The Brussels Post, 1908-3-19, Page 111 Vo:. No, 87 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MARCH 19 1908 Alfiw Af.iliertiSfernents Robe lost Tits Pos'r. Amid nu sale - W in. • Robb. Pointing, t1o. --T. Nicholls. Horses fur sale-- Jos Sherrie. Auction sale—Andrew Hislop; jr. Dwelling for sale -1 C.ItieIi rete. Spring rerm-\f,nunem Hue. -Col. Spring terns-Eiliatt Bus, College. 9liltinery opt ling --)Miss Strachan, Spring Milenere—\),secs Habktrk, Millinory npeuing--Mrs. McKinlay, Notice to creditors—A.13, Macdonald. l l�ttr ct lt_e x , BLUEVALE lobo p0wlcr, lot r5, con, r, Morris, (Bluevate road) will ho(Ia sale of stock and implements on Fri'Itty, March 2o. Iter. I. 13 tirallwin, 13 A., the pastor of Einprres Avenue Methodist Church, Louden, formerly of Bluevate, has 18erivell an levitation from Markham ler the. -ensuingt'onfereuce term,which br ,inr. July tat of this year. MOLESWORTer Last Sabbath afteruonn''Rev, E. G. Powell, of Brussels, preached to the Methodist church here. Rev, Mi. Salto) was et Brussels. Wednesday afternoon of last week the Farmers' Institute meeting was held in the Orange Lodge Here. Tlie attendance was nothing to brag about but the discussion of the subjects well introduced b1' Messrs. Fraser and Barilour was away beyond the average meeting. Amos Smith presided as chairman, Particularly good were the evening addresses, the speakers being W, H, Fraser, Miss Rife, G Barbour and Rey, Mr, Burnett. Two well played violin instrumentals were given by H. Campbell and the Misses 4Kee sustained their good name in a choice duet, It would he difficult to find a better class of farmers than those of Meleswnrt1 community, 'Phe reourhly meeting of the Woolen's institute will be heli) here on Thursilav,'March 26th, at 2.3o p te. Topic Is "Spring Sewing," .Pau. terns will also be iuterehanged. WROXETER Miss Ada Johnson left for Toronto last week. Miss Lulu Hemphill is visiting with Hensoli rolltives. Dr. Mitchell returned on Saturday from a trip to Stratford and'rorouto. Mrs. Perrin, of Kincardine, is the guest of her brother, Rev• 1. Perrin Mies Lulu Rutherford, of Brussels. visited with her parents over Sundae A. tl. Rae returned from Toronto last week where he spent several days Ex -Warden Rupert Miller, of,Toron- to, was a visitor in Wroxeter this week Miss M. Doaagh, of 4t. Forest will again have charge of Mrs. Lewis' millinery business. A number of brethren from Brus• sols anti Gorrie visited the A. F. & A. M Lodge ou Monday evening. Oswin Smith returned to Radisson, Seek., no Tuesday after visiting his mother. Mrs. O. Smith, for several weeks After an illness of several weeks' duration the denth emote red on Snn clay, March 15111, of Catherine .Mc I'ltvi811, dearly beloved wife of Wm Mitchell, of Hewlett. The deceased was in her fiftieth year. Sumer, sympathy is expressed for the husband Go to Skene's FOR®teum Dress Good,Cotta., Flannelettes, Laces and Elusion Teas and Coffees a Specialty • Prices no Higher but goods the Beet. Always stocked with a full line of High Grade Groceries AT SKENE'S aSWWcaPrs:a`IZVertevea`4telalaYisa'We're eria`leveVet'rvroE leeeteVisliMra La ILL_INER,Y w } OPENING s N We beg to annonuce to the Ladies of Brussels alai vicinity that ou : bFRIDAY AND SATURDAY E MARCH Es 2 28 we itrteud holding 1ler formal Millinery 1lpenitlg We now have ready a fine lisle of '1.'ritntned Hats in Ladies', Mims' awl Children's wear, The new and practical styles in the predominating materials and colors now deaired for ;7u1Lm-r 08t1- n0t fail to please. We want every lady litho reads the' announcement to consider it a perllot)al incitation to call and in - spent one goods. One belt thahka are doe for the liberal patronage of the -petit. It is highly appreciltted. MISS 8."RAHAN ;�v��7 aioeme�ya� �ys"Avs" � � � ,Iro �v rGav wsY, env vril" vtv vas Sprillg illiueiy Display MACH 27 84 2 WIRRIRIVIIIRIGUUMMee Are ,you�l ' n for 'l tY 0 , Looking , %'e allyl it. IAre y0.11r Pange Looking o' ..o n for g We can Meit-alty conlj•HtliiltiII LAueolyinou for Quality Our His Please will � ease y0ti. A. wide.variety Of Styles from which to matte ,your selection. Don't fail to call •1111(1 880 818,, TgiliABKIRK arm and young daughter anti other rela- lives in their cad bereavement. The funeral took place to the Wroxeter cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, ser- vice beingcondueted by Rev, L. Per- rin, BELGRAVE Rev. NI. J. Wilson. 