The Brussels Post, 1907-3-12, Page 1a'
U .
No. 86
New • Advertisements
- Kow-TGure—ra:. Fox.
Watches—H. L Jutks"p
Local—W, J Mee: acken.
Evehpectalist--Mire Allan,
Lap rug lust—C. Armstrong,
Clearing sale—Alex. McKay,
Mortgage sule—Millar & Sims.
Dress goods, &c.—J . G. Skene.
Spring term --Central i4us College.
Notice to cru'iiturs--W, M. Sinclair,
• aistritt items.
Mrs. Wm, Egleson, of Gerrie, called
on friends here on Tuesday,
R. P. Mflter, of Toronto, spent a
few days in the village recently.
Mrs, M. McLennan is the guest of
friends in Howick for a few days,
D. C. Pope is having an auction
sale of his fern] stock Friday afternoon
of this week.
Ben Kerwin had his house hold ef-
fects moved to Clifford last noels where
he will iu future reside.
C Simpson, of Hensall, who isopeu-
. ing a general store in the Hemphill
block, was iu the village this week.
There was a good attendance at the
play given by the Francis Greene Co,
Thursday evening of last week under
the auspices of the Oddfellows' Soc-
Eyesight Spec alit
Hide3 larch 20th
rmeri1,A :hi atel
All Errors of Refraction Oorreuted, Glea-
ms prescribed outy when required.
Royal Hotel, Ethel, March tgth
We are very oerefnl to see
that° your Glasses are fitted
prepay to the twee so that
they will appear becoming
and give satiefnato.y result,
from properly fitted Lenses,
Anything in the Optical line
we can supply satisfeetorily.
The most up-to-date Jewelry
both iu Quality, Style sad
ml all Goode ani Repairs.
JEWELER and orri IAN
Gavin Davidson has purchased his
father's blacksmithing business and
will t I continue n e work 1 '1
1 the same m stand.
Jno McLean au<1 family have moved
to the village this week to the resi
(fence they have recently purchased
from Benj, Kerwin,
Wm. Scutt and bride, who have
been visiting the former's brother,
Jas. Stott, of Howick, leave for their
home in the West this week.
J. Leslie and Mrs. Kerr were atTor-
onto last week, the Fortner attending
the annual meeting of the Ontario
Press Association
The annual Spring Fair for the ex
Wish ion of stock and seeds will be held
here on Tuesday, Marcb 3tst. A good
prize list is presented.
Walter I MoLeao, 3d. A,. son of
Rev, Dr McLean, of Goclerich, re
cantly of Blyth, declined a unanimous
call to tbe Presbyterian cherub at
Miss Minnie eamerou is home from.
St. Marv's on a visit,
A sleigh load from here took in the
debate at Ethel Saturday evening.
Don't forget S. Baltonr's auction
sale on Wednesday afternoon of next
Athol McQuart•ie, of Goderieh, is
spending a fete days under the parent-
al roof.
Peter Blair returned West Friday
after spending the Winter with his
mother and sister here,
' Rev. S. Salton, of Trowbridge, will
preach in the Methodist church here
next Sabbath afternoon.
Last Sabbath afternoon W H Kerr,
of Brussels, visitecl the Sabbath Sehoo
here and look charge of tbe evening
service, George Meson, of Wiughanl,
is expected next Soodav evening
We are pleased to rep,rtennsiderelee
improvement in Duosan 'Taylor's
health after tt siege of several mInths
He is able to stove about the house
and bis many friends trust he will soon'
be conva lescent
Authority was given Thos. Strube!,
to sign a pet'tion to the Local Legis
laiu•ein behalf of the congregation
assembling it Victoria Hall here. ask
ing for the cancellation of the 3
clause in the Local Optlot' Law
Lest Saturday James Strachan pees
ed the 70th milestone in his earth'.
