HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-4-16, Page 1•
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12 •
Vol. -6. No, 41
New Ackiert)sernents
Loco•-MeKttv & :Thew.
Parcel found- I HE POST
Star Grocery- W 1' Spence.
Bull ir serve ---P J Biaterp
Optical advica W retton.
euse-cleauing time- F R. Smith.
New Spring goods- G N McLaren.
Spring elething-E C. Milford & Son.
ClIftS, Esket has purchased a house
atiallot it, Wroxister and lie and his
family will make their home there.
The Wroxeter people will aud theta
first-class citizens.
Rev. C. R. Gonne has completed
seven years as rector of St, Pout's, and
tiii present conditirm Of the chetah
is most 'encouraging to rector and
• people., The Sunday school hag dur-
ing the seven Years increased by one
hundredper cent., and both the
' rectory and church are in good repair
and almost. entirely free from debt,
Over -4,000 bas been raiaed above the
current expenses of the church during
the rctin's term. 'roe Bishug ot
Huron will conduct the confirmation
services herr un Sunatw, May 3
Rev. Mr. Henclersou gave an excel:'''
lent discourse Sunday evening. On
"Palm Suntley." The League service
afterward WAS 01) "The lite of John- 13.
Cdaugh" and was taken by the young
men. 11 Wnli a eery interesting
UNDERTAKING.-Prqmpt and care
ful ateration given to all orders for
Undertaking. Oar telephone No. is
2811 and a call will have our ittf-
Mediate' reSpoose. Our prices are
reasonable and satisfaction always as
sered. Seecial attention paid to
cavity And arterial embalming fie,
which we hold 1l1p111111111.'
1300 SOCIAL -Hope 211 Will keep tht
dateiet the Beg Social elute by the
Women,: Missionary Society on Easter
NI °inlay eve'? n g.at 8 o'clook elear , A
good program will be renclere 1. Ad
dresses on, the, werk, sulos by Mlss
Spence ; Miss Ilingston, of Brussels
readings by Miss Cole and music by
the choir. The fee is only to els. and
is really to covet expenses. As this is
You will look well dressed this
Spring with one of our new
$12 13.60, 15 18, 17, 18, 19, 20 and $22
the annual thank.offering service held
every Easter there will be no collec-
tion this time but members of the
Society will give their offering as
/rnstud Aey one caring to help van do
by giving 11 10 the President or
Secretary. Ltinciteon tyill he served
Miss Lizzie Attridge, who grad acted
a few weeks ago in Wingham Business
College, has been placed in a good
position with the Empire Securities
Cu., of Teronte. She is a clever voting
lad v and will tio doubt do tertielf and
Wingham College credit, Her many
old friends here wish her success.
brought to Wroxeter aud interred in Macelichael, Stella 'Purvey. Sr. Pt.
this cemetery On Saturday afternoon 11—Charlie Johnston. Sadie Mac -
beside her husband, Dr, S. B. Simile, Michael, Jr Pt. 11. -Herman
wlio pre deceased her some two years erv. Pt I -.-Lorne 'Purvey, George,
ago. A short sevvice was conducted Brewer, Charlie Soueb.
111 the Episcopal cetera by Rev. P. H. R. B Moses, Teacher
Fur, 13. A Widespread sympathy is The Westport, (Ont j Mirror, of
exprcsseci for the surviving son, Dr April 9111, in speaking of their publi0
W. M, B. Smale and a daughter, Mrs. school of which Everett 0. Walker,
C. F. McLean, of Birmingham, whose parental home is on the ath line,
Alabama, • is the hustling principal 'says :-The
public school board lately purchased a
WALTON bt of pew apparatus for use in calends
On the evening of Good Friday try and physics departuieut costing
Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford will conduct about $8.s. A valuable new reference
service in St. George's church here, library for use in Continuation work
Rev. H. E. Currie, of. Loadeshord'Allas also been installed whieli cost
and his mother: whose Mime is at $15o, The school board deserve great
Hanover, were visitore tit the Metho. credit for Its eudeavor to place tbe
dist Parsonage here on Monday. • Westport school in the front rank.
