HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-2-27, Page 8PRATT'S
Pratt's Animal Begulator
Pratt's Cow Tonic
Pratt's Food
P att's Heave Cure
Pratt's Egg Producer
The worth of Pratt's Preparations is
eo well known that they need nn further
recommendation from us, Aek for one
of Pratt'. New florae Books and Pratt's
New Poultry Book. They contain valu-
able information.
A Fine Disinfectant
Lice -killer
Animal Dip
Nothing better where a prepar-
ation of this kind is desired. Put
up in two sizes, 25c buttle8 Nidi
large tins 5()d. Full directions
for using on each paokage.
IT storms nearly every day.
C0OLT$R Bees , of T••rooto, who were
here tart week purchased a uomber o1
goad horees.
FnuwQIe GREENE CO. 8 nights in Bros
sets Tuwu 1333•1-Muuday, Tuesday and
THE ioe boosee of Booker Br E and J
(Jerrie et duo heve been ft ted (tonne the
part we. a ready her nes Sumwe 'n a 8.
APPRUNTICE Wanted, young buy or gir
to t ...0 p noting. Moet breve pedmo
Ib- E..crance exnmruatmu. Apply ee
THE Pon.
Ina morning wed train on Tama.*
stunk m a allow bank near Rtptey nuc
dud um get here uuti the evening, 14•
en0W plow smug to its relief
'Inoue oars of eattld were shipped 0,-
themev to reroute from Bream.. be
A C Dame., G A Bent and Barr Bra., ,
respeullvety Shippers are rimming with
difilouttee owing to uneertan,ty of train,.
on 600oa01 of the frequent euow Moult
E 8. PLoo1, 118 Vemeoover, le C., au
ad Bra sem boy who ;made 7 -HE a 80.
writes that tong ago be remrmurre
"Billy" Grewar in a base bat mantel:
kuo0kng the ball no fare boy had to be
tient after ti on bornebaok and did oat
get back m tune to Minh tin game the,
day. We intend melting Mr. Grewer
ab nt this ouuarreuue fur we uotiueo ban
playing 88ve133. gawee where the sphere
was not. propened that far through h•
CHASING Toe Puck -Leet Friday a
joulor uoukey team drove to Byth where
a mato) wasplayed retie ting 1n a vt0
tory fur Ella home learn. Moudey 111
814080 match was played be'e the ao,re
being 7 to 5. iu favor uf the venture.
The ane up wee as 10330108 :-
BRIIBe$L8. BL0011,
G. Armstrong Goal E. AIOvumwirs
W. boom Point It darn
0 Holmes Clover Point O. Tatoait
13 elaJte:ober Mover a Nobi l
hi-LowryCentre J. Oyu t.-1
Ohne taunt Begin Wltg W Ba;ley
W,J3eudereon Lett Wing 8.. Weariest:
W. Unfit b, 01Bremen, wall the resets,.
The genie waa a good one.
HareinmAL.-At Brookville at the home
of V. It. and 31rn. Men:mil on the inure
lug of Feb. 17th, oocoaed the marriage
of thele enuund eldest daughter, Minn
toenail. r Edua, to O. Erueet Sehery, Of O.tawe,
FRANCIS GREENE Co. -This well known etdeat eon ut Rev. and Mre, 8. tindery, 01
Comp.uy out sppeur fu the Town Hall Brookvtl'e, The marriage was very
B8oesele, oil Modday, 'tae -day sod Wed quietly carried oat. Tbe nerem0uy souk
needay 808810ge of treat week They plane 111 the drawing room Rev. Ur.
will present "'1118 Lithe Prluoeee" uu ornery, father of de groom ntfieetten.
the drat even'ug, epeetattles being intro
duoed between the ante ino,uding singing,
dancing and aerobium perfurmanuee.
George Greene he a very popatar Muttons.
't t 0 soh evening.
new playwill be a o
A.p e
t 19
i'fo,m promotion esamma o1
Teti at 1
for nue Comity of Huron wad be held
s a and rids April 9th and
Mrd I'
oar a
Y y P
ar for junior
n at' u u B 0
10th. Exam 1 w p p 1
and 'lemur dived, m. of II and IFI ma888e
and junior IV 0la8e will be nut to the
teauhere who wish them. Teachers
should send to the Pub io School Iu8peo
tor before Meech 10.4, a poet card,
stating the number of papers required
for mash clave.