pilgrimage in the enjoyment of a good
degree of health. His brother Jahn
Strachan is 74years of ageand Thomas
Strachan will be 78 on his next birth
day. It is not often three brothers
attain to these nears as well preserved
as they "are. We wish them Many
years of continuance here yet,
Mrs, Wm Fralick received word last
week of the death of her second mice
within five weeks of each other, Miss
Alice Bates, aged 18 years, and Olive,
aged 16 years, two fine young women
in the prime of live who will be great
iv missed in their borne, They are
daughters of Albert Bales, of Alpena,
Mich., who is well known to maur
readers of Tam Pose, Mr. Bates and
family have the sympathy of a wide
circle of friends in thetr bereavement
Mrs. Joseph Coomhes, an old and
highly esteemed resident of this :oeal
ity, has hardly been as well as usual
She suffered some time ago from a
stroke of paralsais-; as she is 79 vertu
of age the probabilities for recovery are
not as encouraging as ber many old
friends would desire. Her daughter,
Mrs. Cutt, of Blyth was here for a
We have a large stock of
bandit -s' and 0't ate' Watches.
to dispose of at -
Our eteelt Comdata of the
latest reliable High Greif,
( Oode. Yeti Will be titulr
ounhly eattsfieti wit li the p -r-
t s 1l.e
tw•mitnce mild Weer of e 01
oar Watdhes. Oar gutirait
tee i8 Of Value 110 yott. OOP
il0t stole sloes lower tin t to g
ki y '
o to Skene's
FOR ace.
.t .t 1 ry
C Cr.
.lil OOdS: h� 1
�1.5� t
" 1 � i• '.
r ��tt pp
LU :,
Law Fa, r ett�s I, ��
��el t
Pri6r.6 fin Higher but goods the -Best,
Teas and coffees a Specialty
A1wn.v s einellei1 with it fu 1 line of High GId i& Groaeriee
S, ONTAR1O THU1-i.�DAY. M.A.RCH 12 1908
RWWW•Worid. es.
couple of weeks and Mrs, A. MDDon
old, of Craubrook, another daughte
is with her mother now,
Deena — The Young People'
Society here has arranged fur a petite
debate in Victoria Halt for 'l'hursda
evening, rgth inst. Subject will h
"Resolved that the opening tip of the
West has been a benefit to the East."
For the afiirmutive, las, Simpson and
Miss Marjorie Strachan will tante part
and the negative will be upheld by
Leonard Rattan and Miss Maggie
Stell. A program of music will also
• pleased to hoar of their prosperity.
r .;G McAllum has taken possession
of the farm vacated by Mr. Milne
s as a tenant. We wish him 5000055.
REDATE,—The debate un the Tariff
v Saturday evening was entertaining, ff
e not convinciug, The large audience,
when called on for a decision, did not
seem to care to commit themselves to
any extant, but appeared to favor n
revenue tariff, as would only be natur-
al from an agricultural crowd. Dis-
appointment was expressed at the non
appearance of some of the Parliamen-
tary candidates 'but it is hoped that
some of them will show up at another
meeting of which there will be two
more this, season. The next one will
be on Saturday, March met, and the
subject, "Resolved that trade unions
have been an evil," Affirmative will
be taken by Edward Fulton, Robert
McKay and Harry Ainlav, and the
negative bv Samuel Campbell, A. el.
McDonald and A. Smith. At the last
meeting. owing to the lengthy debate,
the progrpm was curtailed but at the
next meeting it is intended to have an
interesting program of music, recite.
tions, &c, Let there be a good turn.
be feedered,
R. "Belden, of this locality, hes acquir-
ed quite an enviable notoriety for the
mauufacture of both quantity and
quality in maple syrup. This season
he has purcbased a Grimm Evaporator
which can handle 055 gallons of sap
per hour and as Mr. Belden has 1400
trees in his "sugar orchard" he will be
better able to handle the business than
ever, At St, Louis exhibition the
prize exhibit was manufactured in a
Grimm evaporator If you have a
"sweet tooth" you should try a gallon
of Mr. Beldeu's pure maple syrup,
His post office address is Molesworth
and his farm on the boundary of How -
ick, West of Molesworth.
Jonathan Moore, of Guelph, was re
newing old friendships here.
Miss Bradshaw is Et visitor at the
home of Neil McNeil, Walton
Mrs. Alex. Scott has returued to
Detroit after an enjoyable visit with
Friends here.
Mrs, Archie Hoegy is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Regle, of Broadhagen,
Perth Co..
Miss Belle Farquharson and Svdnet
Darnell, of Seafurth, were visitors at
J as F II'quherson's
Mies Victoria Currie, of Toronto, is
.1 visitor at the Parsonage. She is a
sister of Rev. R. J Uurrle's
J. E. Irvine has moved from Walton
to the 12111 con. of McKillop, having
sold"his house here. He talky of going
Rev Mr McNabb, M A., was at
8Vi08ham. Tuesdat of Inst week attend.
nit the meeting of the Maitland Pres
bvtery, .
