The Brussels Post, 1908-3-19, Page 4y m,
8330 ......,_.. ._ .. ,._., ......,....�...................„_,•,a--...,.-..,,.,..--,cmc me>� ® y - �: .. m -.A..--. .,�r�n�.atwuws:ar•w
Cln trusstio V,0rot.
THURSDAY, AMR. 19, 1908,
B he turns tusked ort1 o -
yt k0 a f by1B
position re the "bouncing" of umontle in
Ontario duo the 'Whitney Government
took bold of the reins the following ' `
in eeleation should be deemed one of the
esaeutiale of those who repreannt um to
Other lands, The people 01 Canada have
not only a right to demand this but our
Goveramenle should see that their wiebee
cation se well ; good well paved streets' A UCTIQ I( SL las
first -o nos fire prrtectimt ; water works ;
goon byiem of ,rw• rage, etc , rite.
d00tlY if (ilia le the 8080 and we be leve
t it to be 80, We must preep btfore we
walk. We mutat do our beet to amend
are oomplied with, our condition, make our looality se at•
traotiVe es pneeib e, sreure additions)
'lomat footmen wh,neaer praottoeble•
THE BiLL WITHDRAWN, , But whet ebout the indastriee we have
!ratite were arrived Rif-Bete/ton) Feb.
rimy 7th 1905, and February 1st,
1987, 84 Division Conti Clerks roeigued
and 87 were removed from , Moe. Of the
last :muted cumber 84 were dismissed for
improper 1 ertmetielup, three on the re.
Port . of the Itemeetur, one tie a defaulter,
and one on beth ounviated for assault.
Between Yet. 7et1., 1905, and Feb. lac
1907, 91 Duviaiou Court Bailiffs Have
roeigued and 54 hate been removed from
canoe. The mutton given for the rewuval
of 44 of these le improper porttesuehtp,
Iwo for iur0mpeteney, 008 forold ago and
drinking babas, three o1/ report of Iu-
speotor, one for vio'atiou of the law, and
one in the "pubtia interest." We like
Shat word ',resigned,' eapeoially when
the "hint" was given that their absentia
was better than their eompany. Politica
is a tunny ;tome bot there Orr. 03030 ways
than one of melting taaeuoiee wbeu the
flat hag gone forth. 248 was a very tidy
bunob to turn oat of office in one depart
meat cf service. This cumber ooneti
tato0, oU
1y atic a however, ot L
who were given their walking uaket by
Mr, Whitney.
THE Ontario Legialeture quiutette ep-
pointed to dive into the myeterleo of the
redistribution of eouetituenotee is at
work and members and uouatunrnotee
are welting a little 0uxl0d41y t0 880 the
result. Premier Whitney has vowed
all aloug that it is to be no gerrymander
bat some of hie supporters in the House
are not as p ,8itiv8 about it as an op-
portunity is now at bond to bolster up
weak ridinge and thereby retain as Jerrie
a majo ity a8 possible at nest eleottou.
If 11311 style of carving ie on the pro.
gram the two Liberal members of the
Committee should withdraw end allow
the Government their sweet will in the
matter as they have ample vote behind
them to carry it through the House.
The granting of four additional re-
poeeentativee to the city of Toronto ie
not demurred as maoh against se the
made intended to be tunowed in award-
ing them seats. Instead of forming
eight divietone the present tour are to
10 'retained and the repreeeut0tioa
doubled, two in e0oh oonetituenoy. This
plan praotioedy dupiioatee the present
political quartette and does not do jaw
Moe to the olty 08 a whole and thereby
constitutes a gerrymander.
Tao rode 0000 beau $ery bad, some
Of the many pitch holes on the gravel
road being poeitively dangerous io going,
613300517 them. Work has been done at
various timee on the roads bot 8o ire.
(meet have been the storms that the
labor w0' often of little nee. Old Sol
and the Spring showers will eoou re-
-.- move the balance of the "beautiful" al-
though it would be as well to have the
sleighing 000tioae for a few weeks and
then getaway for the early Spring work.
The past mouth's weather was of a very
etrennon0 order and the Storm Kong ae-
eerbed hie authority in a most boteterone
etyle on many ocoaoiune. We may have
all the better 8priug Dud Summer 880 -
eon, A maoh better dtSoed arrange-
ment should be arrived at between the
Councils of Grey, Morrie and Brueeele
as to the keeping of one or more men op
the gravel road 011031',03 Winter, if news -
my, whose bueibeee it would be to see
that the way to kept in proper shape for
sate travel. The wonder is that runaway
eooidents were not more frequent 88
broken harneee, dieabled rig-, upsets,
ole., were not nnoommoo, The Niue-
loipel Councils interested would likely
be held responsible for losses if the
Courts were called neon to deeide. It
two roadways were wall broken 80 as to
obviate the necessity and 011'80116y of
turning out a mate would be made In the
right direction.