Orange Lodsee of tt est Brune wilt 08.e.
braise chis year at Ripley on Monday,
Jnly18311, The C.mmattee is waking
quite a boom and Norte Heron Lodges
have been cordially Invited to partial -
pate. Fntlowing pri8ee ars being of.
fared ;-$10 for ledge from loegeet die
Canoe; $10 for lodge with largest num
bar of mumb re ; $10 for best deemed
lodge in prome:aloe ; $5, 8 Keel 82 for
beet Were and dramrnerr ; $5 for are
est ,edam of Young Braune ; 620 for
beet Braes Band aud $10 for 2nd prize
winners. .Gnu, H. Muuuey ie the hunt.
ling Boorotary of the Oelebretion Cum.
mitten, Good pr.,grem of addr80811,
Trains realm Brussels Station, North
and South. as foilowe ;
Mail 7 00 a w 11Rx1're80 10:00 8.111
Express 11135 a.w Ala 1 ,.• 1:44 8.10
310803. 3:021+.1-101^mems .. Er01 p.m
Following is the 3 p N lune Table at
To TOrnrto To 0033010
Express •iO a n, Rxpreee ... 11:30 am
Express 0:3.1 p 111 Expreem 91.20 p m
Kraal teles jteiu
A. ohiel'a emang ya takIx' notes.
-`�-An' faith he'll print i..
Homme Fen Tburedes of next week.
READ the advertee01eute and save
Baaoenrs Council will meet next lion
day evening.
Bios Wtunie Kelly was visiting at her
home at Btu tit hi. week.
W. 0 T U wnr. hold their regular
meeting Friday aaeruoun. •
Bitumens w11. aopply 113e bride for a
near by wedding so :apart says.
Tam pooh antes in the corporation are
dootured by Robert Oliver with pick and
SATURDAY the mr'utltly meeting et
Howtak Mutual Fab Iururauoe D188010re
will be he :i a Gerrie.
I. C. linisaEDe bee moved bis stook of
boots and shies lute hie barium ebop
where both them of business will be oou
Tun Bachelors' and Benedicte' Ball ie
baled for Bruesele Towu Het Friday
evening of next week, March 6.h. Meath
will be supp.led by a Loudon Ileum
Orohest' a
801300008 helped themselves to an in•
oanuee0e111 lamp and fix. nre at the nkat•
ing rink bel. ngmg to Aug00 Campbell.
If they are through with of Mr. Camp•
bell waned be very glad to have it re.
The young mimes were 0338118nn1 t1, aim
atter a reooptiou left for Ottawa. P118
father of the groum was formerly pastor
of the Methodist obarob brussels,
EY.-Phureda f a.
t week the
Hoo 4
Team wale to Wroxeter
• veetin Hooke 1n
711 Y
Luc a gams wtlu the p0ukwb0.ere of teat
ptee8. Tile game resulted 111 s 118, 4-4,
the dome at hdlf dine beteg 4-1 in 18011
of Bremen. Brn8e819 dad um more any
geese in the lest half whale their oppon
erne ruebed i0 three, two of which were
soured by throe beaky goal keeper, "Wal
,y" Muter. Mart. Howe, of Wroxeter,
refereed to the Batlefa001011 of brut team,'.
The hue up wee se foiluwa ;-Brueeete-
Goel, Tem Frieudahlp ; point, Frank
Gerry; ouver point, John Boson ; 0801re,
Art. Jackson ; rover, E.mer Ewan ; left
wing, Ohm. McMillan; right wing. Jauk
Leokie. Wroxeter -Goer, Miller ; point,
Harris ; cover point, HIImtlluh ; nen18e,
Omer; rover, Patterson; left wing, Jobu•
thou ; right wing, W. Meek. a remit
nea18h vent be played here shortly
OBITUARY•- 0o Babblth, February 181b,
Mre. George Breed, of Ftewtug, Mao,,
pa888u over to the great majority, at the
ego of 60 years. bhe euffered from two
etrok88 of parelyeie and had been in poor
hearth for emcee years, Three weeks
prior to her demise 8118 wino taken to
Brandon for medical treatment but n
amen of the Grand L ridge officers being wits unaematug end elle paen8n petioelu.le
in the list, away lie stated above. Deceased wad the.
