HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-3-26, Page 8OstWaltreactsessi4c...-scr-eeswe:n..,elgegeoetkaatelatrallAW....araeMertiLVelrMirIPP1MTlerebnqi isattleMeaveipeyeerstotteteceMpeeryleselenV-.
The value (4 Formaldehyde tto a preventative of smut on
grain is being recognized more and more, and more farm-
ers are using it every 3 Car. Customers tell us that they
would not be without it and that they are amply repaid
tor their trouble and the small cost. We buy the
that mu be obtained, put up in two
1 lb. bottles 40e, auSeient for about 80 bushels of grain
b." 26o, "
o 40
And we woulti caution anyone agninst buying a cheaper
brand. Fnlldirections for tilling are on each bottle. Se-
cure your supply now and have your grain ready for seed-
ing time.
lioeSee our new Wall Papers. They will please you
and the prices are right.
_ape_ eanieneinxecce aweetweacce.
goo," ildvs gtorcs •
A obiel's among ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
THE eppeatenit of Raolswell vs, Gal
braith, heard at Toronto laid week was
• won by the latter,
X. SATURDAY afterttoon of this week at the
American Hotel, Brunei., at 12 o'olook
noon wile 100 sore !arm, lot 6, oon. 6,
Grey, wit! be offered ander mortgage
gale by. E' S. Sault. Portico are may be
toned so advt. •n another oolumo of ;hie
Mane of TIM Purr.
Soutramn • very infrequeut was in
evideuce tine week e+z oitrile for tour
1 anemia in Ole 1000.071 po•ted up ai
one time. They referred to the late
Janne Fergneen, Mee. Peter MoIutoeh,
Mrs. David Roes an. Mrs. Damson Me
Lenottlin. Tile stern 13:101313euger bad been
ESESBD Awsx -Wednesday night, after
en berm fight for it.% the epirit of Mre
Duncan lYloLauebltn, Tarnberry eteeet,
departed from the body She was 70
yeare, 4 mouths and 19 days old. The
funeral will leave bet Ism teeldamat
Saturday afternoon et 8 o'olook. Servic-
at 2.30 p. ns, Burial will be made in tht
family 000 in Braesele cemetery. A
more extended nottoe will be gnat) next
Wnonma BOLLS. -A2 high noon on
Wet:knotty ol Hue we, -l2 a pyriliti oOrd
pauy of 40 aeseinteed .ii 11111 lesideone o
James hluArter, Th-tuta strtet, Brooms,
to riittusie the aunsMniontiou of a meta
menial %Wenn between P. A.. McArthur,
a well known resident of Grey 300001319,
and Miss Margaret, elaugh,er of the host
and bonen. Bev A. 0. Wishart, B. A.
spoke the mute weeds _..5 tr,neforrnatiou.
the eeremony being pertarmed muter an
evergreen aroh, seniJit ,ve trust will be
symbolio of the lite aimed of the young
couple, Miss Jecere deLartehlin payed
the Weddiug March. The bride wee
given away by her father. Mice Yttma
AleA.rter, of Tineneurg, a neiee of the
bride west:Inver girl and looked sweet in
a dress of pale blue von trimmed with
valenoiennes lace and ineernon. "Very
becoming was the bride's comma of
oream eoline, trimmed WWI cream nes
and lace. She earned a beautiful baguet,
of °ream ro•es. Hearty eanurittalatious
being over the company sat down to welt
freighted Mblett prepared in Mrs, Me-
Artet a best style. loaste to the bride
and groom were proposed arid oongratula
tory acid tiomplmeentary epeeehee made
by Rev. Mr. Wisistart, A. D. Grout, W
J. Moe/reckon and A. leirecheu. The
groom matte a very euitabie reply in
aoknowtedgmeur. Toe 0536305 gilts
were choice and gave evidence of the:
eateem in which tne !tromps, e are held
A gold ore•cent set with pearls was pre
gaoled by the groom to the 0100181 and
a gold Hug earn0 into p. ,.ion of the
flower giti from the ,-arri- some. Tb.
happy stoups took the 3 o. m Maio for a
wedding.trip to Or, is, rJruitto aud other
points. The bride's g0.,s tcway atm Woe
brown warn, as,: tit hitt. tussah. Guano
were present from Exert,r, petition, BILE;
and Oromarty in addition to these of
this locality. Mr. at Mre., MeArthur
Will reside on the grnoin'e fine fame, 603
con., where th-y commence merited of
under mos. I avorabm 011.91008 and with
the good wishes of a horn uf Ermine THE
PONT iu the nember.