Mitten talent is billed to take part
,11 the program of the Ladies' Aid Tea
:Meting et Bethel un Thursday even
ing of this .veek,
!'wn Spring fashions have been ad-
opted in this locality viz ladies dvintt
their hair and gents . sttiiving their
Teams, It is a leap year style,
We al'e sorry to state that
John Bolger has been quite ill with in-
flammatory rheumatism but we bop.
Ile will soon be restored to good
Farmers' Institute meetings will be
held in the A. 0 U. W. Hall here on
Friday afternoon aid evening of this
week, commencing at 1.30 and 7 p. m.
There ehouid be a good attendance,
This week Daniel McCallum and
family moved to their newly acquired
farm property on the 9th of Morris,
near Walton. We wish them mact
happy. prosperous years in their new
Au auction sale of farm stock, ins
plemi.nts, &c., is announced by
Andrew Johnston, lot 2, 000. 18, Grey,
for Thunder, 19th inst , with F, S
Scott as auetivaeer. Sale will be with
out reserve as Mr, Johnston has sold
his farm.
afternoon of this week Auctioneer
Scott will dispose of a fine tot of heavy
draft horses here the property of
14essrs. Nolan & Rowiaud. Sale at
1 o'clock. This sale will afford people
an opportunity of securing good en
;mals tin may terms as they have a lot
of gbod ones.
Township Council met here on Moo
Will. Laing has returned to the West
after an enjoyable visiit here. We
hope he will do well.
East Huron Farmers' Institute and
Women's Institute held sessions here
un 'Thursday afternoonand evening of
this week Ethel is a good centre for
I:atherings of, this character
Miss 1. J. Allan, optical epeaiatist,
will be at the Royal Hotel here on
Thursday of next week tgth lust All
requiring utteution in the hire indicat•
ed should call on Miss AI1ao.
Court Ethel, N. 175, I. 0 F„ in
stalled their uHheers on Thursday even-
ing after which they had an At Hone,
After the good things provided by the
ladies had been disposed of the evening
was pleasantly spent iu games, music,
tJNocaTAtcitt .—Prompt and care -
51 attention given to all orders for
Undertaking; Out\,telephoue No, is
e8a and a call will have Our lin-
niediate response. Our prices are
reasonable and satisfaction always as-
sured, Special atteltion 'mild to
Cavity land arterial-enlheltnieg Lot
which we hold diplomas,
I,hteeneeDAh.E &
OFF r'oit rxli Weer -Tnesday of
this week Noble. A, Milne, a well
known resident of Ethel, left for tial
moral, M anit obit,where
th Hi 1 f. he ll l' oae5
Inalalig his home He took a ear of
stock and ti, ttler's effects with him
In it was included a fine specimen or
heavy draft stallion besting the name,
of "Gallant Lad," bred from well
known stook 10 the Old Land; 9 heats
of tito'o' bred cattle, a epee of agricul-
tural horses 6 well bred sheep and a.
pttre bred Yorkshire sow, He will 'not
be a etrenger -lb ifs. neo' Milne as he
spent several ryas In that toaanuttity, •
Mr Milne and fair., take jvttlt throb
1i l lima! it, go ,t wise es,'nf the
people ut tins totality W110 will be
When Geo E. Hanley, of Stratford,
was uottflerl of the quarantine imposed
on his parents and hrwher on account
ut a false report, viz, that he Mid
had smallpox ;previous to coming home
last Christmas, he immediately took
steps to have the same removed by
forwarding at once a certificate from
his physician certifying that he pever
had smallpox. Consequently •the
quarantine has been cancelled. Mr,
and Mrs. Haney naturally felt some
annoyance at first on account of the
ridiculousness of the imposition and
also at the pecalier way the affair was
aeconhplisied. rhes now are able to
treat the matter as a juke, since they
able to prove that neither now Dar at
env other time has smallpox existedin
their home, or with any member of
their family and sincerely hope it never
Townsbip Council on Monday, 50th
Tuesday of this week Wm Woodrow
and bride left for their home at Pense,
Mask. tVe wish them prosperity.
