HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-3-26, Page 4:frauds ff5:t. 1"ITURSDDAY MAR, 26. 1908. Tun solei license reduction By Law recently passed by the Oomlail of the %lip of Toronto has beau quashed by Chief Jnstiee Mer8dith as he says it 000 o #1 ata tv.til puwere of the Lioebae Comrniasinnc•ra to {86238 liaeneee. An appeal may he entered to decide the 5OiI4td Juno Maraca, M. farmer Stratford barrister, brae pe e 1 ed the ohairma,.hep Amid of the 12,id Ruiway Oummtaaioo ae 1111001.88011 to Judge Titoism deoe0880,1]i and tail- outer upon bin ouial drums at once. ]fie salary will be 010.000 per annum and retiring al owana8. It would he a d,fli0u16 matter 10 And a Judge for the poeitiou who appears to be so heartily endorsed by both politica. pettiest, He w00 making a 800d name for himaelf on the benob but will have a wide and onerous field in his new position while's he Will capably 1111. IT is with no small regret that the world learns of the immune Moen of Campbell ---Bannerman, the Prime Mfni81811 of England. White high honors are ambitionely sought after in the political realm their compelcy often mean0 ebortened )ivee, anxious boars and unrealized dreams. Many 14 I2100x8 been saoriSoed on the National attar to the earnest desire to faithfully perform .the duties of leadership. Men who attain to these coveted seats are not 831335 1110. ed with or commended as they should be and the tank of these often tendo to the early extingniebing of the lamp of life. DOES NOT AGREE WITH HIS LEADER. The Goderi0h Star speaking of the bill proposed by A. Htelop, M. P. P., Beet Enron, 0pbads it, speaking out of the fulness of experimental experieioe, as foilowe Thin/eh it met with a frigid reception in the Hence, the Star deeiree to express approval of the principle et a biI intro - timed tutu the L8e(iolemare by Mr Hump 01 East HUroo, The bill provided for ting pruhtblttoo of all personal oanvaeeine by candidates and to compel the holding of pllb.iu meetings in all COuetitaenCie-, Mr. Entity a ao propose i to compel eel voter., to vlet th -• pride, weather they reoorded weir V0188 or not. He .aid he believed in lets bite He thought the poblio ought not be ready for it, bat deo Jared it to be a 0185 i11 the right direction to make a 08udutete address p0b1O meet gs k. It wants! pat a atop to a0rt0iu abuses, fur while .eliuie1ere aid member, Fugal busy with their gal do lee, the GRAND LODGE OF WORK- MEN. The Ontario Grand Lodge, AnIlebt I O der of U• iced Wurkmerr, met in its 8U •ensu•., gun -loo u, Mt, 1'emp a but ;1 lug.. Toronto, Wed ueoday 11 lar seem and 00utlrlu80 tel Tnuraday 9Venng, Grand MBater 0. E (:nm0rou1, Irnggola, preeideu, Ab u, 500 on murr0 were in attendance, Rev. Gauen At man, Bark's Fails, ofTor.0 prayer. RAO Grand Master euruett ouulrrred the Greed Lodge degree uu 260 new aete„ates, and I Grand Mater Camuren u•elterned Ih.m 1114 A. to to Grand Lodge M A. dame , Bow 00.111118 way eppuln 8d • 9i int p repurler ; '1' . B.'•ud Warta a.•rl .t boot now ru 115 1 180 Gtane Gurdne aee,88 W. ti. 111101181, B. ii, Pae (iraru1 Memos R A. Aird, Wiu uepeg, WNeiutroutred by Grand Treat. - arm F. G. Inwood, and received a hearty greeting Mr. Inwood gave a ane01008 1 report of hie vielt as Grand Lodge dela• gam to the ,.a,tediau N •rthwret Grand/� Lodge motto11 ma 12th, and the Goa Lodge deoideu t0 tueorputate the rept rn the 001001ee. Mr. Attu addressed the Grand Lod in regard to the great Northwest Gra Ludes. Rev. Canon. Altman presented t report of lbs Diutruballoo Oummiu Greed Trea.arer Inwood raper ed f a 0pe0iel OoMinnte8 against eeteb 16 tug a permaueul bomb fur the Out A. E Wuiuoou, for a special °owm tee, reported favorably en the tau Mau Wuramau, Tbeee reports we adupted. W. Bird, Bb0000nville, died May 1 1907, three hours after maiiiug t, Apr0 and May 88iee0meu1 to boa lode being iu brreare 88veuteeu days T Flila,0e Commitee multi not palm t alarm for $3,000 ,umurs.'u0. The Gra. Lunge, after treat erg the fou perrron'a 580,584 to pay $2,000 to Mr. Bird beim. The p81uuu 01 W Attains I tem0ta1eme01 woe 2108 aliOWen 00 r oummeudaliou a( the Committee on Ap peals presented by Past Grand Meet N. G. Inwood. J b Nixon, Ohalrmau of the Cum mitten uu L .we, tepurteu fur the pre, committee on the report 131 the 0. g"'iz01100 Board and moved ire sou tion. Greed R1oorder M, D. Carle Made ao elite and o0uvinOIUO 8peno preeenttug the 088de fur more vieorou efforts t0 extend the Order 10 compete ctuu with other freterual moe:el0ee. report Was almost ntiaulmOnmly adopted and the Greed Lodge heattuy thauke Mr. (larder for hie practical epeeob. Pant ()roma Mas ,r, Hou. Geurge P Graham, Mioo-ter of Bmom /er t et isle p0100, stud reoetved an 08081ut which he aukuowledged in et brief ad dreee. The proposed amendment to adop bteulllal 808810[18 Was overwbe• niugl voted down. Judge D. F. MoW8tt introduced 1,8o,dli021 coyote. roue the Grata Ma er 60 eat In ma11.03148110U WI scone,, fraternal eootetieo should be to ao roded by the Domn ,,on or Proviunla arltam8ut0. It web appruve4 of. 1'be first order of bostues- Thursday •ron'gwas 81eo110u of Mums Lee C.ra+'d Leuge 0,5 LILA hum ei OV0V011111.00V011111.0808i,u. The Grand Lodge aonol0ded th 0'(0808 'Tomalley afteruOou with 111. leralatlon o 11 f tan .813 -erected of were 01. D Oarder, of Termite, way noted Grand Rewriter for the thirtieth me by eocnama•ton. The worming salon ope'.ed with prayer by Rev amen Beene, w Hammon-. The to. wipe bre brim were appim,tld smutears:-F. E. 8myw, Lotelou ; W. Archer, lament.); Geo. H8nne88y, names Pi••rocu, 0,tawa, mut A. A. edu clam Lames er. On comma of P. G. M.'° Comair and '1300* a rf emattun was ad pied au- urtztng G.. dMorrie to aurreepu00 'at heed ugletele of other Grand mime m the Domino .n, with the ob. at of 0ffeet eg um0er anion of all A. U W. 10dgne to Oauada. Toronto was arm Jet a0aoimoaoly aims fur the next 5110801 mooing the mini meeting. Mayor Oliver wee received by ib - rend Lunge 0baudmg and singing Hdm • a Jolly Good Fe;ow." Peet retort Neater T. 0. Irving lntrmda0m11 e Worship ma humorous eddreee, and tycr Onver made a happy 8peenh. Ou rnot2011 of P. G M. James B. X00, a re8outtou of sympathy with 11 wife aim family of the lute Fred. ndere, D O.td 81,W., of Geurgiau Bay etrld6, who died Feb. 6th, was passed. At the afteruuou .888100 Grano Tress er Iuwood submitted a m.seage 00 1.rnel greeting to the Woodmen of e World, in 080dtob at Loudon. 'Due e adopted and ordered to he transmit d by 1e18areph, O. A. Lapp, Brighton, Peet Grand aster of the Oauaal,u Order of Odu .owe, was 1216ra0u080 and made a pretri- al fraternal altdremm. The election of , ilium reunited as fol - we t-Graud 01888011 Workman, B B rr19, J, 2„ Rodney; net Grand LI en Wurkm,u, U E Ommerun, Luquui0 ; and Foreman, Major J. J. Uraig, 1111..2 id Id ge ted be se or h e+, L. a. r, 7, e, be h(1 re 10 eor er a. p b d a Y n MOM n11.03148110Ug2 P m glib poibioau wan busy on the nide roede e undermining him, Uuder the boil ,t 1 b It 11 e. Li 08 u would not be eeeeeaary fur the oauditlate to attend ail the meetings. He coed have an agent to elate hii views. Tae prohibition of 0anVa84iug, Mr. Hrelop held, would make fur a better pub,.0 80utlment ii•e0'Ora en0nu1 be mon pelted to 5a 10 rho pots, 1h urge they are not oumpel ed to vote. Mr Hemp quid ed statistics 1+ sl4•i•v Mar On ail 8Ve88.8. Only seventy per 0e01.. of the total vote of E Ontario wag posted. Nobody e8emed to 0 afire for or uettev8 ref the principled Mr, L 131s op tra0 ad.an0lu„ and 0o the Mil woe vetth.ir„vd, Av; yet why mbuuld it I G th U eh au G G 11 M Nt th Ea df ar tru th wa to M fel t)0 lo Ma ter Gr Leathordale, that the Inapeotar'e report tion be printed in the minutes, It Wait Eta Ida follows :- not baa,ma Jaw? 4.21131*, wuu seeks to repr8,11nt 144)111511 ebuulddieauee pubic qu08tiona with taunt, bat he 81101110 004 be required (al is now the time) to tromp the cuactry ,,ver Ulm dour to door ask ing mem 021 11)800 h1m. If he le reg11,0rty n0minnted and pubnoly proolatme hie views, that shoo d be encash, and .the ele01ar who win out take the trouble to hear him and then go to the pool/ and expreee his selection, should not have the franohime, Brussels 9cbo0t Board, [Intended for last week.] Regular meeting of the Bruaeete Sobool Board wag held 1n the Board Room, Pride), evening. Members preemie 1). 