CALLED HOUR -nue Torrence, be
loved wife of David Ross, wasottiled front
the comforts and love of the eartbty
home to the joy mud delight of the House
o5 Many Ithensione early Weinieedity
morning ot MIS Week and in her removal
there whim the oensforttue words
"Rinsed are the dead who die in the
Lora," Her demise was not unexpeoted
as she had been li for five 088310previous
diabetes being the ailment. Mrs. Boas
woe born In the town of Letter Kenney,
Ireiaud, on Sept. 10. h 1810 and 013>38 000
nonentity in her 78.0 year. She had
enjoyed the blessin5 of splendid health
and for 82 years had never bad a serione
1857 damaged earne to Orteada
end in 1850 jutued hand and heart with
her now bereft partner at Herparhey.
42 yeara ago they brawn- residents of
Bruesels where they beve continued to
reeide and nrly win the love stud settees
of a wide 0>200 05 Mende, The chodren
ate Jae, B. 0., Mrs. A. M. MoRay and
Mimes Angie and Lizzie, of town ; W.
T,, of Chesney, and Brbs, Of Biticatednia.
ltdre, Geo. Hayaroft and en infant ate de.
ceased, hire. Roes' surviving slaters are
Mrs. Ohne. Dsdds, of Swift Oarrent,
suit, I Mee. then, ee.etlinte, of Maintop
end Miami Belles ono Atm 1:orran0e, of
Rarporbey. The snbjeot of thie notice
Wes a fetthim member ef the Presbyter-
iad Aural and sot all extunps of giant-
ism charaeter wetsportily of emulation.
She watt tt.woonan of line spirit and large
heartednese. Many is kindly word and
helpftil dead alded and etrengthened Mine
in need, Her denalin ie eirmerely regre1.
ted, svveetened by the Ohristian'e hope of
O remnited borne circle bye eed bye. The
fnuerat wilt Mlle Woos hinny ofternoon
at 3 o'0.00k, 830 tioreim• eornmenedriu 10
• half honk Air. and the
other members of tit, fttati,y gluon in tile
ogropstity of lirtugiels and comminnity,
leam printing.
MONDAY aftern0OU es Percy Moir wee
driving the exprees rig to the depot
Meet the 8 &Moots train, the right shaft
of the wagon snapped in Main allow
ing the conveyance to twin noon tbe heelt
of be horse, Objeotton Wes at 000,
made to thie style of thing ; the drivel
wee powerless to bold the equine an
tviis throvro off opposim the eleotrt
light power bones. J net North of the
bridge the rninetvay borne brought the
wagon into contain with a toed of saw
logs and 2136 215 wee open, a few eggs tit
orates owning to grief. The wagon
and harness wore somewhat damaged
• but it alight easily have bre o worse.
Mr. Moir had a very notioeoble limp
from a disabled ,eu for a f•w deg,.
Tw. ('HMOR SPAMELs Panel.= -L,o
Moeda) morniug two well bred auo hige
ly prizen Meek spaniels (clue of them
oosting ei25 00 when a poppy) went to
dogdorn by the poison rotate. They be.
longed to Gordon Mooury The animal8
were closed in at night and bad only bad
their liberty a abort time before DIM died
tnd the veterinary was %teed to see if
anything Oopld be done for the other but
.tryohnnine had done ite deadly work
too effectively to save it. Both canine,
28800 51002371 prized and their lose is re.
gretted. If the poison were purposely ad
ministered it does nob Bay much for the
one who did it as dog poisotong 000002
be planed as an aotion . anything more
than despicable and if discovered the
party should be made mart well for their
"ThinuR-TROMPRoN -0.2 the residence
of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Humphrey,
104 Farley avenne, Toronto, Miss
Clara Thor/spoon, third daughter of the'
late Peter Tboropeoo, wail quiet y mgr.
ried to Wm Tay tor, of the firm of Tay•
for and Pringle, of Owen Sound on Wed•
eesday et Ian week. The °areaway wee
eolemnizvil tiy Rev. A. Wittiams, rector
01 St John's ohareh, is the presence of
her immediate relatives. The bride, who
010> 00101> avvay by her brother in-law,
Jae. Humphrey, van gowned in Oopen-
bageo blos over silk and trimmed with
901111 d'esprit, and carded a large bon•
gnat of roses, tied with white obiffon.