Francis Hirsle and C. A, Riddle, of
Greenberg, Penn , U. S A., are the
guests of Mrs. D. Pipe, 5111 line, this
I'hls week W. H. Fraser, ist line, is
addressing Farmers' Institute meetings
at Ford mete Molesworth, Ethel and
Walton. It is his first venture along
his line for a series but he is doing.
exceptionally well and would put many
an old stager M the shade. This should
afford encouragement to many other
young men in the development of
The lou acre farm of Wm, Robb, S4
Lot 23, Con. 6, has been purchased by
James Maxwell, of Brussels, fur the
sum 01 $4,000, Possession will be
given on April loth. Mr. Robb has
resided 011 the farm for the past re
rears and he and Mrs Robb may en
joy a well earned holiday before purr
chasing mother property An auction
mile of farm stock, implements, &c.,
will be held on March 26t11,
ter Yutll has purehased the Ito acre
farm on the North gravel road, known
as the Fralick property, from Adam
Reid, of Langdon, North Dakota,
formerly of Brussels, Wm. Riley has
been the tenant for several years.
The price is said to be $285o. Pos-
session will be given on April Ist,
Phis will give Mr. Yuill zto acres.
The probabilities are the new property
/expired will d t I be devoted largely to
grass alter he gets it in shape, Mr,
Yuill will no doubt do well as ho is a
thrifty farmer. We have not learned
where Mr. Riley purposes locating,
At 5 3o o'clock last Sunday Inurning
the taper of life in connection with an
old and well known Morrisite, in the
person of Alexander Nichol, was ex-
tinguished, lie passed away at the
home of his son, Robert, South d Lot
26, Con, 6, where be bad been living
for the past Vear. Mr. Nichol was
born in Berwickshire, Scotland, nearly
75 years ago and cane to Canada in
July, 1852, with his bttothers and sis-
tern, the voyage lasting 7. weeks. After
a short residence near Brantford be
came West to the Queen s Bush lalling
up North halves of Lots 16, 17 and 18,
Con 6, Morris, then bush farms., Lie
sold Lot 16 to his brother in law, Jae.
Purvis and No, i8 to this brother, Ed-
ward nth
I Nichol, a b of whom. are ecce
d S
ed. For several years be was employed i
on G. le R. construction work. By t
lndestry,,econolnv and thrift the sub-
ject of this notice, assisted by his sons
ie later years, not ouiy commit ted the
original too acre farm into well tilled t
acres but added to their piissessious so f
that 600 acres, all fu Morris, •became
their property and upon which are now t
cotnfo°table hones and modern oil- g
buildings., Six voarsafter Mr. Nichol
Came to this eotntrv, 011 Attgitot loth, e
be was united in marriage to Miss ,
Margaret l'botOpson, of the 7th line,
who proved a true helpmeet in the ! h
stordv battles that had to he fought 111 I
those tine '
1 0• et days, having to often
carry provisions on their backs fr6m a
Harpurhey, Mrs. Nichol paid Nature's I
debt 5 years ago, The pa•0nts are sur-- n
vived by two daugliters (Mrs Alex p
Conon and Mrs. kleo, McNeil) and 1
four sons (Robert, Alexander, Edward S
and James) all residing u1 Morris town-
sltip, Two sons ('avid and 'Phomas) a
are deceased Mr, NieV til was in fail '1
ing health for tile pest two years but E
wits only confined tubed fur 5 weeks. s
lin was nneonsclties for s*1.ral days n
before the end carie Sul passed revey
quietly, In church tetattonahlp Ito a
W H. K E R R, Prop
adhered to Presbyterianism and in
polities he was a Liberal. He never
took an active part in municipal Wafers.
1 The funeral took place L'uesdey after
noon, Rev. A. C, %'ishart, 13. A. lak-
iug the service. Interment was made
in the family plot in Brussels cemetery,
The pall bearers were deceased's four
sons, a son-in-law and a nephew, 'rhos,
Miller, James Nichol, of Toronto, a
brother to the departed, attended the
funeral, as well as Jas and Mrs. Nichol,
of Atwood ; David and Mrs. Nichol
and George, of Listowel ; Mrs Isaac
Clark, of Ethel ; and John and David
Kirkconnell, of Londesburo', Thus.
there has keen carried to his last earth•
ly resting place another of the sturdy
pioueers of Morris whose ranks are
thinned to a comparative small number
but whose names and honest, produc-
tive toil will not soon be forgotten,
Elton Itozell, who was home for an
extended holiday, returned to Detroit
on Saturday,
A supply of ice for next Summer's
use has been stored by Donald Robert-
son, 9th con,
Alfred Meehan has rented the farm
of his brother, John, who has a position
in view on the railroad.