0. Roaa, T, Farrow, 11, Leatherdale and J. G. Skene. 0inatee of last meet• ing read and 'adopted. Moved by D. C. Rose, seconded by B. Leatberdalo that By Lew No. B 110 read three times be adopted so that the Chairman and {aro, Treasurer be em powered by this Board to borrow o0 overdraft the sum of 92000 00 from the Standard Bank, Bromine, to be drawn 118 required. Carried. Moved by R. Leatherdale,8800nded by O. C. Rose, that the account of Walker & Bleak of 91,60 be paid, Carried. Roved by J. G. Beene, mooned by R, 2'o as Board of Public School Trustees, Brussels.- GENTLEI(&N. I be leave to report that I vi,ite0 your nohow 00 Feb, 12th, 13th, 14th and March 5th. At all my vieite I Mood the ratans mean, Wurm, well Ventilated and o'mtortabie. No pupils could be in more sanitary rooms than when at your Pabllo Sahoot. The yard and oblong are also in u 88ti8(0otory con. ditIon, The work of the school is being needed on in the aural eatiel8otoey mew net. Zoo have, in rant, a good High and Fables Sahoul, coating the town lege thou a ?abbe Scheel alone woald. I 0amtot speak too highly of yoo11 principal and his staff ; all are doing very 1192 ieut Work ; and. I hope it may be long ere any change he macre to it or the Board of Trestee0. I em, Gentlemen, YOur obedient servant, D. 11011E Bruaeela, March 6th. J, G. SEENE, Booretary, rain can be gnleltly stopped. A 26 Mo cent hoz of Dr,:Sho"p'e 048adamhe Tab, C• Jets Will kin any mon, everywhere in 20 vi minateal Heelde8 they, are /bur: ugtiiy To aat0, Painful periods with woman, near. H 01K9a, etc,i Tacitly oeaae after one tablet, W, All deO101e, IVa G al out M1 No Gr To A Mi 151 tee T. (Ot eta Gr Fugue ; Grotto 060rele811, Jab, 510 log, Drayton; Greed Reoord811, M. D rder, Turouto ; Grand Treasurer, F, Inwood, Torouw ; Greed Bolullor, A G Lawrence Toronto , LOru Eu ; Grand Memo Examiner, Dr, J, Hilton 004411,, Tor u ; Grand Gude, W. W. Burgess, 0:1100 ; R8p8Oee1batiVe to Oanad1.0 rthWeeb Grand Lodge, 2001 Grand biter Joseph Glbeo,, P. 11 lneer0011 ; and Watchman, `4 E 8,uodw„rth, moo ; Grunt ou8ewe Wawhma2, I. B10081 u, N•• rub Bay ; Grand True e, T. Rney, J. Lookle W tl80l, '804 0. Nil, K,0• ; Geo. Otey and 0. G K.olt, route, Audt1or0; Smalltime Cummer , Rev. 0011011 Amman (Burk' Fa 111), J Aden (Mono, lroreet), 15. Ingram taws.). 4486 Grand Ma848r J. B. Nino in- tied the newly eleotod entente, and the and Lodge then auj0nrned. Following are the Dietriot Depnby Grand Meat888 3 -St. emir, Jolt, Woe son, Dr, -den ; Drib, George Wip,ameun, Simone ; Laudon, J .roue At manage, Lou don; Brtnt, Geo. P Bartle, fnaer0011I Hamilton, L. E. Marr, Jarvis ; Niagara, W. D. Marahell, Pt. Robinson ; Glielph, E Neaten, Guelph; fi0ren, Harty rete, f3ndermh ; Bruce, B. J. Aoheeon, fiord; Duff 1•18, B. Haury, Orange 8 ; P80i, Jan Jecktere, 1111amet08 ; ronin, Wm Irwin, l ,unto; Y Ik, W. (hark, Bwnffvl( e ; 84no..o, D W. ;mins, Tuttetinetru 1 (3 0111,, W. 141. u V4lkanb11rg1 Wuitby; Durham, 3, 3.' s� sea may a7�a? rz14�:ay v ACO237Ata ra' g1Vit3 glrr&01/02I2S1ktatil MILLINERY PENING 1 v1 We beg to announce to the Ladies of Brussels it(Itl vicinity that ou b FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ')• �1 MARCH 27 .& 28 we intend holding our formal Millinery lipeuing. We now have ready N fine line of Trilnmecl Hats in Ladies', Misses' and Children's wear. The new and practical styles in the predoniivatiug materials and colors now desired for Summer can- not fail to please. We want every lady who reads the an11011nc5mpnt 10 consider it :z personal invitation to call and it,• speet Our gouda.., Our best thanks are due for the liberal patronage of the past. It is highly appreciated. MISS�� Ce n 4volmar�,�cz al..