13. A., of Pees - water, will preach 01.7 the Belgrave circuit next Sundae, March 3211d, Under the tmapices of the W. M. S an entertainment will be given in the Belgrave Methodist church on Friday evening March 27th by the Carey Twin Bros. sniuistsand entertainers of Freer ton, Ont. These entertainers give a very pleasing and interesting enter tainment See posters and do not fail to attend, ORANBROOK 'township Council will meet in Lou+t's Hall le this village on April 6th Last Sabbath afternoon Rev, S, Salton, of Trowbridge, preached a Very interesting discourse in the Meth edict (there') here, Mrs. Nicholson has returned to her home in Mitchell after spending the Winter months with her daughter, Mrs. George Baker, Saturday evening of this week reacher Ainlav takes part in a debate at Ethel in connection with the Lit- erary Society there. A travelling Library is one of the latest additions to the privileges afford- ed the people of this locality. The advantages should not be misiim proved W. Knight, 13, A., and daughter, of Belleville, spent a few days with his :mother who was in very pour health Hind passed away shortly atter ber son left for hes home Mfrs A McDenuld h118 been visiting her pother. Mrs Jos -ph Coomber, near Jamestown, wllo:mitered a stroke of paralysis some time ago and who keeps veru poorly. A Reymann was atWroxeter Mon- day evening attending a Masonic demonstration. He's an enrhttsiaetic Mason and takes no back seat as a Canadian Forester. Cranbrnnk has obtained a Travelling Library from the Department ot Ed- ucation, Termite. 'Phe case is well selected and made up of - forty seven fine hooks which should prove of ad vantagb to the community. Several have already taken advantage ot this cheap reading These cases may be,kept outfor three months. Get a ticket at the cheap rate. The rules of the library are on the back of each, "0 ETHEL UN08an•Aatsn.—Prompt and care- ful attention given to all orders for Undertaking. Our telephone No. Is 288 and a call will have cur im- mediate response. Our prices are reasonable and satisfaction. always AS spired. Special attention )laid to cavity acid arterial enhbahning fit which we hold diplonas, LeeirHsana1s & Sow, Foor BALL,—At a very enthusiastic meeting held in Gibson's Hall Satur- day evening the Ethel Foot Ball teats was re organized for the ensniog sea- son, In view of the team's good show ing lest year, of two ties, six wins and uo defeats, the boys feel justified in entering the W. F. A. Intermediate series should they meet with the sup port of the citizens of the town. There is no reasnu why there should not be a winning team here this vear as we have the "goods" and can produce them at the right time The following officers were elected :—Hon. -President, Jobe McIntosh President, R.. .A Thompson ; Vice President, ' M. Fer guson, M,D •, Sec, Trees , G Kramer ; Manattw�r, Alf. Cole. Itwosdeeided to hold a"Nlfnetrel Show 10 raise funds in support of the team. Watch for the date in next week's paper, FARMERS' INaTITUTE —There was a lively interest manifested in the In- stitute meetings held here on 'Thurs. day of last week The ladies, to t11e number of 40, assembled at Mrs, G. 4V Pollard's and were helpfully ad dressed by Miss Rife, of Hespeler, who is a pleasing, thoughtful speaker, Li the Township Hall the When held their meeting, Jno, McTaggart, one of the directors, being voted to the