HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-3-12, Page 216nuti3 vzst,
T HUBS D AY , MAR, 12, 1208 -
Ten Pantie of Weeps lute protnieed
to make a visit to ()goad% le Jaly and
Will attend tee big 0010011111,1 111 eon.
neation with Abrah tat's plainer Qileueer
termivereary. 4. goodly portion of the
Atlantic navel fl0o wlO ameatopeny him.
There will be a hearty welooate to thin
repreeentative of the royal boacelteld,
New Betisewrox Ptievittora, Meatier)
day %yea Tueaclay of lam week. Tee
Oonservateree won 11 very decided vic-
tory. Liberate have held away for the
pool 25 years. The uoveretneuts of that
Peovitoe have been /milt on uoteitiou
lineo and there may b. uue or more L 0 -
Beale in the new (minuet it is said. A
good role for either governmente or hi-
dividnam in the pnblio eye is to (mit
while your stook is good. We mem oar
guest; if the day of 5050mm:wine of the
Sabre will begin to compare with the
tenure of oaten to the peat as far as years
are ooncterited.
Amine HISLoP, U. P. P., bra proposed
an aineudinent to the Eleotion Ant that
invert the atenideumeut of personal Oen
Mains in e1e011011 °proems, remises the
bolding of polfito meetings damn:, poi.
itioal ortnepaigue for the ditionsmon of the
issues of the day obligatory and (MM.
pets eleotors to No to the pall. Whether
the Government will implant the pre
portals remains to be seen bet three vital
Imitate are tonohed 101 Ur. Melop's bill
that mean aleph to future earepaigne.
The "still bent," as 11 10 designated, leas
often been the come of a variegated
policy 00 the part of 1420 081111411818 whose
taotios won 41 /301 have waked had he
to fame the electors 10 pando gatheriugs.
Compaleory voting would oat oat meny
arookednessess teat hi the past airings
in the Courts ware neither oomperneut-
ary to caradmiate nor eletitore. The bill
is reproduced iu another °Mama of thts
Goesmon, tee tidy 0o. town of Huron
ie the centre of MO011 that is good
and te looked epee by mealy of its reah
dente with no email degree of perdon-
able pride. They have the 0o0rt Howie
and Deere:manly live in as atmoenter-""
of law. Centro, Jadeee
be 5413' 05 a corrupt practice and be
liable to dimenelifloation 88 proV51014100(1by
The (MoE no e0110t1 Am.
$. This Am shall be reed 81441 g
with ble
part of The Outerio E 1104191111041911Act.
To thU
e hler of TIM 508T ;
DMA 11011011 that the tenancy
le roam being flooded with the epeeolies
of 0(11016014101',Thomas 041104111401, 51. p,
They are beteg printed 81 Winebern,
ehipped by expreee to CAWS% 0,114thett
distributed at the 0150088 of 1418 001111)10
to the people.
0110 is hi preventative metheine, Witten
eureiy 46 04 10 50.11(110 q 00,1011 1111 811110,
the 080 great wittier 11.2401, but the 100
101 (11110) esy sometnieg so nen he eau
seed it 00 the ratepayer& Another is 014the French tritely ; 0010 Oil original
Merits sod if Cede are wry Mutt, 0111e
owners 04 5111.1 aurae 1 mei it a rither0
see bu etly•tiitig WIL ilo 111,01 W judge
from me COMPS idea of the 1(118 "' et
of the farmers of Bost Heron es est 0130
111 hie speeeh 00 Cold thur 9'.whitth 1811
wits sent le 1111 budget ide tekes great
oredit over the Cold Storage Am in tne
speeches acid 10 citatuesing 11 8114181141the
voters but tee eleoteM
re LA d remelt) 81'that the Aot ie one of the Lon' • Dee
eminent alai be re 1101, With. 10,uppur,
that G18011101001 but to 0001140 el! Lit is
tarn them oat of ;movie mid Old to mufti
do 00 the cold st..rage que811.,0 or airy
other 45 111 hie power 10 tee rim Give bun
1(0(reedit, for OUr 0001 etorage Ingle atioti
as he is cell 8094)001411(4 sue Governmeut
on that question to h .ortiVIUS the voters
when he eannot defeat the Goverumeet
Aumher speech ie 141.. one 0)1 1116 Imo
Minutiae and in favor of it Mit ho did uot
vote. What do you think of member
making 0. speech and not voting iu favor
05 41, He dare nut 15811 for a dryistott.
Thin speech ie also an attempt to 010100the votere as neither puny 08 111 favor of
hie ideae.
Voters aboard carefully read the Dr'e
speech on ()old Storage aud they reel see
what be thielse of the intelligence of the
farmers. He gays 1 ' I west, say that the
great chfliettlty 10 with the 5111 111818 as
they do not malty understand what coin
etorage ineaue ; they do 1101 01(1(0101,1)1,)eretentt
the 00i8131150 principle in winch cold 01produced in hot weether, nor de they
underetteed that the germs of dotty may
be iu 101151.8e whioh look perfectly retitle
and healthy." 14 1418 foreodue 10 not a,
110 the inteeigenoe of every farm.,
ID this riding I AM nu jadge. I thiva the
58.101010 of Heron 4164 w as milub 01, 141 80
gee stone es d ete the linear. Is 18 evi
dent 416 41110 oot been altaudiug 1130 Farah
ere' Lartitetes during the Met tee years
or be would not Linea there 00 igtteix1/4
In day; 110118 peel traiee„Asemeeereeel-leeti
totes were rilb,",-Intt ball GM ailveru
In8il,1410p4 lig.. many more Tort
n""°' refrained from mouton/ themen
Evert now when th. y are rum by et Tur,
Goverument they do uut attend them s-
teed se they should.