On Monday evening, April zolh, in e have an excellent teaching staff,
the Walton Methodist Church at 8 and with the additions above noted,
o'clock, Rev. E, G Powell, of .Brus- the work of Continuation classes can
sels, will give an illustrated lecture on be done here as thoroughly as in
['he Life of Christ, also teo views any of the county high schools
consisting of illustrated songs. read. throughout the province,•
iegs disaulying views, comic. souge,
el e. ' SE AFORTH
Rev Thos. Stafford, who has been ndreer Calder underwent a very
here on a visit to his brother, John critieal operation. For many years be
Stafford, returned to his home in has been suffering from a disease in
Cleveland, New York, accompanied by the bone of his leg. Doctors arnputat-
his nieces, Misses Mary and Alberta ed the diseased limb just above the
Stafford. We wish them a pleasant knee. 'rhe operation was quite SIM.
SIEV 111 Uncle SAM'S dOnlaillS. cessful and the patient is doing nicely
Wan IN tits Yonem-We are very so far,
sorry to he called upon to report the The Charity Concert given in Card
demise of Wm, Girdwood, the eldest no's Hall Friday night WEIS very large -
son of James H. and Maggie Col- ly attended, A very enjoyable pro-
gram, all of which was provided by
local talent, WAS given for the enter-
tainment of the audience and was well
received. The net proceeds will
amount to about ninety dollars.
W. H. Willis left for Wingham
Tuesday morning, where he is open-
ing a hoot and shoe business. Mrs.
Willis and family will follow in a few
days. Monday night the choir of the
Methodist cnurch, of which both were
members, Mr. Willis being leader,
presented Mr. and Mrs. Willis with an
address and -a purse of gold as a token
of respect and gratitude for their ser-
vicTehsetodetaliteh cth000ikr,
place in McKillop
on Friday of George Lockhart. De-
ceased had reached the' advanced age
of seventy-six years and ten months.
His death removes one of the earliest
ittlers in the township, and one of
its most respected citizens. The fun
eral took place from his late residence,
lot 23, concession 5, McKillop, on
Monday, April r3th, at 2.30 p. m.. to
the plage of interment 111 iilaitlandbank
Mrs. Stephenson, formerly of Alma,
died Sunday night at the home of
Robert Brock, of the Mill road,
Tuckersmith. For the past few
months Mrs. Stephenson has been
living in Chicago, but carve here on a
sit a few weeks ago, Death came
vett suddenly, about 5 o'clock as the
result of a stroke of paralysis. The
funeral took place from the residence
of Mr. Jamieson, son-in-law of de
ceased, Huron road, Hullett township,
on Wednesday afternoon to the place
of interment in Maitlandbank cemetery.
'Our young and energetic stations
ent, W. J. 12lasters, has gone tor a
trip to the Pacific Coast. We wish
him a prosperons journey and sate
return home to Bluevale.
Rev, and Mrs. Baker were. called to
Toronto by telegram last week to the
•etiside of their son who is lying in the
General Hospital, suffering with
pneumonia and pericarditis, very
dangerously ill. A change for the
better having taken place' Mr. Baker
returned. ornFridaa for his pulpit work
on Sunday, Mrs. Baker remaining a
while longer in Toronto till their son
is more improved.
TURNBERRY Cor14ct,-Counci1 Met
on Monday April 60, Members all
Present, Moffatt -Kelly- That the
Clerk notify Medical Health officer, to
fumigate.the liockeridge home at the
earliest time poesible. Carried. Ten-.
-ders were received tor township print-
ing from the Wingliani Times and
Advance, McMichael - Moffatt -That
we except the tender of the Wingham
Advauce, it being the lowest. Carried.
The Clerk was instructed to write to
Township Engineer for report on
King drain. Chas, Mitchell was ap-
Exeter. ratepayers carried two by-
laws last Friday by good mitioritiee:
Gibb by law was to grant a free
site to the Gibb Evaporator Co., and
t le Connor bylaw to grant a free site
t irl fix the taxation for ten years to the
'onnor Marbitie Company. The vote
resulted ; For tile Gibb by-law, 332 ;
11141111121, 52 For the„Cennot by laws
'38 ; agaiust, 46.•
The members of the Huron Lodge
No 62 I. 0, 0 F. celebrated the
eighty-ninth anuiversary of the order
by holding an "At Home" in their
handsome lodge rooms. The first part
of the evening, up to about 11 o'clock,
was taken with progressive euchre.