�a��d yaal4ya.s'aa 11;9 •.t 1 Tomer, Peterboro'; Quints, Alex. Moore. P'8,800 0 1 04u100tui, R, W. L nt o'e Uamue• E•.1; tie Lawrence, H 04. Farr, tirookv, ue; Bturmout, W. Clark, Carden a ; Ottawa, E. F. Drake, Ouewa ; Lao ark, 2 O. uuGreeor, A Monte ; Georg - tau Bat, E nostrum, Huulavine 4 1uponur, J J. Carruthers, S01)8,0; Nlproe,og, Noels PU.,pe, North Bay Gland Mester Morrie appointed A, F, Wharton, Toronto, alta T. W. Orothere, Bt. 1'bume0, to ths'Eaeoutive, Tickling or dry 1oagbe will g2lekry 0aeen when 081010 Dr, dlloop'm UoUgb Geri, And it is so thuruagh.y harm• ase that Dr. Shoop telre nowhere 10 use - omitting alae, even fur very yomtg bob. lee. Tum wholesome green leaves and tender menus of a .ung healing mountain. 1102 .hrub give the 0ur812ye 111058:2100 to Or. buoop'e (laugh Cure. It 00 MS the cough and u.a'n the eenellI o bronchial membranes. No opium, 110 Ohlorofurm, 0 thug har013 need to 2niurm ur 80pprese. Dema+.d D . Shuop'e. Take no other. A.I dealers. MARKED BY MILESTONES. Did you ever ride alone a road ma, ked by nub etunee ? Esey Metter to find your deettr,etlel, ween't 1t? Then, did you ever ride, dependent nu the mlleet0lne fur gl.idan00 aid hay, them e0ddeuly atop? Marti to find your way waao't 1t? L yea hadn't bad some part4oular re8e0t1 for gone on, you nu 00000 W00141 have Hinted (If at cue of lbs better paved 011000 rt.ntie. A•1 tcrunlug-regu•ar, perenuent ed. veruelug-lo the mde.tm es that lead trevmdrre on trede'e highway to 3,,ur plain of be -mem. Bur the line of gai0emarke-your ode- mudt be unbrukeu else 1110 proep.otly. UOyer will 62380 aside t0 011.1 of rhe ea -1 r tu•k,ow Whitt be haw merol,e,la-the fellow wino through him runlet. •'mture hewn” 41.x58 01181 1.1118(8 t, fermrd toe to wile, lie 118e Ihey want. Tae 51108'8 8uvertralue man is always reedy to tell you ul Moe trade ge0rug pnblioty 00.1 615 ph.We 20 wheu you taut h,m. IMPURE BLOOD ('logs the Kidhoeys shrive the Ileart Muga the liralu Weakens Every Part of the Body eau08a Organic 018Cits0e Jost as strength i8 the natural oa800me of pure blood, 8a is debility and Matinees th. re0o0 of impure blood. To know haw gaiokly bow merely Fer moue&tree, to nee bow it rebid de and restores, you have oily to read them oerefaily-see if the eymplome teeemble yours. Mise Evelyn M. Goetz, 0f Kingston, mortes 1-.I have bud an comets of blood disorder whiob broke out In horrid look. int pimple° They were ugly, red, die figuring blotches Mai ruined the appear suite • t my facie. I tried all eerie of media n., bot the pimples didn't leave. ]•, Woo re00mmen,len Ferruzone end gave it a trial. I boomed an improvement titter the meoond hoz, and kept up ,he treatment which Moody cleared ny skin, A. the ream' of Fern z he I have a 0 ear, heanhy oomp,exion, and can rem, mm0nd it to all ether 41005 women arm, ar'y effected," Another matte lady well known in eo0,ety choles of Sprlllafieml, who derived exceptional in befit from Ferruzone, cape; t'I felt it my duty to make known the ya d- of Ferr"z.mo. My trouble wee WATCHES WATCHES poor weak blood, and ae a ooneegaenoa my lips were pa lid arid my oheeke had no color, I wasn't at all attune, and re gnlred a braoing tonic Ferrozoae soon broneht odor to my ohe ks, improved my appetite and nude nee .Irn,.ser thea 1 I had been for yearn I favor Ferruzone I because it ie 80 8impe Hz take bud works no quickly " No bio d remedy exiete that hoe the power to mare, to beat, ,O restore 111111 Ferroz•,oe ; try it, 6021 per box at any drugstore. A dynamite explosion nn the Nations 1ral800118ineu lel 1148r 04.22 ra ko ed H. Itei•rume and bitchy inju„ d W u.e, fu e roan, Beware 411' Canaille Medici/tea Thom •nueu,lint N',rm10 tote been Alerted to thew ,owow8rdmut oe 1h Lamb Catarrh Snuffs containing this hebi,i !ormolu drug If 300 suffer Irom a no.), tneezi„g or catarrh -don't nee 8 81 off -- 08e a-erl,rb a treatment like Oat8ri b ozone. It halm and Bombes, bribe. relief 01 0808, puree 8hrirouah y. .1 Bnmobltie and throat anotia no 