Tata Poor has Ila idea in connection
with the migration to Canada ou'y those
who will attbeorlbe to our (awe, adopt our
0aatome and agree to beams bone fide
01uze0e should be admitted. Thie would
that off the weird and noneenei0el dem.
oeatrative trek of the D„akhoborsf the,
Chinese idea of making a living bete but
Bending their cash to their Wale land;
and pot out of busmen the Italian im•
migrant who declined to give up his
stiletto. There is h1tle doubt but the
bulimia of the emigration "booster" Hae
been overdone in the Old Land and some
of the stories if properly labelled would
contain but three lettere, I• -i -e, While
we should be glad to wetoome population
to Canada the inoom838 ebould pewees
the qua.ities and fibre that will be a
gearuntee of the ?tine of tbelrotuzeubhip
rather than U 0380008 to lite, law and
good morale, Manly o1 those wbu have
oroseed the oceans to gee to the laud of
the Maple Leaf have not increased the
weight of the body politic and not a few
have been simply a envie and.discredit,
This is 001 written from a p88eamt86io
View 603 thuueande of those landtug .on
our 'hares Bove been a eplendld type, a
credit to themselves and will make A 1
8001310130, 1083 for the years 10 00171e ears
A. nielop, the Lberkl member from
Eastre wHuron,hich hada bin befbre the Legle•
IatQ010 (bought would 0reata a
better 00p41meu1 In the pnbite life 1n
Ontario. Frlduy b. got tine Duette/re as
far' MI the outland reading, when Pi rower
Whttuey esld he 00110 not d teat any 14itig
gaud l0 1t, end 08krtt that it be with
Mime, Mr. Einem prnpueed that at
8and600188 be 1 ,qe ren t. Matt their
opimuu from the pewit plc to, 03, or at
1000 bare 8008 person 1b state 1h88r
views for them, 11 was u.eo 'clouded
wader the biil to 0Umpel ail voters to go
to the pole, though out m8esea3ly 00.1
a baltoe. vi,, Elio up kava some Iht01001
ing statistics reeerdn g '1'e u pun tt vpb.
in many rld,ugo w O term, ,r mal 90.
that he thought the 010, 0_0 aUpo.. U vote
in the Province would a 010Out to about
80 per own of the total Benanav, there
wan no sign of Government support fur
the bill Mr. Elision withdrew it. F'tt•
day'e eittiuge of the Legteleture wee
brier, bot progress Wag made with 8umn
me 01130x.
Io moving he emitted reeding of hue
bill w amrutt ,he nte8111.1e cot, Sir Ole
lup (East Horou) Dull he thought the
03000 10 mese a Candidate endreee pante
meeting.] wee a step le the r1, 1t ari 0311011.
W1.1e members and m eietere were re
gaged lU ain't' pUDfo unties fr
the glib pot/tem/tit was gulag over the
aide made ouderminma him. It wee not
he Bald for the Candi tate him -
Belt 0o appear et every maeliug, thoueb
he mutt have tome one there to 81818 3 a
views. Auooher coma be exp arena,
pr,b,blted oaudidatee tram privately
eoltmtiug eoppoel. Such pruvielone be
said, would make for a better' public
sentiment in this 0003 81y. Rotators
shored be compelled to go to the polis,
though they need nob be 0empeued to vote
added Mr. Htelop.
Taking the emotion of 1905 a0 no ex-
empts; he Baso that iu 101,04.evex 17 per
own of the vote r013181124,1 WI 901 en ; fur•
on, 18 % Hastings, 88 %; Lemke.,
28%; Du,.dse, 28%, lite), 84 %•
HemuWu, 21 %; Leue,it, 45% outeU.k
au average be thought pereep8 80 % ul
the tonal vote in Outerto remameu 3113
polled. Ie oonoloeiou, Mr. Hietop vee•
tared the opinion that the country might
not be ready for it.
Mr. Stadbolme ruse to explain that
labor was always to fever 1/t snob
Premier Whitney oommented on the
want of interest obOWu by the House In
the measure. He oleo paid a oemplrmelt
to Mc. Hietop for genera exo8ueuoe of
propoeale estimating from him Bet
although there meth' be eumethlug koud
m the present bin, he bad 004 heel able
to detect it. Preemmteg that two taet.f•
dates were Dominated, bothv.ry bad men
enrely the hon. member wuald 104 Dom•
pal ad Meister to straw bie 800ea38108 to
vote for one of them. On Recount of
publioetiou the tact that names of dead
men were included, end other reasons, a,
vote of 80 % of the names o0 the net wee
a large one. He eomd 1103 er0 any evil Ili
the 110', but he could see uo geed w (t,
Bou. A. G, Mutiny -Perhaps it to
Mr. Hislop thought the Premier had
tried to belittle the bill to a greater ex
tent than wa• jaetified. He bem,•ved the
day was fast approaohiug when the uau
didate wonid nut be peen going around
the eooutry soliciting votes. He pointed
out (bet Hon, Mr. Whttuey could not
have read the measure ur .nee he would
have 888u there was no intention of
aotualty competing a man to oast 8 Lai
IOC. Beoauee of the nutrieudly attitude
adopted by the Government he withdrew
the bill.
$100.00 paid by Dr. Shoop for any re•
pent mole of Grippe or 0110 be Cold that
a 25 cent box of Prevenuos wul opt
break. How (0 (hie for an offer? The
Deator'e enprelne oond,teuce in eheee
little 08ndy Cold Cure Taelete-Pre.
0811108-i8 certainly complete. It'e a
And Prevenuos, remember, cement t no
quinine, no lexetuve, nothing harsh nor
e,okeniug, Pneumonia woald'never 0,p
pear if early oolde were alweye broken.
Safe and ewe for feverish children, 48
Preveutioo 25a. All dealere.
To the Editor of Tan Poem :
DEAR Hza -We frequently hear people
lameetmg'het our vhlag0 is Sar gorug
/therm as they would / weore, Population
Ones not iuereaoe, and a0 a natural 000•
0eg0en08 real 00tate rimmed at one level.
