HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-3-5, Page 8OU EW WALL PAPERS aro to hand and we have the sample books ready for show- ing, They.were Selected from a very large number of sam- ples and we have taken great pains to get the prettiest and moat tasteful going. Good choice of the, cheaper Pap- ers for I itehius. Bedrooms, &co., from 5c per roll up. Mao some beautiful patterns suitable for Parlors, Dining Rooms ' and Halls, and among them are the newest thiogi in Stripes, Tapestries and Combination Papers If you are tllinIfing of Papering don't fail to see what we have. You get the benefit of the new Spring line now. We shall be pleased to show you. POST CARD NEWS About fifty different kinds of St. Patrick's Day Post Cards to choose from. St. Patrick's Day is Tuesday, Mar. 17th. 1 SMITH DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. �} nn �jf Tea news ie sleep. welcome. %ttl.Q' al J1„ewS' M1.t„C1n,,N} BLACK loKxkfu muff toot. The Ilnti. C win on rewarded by liravtul it at TEE A ohiel's among ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prentit. Mama Tait POST gives the news. A 0 U W-1 IM meet on Friday. Boauox Boast Friday evening of this week. Too oomiug feet equines owned in town is on the inor0060. B.nOTmN Wee are anmeroae and the POST PURSE lost oontaiuing a sum of mune), The eweer will be greatly obliged if it le left at TEE POST. OBIT-Tbaredey of last week Jumee Brown pale Nature's debt, passim, away from the earthly home eft Furrlwioh a• 8 p, m., aged 61 yeare, 8 months and 20 days. He had been an tailing health fur the peat 4 muutbe with Brigitte' disease lo lowed by la grippe, Mr Brown had been a resident of Howiek township for the pa,.t 45 .years anti bad =juicy of them panniug out well se far many friends, He ie eorvived by bae ate prices are coneerued. Goo Muenuoa cud George Keys ebip ped their two wars of boreee per 0. P. R. Brom Watton fur the Weet on Mauday. MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday o! this weekrile next anti het one for the season will be held on Thursday, April 2nd. AFraa$TIOE wanted, young boy or girl. to-learo ibr printing. Must have pained the Entreuoe examination. Apply at TRE POST Dr. A. E. a. Groupe, the oelebrated Optician, will be at H. L. Jackson's Jewelry Store, Broeeele, on Tburedey, March 12th Eyes teased Tree. Sate faction guaranteed. BEySRAL membsre of Bruseele Orange Lodge attended a Bowel gathering at Walton on Wednesday evening. Mr. Doff, oonc eoted with the Grand Lodge .tali. wits in ett-ndanoe. lalusette. Mune, of Blyth, Leckie, of Bruseele, and the Warden °costume the committee to arrauge a weloome to the ex o.ffiwale of thie °minty at the Julie meeting to be he d iu Guderioh. De. wnrwwltLD, the New York eye epeoialiet, bas d -aided to vtett Brussels regnlarly on Thursday of eaoh week and may be found lit the Amerioau Hotel. Hie eard appears on patio 4 of tht issue. Droop positively °beaked is 20 mm ntee. Dr, Shoop'e 20 minute Oruap Remedy ante like magi°. No eomuicg, nothing; harsh. A simple, cafe, pieesant, dependable croup eyrup. 600. All deal. ere. ALL interested are asked to look up the elaborate program of Oliotae Spring Fair, which event will oome off on April 2ad. It may be read on page 4 Dr. J. W. Shaw, a former Bcaeeeiite, is the hustling Secretary. Now BBANOEEa.