Them were two dozen tables and the
prizes were won tie follows. :-Ladies'
prize -Mrs. H. '1'. Edwards, a beautiful
hand painted platter Gentlemen's
prize -Fred. Platt, an Oddfellow's
watch charm. Consolation pri2e-
Mrs. Will McLean. After refresh-
ments had been served, Alex. Johnston
was presented with a veteran's jewel,
the presentation being made by
Sheriff Reynolds in a neat .speech.
Bro. lohustoo replied suitably, and
this was followed by a dance, which
lasted until about 3 o'clock, the music
being supplied by the Messrs. Smith
and Wilson. The annual church
parade of the lodge will take place on
the 26th of the monM. .
W. C. Currie visited in Palmerston
last week.
C. Simpson was in Toronto on
business last week.
Reeve Harris spent several days in
Toronto last week. •
'Mrs. Kokes attended the funeral of a
frieud iu Fergus last week.
Mrs. Geo. Harris has moved to A.
McLean's residence on Ano street.
Al song service will be held in the
Methodistechurch on Sunday evening,
A. W. E, Hemphill. of Hensall, wa
a recent visitor with his parents here.
Miss Lulu Hemphill has returned,
from a visit of several weeks in Hen.
Miss Mill', Harris is very poorly at
present. We hope 10 hear of a speeciv
Geo. Spotton and A. H Musgrove,
of 1 bighorn, spent an evening in the,
village test week.
Herman Morrison, relieving agent
en the C. P R , is spending a few
holidays with his parents here
ashe 11)11112 Friends of James Gibb are
pleased to see him in the village aectin
after an absence of three months • -
Chits Eakei and family, of -lames
town have in, vtd to the residence
they lately purchased i rem A' 1 John
:cue •
C. F McLean, of Birmingham, 151
this guest of hie brother in.law; 1)1. W
121 IS, Smale, having arriv'eci here on
Monday. : "
Mrs Wr I lohnson and family hay
gone to Gorrte where they will Spend
two 1110IIIIIS before going to Toronto
where thee will reside
The Star printing plant was not dis-,
taised of last week ancl at present
being managed by theproprietor
and n former editor, Mr. Palmer.
The news of t he death of Mra. S, B
'-enale in Chicago on Apra 16111 camp
as a sled' shock le lice main' rrlo,18.
Senile had gime to
ellteagit to spend the Winter with her
son, Dr W M. 13 Simile ahe Was
taken .111 ou 'I hersdat , April zed,
when an (Termite) W114 peeformed,-
which was follewerl by an aitaek
prieenionin and re idled in tier death
the foliewine 511)11 14111 , 51 the sge or
65 years and 9 11100th5. Tne bode WAS
'slough, lot 21, con. 17, Grey, which
sad event transpired last Tuesday.
He had been in failing health tor some
months Mit the end name rather more
quickly than anticipated, hemorrhages
hastening the cutting off of lite.
Tuberculosis was the cause of death.
Deceased had only nicely turned his
24th birthday. The funeral took
place Thursday afternoon, Rey. A.
MacNab, M. A., conducting the ser-
vice. Burial was made at Brussels
cetnetery. Mr.. Colclough, sr., is in
the West wbither he went to look
after his land. The bereaved have
the sympathy of tbe uommunity.
The school children are Iejoicitig in
e Easter holiday arrival. •
Several farmers are busy plowing
this week. Some were at it last weekS,
Miss Kate Grasby was the guest of
liss Linda Clegg for a tew days last'
More people have made.maple syrup
tbis year in Morris township than for
many a day.
Telford Sellers, 2nd line, has leased
the so acre farm known as the Hodder
property from Mrs. Joel Sellers and
will work it this year.
A straw shed 40260 feet with stabling
atoll be built on Chas. Forrest's farm,
mid line, this season. Mr. Heaney, of
Bluevale, has the contract.
Jno, and Mrs. Mooney, sth line,
were at Wingham last Monday attend-
ing the funeral of the late Mrs. Henry
all. Mr. Mooney was a pallbearer.
