HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-2-27, Page 5Our Clubbing List 1 -Pito Poor lido made aeraugements to club with all of the hauling Weeklies Rua Denise and miter Jouruale of every dosorip1iuu. Toe Poste turd the fulluwing named pap - ern will bo soot from now until Dee. 81, 1868, for the prion of ono y()ar'i subaorip4luu, viz. : WSEKLIEs PonT and Toronto (lube 81 86 " Mall uud Etnpire 1. 86 " London Adverliaer 1 00 " LoutMu Free Press 1. 80 " Family Herald & Bhar... 1 80 " Muutreal //theme' 1 80 " Weekly nun 1 80 I'artu000' Advocate 2 35 DAILIES Poon and Toronto 81ur....,.,....,$2 86 Toronto Newt 2 86 " " Toronto Globe 4 60 Ey, " Toronto Mail -Empire 4 50 " Toronto World „ 3 00 " " Loudon Advertiser 2 85 When Premiums aro 51000 with any of the above untried pubiioitions you 80 - (giro thorn through the club with Tee PoeT. Call ab the alio( or remit the amount by P. 0, Order, Express Order or Reg- istered letter, addroeeing Tam POST, Brussels, Out, S1 'l.Stxui tLelUfi, tit • tto. Mrs. S. T. P um, of Brownie, was Viultieg her sister, tire. 1(. it, Gerry. The Quarterly Board of the Motbodiet church melted Ray. Mr. Audereou for the fourth year. T. and Aire. Jones and Mies Emma Murray arrived in town from England. They may make their home here. Rev. S. A. Anderson, paten of the Methodist church, is Cuing to preach u endue of 00//0000 ell "Papular Amuse. moms" a0 the evening service's shortly. Friday afternoon of last week a bookey 111•.1011 was played on the rink, near the evaporator, between the Br negate team and the Iowa Mob, the latter wiuomg, is Tour Corn Troublesome? Why goo oore-erannuate It with Putnam's Corn Extractor 6 No pain or acre-"Putmtm'e" 1c guaranteed mimes try 1t. 'Lime ce vv (+1. lliee Olay too, B. A, town, baa aeeep1 ed a position in the Stratford Collegiate Institute. A. Sutherland was oalled to Detroit lest week, owing to the death of hie bro- ther, John Sutherland, who died at St. Mary'a Hospital there, on Sunday, after it brief Meese. J. 0. Burt leaves this week and will join a party at Toronto for a five weeks' trip to the Bermudas, tatting in all the points of interest. There will be about twenty people io the party. A novel sed Iniereetmg event look plane io the rink here on Monday even• ing of Last week in the form of a ladies' hockey metal". A large number were preeeut and greatly eljoyed the game, being surprised at H.6 elitll shown by some of the players. Both eidee tried bard to win and played so serendonely that referee A, Brook forted it neue000ry to penpl(ze eorxte of the players. The girls 10 alae and white woo by a eoore of 4-2 Aher the game A, H. and M Hetmietoc treated the players and 11 w i ha Gude 4•• toe muter goofier, a totter r h e v ry piquant time was 8(10114 111 games, mueio, oto, About 9211 wee Mewed, whiuh will go towards the poor of the town. Ford'o'v l.oJa. Andrew elegise, who oonotaotod a oold while out West lest (fell, is eulIerieg from an attack of minnow" broouhitis. bijou NeIlia Uaaten Tate nooeptvd a luure8iee po0(0ion an heed trimmer in u millinery et. re in Oe fiery, Alta , and will thurby leave foe the Western any, Thou, tiiut..0 hltn left for Oulornde Spring, Chnoredo, where tie gotta co re. ottperete. We hope he will be matured 10 good health He wee aaoompaured by Norman M1Laukhlin. The Maeonio concert which wile to have been held Thursday eventing of Net week was poet -putted until further noose,. Mr, Fug 0001 a telegram tot noon 06atiu5 lie did not make train Oonneotto00, J H. Johnston was in Toronto last week ettenllIug he annual meeting of tie Ontario Fair told f rovieaial A8 0 001104 011 whiob mel an Wedueenay and Tiureday. Mr, Johnston was represeutetive from Howlett Agriennnral S.miety, A ree.iution wee passed at the Quarter- ly Board of the M.thodiet cherub twitting the Gove. 1ment to re arms the three Atha majority as now required to carry lope, nptien and to 00.0 1(1110 a majority V 00 58 formerly enjoyed, 