The Brussels Post, 1908-3-26, Page 6: YEAR OLD BOY COULDN'T STAB! Limbs W(.aaakeeied by La Grippe Masi© Strong by Zion -Brice. Mrs. T. Briatop, of 5 Woodworth Ave., St. Thomas, Oat., says t " 1 had had some experience as to the e1cacy of tam -Bak in healing sores, cats etc., and had heard goad reports from friends who also tried this balm, so when a year ago my tittle lad, fear years of age, was left weak to the limbs as the result of a severe attack of influenza, I began rubbing In the Zam-Bak. Ills le were eo weak he would tremble and shake and was unable to stand for an length of time. ?reorient applicatiShs of this ointment well rubbed in, seemed to any him daily, and in a very short time the shaking and trembling in his limbs had been banished and he soon got strong and able to run about, thanks to Zam-Bak." Zan -Bak is a splendid embrocation for rheumatism, sciatica, eta, and Is without equal as a heeling balm, WF�.3 T rbu.6-Z.4-8lc rK wo m7-RElr , 00,08 pcures oma, butes, aaah o meets, ringwolooa,orm,abs abscesses and barber's 11 rain, blood poison, bad req, wait rheum, abrasions, nbeeesses and all 0050 lobales and die - 09500.d of all stares and from g1�imu nk box Toronto, room Za -Hak Co , ica.3port•oaldr3, for price. Shoves tor9r.,5. Fashion 7 Hrr'� P, N,. ts. Ksist•Al bel"1••!^'3••1'•1 1••t 1"1-161+1.44 BLOUSES—Blit ESSES--HATS, The newest blouses are made of every Conceivable shade and mak'rial—ehiflon, elik, satin, filet net—and all of tbetn have inhocluccd somewhere in the de - orations the omnipresent fail of lace in) material named in Parts the jabot, A blouse of violet chiffon is finished In front in three deep tucks, which at With sides of the front breadth is bound in 'Win end the jabot of lace is intro- duced. The same idea is Carried out in the under -sleeves, while the yeke of the blouse is made of the lace used La make the Salsas. A blouse of blue ehitkn taffeta is trimmed with filet net, covered with a design in bends of silk, while the lin- en under -blouse is fastened from neck to waist with a Abet, It gives the salve effect es the rufiled white blouse of just e year age, except that the middle plait en this new creatfcm is but ane -Half an inch wide. In speaking of last year, both the jumper and ruffled blouse are esnibined in hese latest waists, which s sbown by the last illustration. This is made of white taffeta, heavily em- broidered in white silk flowers, while a hand of net, covered with orchids, hold's the shoulder strap together al the front. This shows (he jabot In the rialto of the under -blouse, while the tiny buttons used dowel the front are covered with taffeta andlflnished around the edge with a Irf11 of lace. Some dresses of light materials are finished in front directly below the guimpe in a large bow of the material. This is not unattractive ter very slim figures, for It adds several Inches to the bust measure There will be, owing to the present increasing popularity of the guimpe waist, a declded leaning toward the very low line of the corsage, for 11. is becoming to every woman, and the 1,u.mpe will add whatever is necessary for the sake of modesty. Decolletage, however. ran be overdone, and thane who wish to keep the pretty guimpe in worse must do all they can Lc Cee that it is not abused, for a peculiar thing about fashions is that the mo- ment any one line is overdone a reac- t.on Ls euro to come. White, that beautiful and always be- coming color. has gone out of fashion, ter In the new cloths shown for early spring stripes and huge embroidery dols have taken its place, and even white linen suits will not be worn this year. Of course all of the suits such as have been warn will be discarded for dresses with guimpes and cuffs of white lace and Eton jackets of some contrasting color or material. Thus. es white flannel shirt will be worn with a striped three-quar'er jack- et, or a. blue-and•while stripe linen semi -princess dries will be finished with a coat of dark blue. This new fashion will be very rnnvenient for those who wish to wear the same coal with several dresses, but ft is not sa becoming as the white of last year. Solite suits are made of the natural pongee, with the skirls of the plain ma.. !elan), whsle the coats ere Eton shape, embroidered by hand In large black dots. The same idea can be carried out in sults of voile, or even mohair, and, at 'east, 11 the fashion is peculiar, it is Dew and smart. Flowers for the spring