HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-3-26, Page 1Vol, 6. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MARCH 26 1908 Nen:./ Advertisements Look --I C. Itichrn da. Seed_0ats--vVtn ,31,;N lir Wali paper- W. H Lore Auction sale—Elijah Pease. Fie iltaldebyde—F It Smith,. Auction sale --Robert Coutts. Aueticm sale—Thos. Williamson. New dress trimmings—A. Strachan. For sale—Exenutors'Is 14lcLauchlin, Nursery stock—T, W. Bowman & Son. t$(alCtitem, BELGRAVE Vnclet• the auspices of the W. M. S. an entertalument will be given in the Belgrave Methodist church on Friday evening Islet -oh 27th by the Carey Twin Bros, soloists and eutertaitters of Freel tou, Ont. These entertainers give a very pleasing and interesting enter taiumeut, See posters mad do nut fail to attend. WINGHAM Mrs. Malcolm is laid aside from business duties with ail attackof ap. peudieitis. Luther A Bali, who recently dispos ocl of his furniture business in .Port William, is visaing at his home here, A. H. Musgrove, principal of our public school, was uoabte to teach on Thursday and Friday ot last week, His many friends are pleased to learn that be was able to be at his post again on Monday morning. Geo. H. Conphnan, salesman for the Singer Sewing Machine Company, has been transterred to Orangeville. where lin will manage the branch of the cool puny there. He will be missed in the organizations of St Paul's church. The death of Mrs. Johnston, relict of the late James Johnston, took place on Sunday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Arch. Patterson. De- ceased has been living at Blackstock, Cartwright township, . until a few weeks ago, when she came to visit her daughters in town Dropsy was the immediate cause of her death, Mr Johnston predeceased her about 25 years. For some years he waa clerk of Turnberrv, and was also proprietor of the Queen's Hotel in Wiugbam at one time, Four daughters and three sons survive, Mrs loose, of Chicago ; Mrs, 5. Peacock, of 'Toronto ; Mrs, Arch. Patterson and Ml's. Welter Patterson, of Winghan ; James, Wil. limn and 'rhos , of Saginhw Deceased Was a member of the Episcopal church, tier age was 71 years. F. G. Spariing's salt tank; which was located no the river bank opposite the salt block, tumbled apart Tuesday morning and slipped into the river. The tank was full of salt brine, so Winghamites will probably be catch- ing salt fish when the season opens. The electric light commission by-law submitted to the ratepayers last Mon. day was defeated by so votes. There was considerable opposition to the measure for one reason or another, The vote was as follows : For Against Ward t 28 Ward 2 35 40ad 3 44 57 Ward 1 69 8t LISTOWEL Alfred Muton, who is employed at Mr. Calder's planing mill, met with a very paintnl and unfortunate acci dent Friday afternoon. He wasrun Mg his mortising machine, and In tightening a nut his hand -slipped and was caught by the knives, the thumb of his left band being' tore off and portions of the Pest two fingers mut off, as well an a piece ot the third finger. The injured members weir surgically treated but it will be some time before he can make any use of his bond, wh eh will be maimed hi life, Mr. Murton is a married in with a fancily, and is a steady, in dustrious workman. His misfortune has evoked deep sympathy iron his %nen y friends. by whom he is 'tights esteemed, and trom the citizens gen eral l y. The Young People's Guild of the Presbyterian church held their enter- tainment Friday evening in the Sun- day school room which was largeli attended. 'Ibe main attraction was a lecture by Robert Ferguson, of this town, who held the audience tor one hour with the greatest delight in his very aide manner ou the life of Rob bio Burns; the peel. Mr. Ferguson. who is a typical Scotchman, carne to Canada in the year 1844 From Scot NEW BB3SS. T • • • I�ti9[�G` Very ' lieh, In addition to our very complete range of DRESS GOODS and SILKS we have just received and passed into stock a good selection of NEW and VIiRY STY- LISH DRESS TRIMMINGS. We extend a cordial_invitation to the ladies to call and see thein, Dressmaking Rooms upstairs and all work.,done up in the Latest Style and Best Workmanship. April Standard Patterns, Designers and Fash- ion Sheets