Saturday afternoon of next week at
2 o'clock the Ni of Lot 27 in the 8th
'un., Morris will be offered for sale by
public auction at the Central Hotel,
Morris will send a' full representa-
tion to the Conservative Nominating
t:onvention to be held -at Wingham
Thursday of eext week , They hope
to see James Bowman re nominated
as lie has undoubted claims on the
arty that should not be pnt side.
Miss Mart Fear, 8th line, has .been
appointed on the staff of Milverton
public school teachers She is a clever
young lady who made an A 1 record in
her studies and we wish her the -beet of
suceeSs in imparting instruction to the
1,1 ilvertoe youth.
While engaged pruning apple' trees
in his orcbard a few Weeks ago PlIrleS
SPeir,'a well 'mown resident of the
6th line, had the misfortune t0. fall
from a tree.. He was considerably
shaken up burls getting' along nicely
now we are glad to state,
A meeting of Morris Council was
held IRS( ,SWIlrdlIV With the Reeve and
Count:11101.s present 'Pim building of
uew steel bridges on the 5th ' line was
discussed and it was decided to put up
a two span bridge ot 65 feet each with
cement abutments. Tbe two tenders
for ihe steel work were returned to the
respective companies for arnendmeet poiuted to take charge of and operate
anti will be dealt with at the next tbe road machine for the current year
meeting a -heti tenders will also be at $2.00 per day. By-law No. 5 was
opened fur the cement. The date of passed for the appointment of Win, IL
meeting win be Friday May 20th, Mundell, Thos. Aitkin, Thos. Goy,
-Last Mouthisi avenin an old and Joseph Lovell, Peter Scott, E, Orvis
highly esteetnecl resident of 'the 3rd and Robt. Leathorne, feticeviawers
,trb, in the .person of Miles Miller, for the eurrent Year. By law No, 6
pieakci away from the earthly home. appointed John Little, Gustavus Bar -
He for some time and was ton, Geo, 8, Scett, Hugh Tucker,
'Mins Wit jeer, Deceased wee beim Allan Fralick, las. Kitten jr., Peter S.
id England ; wee. an „industrious, McEwen, Peter Scott, E. Orel's, Tag.
thrifty Man Who was reepeCted- by all WilliainSon, John Mundell, and Win.
who -knew him, He leaves a wife Maxwell, peandkeepers for the torrent
and adult family4fo mourn his demise. year.. The following are pathmasters.
'The futieral took place on . Wednesday -John J, Abram, , lohn Weiler, Wm,
afternoon to the Brandon cemetery, 1-1, Mundell, Andrew Campbell, An.
Mr, Miller had resided in IVIcieris for drew Sallagh, David Holmes, jas,
oyer so yeers. • ' S,Mpleton, Alfred McCreight, John
siloScnon. Reimer. -The following leViGodkin, John Marshall, Reuben Stokes
the schuo1report for S. S. No. 8, .Mor. Robt. J. -Muir, Wm. Mitchell, Jas,
tis, based en the weekly test examine. Porter, Geo. Casemore, John Holmes,
tides, the ' Mundt being arranged...in Sam, Woods„Chris Jobb, Peter Hest -
order of meriti-Class V -Edna John. ings, Ino Smitb, F., Carruthers,
atom Class lar,- Tessa Jermyn, BM. Wre, Deans, n, Homuth, Johe Wray
roa tolinston, Wallace ,Agar,' HarveY• Dotes D. wpile,ttobt, Breen, Robt,
Garniss. Si; Ili- larneg McBv,ten,: Yee Geo. Wright, john Senburn.
John Thyne, Harold Jewitt, Wilbert Stephen King, Jae. Andrew
la/milers, Abhor •KnoX, Clare Agar, Hooper, John MeNatighton, Frank
Jr. HI -Ada ,Mlioailichael,. Garret Wright jr., Robert Hamilton, las,
The Star Grp'
A tt 02.TRY RESIDENT•CALLED AWAV. ThOS. Haugh, Vanstene, las. Elliott.
Spring Spring
ee our South Window and make your seleetion-- sizes 86 to 42
We aiso carry a beautiful,range of Suite by other
Makers, all the Way from $5 to $15,00.