hats are of the most enormous size—huge roses and unnatural morning glories—while even pansies have a forced look to whith the real flowers never attain, 11 Is a most remarkable reversion to hats of some time ego, Sucil modest blossoms ss forget -me -note, rosebuds and Violets will find no place in the fasht)ns of Lhe year, but calx ]flies, Easter s lir lilies and hyderangcas will be lo great demand. This Name mammoth taste nose seems lc have influenced the designs of foul- arcls and cl1]lfens, for the season's do - signs are out of prrip-rtem—gigantic, in foe The little, olddashfontd prints have given place lo huge bundles o! orchids and sunflowers. H takes many tucks and pleats Gn reduce rte size of the de- t;igns k human form. A costume for spring garden parties is composed 01 n son 1 t.ique trimmed al' round with hug sante wets and a m,. 't ncl. dress we a hug, design of bcconling Hosier tiles, enthrefdered in heavy while nose. It 1• e,ks at a dis- tance like a costume for a gienlees, but when wc:rn the effect S original amgood. u 1 1 Happily 11.e exirn ngenlly large bet hes 1re^me "de mel.' and the toque is reigning frverite. \Vh'le ewan'down pad marabout are the Iffiest fame', for they nay br tion till lute spring. while fur must be discarded earlier. Mllitery fashions are returning --the dashing hussar aigrettes, the military cotter, this Leavy brass buitemo, the stiff braid. ed vert.. With the departure of the "cliche'• hat the hair dressing has returned to tis former stale of eempa•ntite pinin- nene. liven side partings ere "comme, t font" and the irrelevant curls eo much the rage no longer seen. The peasants may keep fiver hair. In feet, the .great extravagance has brought rth',ui a return to great sem. pii5ity. Franehwv,nen nn longer ells- flgurei their feet with 111n longe -toed Ogee; of two months ago, but /gain adopt the natural size. Smartest brats helve lops of antelope ex suede and pat- ent leather vamps, while sleelkings are Worn to snatch the tops. ,L< T11r REM, RACE PROBLEM. "P.rer Williams, does you think de devil is a white man or a blaek man?" "I dunno, Ail 1 does !mow 11f --do biggest race problem Is how tar keep ten yards ahead of hunt° A REASON, She --Why have you never merriest? Don't Fete think two can 1lVe eis dheaq. 11 •zs rh'ip,~<, itit'+to1 as pdoehablyl, BRIGHT EYES, ROSY CHEEKS, Every Girl Oen Rave Them by Keeping Her Blood Rioh and Red With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, In the early days of her tvomanhnod every girl --no antler what her station in lite—should be bright, active, cheer- ful and happy. lIer steps should be light, her eye bright and her cheeks rosy with the glow of health. But the reverse is the condllion of thousands of young girls throughout Canada. They drag along, always tired, suffer from headaches, breathless and with palpitating heart after slight exercise, se that merely to go up stairs is ex. hausting. This is the condition doe. tors rail anaemia, which means weak, watery blood. In this condition Dr, Williams' Pink Pills is the only sato and reliable medicine. These pills ache ally make the new, rich, red blood which can alone give health and strength, and thus make weak, listless, pale -faced girls bright, active and strong. Miss Albina St. Andre, Jolt- ette, Que., says: -'I am more grateful Than I can say for the benefit 1 have found in the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. 1 was weak, run down and very miserable. I suffered from severe pains in my back and chest; had a bad cough; r.a appetite and would lay awake most of the night, and what sleep 1 did get did not refresh me. I tried several re- medies, but they did not help me, an'a I. as well as my friends, feared 1 was going into declbie. At this stage a friend who came to see mo strongly urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and providentially I acted upon the advice. After using a few boxes my appetite improved and 1 began le sleep much better at night. This great- ly cheered me and I continued taking the pals for some time longer, when the change In my condition was really marvellous. I was feeling as well as I ever had done. I could sleep sound- ly at night; the pains and cough had disappeared and 1 felt nn altogether dif- ferent girl. I cern so grateful for What Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for me that I cheerfully give you permis- sion to publish this in the hope that '1 may point the way to health to some other weak and despondent girl." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are good for ail diseases due to weak, watery blood. That is why this medicine cures rheu- matism, indigestion neuralgia. St. Vitus' dance, partial paralysis, and the side. aches, backaches and headaches caused by the troubles women alone suffer from. You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents is bort or six loxes for 52.50 from ,The Dr. Williams' Aledielne Co., Brockville, Ont. FIFTY YEARS OI'' CRIME. A Vast improvement In the Last hall Century. An interesting comparison given in the criminal statistics for England and \\'ales for the year 1006, issued recently, enables a contrast to be made for the first time of the prevalence of crime to- day with fifty year's age. Generally speaking, it may be said that a vest lmfirovement has taken place, The number of persons tried en indictable offences -that is to say, the more seri- ous oximes—totalled 59.070 in 1906, as compared with 54,667 in 1857. There is thus a slight increase in the number of criminals, but when it is remember - en that the population has increased from nineteen and a quarter millions to thirty-four and a half millions in the fifty years, it becomes evident that, proportionately to the population, seri- ous crime has decreased by some 40 per cent. The chief Comparisons are as toilee's:— Serious offences ... ,. 113.330 82,264 Drunkenness ..,, ., .. 75.859 211,493 E luoatien offences .. Nem 53,sep Pelice regulations .. 18.033 132,504 IGood Digestion Should Walt on Ap- petite—To have the stomach well Is to (!have the nervous system well. Very delicate are the digestive organs, In same 50 sensitive ore they that atmos- pht'rie changes affect them. When they l,ecome disarranged no better re. au}n ' is irocurable then Parmeleo's Vegetable Pills, They will assist, the di- 'edlion so that the heart v eater will 111 urn suffer no i venie ce n t n end derive all the benefits of his food. FOR OTHER'S SAKE. Fnih''r—Why don't you study to be pne mn led? Johnny -1 don't want to stir up class enmity Mrs. Brown --"I have such a lovely present for my husband!' Mrs, Smith —"What is ft?" Mrs. Brown—"A pair of slippers, Won't he bo pleased?' Mrs. Smith—"Yes. What do you ex• peel, to get from him?" Mrs, Brown •-"0h, nothing much—a diamond ring, 1 suppose, or a sealskin jacket," Heaven helps those who help others to help themselves. 11 isn't necessary to menton your t' ^ 't your will, he's sure to get his share. Get acquainted with Black °4 y` alt u f �voratl � lamlam the big black plug chewing tobacco, A tremendous e " Y c ,e f 1 7'111111' OF CRih11NALS. The htnghay' is Greatest Pride is Sue. cessful Burglary, • Tho Megbaya is born in an aria' field and schooled to theft from his in- fancy, says the Bengal Gazetter. 118 lives wttbotft shelter or food for the morrow, i:erpetualiy moving from en - eminent to encampment, chased by the police and execrated by the villag- ers, Ills greatest pride is a succes.eful burglary, and a prolonged drinking bout his most coveted reward. Jail offers no terrors to the Dom; it Is merely the result of being a bung- ler at his trade, The first attempt to reclaim the Ataghaya Donis in Champ- nrun was made by Mr. (now Sir 11,) Henry, Ile found the greeter number 01 the adult members of the tribe were in jail. Every pollee nileer was held resp(051110 if any Reims were tolmd in Ms jurisdiction, with the result that as soon as a Dom was released from jail he was usuall,v returned thither under the bad livelihood eeolions. Agricultural settlements were estab- lished for the tribe, but they do not seem to have been very successful as civilizing agencies. The eeltlemenls serve as houses for Use women and children, but the even are seldom found in thein. Tie females generally hawk stolen property in the villages and act 118 spies. 