The wedding marob was pleyed by her
little nine, Mies Valera Humphrey.
The bride'e 502133 8007' costume wee
a navy blue tailored suit with tau and
brown hat. The happy couple left for
Buffslo and other potato in the South-
ern States. After an extended tone they
will take up their residenoe in Owen
Sound. The many old friends of the
bride at Breesele will be a unit in e0.
ending hearty oongratteatione to Mr.
and Mee. Taylor and wishing them a
happy intoned life. Mrs. Taylor tte,A,
eter to Mrs. Jo,, G Jones, of town."'
after 1 p. m. last Soaday James Far.
gotten, an old and worthy resident of
hie oornmunity, pegged away very
peat:Welly at hie home, corner of Albert
and WiIiio,n etreeta, Branch!, in hie
77th year. The Sabbath previoae he
bad offered a stroke of paralysis from
whieh Ile artxdualv sank until the end
(same Etc vras born in 02301, Perth
hire, Sootlend, beim/ the eldest son
of the late Peter Ferguson, and came to
Canada when 8 veers of age, Hie par
01118 8031186 in WoNab townebip, Co_of
Renfrew in 1863 and MOM Westward
to Grey township in . 1853, the deceased
taking ap the floe fare, be sold la -4 year
to John Lowe and moved into Bruss. lo
to enjoy a well partied hotiday On
February 110, 1857, Mr. Fergo•un wee
married to Mitre Hizab 213 Swankier),
wbo with a large family, ennives her
!nhand. The ohildren ere t-Dougaid,
Tee•water ; Thos., of Tbornbory ;
Danfei and Peter, of Winnipeg ; Robe
of Brandon ; ino„ Jamas and 64rti.
Hem Ben, of Ernesele ; Pdre. Wilt,
Jamieson, of Virden, Min. and Mote
Lizzie, of Oranbrook, B. 0. All were
bow for the funeral. Mr. Fergu.on hes
three brothers and 0 slater living. They
are John in B. C.; Wm. in Calory ;
Robert, of Brayton, North Dakota ;
and Mrs. Jae, Broudfoob, of Gladstone,
Man. Dace tiled woe a man of sterling
integrity, utiassmning re hie manner but
kindly, genial and geiterons and oottuted
hie friends by the handrede. He look
a eery active intermit in agrian,turill
affairs and had been the highly eineem•
ed President of East Huron Riding
Agrieultural Scelisty, for many years
only reeogning a year ago. In /violets
be was 0 tate Liberal and is (Murals sd•
herenee be wee a Presbyterian, Mr.
NNW= bed enjoyed the very beat of
health, the Meese resulting 1,, be de
mitre being big first. .30 appearatee arfd
activity he svouid bine paned for a. mom
20 yearn yonnger than be wae. Last
year the Go den Wedding Of Mr. end
Mrs, Fergueon was oelebrated, In the
paining away of 410, Ferguson another
of the sturdy pioneere hes been removed
irons the historio roll bnt although 013
sent be will not be brio:Mem The tam
net tools piece from the family rosidenoe
on Thursday afternoon, the eerviee
being In eharge of Rev, A. 0. Wishart,
B. A. Mr& Ferguson and the mon.
berg of the family do not need to be ne•
eared that tiny have the empathy of
relatives and Mende in their euddeo
Farmers' business a specialty
Capitol Paid Up, 31,000,000,00
Reserve Fund and Undivided
Profits, 91,241,53246
With 44,00 you Can 0900> 0> any
branch of The Metropoliten Bank
....00UNT "particularly valuable
and convenient for farmers Permits depositing orwhhdrawal of money by husband
or wife,
$1,00 or upwards opens an accolint, Interest allowed from date of deposit and
compounded FOUR times a year. You may deposit or withdraw by MAIL.
F. H. GILROY, Manager
I People We Talk Abou,,t.
i Mee, Neil MoLauohlin, hoe been laid
up with the grippe.
