HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-3-12, Page 4t if >: r1c' -14,ll ,4144-1.1'Irvtf"1i"i"k
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Tho, hats now being shown for early
epring see somewhat on the rnushreeen
shapeertiLheugh muoh smaller and turn -
eft up slightly in the front. A few ere
Showa roiled back straight on the left
side, and there are even one or two
that are caught back in the middies of
The Mont with a quill sewn at right
angles to the face. Altogether there i$
no hldacation of any sat fashion, for R
is too early to tell definitely what sum-
mer will bring forth. Far the between
season it is perfectly safe 10 invest In
a large, flat sailor, short In back and
front. This may either roll slightly at
the edge of the brim en Lhe left side
cm also may be perfectly straight, trim-
med with flowers or quills.
Leghorn hats, too, are very popular,
but they are left straight in the back
and turned up in the middle of the front -
A vary smell Parana is shown with
the brim tulle -d back at the side and
held in place by a chou of velvet. This
ferms the only trimming.
Many of the hats shown for very early
spring are made of horsehair and trim -
need with straight, short ostrich plumes.
Outer materials used to a great extent
are net and marina bound all round
with taffeta, while aigrettes and wings
usually' form the trimming.
, The model hats for early spring have
ror adornment bows of lane or net with
large loops heavily wired. These stand
out in all directions and give the hat
OM extremely fly -away leek which is be -
'coming only to younger women. The
elder ones, by the way, seem to have
been left out of the calculation of the
ashiers-makers entirely, for there is
ardly a model designed which would
be suitable for them.
quality is in the association rot
names, The name Leach Chemical Go„
is inseparable from Uiat of
which is put up for diepensing through
druggists only in ya oz. vials, each vial
eecurely soused In a round wooden case.
Worthies imitations have been offered
to the publle, but always under an ;re-
sumed name 'through whleb the imila-
k" hides his identity and endeavors to
evade responsibility for the deception.
Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure
will break up a cold in 24 hours and
cure any cough that is curable. The
mite on the wrapper is your guar.
Properties, uses and directions with
every vial.
"George this is leap year."
"II -m -m."
"And i've enjoyed your society so
"And I've saved up $28 of my own."
"I've already made three of every-
"H -m -m."
"1 don't know just how to say it,
George, but you know my father is
wealthy and I'm his only child."
"Say, Majerie, go uhead and say it.
Don't hesitate. I'm not going to bile
you, What sort of a proposal did your
rcih father authorize you to make to
Mrs. T. Osborn, Norton Mills, Vt.,
writes; "I do not think enough can be
said in praise of Baby's Own Tablets
1 am satisfied that our baby would not
have been alive to -day if it had not
Hats are growing smaller and even teen for the Tablets, as he was so
those of the lingerie variety have sfik weak and sick that he tools no noises
of anything. In this c•+ndition I gave
him the Tablets and they have made
hire a bright-eyed, laughing baby, the
pride ,f aur home. 1Ie is one year old,
Golden quille are in great demand my
t eine teeth, and is now as wren as
Soo spring hats, and what could be ea- r' 1 non be. He si s and plays
Le.. 1 t i the time and lets me do my
aler than to paint over these that fell t.ld '.ru"out worry. I would say to
®o match any hat at preasnl in v^:? a,, mothers who have sick babies give
Sometimes too,th im.v l- nets e - t.,- rt Baby's Own Tabieis es I did mine,
lrlmmed with artifci 1 t I' s a::!{ cad you will have healthy, happy ha-
a -
" some of then w )1U L'''"" br• s., The Tablets will cure all the
of eh.tfon on a wire frame. 1L
dwo are a great cencerhtnrr,., for 1 try minor ailments of little ones and are
absolutely safe. Sold by all medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
The Destroyer Tartar Recently Made
17.037 Knots an hour,
brims. There are even a few straw
ioques shown for use in southern cli-
mates, but it is yet too early to tell
positively whet spring may bring forth.
spring days the wind preys Loves. midi
the brittle quills, while, 41r •dy, wire
cannot break.