11.00 olio do better 'hast preeor,br (Jarsrrb °zoos Try it see what w name .2 work -what poW.r it potwear48 D ff.,'r„ (ram the cid wev,-you it he e Ce tin h n2088 Surd it; 95c ked 91 00 'zee by a I nealere. Eauoational Notes Of Interest. The Executive committee of the East Huron Tea/there' Association met at Seaforth ou Saturday March 14th, The following members were pre.ent :-Presi. dent H rtley, Secretary M, fiat. klieg MeoKey and elegem. Shilliuglaw, 1onet end Robb. I1 Was decided to hold the neat Tenches' Im.titute at Seaforbh ou May 21st and 22nd, TIME TABLE, Blau 501381E ENTRANCE. WEDNE8DAY /Milt 24191. A. M. 8.45- 9.00.....,Re8dMg Instruc- tions (''ircolar 67). 9,00-11.00.... . Composition 11,10-11.55 -polling P, M. 1.80 - 3.30 Geography TH11210DAY, 7011E 25TH, A. M. 9.00-11,80 Arithmetic P. M. 1,S0 - 4.00 Written Reading FRIDAY, 00111 2683 A. M. 9.00-11.00 ...English Grammar 11.10 -12,00 N riling P. M, -Oral Readied may be taken either Friday afternoon 08. at each other hours as are convenient, ENTRANCE TO MODEL SOHO, Ls. (District Certiflcute) 3tr14E 281M. A. M. 11,10-12,40 ...... ....Elementa'y Patience, P. M. 2.00- 4.00..,,,, Algebra and Geometry aorta 248H, A. M. 9,00-11.00 English Coro - petition and Writing 11 10-• 12.40 Buokloeeping and Beninese Papers Y. M. 2.00 400 Grngraphy JIINE 25Ta. A. 91, 9.00 11.00 ,,..Arithmetic and Menenratiou 11,10 12.40 , . Spelling P, 51. 200 4.00,.,,Euglimh Literature 11111E 26721. A. M. 9.00 11,00,,. -English Gram- mar 11.10- 12,40 Art P. M. 2.00 4.00 History (I1rf4ie11 and UauadLtn,) Time Table 0E Normal Soho' Inn trance or Juni tr 'Tambora' Examination. mutt 29311, A. M. 9.00 10.15 10,05-11,40 2, M. 1.30 - 245 j ' •e'•gruphy 2,65-4.10.. ..(1.80- 4,00) VINE 30TIr. A. M. 9,00- 11.80 }Arithmetic . 141, 1,80 4,00 {Eng. Grammar JUDY atm, M, 9.00.-11,80 - Algebra , M, 1.80-200 ...,Eng: Comp. 2 We have a large stock of Ladies' and Gents' Watehes to dispose of at REDUCED PRICES, t, Our stock consists of the most reliable High Grade A (1012d0. You will be thor- oughly satisfied with the pex- formanee and wear of out of our Watches. Our guaran- tee is of value to you. Our prices lower tint» city Atm s. II:IJ J., CK.SO. a WEL,E1? JULY BED, M, 9,00-11.80 Physics , M. 1.80 4.00...,13ietoty, A, B. & O 31LY 71121. . M. 9.00-1 ., Lhemitary 301,11 8811 A. M. 9,00-11.80. ., 2110413 Authot'e P. M. 1,80--2,00,.....Latii Comp, {The papers fn Geography, Aritllmetio and English Grammar ander the hood of Nomad School Entrance aro *penial papers for thaw. Model Soli 01 grad/taken of 1900 and 1007 who have not yet, Ne. our 11 their !1„w professional groaning f,n• Third ala*s 1ertifioatoe. The abut% items almuld be -clipped tr"fa Tao Posts end pasted pp for con- Veale,1 reference. Beware Of Substitutes 1 Greedy dealers 8110.4701' 80 pian off a enh81,tule h r Putnarn's Coro Extractor, In+INI an 2080801'$ oply—)r Dares corns aa,) dltrt8 thoroughly, rho imitation may tall, ST. 1 Ilstel('S DA V 11EDI`1'ATION, 01 Ireland, dear Ireland, Thou Eternal Islet Thou greetest thy daughters and 00128 with a smile; How deny to my heart, in memory how sweet I3 the land of my (athero, the land or the great. Wherever I roam, on land or on Ben, My heart ever turns; dear,hontolnnd to thee; At eight In my dreams I roam thy green olds, And words fail to toll the plenaure it yields. But some time I hope to stand on thy shore, .And visit the seems of my childhood once more; And I'll goto the church that Mande on the bill Where my mother and father are worship• pare still. With reverent band I'It open the door, And silently pray to the Sainte, as of yore; AndTI pray to the Virgin, dear Mother of To flt me for Heaven ere I sleep 'neath the Sod, Tben the ewest mimeo! Heaven will enter my soul And abide with me too when thedark waters roll, When the river of Jordan gleans darkly in view, "Thy rod and Thy stair” will comfort me too. Ho Troland. dear Ireland, Thou Emerald Istel My heart ever turns to thee with a smile; May *1017 St Patrick e'er bless thee with peace, May all the good graces within time increase. ROBERT EL831EEE. Bruseele, March 17th, '08. SPRING TERM OPENS i APIIIL 1ST Oaneda'a (3re.'tont Chain or High- .. 