'Poe pastor Dr Easier, was appointed a detegete to the TemperinoeConvention of Ontario that coeval/0d in Toronto on Tneeday. Stop that tickling Gough I 1)r Shoop's Cough Cure will surely atop it, and with perfect safety I. is so thorough that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to see notb• lug else even with very young babies. The wholeromo green (eaves and tender fame of a ling healing mon0lamoue throb furnish the oorative properties to I D.. Shoop's Omagh Cure It 001me the cough, and Male the eeusitive bronchial membranes,' No opium, 110 ohloroform, inviting harsh used to injure or euppreea Duetted Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. VV 00(1. Mrs, Pelton, of Innerkip, is the gueet of her daughter, Mae. Jae. Dickson, 811, Don. Russell Bell, 12th con., Biros, (e im• proving nicely after ,going through au operation for a appendicitie in the Strat- ford Hospital, John Arnold has porohesed the Manse and lot Mutated on Ring St , from Win. Ward, of Brandon, Manitoba. The hoose is now 000npied by Mre. Thom At the parsone88 in Dunnville, Rev. H. MoBein, brother of the groom, tied the mystic knot between Mins Nellie Eemilton and Albert MOBain, both of Atwood, on Tneeday evening, Feb. 11.h. The h•.ppy coupe spent a few Jaye in Tieorrburg before r00uroinu to Atwood. At the meeting of the Offeial Board of the Methodist oburoh held last week a reeo(otion was putted very o.rdially inviting Rev. B. Bond to remain for another year. In reply lir Bond stated that 10hi.e he very greatly apprroieted their kind request, he had ponce to the conclusion to (etire from 000100 work at the end of the year. He thought that after fifty two yeere of work in the pastorate wit.hont a break he ought to have relief from the harden of full work and be ab e, if Pruvulenoe permitted, to eej•te o. me (isle of what as sometimes °ailed a green old age. He bad received r0 Ming but kindneee aid aPP reoiatiou from them and the cirad}t and It he were commute," to the worii would very tonly ire on hie labor Amon" them . 1 K ,. but the (emit required more vi5oroue' wort( than ho mow give. To 31vVe un' A Vuld (lough mixtures "dope" to cold --but don't euro Above all glee; keep the bowled regUlor anti stimulate the 618(8(0 011110 01110(10. More vuluuble than any cough syrup are Dr. llumilton'e Pills. They clear the system of every truce of gold -the dull heudeohe, aching limbo and 010gn i1ieuppeere, Take the pills berme retiring, They work while you ale p and by morning yunr sold to broken a011 patio 6 gelidity awe). Ail dealers Bell Dr. Hauultou's Pim) in 25e boxes. I+�xc•tc+r. The "Temple 01 lame" ie to be present, ed in the Opera H nae shortly by 11011 talent, Freder(ek Henry Down, of Woodstock, a former Exeter boy, bee been appointee a license uommi1emner fur North Oxford, Rev 1?, A Fear nae beau invited to remain 0 6111,4 year at the Main street (Murch and Rev. Mr, Going for a fourth year Lloyd Price Jones, who formerly wee orgoiist in the Trivia Memorial ehurOh hate int, later of Mnuhell, has ao (noted the position of argentin and choir master in St. Paul's oltureh, Ingersoll, The emery ie in the neighborhood of 5576. Pfteh holes are so oloeely strewn along the Laudon Road and at euah frequent intervals that the sight of the road bed reminds one of the rounded billows of the 100611ng 000111 and the very thought of driving over them indium's tbougbte of sea Mohnen. Mies Weierebeieer, of Buffalo, N. 011 004 here Met week to Vielt her stater, Mrs. Mtrohaud The lady was emui15 the pee8engere who euetai11ed 1 jurnee in the railway wreck near Port (o,borne, While cm her way here, The iujuriee were Dot eerioue, but ahe received puntal wuande on the facie, and elle was also oousiderably awaken tip. If yon hove catarrh rid yourself of this repulsive disease. Ask Dr. Shoop, of Radiate, Wis., to man you tree, a trial box of hie Dr. Shoop'e Cuterrb Remedy. A. supple, sing a test well sure ly led yon a Oatarrb unto well worth your knowing. Write today. Dou't suffer longer. 