnor and Saturn are e1i11 exero,se.g
their it finance, and will add to thedanger
of severe swine. Sodden. change to
oo'd and snow from 28rd to 25th reed
enr91108 no One °rooteri y - ueh re•a le
would be paten. ; het the Mare period
Wel by this t me, 896015 its d mmatlog
n1nenoe, inn eeabileh the euOtat tone
01 Spring and weal her for ch• rema".ner
of Apo! and moth of May. A.e the
Jointer and Satbr13 itfluel,oee ore now
dearea8irlg, we believe that the Mare
period wil not Nettie upon es eyoh pea -
sienna will reach the innermoer re080aee gaged sold and ntimesunabie ounditiane
of the air paea„ gee, killing miliions of 00 prevai 1-d itt Spnno 1907, in wh.eh
Kerma 8 minete. Their tieatrn0tian vent the comber w,l. be warmer, reins
mo,ine freedom f r eppr. Reed reepirltcry - end etarnl8 writ be more 19,pi001 erns be
organa J -a For Oelle Hy mei ander a 1 lollowed by milder rhmog,0 to Imo or.
gear/intr.of satiufabalun m m •00y hank AAbout bout d9 1, 111, 98.1,, ram, k forii depicted
d bd,
Price, $1.00. 1 p
If you want a really good article
in the Buggy or Wagon line go
to the old reliable Cobalt Oen iuge
Builder MI Market Square, Brus-
eels, where yuu will fled 11 first•
01088 1Ssortuteut.
Beet of band mode Farm Wag-
oue with different widths of thee
and diffele01 heighte of wheels.
Rare terga hand made Wheel-
Re -rimming Light and heavy
Nheels, Repairing, Re -painting
aid Re-trinlming attended to on
eller teat notioe.
of the ice )1
Board, was voted to the ohalr, while Joe.
Eder Kited ae Secretary, The pointe
dismissed were the lacerum) 8.0 the oie
teat at the line, the probable oral and
the beet way of Orgaeic11114 the campacy.
0.Beltart, 4. A Whoa, R. Buarlett,
I, V, rear and °there took part iu the
rationale!), So far as eau be erten et
present, the main line will extend from
1eator1h to Walton, bromohee rr1110itie
Beet and West on Ihele0diug 01,1008810118
The total cost of aonetrltntinn end ie.
etailation will be about 91800. The
stock will couelat of shares al 4110. $o
person to he showed to hold more then
ten eharae. A body of provisional direct
ore were appointed to o.rry on the ba -i
nese or the minp811y until the Oil srter is
geared. The e,mpaoy will be twe•wu
e0 The McI'fil op 1'eleph0ue Company,
Limited. The direot0re are 4-1i. Saar
.908, Preeiden' ; J. Kerr, Suoretary ;
Direatote, G. learn, .0. Outhil1, R,
Smith,'I, V. Fear, 0 Little.
That languid, lire e e feetiue that one• 8
ISpriilg and early Sommer, ane be gniuk
changed t n (ernp1 of ba veto.) ata
corky by the judoatne° nae of Dr. Shoop',
The Roalorative is a een0ine tonin to
tired, run down nerves, a,.11 but a lei
dome le needed to 900181) the neer that
Dr Shlop'e Rsalorauve ie sal nail, reach.
,Ile that tired quit 'l'h. indoor life ill
winter orally !,wave leads 00 rlaea.11
nir0al,tlion m 0011018 '1130 mummery
nit of rx'-'oi e o,.d maid. or air 1108 op
the Iver, stag, area 0h kulneyd, and 'Me limes weak8118 the heart's imams.eo'
Dr, S'•oop'• Res,urelive a few weeks mud
all will be obaneed. A few days test will
tellyon the, von are 0-088 the right
remedy. You win easily and sarety note
the change from day to day. Sold
which will probably reach a oriels an end
01001 10 28th. From 28th to May 2nd
r8 auothet erirm10 period Mit the tendeuoy
to eaelhgaekee winchhoe been Rehm'
rhyme the Jupiter periods will gradually
Medicine in the spring
Needed 1ty Evelyone
Free rom
Since May, 1906, Ayer's Sar-
saparilla has been entirely free
from alcohol.
in If
poor health, weak, pale, nerv-
ous, ask your doctor about tak-
ing this non-alcoholic tonic and
alterative. If he has a better
medicine, take his. Get the best
always. This is our advice.