their, 'i'he addresses illy. W. H. Prate et-, of•Bltlevale, and G ]iat•hour, of Cross Hill, dealt with important topics and the discussions further elucidated the questions before the gathering There was a fine program et the evening session , when Robt McKavpresided,, In addition to the orchestra Will Lemont gave . some goad violin selections, accompanied by Miss lassie McLauchli'n oe the organ ; Misses es 1 tial[ul.s R Spence atrl,0 •Ravnardand Will Spence sang Ane r s h talcs and Miss B, emuc m showed her c• 1nh lit ' 'as Allinstrumentalist al t \ • PAINTING AND .v PAPER— HAN IN i. The uutiersi'nned is prepared to attend to all work en- trusted to hila in the above lines with neatness and des- patch. Prices reasonable. Batiste ctielr Guaranteed. I. ti , (� d1tr�, j (,� . J.'1 ,.a;. V 6 �.Jd .r T�Ai.'l 117.3m BRUSSELS. The three speakers of the afternoon gave addresses worthy of the close attention they received, For the wholesale raking in of members Ethel takes the hllnne+r but this is not to lie wondered at when it is known that Sem. Campbell has it in hand, The. Institute delegation will be welcomed back here again. 'limy all did well. There was a large audience at tee 8881)1ng meeting. Alonzo Heath, who has been work. ing with his brother, 1V F Heath, tonsorial artist, has sold his fine step. per, Oliver Wilkes. and left for Mild. may, on Monday, where he has bought out a barber business, Mr, Heath has made many friends during his time here, We are very sorry to lose bile from Ethel. Tile Mildmay people will find him a gentleman, His 1110ny i friends here join in wishing him every success in his new business, t EADBURY Mrs, Geo, Dundas is visiting her par- ents in Walton for a few clays. Ephraim Dennis and bride are spend ing a few weeks with friends iu this locality. Herb. Bell has engaged with Alex Gardiner for a year and will occupy the Easton house, David McCutchenn and Geo. Jack. sou left Walton this week for their respective tames in Sealratchewan, each taking a car of settler's effects. Mrs G A. McLean returned to her home in Toronto tbis week having 'pent a pleasant month with her par- ents. John and Mrs. Dundes, and other Friends Peter Gardiner has purchased a driver from John McPherson but we are afraid it will often want to catch a glimpse of its old home which Pete cannot very well refuse it. David Holmes has moved to the Crates farm which he purchased from his brother William some time ago, 'rte latter has moved to the Muldoon farm which he has rented for the sea- son, Mrs, Wm, Hackwel] has 'not been enjoying good health since returning from a visit at St. Thomas some weeks ago. Getting stormstaved on the weal' sbe contracted a cold. hut with good ntlr4i09 and care we hope her usual good health will return. John Dennis and Alex. Gardiner each pnrchssed a fine Short Horn hell at the Guelph Fat Stock Club Sale which was held in that city two week ago. They are each said to he animals of rare breeding qualities and were sold .at fancy prices and will no doubt be highly appreciated by the Banners of this locality.. A telephone system is interesting a large number of farmers and others in McKillop end if it comes to a success fur issue will connect with the lines at Seatorth and Walton. A committee has been Appointed at Winthrop and something definite will shortie he clone and if satisfactory arrangements can be made the line will he befit on Ole opening of Spring. A large number have agreed to have it installed in their respective homes. WALTON Mrs, (Rev) Kerney, of Clinton, was visiting relatives and friends in Wal- ton. Jas. Rea left on March 5th Inc tbe West and has landed in Edmonton His homestead is at Tofield, We wish him succes8. Agitation is an here to have the local telephone line continued from Sea - forth to Walton, which would be a de- elded advantage. An auction sale of a lot of extra gond heavy draft horses was held here