P00131001 BoO89ELIT$ PAYS NATORE'9 mother 01 tit, Welter WI bee, of Brue
DEDT,-Ratiert .vection wee taken limn
tate life onddenly at 180 Wedieedav
morning of teat week, at hie home, 707
Fitzhugh street, Saguiaw, MIohlguu.
Wttbodt warning the home is 481'71 of
father and nueband, the outy intimation
of impending in being doxonvered early in
the morning whet) hie wife awoke to fled
him breathing vvith a great des t effort.
Bile qutoloy summoned Dr. K.inane),
who harried to the home Mut when be
strived bio servidee were not oeedrd as
the patient hadpaged into the great be.
youd. - Mr Metairie 108.8 a strong, robust
man, being emplayed at that Benton
11dndry ae blu8Ieemlth. He wag at hie
tvork Tdeedey and 881080ed ,bomb in the
evening In good entrust wirb 00 octal•
plaints of illnee8 whativer, Heart tail.
are is supposed to have oatend.hie death,
Deoeaeed wag born Sept.:28rd, .1804, at
Caledonia, Ont., and wee, dolled it. met
tinge to Margaret Crawford in 1872, at
Seaforlh,:Otut. Might y08r8 ago they
Went to Saginaw whioh has eines been
their home. Secedes leis wife there are
left there dangbteee, Mre. 0, Ling and
Mama Jennie and Anna 0141110o, allof
whom live in Detroit. He wee a member
of the Mast Saginaw "amp, Nd,. 015, M
W. A., and afro of 'Oriental Lodge, No.
108, I. 0. U, b'', Tho tonerat took plane
to Detroit. Mr. Mauler, was a rt sidellt
Of 1ir008ele for several settee, Mrs, iflat.
tide 11311 10 d00ghter of S. Orltwfard, of
town, Tin bereaved
the eympgthy of many 0ldicribn&e herein
sere, and E jet Pease, of Mtr818 I tie
other am.ureu are Win Pease, ut Krp
ling, Maim, and Maine Lucy, of 0etrt lI
Mre, Brand was a laughter of Mre. E
Botemau, of Elm I, and bad riven itt :be
Ween for the poet 18 year8. Her hoebauc
survival. Mre lit wed w -e furies niarrien.
11110 was a flue Minim and toijeyed the
frieudehip of a woos 01role. Mrs, Web. e
epeet severe] mettle with her mulher it
year ago.
frig to pour heath W. J beamed, who
hat beau manager of Brueaeie brauoh of
the Metropolitan Batik for nearly two
years, hon inked for and been emitted MI.
extended huitday of five months. The
Bank here will be planed m (harem of F.
H, Gilroy, who wee a former member ill
the toad b -re for reveral years, who tinges
°fifotul'Marge next Monday. Mr. Faw
colt expeoteto 8p8Od prubibly a m0ith
here and will then tette it trig with a view
of banding up. 0818 many friends here
hope MO MU Will speedily tend to hie
complete rr0t0ration to u gorua8 hem 711
He will retain hie 0013018011011 001111 head
office told will oonton0 hie borne .in'Brae
eels, .Butte aoming to town Mr, Fowoett
hastaken nn 09 lee part in the advance
Meat of the beet inter, et- of the people
rod o8 Sweeney of .the Pidgin ',thrifty
Board ; an official member of the Meth
diet oimroh; end P,e8ideilt of the Wing
Mon Dtetriat Epwurth League, Mr
GI royh8 many old friends will welo0m0
frim hack to liruegolu,
l eeekee uxen'w A*aaruu>m
.. saanr_-:mrcroc• -4...1.rss. rr..autiartwa-:
„e..e -- ......�
Your Bank Account Your Belot Friend
SYSTEMATIC SAVINO, even if it be only $1.00 a week deposited
in a strong chartered bank, tebereit will bear interest at highest current
rates, is the first and surest way to independence, Begin now to save,
The Metropolita
Opens an Account in the
Savings Department of
Capital Paid Up
Reserve Fund and Undivided
Profits, 81,241,532.26
Interest allowed on Savings Accounts from date of deposit, and compounded
FOUR times a year, No delay in withdrawal 774
Tale week Mre MoKinlay removed her
mi•Iluery stook from 1118 Leokie block to
the 0008,„1 more lit the I. 0 Rioherde
buck where ebe i8 ready to eat031d to the
neue88nlee of the ladies.