'faxes do hot 000301ee, the %Mame of
business our wore ke'per0 lreueuat re.
mauls etettona1'y and our pr0fe0•ional
wee fi"d that wuboat an 18038080 in pop
illation It is dlfffuuit to 000 0nee (fair
3808 03es. Ie there 0o remaey? Any
taboo' boy auald answer citta queen/it.
Yee l meet eertatuly there to a remedy,
but the remedy to only to be foetid i1/ 000
direotion, We must, in order to do away
with the meant stagnation, ioareaee our
popula(iou and We can only inoreaee our
population by the eetahitohmout in - our
midst of Industries. 13y i,dustiee we
03800 anything %het wilt furnish employ-
ment and ooneequently the meting of
livelihood. Givou that we have a certain
.amber of stereo, shopa and other 80110008
Of employment, it etondg to re0000 we
cannot iuorea•e their number and that
people menet come to live in oat mi,tet
without the means of living or amp oy
Meet. ie farwebed them. It iv a simple
matter to show that any Industry tea
will employ 20 head') of famd,ee wit
afford twit exeObIy that amount of direct
benefit to the village, Twenty more
houses regn,red at once ; twenty more'
famines for out doatero to attend; twenty
more good houoewivee ehoppiug, Buy
eaoh head of a family mowed 01 a row
eaionletlo, $1.50 per day, there wuu d'b"
$9,000 planed in a rbolatlon per annum
more then whet there le now. But t0
le whet the [whore boy' call "etale Dewe,"
Thebro0ble is where are the industries to
tome from ? In three days of fierce
eotnpetitibn 110 community that i0 not
welt .quipped can bops to attract esti
trial 00tebliehmehte to ih 13 mina(. 13
wen egalpped, we m u" that t.' day ,
de•trtal nobeer10 demhnd railway con-
nection, that 10 lieu at lea -3, if not mote
railroads ; tame require wets! Couttuum
wit ? There le no better UP t in Canada
then ?Hist the fled nnderlyteg Il canal.
We nntleretaud Mr Raualord ie willing
to set' hie works at a very reasonable
figure. Thie gentleman has plenty to
000npy hie attention elsewhere and eon
,e91en61y the worke et Brueeele d, not
r' Delve thea)ivety two tion they woe 0
:,der different oweer hip, There or,
Werke meeting at Wutgbom, 0 niton
Gude') nib ata e'kewh,i8 R' by anal d
,,oi the Bi000ei8 Works be operated?
Why will 0.t some of our townspeople
teke hold of end develop (hie iuduetry
and at one etroke beeefit them:entr a and
the rid ago'f B. motet. 0t the same lin,e
Then again to there tum any of iecreaei. g
Ih m gittu"e of the opt tat dlla O1 whew
3' at are 111 1.1 nese a t 1/w 9 We mere y
throw out 0lieee emerielloeaad trnet
that they wilt bear fruit nl nue ee0.011,
Y era truly,
what Onuses "Nerv10?"
Moet people say warty -they are wrong
--the 01111.0 is in the blood whieh ie Iii'
en,1 auk,• nut rlm0nt. 1'1/ elute •4'rrv0•"
Ill '0 hlo •n, nlr 8W a'' d , ertee ate trquil
ed. You get these quiokly by talent;
Ferrite ne, No hoanh blinker is so oar
bait,, b1/ nerve strengthener more potent,
no system (onto so well adapted to the
W01114 011 the 1 t
w h run dawn err ons or etre'•
ors Lel Farre; .,1/a an,
o1/ let ,
z h y up, e ,
all you with vim, energy and eurpinb
vigor. It hoe done this for thoueaode.
A Well Written Letter.
Dasa S1a.-The multitudes of etreng.
ere we. pane throueh Lrverpoel, bre u
ro a pay little attention to tine great
,m. ureum of be world. It ie general y
a rush from the train to the boat or
from the boat to the train andso pass
on to their destination.
Snell a famous city real y deserver
more then a peeein0 notice. It hae apop
el8(io0 of more than seven hundred thous
and people, megnilloeutly situated on the
banks of the Mersey and rising with a
08n1'e elope away ap from the river
There i1 8 good service of traia.oare 81)0
f 000 is 8o di•posed 0811 flee a good pall
of the city in a short time The stresw0
are wide and well kept, flue large atone
bntdingo arm many large .hope with
merohaudi•e displayed in the meet et
tractive way in the wundowe. There
are numerous grand ahorohee and
810ildmge The two moot amlepiauaoe
pub to boi.diege are the Great Lunno,
and Northwestern Betel and area -y
opposite it ie -So. Georee'e Ball, whirl)
oomu node the attention of the mi,t
ha -1y traveller. le ie a0 immense temple
170 feet In width and 600 fret in time•',
'mooned with many eoalptaree tied
common. ' Atoned It are equeetriet
lathes of Que.!, Victoria, Prints Cop
Bort, aid the Berl of Beaoouofieln.
They Neem to spare no expense in adorn
ing their oily sod keeping up its prep.
.fee. It ie the uonvergmg point of even
rabwaye and is also pierced by five ton
bele. Finer horeee are not to be founn
anywhere '1 he o,y nraoe0t horses are
great heavy animals, well fed and wet
groomed. Eng"obmeu know how to
our, for their home.