Mrs, Alex. McLennan, of Seitiords, is
20010115 011 tritud•htp. in town.
Muse johnotoo, of Fordwieb„ la visiting her Moth's's, James Johnston,
Mies Josephine Buchatian in under the
'tomes coke suffering from au tweak of
the grippe.
3m. Bnohougn hoe been visiting
fiends In Blyth and vioinity during the
pest week.
Mrs, N. B. Gerry and children, of
plyth, are renewing old friendships in
12.rneseio and vicinity.
Epi (lobar, of Moorefield, formerly of
Brussels, spent e abort time nnder the
lmma, mot time week here.
J. A. Rowland, of Stratford, spent
Sunday with his brother, J. F. Rowland,
of the Stendard Batik, Brunel,
Pred, Rogues, Fnliarton, has been
visiting at 8138 130308 ot Thos, hloure, Wil -
1001 etreet. The viettor le a nephew.
Mrs. James Jones was 'at 'Parenh last
week attending the marriage 01 bar altiter,
Miss tiara 20 all Otteu 80th16 gentleman.
Station agent, O'Neil has beets ill with
riontmatism and off &sty. His parte sr
the depoe bag beeti filled by a re teeing
Agee t,
Ref. W. E. Kerr, of Clinton, woo in
own for e few days. He oeme chiefly
to vim> his Meter, Mrs. J. J. Gilpin, who
is ill.
Mrs. N. B, Gerry, of Brueeele, was a
eueet at the home of her sou, N. B. Gerry
Dingley street, Blytb, for a few days last
Mrs. A. J. LoWry, of town and Mre.
\Mit Lowry anti daughter of London,
**ere venom with Mn, Day at Corrie
.toit week.
Nelson Maunders, wbo has been home
for the pan few mouths left for the Wein
this week to teak %nee hie farm. We
wish him well.
Miss Barbara idellelvey was home
tram T010111.0 University for a 91814 02
few day& Sbo is greatly interested 2,3
list etadies and 10 1011 exeellent 03 011001.
6104. A. aiorrition, f WeehIngtou State,
s bare tin a visit, oho 10 a ei ter to Mre.
flaunah Baitantyne, of town, and an
aunt to Jas. Sailentylie, Qizeen etre t,
Mrs, Thos. Moore, who met with au
filar), by falling clown the cellar eteps, ie
uot snaltsng as rapid progress an her
many frietide would, desire 130 100 hope
she will soon be able to get room tot
W. J. Fawcett lett on Weduesday for
Eiarrietou and from their goes to Toronto
Barrie and other pointe employing and
improving his hoiday. , Mrs. Fawcett
and Mary may visit iu the Queen (hey
ais0, 1 mad their bome au One time.
Thomas Ross, of Cheney ; Robe. Roe>,
of .ffinoardine ; Fred. Beyond', of Buf-
falo ; and Mtge Mary Rose, of allonitton,
were among the relatives of the line Mrs.
David Rosa, uow here. The two former
urn sous and the two latter nephew and
nine. •
W. W. and Mrs. Bargees and Mies
'Lambe, of Mitchell, have been enjoying a
holiday in Brneeedi and locality. It is 16
teare slime Mr. Burson; located so
Mitotic,. where he hail a fine photogrephie
onions as 000 0110 time terii loam.
resident of atm lorlality, Mr. Buretsu
keeps his POST sabeoription wait paid IL
A demote and in tmesequeime of this it for
no other fencer dent yes to prosper
Loaf Saturday niLbe Mrs (Di )
sanaeli and ishildren, Oweu &mud, am
ved to Broseels, where they will Make
an extended Vial I.. Dr. Ouvanegh re lo
Memo tu the meantime bat may return
elionly. Before Mre Oavanegh eft Owe,.
Sound the was in fornastly preeeuteo
with a parse containing $72 00 ae a
mark of it ppreouttioe for servicee render
all in variatm departmenta Of tbe dello
diet obumab ie that mum, The Eifi woo
wee bigl>y eppreoiated.
Business Locals.
GOVE111151282 in•peated clover and tim-
othy veed at .1,0011AO13EN'ti.
621211 Mite for Hale Apply to Win.
Olohlair, 102 11, con. 10, Grey.