received. Patterns on13610o and 15o, Fashion Sheet Free to those who call for them. • • STRACHAN at our Genuine Rubber Trimmed Slagle 81 ivaas, regi- 17.00 lar 420,00, reduced to Ont' Team Sienese ab the low price of 428,00 with Dollars surpasses them all. Examine them. • One Robe left, regular y price 49,00, going at - I Truuke, Satohels, Plush Rags, Rubber Rugs and Whips at lowest prices. t •Repairs in Collars or Harness promptly done, 1. C. ® to Skene's FORar --- s Dress Goods, Skirtings, Gottost \i_ Flannelettes, Latices and Hosiery Teas and eoffees a Specialty Pricte no g Higher halt nods the Beet, g Alwnte Ioekedd with n fu nine of High Grade(roceris'a a A T .KENT' land, He enure to Listowel in the year 1876, when he became the editor and proprietor of the Listowel Ban- ner, which business he followed for many years, when he sold out to W. Cllmie. He moved to Chicago, re- maining there forsomeyears, whence he returned to Listowel to spend the remninder of bis days among his friends, CRANBR- OOK A few in this section are making maple syrup and sugar. Athol McQuarrie has returned to Godericb after a holiday visit at his home here. The next meeting of Grey Council will be held at Cranbrook ou Monday, April 6th. Dr. McRae, of Clinton, was home for a few days' visit. Clinton evident- ly agrees web with him. A sieighload of young people were at Ethel last Saturday evening to the debate, E. Fulton and H. Ainlay, of this locality, took part. William, son of Richard and Mrs. Mitchell, West of Cr'tnbrook, who was home from the West for a few mouths, has returned to resume operations on nis farm, We hope he will strike it rich: WRO7fE- TER 41ohn Booth spent Sunday in Gorrie 0 Norman Harris left last week for the West. Fl ugh McLeva is spending a Few .weeks in Berrie. Mrs. M, McLennan is visiting with Friends in Brantford, Misses Kate and Elda Ilszelwood, pent Sunday in Clifford. Mrs T. F Miller, ot Toronto, is calling on old friends here, Jno 'Thompson, of Guelph, was u visitor in the village last week. Miss Minnie Smith is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Robinson, at Inver ay. John Douglas has purchased Mrs T. F Miller's residence on Sanderson street. Wm. and Mrs Rutherford entertain• ed a number of their friends one even- ing last week. Rey. A, L. Russell, B. ll , of town, Wes a speaker at the 'Tea Meeting at f,orrie on Monday evening. We are sorry to report that Mrs N Allan is very mow. As she is advanced 'n veers her recovery is not looked for .Mrs Gen. Harris and family have k• n rooms in the Rae Klock until epi can purchase a suitable dwelling Mrs Lamb and children returned +as, week W their home in Pinnas. \fan , after spending several weeks with her Fattier, A. Longley, of How ink, JAMES 'TOWN ask in had a verysue essful Ed T I 1c tvoudbee last Friday. Geo. and Mrs. Eckmier visited friends'at Bluevale last Friday. Rohl. Forrest, who is teacher at Whitfield's school, was home over Sunday. Chris. Skinn is moving to the olcl Snell farm on the Morris and Turn berry boundary this week, While :splitting wood in R. T. Mil ler's bush on Saturday last, P. Bishop.. of Brussels, gave his leg a nasty gash with the axe, Job King took charge of the service in Victoria Hall last 'Sunday evening and Rev. L. Perrin, of Wroxeter, will preach next Sabbath, Wm. Wright sr., who moved from our locality to Wroxeter some time ,ago, is not enjoying the good health that big many friends wish for but it is hoped that he will soon take a change for the better. The debate and musical program wliich was held in Victoria Hail Thursday evening of last week was very much enjoyed by those present. The subiect for debate was "Resolved that the opening up of the West has been a benefit to the East," las. A Simpson mid Miss Marjory Strachau brought out some very good points in favor of the affirmative while L. 500 ACRES in Nursery Stook Agents wanted at once to sell for Pall. 1908, a ,d 'wring, 1909, delivery ; whole or part time ; liberal terms ; outfit free, ne Thos, WI Bowman a Son Co., Ltd, RIDGEVILLE ONT. PAINTING AND PAPER— HANGING i'he Undersigned is prepared to attest 1 to ail work en- trusted to hum in the above linos with rielytness and -des- patch. Prices reasonable, ilttl•fii,elicwr GlIertl livid T. \1Ct f() L , 