E itotore of Huron when voting at the
neat eleatiOu remember the Demur'o
opinion of you and vote aueordrugly.
I am yours,
'"A'Iti`k%lilamftttros,..1;gstrIs .,,..W.Iti;!:"Ati="‘trrii Very' 00122n100:
place matters there. Often the litigants
are non.residente bet menotioually Weide
Ithe oorporaticate the dove of peaoe le
wanting and the lawyers are gismo
practice enotigh to keep them in fettle
for their legal temente with the modifiers.
Sinus the Bleulaipal meation a tangle
has been on the program over the
Mayoraity. Dr. Mouiten was deolared
winner and made 1110 04104114 bow and in-
augural addrees. 'Deere was blood on
the face of the moon however and the
result wee that Robert Thempeon, who
opposed Dr. Maclean, demanded a re -
genet and was awarded the Beat of honor.
Then followed another °Motel bow and
v. second (1uangerel and the electors im.
agined the seer wee over but the I)r.
waen't satisfied and objected to the new
ocieupent holding the elude and it may
result ia Mayor Thompson taking a book
seek. Thetis Municipal f useee are Dot
the beet thing in the world for a town
and ehouid be ettettelved as far Ad pos.
Let doge delight to 01110 0.04 bite
And beatheue 10.110 11.11 Eimer,
Bak in one little terelvs mouth
.No two mee sbouid be itlayor.
alit Majesty, by ood with the advise
and 00,18888 118 the Leehdative Ametrobly
of the Province of Oeterio, moots to
1. Atter the Nene of the writ and
before election day eVery eaudidate uheli
hold at least one pantie mastitis iti 431,011
town acid incorpor iced village reed et
least two pubao 11300113108 40 sawn city
4180 1080.0,41 in 10)8 860(01100 diatrint for
the purpose of oteensetng pablie Matterit.
2. Toe ottnitidete 01 riotehi pereon
present ou hie behalf shah address the
• 8. (1) Notiose of meth mee11ng shell
be pasted up in at least six oonspioneus
please Whilin the polling ettbdiviteue in
which the meeting re to be held at lewd
!Our dale Were the date for whioh the
meeting is oelied. (2) The note* shall
state the day, hour end plane of meeting
end that the emus Awn be open to all
Every candidate gailty of a violation
of the preoeding provolone of this Am
obeli be guilty 08 10 corrupt petraties and
ettall Mier a penalty of 6900, to bet re
oevered with fati come ot suit in aoy
coart of competent jariedietiou by auy
person who betty see tnerefur.
5. Every oandidete who personally
eoltoita the vote or influence of en meteor
otheewitteethen by an address delivered
00 )0 pubilo Meeting called as heteiebefore
provided ithall be guilty of a &irrupt
501180180 1015 shatl incur %penalty of §200,
to be rtmovetable with fail mate of 0045 30
00(y0041,1 of 000150101(1 jOr113a10t3011 by
any persoft who may ette therefor.
0. Beery eleetee not ineeparciated by
Moose or mandato or other unavoidable
mum 0111511 pottiest himself at the proper •
pelting plead tiering the hones fixed for
111(14014 14011 o(1&1 vote, 04 41 he does not
deelre to vote he than co inform the
Lepcity Returning 0.flioer, end the Deputy
"Warning °akar shall eater hie mune 464
the poll hook, and in the oultiota for
remarks abed write "did tiot &Mee to j
7, Every gleam, olfending against the
509101008 04 1118 vowing eeotion Ash a
Remember that when the Sternum
nerves fail or weaken, Dyepepate or fit
digestiort 01001 always follow. But
streOgthen these eine week iodide nerves
with Dr. ShOup'e Remora ive, and that
see how quently health win again return.
Weak Hear. and Kidney mrves min aloe
be 8116044111611011 with the Remorenve,
2bore Heart paint), parpitation, or KM
nay weakness le found. Don't drug 141.
Storneoh, nor stmetnate the Heart or
Mileage. That 18 wrong. Go to the
cease of these aliments. Streuganni
tbese weak iuside nerves with Dr
Sh •op'e Restorative and get wed. A,
simple, single tem will surely telt. Ar
Honorable Mr Jostles Hubee
The Sp.ring lettings 08(110 High Court
with a nay opened at Goderioh on
Tuesday afternoon 0( 11108 week at 1 50
o'olook. Han. Mr. Jostioe Mabee wag
the Judge. The (mese were 8s follows 1 -
ea. B811111e.-Aution for
sedetenoe Wro Proirafoot, K 0
for plain tff, L. E Demo), for defend -
/tut Trim of 81118 01508 013 el aunt
1280 p. m. on Wednesday, when the
jury retired. They returned 101 S 46
p tn, with a Verolot for the 510.1itill
for $800 managed, and Rio L adehip
dtreaced judgment to be entered for
planniff for that 0.01008(1 alter thirty
days with mete. The plaintiff wan Wm,
Williameon, father of the girl who Woe
alleged to have been seduced by Arabi -
bald Beattie. Me parties reside iu
Godoriob township.
Firther va. Pigott et me -An aotion
under the Workinen'e Compensation
Ant for injuries to the seetuntiff. II
Ditikinsou, K. O., for plaiut•ff, W.