Wu. t11oNAii.
Bala DIMeerte0.-Switobe made to
order out of oombiege or out bair.
Orders from a denten promptly attend.
ed Cu. MRS. It. SINGsToN,'M il et. Went.
Loo un the 013011>5 0! March 9th, or,
Tnruberry etreet, Brunets, or b. tvreen
there and Lot 8 Orso. 10, Grey, a moth .09
rug black one Elide, Finder writ mew
leave eame at TIM POST PUbli,hing
Rouse, O. 00110902 50
AII0TION SALE OF FARM STOOK, 132'121.02.12214T8, )0URNITURD, &O. -P, S. Scott,
Auutioneer, has been inetructed by the un-
dersigned to sell by_publiti amnion at Lot 26,
Con.14, • Grey, on Wednesday, April lst, at
12.80 o'cloelt, the following valuable property :
1 mare rming 8 yeaia In tont to Baron Bleck.
1 horse rising y ears, 1 Ally tieing 2 years by
Dlontrave La w•renue, 1 fielding rising 1 year
by Miran Bleak ; Thoro'-bred cattle -1 cow
with Inchon in calf, 1 now eligible for pedi.
gree, g heifers rising 5718000 in cult, 1 heifer
rising 2 yeare, limiter tieing 1 year, 1 •bull
rising 8 years; (krade cattle -2 cows In calf, 2
000a with calf at foot, 4 eteers rising $ yens,
8 steers riving 2 years, 2 steers rising 1 year,
4 heifers rising 1 year, 1 brood sow, 8 store
pigs, 4 ewe,, about 50 well bred Barred Rook
hens and e roosters, 1 Maxwell binder 6 foot
eat, 1MeCormick mower 6 foot nut nearly
new, 1 seed drill, 1 Massey -Harris 8 horse
cultivator nearly new, 1 laud roller, 1 disc
harrow, 1 set diamond harrows, 1 hay rake, 1
Fleury plow, 1 gement purpose plow, 1 sout-
her, 1 turnip sower, 1 Cyclone grass Peeder, 1
set heavy team harness. 1 lietvlow barness, 1
wagon, 1 set bob -sleighs nearly new, 1 buggy,
1 mud eine, 1 hay rack, 1830011 rack, 1 wagon
box, 1 gravel box, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 stone.
boat, 1 grindstone, 1 Clinton fanning mill, 1
set farm and stock scales 8,000 Ibo., 1 hand
straw nutter, 1 1000 13013101, 1 hay ear with
10908and Slings nearly new, 1 water tank, 1
auger kettle, 11,1112000,l 6 creamery cans 1
churn, a number of milk pans, 1 butte*. bowl,
1 00020 000308, 1bedrooin suite, 1 single bed, 1
000e. 101a,id, c1,11cInnano,tuterralnroe, ulebi,o,17k
new, 3 large pictures, 0 number of ether
hOusehold articles, a uantitY or hey, a num-
bar of grain bags, 1 Uollie dog guarantr-ed
good whetter, a small frame house in good
repair 16 010, 1 groin cradle, 1 crowbar,
scythes, forks, chains and other article.; too
muneaous to mention. Sale unreserved as
proprietor heti rented his farm. Terms -All
sums 02 55 and under cash; over that emount
10 months credit will be given on furnishing
approved Joint notes; 4 per cent. off for Nish
on credit amounts. TROS. WLLLIAMSON,
a -R, 90,00111050, 8.13.-7'. B. Scott, Auctioneer,
had been instrueted by the undersigned to
sell by pnblie auction at 1.1M Lot 24, Con, 6,
MOrris, on Friday, April Bra, at 1 o'clock,
the following valuable property, viz. :-1
mare 9 years old in foal to Baron FISe, 1 nuire
12 years old, 1 horse 8 years old, 2 00012 sup-
posed in calf, 1 Jersey now inilking, 2 dry
corm, 4010018 rising 2 years, 2 heifers rising
2 years, 0 calves rising 1. year, 1 Spring calf, 1
full bred Uhester white sow in pig, 8 store
pigs, 5 pigs e months old, about 50 hens, 2
turkeys, 1 McCormick binder, 1 McCormick
mower nearly new, 1 McCormick steel hay
rake, 1 twelve -hoe Peter Hamilton seed drill
new, Int bolesleighs, 1 luzuber wegon, 1 set
Iron borrows, 2 walking plows, 1 gang plow
eau Mer, 1 root puiper. 1 wheelbarrow,
water trough, 1 Daley .ohurn new, 100 bus, of
seed 0000, 20 bus. seed peas, a quantity of hay.
