The Brussels Post, 1908-3-12, Page 3l• Now gyen ENTER ANY DAY Wil ter 'fere( in .tell departments the Ueutral. Baeineae College, Toronto, aftird epleudid. °111111ete for speeding a few Months plead- autiy and profitably, Tweuty4ve Members, Catalogue free Wrote fur 0t. W. H. SHAW, Principal E. 14, SHAW, Secretary. Yuuge 17.E Garrard ste., Toronto 13i18110:8S CAt%ilr3, WM. SPENCE CONVLYA.NUL211t AND ISSUER OF NIA1tRIAGL, LICENSES Mee Lt the Puce Opus, Ethel. 9O.4 pLit'T1iA. C. ARMSTRONG J., I. prepared to give leeao.ld on Pious, or heed Organ, Terms on application. Po0tueiee addieee-ti russols. lteehtooue- Lot 8, Uo0.1U, Grey. Pupils may have their l0ed0as a t their owe ho wee t 3 profaned. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Plano or Organ ETHEL., ONT. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCKLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the 'Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Hoviek Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office and iioeldduoa- WAL.root, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLANr 1N10Re17ue, ' FIRE AND MARINE GUELPH MONEY TO LOAN ON FAR to PROPERTY Bate of interest 6l p11000er 0000 per animus, deet ,40.138 LIFE AND FIRE INS. AGENT Excelsior 1410 [neurone° Co 8patty The Equity Flee Lue°ra1ce Company All business attended to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk 4003 Division Court AUCTIONEERS. .0S. SUOTT AS AN AUUTIUh a aoR, well belt for better prices, to better UOu, (n less tine x034 1040 charges Wen any other Auot4"u00, lo East limon ur be won't u1arge anything, Dates hod orders can always be arranged at tuns ounce or by 03 erbu 1141 avid) elation, ROAST. H. GARN!SS BLUM VALE - ONT. Auctioneer for for Huron County. Terms 00 04 able. Hales arranged fist at the °AJloe of d'ue. Peep, Br0sse05. 2201 VETERINARY. ,('1 A. CUNNING1AM- Vi o Honor ,induute of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, 1s prepared to treat all dire mom of dumbe.1ia104 ultimate In a marmot eut manner. Partiudor attention paid to Veterinary 1)00(101ry and &Lila IieYdr U141e promptly atce0ded to. Udine and lotlrmnry -Four doors vurtb of bridge, 191rnberry et„ Brusoelo, 'Phone 47 u ESAL AND IIONVEYANCII4G1. ,A 013. MAODONALD- li huerleLo0, Hollnito, Notary, Ate fieceensorto G. F. bleu.. O11ioe over 80au, thud Banes, Hruseel0. 8011019er for b1otoo- pol0a1 Beals. J M. SINULAI11- y d o Barrister, Bulloilor, Cenvlyotwaw, Notary Public, 60, ulliee-Stewurt'b Bloch 1 door Norte el Uuutrul Jiutel. Bolfeltor for 00133330110.0(1 Bauk. pl1oU'DFOO'P, HAYS & BLAIR-- BALtLi16TEBA, HL II0111'l0 , NOTARIES W. Pnermiroom, K. �. 1{L6m, 1t. O. HAY0 001oe8-These formerly 1ue8pied by 'Messrs Commie 0.r 110µt, 0001110I01, ONTARIO, DENTISTRY OR. R. P. FEILD, IIOIN'TINT 141 iltiat0 of the Bevel r allege of D0uta1 Burgeons of Ontario awl O'h'at-olal, .11(01301 Oraduat0 of Toronto University. 016133 0013 to Brewer's Photograph 11JO1e1'y, Ii0E9k4$Ei,6. 11 Sri. T6'1111101)0118 I1 APRIL. 1ST) d, IS�i'Br�l., �IIJ STRATF'ORDI ONT.' 01 Whore° !mote fo the key note of J thin hl84i0titblb Our Reboot 0taude �101• Whitt LO Hlgheet and Boet 10 31801' j. nose etlueat1011. We bare throe (le. partmeute•-•Commercial, 9311 ,r.0nnd `•r (tad'1'el8giapbf4. 'ur g0 tulntte0aj l- wa.ya bu080. 1. 1! 