Prendfoot, K. 0., ter defendant.
After the trial of the ease had gone
some dietetics anneal agreed to a
verdiot for plaintiff for 41500 witheut
mots, and Hie Lordship directed
judgment to be entered eueordingly.
The plaintiff was Tobras Fisher who
Woe hurt in 1906 while working for Id
A. Pigott & 00., on the oonetruetion of
the 0. P. R.
Taman ve. Empire Accident and
Surety Op. -Action on aueident poi
ice, W. Prondfoot, K. 0 , for plow
tiff. Mr. Ivey for deiendente. 00130
801 for both partie• eotreetitine to 0,
verdict for plaintiff for $950 with,,,
emits, Hie Lordship (*heated the
lodgment be 0,1501. 11 accordingly
The plaintiff 811 0141,41144 Sophit Taman,
wid .ta of the tate Joe, B. Taman, wh
Wee killed Dotober let, 1907, by falline
from s load of wood he woo (11.10111g
The hoarser:tit policy was for 01 000
Town of Sestorth vs, Ditrit.-AutiOe
foe damagee. Plaitatile alleged that
defendaut contravened %green:Mt,
With plaintaffe In whioh he agreed to
keep et work e 001501,I mamma of men
in hie WW1 at Seaforth. Wm
Piondfoot, 1, 0 , for plaintiff. Mr
Moltke for defendant. Connate yteted
that 4hi8 aOtion Was settled art far to
Itolieltor tete °mown to eaoh
ratlement, and the eager Wee el
oerned unti the Moy eittinge to arl
mit of fun 88111. lama between the
parties The etatement of 010101
1101011 that 1101 Or 10410111 0010005 22ud,
lh\ Bit J, VI hitheld
New York
Eye Specialist
will bo et the
American Hotel
Every Thursday
p r epara d to properly examine your
eyes and edjute glatomr,
elbeetteeewereateereaseetts. weevitemereweteteseet.
1002, OM eyreement was entered into
between the town of Serrtorib atm
be Mood/nit, John IMO of 'porno°,
who WW1:1108W the V ,i, Emmet Woo
Irn 51111 end agreed to keep ump oyed
fifty betide for a period of tweet,
year% Mr. D to received a lean from
the town fur §10.000.
Wileun ve, the Pittsburg & 011ie
Killing 0 • -Interpleader issue. E
L Diukirteon, K 0 , for pleinnff
W Proutlfeet, K. 0., for deteedetto.
°mole. Weitbenk, James Memo 01111
Aon Wa lier were tile plaietiff's
• marl 51 E Deitoey, the witness
for the defence. Judgment reserved.
Semi vs. Bototim-Aation for ma
dolma prosecution. B L. D1011111605),
for plaintiff. Defendant dot repree
tatted by 0000601. The jury broth In to
a verdiot for the plainirff for $150 sue
judgment wee en entered.
Yea ve. Yeo-Aotion to pet aside
uouveyanoe as frandelent. E. I+, Diak•
neon, for platutiff, R. VatifitOtie for de.
Green to Oattedian Alai. Orders et al.
Adjourned to 10111 (440(050 of the come
tor One county.
Brown ye Sobillenberger.- Ad.
learned to the ..ittiine at Stretford,
Bier:tett ve. Pigott et al. Adjourned
to the neXt id/tinge of the wort for
,bio eoutity.
Prevent Taking Colds
Often 9010 10111.' burnt shiverine--feei
are wet, throat te raw, ahem 11 little gore
A. bed oold is just teiginniug. Pot a
Nervione POr01JR 210011.1 on yeur ohrsi,
ub throat wtib 19ervilnie, and take
it stiff dose of Nerviime to hot teeter
Tete pre ante it chid, end checks the
uuld instantly No rettledise
be home, eo 0.,Pr.iin:greerIOUB 111
eNiTitie' and Nervi 1110 P,anters.
-Hold by eh dealere, 25e each, but oe sure
you get the genante, sue refuse any ebb
The leaven of Women) knowledge
winch has worked mob woudere ie Jan.n
haw et leo begun to work in her buoy,
um. hb.ir, 0114110, 80,4 even 130W 1138 re
mins are portettionc 'Oboe ie awake"
was heard arab when I mime to Ohica
first, but, tte wao natural for a 0801 who
had inept imieitnitirthi, he took e. Imo
teed , I time 1141080 05, 000 it Vii08 001
id the stabs of the bayonet were felt
between his abort dere that he reedy
.at ap, wide awake. AO the West now
nose with the peembeinee of idea /038
00108 jun. What 8111 be do? is Mime
waked in ell the remote of Eur -pe, us
well to in all the coast Melee of 01311
Thu old eabools are gone, and one
of the peptone eights of the interior
01 aim old domino, omit 000 at elbow and
ocarapeti g000. 8.8 00(01(0) 018111 up
mtouelt 08 142'. 1108 book- to palm, 'end
00 he to •kc sadly 00 as the oid order
abonseth, stylus plane i0 the uew New
euhuore ere spramieg ep so fast thet
we have song tom moue Thor enotieh
mall of them are, of mimeo, ae were
our ewe Canadian tiethoure in the book
808(10 11(870, but tone will ebenge 811
1,1151 Young Chi et may ly
afford U a smite at ins mistakes, like
, be South Sea Isiender who gehr a pair
of peers oud etraightwey wears them
on hie head instead of bre lower time,
rhe eoheittre wil, do some things equally
toenail fur a time, bat 1110 tide of kuowl.
edge wtlt preeentry sweep ILI and moor
9111N112.10 MUMS WATERS.