A number at'ended the Farmers' In.
mitten meetings at Molesworth and
Ethel on Wednesday and Thursday.
James and Mrs. Armstrong, of Hal-
lett, were visitors at the former's
brother, just East of Brussels, last
'Tuesday of this week Walter McKay
gth con., left for the West ac0Ompenv•
ing a car of settlers' effects. We hope
he will do well in that land of promise
An auction sale of farm stock, &c„
has been annotated by Andrew Hislop
741h coo. for Friday, March 27th Mr
Hi.lop purposes pushing the dredging
business and will give up farming for
a time
This week P. A. McArthur, . Secre
Lary of the Farmers' Institute for East
Huron, is attending the Postponed
series of meetings at Ford wich, Moles.
worth, Ethel and Walton He makes
a very efficient Secretary -Treasurer.
Three auction sales are on the pro-
gram in Grey for the next week.
Tuesday. 17th inst, at Elijah Jacklin's,
lot 9 con, 2. Wednesday at Samuel
Haltonr's, lot 18, con. rt, Thursday,
Igth, at Andrew Johnston's, lot 2, con.
i8. F. S. Scott will be the auctioneer.
The hundred acre farm of Walter
Pennington, Lath con., has been sold
to John Stevenson, of the same line.
for the sum of $4,000, the purchaser to
get possession of the land at once
We have not heard what Mr, Penning-
ton purposes doing.
Miss Mery McArthur, 6th con., has
gone to Galt where she has taken a
position as nurse M training in the
hospital. She spent a few months
previously in the General Hospital
Toronto. Miss McArthur should fill
the hill splendidly,
We are sorry to hear that William
Smalldon, of Sandusky, Mich., former
ly of ibis townsuip, is in the Detroit
Hospital where he underwent an oper-
ation on one of his limbs He is not
improving very fast but we hope the
treatment will prove successful. -
It pays to advertise Eli Smith, 7th
con., had an advertisement For seed
barley in THE POST for 2 weeks. He
called on Tuesday and asked to have
it discontinued as be had sold out part-
ing with seed to the value of $3B5 00
in to days.
John Ziegler and wife, of the State
of Virginia, and Miss Ziegler, of
Hamilton, were here lase week visit-
ing at Conrad Eagle's and John
Dark's. Mr, Ziegler is a nephew,
This was his first visit here since
babyhood. v
t Ho teas born on the 14011
con. of Grey and is an expert as stem
shovel engineer on the railway.
SCHOOL .REPORT.—'rhe following is
the report of S. S. 'No, r6, Howick and
Grey, for the month of February;—
Class IV --Irene McIntosh, Cameron
Robertson, Ania Armstrong. Sr. III
—Annie Robertson, Clayton Grainger,
Jr. III-- Ewart MOKercher,, Tyndall
Mcltereher, *Annie Hislop, Sr. II—
WD. McTavish, Robbie McDonald,
ilbert Grainger, Birks Robertsnn,
Webster lacklin, *Lawrence 7lislop.
Jr, II -Willie Armstrong, Carl Graing-
er. Part iI—Maria Bennett, Verne
McDonald, Lloyd Armstrong, lean
Doig Class I — Addie Armstrong,
Della Doig, *Gerrie Hisinp, *James
NleKereher Those marked* ted mused
ooe or mere examinations
N R. SPARLTNG, Tea'elher,
REceeesow.-A grand time was spent
at the comfortable home of A. R. and
Mrs. McDonald, 3rd con„ on the even.
ug of Friday, 26th alt., at the recep
ion tendered to Robert Eaket, of
Moosejaw, enol his bride, Miss Lizzie
Taylor, of Stratford. They had been
merriest al the young iedy's home on
he Wednesday previous and came Isere
ora visit after a short wedding trip to
Toronto. Congratulations were ex
ended to thellappv twain by the 5o
nests and as a more substantial n'ecog•
ninon of the high esteem iu which they
re held many presents of worth -and
usefttlbeee were presented, After an
A i supper set 0111 10 Mrs. McDonald's
eat style It m05t enjoyable evening
a vas Spent with voeai'and instruulettel
music, games, social ohnit; &c. Mr,
mi Mrs. 1MeDouald made a first-class
most aid hostess and certainly left
citing undone to give the large come
any a fine rima Mn and Mrs Eeket
eft last Saturday for a sllort visit in
tratford from which city they ge to
Moosejaw wher;er the formwill be
saneiated with his brother•iu•law,-Mr.