11,00193,40111 gut. our 7F 1000 011401ugn0. • iJlll E.L.L10l T dt Mdlut010L:iN, .di 31 Prlholpias, iele��'ap�Y Higqhest }mid oltioials ware mute 120uta0.rs, 1)Omaud 0x00040 4u0ply, Bei, 3Monenud needed during nest law )rare. Operators have secured 134- oroa00,1 eal0rio3 and 014ht'hoer day. We prepare you fu shortest time and phloo you imutediutely Upon gradnatlln t.ump,tont ivaro uotart, 1u1e11rpae- sod (4130 Want, trice experience. Outworn alai 61114000s tree, Enter now, No vacation, MAIL 000118E6, WINGNAM BUSINESS COLLEGE A, A. lin1Nen, ALA., Ph 0., Vtoe•Prll.olpul G no, 910TT0N, P114olpal GRAM, TRUNK RAILWAY, Houma' eXTRNSION w. 0. & 9, rraineteave Brunetti Station, North and South, as follows; 001NO30071 150I110 NORTe. Mad 7:01 coin, Express 10:65 amp Fixeren—. 11:96 0.mN all ..,..,.,. 1:44 0.11 14,opreOe 8:02 p.m I (')aures:...... 8:61.p.01 CANAO`AN PACIFIC R. R. Irollowtug is the 0 P. N. Time Table at Walton :- To Toronto To Oorlorio•, Maureen 7:48 are Express 11;89 am Express ,,,,,, 6:90 p re I Express 6:26 p n. atstrl,.c.r�.etvs, Jae. Brewster, jr., 'monde gain: t0 Homey, Mau , tine Sprung. Than, 031. Q11•.1o, of M.•Kulop, bus b.., renuudiy 14 with an attack of para mOnta,• A meeting of the patrons of the Wi throp Ure0me07 will be !lard t0 Oa,del'0 Ilh'I, Wnlhrop, on Monday, Mari, 18th, at 2 , i101k p. 40. rlamuai Pe took had moved to III - NI 171 Liu the 9111 outmeeetw., which h, recently puruha8e1 from George fiearh. We with him bu00eaa. A meeting wa, tread in Oalder'e Ha , W 44012 p, 10 (teem is the advioobituy til rre31taug a telephone line from 400forth li0 Lille village. A large number 0400udr3, and oil seemed to be to sympathy web lite movement. OBIT -Au old reeldent of hicaillul dInd uu Tuesday Ol 3,403 week, 031 the pet eon of Mary Boyd, the bemvod wife Wm Kyle, at lite age 114 69 year., 11 mouths and 2 nays. The ate Air -K11 uaU beau a reoiden, of the 23310 80uue00.43 for Beyol'd years end wee mach re peat rd by ell Oho know her. heathen tot aged hueb0ud she leaves a grown 0y family ell away from home. The fun eras, whiob wee private, took plane Thu.. .may m0rumg from her late re9ldenue, 334 R anon, to the G. 'P R. elntwu, Bea forth, leaving un the 8:32 trans for dot not, where iu1rrme,l( Way made. A 013 viola w,4e held at bay re,•ideuue ou Wed 1149duy evening at 7:80. ,81 Pain eau be quickly slopped. A 26 omit box of Dr, Su0up'e Heauaoho Tan ,ate 0111 am ally pain, everywhere In 20 minutes! Semites they are thor. ugh.) tate. Noelle( p0ri0d8 %ah womu, nein eight, eta., qutokly 00040 alter Orin tab•en, AI3 dealers. the congregation had been farmed Jr Lunlodeu bad been treasurer, au (µHoe ablate he resigned abuat one mouth ago, i1U has aloe been assistant stip°Ooew.. tint of the Sabbath 0011001 for many Ala oilmen it the t1 u Nr . ears. Asa m Js w LOmedell watt 8.way8 On 0110 gide of au( ,• blurt wh,ob tended 00 11(001010 ibe inlet. - este of the people, aria with all who kntw '.3331 be enjoy 03 the repu(ation of brine lid iu W4unl were to be 1 -end the 01110111 111 111 10 perleot gentleman. The funeral took plume (rum him fate Mime, .lertie street, rill 10lcuuuy afternoon at 2 80 to the Presbyterian Ohur0h, uud 100Il there to the place of iutarwant in the MOrtla1dbenk cemetery. fatetto-or Lift . Thos. Quigley left for California where n r the regent k reside fo h lin iuteuan o p Mrs. B. B. Gunn and sou John are v1 siting the former's teeter, Mr8, MoN1• meet, of Liman. 