The Mae.1 wthult is outs 00.00100 132081
0111.1314 1.13 the Oentra. GovernMent is
'he etudent mays. They ate drinking
etrauge waters, turd there ere etrattee,
though not unexpected, eyaiptome. It
te Rafe to gay that jest 0»W they ere
ependitte enure on telegrams than any
similar number ef etudeut8 ID the
world Pekin eare toe dinned with hot
woe1 from every section, even from
gale' soh oh, on all great public claim
none. Cedar the old eyetern 5t1dente
oe wded iogeiher as the mid • XeMitla
iione were often greasy feared by the
manderine, eat now the etedatne have
foetid 001018 excellebt way, by going
strerght to the throtte, which the tele
graph enables 141002to do, Instead uf
bad, ering the meal natindetine, they
have fottod higher game, and the Pekin
Ministers 011101 0510I1 be wok ..5 1118133.
The yoong Mien that a oonatitation
nee been promised them, and tney mean
to prepare ihemeelves for in by Meow
uing to vote now by wire,
ACIL/gsT 110R0108 tiORPORAT10NS.
this airy of Shettehed we fled the
head centre of sgitati..o, Receirtly the
British and Chirreee Oorporatione, with
rho 5011 approvel of ter (3en1ral Gee.
erenient, *to leetrine money t bad r
a railway 111 Ode end the edj dttittg
province The atudeute and meant op
posed Moth and nail They wovhd•
1110118 01120411u9 of }memo money in their
railways 4 they 8(1111 10 was the beginning
time of fore•go 110101110.t1011. Mese meet
floe were bele, fiery epeeehee made, tele
granite drawn up, even the Oltriettalie
taking part, all with a View to get the
Centrel Government to Meek its ememi
tree y wi,4, ihe ocimpany, The rue to
ere no. yet f u•ly !mown 'hie writing,
hill the 5(4(10.4 001 honeh tieing down,
Will -01098 et8 11181)1 for ad time an the
Moir Henan, once In the baeltwater
Of the 1010901Movement, is bow as een
eitive to the winds at any other. This
10 (1130 10 Ole telegraph end the Nell,
thelish *he 5)00100 (1011' 0,0 yet h est Of
mitt one newspaper Lately 1100111. One
00,11 mod to Mtn that the Oth-Ittath
loan aboVe referred to wall gulag le
be diverted to bni,d a, railway in 801 1011
he Nem Govan mem II, Wey eye*.
11,9 10 way out of the =patine Innis, di
ntely 1311 1.00151 of One rumor the 1111 y
01 Chengie woe pletetrded 0104 ineetioge
prow et were held. We may mill them
"bait batted," be- they 1110 101 habit ,,11,113
ea 11103' Dever were before. eletteima
be old men are 810W 1.1.1 00098, tttld
,>(1W4,,lOtl 00 5100811(5 00 1110 yowl; men,
"ub ie oue of the strange temmeee
,,ruught by ibe tow hareem.
000010T8 GO A0110,19.
8.0 feoilittee Ito the beet etiereatiou are
evened iu 011408 as yet, the more widens
ttultude are 41.,001119 10 Japan *0111 other
melte Must 0111' Voted Ststeli, but
England is now waking up to tue loot
oat some of them ought to a WO there,
end e oteximinee 01 88 Lik.m8 ban bore
ormint, Why shove um mane uf Mena
animas be ettramee to Canada Every
010 of 91101.1 return to China would
ne a hinted to Ceneda eau her trade.
Leber mama would not object to that.
Recently mewl five poet from the
emoreetarte 11 pruati10, o1 Shame 10 Beg
11110 9301 the 001.11.33,014. The 011011 010
te tame wilt uot Loeser ft segued
Beam. ming
4 112 PACED.
The anti opium muyetneut begun yesre
r'go by miraiouiiriee awl earrieti on by
11001 ever eitroe is now at a [nom hope
• ul stage. The eboburagement of
Great Br nate 108 0184204 (4, but the beet
tiling la that the pimp 0 11.1011181319011 are
utuced with the tow spun and seek
•herneelves to :melte the prohibition of
eutive by prokok mid milemet 000201(1
,and 011 the mete' for low•breekere,
keit yeare, the peribd set by the 080
anti Governmeet fur the 51180 eradioa
41011 of tue ie enoonbouly too
abort, if we ere to judge by the 01,.8 pro
grebe ul prohibition to the Weed ; but
erugrees is beteg Logue and the imbues
wet ouch uppoettioe to the weeny
• heppy tame for the future. fdoratitite
101,11 uppulielibei 10 the rh Yelheut 0,111e
Utler 10011111190 1801011in% tabu .0 strong
'drink after her opium 'teatime:a. 54
me that won 11 be the enema 11891 4 WOrse
thou at firm. But dne is rentfu.date
tee nom,. A great wrong mato tit,
tighten a013 the future be telt to
ProVitlenen. 55or ruyet f I do nut thuie
,he Utititeee, o, bet tow, W11 note to
01,8- 11101000h 0010 113.19,
attune 00 100 sear. Auothee, the /WEN
,403 for e1,81.801.1e >0 100 Reno, 00111 their
eve of 41.4108 tee 90 080 to Waste thew
etreligth 0(4 etrife pro•uktire urink.