Liverpool hae oleo been the birth -
piece of some potable people, amouest
Others that great Christian Btatermall,
W E G edotone, Bud that meet poetess
who 00ug
"The free fair homes of England,
Long, long in hat and hall
Mat hearte of nativo proof be reared
To go8rd each hahowed hall.
And green forever be the groves
Anti bright the finw'ry eod,
Where Mel the objrd's glad epirit loves
Ile country and its God."- .
Mre. Hemane.
But what gives Liverpool ire proud
po8 t•o,, amuhget the nations is he own.
msroe. There ie 130 port in the world
We have a large stock of
Ladies' and Gents' Watches
to dispose of at
Our stock consists of the
most reliable High Grade
Goode. You will be thor-
oughly satisfied with the per-
formance and wear of one of
our Watches. Our guaran-
tee is of value to you. Our
prices lower than city stores.
11r, Rt J. Whitfield
New York
Eye Specialist
will be at the
American Hotel
Every Thursday
p r ancrod 10 properly Migraine your
eyes end 8d1u81 gh400ee.
., . . . Sion sal/tt/i/.1/-yi1
vV 8000$, 1)101.80 8NTe, dire-Jnmee Jones.
Auotiouet'r, ben Moen (uetteated. by the thi.
Y te ed ', l,lt tibiye'Prnilyp 0180 8. 020a(
t La:
o'elooli the 11 I t ,1 01.t1. t le 1Vlty
men 8 tenlmimed in with 1 43'8e
)(tars old, 1 Ware 0 s old, 1 moms 4 slur.
eIt 1.011'old12 eiry maws lap. o811, 108180r0 years1l1,
YeatlL Labels, p yeucl1(4 nt.nrs,
u 0411001
store hogs, 1 bow 1. ,o g, 1 lvroer ,2 Woutl
bluder ueerly new, 1 ktoCurml0k 0'0003
neat iynew, 1 M0.teyBarrl• 80008'(ew), 1
MaeseyHurr9B Lae rake nearly naw, 118•
/toe N,xou • nod drill early pert, t Champion
oultiyetor ell o 401/101^, 1080,1" it burro n0,
5 waif.i111 pl• wt, i 3.1.14 a r, 1 a, t 2 c0' lb
(ambn, 1181 : 1/e mid, 1 L. y pit t ..,}iter,
1 W.gnu mea' 1y nor. 1 3, 1 b 1•.10 gee luuw1,
1 um. et'. ) sew buggy, 1 0111 Hugo)., 1 pea
he veers., 1bet, .8.1, g., bei I0, k, ear, lope,
Ao; 1milk Dar, 1wtk'0,0, 2vete of team
he neat, 1 Bet new harness, 1 401 0,0010 her-
nial ,1 ,. toh.ok mum' , a quen3lty ul8 inch
tf.e and brio,' 4 teat, BOu bus tone outs, 200
bun seed barley, 80 bus. Rea., (grain on the
terms 1/l bal. 0, 0000110 tou0 hay, o Timothy
0l btraw,40 bub 90tatt8e,1 et ,•000 1Ulper,
1 alitelbarrow, 1 311008u0l.0, et,ffie1reeti,
. ,
okyt keit, cow eba1,B, 100 helm, pall of
geese, ( air 0t OUrbuye, ,uau, kettle, 2 wugou
1/t keg, 2ra0111 box, 1.4.83., 3110080, tune, (00-
,00 that b. 01001 0131 and ,,tLer Lot -Mien too
1 011,8. Mete mad tion. 1erllts -All 03.88 Of
05 god 1.11.Ue1 oath, 0003 Cant ..00014 10
wvutbn' 0'001 to 1 be glveu 01/ lu,uie1lue
ap. r. Med joint note,; 4 pe gout. , U fur
Dubh On 0,8(1(0 um..u130 4U le,*rvb 08 the
.Alar bus been Auld. ALEX, Mu11.AY, Pre..
0T.•mr, 11UPLLMINTB, &o: F. 0, [-putt,
Adutloueer, nee been lnatrue3ed by the un-
'ernlgned to ee11 by nubile auction at 8ent4
Halt hot 23, Wm,6, elolris, en Thurwlay,
March 28113, at 1 o'ult on, the fe.tuwiug vale.
able uruperty :-1 warp 8 30010 01a, 1 mare
Btoars MU in mal 1 divie8 mare 8 )
oo heavy cults rising -2 yearn 6 Dawe sup-
u -
poe89 0011,8 stn0,rm min 8 years l Itatnr
rising 9awe, betters re0g Lyeure, 6
,teero e.m
2 years, 4 calved rleiee 1 year,
2 Fell oainen, 8 well 0300 etre8. 13.03,11 brood
news with pig, lou h. es, 1 cutter, 1 top bnk-
ev, 1 clan b0 g), lett 41 bob -sleighs (nee),
1 driving earl, 1 lumber - wag,u, 1nbrr'og
LL der. 1Deellug mew Cr, 1 . u688y-B8,r18
1/a t,vetu,, 1 Me erwtok emit bay ratio, 1
1 18,00
0aud 0110001, w1,,i13 a101ug p oWe, 1
0030 Cutter, 1 18008,10 0811,1 Lay luck, ) pig
r. ok, 1 gravel btx, 2 can ,1 MA. La,r,wn, 1
lend rmler, 1 8.un81bat, 11.a, look, our,
runts and 11m1eye,1 w0 tar trough, 1 8,t deU-
'o ba. use, 1 881 etugln bari.ebb, 1 wheel-
uarr..W.1 augur Henle, 1 110l0ae 000, 050.u-
lty buy, u queet,ty 0l 1/.1 0,u greiu, 1
pro 0.003 Batt, a qua.. ity 01 0aeeweUe .ULU.
ter, a quant 1y U1 OM mom ea8 pl0110, a
quantity 01 pot0tuoa, a 80,0tty 1/1 epha
care weed, 1 ,urge t ,108 1'.a110001 0reaw
north atur near.) ..ow, 0,14.14 ,n8o, ehmuo,
0ky ben, (tet, our* LL , thee 0'„0 e0,.