-The Metropolitan Bank bae reuen'ly opened op new breoohes at Nllverton, ScoaffviIle and op- posite the Market, Toronto. Thie Baok bae beenmakng steady and conservenve pewees ever etude 10e 0onoeptl0n, THE junior hockey teem went to Blyth on Taeeday and played a mitten with the boye of that pleas Boors was a tie 8-8. Braeeele has no lees than three hookey teams this Witter in a Within to the wee geffere who never get oat of towel with their skates. TEM Canadian Press Aeeooiation will bold its fiftieth annual meeting in Tor onto on Maroh 5,h, 6th and 7th. On March 6th, the Annual dinner will be given at the New National 0•ub, at wbiob hie exoellenoy Keel Grey, Governor General of Canada, and Hie Honor, Sir Wm. Mortimer Clark, Lieutenant• Governor of Ontario, will be present On Marob 7th a trip to the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, will teke plane. Hooaar,-Broeeele senior Hookey team enowed the Gerrie eleven under in a game on the rink here Thursday afternoon of of last week. The eoore nasi Brneeele 10; Gerrie 8. Line op was ae lonowe :- Goorue BRDEBELe Gook Goal Arm 14.005 Miller Pufut Browne • Irwin Cover Petit Eoottl:nrrl Sanderson Rover Williamson Bowe Stinson .,Forwards { gelid we Howson 11 The referee was Carla dmeet of Bruseele. ANo2EER mix no IN Twatre.-The snow biookade of Snooty pet the W. G. & B. but of business need Tuesday evenium when a eoow plow pnabed by three engines °pelted up the line, The Stet mail for the two tiaye reached Brneeele early Wednesday morning and the regular mervloe, although badly behind was re. eumed• Is was au in000venienoe to have the trains immeshed belt we eappose the railway people are doing their beet ander ---•r... the clranme. assns ;':.s wdl not be enr. pled H there are jthec-look•upe before Maroh re thtwilgh, Da693att0 -The Franoie Greene Com. pony blued for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday utgb:e in the Town Hall here only payed the two latter evenieee as they were enable to get here from E mire owing to the railroad blookede- They trained it to Beeftrth and then drove over the abominable pitchy road to Brae• sale so at to keep their .engagement on Tuesday. "The Little Prn,oeee" was presented id good style and (mind favor with the andienoe. Between the Bots eeveral guest and inetr0mental -mos sial detection.,' Soiree and oharaoter eonge are green. The Co. hae quite a tidy band oleo, Wednesday evetndg the play wee ',The Conviot's Daughter," rdwhich the play was well eoetained. This was the arta visit or the Co to Brunette brit they think -11 wi 1 not be 100 laet, Wroxeter was their next p0tnt where they give en entertainment ander the tttepieee of the Odd Fell.we Thursday night, This 10 sasie erd or 401 yiait to that village. wife, who was Mt -e Amain Brodehm, three Bone and two deegbtere. One dauvhter died 3 year• ago. The fnnerav tock piece Saturday alteruoon, Rev. tar Dube el oonduetiug the service. Mr Btowu's mother, still sari/Wee and is et present in Hemllun. Brothere of deoeae• ed are Joe., of Indian Head ; Geo., of B nests ; Andrew, of Hematite and 'Phomas, of Howlett. Mre. Reeding, 01 Wlughem I and Mrs. Henry of A,guwn. are efetera to the deoeaeed. Ma. and Mrs. Brown and Mies Maggieattended the fan eras from town. The bereaved fame) will be deeply sympathised with in their lose of a kind hn•baud end g,on nine. FAa6IERe' INeTITOTE .lzrr04n1 --OA, no to the et, w nnrme auu b nakeden roads four meetings to the aeries a,tluuheed for the