Hay and grain on terms of side, - Sale Utire• '
served as proprietor is giving up farming.
Terms -All sums 00 55 and under cash, over
that amount 0 menthe ererlit will be given on
furnishing approved joint notes; 4 per cent.
off for with on credit amomite. ELIJAH
3301A8111, Proprietor.
- -
A -a PrAcwoNTS, 8s0 -2% B. Scott, auctioneer,
has received inetructions from the under,
signed to sell by publie auction at Lot lie
Con. 14, McKillop, on Tuesday, Apill 7211, at
1 o'clock the following property :-1 mare
rising 6 yeare, 1 general purpogehorse 7 years
old, 1 mare rising 11 years supposed in foal to
Baworden, 0000, supposed in calf, 6 &Aral
supposed in calf. 1 fresh milk cow, 1 heifer 8
years old, 6 nears rienig 8 years, 12020010 2
310010 0)31.. 4 heifers 2 years old, 9 pigs 4 mos,
old, a number of turkeya 1 sulky plow, 1 set
of double batmen 1 Notcon Mee harrow,. 1
light wagon,1 wafking plow. Sate unreserv-
ed at4 propribtor 25 overnocked. Terms -All
sums of ea and under cash, over that amount
8 months credit will be given on furnishine
approved joint oaten ; 43101 cent, off for cash
on credit amounts, ROBT, COMM Prop.
The Ladies of Brussels and locality cordially invited
to attend.
MISS FLORENCE! HtJNT, of London, who has had
a wide experience in City Millinery, has been engaged
for the sea,son.
The Undersigned is grateful for past patronage and
solicits its continuance.
Prices always moderate and satisfaction assured.
Mrs> 1VIoltin1ay
will hold her Spring Mil
limy Opening on
MARC 27 & 28
When the Large, Fashionable
and well assorted stock „will be
on display.
BLOCK Mrs, McKinlay
25-7 °°!3 rootv.qrssysirms5275.45SFSM7v.V6.‘ 6"P330,74,..9133s
The Standard Bank of Canada
Statement of the Financiol Year ending '.3t at January. 1908
19alane,e forward front sist Mar, 1807 • 5103,029.45
Profit. tor &tour Motrrna *mhos Mat
January, 1909, after doduotIng 01090000,
Interest accrued oo Deposita, etc,•• 166,00720
Troraltun on Nor Stook 12,283.00
Notes of the Bonk in Olreulation
1371Vds• • • ---
Bank. pod Bankers .
Capital paid Up . . .
Reserve Fund
Iteb.te of Interest/bind • • •
Bolan. 01 92012 and Loss Aorouut •
Toronto, test January, 1008
Dividends et the ree 01 32 per met Der .
anteater 80111 MONTH'S • 31824 a
Conto tributed 0!0r',nd• 0, r'e Pension Fu0,00
Troneferred bonen* Fund • • • mooaoo
Tranitentil tollescria Fund fromreium
On Row Stook • • • • • • 19,280.00
Ilidanuo carried forward • - • 51,902.00
inlaeof 06 VALA07,
• $ 1,099,391.00
• 14,013,428 90
• 1,841,143 34
17,285 979 40
• 1,120701.0
• 49,920,19
• 91,001,00
(316ond Beyer Colo
Legal Tenders • • • •
Notes *wrenches% of other 13aolto
Dopult with Oorrrouleo8 Seem*
CI 201114)0n • • • •
13101eirWeigal,314dntier 'Donis
Call 101008 50 Bonds and Stooks
fl 010,5261318
• • 1,744,37700
• . 648,853.77
. • 61.00000
• • 331.422.01
• . 5,011.06124
• • 1,240,947.56
8,284 170.58
Loons and Dt•ccninti 14,142 580 49
bank Promises 260 023 02
Real Manta isootoo
oil.. assets 19,665.12
General Manager
Oantxonettoris dwelling for Rale. Also SHAW. -In Listowei, on Moral, 22, Jamba
about one thoueand red pressed Mattis. Shaw, former y of Morrie, ite o 84
Dwelling roome to let above store, pos. yearn.