A OONTINOSNT of. Wroxeter Odd FBIIoW8
paid n vtett 10 Winton: Star Lunge, Brae
eels, Thor day evening of lint week when
the 181 and 2031 Degrees were demunstrat•
ed by the B, aneele 1.001
I. 0. R100A11118 having rented hie shoe
store 10 Mee. ,31uHmtay, bas removed
Ina boots Bud sho,-e tutu 1108 harueea store
where be will be pleased to meet ell hie
0'd 008100388r mild will gue,autee them
,ext re va.09 Iii .bore or hennas.
26Ta ANNIVEaeA0Y,-Friday of 1,18 week
Whale! . Mull Ai1n. WIIbee, '1'nruherry se,
Bi u89e,5, u8lebrate tletr 80118, Weeding,
Owing 10 the recent demise of the letter's
umber the mummery jubjtatlou over
such unportaut anuite,series will not be
heal JH$ Pose j8138 10 the w3Bh of
niau3 r8.at.ve8 and Irrende that Mr. 3300
Alto. Wubee will he spored to enjoy their
60 n e oro. ,tar, 25 ,rete from Friday
O AbblEns' INoTIIUTE liooTINeo-Owing
to the e.. W el, line anti tem:kei ne reads
'our meet111ge au the eerier announced for
oe lem8 R.dmg of Huron were tad he'd
•n t'eta eery but arrang801eut8 have been
wade 10 bunt theme', thefolluwint:dame;
Furdwioh, aridity, Maruti 10th
u,.leewuuh, Weunem:ay, March 11th
Ethel, Tharedey, ?dumb 12th
Weston, Friday, Menai 13.h.
Seaei•,ue will be bend a1 1.30 end 7 p. ne.
moa writ be addreeeed by. Gevtn Barbour,
„f Orues Hu ; W A. Fraser, of Bluevele;
and Alm Rife, of bleepeler. A mama.
program win be rendered at the evening
meetings to be arranged for by the octal
ailemtote. The nffiunre of the Womeu'o
Ind Mutes at the pointe named ate seised
to provide a ootnen1808 place of m•0ting
for the afteruooe e0 then Mod Rite may
he able t" addreee the ladies elm:latly.
Good meeting8 ere funnily held at the
tour point: aeauen to be readied and it
e hoped large audluuoee will attend.
Bilis are being sent to the Director. for
d3stribatiou by Seoretary McArthur.
R1vERSn1 13I00 GIVE A boo0A1 -The
ru lersan,meuL
alVk-lt Friday evening of
eat week by the Lady M000abeee in their
Ha 3 eon d very approprlatesy be denote.
inated a 8..0101 fur everybody bad an A 1
tee. Games of various kinds were par
*omitted 1u by those who wished au the
early part of the evening eller which the
ful owing program weeteadered in ooptta
81y,e :-Iustrumeut0l duet by the Mineee
MoLauubuu ; Ohalrmau'n remarke by 61.
Moore ; vomit duet by Mies Alta said
Roy Pryue; 1 00411we00al, stare. George
Momenta and D. Ewan ; reeding, Mtge
Joon Recent:au • atatogne, ''The wrene
tx," to which the fotlowlne permits coca
pet :-H,n ie nett Carrie Amnia, Addle
R rub, Nettie 4mi, Jana Leckie, John
W ntuu, Harry 810.,re Hun Robo.8lmpeo1 ;
.,,8uurnental, Mre. Thumeo, end D.
E.ve ui qulutete,"Mortgaging the Farm"
Mimes Therm (Jerry, Carrie Hinguton
end RoyPrue mud Joe
towPearl bbarpe mi 8Pry
t 1 Mrs. Thomson
Hunter mn,roman a ,
man D Ew8., . A tinny lunch Wad served.
0 the ladies
„t t mooed t
"lie v n of b
9 t0 do it."
were the bit
deotared "They y
Einem WON THE Dev.-A1 the literary
evelnng given unci the aaepipes of the
Epwurl11 League, lett Monday, the nab
jeut "Renutv80 that mush exerts 9 greater
power for goon than the meanie of Woke"
wee ably dtsau•eed to the enjoymetrl and
literary profit of a good steed andienoe.
The affirma ave was lead by Joe Ramer,
wed eupported by Mies I1Ia Bailey and
Mi -e tl. D. Ford. Mies Hattie Downing
w•,e the tart leader of the negative with
Mise ,Minnie MuN3ughton and Cheater
Armstrong eapplying good banking. 12
nuuut88 was allotted eaoh epeekrr. The
j11ges were Mre. Jae. Jobl8ton, J. T.