'there is 6. 144(1) photo gallery fu 1003,. A Eugene Planar, ofToronto, hag ape" .d up a studio over M.. Mit(ama'. arouor% Robert Winter, jr. hat moved oil tum Ely to Goderioh where he 300eude to re olds. Mr. Winters will engage 10 tit, cattle buying busmen iu the uuuun town. At a meeting of the directors of tilt South Huron Agr1Ouil1rul Sowell, be... at Br000'l,td, it wag 0/00111011 t0 n0 10 4h• annum. Sprats Show for studious two mole, at Braoefied1, on Friday, Apt. 10th. .Hee, 'DI .s. G,ventook, 00., .rho f13 0,v Ing with her eon,. William (4,v0uwull, North Maio st., euir.red (rum a wake ((3 paralysis, Buying attained ;he age I 88 yser8 her recovery 10 duubtfo. For 8, up time poet Mrs. Gove0wull'o hearlug Ile. been seriously atfe0te11 and ensue her re - 00111 0fiilu1iau hergyneight had also feline her. M. Y'. Mormon, M. P., who has been In Ov uw1 fur the past few %melte a1(8udu17 to lits Pa tataa wary duties hoe been muff/Irmo fur the past %ane, wall 33,01am' 111%6101 of file ear. Although et 1e n4µ1. pattlful, 1140 mar is r0ypuudlug rapidly 1.• elport treatment, and Mr, i(01OLean ex. 7404s t., be totally relieved in a low Jaye. He Is otherwise enjoying good Madill. Roberti °bare 119, of the 41311 road, 'Puukerem10b, hue a ream few One aqua. II he (Me Lill Juue (3,130 tor. CI103 lure well have resided 111101an011833( Lill 0110 prime». term fin 68 rearm, uud iu nil that time the 1Unge83 due he fla" peen away, from it to any 01f8 61018 %tib. WE Weeks, the 0Wa81011 60107 a 01414 EO bid 1134111,15 hume in Sauliand. When three years of 8 n_Mr. (Mature name. to Gamma from .ieo1.and, with hie par. 0,t., and 1043) time. 'led r 40,•• arm a the dl road where 01 1 U M , Mr. ()Miners still rteiceg• 1'lomoss Passim 0007--$l,OUrda( Brier• b0,31 .01038 pas etl 10 1110 014(011. relit Lille 01 Ole uldr00 end 01080 048peota(0 re01den41 Of Ibe town til the 7Yraa01 u( 141,02400 Lumsden. The 11310 Mr LIOm0(080 w%0 01.tru 311 Aberdeen, 03184101d, ,ill the 10303 1828. and Oa3114 (0 0rni3111t white gime it young man, After renla31d1g m damn tori ter a. number 03 pave 134 oam0 1v 000.(00413311862; and for 11111117 yearn o,40r40d ou a very 3(laa3deful drag Mutation lu partnership with Arm/ander Wilson. 01 mid ten your° ago he re01red front buds ones 00(1 enjoyed a Won earned Gest. thirthe Inc 48 tears' eel fern m tide towel, Mr 11uul.d.0 had 334,314 ou0,ico1ed Wit ,hr 11'.x01 PreOny ttlr inn 003143811, 00 widen M (8113 (me of 1h moat 0013 310 6 8111 nuts dev9l10 rdomber4, Alinuat icon the 90100 Tickling or dry thumbs 1400 quick.) loue911 when using Dr. dhuup'8 Gough C1ro, And 0t 10 00 theruugh,y hem less that Dr Shoop belle mother° so use bathing eine, Oran for very young bob lee. `Pun wholesome gr00u leaves and tender meant of a wog healing mountain- ous three give the 0ura(Ive propertied to Ur. bbuup'e Uuwgil Coe, I1 ua me the UUUkh and 1,43079 the. 080011000 bruilObla. wem°lapeO, Nu up3um, 0,e. uhl0r0flrrol, .4 thine haroh Udell to 111jur0 or 8uppr01', Demand D.. bbuop's, fake no other. ,111 healers. W Ist sz Ilam. Mee. Au3rew Alur401,, of Scotland, who le uud V1819 40 0016.111100 111 VoUaoa, td tit pretend 31019109 her brother ben, J A Morton. Wmgham hockey Club ran a epeoiu, 10o113 