We are iSo1e Agents in 13i:tassels for the 20tla 0611,7
tory gine Tailored Garments,
Drop in And lot 1.18 show, you the 'finest Made
Clothing Citoittla. ,
is here and I have all kinds of Swipe,
• Whitewitell Bresbee, Mops, Solub
Brindles, Stove Brushes, Stove Pot,
tell, Stove Pipe Varnish and ,every.
thing that makes house-dliaming easy
fol' the housewife.
Ms, stook of Grooeries and Claimed
Goods is fresh ad
All kinds of good Garden and Flower
Seeds, ,
I also 112110 14 stook of the best Con-
:: feetientry money eau buy at prices
' to suit all purehasere
"Goods deliveredpromptly to all parts
of the village. '
. IVnidrea Satlah PnootiKuolt, alialop, leen McElwee; Peter Scott
Hood read always on liand,
W H ERR, Prop
and schedules, $5.40 ; Jas. Showers.
local Board of Health, Er ;- Arthur
Wheeler. crushiug on 13, line, ;
S. Vaustoue. gravel, 83.78 ; Autliony
McDonald, gravel, 1131.75, for Geo.
Bryce, 1906 ; F. Gutteridge, tile 011
Wawnoah noendary, alig.2o. Council
ourned to meet in the Clerk's office,
Saturday, Kay soth, at 10 a. in.
JOHN Btretiass, Clerk.
G. T. R. Station Agent Henry, is
laid aside from duty by Ohms. Re.
lieving agent Lye has charge in the,
Harry AUsley. son of Juo. and IVIrs,
Ansley, of town, is seriously ill In the
hospital :it Winnipeg. His friends
are quite noxious avout his condition.
MISS Lou Lloyd returned last week
from California, where she bas been
speudiug the pose year or , more with
her brothers: .She is much. improved
in ,health,
Mrs. Margaret Bell received the sad
news of the death of her daugbter,
Mrs. P. 5,,Tripp,in Spokate, Wash.,
at the age 01 48 years. Mr. and Mrs.
Tripp spent some weeks liereaast Fall
visiting relatives, and her sudden
demise came as a shock.
About six o'clock on Saturday even-
ing the fire -bell summoned. the firemen
to the residence of Wm. Fessant, The
chimney was found to be on fire, and
had. it not been for prompt action a
disasterous blaze would have resulted.
The very high wind was quite favor.
able to a fire,
Tom Hughes was seutenced by J. A.
Morton to 30 days in Goderich for
vagrancy. He took possession of
Wm, Salter's barn, a few meet, from
town on Saturday, and apparently
didn't want to give it up, until forced
to do so. He was brought into town
and spent the night in the lock-up, aud
received a hearing Monday morning.
- —
An auction sale of farm stock, im-
plements, &c., will be held by Mrs.
Malcolm Lamont, Lot is, Con. 8, next
Monday afternoon at o'cleck by F. S.
Scott. The proprietress has sold her
fine farm to David Dunbar. a well
known resident ot the same line, fur
the tidy sum ot $7,100. Mrs. Lamont
has lived ou the property for over 51
years. Mr. Lamont took it up as a
bush farm rectiviug his deed from the
Crown. There are 102 acres. It is
superseded by no other farin in the
township. Mr. Duubar now owns
0201 .400 acres aud is surely not trying
to buy out the township. We wish
him continued success. Mrs. Lamont
will coutinue to live on the farm In the
or 111' S ntrae.., and Ego Trade cash Earnest Churchill, Brewer, Thoa, Higens, Andrew .Gray, Peter
• Annie Rutledge,. Jtione S'co"Annie Cameron, C. kICNaugliton, J. Mof-
Carl itfathers,' I.,aura Icrinyn Willie 1), King, ,„ Bositan, Siliott,
Brewer, Sr. II -Wilfred rv14,wtot, jobo alcaCeuzie jam Black, Ales,
• Clothiers Mid, Furnisher'S •• ' T. S John Warwick, Stine.' Rn tie jus • Williameon and.Robt. Muagrev 0..