Wood and W. H. Herr who gave the palm
to mg818. W, J. Paw08tt onoupted the
chair very competently and W..1. Mo
Cruo8ra was the time keeper, 81061oal
8r31 01101A of a plea Ing chart:der were
rendered fie louuwe 3--MI88 Theme Gerry
and Mre W L. Leat11erda e, duet ;
Miemes Pear, Lealherdale end Pearl
blot' pe, duet ; end a solo by Mom Mary
Goatee. A gond number expressed he
wide That the Leog'te would put on elm•
oar programa hr the nearfulure, ,Every•
11 dy tad wed,
'IBE (IrNP$DnRATION LIE'$, -The thirty
eau: 8trnua, fie now Matt meta of 'hie
Ooneervalively mellaged leureee:tatve
Genudiart I100,eno8 oumpany ehowe that
the 110433 a $fur 1907 wan 'solidnoled with
tier tato eosin: over the bteelne08 for the
previous year, Tit stip 008/1008 the kala
reoeived wee 9606805; to now insurance
written the , au. wee $618,614 •, while in
e -:ranee',, forme the gait 18 ah, Wm in
be, 042,860,898 But these were not the
out) 89,330, be0n008 to addition to en in
0803138 in the Iotat amog01 of 8080te a
gate to nhuwn bit the oompany'e net anr
pine. The payments to policy ho dere
for the tear total to the large enm of
$907863, the Mettle blame being more
than provld033 for out of the uuereet
earning a One. The total sum of the
assets of the oompany is Mute oroWdibg
the thirteen mulioo Bolder meek and
aft, r In I provisions had been made for
ail Ilabllilire, the ra• io:ermine roaerve
being moat omleereatuvely oaloulard, the
Mesh ent•pltte on the'oompany'e standard
et 8rid of lent year 31000Oted t0 the large
emu of $984,479 TIr08 it will not be
dohs beforethe(junfeceratien Lite will
be 1n the million dollar onrpine °lase of
'Poe 0 stela
h r t e d
u nhiea, 11
1fe t ell a o m It
pontoon 080 3pled by the company reflects
with tht ereetedt 310181b1e 'north Upon 3
A. Murdonald, the manegteg dir,ater,
tad 8310 eapeble.bo8.83 ,3f aireetore, W.
Et, herr le the agora tee Dragnets,
We're making quite a specialty
of the "Imperial" brand of fine
shoes for both gentlemen and
ladies with every condition war•
ranting the biggest kind of trade.
They represent new and attrac•
tive styles, conscientiously made
from high class materials and with
every bit of extravagance taken
out of prices. We don't know
of any better value for the money
Repairs in Boots or Shoos
promptly done.
THE 33rd Regiment will go to wimp to
Jaen to London. Brun8els Oo , beloogieg
to the Regiment, will Bee Oerhug'0
Heigh a a.u.
down, of tuwu, and Grarge Keye, of iMor•
ria, each have a car of horses ready for
shipment to the Wein bat awing to the
die arrangement of the freigat rer•'lce on
the railways Owing to the storms have
not been able to ship. Mr. Mnlduou has
a heavy draft etadiou iu hie .01. Meld
alone, Seek„ 1e hie destination.
INDUCTION AT FE5008-Thnreday of
lent 10,03 Rev R W Craw, B. A., item
erly of Si He eu'e, Out , rose 114081031u-
14081031a.pastor of Melville Pr.ebyterian ()hutch a1
Foruue. Tbe Guelph Proebytery mei
and there was a very ,8rg8 ltIr 10.
Rev. H. Pritchard, of Galt, preached the
sermon, Rev. M r, Gni:Mi rd, of Guelph,
kedreseed the miui•ter, while Rev Mr.
Malmo 'melee t0 the people. In the even
1118 8 tea and 88083111011 were held at
er f 8 en bee were deliver
hi b a unmb o 0
w a p
WCTU held a moat gathering in
their room on Tuesday evening at w11t0)3
the practices question "Which would be
the more agreeable to have for a wife, 8
good natured moven or a tidy sown" W80
disowned at 0obeloerable length, Put
the dirty wom0u'e deieuoe W. H. Mo
08801000, Jae, Johnetou and Weasou Ain
lay were the champions, while the lady
of jaw had her peewee ecus by B. Gerry
end A. M. MOKav, the third member
taking heart failure in defending the
8001d and not ehowtng up Decision wee
gam for tidiness A duet wee rendered
by J. T. Wood and R Dark, and several
instrumental i nle()tlulis were riven, Bob
ton biome, bread and butter, make teed
oeff a were Betted end everybody spent
au enjoyable time.