30 L10ww01 Townley 0veuiug fol the fired game In Me Northern League Ona39 A large number of Blab301ae10 wen, to cheer the buy, E P. Pau"8, of G .der0001, but a rein aunt of Wlo9haw 00010 yeere eye, Dae 101 town mating 13rra1gemeute to telt, u.nr one of 0310 bu03ue00 emu/erns,. Br bon .01(1 hie bu0hie,e l0 the eu001y town. R. A Graham left o0. Friday for boo ,801elau, ealllorulO, where hie eau, David, nen unugeruuely di, 1)80311 we u wwk Ill T. A. Mille' store a few ye0re ago, and the many friends here hope for 111• recovery. Wlugham L. 0. L. No. 794, had vary el.joy3tb,0 meeting mat bullet), stetting. rwm,ty utile uppl1oati0ue fur 01001ber00.13 -.era rte, 21303. 01 Hasa 46000 ware tube, by 0a,u au4l to lye we,0 tnt11010d. A 010 ..0X• meeting another uuzru or mo . will be 1s•i.iatn•e. lietreeh01aute war. meed 140,0, .peau1108 luhuwed, Tbua Duff, of 1urOuiu, org,mzer of the Orange wnual Bb,rfi' 8,101014, sae 110000110. A public meeting waw held ou Tiled lay evening to 11400898 the propone11 by bw L° app ./310 00010110 100,0re t0 tot '.ergo Of tie atone light 0y.4wm til ,e Luwu. Tilt nominative mr03101 1 1 310 held ou Mooney, 16th hist., 7 80 p. ,e., -to uumluu00 011100ar8 of 1h, man 4,2 00mm10131uc. Q04wg t.•r 4h. eemmia010uer1 and 1318o 011 the bt.,aa tenon game the following 141uuday, 281.4 11104. (10111g Into Consumption? When your ("1'801 1011.ee, your lunge .W1011.14 are sore, your throat It Nib Sou-Ouu'l fear ou118nmpilou-u•-.' U•41arrhu8oie and ,et well. Ie 010418 ih• bruit, 00000 41011111ug, relieves tight ohne, .ud inmates. lu the bronotlial 3111180 '1'o dear away Catarrh of the 0.000 1101313, g • 101(3 be better. OaIarrhumuue Nature's 0013 remedy,-lt heals sun nuulbee-anre0 every form of 11µ001L., pug ur br0011111a1 trout) e. Plenorrbeu by 133.407 4731e113u818 and need by 00100081401 every nay, 25e Mal 91.00 at a3µ declare, 153,4.0 rt. John J, Kelly, of Goderioh, a form r Illy th boy, has bad the "beim of tele (organ dur4r, RwOa, uitin, Lrau8lnrl nn , 11 M. D.. Juhu Smut, and wife left mein ,001 .eek for Collin ilia where they wee vial lura couple of mu the and from where they win journey 40 Ne01•, Aiaeka. Cup.. 011. T. Ramo, a former blythite, wh•, ie un 00 extended trip through the 3ue9heru Stakes for hie health, le a1 prey tint a gout at the hums of Mro, E. W. Kelly, Vaughn, La. Dr Juhu Swwu, of Nome, Alaeko, ane d, R. a pan hue, put ennead a [aim from John Weston, ul the 6 It eau., of Gonerieb ,uw ueillp, uuutnuuu 150 arum til whit, 40 oared 18 ur03ard, mushy Spies. Prig:, 1910,000. Pi ueednrole ymorning of Ming et week, Goderitou Mre Ito 0. Fermi of U8.lrk., 34111 ,.1100 L-d11W0»e, of Gooer,uh, uarruwly 08011701 8e0er0 4, j11t008. The Oren, they (lptm, 0034 aur .11up 011221olenlly Io.g at Beytb elutio, a w ow 004em 30 gel eft, et) they nae .o jump 1(1 fortuualo,y wore 004 senuutly hurt. NIrs. Jae. Br vane, of Luuknuw, W. U. 'P. 0' inguu12er, titian -Skied a ,emperalioe 1114011ng 111 the .44001100180 cherub. Atter 4µ3e amines, in m01101', 31 Wad 4108111,4 In r rug/M.0. the W. U.'1. II. 10 wan ate, he lutiewwg fh1ers were 0.0048(3 ;- Prsolneul, Mrs 0ur11e 1 Hun Vide Pr 81' .lento t4[rt Au1pc87111, Mrs. 001aJ and Slrn. Hart,ey ; V Oe Preoi,00ut, 8.1 ism d00301ey ; Red. -8130'y., 01188 Fto013y ; Oar deo , Dire. 