The cut n tech eirete peamens are
a Sesame el the senna end they are
ret :- e peel war to 'use rt;; worn-out
plumes +•r HMSO fe..Lhers that are iso
small to use in any other way.
The prediction of things tailor-made
was largely instrumental in bringing
about a marked favor for the one-piece
dress, in which ample srrspe is allowed
for individual effects, especially in the
way of combining slnlplicily of outline
with elaboration of detail. Here, also,
the overskirt finis opportunity for ex-
pression. A charming model of Ameri-
can design shows a fitted princess with
tw•o side seams left open, and the edges
flnisbed separately to disclose what ap-
pears to ire a skirt of eontrasling materi-
al, hut which in reality is nothing more
than a panel inserted and attached to
the princess three or fourinches from
the edge. Another design 1s In some-
thing of the same effect. except that in-
stead of the side simulated panel it is
in the front and back, and, though
closed at the waistline, gradually parts
again, the two sides of the top portion
branching off to the shoulders, leaving
visible a material like that inserted in
the skirt.
Buttons are telling items in manes -
tion with this style of dress. Large
and small they figure conspicuously
and almost invariably. In the extreme
tidier -made cloth or silk -covered but-
tons are used, or the new ivory ones,
colored or tinted to match the suit, but
in novelties there aro myriads of beau-
tiful designs In metal and enamel, wood,
embroidery-nm'ered, agates, and preci-
ous stones. One of the prettiest of (Ileac
is a plain smoked pears. with a tiny
star cut in the centre, and a rhinestone
as the central point.
The superintendent of a school dIleal-
ed the teachers the other day to ascer-
fain ttie occupations of the parents of
all the scholars In their respective ciess-
es. The inquiry proceeded well until
the infant class was reached, when a
small, red-headed, and much -freckled
boy obstinately refused to give any in-
fet me tion.
'Isn't' your father living, then, ,Telin-
ny?" inquired the teacher.
"Yes, miss," ons the glum reply.
"Doesn't he work?'
"No, miss."
"But he keeps you and your mother,
def ri't he?"
"Yee, miss,"
Visions of a gambler in a riveted suit
end diamond studs crossed the tea-
cher's mind,
"Johnny, she asked, solicitously,
"what does your father do?"
There -ons a moment's pause, settle
the, sobs in the small boy begen to rise
it the, froekied surfeee.
"My faller,'' he said, "nln't in any.
reeler work. 'Ile"s Ilse lady with wills -
Reese at 'the Onus, an' mother snit' if
1 give it away shell. give rno a hidin' I"
A grandmother woe reproving her lit-
tle grandchildren for making so much
"Dear ane, children, you aro 81 noisy
leslayf Can't you, be a little .more
"NoW, grandma, yet mustn't scald
018 Von see, if It wasn't for ua, you
weulull't be a grandma a1 DIV
England's naval experts state that
Englund to -day possesses not only the
biggest and most powerful warships,
but that she Itas afloat the. biggest and
fastest fleet of destroyers in the world.
They point out that when the King
irceutly reviewed the home and reserve
!leets, off Spithead, it was proved that
0f the 182 ships reviewed, 166 were
able to leave immediately for the ma-
noeuvres in an extraerdlnarily high
percentage of preparedness.
England under present Administration
has slightly reduced her naval expendi-
tures. The total naval estimates for the
year 1937.08 aggregated £31,419,500
(8158,000.000), as against £31,869,500
(0170,000,CM for the preceding year.
This economy, though large, Is unim-
portant considering the present great
predominance of the eilritish navy over
all others. England intends to main-
tain this predominance by building four
Dreadnoughts annually, and it is the
intention of England to continue their
construction until she possesses in ves-
sels dating from the Dreadnought era
alone as great a relative superiority
over all other nations as she possesses
to -day.
The destroyer Tartar was built by
John Thornycroft. She is a turbine,
and her highest speed was attained in
one of the six runs over the measured
Admiralty course. The turbines are of
the Pareons type.
The dimensions of the Tartar are as
icdiows: The length on water -line, 270
Met; width on water -line, 26 feet; depth,
17 feet 2 incises; displacement, 850 tons.