4. --- BRITISH BRITISH CROWN 11;\'k'ELS. Are Carefully Guarded in the Wakefield Tower. Apropos of the scandal in Dublin over the disappearance of the regatta from the castle, 11 is interesting to know what precautions are taken to guard the Crown jewels in the Tower of London. A enrrespondent of The London Daily Graphic, who has been investigating the matter, has discover- ed that during the day there aro always flume Yeomen of the Guard (Beefeaters, they are familiarly called), or two yeo- men and a sergeant on duly, in the room in the Wakefield Tower, where the treasure is kept. Electric bells communicate with the guard -room, which is immediately out- side the Wakefield Tower. If any at- tempt were made on the jewels—as once was made by the notorious Colonel Bioed two and a half centuries ago—. Ihe einem would at once be given to the guard -room and the guard would be called. II by any mischance the guard did not instantly respond, an- other bell ran be rung which alarms the whole of the garrison of the tower. Minor prerauitons are the posting of a Beefeater at the entrance to the stair- way of the Dower, while a sentry al- ways paces jtlst opposite night and day. At night every lock is inspected by the keeper of the regatta, General Sir I•iugh Gough, and all are locked by him, and the only keys to them are taken by him and kept in his own pri- vale apart ants at the tower. Besides this watch is kept by sentries at the only entrance to the Wakefield Tower, and every door and every gate are pro- kcted by specially designed electric burglar alarms. WEIGHED FuUR POUNDS WHEN FOUR MONTHS OLD Most of the sickness that comes to babies and young children is due to the stomach or bowels being out of con- dition, It is then that they are cross, peevish end upset the whole household. These are troubles that Baby's Own Tablets always cure promptly. Ileke is proof: Airs. 7. Stewart, Everton, Ont., says: "My little girl thrived so badly that at the age of four months she weighed four and a half pounds. Her stomach was badly out of order, and although the doctor treated her he did not help her. Then I got Baby's Own Tablets and right from the first they helped her and now she enjoys perfect health." If your Mille nun is ailing try Baby's Own Tablets—always do good; cannot do barn, Sold by medicine dealers or by nail at 25c a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. 30. Some men are like gas meters; they just cunt help lying. Ever MIC a boaster looking for a chance to make good? Does your house loots reproachfully at yeti? Give 1t a new coat, Let Rallisey's Paints demonstrate how 11(Le It fakes to give a \voted of pleasure in beauty tied fresh life to your building. Your dealer has < ht thane and lie will tell you how much it will taloa. The price is reasonable. The paint is guaranteed. Write .A Ramsay & Son Co., Montreal, ler pack of Souvenir picture post cards el homes. ., There are 200,000,000 copies of the Bible scattered throughout the world. 1t Peaches the Spot.—There are few remedies before the public to -day as efficacious In removing pain end 10 al- laying and preventing pulmonary dlsor- dcrs as Dr, Thomas' Ecleelric 011, It has demonstrated its powers in thou- sands of instances and a large number of testimonials es be lbs great value as a medicine could ho got, were there oc- casion for it. It is for sale everywhere, WI•Ii:N TI -IE EARTH QUAKES. Some idea of the stupendous power rf Ole subterranean forces exerted by earthquakes is shown in the physical changes effected by thein. Mountains have been obliterated or new ones formed, islands have been made or de- stroyed, and whole stretches of seast- Ino wiped out. For instance, in Sep- tember, 1750, on tho lofty tableland about 150 miles south-west of the city of Mexico, a piece of land four square mites in area was suddenly raised 550 foot., end numerous cones appeared-- ono of them, the volcano of Jorullo, being nearly 1,700 feet high. Java, in 1776, 'suffered in the opposite Way, for a IkesI of coUhtry fifteen miles long by six miles broad was swallowed up antiroly� a mountain Of 9,600 feet be- ing reduced is 5,000 feat only to UM Dl't?fpasf,. SCIENCE IKNOCKS AT YOUR DOOR and brings to you in your own home °It Ilia healing, health -gluing proper- ties of the giant pines. All the therm peutie virtue of the forest trees, aro contained in Virgin Oil of Pine (pure), tt heals the lungs and bronchial tubes, gives almost instant relief to the Wel- toting cough, and will break up a oalil in 14 hours, Tho action of Virgin 011 of Pine rn the kidneys is else most beneficial, It is a perfect neulrallzing agent. for tlrie acid, and promptly relieves rheum- atism, lame -hack and other ailments duo to disordered ledneys. In the preparation of Virgin 011 of Pine every precaution is taken 10 in - .5 00 freshness and purity, It is put 14 in '%-oz. Mals only for druggists to dispense, each vial enclosed in a round wooden ease to prevent breakage and exposure to light, The case is sealed with an engraved wrapper show:ng the naine.