4 • . i'''.1trIt(;siol!ra'rtl,vr:cni4ley?'Wtrkg:
• 10 sthich MaGeutate mr, The following accounts 114'1(1 11 passed
GUARANI 331,00K • ' ..• BRUa.,1111.A6 Grocer Lid oc...fecttiondot; IATLIEL LutillaBraWet, Laura Puri/V.0i,', „Jib. :aud elreqties issued.: Municipal World
.. ,
. ' • ••• ' . .•• V
• . I • .
• • . , , . ,
. • , •
• • •
t ,
• .
. •
. ., .
c S.nit.Or ISM PAST :
DEAR. SIR.-Perrnit me to aekuow-
lectge the cheque for ii ,000 the amount
ot Beneficiary,eertificace held by my
late husband; Dutton! Livingstone,
who dropped dead on Jan. atti and
who was a inernber of C. 0. F. Court
No, 24 Princess Alexandria for 27
years. Also thanks for the Sick and
Fuberal benefits to the amount of
$47.40. Wishing your uoble Order
presperity. Also received $15 deposit-
ed in Bank. I tender thanks to ray
Italy of eleven wbo did not want any
of the money. Those married have
good homes and those single have good
businesses or trades and the beauty of
it is they made it themselves. May
Inc Lord bless, guide and direct them
iu His own statutes and may they -en -
jay health, happiness and prosperity is
my prayer. YoUrs gratefully,
SUDDEN Desnst.-The sad news
reached here last week of the sudden
decease of Joseph H. Frain, at his
1.10Me ht. Pouts, Nebraska, on Satur-
day, eth inst. He was born in Grey
township and was the 3rd son of the
late Joseph Frain, 3rd con., and a
brother to Lorenzo Frain and Mrs.
Roe and Mrs. Sharpe, of Bruesels.
Cause of death was heart trouble, he
being ill only 2 hours, Mr. Frain was
a hearty mati and weighed over zoo
pounds. He was a veterinary surgeon
and had resided in St. Penis tor 27
years, moving there from Bay City,
Mich. It is 23 years since he visited
iu Grey township. His wife, who was
Miss Carrie Welsh, survives. They
had no children. Thisis the first break
iu a family of to children, Deceased,
who was in his snit year, belonged to
the Methodist chureh and was a fine
man. His death came as qttite a
shock to his relatives in this locallty.
The Earl Grey Gazette says :---"A
very pretty wedding- took place on
the afternoon ot March 25111, in this
place at the residence of the bride's
brother, A. H, Campbell, when !dm
Mabel (daughter of A. G. and Mrs.
Campbell) and Wm. T, Meltay vvere
milted in .marriage by Rev. J. Gil-
christ in the presence of nearly one
hundred glIeSta. At fivethirty the
wedding party took their places in
the parlor under an arch of greeu and
white and white bells. The bride
looked charming iv her wedding robe
of cream cre.pe de cheoe and carrying
a shower of white carnations and ferns
wearing the same flowers in her
pretty dark hair, and was given away
by her father, Her sister, Miss Jessie,
performed the duties of bridearnaitl,
dressed in a very becoming bridesmaid
gowu of white organdie. Hugh kite
Kay, brother of. the groom, WAS
groomsman After the ceremony and
eongratulations the guests sat doWn
to an excellent wedding repast in the
diniug rpm, whieli was very prettily
decorated. green and white les
of the evendiergedwabsepill5elisan"ti7spbelairei
tobning an
games, music and tisetin and al
happy and prosperous journey through
life. Mr, lelek,,,ity referred to 134 25011
of Jas. McKay, of this townehip, who •
weut West about 4. years ago. tie auti• •
his brother Huge are reaming a livery.
busiuese in Burl Grey, Tim bride 1,5
tile and datageter ot Mr. Cinpbell,
general rnercbant, and. moved West
from Colliogwuud 2 years ago. Tit4
POST trusts the happy young couple
Will realize their fondest hopes.
fore the wedding day of P. A.
Arthur, who has taithfully and zealous-
ly taken au active and important part
for the 9251 49 years in the Sabbath
school meeting in S; S. No, s, those
interested IV the ;lumber ot 40 Or 54i
assembled at ins comfortable home,
6th con., and presented him with a
fine piece of furniture in the shape of a
combination Secretary and /look ow.