PERSON Al, 1 8111141(APith.
Mrs. J. J. Gilpin to under the dootor'e
0are this week.
else Mildred Boost ie the guest of Mi 8
Amir Deep, et Blyth.
Mrs, ,M,K011ay 1s at Toronto taking in
the t ,1111 cry pennies.
Mre Thus, ielaxwelt he home from an
extended visit to Turouto.
George Cunningham, V. 8., was a
vlmtor at Palweretou tike week.
Reeve Leokie is attending the epeeist
Oil. (Amnon meeting at Sekforih.
Miss Arden, of Gerrie, was visiting her
Sister, 'Mre, (Liver Qnerrin, last week.
Mies Annie D0uglae, of Stratford, is
visiting M338 131010ar1, Church street.
R. Bud Mre, Grainger, of Rowlett, were
viguore with Juo, au0 the Melees Graiu•
ger, Milt rareel.
Maes, lean MoLeuohlin bile been away
this woes meowing the Gavin SperOe-
Beraehan 00ti08rt 00 es meant.
101isa Habkirk ie intending the .luno•
ery opetiuge at Tbrouto, ae Pre Moeeee
Olive Moouey sad Annie M()Quarte, of
R. and Mrs. MoAlpine, of Luoknow,
were vieititig in town for it feW days,
the former 0ulliug eft hare while relaid.
ing from a bueiotoeo trip t0 Toronto,
This week 3, J. Gilpin oo01biued bast.
neer and ploaeOre in a trip to Marton
81810ud11,g the anneal 01leting of the
Cement 00, and eleitiug bio 11r0iher and
Last Monday Alex. P, Stewart itft
Bruesele for hie home at M3idatnrt0.
Seth., after en enjoyable holifiey here of
a 11w 01008018 With relativoo and old
"-, 'r
lds'r.iBLISHED 9673
Head Office - - - . Toronto
In our Savings Department. Deposits of $t and upwards are received,
on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed.
No Delays in making Withdrawals
Interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
J. F. Rowland, Manager
Branch also at Walton.
Barrister 8i0oleir was at Goderiol
Ellie week on ba-ineee.
J. Leelie and Mre. Herr, of Blyth,vpent
u few days in town returning on Monday
Inspector Robb paid his regular inspect
tonal visit 10 Wiugbam pub110 80houl this
week. -
Mre, McClure, of McKillop, ie visit
kg her stet. r, Mre. David Rose, E let
beth street
D 0 Roes attended the annual meet
fog et the Wheaton Gement 0o. at Wier
ton tide week.
Stirling Reading, of Wingham, wag
visiting at hue anole'e,Geo. Bruwu, Queen
street for a few daye,
Mre. David Russ er., has been quite ill
for the peat few weeks bot we hope she
will anon regain her mow good health
Mre, Porter and Mre Hu•mee, of At
wood, were visitors with Mre. Hugh
Porter, John street, during the past
Joe, and Mre Hunter, John street,
have been victims of la grippe during the
pant week botwe hope they wi l 300e be
PP well to ever.
Joe Burton has been somewhat dna.
nb.ed by a lame leg the 0 jury being
ouneed while neeistiog in Working e
scraper in the removal of snow piles on
the street.
We weionme Mre, Time. Manndere
and Mien Nora, of Menlo, as residents
of Brume e. They have mho, up r.ai-
n1310n In the 1lollee ()weed by W. H.
Stewart. Maple street.
J0o B MuLeuohliu, who hes been en•
joy leg a hohdat het a with r. lativee and
ft lend , leaven Ole week for Batt Cents,
wh re he makes hie lee0rgtianere. He
may vigil in Toronto white ell route.
Oondu0tor Jo•ep11 0. Parker and bade,
0f 8ohrleber, Ont., were vi+nitre 8t the
home of the furmer'e wrote, G orge
Berkley, Brum, Is Mr Parker nada
fur mer r 81.38,nt .1 town, hone a eon of
,118 ate Georgie P •rker, 1 Sunshine•, and
.d 8 pope ar 3,0 a man, Many 0 d
friends 33t hie commuidly exleud 0033
gra' o atone.