'Taylor ; '1'rea80rer, Uumlug. The day fur wanting well be deoidec Iµ1 the near 181000. Croup positively °beaked iu 20 min °tee. Dr 4houp's 20 minute Croup ltrinedy awe take magi), No vom1tiu1, nothing hareb. A simple, mute, Mouton , dependable moult 8yr°p. 6034, All de93. era. M1)08 Taez:hIiilar left for 00l18agto where she bee btoured a poei3iotl tie gover0ee8. Site is intone her 030130'0 phiee, Mies Lily hi , who hue re3arueu 00100., J. (.1, 0136s'em o11, for Wrrly of (ninon but now 1.1 Alamein*, UO1fo•oia, me, with an 10171031310 30111011 •0144 0170,1 up for 8 few duya. An automobile wee holm run dawn the street at the 18uµ, re013,200 puce (1)331 m jump ug O0t of the way 0o mope lie put himself hl the way of a buret, nod boggy by womb he w„ stru034 uud matfett'. n,0ansibIu. Ile bed 00 at. 0010)011 home boo hue tinge entirety recovered. L'orn:Amex 11370TLNO. - The Entine of Refuse udnuatte0 met Oil 340511407 1(331 Taeeoay of leen week, the ong 0000iu0 be 1.33 0au4113 through the 111111 from the N"rio net getting thronalt 03• 17(0,448) The 0mendit0 0111001131134 it, $1848 58 were uud4t00 tied fuuud correct. 'Ahem were 88 mutates t0 the bowie and 0c oomp10111(8 were heard. 'lenders for br, ad wereread and cue at $2,88 per cwt, wee 0008pµ011. Bha tables 101110 0111111room were order ,d to be 10v0red with whiled], the hall to 3(e pupated uud 111e wood work painted, 11 work Io he done under the poper vow n 01 the L,31peutor and the ltotp r. flee dhure of donor room were eleti 1 r lend (u be pointed sou the halt flour uov . red wish linoleum, '1'010 Iespe01,3' put, (Mailed a oow fur $46, which puro,000 90.s approved by air 000111100093, The 0um01 ties (seceded mime the county 13/1101101 0• num W. U0uIelol'n 01011317, 9260, en, 11,.0 4 be p381100 to the or. get of Lilo 0011111) . t onoo,und recommended that the lee pe000r 001µe06111 0101107 due the Boum of Refuge iro01'i,metee, (ilii.( FOIA, Harry aunt fed ou tan 0.ippery aide 01.ls anti sustained a 0060/010 of the leg .which wu1 31y hint up fur 801120 1103(4. An Order ha•µ bane 3raut0u at the It1• 0,03,138 of kilo S 107(0110, .Bunt for the. whnlmg up of the Clinton Thresher 00. Speaking of the propoend time (fraud Ctusk 406,X0,, it 19 understood that the O.;mpaiy has au good se deeidod to'. band over etthe ov ' 'The enittun, (Newry 0e one of Olintutl'., m081 progre4elv0 (11d00(i tee, A little over .Wo year. ago the wheels began to move atm now the (1(01111 Is ebmp1018 34(1(0 111013 orb, 111011E111g, for 111810.110e, sixty knitting nlashlilme. 'liters have been fifteen interments in Uhutub cemetery 80,308 the Hint of the year. 'Pau of lb m were of pert0ne over 00vo110y years of eke xi d one had rettohnd the tam mere (1dvauued age of four 80or0 and eight. J. W. Irwin, who hes been in the gm. eery 11114111844 00, Clinton lor 80,80(10en y0010, 1128 00(44 to W Linder, who ie now 130 p 0ee441013, Mr, L titter Man for 001118 ems peer been (11413.4.300 ,eilrt00130attwe til .n,• M,Larol 0111.08 OU of 1'ironto - nd a wed ha, an interest in a gra00ry btielue90 in that oily, Nt) APPETITE Your Food Disagrees. You're Tired - Lifeless, Sk In Is Yellow. You'll Feel {Mort° Every Day Union You brace Up quiet The Best Treatment la Fel'romolle. Every day 000108 the gond news of w'.udertul mires 01702 Ferrozone. Iu Pe(erbero it worked 116000(0 for L .pie Meehan -put him right on bis