avid', in the building -line, Mr,
slit is an excellent mechanic end
trick 1t rich last veer. We hnTe the,
ew arum will prosper abundantly..;
Sr Laket is Mrs. McDonniti'a son. by
former marriage
St:ttoot REPORT.—Report of S. 8,
No, 9. Grey, for the months of Jan-
uary and February. Names in order
of merit. -Sr. IV—Examined la
Arith . Geog , Read„ Gram., Lit.,
Drawing—Pearl Harrison, Gracie
Schnuck, Dave 'Tarr, Melbourne Bray,
Alice McKay, Sr. III—Examined in
Arith., Geog., Read„ Gran„ Lite
Draw.—Bessie McQnurrie, Beth Mo -
Naught, Lily Harrison, LauraSpeiran,
Harold Livingatoue, Fred. Hodge,
Emily Smith, Jr. III—Bert. Suelltng.
Noble Schnook, May Livingstone, Lot-
tie McKay. Sr.. II—Sr, Il—Stewart
MacQuar'rie, James Machan, Garbie
Snelling, Cranston Bray, Laurie His.
lop, Melvin Cummings, Wilfred Mc.
Naught, Wilfred Smith, Marshal
Smith, 10. II—Harriette MacQuarrie,
Agnes Tarr, Mary Brown, Pearl Pride,
Pt. II—George Crawford, Flossie
Machan, Willie Neable. Sam. Snelling,
Idabel Hodge. Sr. Pt. I—Howard
Meehan, Arnold McKay, Viola
Schnock, Hazel McNaught, Willie
Machan, Mary Smith, Harvey Snell-
ing, Ella Tarr. Jr. Pt I—Harold
Neable, Ora McKay, JRNNtE RANDS,
Lase Sabbath evening Rev. Mr.
Powell, of Brussels, preached a Mid.
sionary sermon in the Methodist
church here. It was clear cut and
practical Belgrave circuit does well
tor Missions
The Belgrave ooagregatioa of the
Methodist enareb showed a kindly
and practical interest in their pastor,
Rev. G. W. Rivers, B. D., by the pres•
conation of 30 bushels of oats, These
manifestations are most commendable
and no doubt highly appreciated by
the recipient. T
The hockey boys played a match
with Gorrie on Thursday evening.
On -the evening of St. Patrick's Day
an entertainment will bebeldin Trinity
church in this place.
Mrs. ed. ,McLennan, of Wroxeter,
was a visitor with Mrs, (Dr.) Mc-
Naughton on Tuesday,
Miss Mabel Adams is in Toronto
where she is taking vocal lessons.
She possesses it large sbare of musical
talent and comes naturally by it.
Three old residents have followed
one another very closely in their de-
parture from this to another world.
We refer to Jno. Wilson, who was 75
years of age, James Brown, 62 and
Andrew Brown aged 6g. They
will be much missed as they were a
due trio.
OBIT,—Last Saturday eveuiug
Andrew P, Brown, an old and highly
esteemed resident of this locality,
passed away at the age of 69 years.
He had been ailing for some time with
cancer of the stomach but the end
came quite suddenly. Deceased was
burn an Quebec and came to the gilt
con. of Hawick many years ago where
he cootinued to reside until snout 3
years ago when he sold out to Wm.
Gallagher and moved to Fordwicb,
He is survived by his wife and six
daughters, one of whom is Mrs, Peter
Moffatt, near Bluevale Mr. Brown
was a fine man and had a widecircle
of friends. He was a Presbyterian
and a Liberal, Funeral took place on
Tuesday attereoun, Rev. Mr. Dobson
conducting an appropriate service.
The bereaved taintly will be accorded
the sympathy of the commuolty,
' The postponed meeting of the
Farmers Institute was held in the
ji'unestero. Hall on Tuesday. At the
life:semen session practical addresses
were given by W, H. Fraser, of Blue.
vale, on "Manures" and 'Garin Bar-
buur, of Cross Hill, on "Beef Cattle."