'nob. t,,8in81,18 "olle,a.. 1 torted at 9881113'31 1,013 *INOHAar CLINT N WALE.RTML 'IaANoEVILLR (4 DIMWIT tallow• 112,. mew= M Mottoes, Con- certo. and 2.18101 e'• va0at0' 181'08rnp• els, Nook•kee„'-re end ' "1 green. 08 are 1 foe., demand In Jul,, Ausu-t, '8110 Esher and Gott ber We trap, more 3 ting people than (14 tsar ma' .gement iu thdario T1or0 moat ho a reason; write for it. 00800 C011118138 WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE A, A, i3mmmm, el A., Ph D. Viae Principal Oto. ,POTT"N, Pri00, pat AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF FARM flirt on 1NPLED1ENTo. 5t0, -F, 8, Hontt, Auctioneer, has been M8611 1 00 by the on. dereianed to sell by Puhlio Auction at Lot 2,00n.14. Grey, on Friday, March 07th, at 1 o'elock, the following valuable property 1 heavy draft mere 10 yearn old in foal, 1 heavy draft mare 6 years old, 1 heavy drat mare 4 years old, 1 bevy draft mare 8 yrs. oidia foul, I driving •Inrae 8 year, old, 1 draft boom Dolt, 16 breeding ewes, 2 ewe lamhe,l brood sew with litter. 2 brood Rowe supposed in pig, 6 young pigs, 7 registered Elbert Horn oowe in calf or with calves at foot. 6 rogietdree heifer calves, 2yearling regl8tered Boort Horn bulls, 1 yearling reg- istered heifer, 1 grade cow supposed 4L Dalt, 4 . rt oowe 8 rotund..s hetfere rising 8 yrs, S yearn:,4g steers. 2 yearling heifers, 2 heifer 0,,,w,38, number of hens, 8 turktye, 1 sob. beer, 1 binder, 1 /newer, 1 nay rake, 1 hay. lander, 1 cultivator, 1 seed drill, 1 lend ref ler, 2 lot g idiom, 1 set of barrow,, 1 muffler, 8 lumber wnen0e, I set of bob -sleighs, 1 out. ter, 1 111.01 le buggy,/ turnip sewer, 1 pithier, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 ditto harrow, 1 set 2,000'b scales, 8 e.ts 0,0ee 8,rne00, 1 act mnlgle haru081 &o, Bale with, ut re9'818 us tb8 All 8111118 tilt tinder cash, , To, o- Aileomko1186 a, d Under, cash, over teat awam't to muohn' or. din w111 be give, 00 lurui*bi g unproved Joint uut,e; 6 uer oont, 0150 for cash on coedit amounts. ANDREW H IBLUP, Jr„ Proutietor, Mortgage Sale U' der end by virtue r f a Power or Rale 001'2,1, SO iu u mwdgaoe Mittel Ole twenty- fourtb day Of 'November, 1903, mats by R 1.e113 Hoy, ae 011 Minter, there will be off 144.1 for eel. by Plume Amnion et the Ame,iu8 Noe , 0,i t11' Vil ago 11 BInkeole 02, NA1UN1.51, THE 'I'WEN'IYEIuu'PH DAT 1,N MAHt11), 008, '.t 12 o'oi. 811, onion all and o1I,01 lar that o. r'a'n ear eul or tricot of lawn and premises Situate lying 8.0'2 lib. in, m th. Tow„ehq, ' 1 Grey, 10 she Ono ty ,.1 Huron and I•roViuee 211 Oulu, I,, befog composed 01 1,1.'1 (.umbo' seven in tub Fi'tu 00:080 Liu id the .aid Towae(U, at Grey, gun uontannu Ulla Hundred Acres more 211 Men, dud being t,, term a6 prem.; uueulded Uy buhle, 03,2.!1, 011 11321.988 ty there le . two-etiey brick house mod beau, L'Irate in about bidet mace Oleo, nil 4011 81.• tar e0111Va1101i V. 04e- 11180. 80111,1 ,lob Id ,std a &mod wee TUe 102180, arc in lair y .' , d o-mdului. 'l`,, pr,p. rty,s i , 888,1* ming 211•t Let. tt tib tit. on r till, e l rumlit tris, hair 1.t4o tuts. a colla Low a sebum The on, uU ,.,r will be required to pay ten pet' 001., tie11181 x820 0,ya2 lea 11"4 02 en 10 ,.11d ehv ua'2. 0, t LEI 0sof latiOn u tuuy d,ru 1 •w 4.,0 83thl. MIL All & 81M$, Vu,,14,1'8' woks] 010 B ran, Ont. 9, B, 501 Ta, Amnion! el, lareeeele, Gut 1/10480 Al 818i, ere, 1950 80.8 Throat Coughs Ask your doctor about these throat coughs. He wIli tell you how deceptive they are, A tickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better explain your case care- fully to your doctor, and ask him about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. We publish our formulas We banish alcohol �Q� from our medicines C,"r!Mt Weoaeu t o ur u u. c 0 a o 9 1 0 yur doctor Who makes the best liver pills? The J. C. Ayer Company, of