feet -matte him 03401037 well, "About three years ago" says Mr. Meehan, "I bad the Grippe which left me 111 a very ran down oond011on that finally developed into dyepepeta. I WEB unable to eat but a few th.ng4 and bad a Graving for acid, I eatery treating wnh We (mo0urn beounee they dud 1100 help me and 011 the udviue of a friend 'mei Fe1- .nzoos. It not only oared meof dyepep -it, and buiou•aees, but has bent up my -strength to what it was bolero I had Grippe, 10.111 recommend F00045000 00. all 10081 r, 01000tive." Porrozuue gives you forge, energy, rim. It e1reegLhene the 8tu01ao3, o01ee in dieeetlo,,, pre veu68headaehae-guareomen good beubh. T'hnuooude use Fanzine -they au im prove -get better heu,th-wok better - feel better ; try 14 yeneee.f-.sold iu 50,1 .3uxe8 by all uru3gietd. DURHAM CEMENT COMPANY. The 013110x1 meeting of the No'ional Portiouu 0einem Oa. of Durham, was geld in the Labor 'Tampico Toronto, and 13(euded by about 150 to 200 ebarohuldore, and 0088,led m Lha retinue 111r00tir4 being re.e sot d over a boom uropeeed by some of those who differ rd with the policy of the retiring guard. Tile dividend declared tame 334 the rate of live per omit., 038 001100- 1,1011 from 411313 of lust yearbeing wise 11,0 per 00111., wed 1110 dlreo0or0 seta 10- redllet1uu 9000 doe to the giving out tit the mors supply m the old beds. Platy reported having eooured new bods e t 'Annoyer with at least tweet) five paten' tiepin), in eight. A story had beau urrumaied to the ,ffem that the works would be moved hum Durham, hot this the M1%431000 flatly denied, and iu the end the board W,48 by el praulioahy 30340134• MOUS vote thanked fur their 08rv13108 ,nring One poet year. The Teen t of 3030 emotion of dlreotoro wee detoured 40 OS 88 fuhuwb :-R. H.•,• MoWti lama, 0.v01, Sneed, Praoldeul ; W. H Hoyle, 31 P. P., Vlue President; Vaieutiu0 Rt e, M P., Second Vice Preeuteut; • G, N10II0y, WooIetook ; A, F. Mae L.rru, 3Yµ. P , S,rnt(oru 1 Gilbert Mu K whnie, Durham, 11ud 0, W. Dywsr, 0.. 'lh-was. 1.. the 0500017 the threat ora were the 13ne8 a of the President at a pati µnet 111 the Ru80111 HAM. 71440, As Allan, Are You? Eve. 03 nay 070auiug 314 m3UU 0110(01 330 you meta -1( the Mumma pure a 1101 e further, wed, you got thinner. 031 the danger h8•, t0 d%y,-10 merrOW may be too Wel Better use Forruzeue, i3 bunds up -A1111.05 gala the diet week, but the gala keeps growing. Neat week, Ma gplte su thin. Beep right on, Iota Of 1011 Wo11'4 hurt at al;. Your blood is enriched cheeks grow rosy, your heart and nerves grow strong and yliu don't tire so gnmk y. Joyous robust hea710, a sturdy frame sad a 0110003m mind -ell Weep Dome with 144'4rrozuu8. Yon',. try it, only 60e. at all dealers. 1(4odie rice 1311. AOnou008m0134 to made of the appoint. Wein. of Rev. G. R. Tu,k, formerly of Guderloh, tie auperin40nden4 of age001es Dur toe Boma Life Animation with 11r411. quar0ere at the Howe Life Building Tor. onto. - A very'beoatilnl memorial window has been put In the North Malmo of St. G80rg0'8 0hureh In memory of the late Mune A403111, her brother, E. 0. &twr it, slid an elder brother, Roder(, who died a Way t nm G u(orl b tom tl yearn ago. Tile tenon portrays the rnemreouun, and 111 00 03h,g and 2XI.re04 nu la most hematite . A marling of the Col1rloh D.striot 56pwurth League exeuu(iv0 wee held in North Street MetMud,eo uhuroh God -rich. I1 44(18 31001131310 314 thin 01eetlug to hold the (Rummell llieIr100 summer sallow 10, leer bot Perk, Gudorlab, from July 27th to August 2dn, 11101nd(ve, acid instead of having the me0010138 in the tent, N8 011 former o1030at0n', to bol.