We ncealuttamee ere kreery waiehturg
'be 1110..rakie 0 the 10)1110.'0 111100.0u
ary MU* 034-111 8.5.lso4w.4r47ee 1(0110
"M"17,§2.14,PIA.Ar. Arneauau 021*
...More. Ware 501011 10 give vaet Uwe,
00 .o far we are 61(40 1Uuktug, fear
13....1019, pante boa 009040Wed 0441
mime ut 11. But ale muyeatebt
grew Getting motley le, however,
easy ; We Meet Imes meet, whioh more
sillily b. 11110y we have OULU 111 41.01.11)
'lull. tor au 111510.1011 01 the work .11
Dr. Steamier Duff it we wee 5.8
mane !emetic 010 004 mg; 0w8 ale 0/.11
(0111311144 151 toteetuits." But air E. is,
et 1185Ye51p01 01/,dent 11.13 put 10 II,
MUM. Mahlon : "Du tne 3.0 01 0440011
doe't pay to it."
Deseret. MoGmernene
Shenghei,..lati. 18th
,IL.LJAL 4,11.14412.4,14110,110 4011.140111•
bly'e fltencling Clornreitteme and the
metter wee gone into et ooneuneable
• length 00(11 irtnettemettte mete to the
reran. 55(10 remit re the 1410911114 of tbe
mimeo of teotritatit Pamela on Ilia relle
01 Preset teriee can also dealt with, ono
(1 Was Moved tit Sir Martineau, 010,11111
011 by ler W081 4101 homed that if the
words ease meet patter" tit the OterlUre
iteinttee meet, i‘cniteugue and eintemieur,"
we tippet) y e ; rwree We 011011400601.
(e. 51, 51 1 ere 010110 11 811.11011151/1
the Litt stail'e League of the
Presbytery and air. 21.1140Nli etittee thet
the eleoretery had emit some literature
for the represeetative Enter& HIM it
inn lit be cloteslanted by them anaone'tbe
Ou motto!' of kr. MoDatinate oondmi
by Mr Rutherford it teas agreed to ex
prints the Preebytery'e aleeks to are
filrioretery of the Lay matey League, 11.
2. aenderiten, for 1111 dirtgehoe in pro-
ourlug literature for chetribution.
0100.00 , ate by Jen Shoop fur Kat re
110111 11041e ul G1.114.10 or 0.0610 0010 011.1
re 25 cent bol EreVet11.108 w1.1 hut
metal. How (0 )010 for an offer? The
D omen teammate cold:lament 111 theett
111118 Oenuy (Mitt Oure Taoists -Pr,
veL11,00-,-18 ottrtalitly Compiets. 11'8 a
And Preventille, rencieniliet, Owitain lie
9011111P , tat butettite, nothing hetet' nor
multetoug Peennanna wou'd lover 041
peer (5 0118(3' wide Were always broken.
Safe and cure fur feverish abeam. 48
Preveuitue 25d Ail dement.
Presbytery of Maitland.
The Presbytery of Maitland met in
WIWore 011 the Srd anat., mth Rev.
John &Littera in the Chair. Mr. fittetde
reporteu re auguatimed uherges 61111 11
..001 her/11100 hat appoioation tut 0100 00
file Nou lb Kioo Otiti oharge ALM ter
5275 Mt ten, Roar he 1:08110.
The 813131100510t1 Of Harold Appleton
for work me a eateoblet wee tionaniered
and it wee agreed to recommeudenm to
the Howe 11101110/1 Committee,
R -.o. Le Tart, D B. Moteae A. Mao
Neu and B. el. 0101111 were appoluied
1011111031000,113r8 10 the General
Aseetubly to meet 111 Winnipeg hi June,
and Joint euCalrumatid J. 41, McTavish
E 1181 Commiergotters, Two Ewers are
)90 to be tommitted by the &teem 01
Mode Cherub, Homy, and the joint
likaillione Of Dungeenon Mat Port Atetert
reepeatively. Wheu these have 112900
their isurninatioua they are to Bead the
naMee to the Clerk that they may be by
Mtn forwarded to the Oierk of the (inner-
al Adeenibly
Mr. eleueletb presented the followiog
Overtures 6, the alumnae of the ooliveuer
of the 0001021E108 appunited to prepare
the inane 3-,
"Whereto um:lording 10 the regnatione
premet governing the t1.111111111,14ratlun I
04 1118 11133 0, 41,!a(0' Fund, no
14 mete Oen (Memo ounitrot 0., ibeiewith
ammo he nee dune 00 font yearn
from the (tete ul hie urdthatiou, and
W thereto the inejo portion of the feed
re mud, up of the eoetributione Hee
13590001e of the people, through thi
agency of the Mon -tore uf the ehardi et.
o whole, atm the belle', eo *sr as the
oontributor8 are ootteereed, 'bet no
widows and rphane of all ministers in
the utiurch shall 111090 equal heiti flootry
7094108. -
' Therefore le ie reeolved 111100 the Fres
byiery of Mention!' Omit lure the Wher
able, the Beaune' Art enirdy, to 0 Omega
the reentations 00 10 matte it emotive for
0113/ 0110101411 to obtain 001100011011 by the
pity tnent of en 0501.110o rate, 0. 0)01000 up
to the age of 86 090116, tte 141 the Baas of
the Ae•d and I fl m Minititerte Peed ;
to to make stiLiti Oilier Change to 6015 -4 be
more in acieorilatter with flusiy.