GOER Ta FERM:s.-H. Ham, G T. R.
a, end at Luck, uw, formerly of Brussels,
hoe renewed mann of I.lN pr0mnti0rt to
th' depot et Fergue, the "Mange to take
pawl: next we,k. Thr'ugh pleasedto
hear of hie prem niun, the removal of
Mr. 0033 Mr-, Ham and family from
Luukuuw ,e regretted by every eh teen its
they have be n very wnrtny residents.
We eau heartily reoommend them to
them to the good p-op'e uf Fergus.
Rupert Roes, who hex spent the Winter
here will take a pa Won on the etre.• r
0 runny running betw en Fort Wi•ham
end Montreal. The boat in laid. spat
Toronto ihi0 Winter and i. having new
boilers planed in her We wirb Wm a
su00esstul 880000 Mr. Roes oxpeole to
go vu Toronto next week to oversee the
work bel"': dune. Be he. sailed not only
the inland mgrs but plowed the oceans
and far off ems and tells many an in
trreeting dory from 1138 expsrieuoe idiom
and ashore.
tl eo+ 'ani a was here
Wm ,a1, d e! W7
W g,
file week oombinnng bushiest' and pleas
are. He ae a bores buyer and wilt take a
couple of ear loads ha0k with him. Mr.
MuLnOd was a former resident of this
motility being a oou of the late Wm,
McLeod, formerly of Murree. The viten
er went to school 11, Bruesele and re•
members many of the o d boys and
girls. Mre. McLeod le a daughter Of the
late Jeme• Kelly, well known former
ree16ent of town. Mr. 'McLeod tin a
sheep ehrrwe man who gnderetaude hie
business 5uu ateude to it. He will be
here neat week.
Business Locals.
HEAVY 0115113 found. O W nor may have
it by pruvine prop r y auupaylog for cute
1108100. THE POST
Hera 1:RE31+IR0.-8W1ltihem made to
order 0031 ut oumbinge or out hair.
Orden from a 1latmn08 promptly attend•
rid to. Mlle 1t HINOeT"N, Mill M. West.
81100ND AND ORGANe,-A number of
guru 5 auu 6 u030.9e 211d hand organa for
Hale at a b5tgwtn teed cud se. ihe01,
LeATa1BDALE & Soh, Brinso18,
DON'T Muse Tura Gnaws -A repair
shop an Fund .owe 3 flee. to take a part-
ner with $5 000 t0 910,000. This is a
rare 'Mamie and Will nut be delayed. I
have a large number of new choice
modele made atm tested in my doe,
They are saw and Saw touts patents and
are extremely bandy, needed in lumber
meb'8 mate and eau easily be Been.
Your 'Atmore are doureed in this outfit.
prase. Yours, 'r 41003,0008, saw tum•
mer, Sar and Improver uu sawn, toole
and madhto82, corner Mill and Main Bo„
BENNETT -In Grey, on Feb, 24111., to
it r. 81111 Mrs, T. R 130,1,3683, a eon.
FEADae -At Vettet fie d, Sauk., on Feb.
8.11 , to Mr.. and Mro, Austin W.
Frailer, a deugbter, Mrs. Fender
wee f0r010rty Mies Allis Young,
younger daughter ,,f Js.. Y0Oog, et
one tm8 i well known ree*deui of
PIBIE,d-In Etma, on Feb., 4th to Mr,
and Mre, Rl.bert Pirie, a eon. -
SHRDnen,-Ii Morris, on Feb, 19th„ to
Mr. and Mrr, Jae. Shedden, aeon.
CHET00031111111-'I001Dlo1 -On Tebrnar,
20.11 , ny 04e• H M Letts -Ford, of
liru88010, Mr. W1n Uhri830phee, of
Wa ton, to Maue Jaggy Bholdloe, 01
EaRET-TAYLon -ln Stratford, on Feb,
28111., by Rev, Mr. Thermion, Mr,
Robert Eaket, of Moos Jaw, Hank ,
to Mies Lizzie Taylor, of Stratford.
ROEIN0ON-DENN120N - At the Maine,
Mo$ulap, uu February 19 h., by
Rev. Mr. Carswell, Mr, Robert Rob-
inson, of Retina, to Mies Ethel
Denni3on, of 33u$tllop.