87.8nr 131M -SQL :. Rotten and Miss Maggie Snell upheld the negative, l'he decision was given in favor of the latter. All those Interested in the Beef Ring for 1908 are asked to attend a moetiug in the Hall here on Thursday evening, April and, at 8 o'clock. Anyone wishing to get a share will please at tend so that there will be no delay whet, it Is time to start the ring, WALTON A, Johnston moved to the village Thursday into the house recently pur. chased from Mr. Irvine. Emerson Fulton and wife left Tues day for Los Angeles, Cal., where they purpose residing. We wish them every success. It is said the train cut off during the past month on the C. P. R. will short- ly be restored and on a better schedule than formerly, This week a representative of the Berlin Sugar Co, was in this vicinity trying.to interest farmers in the cul- tivation of the sugar beet, Jno. Irvine left Monday' for the West, where he purposes spending the Summer, Mrs. Irvine and fain. sly will remain here for the present. Misses Grace Gardiner and Rosa Simpson returned home Tuesday from Guelph where.thev have been for the Winter attending the MacDonald In- stitute An auction sale of farm stock and a few implements is announced by Robt. Coutts, lot 13, con. r4, McKillop, for tnesdav afternoon next, as the prop rietor is overstocked. F. S. Scott will be the auctioneer, 'Tuesday loth inst., Alex. Coutts left for Buchanan, Saskatchewan, ac- companying aear of horses and settlers' effects for his uncle, Peter J. McDon- ald He had been in the West last rear lint was home for the Winter. Mr. Coutts is a son of Robert Coutts, vleKillop boundary Will. Christopher met with rather a painful accident on Monday last when working with his team in the Mc- Donald mill yard He bad occasion to unhitch his horses from the sleigh when the sleigh started down a slight incline and jammed his leg betweeu sleigh and a wood pile, breaking the large bone midway between knee and -ankle. Although painful, he is now doing nicely and we hope he will soon be o k, ETHEL A Medicine Co gave several enter- r,nnmentS in the Gibsou hall during the past week. A load of Oddfellows and their friends drove to Brussels to the Al Home 'Tuesday evening and spent an enjoyable time. A sleigh load of young people came over from Cranbroolc to the debate lturday evening to give countenance a d encouragement to their represent- ative on the debate, Nir. Ainlay, and incidently to have a good time. Judg ing from the tnanuer in which he acquitted himself their mission was not ni vain. UNnER'rAxrwG.—Prompt and care- ful attention given to all orders for Undertaking. Our telephone No, is 28a and a call will have our im- mediate response. Our prices are reasonable and satisfaction always as- sured. Special attention paid to cavity and arterial embalming fol which we hold diplomas. LEATNERDALE & SON. Goon Tans.—Saturday evening of �Ost week a large audience assembled in the Township Hall to enjoy the program under the auspices of the Literary Society. Thos. Turnbull presided as chairman in good form. The debate, "Resolved that Trade unions are an ecil," was well handled, the six young men who took part mak- first-class speeches, Those on the affirmative were Ed, Fulton, FIarry Ainlay and Wm. Kreuter and the negative was sustained by Messrs. 'Campbell, Richardson and McDonald. Decision was given the negative, jno. Pearson made an admirable critic. After tbe debate the following well rendered program was presented i— Instrumental- by Misses Hutchinson and Slenimon ; recitations by Misses McLeod and Chambers ; duet by Miss Pearson and B. Grimes, W. H. Kerr, of Tux Poss., made a few coin plimentary remarks at the close. The National Anthem was snug and the interesting entertainment concluded. This Society has been a great success this season and well deserves the loyal support accorded it. WILLIAM SMALLDUN bSCEAeCb.