,018 wiwuhl r,1381 Vo ., t4. pion, 0300 Ute
*ala Ll0 hunt. 10,111e-41,1 8111110 0, 88 ala
under mum, uvetr that 015008.)8 wVuohe'
met it will be Oven 0b harm Meg 01030vb0
ju1Lt 001,8 ; 4 pa,' 8631. WI lee 0401 um Ore
d,t autuuut* WM. AU,/ 0, Propr,elur.
00• Ur IMPLENtatTe 010,-0 what,
AUBblet.rer, hae b,uu I0*1100180 my Ole nO•
nth oignem W sell b) Pattie Auotiou at Lot
2 t on, 14. Grey, o0 Friday, Blur./ e70h, at 1
utoloek, tun l ollowiug valua010 proper ty'-
I hear) Matt Dur, 10 ynnr6 ulu i1/ foul, 1
1180vy droll mare 5 )e0r8 ltd. 1 beery eon t
mura 4 year. rod, 1 he„vy 4,013 wnte 0 p,
l0 1001, 1 artvw8 w r0.. 6 yea. .b(, 1
Ural berth 0141, 16 breedlog ewe., 2-1,44e
ambe.l breed bow 01MM ,1110,' 2 blul•d Neo s
apposed IL mg, 6 y.. cup 9100, 7 ,mete Wed
she rt hurt, o0808 11/ 0081 , r with oulveg at
not, 5 r, oiltare.1 Leifer 0111,,, 0, 2 3euruu,,
regiater.d Boort awe belle, 1 ),uouu, rag..
l'tered heifer, 1 grate o.,w enuput*e,u 0..11,
4 '8) euWB. 8 ia16eu1 0 8*der. ',.tag 8 310,
0 yrortug Orem, 2altar/lug anti bre, a 11suer
Oathe0, . 1100,0010 bete, 8311, 1.. ye, 1 nub-
Wer, 1 binder, 1 0..4083, 1 Lay .ane, 1 hoy
L•u4 r,1 uu"iv.'tur, 1 seed u, i1., 1 1,.30 ,,
803,2 hag 9100,1 het 0t oat r,We 1 .111ffier,
9 lumber Wuee0e, 1 eat ut nub -old 040, .uta
ter, 1 double buggy,) tartan 0'.we 1 put ,nr,
1 wheel/tarty w, 1 Labe Larruw, 1 t2.000,b.
males, 8 Keen tieuu.e berueoe, 1 be„ o,ukle
barmaid, du. aide WiIW n1 'seine . 08 Hua
propri«tor is Laving 1/u tareneg To, me -
5,11 Bomb e. 86 a d ULM-1' 0.60. 4901 teal
0000)11,3 to in mthe' era tilt will be ,1Vbu 0..
tura 13,131 g appruvru 301M. aut.,e; 5 1883 00ut:
if fur oast/ 00 el edt, euwUb30. AbuatEW
H181,0P, 01„ Proptietol'. '
• Mortgage Sale
'Ceder and by virtue .1 a Power of ewe
aunt uh ed fu a 4.1101.1801e dated the twenty
fuutth day of November, 1900, made by
Hebert. Hoy, as Mortgagor, there will be
offered fur sale by Pnul,a Auotlou et the
010303180 Hote',fu 38.0 Village 00 HIn00018,
ott SA1tJ1tJ0 , THE '1'V,L'N7 Y.EIGHTH
DAY OF MA10411, 1908, et 12 o'oh,ok, u0011,
all and singular that o, roam ramie or t3a0t
m lane end prennthe situate 11105 aim be-
im/ 1n the Township mf Grey, in the Oonuty
..1 Huron Dud Provmoe of Ontario, being
80mposed of I.ot bombe' Seven in the
Pima Uuu008-iou et the said Township of
Grey, 0011 (mutate ung Clue Hundred Agree,
more or lees, and befog Hue chole 138 preterit
80O80e 91w8e11pOllauethMournt1/
a two•otmry brick
amens arid bam.
r1,ero i8 81000 olpesy
00088 0180104 gnu dt fur 00111211108 00pas-
ture. 8m011 ereherd end a thee well. 'Phe
1eeue0 ere in fairly 00,d condition. true
propel ly to w. u good- fa, ming diarist. It is
ab1/tluurmile.froth Brueteleau..IoeSthiu
a mils bop) a BObomm
The pu,eb.eer will be required to pay feu
9038n0u pl the 9U101u00 rummy at the time
01 sale bud Ebb 44 0,,00 et th0 expir0tiou of
thirty done 8300 Boon elle,
MIL .AH d 81M8,
Yenta/re' 0u1101.01B, 13,Min, Ont.