Co 01.011,01 of Mr DebOori, seconded
by Mr. 888010, 11 Whtl agreed to mlopt the
Own lure, end to "memo Reve I) 'tilt
and A. 5 acNab to go port 11 before the
11.1110.rubiy. 44 rT 11 WS 0100 appoimmt
member of the A ern013''8 Othintitee
on 811 I, Overturee
Mr. Monte end WM. Jervie were up
pointed to the Syntalte 01.02mittee on
thil and Overnome
Rev, 0jo,o 51 tlerriem, of 5)1(01)1)),
Woe MIMI, Men foi he p 114,,,of r0).,
51100.40,1' 'Ulf WOO Milt 4,
h .f itt Co ego, Mr M., 0, 411 11.
ou 4110 (0014111,1 uf apeoutting the Ateretne
Br. Hestia rendered the report of the
Oarnauttee on Church Life and Work,
and eth .115 o-ber things called attention
to tlie feet that attoordseg to the minutia
he heti rimeived tram the 60001006 there
were 188 Preebyterian females, alto 89
militia out Mniutioted with 01milioo, with
70 81)0 bouodo not atoeudiug ohurou. AI.
thuugh no action was taken in the matter
es 301, the general belief wee exposed
that sonothitig ought to be done whereby
theee numbers might be considerably
Presbytery adjourned after the devo
non of 590 101111 a half hours to trimmer's,
to meet 111'70esivater on the third Tees.
day in May at 2 p. m
PrKa.pery Cheat.
'Walton, 9,h Maroh, 1908,
Huron County Spring
Stock Show
Clinton, April 2, 1908
lot 2nd 8rd
11_Yerneallateelereee..=,..110 -16- "4
8bSSlloui,181oonduoder . . ... ..• 6 4 2
Stallion years and over 10 _2
Stallion 2 yearn and under
Best Percheron stallion 10 6
Stinnett 8 years 005 01181 6 4 2
8181110)1 2 years and under 6 4 2
Beery Draughte
ood ntare, reirped. 8 yrs it over 6 2
rising 8 yrs 5 2
rightg 2 yrs 5
Gelding 8 yeers end over .. 6 2
Gelding rising 2 yeers 5 2
Tenni in harness 8 4
Family of 8 colts of lefe
Team in harmers, let prize. Cultivat-
or value (440 donated by Thos.
Murphy, agent for Doering tefg.Co 5 B
Brood more 0 yrs and aver, 1st prize
silver cep valued et 512, donated
by tdolsons Bank . 4 2
frilly or Gelding teeing 8 years 8 2
Filly 01 01010(11(1 rising 2 years 4 8
General Purpose
Team in harness, 1400 lbs and. un.
he Family
11 0
The best medicines in the
world cannot take the place of
the family physician. Consult
him early when taken ill. If
the trouble is with your
throat, bronchial tubes, or
lungs, ask him about taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Then
take it or not, as he says.
We 90411021 007 L0110.1110
le, b:V.81,1 0tt' 1°
Viro u7Z0 701, to
00..15 your
Bilious attacks, sick -headaches, indiges
ion, constipation, dizzy spells- these
are some of the results of an inactive
iver, Ask your doctor If he endorses
Ayer's Pills in these cases. The dose
s small, one pill at bedtime.
r bytheY. 0. Ayer (10.. Ariwer--
Defeated By Ilanditon
no way is heitith eu 0013080, d 11,8 by
constipation, It !mote to indigeetion, in
Romenia, made and a benched ills.
Ordinary remedtes fail -they relieve -
don't core The worst Mtge le defeated
and oared qmott.y by Dr. Hamilton's
Eerie. They are a pertain eyetem tont°,
28o at all (feeler%
Our Olubbila List
TIM Po -m has made arrengements to olub
with all ot the leediag Weekihie end
Duides l/11.61. JOUrimja 05
every description,
TIM POST tied the fullowing .tired pale
are will be snot from itow WILLI De5,
31, 1908 for the priee of one
year's subeomption, viz. :
-ItrosTZ-d 'fawn. wous $1 85
••101 .11 oud Empire 1 811
" Irendou Advertieer 1 00
2 " " Laniduu F,oe P1'1.00 1 80
" ' leatuily Herald & Star... 1 80
" Iduntreal Witueee 1 80
" " Weekly -tie 1 80
" FarlTlerte Advocate 2 00
POsT ncl Torento Star 52 81
Termite Newt+ 2 8.
" " ',reroute Globe 4 50
" " Toruuto Muil-Empire 4 20
" " 'l'ortnne World (ID
" " Loud el Advertieer 2 Be
Wiper Premiums are giveti with nny
of the above uttered publioatione you se-
oure them through the alb with Tint
0001 1,0 1410 ffice OP remit tile ILMneet
by P. 0. 01110', Express Order or Reg-
istered letter, addreraing
Bruseels, Oul.
6 4
Stallion 15ee halide end over 10
Stallion motor Bree hands 10
Carriage herr° in hareems equip
mentconeidered .. 6
Roadster horse in harness, equip
ment considered • .• ......,
Carriage beam 111 harttese
Roadster team in harness 6
Saddle horse 4
Jumping over hurdles 8
5 2
5 a
4 2
4 2
4 0
4 2
8 2
4 2
Short Horns
Bull 8 years and over,2- 8
Bull 2 years and tinder5 2
Bull 1 year and under 5 2
Cow 8 years end aver 8 2
Heifer 2 years 5 2
Hefter 1 year 4 ' 1
Agee to date from September 20111
Bull 2 yeats and over 5 8
Bull 1 year and under 6 8
Cow 8 years and over ... 5 8
Heifer under 2 yeare 6 8
Polled Angus
Bull 2 years and over .... . ...... ,,.." 6 8
Ball 1 year and under
Cow 8 years and over 5 8
Heifer under 2 years 5 8
Dairy Cows and Pat Cattle
Dairy Cow any age and breed- 6 13
Pat Heifer, roe conaidered 8 2
Fat Steer, age ooneidered 2
2 Stock Steers 8 years and under 0 0
2000211 Heifers 8 yr* and under 8 2
Beet Male 007 0(10
Best Pernale any age
Best 5 of any breed 2 years and
under with bull..,..,...,..,,,,,,,5 Diploma
Grain and Seeds
Pall Wheat, any variety - .. 8 2
13ag Michigan Amber, twine donated.'