'Mioeor ham. Wineham bores races ihie year will be June 9, 10 .nd 11. Mien R Ball has returned to Vanoouver B. 0., after an extended visit at her home in town The By law providing for the Electrio Lighting system of the town of Witlanam under a Board of Commissioners sea be voted upon on M'nnay March 23rd au the nauul poling pmeues. Mat. Brown, who Mae for many years been one of the engineere on the L H. & B , ()sprees train is retiring in a000rdance with the Grand 'Fronk peoaiou find, which wept int. forge on the drat of the year. At the regular mediae of the W ingam Publro Library Board, ofloore for this year were emoted oe follows :-Ottairmau, J. A. Taylor, B. A. ; Secretary, J. A. Morton ; Treeanrer, Dr. W. J. Price Leh Brian, Mow Ethel Elliott. Ruin, Ourrie, sr., met with a painful (uuident on Monday evening of loot week. He wire about to nave the home of hie eon, D. Currie, to come into Lowe and was holding 1 h l hie ( barge e h 0the a by 1 h l n when to lines h t animal have a qulek tarn, throwing Mr. Currie to the r t nand dtn K lonating one of hie ebonlders, AcOlDeNT ♦r 0, P. R. --Railway wrook 00012rrnd at 0he 01 P. tit, alatiou 1311011111,(1 afternoon,. Ae No, 117 pgnsen398 train from Toronto Wee nearing the etatioo a freight wee 1 tilling off the m8ie treok 0I1 to a aiding. U ,furtnnately the taet oar a heavy steel pool ear dad not pees the e10ltuh euflioioutly. The engine o1dght the opal Oar aid threw 11 00 the treok0 0010 the elation platform and bud it been carried lo few feet further the Oar would have been thrown into the telegraph office and wrooked the nation. The engine wan badly broken, the cylinder 0011 steam idlest on one nide being wreak ed: The freight 8ugiue wee 90051911 0u to the p0enenger oars anti went on to 'leoowater, The pa0eeuger engine will have to go to the repair shops. Forton• Maly no one Wag hurt. A Roes wee etapdiug on the platform ,where the Ooal Oar lauded, but he escaped, Is Your chase "Wheezy?" Tigbtne8e and wheezing means your (rouble 18 deep seat: d. To delay (e dau..eroue. L lammatiou must be drawn out 116 0000. Rob ,he throat end (beet with Nervline, and put on a Nervlline Porous Plaster. Relief comae in 8u hour, The conoter.irritaut offeu0 of the p18.ter relieves the tightness and strain, drawn out the soreness, e0eea the pain. The penetratiug qualities of Nervtliue ee.ble it to Bonk to the very ogre of the trouble,and you experience a feeling of warmth end relief that proves the danger is pant. For week °beat sore throat and tendency to collie, the Nerviliue Treat. nett beats all (there, try it, 1711hCone The Pastime Ulan to ho ding a aeries of tueruament „amen in boob billiarde and pool. At, addition'of 9100 wile made to the salary of the pa0t0r of Willie' oburoh, Rev. Dr. Stewart. Mise Lela Hoover, daughter, of J. B, Hoover, who ie studying at Toronto Conservatory of mus((, has paned her theory examivation connoting second in the class, At a meeting of the official boards of Wesley church it was deluded to have the anuivere1ry services on the 8th of Matruh for which date Rev. Dr. Briggs, of Tor- onto, has been secured. On the 81h lest , John W. Rem died in Grand Have., Mich„ where he toothed in 1872 He wall born io Thorold, Ont. in 1881 and was a brother of Peter and H. ii. Rpt, of Oliutoo, and visited them for a mouth met Sommer. He 1080 1 000• tractor and for eever8l tern's was an alderman in Grand Haven. He was a member of the Congregational church Tnaxa ENOINNe AND PLOW Waooiceo AT CLINT0N.