F. 8. booml,Auuttun. e,, brussels, Out.
Dattel Mut ell 8rd,1908. - 90.9
wnioll registers the arms emo0ut of
,b,ppmg 10013,003(10,01818481 with
hbo0n/n 1,00. very 0Uw'try, 'coding wild
linuauhg, eunling auu going every day.
The mighty 1e11ath1at'e,.druwi'g 87 lent
of memo, eau eau luno the ewtwmthg
10u0111µ.0110 dle,nlba,a their p8000809010.
There le provt0eu 88ve0 m1100 of d00ke.
waned t11 for 4110 8.000131133008 41011 of 0h19 -
plug and outwit' au elm 01 870 80180,
wl tit 24 mna0 01 dooke for lUr 10anibe
8081 thaw/thing of buato. The Luou8lma
woe 131115 to the.. harbour at Liv renin
on Dar lemon, 11 1s 113e I.rgeel ship ' Va.
UuIU, eZorpt Ib he h, r ei.ter ship, Altai -
an -
They are bu,h ahou, the same
size,10ugth 790 tee(, breath 88 lent, 4
large fume,. eeuh 155 fee, ,,t heh:ht auu
24 fe86'iu ammeter, manta 216 feet in
Height. When leaded they Draw 87
eel 6 incline of water and have a opted
of 26 wane, et 28 twine, 011 08003. With
800 et s crew mod tot 0bwp,ement of
paseeugere, 8,150 uoele, Each bilk of
.be ohlp'. weenie; chem weighe 460
pom'd8, The muorieg ohaun al11
111300(110. toe. thee weigh 200 thug. I.
00801$5 000 per day to tut, It and tech
tip h•,0 le a prt fl'. to tie l.ompapj of
Wt. ,wave L'verpoet by (rein for Du -
:ey peening through Bulteuheae. 1 eta
030t k1n000 much about Ilirkeuhetd only
that our fine 083att1011 o0t418 are 6la0ght-
tired as soon so they laud, whereas If
'hey Were allowed 8 week or 6wb on the
•Iehpeewee ol Hag, -rot 10 r. eel; re.,
nfi8r b.l1lg let/Ultra ahou, un stn
8a f1100 88111,0 041011 britt. 1110. h'
u the 86 04 O. We p008 0(3n b
, twee meatiewe end both y e11.lawe:
Aside. of um ,Id,g and. A6rluuitnre to
carried t000mplete.neeo her, beyond any-
thing of the kind to 00neda. Lend re
valuable find renla are high en 1018, avert
foot of eon la oereft0y oultivated. Ae
we pees eioog the femora are bung ma-
! pulite laud for 3000 coupe. 'There le
moult lees loud appropriated to
high -
u Y hae with :Vier) go( a r 1/d•
vgry harrow bot all kept It, 01101
0' tier. A,.I railway O'0eeinge go oeir or
under the bn;hwaye tine eeouri,g safely
from emotive teeing. Tho hunsee and
emelt stone barns, altheugll 0amfol'lt'We,
Welt,, d Evor)thi10 hemp Ihu 888111p
of age but the noautry Ionise beautiful
after the monotony of the sea. The
boyar Eke wig eb'-eh'ne le oroWniug the
will -spreading Were with their Sunnier
tmhsgo Erregreeie tiro teen i1/ %buu,l-
anon, primmest', v101ete 0nd other wild
&were'end a pleasing Irag.anoe o0 the
err and num03008mien 01188ge8 dot the
Wel were detained a little at Shrews-
bury, County town of Shropshire, eil-
hated on a small pe0ineule formed by a
huree-ghee bend of 0138 river Severn.
10 is a pioture.gae old town with wind-
ing 04ree1e and quaint timber dwelling
loeeee. Paeoed through what le oalted
the Bleak country 8o (tailed on account
of the smoke from many publio works,
1011 smoke stacks are visible all over
the lel dcoupe and the sign of industry
and the hum of machinery goes o11 day
and night. We enjoyed very maoh the
run of one hundred mites through the
con8try,ube first part of the journey
through fi•,e eel hit/Mural land 00pable of
yielding etch Grupe to the industrious tit-
ter of the Boil, the latter part through a
Holt mining country etored with an
abundance of own and iron, more val-
uable than gold, if gold were 0,e P
fol. We were 1/e a fn
r t f our
journey sou cot hiving
he end og been' 'this way
before everything was new, and interest-
ing to us. Toe train at lase readied
Dudley stetter' where a carriage woe
'welting no arid in a abort time we were
et uur frieeds' fine vhla away bigh up
on the ontekiree of the oily.
Yuure reepeotfully,
Dopplo Grange, Moro' 1240• s.
Sergt,•Mejir Preutioe of the Hamilton
polios force ha- reeigoecl owipe to 111.
Privsle 'Phomas Kirby, of t-oleeley
Barracks, Loudon, Ow., hos fallen heir
to part of a formes of 8145.000 left by
bre father, who died et Wal Watt, Bug.