Wap ebneaourf0rmulae
Wa beal.h 1001,01
ers from aur medloihab
We ee Sou to
0an(trdae>t Tour
A sluggish liver means a coated tongue
a bad breath, and constipated bowels.
The question is, "What is the best thing
to do under such circumstances?" Ask
Your doctor if this is nota good answer:
"Take laxative doses of Ayer's Pills."
—Maas bee the 0, C. Ayer Co., Iowan, 10800, --
Engineer Oeor1e Lnve, of liet0r0, 7,05
iii ed under hl8 ene,ee, whirl) ran into a
a1g Dodder on the creek near rMahIi1-
'lhomao limb was Sentenced to twe've
vw•re in the pen Wilier), at the Enrich°
Assize. for trilling Abenlem Fox at cul
Indian danoe on the 'Weldor, reserve.
Whaler Weakens the System, Saps
the Blood, Leaves (Is Tired
and '1 hint
Great epidemic's break ort in Spring
.not) at fevers, pemile8088, mud infectious
.km di8eaeee.
Winter ebute oe in from air and only
the must robust get even a little eau
.nee. As a consequence of this nn
natural mode of life, the bm,od beonmee
poInoed, thin, boom teas. Thin we grow
1,110 se, num, racily rued, b,ve heodoabee
end floe mar wink ('burden
Rommel t0 ,lois menu. 1 we become
011 ea89 prey to dtee808 and &n bo.pdals
and otiaretiyatdr,
To rap'Oty form rich blood, to 82981
the 000mmtila'nd hum0re that Wooler hire
eluted Up eu the system, to oat, book the
energy, eednranoo and vim that will.
make Idejoyous, jos take Ferrazone, a
Spring 0-raneer, uetquoll.d n1. madame
Fortucone l [Intl..., by 1rbudumu nerve
latae eta Vila Icing the brood. Th. ei.-
- apnea: mei tees the benefiueut so
)ion ill u w rich blood ; slow oreau8 are
summated to normal abtivity, expel
poisons and wastes from the buoy, end
the result is the beael,fnlly, h6rm001008
w . ,k
ig u oftbes3 sem
Week F d ere
d , a,
health be ome ria alt
s1- ,
restored and
a oui.e.qurnee me growth fr. a mmlatu,r
and son.lght.
INen!loll womeu 1,,tiry your nerved
with 1'errozooe, renew the b•uoti through
118 m10rvela100 t100d terming p Aver, 0Okain
vtguroi0Sbnd enubring 011019at by ue
1400(011 upon appetite, aria dlgeenan
'Use Ferrozun8 1f yen want to be 90r0ng.
-'1 ti,oreased my weitb4 seven, potions
Ii one month end regained health that
had beet) Met for two years.—did %hie by
indite Ferrozooef' writee 'Mrs C B
ohi.ybee, of 0 ,111eluwu "Fr He 0,0110
6001191d Ole rostral We -9 and good 11,-
seutoor1, e.tmbled 008 to relsh my Weals
and work herd eh dry. I weenier it
the ffueet o,.iu, the most uuuriehing
113er1 whist wit.
...keit tor4. et.
Rev, Mr. Larkin has completely re.
coven d tram tits recent 11 nes.
tire. (Ret,) I. B Wauwie, of London,
was vialti14 in town Paid week.
Robert Molntosh has sold hie black
amnbtng boeinese on Goderloh street to
J, Davie, of t8tra1tord.