Lowell, Mass. They have been making Ayer's Pills for over sixty years. If you have the slight. est doubt about using these pills, ask your doctor, Do as he says, always. —Made by the J. 0. Ayer 08,, Lowell, Mani- -- Notice aani-- Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Blakeman, late of the Village of Glen Allen, in the County of Wellington, hot formerly of the Village of Brue- 0010,111 the County of Huron, spinster deceased. Not ice to hereby given, pursuant to Ravin. ed Statuteso Outer( t' 1837, (Mao 120, andbme"dluc Aote.that all ore•iit bean 1 oteere baying'y Halms aaaloet the esrate of the .alrl Itnzaueth B'nkow 1o, who ilted nn or abo0' the 0th day of Pebruar,,1908, are re. mitred on t r„fore t •8 en day or April, 1908, to tend li by peel , prepaid, or d. liver to W. U 9{,20(8 r, of the 7111090if lir •est le, lu the oUuty ut Enron, Solicit, tor El1Bw,tb 4std Alfred 'tned,rr, the wxreutnr8•' f the lint 111 a 011 Teets mea( 0r said 10uea ell, 'heir Lawn- bOd n[1.11.6404 with full port):Oiler. I w,i*L. O If their opdnl+ the aratetna•'c of their acenuu10 ad.1 the 0 au ,. of the swan - it est ((11.0yy) held by tit au And entice Ie further sive„ that oft•r the salt. 1"ut wem io ed date the Es,mokes; will pruot'ed to diet. Mu 0 the (meet '032.1,81 d, 8.080,) moonset 1 he pa flee ettitled to ere - to, Laving regmrd outs t, the claims of whish tory soul( thou have 801100 cud that rue a:boaters will ant be liable ler rue 118001.8.01. (try part thereof, to awl o -8800 of whose c 'rut they abed not thou nave notice and all pert1488 "r W11.400118.3118 6109 84811 nut 'ben hove melee .bat be raalu-led trona tie 008:808 or d .LI •Ili rl r0tt ,d 1 •,,led int, 10:1' day .1 larch, 1008 W. •'. -INl1 '.8110, 80.8 madam"r t n• 1.4[801140ra. 1113113.AT T NOTICES .,'ARM FOR S .LE, BEINU A. Out 18, 0uu. 10, GGr.y, uuutaiuiu. 100 acres Apply co W AI. WOODS, Uroubroes P. G. 21-tr QUANTITY GIP GOOD CEDAR Fence Posts fur sale. Apply to J., SE W5LIIEE, Lot 8, Con, 5, Grey, or lemmasP.O. 20 t Gf00I) C0M@'ORTABLE Home Dud good Stable with cement floor ; al tesian well l 9 acre loud; for Bale on Qoeen Bti eet,Bruseels Apply to 818886 30261 00E1ER. 5n ACRE FARM FOR SALE l� beteg N3 Lot 30, 010 8, Grey. on the premises le a c0udorttible house, bauk barn, Decherd, too Posee0ninn eau be given at ouoa, 39 mime Morn Ethel and 6 from BrUseele Nor further particulars motile on the premises to P. LAMONT, or Ethel P.O. WOE SALE OR TO RENT.—A oomfortahle house on Prlsouse street with Stable dud all oo ,veuieooee. For fur- ther pltrtionlare apply to Witt .HFN(48, G. W. It. Agent, Wingbam, 21.11 14 OUSE AND } ACRE OF land for sale. oumfortable dwell• Ing; bard and soft water n filar cover ; a5• ple, plum nod cherry trees, 80. Poesesetne cum beivee at mute. Ilor prim, terms, 80, mall at FRE P048. 9 OUSE AND1 ACRE LOT for sale --Albert street, comfortable homwell,Meter., e 11 P1l. lgood P08[1088101) any Num.. For Wilber 11114'1110ula1', moldy on 1110 p1'emi809 to 8. °BAMFORD, Brussels. 48.cf EST IF YOU THINE OF MAKING A HOME IN THE WEST YOH SHOULn HAVE THESE Huron County Spring Stock Show Clinton, April2, 1908 ENTRANCE FREE -ADMISSION FREE. rs6oo I PRIZES. N liorrau Clydesdales Act ril Stallion 8 years and over 410 Ind 8F Stallion 2 years and under .......,0 4 u Shiree Stallion 8 yvnra and over 18 0 2 Stallion 2y0ar8 and under 5 4 2 Per4herou Beat Porelteron stallion 10 5 Heaney Stallion 8yl m' find M r 111 4 Stallion 2 yoare re n ono and under d 4 2 limey Draughts B, cod more, recited. 8 yrs & over Tieing 8 yrs tieing 2 yrs Gelding 8 78020 and over Gelding rifting 2 years Team in harness Fdmily o(8 colts of 1807 6 8 8 4 3 8 2 2 2 2 4 Agricultural Team in harness, let prize. rultivat' or value 540. douth'd by Thos. morphs, agent for Decrial., altg Co 6 8 Brood mare 8 ye, end aver, let prize silver cup valued at 513, donated by alolsons Bank . .. Filly or Gelding rising 8 years . 4 82 Filly or Guiding rising 2 years... 