-A1 an early hour 'Thursday morning of lent week a bad wreck o0 &tarred at Clinton Juuotiun, whittle reeolt• ed tun ooueulerab a amtmut of damage to rolling stook. Three l000motivea and a euuw p ough were ditched and preotidal- ly turned into scrap iron. The auxiliary train from Loudon bad been oalled to Clinton our a00onet of a freight engine which had been disabled. On completing the work the auxiliary polled in ou the outing and the ooOduoeor went to the 0181100 for orders. Meanwhile the auxi• liary train again polled 001 on the m.in line, preeumab.y to piok up mole which had been left behind, when nloOg dame a avow plow from Stratford in (Marge of Roadmaeter MoGar, pushed by three engines with a clear task for Goderioh. The plow Ornate the derrick ear of the Ouxnlary and 1088 for two from the .huh into the field, the lnoamot,Vea 60110101115. Fortunately u v OUP w rWAS hurt. T'118 t Stratford auxiliary bed the (rook clear 1 about noun. The num( (rein from Buff tie nn Wedueeany was etaur•d between menu and Soaforth toed did not reach (Button until out) '1'hu'uday morning end only 300 through to 8utieriult that after 11004• (Lippe le (weeping the (toughy, Stop it with Prevention before it meta deeply seated. Tel check early oolde with thein little Candy Gold Cure 'Athlete is enemy eoa.tb'e and safe. Prevenlice ountain nu 8011(00, no h,x8tive, cathing harsh 0t 0lulien(0g. Purnmune& Week' 088er uppe.,r if early roads were promptly broken, 3.80 good for feveri'h ohtldreu, Large box, 413 tab cis, 26 cerate, Veet --poultet bake)) 8014 by all dealere. <4 odericit. West $uron Te.ehere' Institute will meet in Goderieh on Thttreday cud Fri- day, May Mat and 22nd. Ticket clerk 0118.101' Farrow 1008 mov- ed from the 0, T R. depot, this town, to the 11 '1'. R, station, Guelph, where he 800omed the position of day operator. A uumuer of mea have been at work at the 0. 1'. 13 yards here bending port- able snow (010(03, About 2,000 feet (e completed and 88e4 out for putting ap at Blyth and ether points along the road. John ll, McCombs, the Irish evan- gelist, will begin 11 sense of evangelie- tio service@ in North St Methodist oboroh on Sunday, Meroh let, He ie Dow 1000rlug in ',Mows, and is meeting with much 8010800. J, H. Mi lfau wee appointed to the repreeeutative from Victoria street Methodist church to the annual temp -r- anee 0.00000(0u of the Dominion Al - Hume, and J. E1. Roberteoo appointed to repreeeut the Guderieh Tewper8noe Leagae, Rev. Jag. A. Anderson announced the resit of the vote taken by the 0005re- gaLiou of Knox oburoh on the (10eetioo 01 introducing 0110 i.dtvidnal 0ommani00 sap. The vote out was very largely in favor of the change, and accordingly the simian wl•1 8u0ep0 the offer of the Ladiee' Aid Society to contribute the individual service. The old board -Judges Doyle and Bait awl Metiers. 1..dgene, Nairn, Seager, Jas A Malutosh, D' MoDon. all!, W. A Matto and Reeve Eoeert MoLeau-was re-eleo1ed in commotion with the Hospital, and with Hie Wor- ship, Mayor Thompeon, who is a mem- ber by virtue of his office, will 30rm the board for the preeent year. I wish that I might talk with all e)ak ones about the autaal ca0Be of Stomach, Heart and Kidney einnente. To explain in person how weak Btomaoh nerves lends to Stomaell weakness, I em 8018, woo d i..tere,t 81.. Aud 1t is the 08me with weak Hearts or weak $Idneys. This is why my preeoriptiou-Dr. Shoop'. Restorative-eo promptly reach• es a) meets of the Stomach, Heart and Kidoeye. It is wrong to drug the Stam• cob or stimulate the Heart or Kidueya. These weak ioeide nerves simply need more strength. My Reetor,tive (e the only preeoriptiorr made expressly for ',tome nerves, Next to easing you per. actually, will be to mail you free, my new booklet wanted "What To D..." I will also send samples of my Restorative se well. Write for ibe bong to day. It Will ,brely Internet you. Addreoe Dr, Shoup, Box 8, Rmiue, Witt Bold by all dealers. SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt works can get any kind of Halt theY require. Gordon Mooney, 1!'oremart, - Brnesels. ALLAN BEE LINE Turbine Steamers SAILINGS TO LIVERPOOL From--et.Jnhn Halifax ooreloao Frt,Feb.28 eat,Feb. d9 <*ram1ia11 Sat, Year. 7 - Virginian Fri, Mar.13 Sat, Mar,14 Tunisian Bat, kW. 21 --- SAILINGS TO GLASGOW From -Portland Boston Mongolian Thur, Feb. 27 Numidiaa Thar, Mar. 