( them Ie the pa. 701.014. The death of Draoaie Smooth oaourred at Guelph, where he had been In the hoe. Oat for u 110010'09er a weals. Mr. Brneet01 had been in tadlllg µ1e111111 1,.r a long( par. Ind Ms dciteme(3 tone tot' teeny years one of W 34801u31133 peom,.wrl( l0ahtit,our• ere, 800d0011113( a large p 111111nt•n11.1 seed i 1103000130001019 bUaineee. tie retired 8010,0 "Imperial" Shoes We're doing a larger trade in ladies shoes, based on the fact of better styles and qualities than we have ever owned before at popular prices. The "imperial" Is a. shoe we can thoroughly recommend and ladief are coming back for "another pair o( shoes like the last ones 1 bough here." VVe carry only reliable makes and the "Imperial" is one d ou leading lines Repairs in Boots, Shoes or Rubbers promptly done. LC, RICHARDS years ago Owing to poor health. Be had reached the age of .81 years. The large steam shovel which hue been bine bselde the U Y. R. traok on the North side of the river 8iuue 1t was need est year wee removed (water Op, near the Donlop bridge, 00 Ba to avoid the ohenoee of being parried away over the embankment, should there be another landslide snob as occurred two years ago when the shovel Was carried into the river. The bank just below the Attrill 0100118013 will require to be graded to avoid laudel'do', slid the shove, will be need is gam tor chore are many cubic yards of earth yet to be removed. Too OrY.- Wn0t seems to be another ease of rami/ ml•understanding, bovine no weigh where (More is a written con tract, came op in a aeries of mite brought by the National 0., Go., of Montreal, and the Lberty Drn0" & ()hem loaf Go. of New York, against ,4 number of firma and ludivinu.le in town, who met Summ, r re. ceived q0,4u(i108 of linoleum .,u, oil soak, belt dressing, buil.'r compound,, et0„ (ho "rdere for wh.oh were taken by J701e0 7041)018, who is the Liberty Dru.,, 0.0 & (Jo, mi011 Oompaoy'e traveller. 'rhe 700 - oilmen of th, goods thought they Were empty agreeing •o take email 90a01114ie8 of the goods ou trial for four weeks, forty days allowed for nolioe in gouda were not ea1let,ot, rv, but wheu the goods arrived from the 1)10311,11131 On Co., bake agents for the Liberty 0 ., the quantity Was in many 001108 ee"bgh for several y03r4' supply. The odors were for gouutttiee ranging from half mu- (which it appears mea09 fi•e gallons) to 13041 barrels, and ou reu03pt of the goods the •pnrohueere seem to have been moult surprised at the quantities. The defeodau(e 4o the 00100 were Ib. God.rich Organ Go., the God ertutl Rennins 0o., Jamas Wireon, drag vie(; (d Park jeweler ; T. Brophy & Sou, R. le Harrison, Wm. 8)M0114 8, barber, EMI Oul. W m. Young. M. 0 Johnston, end G. F, B air tuned for the defence, and Mr. dbore, of London, for the protonic two. The Mamie tried to prove trend 031 the part of the plaintiffs and argued that there wits no gale of the goods, but Our delicious Cod Liver preparation without oil. Better than old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions to restore health for Old people, delicate children, weak run-down persons, and after sickness, cf'ds, coughs, bronchitis t a'?, throat and lung tl'o 0 _ . 