The shape which has been adopted for
the vessel is that usually chosen by
the Thornycrefls, which includes the
graceful turtle deck, in place of the
raised forecastle. The turtle deck
throws the water neatly overboard in-
stead of under the upper deck: [ler
armament consists of three 12 -pr, quick
firing guns and two torpedo tubes.
The evolution of England's champion -
Ship in the 'matter of the swiftest de -
strayer lies in the story of a long strug-
gle against the resistance of sea rind
winds extending over years.
Thirty knots an hour was the speed
alined at, and in 1893 the Daring al-
mesL reached that point, making a
Mille over 29. in 1806 this was exceed -
et by the destroyer Desperate, which
attained the coveted speed of 30 knots
are hour.
Then the Japanese upset England's
calculatlons with the destroyer Usufrl'
mo, which made 91 knots. England a1,
once raised the limit, and with the Al-
batross she again gained the record,
this lest granted destroyer reaching
speed of a little over 32 lints.
But, England was not yet contented,
and •proceeded to build the Tartar,
which first smelled a 33 -knot limit, .then
Sucrose(' this to 35, and finally aston-
ished the naval world by reeling oft the
speedy run of 37.087 knots.
'Vineyards Flourished Centuries Ago
Where Grapes Do Not Now Gran'.
The growing coldness of the earth's
temperature is something on which
scientists disagree, but cerl.ata data
collected in Europe would seem to an-
swer the question in the eflrmative
ee far as that continent is concerned.
Flammarion has collected figures eov-
cring the last nix years, which seem
to show a falling temperature. At
Paris the thermonretrica1 readings
;have been one degree below normal.
Other readings show even less fav-
orable results. The fall is more no-
ticeable during the spiting than during
other periods of the year. Similar
phenomena are recorded is Great Be" -
lain, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Austria,
and Germany.
In the days of Philip Auguste, in the
thirteenth century, the wines of Elampes
and Beauvais were the favorite bever-
ages at court. Henry IV., a pronounc-
ed bon vivant, frequently expressed his
fondness for the product of the Sures-
nes grape, At the rresent day there is
not a vineyard of importune north of
Paris, and as for the petit vin now made
at Suresnes, 'IL has become the drink
only of the poorer classes.
In the middle of the sixteenth cen-
tury mace was er'ebrated for its muss
bated wines, whereas the muscalelt
grape al this moment can scarcely be
made to Thrive there. Ancient chroni-
cles mention the cultivation of the vine
in northern Brittany. where now even
apples are not plentiful. Again, it is
to he remarked that trecs whine once
flourished in the north of France are
at p:eecnt found in the extreme south,
and a considerable number have disap-
peared el'ogether.
Languedoc no longer grows the le-
mon: there is not an orange left in
B•rntsillon, The Lombardy poplar, so
familiar and picturesque in old French
line engravings, is now nowhere to 1•e
feun8 on French soil. These are farts
which, putting statistics out of the
question, serve to illustrate the changes
wroitg'.tt by temperature in the great
fruit producing country of France.
Gan be Saved Froin a Life of Misery
by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills.
Women are called the "weaker sex,"
and yet nature calls upon them to hear
far more pain than men, With too
many women it is one long martyrdom
from the time they are budding into
womanhood, until age begins to set its
murk upon them. They are no soon-
er over one period of pain and distress
than another looms up only a few day's
ahead of them. No wonder so many
women become worn out and o1d look-
ing before their time.
In these times of trial Dr. WIUfsms'
Pink Pills are worth their weight in
gold to women. They actually mace
new, rich blood, and on the richness
tend regularity of the blood the health
of every girl and every woman depends.
Mrs, Urbane C. Webber, Welland,
Ont., is one of the many women who
owe present health and strength to Dr.
Williams' Fink Pills. Mrs. Webber
says:—"About three yoare ago, while
Dying in Hamilton, my health began
tai decline. The first symptoms were
headaches and general weakness. Atter
a time the trouble increased so rapidly
that I was unable to attend to my
household duties. I lost flesh, looked
bloodless and had frequent fainting
Ells. I was `constantly doctoring, but
without any benefit, and I began to feel
that my condition was hopeless. One
day a friend asked me why I did not
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and men -
tinned several cases in which she knew
of the great benefit that had followed
their use. After some urging I decided
le try the pills, and had only used them
a few weeks when I began to feel bene -
Med, and from that time on the im-
provement was steady, and by the time
I had used about a dozen loxes of the
pills I was again enjoying the blessing
M good health. I cannot too strongly
urge other discouraged sufferers to
give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair
Dr: Williams' Pink Pilus will care
all (roubles due to poor, watery blood,
such as anaemia, general weakness,
indignslton, neuralgia, shin troubles,
rheumatism, the after clients of la.
grippe, and sueh nervous troubles as
SI. Vitus dance and partial paralysis.
Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail
el 80 rents a lrox or six boxes for
82.50 from Tho Dr, Williams' Medicine
Co,, Brockville, Ont.
Pat had got hurt—not much mere
than a scratch, it is tree, but his em-
ployer had Astons of being compelled
to keep him for life, end had adopted
the wise course of sending him at once
to the, hospital. After the house -surge-
on heel examined him carefully, he said
In the nllrsn;-"As subeietaneous abras-
ion is not observable, I do not think
there is any reason to apprehend .tomb
mental elcatrizatlon of the wound,
Then turning to the patient, loo asked,
quizzically;—•"What do you think, Pat?"
"Sure," said Pat, "you're a wonderful
thought -reactor, doctor, Yon took the
very wards out of my mouth, Tnat's
just what I woe going to sayl"
All that ninny men terve Mit oflife
fa rnnie*111 to buy themselves tombstones
when theyaro dead,
A Frank Statement
'e•rte•na is th< nest Afedici,te ih the
till 13. - EMiLE MABOIS, 1879 Ontario
IVA street, Montreal, Canada, writes:
"Aider taking nine bottles of
Peruna, I find that I am cured,
"I still take it occasionally. For me
it is the best medicine in the world.
"1 have reoonmeended it to a number
of persons."
Mr, J. C. Hervus Pelletier, Dept. de
1' Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario, writes:
"The Peruna 1s particularly effica-
cious in the cure of catarrhal affeetions
of the lungs and bronchial tubes.
"Six bottles cured me this winter of
bronchitis. I WTI completely restored
and i owe (hanks to the Peruna.
"I have recommended this remedy to
a largo number of my friends afflicted
with the same trouble, and they have
verified my good opinion of this val-
uable l'ornedy
Governors of Provinces Being Constant-
ly Interfered With by an
Ignorant Inspector.
The lack of public security inthe
provinces, more especially in the Del-
ta, is causing the greatest anxiety at
Cairo, Egypt. Brigandage, theft and
murder are ever increasing, and in this
respect the state of the country is worse
than in the time of the Khedive Said
Pasha. The cause is the unvvieldiness
of the machinery of the Ministry of lite
Interior. Torereever, there is no high of-
ficial in the 1ldinislry of the Interior
who has had any previous experience
of pollee work, It is a government by
Another fact which greatly militates
against the successful policing of the
country is the fact that the police of
Egypt are by composition and training
especially a military force, a gendarm-
erie, yet they are administered as a civil
The theory of the present Adminis-
tration is that the MudlrS, or Governors
et provinces, are absolutely responsible
ter the Minister for the state of the dis-
trict under thea control. But, in rea-
lity, their aulherity 15 continually being
tinkered with by a young inspector,
who has neither a sufficient knowledge
of the country not' of Arabic to know
when 3m is being wilfully misled, and
who lessens the responsibility and weak-
ens the authority of the Mudir; In fact,
he irritates instead of soothing.
What Is needed is a. resident inspec-
tor who is entirely cognizant of the
conditions under which, and of the
characters of the people he is se.nL Ic
WI; to govern, a man old enough to
have a natural authority, with a cer-
tain knowledge of the country and ex-
perience of the people he 1s sent to gov-
ern, a working knowledge of their lan-
guage, and, above all, he must have
had prnelical experience of pollee, work;
In fact, a return to, and an improve-
ment on, the system in vogue bcfeee
the Egyptian civil service. was started.
At the present moment all seriously -
minded Egyptians, who have been loyal
lot the occupation throughout, are wav-
ering in. their allegiance, because of
the apparent inability of the present
Government to suppress crime. When
a crime is committed in a village, there
Is not one man, woman or child in that
village who does not know the author
within an hour. Yet, in many cases
which conte before the parquet the po-
lice .profess themselves unable le trace
the culprit, and In many well known
cases the wrong man has been sentenc-
Neither the Minister of the Interior
nor the adviser has the power io de-
mand to see a process verbal drawn
up by one of his police, after it has
come into the hands of the parquet, a
Tact which has been the cause of much
abuse. There Is no reason wily the
Egyptian should not become a very et
fleient policeman, but he must learn,
and at present he has no one ea learn.
from, as the knowledge of his snpert
ore is merely exper1i ental.
There are advisers to the Ministers,
and, with the exeepiion of the Ministry
01 the Interior, these advisere ars.
specialists. There should, therefore, be
3'esident advisers to - rho Mudira, who.
elan insist on the right method being.
ndopled tutted of merely experinlont'
They and Said to Cure Excessive i+er-
spilealion 01 the hands,
A German physician has used the X-
rays with success in the treatment of
Iperspdring hands, a condition which
is a source of great annoyance to some
According to i the Medleal Record the
fact that the lauds .of Roentgen ray
workers become very dry led him to In-
vestigate the effect of the rays In MKS
of this sort. While it has not been
found feasible to melte use of the Roent-
gen rays as a means of destroying sib
perfluous hair owing to the fact that
in order to secure permanent atrophy
of the hair follicles too great alteration
cf the skin as a whole must be caused,
11 appears that the functional activity
et the sweat glands may 'be abrogated
without undue risk.
The rays must be applied in consid-
erable intensity, however, and in mare
le do this safely it is necessary to have
04 exact means of quanlitilative control.
From October to May, Golds aro the most fres-
gqaent cause of Headache. LAXATIVE I1ROMO
timmNINE remoras cause. T. W. Orono on box 2aa
Jorks—That's a queer sign for a bar-
ber—"Hair cut while you wail."
Knowles—Ne; 1 seldom go to the bar-
ait while
some otherfellow'stot baying
fellow's hair Is }being cut.
Palms, Like the Poor, Aro Always
With Us. That portion of maws life
which is not made up of pleasure. is
largely composed of pain, and to be
free from pain is a pleasure. Simple
remedies aro always the best in treat-
ing bodily pain, and a safe, sure and
simple remedy is Dr, Thomas' Eclectrie
011. You cannot do wrong In giving it
a trial when required.
Dealer—"Here's a cigar I want you 10
try." Customer (a minute fait') --"it
don't deserve a Trial, 11 ought to be
Everyone Th l aka his own cross is the heaviest'
When confined to the house with a pain In the
side for instance but it would bo quickly forgot•
len i1 "'Lhe D es t," Menthol Plaster was applied.
filmy only cost a trine, why not try them?
"Can't you wait a year before marry-
ing my daughter?" "1 can; but my cre-
ditors can't."
Many patent medicines have come
and gone, but Elcicte's Anal -Consump-
tive Syrup centimes to occupy a fore-
most place among remedies for couglis
and colds, and as a preventive of de-
cay et the lungs. IL is a standard me-
dicine that widens its sphere of useful-
ness year by year. If you aro in need
of something to rid yourself of a couge
or cold, you cannel do better than try
Bickle's Syrup.:
There Is Only One
That to
Always remember the full name. Look
for this signature on every box. 25o.
ud' in
When a young woman asks a young
man to let her sew on a button the
world bolds its breath.
They Wake the Torpid Energies. —
llfaahlnery not properly supervised and
left to run itself, very mon shows fault
In its working. It is the sane with
the digestive organs. llaregulated from
time to time they are likely to become
torpid and threw the whole system out
et gear, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills
were made to meet such eases. They
restore to the full the flagging facul
Iles, and bring into order all parts of
the mechanism.
The quality of their work troubles
many people less than the quantity f I
their wages.
Intelligent Treatment with Allon's Long Bal.
sem brings up the phlegm, st•.p.s the cough and
pain in the chest, ovoroomms th ,'o terrible cold0
which), neglected, lead to e0asumptimt
Ibe was a very tired -looking man
Dejeclien was written on every line of
his lace, and as I was a stranger in
the village, with nothing to do and no
one to talk to, d relieved my pent-up
sear:is by expressing my sympathy with
him in his troubles, whate'ver they
"Thanks," he said; "imy chief trouble
eclems to be that I am an idiot from
Idiotvflle, and that is incurable. I just
got info a bragging match with a
stranger up in the post -office. lIo bet
ho was richer than I was, and I tool[
him on—just for fun. I told him ail I
had and more, tee, and after a while
he gave in, saying he wouldn't have
thought it. Then I said 1'd swear to
it, and he said all right, and I did; and
by thunder, who do you suppose he
1 don't know. Who?"
"The income-tax assessor!" he peen-
IL certainly was a case of hard luck.
How tunny times have you won out'
when invited to go up against another
man's game?
Man's words to woman flatter.
"Biggest and Best"
Chewing Tobacco
, .,
"Are you 1n favor of clubs for wo-
men?" asked the wonlan with the square
chin. "Yes," answered the old. bache-
lor. "Clubs, sandbags, or any old
'Tako LAXAa'IVE BROMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists rotund money if it fails to cure. E. w.
taROVE'8 signature 1s on each box. no,
No real hustler would give two cents
for the things that come W those who
ITCIi, Mango Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious Itch on human
kit animals cured in 30 minutes by Wel-
ford's Sanitary Lotion. 1t never falls.
Sold by all druggists.
"Do you think your dad would say
anything if 1 told him w•e were going
le be married?" "1 don't know, but 1
Inncy hod say something if you told
him we weresel
Sure Regulators. — Mandrake and
Dandelion axe known to exert a pow-
erful influence on the liver and kid-
neys, restoring thein to healthful no-
tion, including a regular Pox of Sue
secretions and imparting to crgaes
complete power to perferre thi. r lmre-
ilons. These valuable Ingredients enter
into the &imposition of T•ar.ue ens g...
,getable Pills, and acne 'o lcnicr (hers
the agreeable and salutary medicine
they are. There are few pills so effec-
tive as they in thea action,
Nedd—"There was to be a meeting
of my creditors to -day."
Todd—"\Ve11, wasn't there?'
"No. They unanimously agreed that
they couldn't afford to spend the Lime."
Donotgive up In despair, you who atdfor.
from obstinate disfigurements of the skin. Annolnt
Um sero elmus with w'eavor's Comte and purify
1ho blood with Weaver's Syrup. .111 druggists
keep them.
Some of us have fads, others are
When duty calls we aro apt to say
"Not at home
We must usually plait labor if we
want to raise money:
It is herd to believe the truth the way
some people tell it.
It Is soothing to the nerves to be po-
pular with yourself.
Besides gathering no mass, a rolling
stone gravitates downhill.
Tho less you think about yourself.
the more others are apt to think of
If the question `Rollo is wise?' were
put to popular vole, we should each
score enc.
Some people are so interested in malt-
ing money that they forget hew tb
epend it
"Mark my words," declared Mrs.
Forme, laying down the law to her tong -
suffering husband, by the end of the
century woman will have the rights she
is fighting for" "I shu'n't caro if she
has," replied Forme. "Do you mean it?"
cried his wife. "Have I at last brought
you round to mywayof thinlcing. Won't
you really care?" "Not a bit, any dear,"
returned her husband, resignedly.
"I'11 be dead then," •
If a men makes cynical remarks
about women it's doughnuts to fudge
that one of them- has been using him
for a doormat.
Can be don. perfectly by sow rronob Prowse. Tri le.
0a1T10N AMERICAN 11381105 00,
One. Canada.