6 Corinthian Thur, Mar. 12 Sicilian Thar, Mar. i9 For eailinge, Bete and full information apply 10 W. if. RBIt14 Agent Allan. Line, Brussels. MONTHLY HORSEv.r :8 L1J V S ►..J - 'T .J 4 ., The Regular Monthly HOree Fairs will be held for the 0885011 asfull0We THVRSDAY, ,.......MAR. 6th, 1901 AP1tIL'snd, 1804 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present. IN ER SEWING MACHINES ARE THE BEST Maobines moy be seen at Mc1K&Y & SHAW'S Hardware Store, Brussels. Easy payment system may be arranged for. I also handle the i\urdlleim er Piano. S. CARTER, AGENT Ewan if you want a First-class CUTTE THEY ars specially made and Up-to-date A large quantity of Piano Box and Port- land Cutters. 4 All Trimmings made to lift out. 4 Can be bad in any color of paint. 1l Call early and get your pick. 4 Second -band Cutters always on hand at Low Prices. EWA .Brussels Up-to-date Carriage Factory. $12.000 Worth of .Bright New Mere FSS r rar.,rs.m r.' 1r'. Ota :-:a :r xu,.• ,to-;,.,, caw o0 N0'r' '4, aBEMSZOBRIMSFBESJIHastrr .• . a,vr aa.+u , us an ase being Slaught red r2ntr'tr,. Red The Greatest Money -saving Opportunity ever offered in Huron County. Must be Sold and will be SHHld, Regardless of Cost or value. Read over this List of Attractions - Compare - Prove what we say - The Greatest Money -saving Event Ever Offered in the County of Huron. TERMS OF SALE - CASH -Dress Goods in Poplins, Venetian Clothe, Tweeds, Pan- nmas, Cashmeres and Berges, regular value up to 75e. Emergency Sale Price ... $9 -Drees Goods in all our best quillitiee of cloths and col. (rings, regular value up to $1.25. Emergency Sale Price ... ... .,. ... 99 -Ladies Winter Cloth Coats at exactly 2 Price. All new and this season's best styles. -All Furs are being sold regardless of coat or value. Men's and Boys' Clothing -W-Men's Beaver, Milton and Tweed. Overcoats, regular values up to $8 50. .Emergency Sale Price .., 4 98 -Men's Beaver and Milton Overcoats, regular price up to $14.00.. Emergency Sale Price ,,. 7 50 --Men's Tweed, Worsted and Serge Suits, regular price up to $18 50. Emergency gale Price ., 7 50 - Men's '!'weed and Worsted Suits, regular price up to $8 50. Emergency Sale Price 4 98 --'-13oy'e 8•piece emits, Light and 13iark Tweeds with Kuleker Pants, sizes up to 88, regular price up to $6.50. Emergency Sale Price ... - ,., 8 75 -Man's Odd Pants regular up to $1.75. Emergency Sale Price -Men's Odd Paints regular up to $3 25. Emergency Sale Price. .., ... -Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts in this season's best styles, regular prices up to $4.00. Emergency Sale Price -$5,00 Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts. Price ... -Up to 80e. Ladies' and Boys' Hose. Price -Up to 60c. Ladies' and Boys' Hose. Price Emergency Sale Emergency Sale Emergency Sale -Up to 60e. Ladies' Winter Underclothing. Emergency gale Price ... .,, .., -$1.00 Corsets. Emergency Sale Price ... -5Qe. Coreets. cr ri .., ,.. ,., -85c. Towels. if it per pair -80e. Towels. if a 11 -Cimfortere, regular $2,25, Emergency Sale Price -$1.50 Table Cloths. Emergency Sale Paine ... ... 115 Genuine Bargains in the 2 25 Boot Department -Ladies' Dongola Kid and Box Calf Boots, Bale and 2 25 Blucher styles, regular up to $2.00. Emergency Sale Price 1 39 8 50 -Ladies' Choice Dongola Kid Vici Kid Boots, Bals and Blucher styles, regular values up to $2.75. Em - 19 ergeney Sale Prise ... .,. ... ... ... 1 79 - Men's Box Calf, Velour Calf and Dongola Kid Boots, 89 Blucher and Bal styles, Goodyear welted soles, reg- ular values up to $3 75. Emergency Sale Price.,. 2 50 - Men's Box Calf and Dongola Kid Boots, regular prices up to $2.75. Emergency Sale Price 1 79 -Boys', Girls' and Children's Boots at 20 to 80 per cent. less than regular prices. -Over Shoes, Cardigans, and all Felt Goods must go. Cost not considered. 89 79 89 25 20 1 50 1 15 Cali ilrices Allowed for Produce .. WI 1.33 .r 74t Awoke :Nue Nexf. Door to American House 1 yl