-•-Virgin 011 of Pine (pore), pre- pared only by Leach Chemical Co„ Windsor, Ont.—plainly printed there- on. 1t is well to get the genuine. Should your drugglsL be unable to sup- ply you, you can have a %-oz, VlsI mailed to you by sending 50 cents to the Leach Chemical Co., Windsor, Ont, LEARNED AT THE OLD SWIMM1N HOLE. Two children stood In their kitchen watching a pot of chicken soup warm- ing on the stove, when suddenly It be- gan to bubble. "Meddle," inquired the little girl, 'what makes It bubble up?" "There's a chicken in there," explaln- e,t the little boy, "and it's tryirn to talk under water!" • Ambition gels along faster when un- hindered by a tender conscience. A steady income is often responsible !o1' a young man's wobbly gait. AUSTJiIAN JURY ACQUITS GOBI., 'Pried to Kill a Mission Governote With it Bomb, The existing tension between Russia and Austria is not likely to be Improved by the remarkable acquittal. by an Au- slrlen jury, of a Mission girl revolu- tionary who tried 10 assassinate Genre - al Steelton, Governor-General of War. saw, in August, 11)16, Wanda Dobrezdicka, the prisoner, is 21 years aid, and was formerly a stu- dent at \Ya;rsaw University, While General Shelton was driving in'his ear - tease she threw four bombs at kilns, but only succeeded in wounding some Cossacics, She succeeded in escaping to Trieste, and afterward selte;l to Galk'Ia, where she married an Austrian painter, The Russian Govei'nlrten1 finally ascertained her s'esidenco and demanded her extra- ct tion, As she had bcconie an Austrian subject, however, she multi not be ex- tradited, and her Mal tools place at \\'adowice, Galicia. The prisoner gloried in her attempt, which she described fully in court. She slated that she had leen designated by the Revolutionary party hl \Vul'saw lo carry out the "sentence of death" on the Governor•General, and nn elaborate conspiracy was organized by the lead- ers of the Terrorist group. In a self-possessed manner she int formed the court that she was guilty ei throwing bombs, and added that she carsidered, herself as a soldier who gave his 111e for his country and was not a murderer. Stt „.never ex- pected to escape, thinking she woula be killed by the explosion or shot In 1h) subsequent confusion. Military officers were forbidden to at- tend the court, whiclt was crowded when the jury returned, after fifteen minutes' retirement, a unanimous ver. diet of acquittal. The publio cheered loudly end the women In the gallery showered flowers on the young woman. •F YOU sen seal a march on anyone without breaking the law. .,rrc».ovvg:w_.c,xvrr.:Au,,,n•ta.x.>c ., .am.: FI$EF 1 Send c- oupon and la stamp for free sample to Zara -Bak Toronto. 31'4 :..v. 5 ' , ...,..., a..aca x-,` erz„w..arc,., :.,r.�*e�v. euet•. i.....x+mc,; There Is an increase in infant mor- tality of late years both in France and England, .and also, but to a less extent, In Prussia. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT fake LANATIVB OPOMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If It folio to sure. It, W. GROVE'S signature 55 on each box. 25e. Say the right thing at the right tinge and some fool will envy you. DEFINITIONS BY SMALL WILLIAAL Dust—Mud with the juice squeezed out, lee—\Valor that stayed out loo late and went to sleep. Fnn—A thing to brush warmth off w'all. Slomaril—The home of the swallow, Sall—That what makes your potatoes Inste bad if you don't put some In. Junction—A place where IWVo rail- s'oada separate. Walcefulne'•s—\Vhen roar eyes arc al] A P111 for Generous Ealers.—'!'here the 1:me coming unbuttoned. ,aro many persons of healthy appetite Responsibility—What would be on one and poor digestion who, after a hearty button if the oilier one should Caine off meal, are subject to much suffering. too trousers I The food of which the have y partaken lies Mc lead In their stomachs. Head- ache, depression, a smothering feeling follow. One so afflicted is unfit for business or worts of any kind. In tris •contrition Parmelee's Vegetable tills will bring relief. They will assist the assimilation of the ailment, and used according to direction will restore healthy digestion. It must be a great relief to some men when their wives become widows. Put up In Si Yard Rolls. The famous "The D dr 0” Menthol Plasters which mire lumbago eaokache, sciatica, neuralgias,, eta., aro also pal 1n ono yard rolls for physicians aad.fadtily usa Davis