,a' d
Hon R. W. Scott quoted figures of the
hoenaed drinking piaa0e in Montreal,
compered with Toront' and the rest 01
O.,torlo, to Orally hie remit Stat. ment
about 03,0• n Montt, al,
Notice to Creditors
In the mutter of the estate of 'Elizabeth
Blakeman, late of the Village of Glen
Allen, in the County of Wellington,
but formerly of the'Villege of Bras -
eels, in the County of Huron, spinster
No, tee f8 bereby given. nurauant to Berle-
ed Stam ase tinter' ,, 18.17. (lea.. 129, and
am« ,(11114 .4011,10at all orb ,it',re an 1 inners
having a• v elaima seminal. the emote of the
Did MdzoOrth B ahem it, wen diad nn or
a• 0a the 9111 day of Februart , 1908, are re-
quired en , r :,"tore t .0 11081 day .or April,
1908, to erect by pore ,prepaid, ord. liver to
tai Al 811101a r, at tit•• Village of Rr^0,e 44, to
the aunty et Rur^,u, Rulicic . for Alt Smith
and Alfred title/ter, the Pxeentnrg of the )amt
Will and Tee8'"ueut of said deeea'•ed, their
u0me- andddrea'+ea with dill porta:nlere
to Writi'.g of thew 0101031.. the etatomeuc of
their a000ueta al"I the -11,411.8 of the 000100-
It.00 (if any) held by tW,m
Au(1 tonere 18 further cissa that eft -r the
sat, 1 at wen io 0d ,late the its dame
will prvo,-ed t'. '1tet '1/u a the asset if tee
deceased em0ugnt 10e patties 81.0 tied mare•
to, beviug 380g.3.8 uuly t. 1118 Moho( of
which they 8bali thou have notice and that
the llxooftor
e will u t be liable fur ton
vi nolo, 01• say pert lio,1thereof, c0 any p8 000 0,of
and all "m they shad 0011 (tau nave uothoe
and all para a 1/t on res ml ams they anal)
nut ,hue have notion elaali be rx
uluded from
Hue beuenteoa .311 .,rioaBWn
Uut80 thio 101/1 day 1/t earth,
W. at, BINCLAth,
88.8 eolloltur furl4xe00tors.
Lot 18, Oou, 18, Grey, continuing 100
001e11. Apply to WM. WOODS, Urea/rook
P.0, 214o
1,17 H. MoORAOKEN-
leeuer of Mprrluge Lioenelie Of.
808 00 Hrooery, Tnrnberry 003003, Bruooets,
Feaoe Poeta for Bale, Apply 00 J 0,,8E
W1..ODE , Lot 8, Con, 5, Grey, or Brussels
P.0, 29.01
(-4 001) C01VI ORT ABLE
Huuee and good 609.01e with ue01eut
floor ; a, tertian well ; i acre lined; for sale
o8 Queen Btieut,Hrutsule. Apply to
01 8881 JOHN 008&11(,
being Ni Let 16, 0m 8 Gray, tin
the promisee Is acomfortable house, bank
barn, otabard, deo Poseee(ou oadbe aiveb
at (hoe, 111 miles trona Ethel and 5 from
B tinsels tior furtherparticulars apply o1
the eremites to P. LAMONT, or Ethel P.0
o0mlorta'le house on Fri ueese,etre.t
with stable awl all 0I iveuieuees. Foy fur•
titer liurlleularw apply to Wit 08101(2
G. T. )t Agout, Wlugnum. 21.01
lend IUr Bolo 0,0110311010 well.
Ing, here and soft w /ter 0 ' ler (sever ; ap
pie, plum god cherry tree.), the. panveol,en
oa0 be given at need Pot orate, tertn0,
l pan at 1'8410 110 00
fur cele-Oloort garotte, comfortable
boos it, 00041 rep,nr email stable, 8800
well, ciotern,.0. Poeseeoian any time. 0',,r
lurteer partloulare apply on roe prat/Mee
to 8. (110A W130181,, Brussels, 46.31
not needed
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a
strong drink. As now made,
there is not a drop of alcohol
in it. It is a non-alcoholic tonic
and alterative. Ask your own
doctor about your taking this
medicine for thin, impure
blood. Follow his advice
every time. He knows.
Ask your doctor, "What is the first great
rule of health?" Nine doctors out of
ten will quickly reply, " Keep the bowels
regular.' Then ask 1710 another ques-
tion, "What do you think of Ayer's
Pills for constipation?"
4-3.444 by the T. D. Ayer 0o., Lowell, Mess. -
Highest paid oflloiale were own
eperat''re. Demand exceeds supply.
819. lhonennd needed doting next few
years. Operators 'lave e,wured fa.
creased salaries and 814111 -hour day.
We prepare you in ehorteet time
and plane you immediately upon
OOmpetent inetuotere, lln0urpae-
sad equ'pmeut, wl,le experleuo0,
0ummeIole4 subj dots free.
Enter now. No vacation.
MAIL 000110880.
A, A, 111001E11, M.A., Ph 0.,
,g Oho.800TTON, Pnloelpal
i\Ia.ehineo, may by aeon at
kid(AY & 8HA.W'S liked ware
Store, Brussels,
Easy payment system may
be arranged for.
I also handle the Nordbeim-
er Pia(io. •
Farmers or. Storelleepere
by coming to the
Brussels Salt » Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - Brussels.
Free Books
Just the practical
you need
Apply to nearest. O.P.R.
Agent, or to
District Pass. Agent,
it chows that the throat to kensinve and broucld8l tubes
weir. Mare them well stud strong with
Bole's Preparation of
Friar's Cough Balsam r
ft heals Irritation and iu6ammatlon-'treugthees the
membrane of throat and lunge -and not only Cures coughs,
but also protects you ',pine! catching another told.
t5 eeote a bottle. At druggists
Huron County Spring
Stock Show
Clinton, 'April 2, 190S
$60o I(4 PRIZES.