80881011 eau be given in April.
I. O. RIOHARDS. .45.17'CT0MI33 M-45.2.=,
Dowsuga -Ai 866 Psitehard ave., Wm
11905, FE Alai°. 18121, to Blir Awl
Mrs. El Downine, formerly of Brae
eels, 10 daughter
SMALL -In Byib, on March 18021 to Bev,
J. L aud Mrs. Smelt, EL daughisr.
Manors -BOLT 41.-13s. Ras, S. Bond, in
Atwood, un March 18,11 Mies Jaen
BOlton to Mr. Juhn 3saon, both of
A, wood,
WarholutOri, 1.10 Mara', 17,h, by
Rev W. R. W Rees, D. D.. Mr,
Olarenoe B Ghana nee to Min
E FROM Rose, Oo V &Outlier of him
011110448. Pennon, formerly of Brus
se•s, 1,11 ni Sent
MoARTIVia -170 ISTita -At he lime tit
the bride'. pa,e, n., R.neaoo,
Murrill 25 It hi R 3 O. W
B. A.., Mr P A liduArtlittr, of Grey,
to Mine Me rearei, dens liter of Mr.
and Mr. JRP VleArter,
T521.41-1 1301urSoN l'or• o, on War
18th, at the rentiteme of the bride's
Mater, by Rev A. Witlitime, Mr.
Wm Titylor, of Owen Sound, eo 93208
Olare Thompe ,e, third deuehter of
the late Peter Thompson, of Brno
Dm= m
PIMEMSON,-In Brunele, on h1141 Oh 22nd.,
t9, zcs
,1 m, -,,n
Berea -o, to hie 77th yea,
MoLavioarAN.-I,i B.ure08
, ,:n EW:eI
day, .5.101325
Jeffrey 1)1•,.w,,, reiito of the late
Dummy. MeLetothlie, age. 70 ','aro
moiaTmaaariL•gIasiioGraly9, 6050 mar
oh 24tis,
Annie R.hincon, re 11,1 of the tate
Peter MeIetoeh in het 73r,1 year,
Boss Rennes. on \lurch 24 h,
Ets Torr.flOP, holo.ed wife of
D.., ar., 21. h. r 78 h per
BIOnAIIMION --In St Marto, on March
10'", Enpitemta, beloved wife of J.
00. Rienaroaon
PRIL82, MARCH 27en -Form stook,
implement., 21,. Lot 2, Oen 14, Grey.
'1 1 n'olouk w 05.021, Prop.
F 81 Hoot• ,
Fanny. MAMA 272u -20 draft 00Ite
• d fi tee, a to, 196 hen, of oniile, et 3100
10, 001.1 11, Butte's Sale .8 1 'cioolt.
James Leine, prim, ; T Brown, enc.
WEDN2PDAT, APRIL IAT -Portn stria,
implements, lioneehoM fornit are, &e.
lin 26, nom 14. Grey Sale 12 80 'wins,
Thug. Williamson, Prop., F 8 Boon,
Ifeepxy, Mellon aim -Ft rm "look, im
plement ., 21,i , L t 24. non 5 Mor
ria sem 5,2e0er eo et 1 o'untolt. E lab
Press, pram F 8 So,,, 3, nno.
linitY APRIL 6TH.- Pe rot at nak, ins -
Wein. how. hien fume tit., dz., 3
lot 11. non 7 Morrie. Bale el 1 p. 211
Rd. Lnuotle, Adminietrator, F S. tom>,
13219062. APRIL F. rrn .1014; a, 11
rap • ro • te, lo 18. ore, 14, Milli 2
Sale a. 1 0'01 ell. Rota. Coat e, Prop
F. bl Soot', Awl
the °antral mtrt 01 for t or
to rent. For further particulara allele at
Tan Pam 81 navels. 92.1f
• uridersigried Fag Itronnt,tv 01 fon Gine,
Mean seed nate for 0,00 Amoy no Lot 11,
lion 10, Grey, to Wm, gON '25,
86.21 132000010 P.O.