There was an animated discussion,
W. H. Kerr, of Tuts Pose, was chair
man in the absence of the President
Who wasawayon a tour addressing.
Institute meetings. Several members
were added to the list. .bliss Rafe, of
Hespeler, spoke to the members of
the Women's lnstiulte, The attend -
ante wits nut so large as usual owing
to the tuneral of .Andrew P. Brown
the. same afternoon There was a
goud audtence in the evening, Sec-
retary P. A. McArtbur filled the chair
very acceptably, Excelleut addresses
were on the program, Mr. Fraser
talking on "Farm Lite," Miss Rife on
" rhe relation of the home to the
Public School," and Mr. Barbour on
"The farrier and his sons." W, I3,
Kerr added a tees remarks at the close.
A vote of tthe
hanks was Assad to
speakers, who did so well, and the
gathering was brought to a close at so
o'clock by the National Anthetn, A
lot of valuable information was given
at thevu t sessions ns
t s and it was a pity
more were not present at the afternoon
meeting to avail themselves 0f it.
AN old lady named Fenn bas passed
away. at Waterford at the advanced' age
of u9 years. For over loo years she
drew au Indian allowance. ' We dont
know whether it }would be much fun
to live that long or not.
STANDARD BAN' MosTItia.-*'.I'be
thirty third annual meeting of the
Stouderd Bank of Oaoada was held in
Toronto when the 11118,1101ai statement,
covering a period of eight mtuthe mice
iu cotter s
g J y 81, wits presented, At the
,act anneal i
O f moat t1 a b •1
a y
aw wa0neeed
hanging the date of the ctdaluti of
be Bnanaial year, 'the prise a ter
right menthe amounted to $180,097.60,
atter making the 0netonary teattotloue.
Tine was et the rate of 17,94 per dent.
lent annum, The elrendtb of the ben*
.1 evidrnoed by Ota Fano time the liquid
smote amount to 46.284 170,68, and the
iterate}, time to $1,769,700. The sap.
tol to $1,569,100 The bamboo of profit
and lose- Redeem tarriett forward for
the eight menthe Melee to 401,002.80,
The total mute ere given as $20,717,,
206.19, and under the bead of aesete two
obtatanding swoon* are' Dominion
G vernmrnt and ether Bret elaes bonds,
$2,041.064 24, Sed bi la du canoed Mud
en viewed 50001 a, $18,549 984 76. Tim
tirpopito Mamie 1,50,051 amea,10 to
91809,89885, end tbgee nap 'marble-
mins-t $5,668,601 11, metuau the tgtul
amount et camisole, 914,013,456 40,
UIlL3Rol 11H11fi%S
There -will be Mites next Sunday at
10 80 u, in. in Brueaete. Catboitc eaareb -
Wtem',eatenSermon -
The,ttostrstrd Lectors, annonneed to
be glvau by Rev G it Selma, 00.10, the
oyeptaes of tt, E,-wu, th Lague, u' $t.
Patrluk's day, tau to be f aminhad on ma
taunt of the revereud gentternau'e fem.
Ily- being 111 9uaraatitle, '
Rev. A. U. W Isbart B. A. took se hie
subject ISO tebbath wuruio, in Metviue
auuleb '"res. Epmt,e to the ebureb of
Smyrna." The text in the e0em155 Wan
"'1'be inert ie d•eettfu above ell 'liege
aid desperately' wieeed."
The Ladles' Quarette of the Melhodiet
sheath wit' mug et u Tee -'rating in
Q rete on Muuday eveehig 23rd met.
They were taunted to eo ,0 ISetbet obnroh . -
MolSioop, Thursday evening of time week
ba1 were tumble su Wood.
Ray. S. Battery, of Well Street Church,
Broskvdle, formerly 01 Brueee,e, has
received a cad to bootee peeler of
Queen Street Methodist Uhurcb, letug.
moo, at the expiration of hie term in
60Brookville0095, . atm year. He will likely
Rev. G. W. Rivera, B. D ,'of Betgrave,
wee the preacher in the Methodist eburch
set Sabbath. $n gave two interesting
discourses, the morning thane being un
"Kindness and Forglveneee," and the
veuug "The banuwrit/ug ou the Well..
Ray, Mr. Pewee preached Mlsoioeary
eermahe ea Beiereve circuit. -
Eewor5h League anniversary maroons
will be premobed to the Methodist (enroh
here on Sabbatb,.15t1, ;net„ by Rev, le.