by Jes. Pair, bag of Fair's hunous
flour (13' P P Pl •
Oats, black ,. . 2
Oats, white .,... ..., . . ........... .,2
Barley, two rowed. ' 2
parley, elx revved., 2
Peas 2
Timothy 2
Clover Seed ... c
Potatoee, any early variety .. 13 2
Potatoes, 11217 late variety .0. 8 2
Jae. Snell, Jas. Fair, J. W. Shaw
Pros, Treas. See'''.
Machines may be seen at
MoKAY & SHAW'k Hardware
Btore, Brussels.
Easy payment system may
be arranged for.
I also handle the Nordbeim-
er Piano.
HP YOU 81)12)5 08 WIRING
8013 88013112 SAYE THESE
Free Books
Just the practical
you need
Apply to nearest 0.P.R.
Agent, or to
bIstrlet Pass. Agent,
Keep It In The House
Coughs and colds develop (Ike adld-fire. At eight
Mere may be a sneeze -0 slight tickling in the throaL
Next 1corniug--• bad cold. At the first signs, take
Bole's Preparation of
Friar's Cough Balsam
11 Meeks op olds -step, the emote -heeds the throat and lungs, never fella to mire
chronic bronchitis Largest and beet ascent cough remedy in the warld. Used in Cattede
,ter over to veers) Prepared reconinieeded alid irtuiranteect by Ise
NATIONAL 010410. 0. ONXIAMIAL 00., Warren LONDON, Oxv.
lautLenr .40.-4,.I11eR 11.ULO,
1400189100,4', 1300 4.8011 icetilletell by 0110 011.
04411011 to 0541 by 1.1)b)40 (401111.11 At but
I0,, 12, Aline, on ere ey, Meter. 2014e at
• 'tench, ibe ieretwree vermeie peril 1-I
1110re 8 ,f 08101.10 squitinieeil 111 oot, 1510,00 $
earl, 010,1 MATO 0 0,100 140, 1 10 01 4 moire
'.1* 3 uod 80 001.1111 0101. .10 deltY 00W0
1.01001 lit calf, 10 hiewethilng 3 yuo ea old, -11
yeti, rth.gt /Wharf), 0418111010 steers, 0 oiiivea,
7 store hop, loot Iti 415, 1101011 & WOOLI
Pithier 1,0104131 1 aletlidtplok mower
nearly flew, 4 ale,sey-klarro loatier (uew), 1
bl0e0ey-41tirr10 hay Mee utterly Dow, 1 10.
400 Nuatna uriii..aoy new, 1 one,upwg
v. tor ail 9.1401000, .1 eat 'mu burro,v4,
3 wahine mows, 1 sat g plow, 1010,00111
ea es, 1 fai Loan will, 1 nay L.011. 1 eu„fger,
Wagui, heat*, new, 1 sut gee (now),
1 ein,er, 1,10,7 1 idd boast j nett
114 90414C, .100,111,140, 1101 tura, car, Tone,
Cat ; 111.10 inn, 110(111 tans, 2 0010 01 Waal
bir 0000, 1 Bet now Itaruinte, lea, relight tier.
1108 ,,1 11,101111 ecrane,, a quantity of 14.1100
the 4,141 00104 luon, 800 boa ,ited °ace, 200
hue 0110L5 barley, 20 Mut meramerehr uti the
tortes ot web a tout 15 toes hay, 11 ,280111107
.11 ete0w, putateee, 111.1 1,000 valuta,
1 wittolbarr.iiv, 1 gileastobe. .14 fi1011.000,
1l0,elty,J1160, 008 01111106, bolo, pejo el
geese, see: 01 00100,48, 0040111.0018, 2 wagell
uebten, 0.11,0 boa, Late, oiluv ale, hoot, 10g.
g100 00041.0. 0108 11111 10015'10140r 41(1440104 080
onwerolte to inaction, lerma .5(1 511.00 02
l45 0103 1114101 1.115015, 070)) 10,10 11.415/414 10
weenie' 040)111 1211 00 gieen 014 mitnelthig
apinoved Joint 40100; 1 pe oeut, for
eash On e.tcht =want& SO re eerVe tut Cho
farm uu.s 1J01311 nem, &LOA'. Muk52, Pro-
-1.1110 10, L100..36. tirtly , uontatonia 100
acres Apply to win. Wuune,urerreetree
r. U. 21.111
\l/V • li
• leeuhl°ux°01111Aiii9r!ge 11.600ilitee. (.11.
Lk /51, (o100111 y, 1. Utuuurry 11210111, .01000011.