last Saturday afternnnn by Mes- srs, Nolan & Rowland: F S Scott, of Brussels, was the auctioneer. Las' Sabbath Rev A. McNah, M. A , was at \Vingham preeehing for Itrv. David Perrie, W. 8. Kerr, of Brnssels, took the morning service in Duff's church here In the evening the Voting People's Guild was in charg, Thiseweek Jno. W. and Mrs. Mor- rison celebrated the 5111 anniversary cif theis marriage by a trip to Toronto. The 1711) of Ireland was the eventful date', 'true Pose 90icee the sentiments of many cid friends in wishing them many happy returns of the day, A very suecesfnl anti enjoyable time was spent at the the tee meeting at Bethel church 'Thursday evening of last week under the , auspices of the Ladies' Aid. After an A r supper, prepared in the best style of McKii- lop's good cooks, the pastor, Rev. Mr, Currie, B A., tent{ the chair and a fine program was presented. Ad dresses were giver', by Revde, Messrs. Jones, of Auburn ; and Carswell, of Winthrop ; choice musteal selections by Miss Currie ire alld Mr./sinners en 15 , teadlh 4 t g, of a MO order by Miss5 Haack, of - Drayton Brusselstalent d WEIR not able to attend owing to sick. boss and bad roads The financial A proceeds was about 1327 00. ' The Partners! Institute ,)heeling 3955 C held inthe A •O r U. V, Hall last at Friday as announced and int are.tinQ e " • W H K b David and Mrs. McLaughlin, of Forclwieh, were renewing old friend- ships here, Miss Christian Rea ie home from Stratford where she has 8112118 the past couple of months. 'Phis week Hugh Putter and timely Moved to Walton where they pur- pose slaking their home. Mr. Porter is the father of -Porter Bros,, livery- men of this place. Mao JOHNSTON' PASSE\\ Awn1'.— blrinday evening of this week, at G.30 o'clock, the spirit of .,Mrs. William Johnston passed away to enjoy the rest eternal. She was in her 83rd year and had resided with her daughter, Mrs loseph Nicholson, lot 34, con, 1 McKillop, with whom she ,tad keen making her home for the past 13 seers, Old age was the chief cause of her demise. Mrs, lohnston's maiden name was Mary Carson and her birth- place Co. of Fermanagh, Ireland, where she was united in marriage to her late husband in the year 1850 They Same (o Canada in 1863 locating on the 8111 line of Morris township. Mr. lohnatun dropped (lead in the store of the tate John Dotson, in Brussels in i868, at the early age of 43. Heart disease was the cause Six children were born to Mr, and Mrs Johnston 10 Ireland, all of whom died in infene3', Mrs, Nicholson being the only child living. Mrs. Johnston was a kindly woman and was highly esteemed by all who knew her, She was a member of the Methodist church. The funeral took place Wed nesdav afternoon to Brussels cemetery, Rev. Mr. Currie conducting an ap- propriate service, MORRIS Miss Murehison, of Gleoannan, is a visitor at Jas. Shurrie's, 4th line, Miss Bessie Evans is home from Oxford Co, after at) absence of over a year. She is welcome hack, This week lames and Alex. Nichol delivered a span of brood mares at Ethel purchased by Geo. Nichol, of Listowel, John Bielby left on Tuesday for his home in the great West 'after an en• - 101931e visit with relatives and friends in this community, He is a son of Thos. Bielby, 8th line, George W. Jackson and wife, who 11898 spent the Winter here, lett for their home in the West this week. Harry Jackson, brother to the former, also event. They took a oar of stock and settlers' effects. Tuesday cif this week Jas. A. Moore, 8th line, left on a prospecting tour to the West. He has rented his farts for a term of years to McCall Bros, Mrs, Moore and family will remain in this locality for a tithe. MArRIetoctAL.