•—F1'1- dal of last week William Smalldon, formerly a resideot of this locality, died in the Harper Hospital, Detroit, aged 64 years. He was a soldier in the American army and over 30 years ago had a wound in one of his limbs which always gave him trouble and finally resulted in his decease. Mr. Smaildon was born in Devonshire, Englund, and came to Canada when a boy, After residing in Grey township for several pear, he removed to Sanilac,;Centre, Miuhipan. He went to Detroit for hospital treatment. Deceased was married twice, his first wife being a Miss Wilson and his bereft partner a Miss Mitchell, formerly of Innerkip, Ont. One son survives, The subject of Ibishotiee was a great sufferer at times, especially for the past few mantis. He had a badattack last LJune 'i'he U. S. Government paid i lit a pension of $12 0o per month. Mt. Stnalldon's remains Were brought to Brussels for interment, the fnnerai taking place from the hone 01 Allan Lamont on Sunday afternoon, Mrs, Lamont is a neice. Rev. Mr, Wisliart conducted the service, Jas. Smalldott, of Saidltskv, Mid Chan. Blakemore, of Detroit, nephews, hccotnpenlerl the nods he ni i)etr00. The surviving In others 10 Mr. $n,ulidun-are John and George, of Grey, and Richard and Thomas, of Michigan. There are also tbree sisters livlug in the 15. S. Mrs. Smelidon will be accorded sympathy iu the hour of her bereavement. The last debate of the season will be held here on Saturday evening of next week when the following interesting subject will be debated, "Resolved that a man will do mare from a sense of duty than front love of praise " john Pearson and assistants will uphold the affirmative and Chester Armstrong will be captain of tbe negative. Musical and literary selections will also be on the program, WALL PAPERS.—We would -beg leave to say to the people of Ethel and sur• ronnding country that we' have a choice stock of wall papers now ready for the Spring trade at very reasonable prices and would be pleased to have you call and see them, Farm produce taken in exchange for wall paper. furniture, &c. Undertaking promptly attended to in shortest notice. W. H. Love:. MORRIS Township Council will meet on Mon. day of next week. Tender's will be opened for the proposed new bridges on the 5th line. Elijah Pease has announced an auction sale of farm stock, implements for Friday of next week, North halt of '0t 24. con. 5. Sale will be without reserve as the proprietor is giving .tip farming Administrator's auction sale of farm stock, &b., will be held at North halt lot tr. coo. 7, Morris, on Monday April the 6th at r o'clock when F. S. Scott will wield the hammer. Ed Laundv is the administrator of the estate of the late Ann Laundy, A Foessct MoRRISITE PASSED AWAY —Last Sunday James Shaw, fernierly of the 2nd line. paid Nat ore's debt at his comfortable home at Listowel aged 84 years. He was born in Ireland and came to Canada 56 years ago. In January 1855 deceased was united in marriage to Miss Isa bells Whaley, of Woodstock. They had no family. After residing for a good many years in this township Mr and Mrs. Shaw moved to Listowel where they have residers for the past 3o years. They celebrated their gold en wedding 3 years ago. The subject of this notice had not bean in good health for the past 3 years but was only confined to bed 3 or 4 days Pneumonia was the cause of death Deceased was an uncle to Arthur, Anson and Robert Shaw, web known in Morris, be being a brother to their Father, the late Samuel Shaw, who passed to his reward 44 year's ago. Messrs. Shaw and their wives attend ed the funeral of their uncle on 'Tues- day afternoon, Rev. Mr. McCamus, Methodist minister, pastor of deceased, conducting -a very suitable service Mr. Shaw was a man of sterling qual. ities and had many friends who will extend sympathy with bis now be- reaved wife. This funeral' was the sixth in which the Shaw family of Morris have been called upon as re- latives to attend since New Years', starting with the burial of Councillor Arthur Shaw's baby. j, GREY `Il.ast week Miss Hazel Rozel, gt11 con. was visiting Blytb relatives. The mumps are prevelant in the Eastern part of the township, Roads are not 'f0 what would be called good condition since the thaw. Andrew Hislop's auction sate 04th con., Friday afternoon of this week Mrs. Ray McNaught and Mrs. Wm. 13e11 have been visiting friends in Platteville. Miss Annie Detwiller, of Saskatch- ewan, islvisiting with her sister, Mrs Henry McNaught. • The next Council meeting will be held at 'Long's Hall, Craubrook, on Monday April 6th, Philip Botz, nth con., is the owner •f a lamb zj weeks old that, weigbs 3o pounds. It is