50,1001, wan. Apply 00 ,01(1
81.3,3311e, L,,0,5, erne 5, Grty, nrueeela
r. U. 801,
ki..0134 460 14 .0011 S5.0110 0501 .4101001
LI La Mau eon ; A,/...ti; Jur itahi
1.1 00, 001,&,,01,., . .190.) to
'.1811'.'. 1. 001(141,2
40.1111, 18.1555 F01.1. 8.1.14E
500.400 si -'0 8, oh. y. 11
. 05041.40110,14J., 1504 Uo.,0/1.
•.141, eUli.e111,4,41 1154 00.170,1
f4. . 1(401:405 1%41.1 1,4001 aed 8.1,01
llitissels'. "offal. 3rt.xl,,inkai houty .11
1150 540.10110013 0. 0., 01 ..,1101...P. 0:
011 SALE LE, 120 RENT. -4
11. 1100 eu er.euees iitreet
titatthe 0AI aa 00,01,11011406 NO. HU.
1601 pu0'0.(U.15o "08') 0- W.10 el,bc
LI. XL agout, Wluou4101.1. 21-00
. .
.11.0UsE AND ACRE ul?
11.0(1410)1 tat. 1.0115,50404, W711,
40, 4.515: MILL oull. W.I.008 0., .er 00. 0 4 Isp.
(,l(o,pIU0100000,11t9 trees, ad.
LULL.. 08 511.111.1 01111.a. .110,
004( 011,118101(4 110 ,2.
STEAKSFult, SA.LE-U4N4.1)- 11,R.
0.11:18011 114e4 4 eines.uel 1181 .0 0 Ynaide, 5
6004., 401r., (1,00 J.b.,1401 11oG .0
‘,1241:e 000 001e. elvy.1../ 54, .01.1,
I, .50.41.10, ur J atileeto WU 15,0,
F OUSh AND AOlta 1.1012
lu, 8a,e-Alutut 0110.0, 0u011441 10,010
4444.461: 10 80Uu 10004, 010 01i 500010, loud
o 0.1.1 11.0010001.0 guy thud. Vox
;orbits. nartieuiarn antny ult 110 pr001,000
11 ,11. uttAt. will/au, Brussels, 48.10
K. 0. T. M.
L1131130.18 TOUL o0 1110 alainutheee, No. el
, hold 51,0(11,44014.1 L110011004 in Me Lodge
' 110041, ...Aux 1115/114, uU 0110 1130 itue Ood
rueomy evoniuse 01 eautt 0101110.
V1e1,61415 '11(1040 W01115.5/51.
11, 60 Litt, ,uk.u, 11.010111311411,1-, kt, 15.
.1.1111.90 00013 00031300 Oy the .1./011.1150011
01./801111/40111. 1.0 nine0 untuterituts from the
(itted filen...n lu pu 01011110 1111 111,11.1 WO -
0410111./ 01.1 000100410 110/9011111 to 011,,, 4/0115101',
Auy hiarbut, 01.140 Mau 0t101110 11001'
14 010 uy 0341,0k 600,11.4111.1110 Ott. 1110U Ul help
reqUiretl, whoa caututi paal 180000 otbitatt,
3.110, 012111U0re atm tug 1207 uut, ths 0111801001
10 supply 1111 LtgAltlasd utte every 0.111
(.10 LaltlAtte 1. 55.1/1150 oltuLl wan
151.0 5011111/.4. 2, 0. 8.4115111
1.3uouulut, h0ya1'ula,0111.1015/111Jy1110111 damn
ileety 001885110
Synopsis of ctuirictian Northwest
A NYeVeli 150010070,4DW
RAL ul Watillui011
LUJAN 111 ahtultUba, 00130 ttelletvail mud
Atuerta„.exitentiug 8 arm 26, mut reserved,
luny 11011100411.1.1oll 09 51,41/ 11000,11 151110 10
.ho whe hem/ 131 a 1011111y, 110 4107 =bite oVer
18 years of use, to the ,xtti...it td oue-cm...irter
1004100 U1 awes more or less
eintry may 00 made personally at the
num. atuo 0.01.1, for the unitetet lo 1042(011
tub 1800310 0110101,13.
The i0010000011.00r (04014010041 to perform
O110000(101(000 00000104 thetowith under
000 1.11 0110 lullOWLug p1,440
(1) at least siX 0100000' reintietale 114100
0.404 ...titivation La kw laud 11.1 0,3011 year for
11) 1., (00101(1011 4(411 wutuer, the Huber
40 U0000084) 01 1110 LUUltteltUdttllit ethaltliti
4,,1/41.111 10 /1.10 91010118 01 the •ietud
40148004114g t1.10 itiquirsuleute as lat rest.
1.10.400 umy 00115,4,44011 by 0110(1 00100 11e•
aL0i014 ((100 000 101008 ...tumour.
1,41, tno maGtiat 0118 018 1101'1.0401A 1,0,01'
01..1uu 11,4‘111., 115401 09004 •.y1.11111
Lu, 51,0 Vnlluluy or ens uthoesteu..i, 4110
4010..1.1.6 Ws, 0044( 401400000 11104 00 0.11111.
t1,41 ,,..11.14,441 4444 440 0, A Wilt,
.4.1.4U•ILLiti0 11110 lo 011110,1 ..11,01.110 00
0. 144, (.4.4141.11514044).r 0, ulli001t'.0
0 W.W.I, Ul lutel“tota. 5.4 0,5,1) ter
8. ,0., 1021
.1(0 .51.01111104l toi Lithe,
• ,S U4.1140,(4,3'.,( AILIO fit.t. JL ad-
Vortbsuuttiul, wul 000 00 110..t1 Wk,
Farmera or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, Bruesels.