For Sale
Tn order to slope 011. estate nt the labs
'lima Mot, nob b x.014,11 0210> 2.0
Rale the real estate olvie lug of a oranlort•
6 roneri 1,0,1, and new clement eft
cheu im•ilt lo o94, tiara of land, hard gr1o1d11
soft writer, tge•• e, 12 a large enromori.
200 wob •• '>002 enda,rot•
• d dhg noll" aro••the
502600 fr m drink
d n g liuti-e. For pertiontar. nue pries apply
• 10 P Crern, or A 81 EWART, gm eu et.
Weld, firaseets. $8
Don't Forget
Medicine specially
for Cow trouble—noth-
ing else—that's why it
Kms.Kure cure. Ab rtion
Kon Ki rt f ' Barrel] fleas
Km -Kure fur Retained After-
, birth
Knw-Kure fol' Milli Fever
Kure for Scours
Ko -Kure for Tuberculosis
Kowatire for Off -feed
Row -Kure makes more Milk
60c per package at
Drug Store
1 7 6o110, ,• filly and Lelillog, rising 1 year
0121. 0,06 from "'10011a1111'5 Rsoe," /or tele,
Th0450304 weight over 1 700 Film terms
to a reeitonehl purobessr. W 0-11 them
either 2,,•gl V v ea eam 31,518,11 4111,18•
ti Lot 20, 0,,,, 4, 22.2218 87 tf
1.00R 8 \L1' T A BARG AIN-
•411,,roti In 2011,00131 11,11,,,i SuaLlelle
w11 LSI pay eple011,1 dividends and
dealt). your moue, coo year ,Ob'sotatel. roue, .mm0 IMO legitimate Invert-
tigarinu rt solicit • law us particulars ad -
(hoes DRAW Wit 8 21 cum 01 thls paper.
Notice to ereditors.
In the matter of the estate of Alexander
Nichol, late at the ownship of
Morris, in the County of Huron,
farmer, deceased
Netter) is hereby given pnrannt to eTlie
Revised Statutes of Ontario:. 1897, chapter
129, and amendments thereto, that all credit.
ors and others 'Hiving clonus meant the es-
tate of the sold Alexonder Niehol, who died
on or about the 801 duly of March, IBA lire
regitired onor berore the 4th day of April,
1528 to nand by poet. prepaid or deliver 10 3..
B. Macdonald, of the 'Mtge of 13rueeels,
the Comity of Huron. Solicitor ror Robert
17101101 and .711,1180 Nichol, the lexecutore of
Menet Will rind Testament of the said de.
mined, their Ohrietiatt and Hormones, ftddrete
080006 descriptions, the full porticulers of
their claims, the statement of their h000111348
and the nature of themes:1W* if any) held
b7tir fna
Aitrtlier take notice Met niter enols
last mentioned date the said Executors will
proceed to distribute the tweets of the de-
ceased amongst the parties entitled thereto,
regard only to the olefins or which
they shall then hove notice, and that Meant.
Executore will not be liable for the said M.
ens, (many part thereof, to any person or
persons of whoee Maim notice Medi 1101 11090
been received by thein ab the time of such
Dated, at Brussels 17th day of If nrch.1008.
87-8 Solloltor for Executors,
23 raszels Daylight F, tore
G. N. McLaren
We have just lulaced in stook early arrivals in New Spring Goods.
and Best values to be had in
You will find the Newest
Ladies' Swing Coats, Readymade Skirts, Dress Goods, Prints,
Gi, gharm- and Muslins, Laces and Embroideries
For Men, Boys and Children
Suet received our New Spring
lints in Snits and Rtunc,oats lor
Men, Boys and Children. New
Styles, New Shades, Lowest
Newest String Styles
and Colors in Men's
and Boys' Rats at
Lowest Prices.
and S
We have just opened up 25
cases new Boots and Shoes—
Ladies' Men's, Boys', Girls' and
Children's sizes—largest assort-
ment and the best values we
have ever offered.
This is the time we aim to clear all Heavy Goods It's our policy to carry
nothing over so that everything in heavy goods are marked to sell quickly,
and its the best time in all the year to
oak. V BYA 0IS 3E, 7(
Highest Prices for Produce
Goods Right or Your Money Back
ext Door to
A tnerican [louse