At the anon Stook Show, held at
0 Minn, D. Donovan won fleet prize for
the beat oarrtaee hurtle le hat here,
The Onrta-la furniture lou0ory 180(113011
09.rat101)6 1000 week alias being dosed
down for some weeks. The full staff of
kande hag not been taken on yet, bat
willbe taken on gradually.
limen Tka(trno0s,-0 meeting tor the
organisation (l a1 oral teleptoneaoulpeny.
puny was be -d in Town Bail ..n Monday
efts. own 101 hot week, Ooneidering the
0002110arl of the roads a goodly numbe,
u1 ea ung men Irmo the townabip al.
t1aFL11nlp were prevent, and the 'boat
treed men of the town ware repreeented.
'13j,,ya iiutiniiiml�I1ft ltinl�fflflW)a- r j
irl iI111ih1HiiliHiiflll�ll
u a; f�.`_`JDWlIll1: ... 1
) 7en's cess know
rust be fashionably correct. Ours are,
These shoes are comfortable becaua
:hey fit inside. The outline is handsome and
:he/shoes are made to keep their shape and
appearance till worn out,
Prices are right for right goods
We offl'r you Team Harness for $ 26 00
Genuine Rubber Trimmed Single Harness for 17 00
Trunks and Satchels low in price.
ta'Comforteble dwelling for sale or to rent. 9 acres of land ; fruits of different
kinds ; hard and soft water ; every convenience ; muse to school ; nice locality.
I. C. Richards
ok nnug of
? J
We have it.
Are kjyou for price r
We can meet any competition
Are you Quality
Looking for Quality U
Our Hats will Please you.
A wide variety of Styles from which
to make your selection.
Don't fail to call
and see us.
A Regular Family Doctor
If father has a bad cough—mother a pain in the ,_
chest—if the children are Inclined to be "croupy" s_
--ono bottle will do for all.
Bole's Preparation of
Friar's Cough Balsam
I. a prescription that has been curing congb8, colds,
sore throat, hoarseness, croup and bronchitis, for 800 yeah..
The best 250 cough cure in the world, Insist that your dealer gives
yea 13oLn's PREPARATION. a9
1]r, R, J1 Whitfield
New York
Eye Specialist
will he at the
American Hotel
Em1-f SS1:LS
Every Thursday
prepared to properly examine your
eyes mud adjust glassed.
5 'Y
z>7 Susery Stock
Agents wanted at once to sell for
Fall, 1908, nod Spring, 1909,
delivery ; whole 00 part time ;
liberal terms ; outfit free.
The Thos. VI, Bo nein & Cat, iltd,
Lot 90, 000. 16, Gray, oouts:ulna 100
scree Apply 00 Wal. woo UB, evatxbrodk
P 0. 21.01
1-J tt,dersigu2d has a qu:mwty of ankle,
doom seed ossa for 8010 41.0.11 y. 011 111131.
.:1100 10, they, to W31.'400 U11Ne ,, p. 0•
88.01 Brussels
.J oul'un.;a 811 2 01 t...) tieing tt,ea
yours old. Oast mr7 .0 1110118 In m good
Sall1Pili,Lo04,0o8s 50 t,7,ttre7.oi. of Ito
ueoe1e 8'. 0I
laud lar sale, Oumtor1ab10 •.Wulf•
ilia; harm end soft water under cover ; a9•
pie, plum nod 0herry trees, ego. Po8se881110
0011 be given et mice. Por price, tonne, it8.
call at THE POST.
for Bale—Albert street, m0mtortable
house in good minor Small stable, Semi
well, cistern, eta. Possession any time. For
Iurther particulars 0900 on in premises
10 6. ORA 0VFOR0, Brussels. 18.1f
7 Oolle, a idly and gelding, rising 1 year
old, brad from . nlottaud'e Hope," for sale.