ti Lawrence Co., Montreal. Mrs. Dugghns—"IIumphl My husband Is so lender -hearted that he can't even beat the oarpetl''y� ITCH Mange, Prairie Scratches and overY form of contagious 110h1n human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. T00 KNOWING. "Why not set your cap for that young fellow? ale's single and well off." "Yes, he's single; but he knows he's well off," ANSWERED. "I'm afraid I'm catching a cold," said Klosman, trying; to get some medical advice free, "Every once in a while I sneeze, What would you do in a case like. that, doctor?" "Well," replied Dr, Sharpe, Id sneeze, too." "1 guess 550101 NO, 12-08, Admittance Price 25 cents; children under twelve, fif)cen eenis. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 1-1 DAYS, SAZO OSV' r i , 1 !C`f'C is uv cure ease of Stella, Blind,8 Bleeding or Probating Plies in a to 14 days or m tney refunded, No. The number of deaths That recurs on the glole amount to 07 a minute, and tho births to about 00 or 70 a minute. if a cough makes your nights Sleep- less and weary, 1t will worry you a good deal, and with good cause. To xllspei the worry and give yourself rest tri Bicklc's Anti-Consumplive Syrup, It exerts a soothing influence on the air passages and allays the Irritation that leads to inflammation. It will subdue the most sluhhorn cough oricold, and eventually eradicate it from tho system, as a trial of it will prove to you. TheoIl u Hilo "Reverend" was s not usually granted to the clergy until the middle of the sevenkonth century. Spots end blotches on the face and nook are often merely signs of foul blood. Apply weaver's Comte to obtain Immediate relief and take Weaver's Syrup to rid the blood of pollution. We never know what a good time we tire having 1111 it is over. Worms derange the whole systema Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator deranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer. It only costs 25 cents to try it and be convinced. If ugliness was only skin deep lots of women would try to shed their steins, When Yon Hove a Cold, tho air polls ave slogged with mucous or phlegm, Allen's Lnng Balsam, In coring is coltd, clears t1,0 tiny air eas5agus and heals tho bronchial tubes. RUNNING IIIM DOWN. Hitter--"Thts paper stales that it is only a mater of time when the auto- mobile will reach the poor man," Upp—"You bet it will reach him if he don't get out of the road as soon as he hears the first ''hon)!, honk'!" A WISH. "De hes' wish you lobo make fob a ttachelly lazy mal dal has curly hair ah' plays de guitar,'! said Uncle Eben, dot 114'11 gt bald 'ming an' hah rlleumatisrn In his fingers.' People ban do (Here help growing kold than they can help growing fat, "Every One Thong tat Had. Coneta tion. Pe-rn-na Save i Me0" "1 TEAR:( DR. IIARTIYIAN FOR PE -RU -MA," `teal tall anti 1118 \ mw [illy its eliz. sect vnn gbh gra cute are wh N cu the tail. set and nee rli that lel day abl sail hay 501 f wet way MRS. MOt3 PASIZEAU. "1 hardly know how to thank you for the good Perim has done inc. "1 suffered five years with pain in the stomach. About a year ago it became so had 1 could hardly bear 11. I coughed day and night and grew weeper and weaker. The pain extended through my body and 1 also had difficulty in hrrathing, which made me cough. Everyone thought 1 had consumption. "My husband heard of Poruna and bought five bottles. This trcahuent vtr- funny cured nic and now I recommend Persona to every one who is suffering. "1 (hank Dr. Hartman for this excellent remedy." Ste. Nile de Vercheres, P. Q., Canada. —Mrs. Mots Parizenu. NEGLECTED colts is generally the liable of all 'remedies for coughs, colds first cause of catarrh, and catarrh, by reason of the fact that Women are especlally liable to colds. it goes at once to the very seat of the These colds occur more frequently dur- trouble. Ing the wet, sloppy weather of winter 11 searches out every crevice, every and spring than nny other tine of the duct of the body. It quickens and equal - year. Offen they izos the cireula are not consid. tion of the blood, eyed serious and thus relieving the are allowed to congested mucous run u on,or they membranes. 