Batton, of 'Trowbridge. Monday even•
ing foiowing to veil deliver a Lecture
ou "Wul,em Prime of Orange." A pro-
gram of wawa win ciao be given iu which
Slide Duoawortn, Miss McKinley, F. a.
Gilroy and 'the Ladies' Quartette will
take part. Mra, Dardie will oon,r,bute
e'oeutioeury numbers. Eutertaiumeut
et 8 teasels. There ehonld be a large
Tuesday evening 'Rev. iEr. Westgate,
Yliee.ouary M tawnier; Woet Afrlee for
the past 19 years, delivered a most , in-
tereetlug and interactive illustrated Leo -
sure in Be Jobu'e charah, He dealt
with the mousey, the people and the
work ebowlng tbe wonderful iraueforma•
tion wrought by the mooeptause of tbe
Gospel, ,The reverend gentleman is a -
Umuedisu boy bet parental home being in
Lambtoit the, and 18 bonne lbw on for.
0050. He is eutbnsleetio i0 hie work
mud his teatimes will do a great deal of
good. Ray. Mr, Laug-Ford presided
Tueaduy eveuiug mud spoke a few tsp.
proprlate words of eotnmendatiou.
Canadian N e WK.
The Quebec, Legislature opeued lead
Rev, Canon Matthews et Kingsville, be
The French treaty was adopted by She -
Honae. of Commons.
Waitem T.mptaton, editor of The
Napeuoa Beaver, ie dead.
Fronk E, Jonne, Montreal commission
numb/fie weefound dead.
Teumae R,wb,ge, metier at Leedom,
Out., Men fromdr,k,ug poison.
Moe Howell, of Peterboro', committed
00 0 00: by thinking °srbut,e med. ..
Osear ,'deDuneid a genera store at To-.
.eau, O.t..wee drstroyed by fire.
The Mourner of L' i t
a fou will require
fire arute to be pra0tiuee marl' the eeboole
-1 the Pruv,uee.
Walt the - 20eptlot of some toe intake
St. Peter, til St, Lawreuoeis open from
metereal to the sea, -
W Poynebob barb appointed manager
of the G. P. 1t Pendia Beet, witn heed.
waiters at Yukubaute.
P. n. Warimae has esteemed the
Liberal uamuatluo for Leuuux end //d-
iem! ou .for the-Ooulmune,
.1, B. afetcaufe hoe minuted the ermine-
wou of the Iusiepeudeut Lebon party of
Riflemen Sr the Lokieletnre.
East 4rfadlcsox Uoueervativee nomin-
ated Peter Eteott for the- Cumming and
0. W. Neely for the Leaielalure,
airs. Clark of Tburod was enrptieed by
a burglar, who drew a revolver sod felted
her D •t etfll
t sit white ehe rubbed u bed ah
The Mttitia Department is devietng
fetus for the meeiismaoa of 19,000 or18,- -
000 Mao at Quebec) this oomiea 55010100,
Wardeu Witold, et Egerton, shot Henry
Arnett through the
hand whim Arnott
045 eeatettog at a eaiznre of Sbendei
goods. -
Twa buadred men employed on the
Oauedisei end of the Detrol River tunnel
have struck for three dollars a day' of
mitt hours,
Riebard- Lindsay was oommitted for
.rill oh a mama of or'mtuel eagleot,
taming the death of hie wile and weave!.
born Jaime, -
About two thotieand people paaaed
throngb Onoade tram the Western 810005
Monday, meetly British emigrahte ree,
timing home.
The etrlke Ln the mills of the Dominion
Texitle t°empeny at ,'13uoheage mod Flt.
Haiti tine o
mea settled.
About 280e
0 m,
ployeee return to work.
The tioebetage cotton operatives end
the ooffidau
aro both firm emit
tide, anthere is tenof (teeleriga.
etel strike to all the dawpeny's meta,
General Otter hoe dee.ibed the Alder.
Meet appointment and will be made Chief
of Ssd iii the Oauadiau militia, Gen.
anal Lithe will fill the post of Inept:Mar.
General for a time.
J. B. Mahtoab, i ethdaht M the 14lani•
robe Agrloulturtl,0ollege, suspended log
tutting, .ippeaand d tie dead body
Nam found w the attic of the Sollego,
whetehe bad committed aninido.