Bees R'dmg of Huron were not be o In February but arreugemente have beta made to hwd- theme., thefuunwing (Wee; Ferdwiob, Friday, d'laroh 1044 Molesworth, Wen'eedcy, Vleroh 11.0 Ethel, Thursday, Merrill 12t1 Walton, Friday, Mere. 18 in. Beeei .the will be heed at LBO ,.ud 7 p m. and will be addreeeee by Gavm Barbour. of Grose Hilt ; W.A, Pruner, of ldloevele; and Mies Rife, of Heepeler. A menial. program wit. be rendered at the eveutne meetings to be arranged for by the duel directors. The uffiuere of the Wutneu'e Iuetontee et. the points named are euke•1 to provide a o00veuteut piece of m-eting for the afteruoou so that Kis- Rife may be able to address the ladies epeoially. Good meetiage are usually held at the four polite desired to be reached and it to hoped large andle0oee will attend. Bite are being sent to the Direction. for distribution by Secretary McArthur. Hooxrr.-Last Tuesday the juvenile hookey team journeyed to Blyth for o game with the peak oha.ere of chat place. The game was fast from etart 1u finish and when fall time was up Broeeele had eight g0. 8 to Blythe seven. There was a dispute about he time Braeeele time keeper, Garf. dloDouand, cal ed time bet four or 8.e Blyth men who were keepiue time said is was not up The peou.tar part of it was they ad had utfferem lengthe of time etch to be played. The Brueee e bays wanted to leave but at taw to satiety the B,ytb boyo, agreed to play five mmutee longer. During .his tine Blyth rushed in a golf but se time was up b -fore thie goo, could out ne auunted The eoore at half time was 7-5 fur Brue Bele. Roy Emigh, of Brueeel., we, referee. It to a peoted the return game will be played au rboredey of thie week. Line up wee ae foltowe BRooeoLe RLYTE Tom Fnewieblp Gerd MoOu e u ins Fr fol Gerry Point Carter John E111118 OOVer Pot tit•'6nowey" ArtJa0Aetn Centre....et afeOuremtue Obua.MOMulan.,.Left Wiug A Ooomue Jnok L.okie Right Wiug... J. NO 'au,b0y Elmer Ewan Raver - F. MOOauguey l:IJULW1 01i1.11ES Rev. Mr, Wiehart, B. A., attended the Domiutuu A.hauoe Convention at Toros• 101a81 week. Leuteo eervioee will be held on Tbure• day evening of eaoh week m Bh John's ubureb until Easter. Tne eerviue aneounoed for Wedueedey evening in St. John's church was eau oel ad thie week on 110001ut of the ab• Bence of the rentor. L tot Sabbath morning Rev E. G. Powell tooa a. hie eubjent "Unmanned Idents" and at the eveotng eerv,oe "Settee pillars of 1119 bonne of wisdom." Rev. G. W. Revere, 13. D., of Seagrove, wil be the preacher in the Mechodiet numb Bruesele next Sabbath. Rev Mr Powell win take the work on Beigrave oirot(it. We understand that the late Mien Blakemeo, formerly ut Brueeel', willed 610 to the °berate debt and 6160 to the Wumen'e M.eeiooary Bootety of the Methodiet church here. The Epworth League Annlvereery ser• moue ma be held In the Methodist oborob on Sabbath, 15th iuet„ when Rev. S. Balton, of Trowbridge, ie expeoted to proton'. Rev. G. F. Salton, of otra.furd, formerly of Bruseele, nae been engaged to delver an 11 uetrated 10010re ou Tue.. dny, 17th ine1. He ie first eluee and WI 1 no done& be heartily wel,umed back. The services In Melrule : aileron last Sabbath w. re 001100040d by W A. 0amer- on, B. A. of Knox College, en old flood u1 the pastor, In the morn', gthe elalme c1 Hoer Collage Mieeiouaty Sootety were toroefnlly and pleeeertly presented and at the evenrtg service the text was "Be bold I stand at the el. or and knook,' from winch a praetieal ni0000ree was 08E11, kir, ()etieroo t8e01t the 03.bie 811100 141 the Bsheath Sallied and hr,d1, addressed the Tong P.ope'e Sod'toty atter the evening preaching amino. =A Good Habit to Cultivate The way to independence 0 to reserve something from your earnings every week: then regularly deposit the amount (51,00 will do to begin with) in the Savings Department of The Metropolitan Bank Capital Paid Up, $1,000,000.00 Reserve Fund Rand Undivided Profits, $1,241,532.20 Interest on Savings Accounts allowed from date of deposit and compuwtd®d FOUR time's a year. No delay in withdrawal, 775 Special attention given to FARMERS' BUSINESS. SALE NOTES Promptly Collected. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS Bought and Sold. BRUSSELS BRAN t.d, t, j. FAWCE'1"I', Manager Rev, Mr. Westgate, who hae spent everal years ae vliesiolary w German West Ohirla, will 001111Oet the service Bt. John's ohnroh, Bruseele, inn Thoretl o eveuink of nest week, of mmenoiE '4 at 8 o'clock. No doubt many will be gtnd to hear him. At the monthly Missionary Bervl°. it. he MrIend 81 pit nine 601001 last Snit - del afternoon Id, Rands save a good recitation and R• v Mr Powell eddrepeed suitable worde to the 801001. The offer rig wen $8 72, which leaver 67 98 to Qom-- pieta om-pieta tit. $104 'timed at and one month t eolleotieu before the close. W. .1 Mo Oreoken'e Q ape wil b. responsible for the pro. ram on the let Sabbath afternoon in April Business Locals, HaavY chain found. O.vuar may have ct by proving prop'r y auu paying for the u011ue- 'PER Poo HAIR DBEs-INo-Swilohee made to order not of eumbmge or out hair. 0 •dere from a xi•'teeoe pr. mptly attend' .d to. Mae R IIIROeT •N 141.181 Weec, DONT MI6e TRIS ( RANCE -A repair ehup 111 ennc town .11...r. 10 take a pert. ler with 95 000 to 610,000. This ie a rare ohauoe cud wnt not be delayed. I bees a tares number of new obohie models made and tested in my tine. They are saw and saw twee patents and are extremely handy, needed in lumber men'N uutfine and Oen cagily be seen Y our 0h,00r0 are donetd 1st l hie e1 t t• et ,.e Y .0.s, 'P 'l GeEooe, saw : um Inez, fl 1r and improver uu sews, 11,1118 4101 12180 011100, coiner Mill and Malta 81., 13, uesete, FIRS'(, T E R11 EX i31. BRUSSELS 1'ON'PINTJATION 05488E4. Bouts 1 & 2 Furm III 13 -Examined in Alg., F,eu,h, Comp., Client., Hist., Gram., Phys., Geom. Total 800. Honore 600, Pae 480. M. Brotbere....743 J R' bb 609 11:. Deadman ,.707 L. Makeup ,598 I. Frain 099 Cl. Speir 588 W. ntroohan ..688 W Henderson 550 F. McKenzie ..059 L Rutherford ,494 G. Armeirong.. 145 // P Dark 404 // :baled two subjects Vont III A -Same eabjeote. S Stubbs 598 .1 Cunningham 386 E Beane 486 P Bremner .,..303 G Robb 478 0 Scott 845 P Seeker 4158 0 Holmee...,..277 Form II --Exam. in Lit., Alg., Chem., That., Phys., B K. 'Tutsi 900, Honore 676. Peso 540 G Jordan 781 W MQCutcheyn 591 H Moore 710 /H .NuOall ....669 J Leckie 706 W Scott 520 T Arrnetrong ..690 /0 Armetroug497 J Wilton 600 A YIuK.'lvey....449 /8 MuKeruh-r818 /8 Arnett 439 J Mteeed nue exam. Form I -Examined in l.ib., Alg„ Lat. Hi -t., tilt's., Grant„ 13,E, Tutel 900. Hoe. 676. Pane 540, R Simpson 801 B Leckie 416 T lliokeon ....888 V Walker 414 M moues 658 0 MoMillon...,408 .1 Heudereon 657 N Ewan 890 F 8outt 6.25 /A Robb 886 A Furrest......097 /JO Forbes ....868 13 Ourrte 595 W Bell 820 /K Hewitson ..544 /11 Amid 818 V Bowman ....445 //K Ameut 801 J Arrnetrong ..4.22 F Gerry 273 //F Bryaue ....420 ///W Bielop270 P Brewer 418 J Speir Mieeed one exam. // vtieeed two moons. /// Mioebd three exams. 1• H. Commis, Principal. BRIMS D. Fond. • PUBLIC SCHOOL CLASSES, Roow 8 B:7TRANOE.-Exam. in Lit., Gram., (,'pug., theta, Reed., Arias. Total 600. Honore 450. Pace 880. E Deudman....681 E Gil in 689 M '1'hpmeon001 C Leckie 480 S Gerry 472 Willie Long463 K Wilton ,,468 /13 Warwiok.,435 /H Artnetrong483 J Armstrong ,428 Ia Somers R Emlgh 415 Lowry y 415 Winnie Lung 412 v Ainlay 406 /F1 Plum 886 B Fox 885 H Mooney 880 /H Campbell 860 /W Sparling,,,819 //JB Harris 306 JR. 1V -Examined in Lit., Gram„ Gen., Haat., Read. Rud Phys, Total 600. Honore 450, Pa.e 860, F Stubbe 569 13 Anent 891 G Kerr 494 JW Kerr ....362 I Strachan ,.,468 M Thomeon...,879 P Dark 406 /L Bateman 1,.871. F Robb,,..,,445 W Ain! y......848 15 Hiatt 441 H liurgeae......820 /P McKenzie ,4.24 //rl MoDonald..261 E Lamont 898 ///0 Ewigh ....199 0, MITE, Teacher. Roots 4 SR. III-Exarn, in Comp., Lit., Read., Phys., Arial., Wigt., Spell., Gen., and duly worst, Total 750. Hon. 688, Paso 450. V Roes .,.666 E Barkley ..,,612 S Brothere ....640 H Lowry 486 hues Lo ry ..628 /A iltnn ..460. 0 (;ro„tea ....61.8 11 Burgess •:444 A Moore 694 ///FI Hlmm• na,.862 le Fox ..... 664 ///F Friendship 195 6R, IIx-Duualn, in Read., eltarou, Tc1egraliy Rigbeet paid officials were onoe °Derat,r9. 00mapd exe.e•IN supply. 'honeand needed during next lew years. Onetatore have secured 10' crease. sale:fee end ei;ut•b tar illy. We prepare you 1.1 etiertegt gine and piece you lmwedletely upon graduati•.O umpetent inetruotere, u^.etlrpae- sed tnutmeat, wee. exprrieuoe. Oummereial euhj-.site tree. Enter now, No Venation, MAIL COURSES, WINGHAM BUSINiSS COLLEGE A, A. 1ISNER, SLA , Ph n Vloe•Prtn•uipul CEO. t•FoTTON, Pill.cipal Lit., Spell., Hiatt., Arith. Geo. and daily work. Total 750. Honore 608. Pace 450. T Deadman....701 /1 McLuiohlio 509 W Armetlong..661 /.4 M ore. .... 500 A Rue ......049 11 Bul kley ....492 W Lott 845 E Lowry 621 • F 44o,.d 464 A M1•Laoehnu 005 /JM, (iiehup 419 L Bellantyue ..600 //J E11iott 898 E'roole 569 U mviu 877 H Work _584 /11 Fax - 377 13 Kerr 688 ///J .10uk on.. -869 L L .w y 533 ///L Hulnn•e.. 200 J Hebkirk - 626 MR .VIcK,y....182 F Low,y ' 518 H. M. DuwNoNo, Teacher, 0091 5 Sn, II -Exam. in Arith., Comp., Writ„ Drew., Reed., Spell.. Go.., Bible Bi<t, Total 800. Hopers 600. Pass 400. /W 0,trn- 489 V MQ':molten ..698 G Edw rde •.067 J B,cllaotyoe . 065 L Jac1100n ••..652 .I M,Lanoltlin..608 A '1'humcun....578 11 (Crone ......869 L Bnrgese ....542 14 Jamieson ..486 0 (.roue 467 //R Sinclair- -459 P Thuell 897 /NT Snider 289 Ju II -Exam. in Arith. 1,16, Writ., Ilraw., Head. Spell,hers., Bible Hist. Total 800. Hon. 600. Pees 480. R -tewart ....704 V Siecl0ir ....515 I Toole 565 1J lIIoltrs,'ten .•605 L Ariel 859 B Campbell.... 498 M Mercer 641 R Hewitt 418 Friendahip..876 F Pnyee 829 W P•.yt,e 586 //E Pm ter .. 219 /R Ritohie ,.•,555 G. Ross, Teacher, Root 6 t '111-9 IV -E01111 . 111 Dietetinn, Reed- ing, Arithmetic. Writing Diet Mug dud D„p.,rtmeut. 'letnl 650, bit is 487. (1 Powell .. ...599 '1' Melmuchiin..526 R 81,•K .y 592 L Jack -un A MnL,tuohli i ,874 0 1 rove 498 W 8 ,mere. ...•.549 vt Tarter 449 (:.11iokeon ....638 P Barkley ..,.486 S McLenehlin..880 ,i Thonipe,u ..389 W Buchanan ..580 R Currie 863 Class III Examined in Dictation, Writing, Drawing and Deportment. Total 600. Honore 875, H Gerry 486 J Jamieson , , ..888 W HarloleOe 425 L tiuider 303 4V McDonald 380 W Burgess 302 Class II-Eieellent-Fred McKfy, Doris Roes, Olen. McKay, Nary Fu wnett, Alex, FOX, Gond Cardiff Best Arabia Curate. Vivian Ha.rio Key Skelton, Russel Payne, Hazel Htewert. J.ek Warwick, Russel Moore, Randolph B.'ewar. Claes I-Exoellent-Earl P well I0"a Janneeon. Good -GI areThompeot, Har- ry Lott, G rdo0 Snider. Fair -Alvis Sonlet•x, Matjnry Oatnpbell, John Hark- ness. 3, N, RITCHIE, Timelier, P1311SONAL 1'AR,t441141'II0. Mise Rhea Emigh ie renewing old fliendel.tpe in B1y111. Mre, W,wdley le home on a vieit with relatives at Seafortb, Master Jim, eon of W. and Mrs, Emikh Ilan been on the nick list but le improving now, -J. G. end Mrs. Emiebl of 1318th, were vi011118 with Bruseele relatieee this we, k. Barrieter Macdonald wa• in the bo lawn fur it day or two One week on legal buxine.s, M no EduD Bailey re home 1,1,01 Tnr• onto wb,re elle wee attending the mi Imery npeuime Duro g the past week Jim . Reddiek'e condo e.. hue leen very preeulwce and he to Ball very poorly. Mrs J J G. pine 0un6ittott bee tint chane, d mach piece 1101 week, '1 he el moot appears to be a partial peralysie of the nerves, the feet end lower limbo being the parte chiefly,ffeeted, We hope she will anon he reet"red, Thie week R. McOallum and family, of the 10th eon. of Grey, meted into town taking op house on Peine... 010001 in the rpsblw•Op bel'ngine to W Henrv, new. of Wingham. We hid there weleetcl9 to Broseei wish Whish they ere already wen 50gdatnbed. Mr. 0100a:1nm sold hie 'faro, RECORD OF BUSINESS The Standard Bank of Canada Statement of the Financial Year ending 31st January, 1908 - PRO8IT AND LOBE ACCOUNT - Balance froward from nit May, 1 879101325.48 Dividends at the re.'. of 19 ear ova.per Profile. for EIGHT t,10NTNe ending notannum for ERnIT Moreno • 1194,78449 JAnunry, 1508, sifter deda'tlor Emulates, Contributed to (Miner's Panatela Pend. • 0,000,00 Interest %screed on D,gwclte, eta• - • 180,007.80 Truneforrod to Roe'rve Fond • 104,000.00 Premium on New masa 10,200.00 Transferred to Reserve Fund from Premium on New Moolt 10,280,00 Beanies esrrlud forward • . 81,608.60 6810,507.09 1310.807,0 Notes of the Bank In Circulation • Deruelle . D vIdende Ranks and Bankers 0001101 paid up . • Reserve Fund . Rebate of Ie emelt rand • • 8elanoe of Profit and Lou Account • Toronto, Met January, 1908 GENERAL ETATEMENTe- - 0 1,098,331.09 O 4d and Sliver Coln • • • • . 9 510,96080 , 14,813,496 40 LegPl10011 00 • - . . 1,014,207A0 91,682:00 Notes and Okvpueo of ether Raniu • - 048,863.77 1,041,443 34 it �*poelt with Oowrnment to 8 0 00 Note 0l alotler • - 01,00000 17,20707940 nun by 0110; Banks 991,482,61 • 1,639:700,00 Oorarument m.4 ocher Hbad. • 8,041.064,24 • 1,798,700.00 0411 Loans 0e Bowls and Macke • . 49,029,18 • • 1,240,847.06 • 64302,W -0,2-81 170.66 Loans and Dl .pats 14,14860848 Bank Premium, 16608208 Iiral Estate 30.00!.00 Other Ansate 19800.18 621717,205.10 Harry Thomas, of Pert Stanley, ie a visitor at the Methodist P,reonaee here. Barrister Sue:emir bee been eomewha indlepneed miring the past week , ut We 'hope he will eodn feel its well es ever. Mlxx M;aKsq�leie n g t • attend . the Vtole Mi I•nery epeninee at 'Pornhto end will sine vleit her uncle, Wm. Fora, of Tor. onto. Abram and Mre. (Re k, Tureberry et. North, hove been on the tick list with fa er•ppe but are oon.iderebly better now. Mr, Ou..k'e heart wee bothering h m also. We are sorry to report '0N eeriuu, ill was of Bre. Dunes vloLenohliu, Turn terry at eel but we huge a o'•nr g. for the better wit ' ple.111y einnle 0eiug ,0 her condition her One Jour B , woo week fur the W 'v•.. 0.01 Ino. 11 t Rev "r •Ford was us ed o M. Rx H. L g Granton en Monday owing to the 111.1000 of hie mother with a Revere atleok of pneumonia ()wine to the blooksde on the rel. way Isere he had to drive to Bea forth to en'oh the train, Mre. Lang - Ford and MANN N ,r a went on Wednesday. 13A01( To IiRuealms. VIo,.day , f this weep F. H. G, 1 y es-nmed the 01110,0• meat of he Melropu 1100 Ba, k el Brue Bele on acoeutn of W 0 1ra,Qeet eekiet for a prolonged veoation with x view of boi dine op hie le edits Mr -G1 ray 1e I.0 el raster here ae he mune as tell• r in the B'.•k when n. ',pen, d in Brussels nearly 5yeereago. In hie 'Pogue' ion he Wag Rent to Broukvllle where he spent 1,l y ears seine from there e0 the heed nfBee nt 'P roan,. F:r the pd- 1 Mies mrnnh, he W88 41 i'g. o, le Qu-'0null 01st Ont b,a,•oh n. 11101 011}, I HE POST tapreee,0 the h w, when M G• ruy Wau-eN.1118 10W0 4 venni e00 '104 he woe dent day 0' 10 book as th.. mauaeer hard y txpemiug uR lu 8 stented .need• tv The bueineee nubile wilt 8110 Mr, G r y unto lean., at surly., eb,iel,,e nt, ,r alt .o urtrnd to 0' b•u,kh,g m,ners rmru.lei 10 the Men op,nten We 0,eh inns H11088 x and Dupe he may 101i4i11e 10 prosper in the pregreeoive step !hat bank rnanasprs Daintily do, Mr Gilroy will be remembered by many On x00,0110 f hi• tooa eb,"ty. HN hag renamed hie Id 10.11 01 0b a m• wiser of the Matl,ndfat hureh ghoul. in 1.'wri. Nr. Fn WO.tt ,s Emmy. ne hl. p•arle ill refers, oil t0 hie onduv and win be in town for n m Rath probably before taking his proposed trip: $20,717.200.1J GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager metieweetwee Mrs. David Rose, sir,, hae been eo r1 dame the past week that her man}l friends were alarmed as to what the oatuome tvo0ld be, She ie earn what improved et the ime of writing. 1 1 In comma Oat who to hoes a R. D. Oa ff, w x tiu0wits the' Met, op dlten Beek at 'Pur onto for Beteral rnouthe pa t wife it taller on old (deed. in town tied un -de 0 I•h'irl Viol to the parental home. He wan oil his way to Mi Verson where the A1811.Opo11 tan has opened a branch and where he wi 1 put au some m00t11e 11e te,.er Th Milverton people nal Ond him it must honorable and worthy young man. MA MIT ED. WENDT—ROBINSON —In Wruz.t Sr, at the 0 m• ul 1he ante's p.rrote, on Fab b Rev T H. Farr, of G "ria 26 h, v , Mr J R. We, dl, joweler, to Mone Mary Kalh,tin, a dee naaghter of Mr. a. d tire. W. M. Bobtueon, both of VV natter. D]:3elD. Boowr.-Ila Ford.vioh, on Fehroery 27th, Janne, Brown, .aged 61 yeare, 8 mouths ane 20 days. LAME&ei -In .Nutrn, ou Februury 271.11, Lt ,bae 8 Lesbian, in hie 80.11 year, MOKEE.-At '1'reherne, Mon , uu Feb. ua.t 19 h, Lena, eeound deu.hter of Mre Boucot Mulles, formerly of Mo,eewurth, aged 21 yeare. .'X7 TION' SATs£. FRIDAY, Neaoe 6TH, -Flan etink, im- plemi toe, cte„ a1 L.•, 22, Gu•, 7, Grey Hae 'unrreerl'ed at 1 e'elouk. N A. Meet., Proprietor 1 F ga. 8uut1, Auu. t uaeoaY, tl agog 10TH -Fa, m stock, Impiemwne, &u., but tau. Oun, 12, Grey. Bele at 1 ,'u oak John H. Hufftnau, Pr, p F. H. Hoot,. Ane 10OReDAY, MAROE 12 -F,1m eteev, e1 L 27 l.,e 10, G,ey gale al 114.000 Wm. ..• Strvauautt, pip. ; F. 8. 80o11, auu 1 DE0D10, 063100 17TE,-Farm moult, imp,emente, 'ru , at L n 9. Cul, 2, .4r.y Bae, uure.erved, et 1 p rn E ijlh .lank -fn, prim. ; F. H Rano, x00. WEDNESDAY, vlasoe 18811 -Fnrrn At 1011 and itoptrinatita, u 18, nom. 11, Grey. Bale at 1 p rn. Hamuel Ba.fuur, Prup, F. 4. dooet, Atm. ius.els Daylight tor G enflerell6185S "GY28IZNNEIngrenn i,' 'h•, 1u 00er•411anom. be. t Oil 254 anti 010 linee we am this week t15n101a floea0snrtmeut of 'rant ar. aides Ink Hees, Pin Trays, On Ines, Ph to, `hn,t10, ()lore mild lit nlltercblef 13..x.e, Pia ''n hh 1 (Ver 1 Bose ter-, � Pe•wle0 See, ser.. l'•Iper Weigh. e, Phelo, le, nn100, 0o•, II wl One [wive 00 See ou” Window g ,4 Drug StOr'e 'rnuiteDAY, 1'141400 14TE -Form .took, imperneete,&e, .o, 2, nun. 18 Grey. 8e a u repel veil el 1 1'. m Andrew. •Jnhu.tnn, strop , F H Nunrt, 11.110 FRIDAY, AeoH 20214 -Lal 1, e n 15, Blink let in ..10011, nip .(Dente, &m He anreIOrved 81 1 Wu eels A ex. Mo• 11•11, Prop. J me Juuee, Ano 3R T.78E5 L= AQ Fs. '.r18. Ea Wheat 90 90 Bir «v 00 60 Pea• 80 80 Oars 40 47 Butter, tame andre e..., 22 24 Eggo per dozen 20 22 Hay per con 12 1111 .18 80 Flour, per 0101 2 76 8 '26 Hoge, Live. . 6 00 5 00 Apples (par 001.1 1 00 1 50 Potatoes per bae 50 60 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GOOD 50 A08E FARA IN tut. ooun•al nartuf Grey for a ale .v 50 ,dot. F..r ru cher pa 'tuatara apple at 'ren Pon, Gluten's, ,i 89.41 d STEERS AND 2 HEIFhe eERS ;8419 2 y, are old for Bale \'Till .d 05 a.ev b.nr0, Apply on Lut0, Ooh 10, ii rey.nr Wel on P.O, 842 HUGH iTFWART. (.SEED BARLEY -ABOUT 800 4 bnebele of hive ix -r •we'1 (tfendlebott• I if varlet)) Serie% for 0'041 ut On cell 1O oar bushel cosh ELI 01111 H, Lot 4, Oon. 7, tardy ar Arueeele P. 0 84.2 14'OR S 1LN• AT A BARG 1IN- :barna in a pot earn Colo, business wldoh 98 pay stile...did dividends dud dnuht your menet wi•4in one year ALP 0010011 ea.., sound and IgVitituet . 1080. 11,1 thyme thill1010 00 1e11.•d. lr„r art particulars ud• dress'maw ent t1 31 pare 01 this paper. . lileLare a ,03'11 tI FOR SPRIN 3 SEASON 1908 ®111101111DIUSIMMa Wo have just placed in stock early al rivals in New Spring Goods. You will find the Newest and Best values to be had in Ladies' Spy ing Coats. Readymade Skirts, Dress Goods, Prints, Giftgharns arid Muslins, Laces and Embroideries New elothinq For Men, Boys and Childrearn Just receive'! our New i'prlllg lints in Snits and Rs''ucoals for Men, Boys and l Whiten. New 1It',1ts, New Shades, Lowt Prices. Men's Hats i\eatst t`lring St3leh 0,,1 Colors in Men's and Boys' Flats at Lowest Lo Prices. Neis and Shoi"'" s We have just opened up 25 cases 11eW. Bouts ane Shoes- Ladite' Men's, Boys', Girls' and Children's sizes --largest assort- ment and the best values we have ever offered. CREAT CLEARANGE NAIIWINTER C.00 This is the time we aim to clear all Hety Goode It's our policy to carry nothing o'er so that everything in heavy goods are marked to sell quickly, and its the best time in all the year two �► S". 4 V NEON ltli; 0 Di LADIES' 11tTCty, IVfhtN'l4 AND BOYS' OVE000AT'4, RLANKFT1, WINTER UNDI RCLOI'I 1NO and all kind, of HIifAVY FOOT VVIISAR. 8 Highest Prices for Produce Goods Right or Your Money Sack NPXtt Door to Alaterier111 Elouse G. 1 - npti.,�p,•t11111i'14wft1ras4if '.... 85