—A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized et the home. of 'Phos, and Mrs. Bielby, Morris, on Wednesday of last week, March ttth, when their daughter, Miss Margaret E. was married to Jas. Calder, Delors, Rev, S Andersoti officiated in the presence of only the inimediale rela- tives and friends, The bride and groom were unattended, the bride being daintily gowned in cream and carried cream roses. Their popularity was evidenced by many costly gifts Miss Bielby will be greatly missed and especially by the members of the Blyth Epworth League. After tbe dainty wedding dinner Mr. and Mrs. Calder left at four o'clock for London and Niagara before going to their home in Delors. Their many old friends in this community will be a unit in wish- ing them Ole realization of their ideals, 87T11 BIRTHDAY.—A Birthday Party was held on Saturday of last week at the comfortable residence of Allan Speir, "Fair View Faris," 4th line, to celebrate the 87111 birthday of hirs. Gilbert Spell., In the company were this good lady's three sons, Allan, James and john ; her married grand daughters, Mrs. Wm, Bowman and Mrs. Denholm ; and her great grand children, John mud Mary Bowman and Mester James Duncan. The latter's mother is deceased, Mrs 'rhos. Max, well, of Brussels, a former neighbor teas also.present. Altllongh Grand - 131a Spelt' has been dis.rbled for the past two months, owing to the accident of breaking her leg and arm, she 18 .gets lug along as well as might be lex. pectecl for a person of her age. Many congratulations were extended to her on her birthday and good wishes for her recovery. She is a wonderful old lady and enjoys the love and esteem of many.- Mr. Speir passed away over 3o years ago at the early age of 47 years, GREY Minutes of Township Council may be read otl page 5 of this issue. Miss.Bnttet•y, of Grey, tees visiting hm ca.ousin, Geo. Manton, 27111 c011. of Elnl The auction sale of farm stock, im- tements &e will take place at An- rew Hlslnp's, P int 2, thou, 14, on Friday ftern0on of next week, As Mr• His - op has leased the farm to his brother 10111e the sale will be without: reserve. Miss Laura Card1f, daughter of las. ardiff. 7111 000., arrived home from an njoal .' y h e v1sn of five months to the' West, the greater portion of which was petit 113 Wiiniipog and Cypress River. he holiday agreed well with Miss httli•tt Miss Maggie Grant. 14th 021„ has sen clmhgerously ill at the home of rs. W. Ballantyne, Brussels, during 1e past week but is cohsideratly int. roved 110W we 108 pleased to state, he had been Assisting g 1u waltin on be late Mr. Roddick and Mrs. Addle ltd was prostrated with a IMO/0es Itaolt. Her many friends hope she a will soon be convalescent. Saturday afternoon afterno the remains cif u,. late Mrs. D .Addie, 13th c031„ vete borne to their last 9es0ng place, eev Mr. Wishing, of Branae)),, calf• Ilei)lig ail appropriate service. The allhearers were three -Sons, tWo grentl- sessions enjoyed. A. Gardiner was chairman at the afternoon meeting, Good' addresses were given by •W, . TI Fraser, of Bluevele, and Gavin Bar- bour, of Cross 11111, and the discusion b of the varintls tonics teas lively. Miss •M Rife addressed the ladies, The even- tl ittq session attracted n gond 110nse. p Director Simpson presided. In ad. S t a CA on. dit i to well (mad addresses by MissRife and Messrs Fraser and Barbour Rev, A. Mullah offered a few timely remarks. A choice program of vocal 1110510 was provided in whtah Mies Currie, of Toronto, and Miee 1'icl)ne t1 old, Gnoge Ferguson end Mr. Culvert the latter representing "Farmer My Gee," took part, Several new prem- d hers were lidded to the roll, p S0175 and a nephew, Among those who attended the funeral from a distance, as well as the irhterment of Mr, Rocldiek Mix. Addie's father, the day previous were h—James Roddick and family ul London; Jas. Addie sod family of Toronto ; Archie Addle, of Battle Creek, Miert. ; Mrs Donald Anderson, Mrs. Lamb, Fred, 'Lamb, Mrs. Halp10, Dan. Halpin, and Geo. Gibb, of Strat- ford ; Sydney Fraleigh end Jno. Weir, of St, 'Mares ; Mrs 1, Nelson, of Hur- on, Mich.. and Chas, and Jno. Val- lance. of Atwond, MATRIMONIAL.