a guod one. Many people in Grey learned with deep regret of the demise of Tames Ferguson, for many years a highly es- teemed resident of the gth con. A sltigh load of young people of the 16th con, attended the reception in the oum• of Mr. and Nirs. Baxley near Donegal Friday evening and report a good time. Misses Katie, Annie and Tessie, daughters of Mrs. Alex, McDonald, 4t1 con , are laid up with the measles, the second. time for some ot them, We hope they will soon be o. k Miss Maggie Rnaell, who bas been at Paris, was called home Iasi waek over the regretted illness of her sister, Mrs Inc. Engel. of Paw Paw, Mich„ who is laid aside from nerve paralysis, only temporarily, we hope. Miss Rciell hos gone to the aid of Mrs Engle. KEEP DATE IN MINA.—The Engin- eer's reports on the following Braids and on the Walton cement sidewalks will be read and considered on the 6th day of April, 1908, at Long's Hall, Cranbrook I—Livingston drain report, at rt a m. ; Walton cement sidewalks report, at t p. m t McDonald drain re port, at 2 p. in. ; Clark drain report, at 3.p. 10. During the past week John, .Thos., lathes and Sant, Yaitl, of Vanderbilt, Mich., were here on a holiday visit with their mother, brothers and form- er old friends Three of the visitors have been here heioro in recent years but James was away since 1884, when he wes hack to hisfather's funeral. 9'lte ars' and second rnentioued are doing a large lumber business. A family photo. was taken while the gelttletien were here. It included the visitors, Walter ?'bill and Mrs. P, Mcf)iiuksjl, of Morris, Alex, of Grev, ,1u', 310111 sr, 1x77 years of age but is naive and enjnv's gond health. She was -included In the photographic gr'onp, W H. k.ERR, Props 1Vo are glad to report that both Misses l3esste and ]wale Mann, who have been very ill, are improving in health. A petition for a daily mail service for Moncrieff is being circulated. We opo (the powers that be) will look favorably upon it. The too acre farm of Thos, William- son, Lot 25, Con, 14, has been leased for a cumber of years to Evans Brus., of the 711 IMO Morris township, who will get possession at once. &Ir. Wil- liamson has announced an auction sale of farm stock, unptements, household furniture, &o. fur Wednesday of next week, April hat and he win likely spend next Summar in the West. We wish bitn sueee,,s Lot will be sorry to twee he and Mrs, W illianson from the r4th. Evans bus. should do well on the farm as they are careful industrious men. - DEPARTED TFtts Linz. -The all to which all mast respond came to Mrs, Peter McIntosh, lot 15, con. 6, 'Tues. day of this week and she passed peace- fully away to the Great Beyond, in ber 73rd year. Deceased's maiden name was Annie Rubinson and her birth- place was Perthshire, Scotland, where she was also married to her late hus- band in 1852, They came to Canada shortly after and after a short stay at Harpurbey came to Grey township, i6th con., where they made their home until st years ago when they moved to their present farm. Mrs. McIntosh had been ill fur about 3 weeks. Mn, Mclutosh pre -deceased ber by 5 years. The children are :—James, of Trout Creek, Muskoka ; Alex., in British Columbia ; Archie, of Glaistone,Mao,; Peter, on the homestead ; Mrs, A. Adams, deceased ; Mrs. Wm, Fulton, con. 05, Grey ; Mrs. J. G. Thompson, Grand Rapids, Mich. ; Mrs. Geo. A. W ilbee, Rainy River ; Mrs. Jas, Bell, Nelson, Ont, ; and Misses Myron and Lida at home. Another daughter died iu infancy. The subject of this notice was kindly and generous, industrious and hospitable and enjoyed the friend- ship of many. She was a member of the Presbyterian church and triumphed in the taith of her Redeemer, Funeral took place to Brussels cemetery Thurs- day afternoon, Rev, D. B. McRae con ducting it. The sorrowing relatives have the sympathy of the community. The 3. -Linked Brethren Jubilate. ANNUAL Ar HOME A SUCCESS. Tuesday evening the officers Ind mem- bers of Weakeru Star Lodge, No. 149, i3ruesela, were Boats to a large and happy uumpauy of ladies nd gentlemenat their emitted At Home in their spacious and timely fitted up lodge room. This func- tion is looked upon as one of the events of the aeaaou and hae beau remarked for the exoelleney of its programa sud the good cheer that