8$LLRRY-MAnerterr -At the home of the
bride, Broskvllla, on Feb. 17t1., by
Rev 8. Be eery, B. , formerly of
Brusl'ele, father of the groom, Mr
0. Ernest Selery, of 0 teem, to
Mise Edna, daughter o1 Mr sod
Mre V B. Marshal., of Brtok.ille,
W• ODRnw-S1LLane-At the re idenre of
the bride's mother, on Feb. oat t 19 It
by Rev. Geo. Baker, Mr Win.
W. Meow, of Penne, Seek, to Miss
Minnie, daughter of site. Joel Set
lean, of .Houle.
Ili order to clear ons a num-
ber of our 25o and 850 liner
wa are this week °Feting a
tine aaeortmolit of Toilet ar-
tioles•-Ink Sets, Pin Trays,
Games, Ph to. Stands, Glove
and 1:Iondkorehief feriae... Pin
Cushiun8, Work Boxes. Mir-
rors, Sewing Sots, Vaeea,
Paper Weights, Photo.
Primes, &o„ ell et one price
See our Window
Drug Store
'I'IIRRDAY, 3'IAROn 10TH -Fa m stock,
imp' menta, &u • Lo, 811, Cine 12, Grey.
Sale al 1 u'0 0011 John H Hdffmau,
peep re S, Aeon Ann
l'auRsDAY, MARCH 12 -F•,rm At0oe, et
Lor 27 (:,', 10. Gary hair a' 1 n'elook.
Wm• G. ateveuoou, pep. ; F. S. Soots,
Feu Wheat
Aar ev
BRAND. -At Brendon, Mao , ne Pe 16,11 Bn'ter, 1 umt and rn x..,
Mre, Georgy Brand, mese 80 yrors. Eeee per dozen
Meer.= -In Saginaw Mich on F•b Huy per loo
19,11, Robert Mot,ioe, formerly ,ut F anr, per cwt
Bramble, in kin 64th year. Boge, Live
St &mom (per tibia •
Pntaloee der nue
Sm t, per bbl., retell
90 90
60 60
80 80
46 47
22 24
20 22
12 00 18 00
2 75 8 25
5 00 6 00
1 00 1 50
50 50
1 25 1 25
.6.T.TCTSOINY s,6,x.E.
SATURDAY, FEES 29TH. — Farm 'look
and ,mplemeete, Lie 30, Jon 11, Grey.
Se a RI 1 p. m. N H. ELLA0080 Prop.
he S Rome, Ana.
Tveo»er, "AROH ORD -Fe,. etm),,
imp tinsels, &r , Et Lot 10, One 17,
Grey fe de n,ireee, ved t 1 p to W31.
MO0LLIoTER, Prep F 8, Scott, Aum,
FRIDAY, MAROR 6011. -Ferro stank, im-
plem• 018, &8., et Let 22. Coe 7, Grey
Rete unreserved at 1 u'clouk. N. A.
Milne, Proprietor ; F. 10. Soot t, Auu.
1133, g 9 y. are 0nd Por bele Will 1,8 add
o0 edit t.r.u0. Apply uu Litt 8, Non 10,
d ,.eek. O
nr Wo(,on e. ,
349 13,'73:8 i'Pp:WART.
bn.hela 1l . .1de lx.r w0•l
l variety) Buries for sale let 0!i 00,130 Der
bushel ",eh kret etl1Ti1, Lot 4, Oeu. 7,
trey or I'ruesela P.O. 84.2
v bi_
' El EL'r E S'
Oar Millinery stock hn8 beet' remove.1 to the
store 1n f he 101' H a I1D' ' BLOCK, second door
Kurth of NII Lfichnrll ' eh"p, alters we will be
pietist d to wait on the public.
IMRS. M c k 1I 1L
you want and We offer them
t•i ydn at Ruduc"d prices for
Cash f .t 80 days.
The balance of our Blan-
kets at Cost, also Robes at
(lost to 0 ear, Trunks and
Ira hies a full amok.
I. 0. Richa
r�i il,
Roller Flour . 111s
t ,
is now in full operation. It will save you
money to have your Oats "Flaked" before
feeding horses
Try our New
Made from White Wheat1 HealthfulInvigorating,
�a b
and Ii or ng
Don't forget 'hat, our "White Loaf" Flour
is still taking the lead for Bread Flours.
t 'AI1 kinds of reed kept constantly on land.
WM.& .,Ata+ -N