—A very pretty hoose wedding took place on Tuesday after- noon of last week, at 4 o'clock, at the residence of Wm. and Mrs. Struthers, tach con. of Mem., when their daugh- ter, Miss Ellen, became the bride of Wm. Robertson, of the township of 17i'ey. The ceremouy was performed by Rev. W. J. Spence. The bride was eltarrningly dressed in tatfetta batiste, trimmed with Valencieuues lace and insertion, and wearinglily.of-the.valley in her hair. Her travelling gown was of brown Venetian cloth, and military breed with hat to match. -'i'he sere 'irony tools place under an areb of ever- greeos, The happy young couple were the recipients of many useful and cost- ly presents. Their host of friends, to whom Mrs, Robertson will be at home after April 1st, at 16th con. Grey, wish theta every blessing through life. Greet Hogs.—Early Wednesday morning the call "Come up higher" was heard by Mrs. Jas. Knight, loth coo., and at the advanced age of nearly Sq years she passed peacefully aw ay. While in failing health for the past year she was only confined to bed for a couple of dans before her decease. Aire, Knight's maiden name was Sarah Whittington and her birthplace was the Isle of Wight, where she was also married to her now aged and bereft partner some68 vearsago. They came to Canada in 1865 and resided in Us. borne township, Huron Co., before moving to the loth eon. of Grey in 2876 and where they have since made their home. Mr. Knight will be 93 Years of age if be lives to May 13th 7908. The danghters born to them were :— Mrs. Penhale, deceased, Stephen township ; Mrs Penfound, Stanley township ; Mrs. Hudson, de- ceased, Iowa ; Mrs. Harcal) and Mrs. (Rey.) Wiekett, of Maine ; Mrs Chas, Switzer, Grey ; the sons, Geo, of Lambton Co, ; John, deceased, of Petrolia ; Chas. H. andas., of Grey; and Wm„ Higb• school teacher, of Belleville. The subject of this notice had enjoyed a large measure of good health, was a fine noble spirited worn - au ; a member of the Methodist church for long years and beloved by alt who knew her. The tuneral takes place Friday afternoon to Brussels cemetery Service will he held in Cranbrook Methodist church at t 3o o'clock, To Mr. Knight and the other memoers of the family will be accorded the sym• pathy of many old friends. Epworth League. Anniversary SUCCESSFUL SERVICES. The anniversary of the Epworth League of Bras els Methodist ebttreh ie always looked forward to with a large measure of interest as they have a record for general aloterest that could not be cantly enpe eded, White Ipes attention waa gives to the decoration of the church titan ou some past oeoaei,ns the services were not leaking in the essentials that conduce t0 (moose viz attentive -audi- ences, clear out, well directed sermons, cheerful singing on Sabbath and it most enjoyable entertainment Monday even - Rev. S. Salton. of Trowbridge, occupied the pu'pit on Sabbath and although this was hie first visit hero the fent his brother Rev. Gem'ge F, Salton, now of Stratford, had been a former pastor made the preacher more than ordinarily welcome. Mr. Salton is not a big man physically but his eermous demonstrated that he was well able to vig'rously and trenohont- ly expound the gospel and hie discourses were appropriate wholesome, eneonra ing a u la I and c aced to iu i 9t e to increased tivity in the vineyard. The text in the morning was "Blessed are ye that sots beside all waters" end wee developed alopg the line of the joy of eerviee, In a threefold aspeot the lame was dealt with t--(1) The ble;aed- nese of the oo s veton man ; (2) The bless- edness of the selective man •(8)The bless- edness of the generous man In the evening Paul's advice to Timothy was chosen as the foundation of the dis- 01)118e oStir rip the gift that is within thee," The National gift offered wide sone for brief outline f a o h o the 1' P n t eatuese g and gondueea of the British Empire ; the gi