has always characterized it, Tuesday evening pruned no exception to the reourd of the pain aid should tend to augment the membership which has grown to the very satisfactory number of 190. The program was pleasing, well varied and rsudered in a moat creditable manner aud was highly appreciated, It was we follows : Iuatrumeutal seleetious welt played by an orobeetra composed of 11. L, Jaokaou, W. A. Grower, Will. Urtffi.h ,old lilts. H. L. Jackson, introducing rue violin, Cornet, arulnboue and piano ; choice solos rendered in good tonin try Joe Hueter, Iblies McCracken of Cleve- ieud, F. H. Gilroy, Jee. J..uwe end J. Habkirk ; a humorous recitation by Mee. Durdie that pleased the company ; fine instrumental duet, trombone and piano, by L. S. and Mien Lulu Danford ; duets rendered most creditably by Ube Alta eucl Roy Pryne, stud Mrs, Will. Leather• dale and J. U. Julien ; short spioy address If) Rev. A. U. Wishart, B. A. Bro. Powley, of Toronto, one of the four Ontario repreaeutativee ot the Suver- eigi Lodge, wee a welcome visitor and gave a brief yet oumpreheuatve address, carefully worded yet enaumpaseiug mauy features of the milk. He said in part :— Odd Fellowship novers too broad a field to be spoken of by any cue man iu one eveuiug. It ba mans phases that might be presented in favorable light but the speaker referred prluoipally to the Panda - timbal prineiplea of the Order. Odd Fellowship has grown from the email Lodge of 6 members in 1819 to a mem- bership of 1,700,000 in 1907, It line spent many subdues iu the relief of distress, the care of the sick, the burial of the dead and the eduoatlou of the orphan. The grips, tokens and passwords are intended merely for protection but back of them lie the realprtuoipias and objects of the Order -that of aesistanoe to tallow man. l here is no goat nor anybhiug ridiouloue in Odd Fellowship but imbedded within the breast of every Odd Fellow, through his commotion with the Order, le the de- tiire for the proper performance of the duties he owes to his God and his fellow than. In ooneideriug the guild thiuge of this life it is sumetimee well to stop for a moment end oousider that ell that is born meet die and bat is one of the primes of the Order, in fixing a man's mind . on what is to follow. Then to call los at- tention tt ntian to the great do trine of immor- tality. Gad created man iu His own image, not as a being of trnnemigrntion but to live eternally. A friendehip equal- ling that which existed between Jonathan and David is exempiided by the Order. The most beautiful, the grandest, the most sublime manifestation of God's Om- nipc,tenceit loan created in Ilia own im- age, who loves his fellowman. Otte who mieistsre to the wants and neeeeeities of bre fellowman as softly and gently as the moonbeame fall neon the midnight sea ; ens who visas the skit and fills the roots with a radiance as bright, ns the Dew day ; one who dtspello the clouds of adversity as the Iighbniag cleavers the .donde al It sombre sky, The story of the Good Banat itau wee presented as a beautiful axwu,ple ,1 Levu, auuttier eatdfuwt price- tome rict late 1 the Under, the bps of Odd t' el - !ewe suuutd atwaye speak toe tl111E Odd k'elluwelnp towhee a tuiere tau which pet mita others to think and act ascuidtug to their owe euuvtatione of duty, ln. referring to Uhauty ee another pries:11de of the Order, the epeeitur urged rum hear• era to apeult well of the itvrug, what is send o, the dead eau du tui harm, but care - lea .untrue remarks of We hvrog55 meek* injury. A cordial iuvitatiou waa gtveu to !dwelt outside 01 Odd k elluwehip to joie and 'Lone already nienibere to promisee to the wider :mute e epeu to them, ✓ he addraas wee much uujoyed and will live lung iu the memory Lit those who heard it, The o0oapauists were ]hisses Ida Bailey, Jeer' AleLattohlut, Mine&va Jouse and Jam) Haukb-k, ohau'rttau, W. 11. Barr, A vote u1 tuauke was aeuurded Id! wltu tuck part Lica fucgottiug the good cooks. .y. very tasty andabcudaut lunch was asrved at the muse of the program and the At Hume: was brought to a elude by the Nu,iuuai Atcham, Puppy to meet, sorry to part, taping to meet again. Western tater ',edge meets every Thursday evening. It le well officered and hen a entries Degree Teaut that