1y it O a;-i.:t tyutrse'ai•11�b.90 James Fox, Druggist RRVSSELS Pain in the head -pain anywhere, has0is rause Pain is congestion, pn(nis 1110 011 700181108-00411118 else usually. At least so 83078 1µr, M10001, and to breve it he has treated a little pink tablet. Thal tablet -,called Dr. Shoop's llend1(310 Tablet -- 0,S center*. coaxesIts0.170 Mood pret le essure away g idol n 00010300 safely Sit et sly iteu,011(033 late blo' od 010001 laden. If yon have a h8adach8, it's blood pressure. If it's painful 72r10d8 with women, some muse, If You are elseeles0, restless, 00(100s, fes blood 01np814100--blood prossttro. That surely is a certainty, for Dr. 81100)'8 1tergla1110 Tablets stop Hie 20 tnlnutut, and the tablets simply dfotrtbu0e the unnatural blood pressure. Bruise your finger, and doesn't it got rod, and Swell, and pain 70134 Mecum It does, It's con. gptistio 1, blood presence, You'll end it where pale IB—always. ft 0 slowly 0013111031 Sense. We 00111 at 26 cents, and oheerfally recommend Dr. µhoop's lieat•dache Tablet "ALL DEALERS" Fila Sonar Jndee Boit bold Diet the written ordero wore binding, tom with the exeeplloo ell 10oaple of 0828e, where notice 11x0 been elven withinthe forty days, or where the gouda 'delivered were 110 00001 10, to order, 1 ud' ani v0. b d e , km vette k 1 given for the plalptl$u. '1'hm uoth.na were 111 430 divietol cowl 83340 judgment wart given Monday morning, There are it number of others in town who are in a me 70811((30 338 Ilia da mn:fau'a 10, ,ibeeo 34141000, andfurther suite tray tame, MONTHLY HORSE FMRS BRUSSELS The Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held for the 80aeou as follows ; THURSDAY, MAR. 6th, 1908 APRIL 2u6,1908 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present. ALLAN Bat LINE Turbine Steamers SAILINGS TO LIVERPOOL From -8t. John Halifax r:r8mpian But, Mur. 7 — Virglulaa Frl, Mar. 18 1304,1210v. 14 Tm,48f ,a fiat, fair. 21 -Victorian F01,2281, 27 Bat, filar. 711 SAILINGS TO GLASGOW s BARGAI ^I Ito advance WILL SECURE ht #4004del To Jam. 1st, 1900 To any Postoffice in Canada From -Portland Boston Buenos Ayreao...Thnr,Mar.19 Thor, Mar. 12 'If ,you take it yourself upend Laurentian Thur, bear. 26 Weldon Thor, April 2 For sailings, lists and tall information apply t0 HERR, Agent Allan Liue, Brussels, 75 Cents in sending it to an absent Relative or Friend. moi Zir =VT Ea'` Ir; Our Millinery stook has been removed to the store in the RICHARDS' BLOCK, second door North of Mr. Richards' shop, where we will be pleased to wait on the public. RS. MokINLAV Siihrilm you want and we offer them to you at Reduced priees for Cash for 80 days. The balance of our Blan- kets at Cost, also Robes at Cost to Clear. Trunks and Valises a full stook. - L C. Ric NATIONAL Roller Flour 1115 OUR NEW "FLAKING ROLL" is now in full operation. It will drove you money to have .your Oats '(Flaked" before feeding horses T•ry our New FOOD r BREAKFASTti Corneola Made from White Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating, Don't forget that our "White Loaf" Flour p is still taking the lead for Bread Flours. ti"All kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand.