The Brussels Post, 1907-3-5, Page 1�' a•r
Vof . -a$. v o. '35
Nfsee AcJVertiseme11tS
Sluff host t -'Tea Post,
Pure Inst -Tee Pusr.
For sale ---Drawer li 31
Huron Co Spring Stuck Show,
New wall papers—F. R Smith.
Telegraphy Bus Col,
New Spi iug goods—G. N, McLaren
( Sevei'ml pe I, in the village are
Side with la grippe. Mixt Mamie Hail
iy tlowtt with it. Rev G Baker and
Mrs, Baker were butte lair) up last week.
'•t .... Mr. Baker was unable to take his pul
pit work on Sundays
Weather and roads permitting the
annual Missionary service of the Bel -
grave circuit will be hell next Sunday,
March 8111. Rev. E G. Powell, of
Brussels, will preach Collections tend
subscriptions in acid of Missions. All
are invited to attend these services,
The postponed tneetiug of the
Farmers Institute will be held here
on Tuesday, March loth, when' ad
dresses will be given by Gavin Bar-
bour, of gross Hill ; W. H. Fraser,
of Bluevale ; and Miss Rife, of 'Hes-
puler. Sessions at 1 3o and 7 p. m.
Musical program will be provided at
the evening meeting. Miss Rife will
address the ladies in the afternoon.
She is a flue speaker.
W. Ferguson left 'Tuesday for Win-
Mrs Jas. Shier is visiting her par.
ents in Mildmay this week.
John and Mrs, Henry left Tuesday
morning for Edmonton. Alberta.
Mrs, John Ardell has been laid up
during last week with a severe attack
of la grippe.
' Mrs. Luute Crist, who has been ill
for the past two weeks, we are sorry to
say is very low at present.
Dodd Ardell, who has been visiting
his father tor the past six weeks. has
returned to Mousej•tw, where be bas
been passeuger braking 011 the C,P, R.
N, Purcell, woo has been spending
the Winter with his family in town,
intends leaving for Edmonton.
Levi Lake has removed his family
From town to the term recently pur-
chased by him iu the 6th concession of
Ed. Hanna, Wallace street, had the
misfortune to lose one of his horses
while drawing logs to the saw mill
here 'rhe animal broke its leg while
opening up a road and had to be shot
• A Bushfield arrived in town from
Stratford and assumed his duties as
manager of the Furniture factory,
Albert Wahl having retired, Mr.
Weill, we onderstand, will remain in
town for the present, but may event-
ually return to Grand Rapids.
T1ta BuaNETT DRAIN.—A meeting
of farmers trout Ellett was held in Mc
Donald's hall on Saturchty Feb, 22nd,
consisting of those interested in the
Burnett Drain construction, about
forty farmers being present. Wm.
Keith was appointed chairman and
R T. Hardie, Secretary. The assess
meat of the different lots connected
with the drain. were fully discussed,
when it was inoved by S 5 Rothwell
and seconded by John Mann, that the
Engineer's assesstnent be not sustained
by the Council, it being unfair and
unequal No•amendment being made.
the 'notion carried It was moved
We are very careful to see
that your Glasses are fitted
property to the face so that
they will appear becoming
and give satiefeotory reaulte
from properly fitted Lenses,
Anything in the Optical line
we mu supply ewtisfaetorily.
The moat up-to-date Jewelry
both in Quality, Style and
on all Goode and Repairs.
t --tton
0th' 110ffiS
by Mr. ltothwell, seconded by Charles
Coghlin, that the appeals against tice
nssessment to the Court of Revision
be nude Individually This motion
was also carried. A motion was sag
Bested by 'rhos,. Sproule that apeteion
signed by al those interested be sent
to the Council asking them to quash
the whole settlement, The motion,
however was not put. The meeting
then adjourned.
H. Cheilew was visiting in Toron-
to and attended the Undertaker's Con-
'L'he annual Spring Stock and Seed
Fair will be heal here on I'uesda).
March 31st.
Phos and Jas. McCreight have taken
over tbe chopping business carried on
by their father.
The C. P. R. for the time being hs*
et ticeli'-d tae men and 5.20 [rains
u,ytag to 1.e hettvt work iu nautilu:
to keep the line cleared
Rev. 5 Anderson .Ind Frttitk Mc-
Phersou represented the 9letliidnt
church. and Epworth League a�' the
Dominion Alliance Coitventtou in'Pui-
While at his work Delosse Taman
had the misfortune to have his hand
badly burned with a piece of heated
copper and consequently is enjoying a
Mrs. J 0. Moser had the miatortune
to fall off a step ladder and break her
left arm at the wrist and also cut hei
face. Mrs, Moser will have to take an
enforced holiday.
W, I McLean, M. A., late of Blyth,
has been tendered a unanimous and
enthusiastic call from the Presbyterian
church at Lueau. Tuis is the fourth
offer of settlement that Mr. McLean
nes received within the last, few
Wednesday, March ttth, is the date
set for holding the Farmers' Institute
meeting here to take the place of the
one cancelled some weeks ago on at:
count of the storm. There will be
two sessions at 1.3o and 7 and the
speakers expected are Messrs Barbour,
of Cross Hill, end Fraser, of Bluevale ;
and Miss Rifeot Hespeler, the latter
addressing the Women's Institute in
the afternoon. Molesworth musical
talent will supply the program to in
tersperse the evening addresses
Lena, the second daughter of Mrs
Robert McKee, lee of Molesworth
died at Treilerne, Mau , on Feb 19711
after an illness of six months duration.
'Phe young lady, who was twenty one
years of age, caught a cold after an
attack of measles, and was never able
to throw off its effects. The death is
the first break in a happy family circle
since the death of the father nine years
ago, and her cheerful and happy dis
position makes the effl [tion all the
heavier to the bereaved ones The.
remains were brought home to Moles
worth sad laid at rest 10 toe cemrtert
here, the funeral taking place from the
hone of her nacle. Henry Armstrong
in Grey on 'Tuesday afternoon of lav'
week, Until two years ago Mrs. Mc-
Kee had lived with her family at
Molesworth, her own fancily, the Arm -
strings, being old residents of the
section. Of late she has been living
retired at 'l'reherue, Manitoba, where
she has a married daughter, Mrs as,
Leppard, residing. The other mein
bat's of her fancily are two sons, work-
ing at Treherne, and two daughters
at home. The deceased daughter,
Lena, was like her sisters, very musi-
cal, and was fur some years a valued
member of the Methodist church choir
at Molesworth. She was much btlov
ed by her many young companions
and associates in church and soca'.
cirri. s and her death at so early an
age is felt most keenly by them all.
T. A Gale is the new Cashier in the
Dominion Bank here,
The Cauttdtan Blink of Commerce
staff is now com!o•ttibly installed in
the new office,
Mrs. Goy fell and broke one of her
arms. This union mime accident will
IsV her top for some time.
R. G. Liddy, who bas been in the
Dominion Batik here for the past tear
and a half Was transferred to London,
Jas, Walker, of town, and Eltsha
Walker, of East Wawanosh, were visit.
lug in Guelph and Toronto fur a few
Wm. Robinson left last week for his
home inNutuna, Sask., after several
weeks visit with Wiughaiu relatives
and friends.
Miss Agnes K. Ross left for Phila-
delphia, Pa., whore she will go In
training se a nurse in the Presbyterian
Hospital in that city.
The W F. M. S. of Wingham Metho.
dist church sent two large boxes of
clothing, groceries and provisions, to
the Toronto Shacktown needy ones
OBIT.—Citizetis of Wingham were
surprised on Wedne'day morning of
last week to hear that Wm Armour
had passed away during the night.
He had not been in good health for
some time, but had continued attend-
ing to his business, and on Monday
was around town as usual, On Mon-
day evening, however he toots, worse,
Tuesday lotted him unimproved
and about one o'clouk on Wednesday
morning he passed away. Deceased
was born in Best Wawanosh, anti nulla
to Winghttm about 58 year, age; He
seceeeded in building up at, large and
successful egg and provision busi-
ness, He leavesan aged father, a
widow, four sons ; Wilifaro, Harvey,
Elam and
Charles, all et home and
a ( )
one )laughsr, t MN Frank Mitchell, of
Winghan! ' i'le cleceueerl wan it good
man, upright ,and honorable in his
holiness dealings, enol enjoted the
respect of the eonitnunity; Ile was a
man of strong religious convictions,
and took bet little interest in muniei.
pal or political Matters. He was 52
Year's of age. '1'hu funeral took place
un Friday.
The officers of the Betbol church
Young People's Society for 1908 are as
tulluws:—Elot.•Pres, Rev. D B.
MvRae ; Pres , G. eleQuarrie ;
Vtce•Pres., G. Robertson ; Co', Sec
reta•y, Jennie Rands ; Rec. Secre-
tary, Anna Dunlop ; Treas., D, Mo
Taggart ; Organist, Anna )lollop.
The family of George Hanley. 14111
eon , has been temporarily quarantined
over the fear of smudipox, l'hey are
out til but the step was taken preceu
ternary owing to the fact that one son
was living tot Mnnkton and another at
Stratford in which municipalities small.
pox were. Steps are being taken to
secure the necessary medical certificate
.rum Stratford and if obtained the
q 1 irantine will he removed forthwith.
Te lupe thiswill eventuate.
Tlie tot acre farm of Alex McKay,
be t, con. 15, Elm, has been sold to
Wm. Struthers, of the slime line, at
$5,8ou. Farm is a gaud one with com
Portable brick house, bank barn, &e.
It is 17 years since Mr. McKay bought
it, He purposes going West and will -
hold an auction sale of farm stock, &e,,
on Friday, March 2uth, Mr. Struthers
sold his farm to las. McKenzie, whose
property adjoined it, so will take pos
session of Mr. McKay's farm about
April 1st, The latter and his family
will move to Motkton in the meantime.
Many old friends in this locality will
regret their removal.
Will. Berke has gine to Exeter
where he has taken a position in a bar-
ber shop. We wish hi•m success.
An auction sale has been arranged
by Elijah Jackhn for Tuesday, 17rh
Inst„ wben he will dispose of stock and
some implements. Mr. Jaeklin has
leased his farm to his sons, Harry and
Andrew. and he and Mrs. Jaeklin may
move to town later.
referred to tote death of Lawson, eld
est son of lob L. Ring. His sickness
was not of long duration, but very
severe, pneumonia along with other
troubles being the cause. rhe subject
of this notice was a bright, promising
.oung man, and his early demise has
cast a gloom over the community.
l'he closing hours of his life were a
benediction to all who saw him, es
peeially as he sang "Safe iu the arms
of Jesus." The funeral on Saturdat
afternoon was veru largely attended
by sorrowing friends and relatives,
and was conducted by Mr. Sikes, of
Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. King and
family have the sincerest sympathy
of a serge Mrcle of triendi in their
hour of trial and bereavement
Among the friends from a distance
tllat attended the funeral were :—Mr
,and Mis, S1etlulistrr,. George McAI
leder, Guelph-; Elliot McAllister,
Toronto; and Mrs, tMuDouald, Kin-
Atwood Farmers' institute meeting
un March 'xi h, attermion and evening
John Morrison has-reuted his shop
at Newry to Mr, Armstrong, of Moles
Mrs. J. A. Hume after visiting with
relatives and friends in Ethel and At-
wood, left for her home in Regina.
Miss Annie Switzer has gone to
Katep we, Sask., where she has secured
a position as school teacher of• that
A very pleasant evening Was spent
when the Methodist choir took the
opportunity of presenting to Albert
and Mrs Mcl3ain a doze[ bread a,d
nutter plates, In token of the most
valuable assis'attce which both have
Oven, being members of the choir for
a good many veers
A meeting of i lie Directors of the
Emla Farmers' Menial Fire Insurance
Company was held in the Agricultural
Hall Atwood. on Feb 1.8th. Members
of the Board all -present but Grieve'
and Cowan. Minutes of the Annual
Sleeting and the last Board meeting
recd anti signed. A claim was brought
before the Board by Mr. Rothwell
from Joseph W. Nurse, of Wal-
lace,damage -to house and contents
Ince for
by fire—Moved by Cleland, second
ed by Baker that Mr Nurse's claim be
adjusted at $.to uo—Carried. Applica-
tions for insurance were accepted
amounting to $49,300.00, Meeting ad
journed till Tuesday the t7tb of March
The public school report for the
past month may' be read on page 5 of
this lathe.
Next Sabbath aftet'npou Rev, G. W.
Rivers, B D., of 13efgrave, will occupy
the pulpit of the Methodist church
Ill the list of under graduates of the
Toronto Conservatory of Music we
notice the name of Miss Minnie Mc-
Nair, of Cralibrook. We wish - her
Farmers' Institute meeting- at Ethel
an Thursday of next weelc. Sessiohs
at 5.3o and 7 p, m. :Che speakers will
be Messrs. Barbour and Fraser and
Miss Rife,
,.'AO auction sale of farm stook and a
fewimplementswill be held by Samuel
Balfour, whose fartn is East of Cron -
brook, on Wednesday 18111 inst., with
F, ti. Scott, of Brussels, as auetroueer.
'Phe Cranbrook school scholars have
been holding Friday afternoon
grams every second week. The
pp k
pupils take 'great interest in these
eu lertatutnenis. `elle nekt program
will he held on March 6th Everyone
its the section is`weloome til attend and
entwulage the.ptpils in their efforts..
A yard has been leased here by P. 1
Anlent, of Brussels, where heir haul -
lug heading bolts and other material
from the hunt) on the 17th con., to be
afterward taken to his mill yard at
Bt easels,
Mrs. North, of Marton, be the guest
of her mother, Mrs. Henry Armstrong.
Laing Bros. took charge of the groc-
ery business they recently purchased
from A. H Rae on Monday,
Miss May Harris left for her home
in Saskatoon this week, having spent
sante weeks with her grandmother,
Mrs Geo Harris.
MATRtblONIAL —A veru pretty wed
ding took place at the home of W. M.
and Mrs. Robinson on Wednesday,
eb. eeth. when their eldest daughter
Miss Mary Kathleen was united in
the holy bonds of matrimony to J, R.
Wendt, jeweler of this place, in the
presence of tt few immediate relatives
and friends. Rev. T. 13. Farr, of
Gerrie, performed the ceremony
The bride was beautifully gowned in
Indian mull, trimmed with tucks and
lace, wore a pearl brooch. the gift of
the groom, and carried a prayer book
and was unattended. The ceremony
was performed at 8 p, tn., the bride
being given away by her father.
Mendelssohn's Wedding March was
well played by Miss Sophie Robinson,
sister to the bride and during the
signing of the register Mrs. -Henry
Wendt, of Clifford, rendered a choice
solo. After congratulations lunch
was served and a ;element time was
en;oyed with music and games. Only
relatives and a few friends were in-
vited to the wedding. Among those
from a distance were C. and Mrs.
Wendt, of Mildmay ; H. and Mrs
Wendt, of Clifford ; C H. Mode,
of Harriston ; S. M, Robinson, of
Hespeler ; and Miss A Fowlie, of
'1'eeswater. The happy young couple
left for a short wedding trip with
relatives, the bride's going away dress
being navy blue cloth with over lace
waist. Numerous and well chosen
wedding gifts were made including
several cheques. Mr. and Mrs.
Wendt commence married life with
the good wishes of a large circle of
La grippe has been busy,
Grey Township Council will meet
here next Monday.
Debate in the Township Hall Satur•
dao evening of this week.
Auction sale at Noble Milne's on
Friday afternoon of this week.
The storms interfere considerably
troth church services and :camel,
John Pearson attended the 'Temper
elute Convention at Toronto as a dele-
gate from Ethel altcuit.
Rev. Juo. Henderson was at '!'or -
unto last week attending the Domin-
tun Alliance Convention.
Mrs. W. Streehen, who has been i11
with typhoid fever for several weeks
is making favorable progress and we
trust will soon be fully restored to good
Miss Emily Mason, of Toronto, for-
merly of Ethel, 'who had her back hurt
.chile tobogganing, is getting better we
are pleased to hear
We are sorry to hear that our old
friend Wm. Pollard has not been en
ji.wulg his usual good health but we
hope the Spring will tend to his re
We are pleased to bear that Mrs.
Isaac Lake, who has been in poor
health for the past couple of months,
is staking favorable progress and will
soon be convalescent we trust.
A letter front Fred. Mason, of Terooe,
to, formerly of Ethel, says :—Business
is picking up wonderfully with the
promise of Spring. We are building
up a fine trade here. .
A geographical social will be held
on Wednesday evening, March
under the auspices of the League of
the Methodist church. A surprise pro.
gram will he given and refreshments
served. It will be held in the Town
A meeting will he held in Gibson's
irlall Saturday night, March 141h, for
the purpose of organizing a foot ball
club for the comirg season. All in-
terested in foot ball are requested to
be present, It is expected that the
boys will play in the Intermediate W.
'Fbe special meeting of the WotUe t s
Institute, in connection with the Par-
tners' Institute on March 12111, will be
held at the home of Mrs, Wesley Pol-
lard at 2 o'clock, Miss Rife, of Hes-
peler, will give an address. She will
also speak at the 'Township Hall in the
the month of February. . Names in
order of merit, based on weekly exam•
inations. Senior Dept.—Class V—
Alvin McKee, Elwin Thompson, Roy
Eckmier James Bremner, Celestine
Dane, Irene Heath. Class IV -Charlie
Hansnld, Ross Fraser, Agnes Thomp-
son, Elude Freeman, Harris Eckntier,
Lizzie McIntosh, Vera McCall, Annie
Cooper, Alice Barr, Irene Engler,
Wilfred Eeltmier, Luella Henry, Flor-
ence McCallum, Sr, III -Lizzie
Thompson, Spence Hemsworth, Clff
ford Dunbar, Pearl McKee, Robert
Lucas, Joe Cooper, Robert 'Thompson,
Elsie Maybury, Harvey Stehle Ed-
mund McLeod,. Jr., TII Lyall Mc
Allister Noble McKee, Elwitt Dobson,
Gristle )Engler, Verde 'Pollard, Pearl
Bateman, Olive Cooper, Norman
Addy, Stanley Strachan, A. H. MAC
DONALD, Principal. Jr. Depttrtnyent—
Sr, II—George Cole, - Edtlh Heath,
Grace Eckmier, Wilfrid Thompson,
Ross Coates Russell sell
Eckmie•� Reggie
Hentsvnrth Edith Ferguson,Jr,
II—Lucinda McNcelauds, Della Me
Kee, Peart Dobson, Rev ' Deplete,
Minnie Marie, Herbert Saville, Part
11 -.-Harold l2rcemutt, Maggie Coates,
W H, KERR, Prop
Stewart McDonald, Stanley Gill,
Lookert Dane,. Flossie Sanders, Clara
131aC'tlluin, Lydia 'I'bibldean Sr. I—
James Lucas, Louis Martin, Marion
'l'hump.,un, Lttliau Davtdson, Laura
Hemsworth. George Pultard, Evelyn
Mcieloah, Willie Cole, Kuhn Heath,
Harold Love. Ir. I—Mvrtie Lamont,
Harold McAllister, David MvKee
Russell Kreuter, Russell McNeelands,
Bertha Cole, Quest Dobson, Pearl
Love, Gladys Heath, Steven Thib-
ideau, Florence McIntosh.
Butt M. Pomexoy, Assistant
UNDERTAKING.—Prompt and care-
ful attention gtveo 01 all orders for
Undertaking. Our telephone No. is
28a and a call will have our im
mediate response, Our prices are
reasonable and satisfaction always as-
sured, Special attention paid to
cavity and arterial embalming fol
which we bold diplomas.
LEA't'numnA)-rt & SON•
Don't forget the Farmers' Institute
which will he held here on Thersdav
afternoon and evening of next week,
meetings opening at 1.30 and 7 D. m,
The delegation will consist of Gavin
Barbour, of Cross Hill ; W. H. Fraser,
of Bluevale ; and bliss Rife, of Hes
peter. 'rhe latter will address tate
ladies in the afternoou, Musical selec-
tions will Intersperse the evening
G. Mills and wife, of Tottenham, are
guests of W. and Mrs. Robb, 6th line
this week.
George Manning is home from an
extended visit with relatives at Flesh
erten, Grey Co.
'rhe seryicesat Sunshine last Sunday
were not very largely attended on ac-
count of the storm and bad roads.
lames Clark, of Sunshine wears a
rather broad smile these days. A
young son bas arrived to help on the
Arch. Kerr, 3rd line, received word
of the death of his brother-in-law in
Woodstock. Mr, 'Kerr attended the
A zi weeks' old lamb belonging to
Jno, R. Bell, 8th line, weighed 21
pounds. It is a good one and will be
hard to beat.
Mrs. Juo. R. Bell, 8th line, bas a
nicotine plant upon which are 15 fine
flowers. something like a Cala lily
'there are also nutueous buds upon the
same plant.
Dr. A. E H. Groupe, the celebrated
Optician, will be at H. L. Jackson's
iewelry store, Brussels, on 'Thursday,
March 12th. Eves tested free. Sat
isfaction guaranteed.
The trains on the G. T R. from
Londou to Wiugham were stalled iu
the snow for several days this week
The fit;St from Saturday night arrived
at Belgrave at 9 3o Tuesday morning.
The stone school znd line was closed
for a time on account of the illness of
Miss Mclkwen, daughter of the teacher,
The voting lady had been recovering
frum the nteasles,vhen pneumonia set
in, and the case became critical.
SCHOOL REPORT.-=l'he following is
the result of the examinations held
during the month of February in S. 5.
Ni 4 Morris :—Sr. IV examined in
Recit'ttion, Comp„ Arith. and Gram.
Total 350, Roy 'Tbuell. 309 ; Martha
1MeCUtelteoti, 282, Sr. III —Exam. in
Arith, Lit„ Geo, Total 350. Willie
'1'huell, 319 ; Harry McCutcheon, 195
Sr. II.—Exam in Spell., Recitation
Comp and Writ. Total 35o, Joseph
Thuell, 329 ; Harvey 1vlcCutcheou,
327 ; Fred, 'I'hueli, 248 ; Jenuy Scott,
194. Jr. Pr',motiun Examination.
Total 470 Florence Scott 401, Pt. 1
Alvin Badgley (good,) I. McNee,
The news of the dense of Robert
Laidlaw, an old and highly esteemed
resident of the 9th line, came with a
great surprise to the people of this
community. He had driven over to
his son's with a horse and cutter on
Wednesday of last week and ou return-
ing was stricken with paralysis at 5
o'clock, falling out of the cutter at R,
Colclougb's gate, 'rhe driverless horse
was noticed by Jno. Shortreed and
caught. and Finlay Laidlaw and Mr.
Shortreed bastened to the prostrate
mail He was ooiiveeed to his hone
and a physician sen: for but nothing
could be done and at 3 the . next
morning the vital spark fled, couscious-
nees never returning. Deceased was in
his 8otn year and had been a resident
°.tdie nth line for over 5o years coming
here fiout'7r3i ,r Bina township, Halton
County, whets he toole-e 1:.) 200 acres
upon which he Byrd up to his's4efie a•
The funeral took place Saturday after-'
noon to Blyth Union cemetery, Rev.
J. L Small, B. A , of Blyth, and Rev.
A. McNab, of Walton, conducting an
appropriate service. Pall bearers
were Geo, and Jno; Jackson, Jno.
Brigham, A, Aitkin, Jno. McCallum,
and Jno Richmond. Mrs. Laidlaw
pre deceased her husband 12 years to
the day of his decease They bad been
married 51 years the day Mr, Laidlaw
passed away. Mrs. Laidlaw's maiden
name was 'Christina McCallum. of
Halton Co. The childrebare Andrew,
Duncan, Finlay, Jno., end James.
Mee, D. McCallum and Misses Susan,
Annie and IVlsry all of whom resided
in Morris. Three sous. died In infancy;
James. of Vancouver, 5, C„ was the
only member not present et the fuser•
al Subject of this uetice was a man
of sterling integrity' and was widely
esteemed, He was a
religion and a Liberal in pollees, . In
his earlier years he took an active in-
terest In the Agricultural Society at
liiyth, Mrs, Robert-Shortreed, of
Birth, 'is a sister to deceased, Atnong
r e entre ho attended
o ad v
frietlds f m ), t }
the funeral, e'ere F, McCallum, J.
Snmervllle, and A. Aiken, of Milton ;
i C McCttllunt, r,f Owen Sound ; Jno
Moore, of Guelph 1 Jas. Roberiion,
Manitoba ; ;Mss M. Aitkiu, George-
town ; A, Laidlaw, Atwood ; Mrs.
Geo Laidlaw, Tuckersmith ; Jno„
Joos. and Mrs. McCallum, Wawanosh ;
and Mrs. and Miss Allison, of Bel.
grave. The bereaved family will share
fu the sympathy of the community,
Elarry Ward bus rented Wm. Ella-
eott s farm fur this year.
Mrs, Miller is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. A, C. Tuck, of Clifford,
The Epworth League of Roe's
Church purpose holding en Irish social
on St. Patrick's day.
Last week William Lawson and
daughter, of Mullett, were renewing
old acqu:tiatances in Grey.
Weare curry to bear that Bessie,
youngest daughter of Jas. Mann, )6th
con., is not improving as fast as her
friends would like.
Dr. A, 11. H. Groupe. the celebrated
Optician, will be at H. L. Jackson's
Jewelry Store, Brussels, on Thursday,
March 12th. Lyes tested free. Sat-
lalacton guaranteed.
Swum REPORT.—Report of 5, S.
Nu. 8, Grey, tor the month of Febru-
ary, Examined in Gram., Writing,
Drawing and Written Reading, Names
to order of merit :—Sr. IV—Lilian
t;olciough 457. Jennie Colclough 419,
Annie McLean 271, Sandy Barron 202.
Jr. IV—Lewis Whitfield 326, Sr. III
—George Colclough 328, Nellie Car-
micuarl 230. Ir. 11I --Angus Carmich-
ael 236 Sr. II—Malculm McLean 221,
Amos Attwuod 75. Jr. I—Miucie rims
roe 224, Cah'io Colclough 182.
H, O. MAcGtLLlvttwv, 'Teacher.
The auction sale of ltobt, McCallum,
loth coo.. Thursday of last week was
largely attended and good prices were
realized. Many old friends in the
neighborhood were sorry to see them
move away as they were first-class
ueigbbors but were glad they were
lueeting so near bv. We hope they
will enjoy life in Brussels. Mr. Hem•
Ingway. woo bought Mr. McCallum's
farm, moved bus family here this week
from near Teetwater. We bid them
godspeed and welcome thein to the
Alex. Gardiner was iu Guelph this
week attending the Thoro' Bred Stock
Miss Coulter and Miss Smith, of
Atwood, are visiting friends iu this
t`hetysaw mill started Monday to cut
this season's logs. It's good to hear
the tuut toot of the whistle again.
Peter Healy, teller in the Standard
Bank, was at Monkton last week at.
reading thefuneral ut his grandmother.
The services of the Walton Metbo-
dist church will be at 11 a. m. and 7 p.
m, ou alternate Sundays beginning at
11 a. m, next Sunday. March 8th.
Mrs. W. H. Sltoldice and Miss Alma,
of London, were renewing acquaint-
ances here last week. They also at-
tended the Sholdice-Christopher wed-
The noon train West and the even-
ing train East have been temporarily
cancelled on the Guelph and Goderich
railway but we hope tbe complete ser-
vice will soon be resumed.
Owing to the 0, T. R. blockade Geo.
Mulduun, of brussels, Hoped two car
loads uf horses from this place to Mile.
stone, Sask. A. C. Dames also ship-
ped a car of cattle on Wednesday.
An auction sale of farm stock, ion
plemants, &c., is announced by
Andrew Johnston, lot 2, cob. 18, Grey,
for Thursday, 19th inst , with F. S.
Scott as auctioneer. Sale will be with
out reserve as Mr. Johnston has sold
his farm
D. McCallum has purchased the 5o
acre farm of Edward Lamb's and will
move there sbortly. Mr. Lamb is now
living with his son, John, and although -
quite advanced i0 years is still very
actiee. The price paid was $3000.
We wish the purchaser well with his
Blg Receipts and Also Big Expendi-
According to the public) accounts,
which were laid upon the table of the
Legislature Monday afternoon by the
Hun. W. J. Hanna, Provincial Seere-
0try, the i.urplue of the Provincial rev-
enuer over the expenditure at the olhee
of the last linemen,' year was $606 178,68.
The total receipts amoneted to $8,820,-
8,820;419,19. an iu.•rense uf 91 180 940.80 when
eessrared with the receipts lar the pre-
vione year; t au advance of $2 804,-
248 when compile; tr. th the receipts of
1905. The btsI utee bn nght forward
from 1006 amounted to $819709:491"making a total of 911 817,058.81 whiuh
passed thr••ugh the hands of the Gov-
ernment, The expenditure for the year
cholas an aetoni.liieg advance of 9994,-
080,54. The Met items which noeuunt
thy the added revenue are the Previn-
till subsidies, which amounted under
the uety a rtulgement to 91,784 039 68, ee
o rimmed with 91 389'47.28 Jul imoreate
of 9394,142 40, 'Phe lucerne from the
'aide, forests and mines of the Pro
vhioa has leaped from 93,258,199,82 in
1006 to 03,068 494,09- last year, an
advance of 9815,294.47.
The fivauoial disturbances of the
latter part of last year terinusdy at-
tested the lumber bssiusas, nod, as e
meteor of fact, a .largo amount of OM -
her duce has still to be collected, The
income from licensee resoled .9687-
128.00 ati advauee of 91 919.10; .The sale
of law stamps brought in $94,884,78, an
atdvanoe of $8,689.15. The lncorpora-
aeie of new companies were largely
respincrease onsible for the in t
e c the rev-
ev0(109 from the Provincial Secretary's
D••partment fr"m 9208 028.69 to 0857,.
208,12. The income from mining lands
woe $1,244 803.88 royalties $207:046,06,
and mining licensee and recording bee
9272,397,18, l•rom the aoresge, wroth
and gas taxes 948,453.85 wasreceived,
card irum weeds and forests 91,210,081.32,
SUP2L4:811I2i2,0S2 aeYEt iltl.
1Tuder the supplementary I tYSOUe act
$117'1,841,76 Was euueuted, au lnuleuae of
$88,039.70, iu the iuuuwe from nuccee-
elou dotes there has wee a deutsase
of 8185,120.25, the total auluuat reasived
tato year being 9821,092.99. From the
publics fuel itutiuus of the 1'ruviuee
9200,391.41 wad received of which 973,-
004.71 cause from the Ueutraa Ptieou and
$UO,087 tram the Tutouto Lunatio
Asylum. 'Abs reeetpte from the Tem -
1 earning & Nertbe,u Uuterio leaitwey
were 8232,000.09. Tun uuverstuient were
able 1., livauee ,he road out of revenue,
and thus avoid the making of a loan
at a time when money was osier.
The oust of liuvernmeut rose from
9428,280,46 iu 1900 to 002,083.20 last
year, but the expenditure ou law making
increeeed ltpm 9215,196.36 in 1906 to
82.23 3.27.50. On the edmiuietretiou of
justice the Province expo/Wed 9579,-
098.10, and un education 91,359,105,81,
au advauee of 988,184.10, The mamtea,
none of publics iuetltutioue wet 9990,-
879.18 ; colonization and immigration
$0.2,024.45, au advance of 916,073.49 ;
Ueutral Prleun, 965,488.691 hospitals
and oherities, $338,011.70 ; repairs and
mainteuauee of Parbeutent buildings,
est:., 895,336.40 ; looks, darns, etc., 916,-
841.116 ; eutunlaatiuu runes, 931 ,906.39,
The Juo gnu trues agrivature uuwuuted
to 978,098.18, all of whieh with the ex.
ueptun of 96 000 de, ived frum Sues
Under the lUlbutlee 051, Mime Irvin the
Uut•,rtu Agriouuurnl t,ullege, being made
up ofe ndena8' lees, anluUutttt 10 939.-
39:534.13 while the institution Mit 9136,-
4•) fur mniu.euauu abuit97,899.86
7 .84 a
W ul'e time IaBG year.
Iu aid to Vt4,Weye tee Pruvinee paid
9144,860.08, and in ennui lee to loaner
metnhcte ul the WW1 eetV)se or their
dapaudents 9104,900. 1n bouuties on
0ee1 sugar $7a.0u0 was paid, of which
936,824,88 went to the Ontario .sugar
Oompeuy as bounty on 10,341,007 pounds
uf auger, and 158,178,12 to the Wallane-
burg b0gar tmwpauy, Limned, as beauty
un 10,721,107 pounds,
1'be elan ut Praline Fumiehi cost the
Province 81,200,10, the Pletuter'e tip to
Euglaud 91,150, expenses of members of
We Legletature v15161ag rowing dietriots
94,574;00, the special 11p of the Am-
erlunu mining engineers 96,306 while
the Preview/ gut a 0011 iderauty snore
variable adverbisemeut through tine
Visit of the British j>Urnaliats bbau the
expenses of the journey, wmub amount-
ed to 98 375.49. The funeral uf the late
Speaker of the L gistabure cute 95,454.23,
and the expeuees of the special com-
mittee who visited Eurupe fur the par -
/wee et iuquiry into mettlude of. treatlog
the insane .only emuuuted to $3,000.
Cue item of sxpeuditure, 910.000 for the
yacht Lurline, hoe beau lust totally
with t e .creek of the vessel, which wee
net iusured. On fire raugiog the Gov-
ernment expended 897,234.51, au advance
of nearly $40,000, The expeuditures on.
forest raugtug also iunreeead from 945,-
165 to 954,887. Ou the Gitliea limit $50,-
586 was spent, au iuorease et 811.527.
There are many minor expenditures
giV8n in the acounuts which in them -
elves are sigmauaut. For instance,
James Bei. d, who cuuduobed the exam.
ihatiun in the Veu 'Gnat investigation
ubbaiued 91,000 for his cervices, In-
cluding bid dleborsetnente, wlille for
the same purposes 91,000 was paid
Jutues 49. Batu. The first u1 Du Vernet,
Raymond, Junes. Rosa and Ardagh re-
osived9u00torserviees in the Bestedo
iuvetttigabiun, The services of A..8.
Rudest Scow -with reference to the. in-
veetigation of the Blind Institute et.
Brautfurd cost $828. tinder the head-
ing "suudry investigations" J. R. L.
.obarr 1e: put down as "eecuunteble" for
92,200. •
During the year 917,925.49 was ex•
peuded iu alienates the liquor license
act, which itioludes the solarise of special
ufeeers. The trip of the British artil-
lerymen to Cobalt cost 9245.58.
The traveling expeusee t f A. H.•
U. Colgohoun, Deputy Minieter of Ed-
noetiuu, 10 the Oongrese on School
Eygieue in Loudon, Eugland, wets
POw]6R 0 0 2150 5 510N EXPENSES.
The expenses aiid salaries 'iu oounec-
tion with the Hydro -electric Potver
Commission amuanted to 940,524.21, of
which the salaries acme to 914,448.42.
Last year the expeuditurs was 06,000.
The text-buua eotmniesiou Gosh 971•
292. In the etatemeut 1. W, Uruthere,
ono of the outnmfaeiouers, is put down
Re receiving $192 ou nue ,ant of eervioee,
while the other two aumtuiseiouere re-
ceived 92 000 each, M. Or there re-
fused to uuoept payment over Its ex.
Brussels Council.
The regular meeting ee„•7 neeeta Celin-
e! wis'hsid last dfonrtay eV841 present exoeptiug' Oillul,dlur
Minutes of last msetiug read and ad.
Fottowmo amounts were presented ;•-
Mudiotpal World - $ 1 17
t ,tar Ai
L U , s try.. ss 68
W. defilers, work on sIttett- 6 00
Jos. tilory, o „ ,t 76
P McQaarris ,1 1i 1 75
W Ant,Ay, u „ 1 , 2 80
Eiestria Light tuxes remitters87 87
)Moved by A. Bootee,secouded by Jas,
Jones, that ea47 urate be pall, Uarrled.
W. iehmasle1 Omar reported r..oeipte
for sows for ll otenary as $18 16
Reeve Lomita reviewed tue(iced Asada
question and toe aution of the reaeut Go.
tloerimtl and also read some aortae.
petulance reintivo to railway matters.
'T'10 C0n0oil wan addressed byThos.
Mo6}regor as to eliding Sim in promoting
its industry, Bettye Leckie anti Wreak.'.
urer 40aohan vers depubieed to can al
Mr. Metalgogorls shop,
Connell then adjuuthed, --