1st2nd 8rd
Stallion 8 mem and over 010 y.0 92
Stallion .",flute end under , 0 4 1
Stallion 0 years and over 10 0 2
Stu Ilion 2 years and under 0 4 2
Beet Perrltoron 81,111011 10 6
Stallion 8 years end over 0 4
Stallion 2 years cud under d 4
Heavy Draughts
Bt o0d mere, rogio'd, 8 y re 3 over 11 4 7
1 riming 8 yrs 6 8, 2
rising 2yr8 6 tt 2
Golding 8791,30 and over 8 0 0
('*aiding riming 2 years . 0 3 2
Teem in harness 8 0 •I
Fondly of 0 colts of 1007 a 4
Telun in harness, let prize, cultivat-
or value 540, donated by Thos.
Murphy, .gout for Deering Mfg.Co 6 8
Brood mare 8 yrs and over, let prize
silver ono valued et 0111, donated
by Mnleo:e Bank 4 2
I Fnly 0,r Gelding rising 0 yenre .. 9 8 2
I Filly or Gelding rising 2 years.,. 1 8 2
General Purpose
Tenn in hareem 14001bsnd
a tin-
der 0 1
Stallion 16y bandit and over 10
Stallion under 106 hands ` 10
Carriage horse in 00arneme, equip•
meet considered ... ... 8
Roadster horse in harness, equip•
mens considered .. 6
Carriage team in harness8
Roaduter team in harness 0
Boddie horse . , 4
Jumping over hurdles 0
Short Horns
Bull 8 years and over 8
But I2 yenre and under
Bull 1 year end under i
Cow 8 yi'oro 8114 over - 6
Heifer 2 yenre .., 6
Heifer t year .. , ... 4
Ages to 4, 00 Prom September Kith
Bull 2 years and over 6
Bull 1 year and under...........,. 6
Cow 8 years and over 5
Heifer under 2 years 61
Polled Angus
Bun 2 years and over . 5 8
Bull 1 year and under .. 0
a -
Cow 6yund and over .. 0
Heifer under 2 years S 8
6 A
4 2
a 2
8 2
4 2
Dairy Cows and Pet Cattle
Dairy Cow any age and breed .. 6
Fat Heifer, age considered ....,.... 8
Fat Steer, age considered ......... 8
2 Steck Steers 8 yearn and under 8
2 Stook Heifers 8 yrs and under 0
Besb ltinle any age
Bust Female any age
Best8 of any breed 2years end
under with bull... ..............
6 Diplome
„Grain and Seeds
Fail Wheat, any variety t '•8 : '2
Bag Michigan Amber, prize donated
by Jas.Fair, bog of Fair'it famous
flour (F PP la
Oats, bleak .. 8 2
Oats, white8 2
Bodey, two rowed.' 8 2
Barley, six rowed .. 8 2
Timothy g 2
Olovor Seed. ............... ::...... 8 2
o s
Potatoee, any early variety 8 2
Potatoes, any Lite variety 8 •11
Jas. Snell, Jas. Fair, J. W. Shaw
Pres. Trees. ,- Seo'y.
Synopsisof Canadian Northwest
•ANY even untenured eootiun of Dominion
Lauda in MubitoO0, Buse ,te1owun and
Albei.•ta, ex0epdug 8 cud 26, not reserved,
may. be howeotuaded 0y uuy person wed 1s
the Buie head o1 a tuuiily, or may male over
18 year8 02 age, to the extent of 000 -quarter
0004000 01 160 acmes inure or lees.
Burry may be made personally at the
t00811aud Mere .fur tee 01011,01 lu which
bite laud is situate.
Tue houtee 8e4er Is requited to perform
the 0oudltluue'summered therewith under
00.01 100, culwwldg pla3a t
(1) At least nix mouths' reoldenoe upon
uu4 uul4Watwu et the laod W twee year Mr
30300 years,
t8(4200018eu)t 011180 wLLumoe38u,iMoawielder
upuh 0 farm l,1 3110 viulolty 1/t the laud
.m01,01103 (rhe 10011t1nm,nt8 a0 10 ro8i-
deuuc way be oa,lodnd by thee p8300u re.
eatenwith the latter 0mother,
r moer,
.0110eaten;1the battier 0000 mewledglaud um uw,udneuy nim
11/ 100 vadmicy of tie meantime!, the r0-
qulr0w*utoas to 1etld0000 may 110, setts.
110,4 Uy 1'ubiduu0e 01,011 4110 010,0 mad.
0ewe. 1.0mt,onwee. tenting Uowwfutueoe 01 Lomlulou
,oath as Ottawa of iiiteutieu to apely for
Deputy of thee/mister ister ul Luteder,
et. h. 01uau08..,rlend 913l301(,00 01 8480 0d-
v0311eewuut Will not 00 punt tot'..
7 urbine Steamers
Frew-,yt,d0hu Halifax
Tuulablu eat,tler 21
Vlotorlau Fri, Mar. 27 .Sat, Mar. 28
Cored ,n ,bat, A,'3, 4
Virgwirm Fri, Apr,ld Sat, Apr. 11
From -Portland 1100101,
Lauroutl,u „_ Thur, liar', 26
slot I ion ,•,'TIM', April 2 --
Profen to,,•Tour, Apr, 9
)anion Ther,' Apr, 10
apply to ge ' and fun 11110rmattmt
1V 11, mum
Agee& A1u,Llne, 33380008,