esemplifes the inibtatury aid three do grass in toe beet of form, There ie a due class of men 01.1 the membership roil. An Enoumpmeut waa instituted last year which meets un the 2nd and 411i Mondays ,t each mouth to the Lodge rum fn Tag Pont block. GERRYMANDER IN HURON. The divisions of Huron, which is allay acterczed as nothiug lees than a gerry- newsier, proposed by the Whitney Gov - 'gement, la as follows :— North liuruu—Tuwushipe of Howiek, Morris, Turnberry, East Wawanoah, West Wawanosh, Ashfield, the town of Wingham, and the villages of Blyth and Wroxeter, Cancra Huron—Townships of Grey, tMoKillop, Tuokersmith, Hallett, Col- borue, the towed of Goderich, Seaforth and Clinton, and the vihage of Brussels. South annul — Tuwaehips of Alas, Stephan, Ueburue, Stauley, Goduiioh, and the villages of Exeter, tieueull and Bayfield,. A TorontoGlobereporter interviewed A. Hislop, M,Y.P., at Toronto t—elt is a gerryniauder pure and simple," said Mr. Hislop with referenue to his outstay. "ueugrapliically, such a redistribution cannot be defeuded. Thornily exunee for such a mutilation is pulitioal expediency. The way in wbiob it has been out down was loreahadowed by local Conservatives some months age. For iustaaee, W. 11. Kerr, of Brussels, who was nominated fur the East Ridiog by the Liberate, and W. Proudfoot, S.C., the Liberal nominee iu the West, have now been thrown into one conetibuenoy. That, too, was rumor- ed iu party circles some time . ago, and what the Uouservative party mana_ere Wasted of bas come true. What is the use of Mr. 55 Pitney talking of making au impartial redistribution, when the whole thing was appareutly out -and -dried by the meal managers 2 In the ridinge as they stand at present both particle hove a fighting ohanes, while as it is proposed to divide them the Conserve:tives have what they aoeaidertwo oafs seats and one Lib - arae hire, Huron le 10 at! Intents and purposes divi..ed . s it was iu 11172 by the Iota Sir John A. Maeduuald, wheu it was described by the late Joseph _Etyma! as -bearing nu reeetlblsuea to anything In heaven above or the earth beneath." In the °leash: words Lit Premier Whitney, t.entt'e Huron as proposed will be a 'war- bled remiuisceuce ot what a decent riding ought so be.'" CM/ECU CHIMES Y. M. 0. A.—Last Sabbath Provincial Snera,ary Cnnec,e, of L ucuu, pieced ,be abjenie and alma 01 aha Meting elea'e Chrtatna,. Asasmattou before rue people of his 1000 11y 10 5 premien.' and in- terealing rottener. Itt the morning he sp ke m Meiviue uhuieh and in the eveutng addree-ed a euugregatioo in the Metbudhet church. The analog at the atter was teelt by a aware or more of youug men. Monday kir. ()miens made a aanvaae for the purpose of scouring 4150 coward a suns of 41800 desired in oouuty for the purpose of securing a Oo. Secretary - and the payment of other neeeesary expenses, lie met with generous responses and the work will be carried out aoaording to the pian de. otded upon. While regular assooiatlons will not be establiebed in every town In Heron a Oorresposding Secretary will be appointed in them who will be in close touch with the Opacity Secretary so that his services may be secured iu the promotion of the laudable mission of the 7t, M. 0, A, All the pastors of Brussels are in hearty sympathy with - the movement as far ae we know sud the motive workers in the eharches are also adve to its =potteries and good work should be done, Mr. Oullens will be we,o ms bask to town at any time. Tam Pose will be glad to keep the public informed as to 'the advance etepe, ae they ere taken in the Comity organization. Mann sugar making bee been on the program during the past week. '1'nn regular rneetiug of Brneaele W. 0. T. will be held in their rooms.Jfriiey of this week oammeooing et 3 u'olt sk p.m. - 4100,00 paid by Dr. Shoop for any re. emit tiase of Grippe or Retire Cold that e. 26 cent box of ?remains will not break. Dow ie this Inc an offer? The Doctor's supreme nanfidenne in these little Candy Cold Ours Tablets—Pre- entice—is eariainiy complete. It's a And Preventics, remember, 50ntein no - quinino,n0laxntive, nothing harsh nor scokenieg..Pnoutnneia.would never ap. peer ff early colds were Rlways broken, Safe and ante for teveriek ehildrtrt. 48 Prevention 260, All dealers,