11 ex - are tated in ere]sas a healing such a way as to only palliate the amp- and ecothing ef• trims, while the cold becomes more deep- feet upon the mucous membranes, no sealed and the patient finally awakens matter whether they are the more to the fact that she has a well-devel- exposed membranes of the head and opod case of catarrh. throat, or whether they line Ibo remot- 13y reason of their delicate structure, est cells of the lungs. the lungs are frequently the seat of a Mrs. Jaschob, 2631 Hicks St., Toledo, 0013, especially 11 there is the sllghlest Ohio, writes: weakness of these organs. The treat- "When 1 wrote to you for advice, 1 mens of catarrh of the lungs Is also had been sick for three years. I had more difficult and discouraging than trouble with by throat. Often I could catarrh of any other organ of the body. not tn'rafhe through my nose. I also It would be wise therefore, to guard had pains in my chest and a cough, I against it by every precaution pos Able. Look Perna according to directions Peruna has been found the most re- and it has cured ale." WOMEN SHOULD BEWARE Op CATCHING COLD. PE -RU -NA TEE REMEDY FOR CATARRH 0.' THE LUNGS. HAMILTON NC BATO S WHY does the Hamilton incubator hatch every fertile egg? WHY does the Hamilton Incubator befell such big, healthy, fluffy, robust chicks? WHY docs every chick latched by the Hamilton live, thrive and grow so rapidly? BECAUSE our Ventilating System, our Heat. Ing System and our Regulating System is perfect. BECAUSE our directions fog operating the Hamilton aro correct. BECAUSE our Brooder is of the newest and most novel design of anything on the market for rearing young chicks. Send us your address to -day and we will mail yott F11.EB ono of our his catalogues telling you all about the Hamilton Incuba- tors and Brooders, and how to become a successful poultry raiser. Agents Wanted. THE HAMILTON INCDBATOR CO., LTD., 77AMILTON, - ONTAlezo In 1850 the fastest vessel afloat was the Asia, of 1.5011 horse -power, and 11 knots, h1 1856 the Persia, of 13 knots; and in 1883 the Alaska, of 18 knots. Chemists nava Trouble in getting iron into ,uch a state that the system will alnorb. and pertain by it, in Forrovim,' the best tonib relfeetion has been achieves, 15 builds anti •erengbhens. The temperature of countries with sandy 50115 is higher than those with clay or other compact sails, WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE. From Ocbobor t0 May, Golds aro the most fro. 8q00n500050 of Headaobe. LAXATIVA BILOh40 QUI051NE iomovos aanso. 1a. W. erove on box tiSo "What is yeur last name?" naked rtl e priiei a,u "] don't know,"re lied the yeiing lady student; t'1 haven't got it yak" -- A lady writes: "1 woos enabled to re- move the corns, root and branch, by the use of lI011oway's Corn Cure." Others who have tried iL have the same experience, TRUTHFUL. Auntie—Now Tommy, take my bonnet upstairs for tae, there's a good boy. Tommy--Boo-stool I don't want bol Auntie—Mcleod( And why not, pray? Tommy—'Cause mother told me you'd got a hen in it, UNION WAGE. "What do you get out of life?'' de- manded the grumbler, "What I put into it, plus a fair inter - cat," answered tho thoughtful mat, 710—Sre 6, Only sap ESI reayI is X31 v t 1 B,.a CeutULBS o a. bouso or W ul granoatto tbo or �omro, rryaamtbs, Tuaps, Ulddblos, 142'4411;1r: egonh� Jo , 080 ngodltt al, nese sttty, Dollies �a, ,lozl110 Idttes . In n the Vrttls —all usot1 o1 i v r0))) 50 51 or ecin. )A5 n rmn m it,o t ono I ulbr or will o ,d oda ,,00)�iee 001 4nwer So,tol -Coyer 2u0 k�ntfa, 01rnea`cea i�etSUnrO9ry, svBotn ivhFe, • Reno. zzmaWA 9 ENowa S' red it d slot dolt of i> t ado U.5 will hay The not talc( to rf ;(stiti T piti wh 1 Vee 1 traf mot Of ° mot Ing: hm 501 thou wts+ t per, the - ',hof it the • MC •if for of to hoar from owner having A GOOD FARM for sale, Nut particular about looatfort- Plaaao give prloo and description, and rem son for selling, fitatn w hen possession eauha had. Will dont with areae •o t nal L. y. Barb abtro Box ax 054,Rochester ,o.,tor N. Y OsEEMEISMASEEMEragamprpassogersEESETEI Byelag Gleaning Yoe the very hors 5050 roar week M tho '0 ERITEg;I 10 18(111185 OVEt!19 011." Leh for 05.01 to your tons, or seal 81(00. tifaaha•ual,Toronto, Ottawa/ Queb e KISSING MUST GO. Kissing must go, The doctors say. G Well, what goes bolter t' rest With maidens, pray? ,tad arc call but tvhc nt The OUP of the f \' tra Ile exe -tea 1110 that ', clef \\ ti "set feet tlo MOVING. Knicker--"Did you ,lump out cf Ilio frying pan into the fire?" Bocicer—"No, out of the refrigerator into at Iceberg," fIb1r4 USED TitE WORLD owe rIP CPI? f3 A DOW IN EWE S7Arl, .Always remember tho full name. Look for this signature on every box, . 250. 77.4M ,ovvIto