Mount Clemens is famous throughout.
America as an all.the.year-round health re-
sort. and thousands- of people boar testi-
mony to the benefits derived from its min.
oral waters in cases of rheumatism and.
kindred disesseo. For bilioae and liver
troubles, digestive troubles, nervous die-
ordero, general debility, eta, the efficacy of
Its waters is wonderful. Seventy-liva nor
cent of rheumatics are cured and ninety per
cent.. benefitted, Write J. D. McDonald, Dis-
trict Passenger Agent, Grand Trunk Roil:
ecriDtiv0tbookiot tellllinglor youhalldabout'it-
She (on the Atlantic liner)—Did you.
observe the great appe1il@ of that si,rut
man at dinner?
Ifo --Yrs; he must be what they cale
a stowaway.
PILES CURED IN 6 TO to n.tz'9.
PA00 OIVTMEYT is guarasi,cd t u c 1,1
IPlloa In Pride to :laysBlind.
or .mina +.. arise. X080. ug:
1 D1lSi•IriAL i
Th.; wrgee -r s n h"is, net been rais-
ed, either, is se1Sr r the feet that pric-
es get:et:0L4 hewn ,niss':p,
Help your children to grow strong
and robust 1 • col,nlcrnc'lbig anything
t, at fin acs 111-1:c•:th. Ono great reuse
.Il (.1 10. e hi (11111 en is worms. Ile-
ntcvv dtetn with Mother Graves' Worm
Eresersinaior, It never fails.
Occasionally a woman is so (kcep-
tive that she will even. try to nitrite a
man ,believe she loves hint when oho
Puts You on Your Beet and kooppsyou there
That's what "Ferrovim" dens for all those re,
covering from wastingdiseases. It is the host
toric f,raxistence. Istimulates, nourishes and
builds nu the system.
13's110p Goodman (Impressively)—"Only
think, children! In Africa there are
10;000,600 square milts of territory with -
cut a single Sunday -school where little
loge and girls can spend their Sun-
days. Now, what should we all try and
save up our money and do?" Class
art ecstatic talon)—"Go to Africa!"
You cannot Ire happy while you have
warns. Then do not delay in getting a
Crottle of Holloway's Corn Cure, It re-
r110ree all kinds of corns without pain.
Failure with it Is unknown.
Dr. Canner Bobb, of Belfast, at a
recent medical gathering there, stated
that he had used serum in cases of
spinal meningitis with great success.
Whereas the death fate had been 70
per cent., it was now reduced 10 10 per
"Your eon," said the professor, "has
teen laboring under a misapprehen-
sion." "What?' exclahned the humble
UM honest parent, with joy in his
voice, "ye don't mean It?" 'lateen what?"
"'That hosier has been worlds'."
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OD for the worst cold,
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—try it on to guar-
antee Of your
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doesn't actually
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Shiloh's Cure
25c,, boa, 111. 815
Co dhs
and Cold
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Afflict..,,, this brht little girl
Mrs. F. Miner, of 3Iz Suffolk Street,' Guelph, Ont, says: "A year
since, while while living in Oshawa, Oat., my little daughter Lorinda, six
years of age contracted a skin disease on the tipper part of her body, This
first broke out like tiny water blisters, aftcrwarda taking the form of dry scabs. These
would disappear for a short time and then reappear Worse than ever, The Wellies
coming in contact with lite skin' sot up such A severe irritation that it was impossible
to keep her from scratching. We tried various preparations yet obtained no
good results until We began using Zam-Buk. With each application the irritation
and soreness Was greatly relieved, and the chid rested easier, Thre,' continued,;
using, the eruptions and scabs fart disappeared and in short space of time the akin
was completolycleared from the disease. It 19 now some months Binet wis used
gam•Bek, and ns there aro no signs of any more eruptloas breaking out ea her body,
we believe Zont.Bu t hes worked d complete etre." zeasenul Cui+tie 00l4, chapped
..-. ,tel, blOms, 45,81010
running sore. and AI{digs
ease* of the skins Of all
druggists and itoresso0. er
100 Zdm-Euli
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