Tee address was read by Mrs, 0.
Smith and the presentation made by "
Robert McKinoou and. Duncau
Brewer/ Address was as .follows
.P McArthur
.• 4
DEAR FaIMID.-We, a few of your
friends and representatives from the
Sabbath School 10 S. S. Na. 3, Grey,
have met here to.night on the eve in
your marriage to express to you our
appreciation of your self-sacrifieing
laburs, and of the Interest which you
have always manifested in the moral
and spiritual welfare at this commun-
ity, and especially in connection wita.
the Sabbath School over which you
have presided so faithfully as Superin
tendent for a number of years. Your
patient, painstaking labors will net
soon be forgotten by us, and we feel
vtat bouu 11 ,.1vai Liu? ceovfo u 11 10 71.i.aasr les ob
eu 10
bear fruit in ennobled lives and
strengtbeced manhood. We take this
opportunity ot thanking you for what
you have done, and utast that you may
long be spared to continue the good
work in our midst. And now that you
are taking unto yourself a partner in.
life we extend to ter our cordial
friendship and 110 21 slight token of our
esteem and appreciation we ask you to
accept of this secretary and book case,
hoping that it may serve as a reminder
of many happy days together. And as
you enter the ranks of the benedicts
we pray that. Ged's richest blessing
may abide on you buth. Sigued ou
behalf of latur many friends,
Mr. McArthur made a a briet but very
appropriateLhereply in expressing his .
kind words aud splendid
gitt. Leech was served and au A
time spent with vocal aud instrumen-
tal music, games aud social chat. On
the removal of Mrs. N. Ni. Rictiardson
Mr. McArthur was chosen Supertuten-
dent and, backed up by officers and
teachers, the interest has been well
sustained. The!scbool meets Sabbath
afternoons during the Summer months
usually opening on the first Sunday in
Convention on Friday, April 24
A large and harmonious meeting of
the executive of the former East and
West Ridings of Huron was held in
Wingham Teesday afternoon to shape
up arrangements for a Nominating
Convention fur the new gerrymander-
ed riding of North Huron, President
James Young, of Auburn, capably fill-
ed the chair and 13. 13. Elliott, of the
Winghara Times, was appointed
Secretary -Treasurer pro tem. After
discussing the situation it was decided
to call a Nominating Convention to be
held in the Town kiall, Wingham, on '
Friday, 24th inst,, at x p, in, to select a •
candidate for the forthcoming election.
Five delegates are asked from each
polling sub.division. The members of
the executive (who are President
Young, Vice Presidents McLauchlin
and Baillie and Secretary Elliott) with
the municipal chairmen will be ex -
officio members of the Convention
and will not require to be elected. ' A
committee was appointed to draft,. a ..
Constitution for the new Association ...
and submit same to the COnventfOtt •
when eset of officetsWill also he elect," .1.,
ed. 14 13 important that thele Should.
be a large and representative gather-
ing as there no doubt will on the 24111.
Although the riding was gerrymander-
ed to make it a safe Conservative seat
the Liberals are not going to let it go
by default by any means and there is a -'
possibility that election attv may prove
that Mr. Whitney's plans regardiog
North Huron were frustrated, llitny
of the Liberals feel tins way as they
look upon the Oisruptiou of the Couoty
as an ondeferisible, unfair and on- :
righteous piece of business.
11 111111 is true that is reporter/ Mit'
Conservative brethren in the North
Riding are not the happy family that
It was expected to be and there may be
some hair pullfog before their ComAtt-
tion en Thursday, 13rd. inst , conies to
. a close, Already some of thein con-
e cede that the gorryrnandor was a ,
n blonder, There is a little -wrinkle" ,i,
l on band to side-tiacle one- uf the L,
"Ireltg 1544113' 80 a rnarriage boll. P
biir of 11011(1st:4M and, use Co I pi ese
The Gazette loins Mr. 11111.111111.1 Mrs, Mt
Ilay's 11121>7aily loins
tn wishing theist
• probah.le.strong canclitlattte'tO utak(' ' •••• .
"taustittnous*" for nittithelr rivet bretlier
. for whom the ritimg tsi • Ifo have
14 been °fixed," yhatevor that maw,
, .