'Pbeirioiet weight 1s over 1,160 Emu terms
to a resnonelbl- pure baser, Will sell thorn
either singly orae a team. JAaf108 4H1710
BIE, 6, Lot 25, Oou.4, Morrie 07.11
i Sbaree in a momism sluing business
Whittle will pay splendid dividends and
doable your money within ou0 year. Ab•
eolutely sale, hound and legitimate, Inves-
tigation solicited. For tun particulars ad-
dress DRAiv101t H 81 oars of cuts paper.
Dan8I0trkn will keep for eervioe on
bite 17 and 18, 000. 6, Getty. cue &uletelu•
Friosiat buil, Bir PS010rt1i Bathe," (11.20),
bought from P, D Rae, Woodetook, Pedi-
gree may be teen on ap1aeatiou Saralee,
22.00 with privilege of tecorufog 11 09028.
may, payable Ne ornery 101, 1009.
40.201 JOB 1, WELBR, Proprietor.
For Sale
In order to close Um estate of the late
Thus. 0,1811o00101 a the r;xeeutore offer for
sale the rasa estate 0.411418110g uta aunelOrt• .
able 0-rouwed moue•, and maw Himont sit -
thou built in 18017, # aura of laud, Lard end
soft water, together with entree 8ummod.
i8ue stab nit, drilled welt end 5 acres of good
las.d dlagunally aerobe tu0 street from uwei-
ltughuuee. Yoe par0musare aim pried apply
to P. 0001"1', or 6. S8EWAR'1', gurea et.
West, Brusseid, 304t
Synopsis o f Canadian Northwest
ANY oven uumb6rod Realms of Dominion
Lauds in tlaoituba, bask.toheWen and
Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, sot reserved,
may be homee0eaded Dy ably pets 1n who Le
the sole bead of a family, or any male over
18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter
eeotlou of 100 Imes more or lees
Autry may be made personally at the
local land 00140 fur the di01r1ot in inion
the laud ie situate.
The homesteader Is required to 98210)00
ouditoneuo nee therewith under ed
hon L a
One ei the s1- tyle kite t
(1) At least six tun laud
mutate eaidemye neon
mud ttnittvat,du u1- inn laud in osuu year tor
throe years,
(2) LI the father Lor mother, 11 .the father
in deoeueee) of the homesteader realties
upon a (arm iu the vlsi.,lty ill the laud'
entered ri1 the requir8wnnt0 as to resi-
due,* may u,1 an i,04d by 08oh p01000 10-
eu11090 with tun latter ur woteer.
(9) 11 the eettie1 tuts 1118 perw0u0ht reel.
donee ape., townies 102d aided 0y 11100
am he V,ulu11y d1 lila ulih,eatead, the re.
4,01' matte ae to 1t,0,0e000 may u0 antis -
u,, .•aid. w, mom bile ea a 41110.•
.lame .hs' u tie, u, written :blond Int
..10... t, 9,1.5 1t. minis Aim sir m Uumluiou
,.804e a1 (144awa 0f 1, teeth. 80 sp,. ly 101'
W.W,0 INT.
Uloputy of ,he alrhustur U111.40,180.
v B, ,,.,oIb .•1024010,,114 t501 dl thinad-
eel.0te0mottt .4511 LLat de peed ter.
Turbine Steamers
Prom—SC.Jobn Halifax
00 0,10 an 8.tt, Apr. 4
VII giuian Prl, Apr.10 Sat, Apr, 11
Tuhieian Kitt, Apr. le
Vlotoriall - Fri, A131,24 Sat, Apr.25
010.—Portland Boston
1'rotorian Thur, Ape 0
luulati Thur, Apr, 10
141 amhten - Thm', Apr. 29 '
Nluuldtan Thar, Apra 80
Por tadlugs, lists and hon lolormajlcn
apply to
W. It, MEEK,
Agent Allan,Iduo, 111080016, .