4 B 2 General Purpose 1881e (n harness, 1400 lbs and tin- der.. 0 4 1laedetele i Stnlllonl6,' m ,•head and over 10 6 2 Baltica under ihmdm 10 6 2 (l,rrtage horde'fiaral'nnes, equip• tient conddm'en tl .. ...0 4 2 Roadster horse in hardens, equip - 211011t considered .. 6 4 2 Carriage tea„ in harness ,,.,.,A 4 2 Roadster team in harness 6 4 Saddle home4 8 2 Jumping over bordlee.,8 4 2 Cattle Short Horne Bull 8 years and over 8 6 8 Bull 2 yen re and under 5 g 2 Bull 1 year and under 5 8 2 Dow 8 years and over 6 8 Heifer 2 years .-. 6 8 2 Heifer 1 year... ...... .. .. 4 2 1 Ague to date from September 20th He fords Bull 2 years and over 5 3 lean 1 year and under ............. 5 8 (low a years and over 6 i1 Heifer under 2 yulus 4 5 Polled Angus Bull 2 van and over 5 a Bull t year and under ., ., ., .,.,, 6 8 Chief 8y00(181(nd over 6 8 Heifer 11,11101127:0110 5 8 Dairy oowe and Fat Cattle Dairy (Jaw any age and breed 6 8 Fat Heifer, age considered ..... 8 2 Fat Steer, age 00nmidere08 2 2 Stock Suave 8 yeer0 and under 8 2 2 Stock HeiP m er 8 yrs and under 8 2 Swoepatnkee Best SIale any age Best F=010007 age Beet 8 of any breed 2years and under with bull.., ............ 6 Diploma Grain and Seeds Frill Wheat, any variety 8 2 Bag Michigan Amber, prize donated by Jas. air, bag of L'air's famoua floor (FFFFI Oats, black Oats, white 8 2 Barley, Wormed g 2 Barley, Mx rowed.,, 8 Pette Timothy Olover Seed 8 a B 2 2 2 Potatoes • Potatoes, any early variety...,,,,,, 0 2 Potatoes, any late variety 8 2 Jas. Snell, Jas, Fair, J. W. -Shaw Pres, Trees, See'9, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even uumunrud oebtiuu of ilomiuioo Lauds in atah,tona, rime te0ewau and Alberta, 0800781ug 8 and 20, trot reserved, curry be homesteaded "y any pars ,0 wu•r le be sole bead of a family, or any mole over 18 year. ut aye, 10 the . Xte,,1 of nue-au trier -081100 or 1621 none mora or lea, "gEant,cd Dl.'o28 fmatdue pualy n88t 11r0h21 Um laud 18 811uute. 1210bowuetoauor,a:050,red to 5811im'm tbeuuutlitiitauu nsotsd therewith uudor Ona 0111111 i d1UlV1 lg pia*d i (1) At leant oda muutfue reeideuee union and ou181Vat14u of (mule -id to ea0h year lar three years, (21 11 too tether (, r mother, 11 the rat her • is ceesaa0, 1 o1 the Lonmetemder reclaim mum a farm to the vlui,lty el the rued entente 1 the requirements a8 t0 r0e1- i0e ee may U0 an Idled by such per80u re. `� sidlug with 01, , natuer ur mother, w;: •, (8) Lt th.....ar nab 4111 ,„.„ant real• Free ®®$ tienca ,i I A7Y LUIt ly of d lµud erste d by Uiw m tun vmm[ty of tri. bu,, 01eud, 1h8 re• gull, wuhte ay 10 1,00 1uou way be eati0- a„d u, rue(de„ue spun 6110 08..1 cud, 81X1n,,t5e'11 000 Itr Writing lioold be sive„ to tim OUwwinete'er 01 Dumfui,u Lauda at Ottawa ill' 14teatuu t0 early (Or patent, "SETTLERS' GUIDE” "WESTERN CANADA" "TOURIST SLEEPING CARS" TIME TABLES Just the practical information you need' Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent, or to C. B FOSTER District Pose, Agent, TORONTO Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam Cures Coughs �Stops them right off. The first teaspoonful t%'t6 I`/ dots good, Ina few 'Moura you notice that "' " tight Feeling " disappear -the coughing spells grow farther and farther apart,r-the throat is easier --and the soreness gone. Cure oneself at home -for or ' r Friar's y m f 26c wars holes's Preparation of I+r1ar n Cotigb 13-10011, Sold by alt druggists,• us NATIONAL OR061 d CeleMICAI1 00„ MINIT4,r a AONDOH, O0'. W. W.Deputy of D'1048, N. B, Cu., talc ,Celthe l outdo 11,0to 8 nl tthis ad- yel'tih0W ell will 1.100 00 paid NY, ALLAN RLI, LINE Turbine Steamers SIBLINGS TO LIVEFIPOOL Vwtul9eu L1uw-'41.J "hu Halifax Fro, hi ,.27 let, Mar. 28 11,11,00 .. ".8 t, A r, 4 Vt,g ni,i,s'.,, A,.r. 10 Nat, Apr, 11 1.21 lel u .,,m,t, Apr 18 SAILINGS TO GLASGOW`. LaurentianFrom.o5ni•tland Boston illePinu,.,,...,,, ,„'rbm', Aprils l'1.111:::''..-..--110:::: har, bion 20 Pru801'l,t” Tbnr, A2n' 1) 1,11taa Puu,, 11µr 30 �� POI smn.ugs, flat, and lull lulu, wall.» ft3, 11y to e * VV I0. *Cana. l Agent A11uo,141;4, I3ru0S8ie,