HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-2-27, Page 1Vol. 36. No, 34 rug BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1908 W H..KERR,.Prop Nevv Aavertlsements Seed hntley--Eli Smith. Chain found—THE PosT. Removed —Mrs frluICtnlay, Cattle for sale- - Hugh Stewart. Auditors' statement—Te. 'or Morris. MOLESWORTH Wednesday, March itch, is the date set for holding the Farmers' Institute meeting here to lake the place of the one cancelled scone wt'elts ego on ae went of the tauten. There will be EYES TESTED FREE We ere very careful to see that your Glee are fitted peeper y to the Moe an that they will Appear becoming and give sattefacto,y results born properly fitted Lenses. Anything in the Optical line we one supply eatiefautorily. J w lir y m The moat -up-to-date Jewelry b,,tb In Quality, Style and Huish. Genuine Guarantee nu all Goods and Repairs. Stretton ) g JEWV]JLER and OP7`I IAN two sessions at 1.3o and 7 and the spealcers eicuevted are Messrs Barbour, of Crese Hill, and Fraser, of Bluevale; and Miss Rife of Hesp'eler, the latter addressing the Women's Institute in the Afternoon, Molesworth mesleai talent will supply the program to In- tersperse the evening addresses, M'KILLOP MATttIMONlAi,.—Wednesday evening of last week, at 5 o'clock, Rev, Mr. Carswell tied the hymeneal bow, at the manse, between Ronert Robinson, of Regina, and Miss Ethel Dennison, of McRillop. The young couple were unattended.. A white .ilkenennine and bridal veil were worn by the petite bride. A wedding supper was eervetl at the bride's bone. Mr. and Mrs, Robinson were the recipients of not only many good wishes but choice gifte expressive et the high esteem in whieh they are held. 'Pliev left tar their home at R•:•gina on 'Tuesday where we trust the sunshine of prosperity will shine upon them, WROXETER Mrs. T. G. Hemphill was in Wing. hem on Monday. Rov Smythe, of Kincardine, was a visitor in the village last week, Mrs, Fox, of Belmont, Man„ visit- ed last week with Miss 'Pena Rae. Messrs. Moore & Cameron, of Rip• ley, who have purchased W, M. Rob- inson's general stock are having a month's clearing sale. D, W. Rae net with a rather ser- ious accident by being accidentally struck on the heed wbile employed in the saw mill on Monday. Allan H. Rae has disposed of his grocery business to Robert and Nes bit Lang who take possession on March 2nd. We understand Mr. Rae purposes going to the West shortly. The Gavin Spence Concert, which was held under the auspices ' of the Sons of Scotland Wednesday even- ing, was very much appreciated by those in attendance. Owing to the bad condition of the roads the and Immo was not as large as it otherwise would have been, Col Charles Clark, of Elora. in 'his day a journalist, a member of the On tario legislature, and for many years.. clerk of the Assembly, has just publish ed a book of recollections; 'Sixty Years Upperin Canada" In a paragraphit h referring to the late '!'nomas Gibson, for many years a member of theTegis lature for East Huron. Mr. Clarke says t—'['hos. Gibson, member far East Huron, one of the most honest man sentthe whoever filled a' in t to Le is. z band was one of. the small t an d who received popular endorsement .during many successive parliaments. His style was peculiarly his own, and yon knew when listening to his broad Scots CO Neetiteetritteteetieerewiteetieetewi few Spring ress Good s, a r 'e t z ers M? We hare already received a first large sltin- mentol New Drees Goods fo>• the i4pri'g trurle and shall be pleased to have oust •m- ors look through a collodion which will be f iuud tt -to date and prices right. P i f, D ESS MAKING On account of out former Dreeamadter giving up the shop We found ft rteceasary to get some'other person to take her place and have been very for- tunate in securing the services of the MI -+SETS 1iITOHI +', who will open the Dressmaking . Shop. First of Mttrcb, about the s MIssee Ritchiehave had long and successful city experience in Dressmaking, lnelulliug Ladies' Tailor-made Suite, and will be found first -elites in their line. We bays no hesitation in saying tint all woretttruhted to thewill Y g km receive careful -attention andNr.ove Ili.: hi state- fetor � J . a y • MAROEt ' STANDARD, PATTERNS, Designers, Catalogues and Fnehfin i3hrots received, A I Pnttorso only 10 and 150 nonehiRl, tar, 1 esigeer 700 pee year; Fcanion She. to FREE 10'ehose who ecu for them. 1.,. „ i ,„, Irachan t A N tongue, that he lead that to say which WAS worth hearing, and that he irnplicit- 14 believed every word he uttered as dill evert body' else, He was an intense reader, and if a stranger to the 'House asked for Thomas Gibson outside of the hours when the House was in session, he was likely to be directed to the library. He was a walking enev- clopesdia on scatters municipal for he hail been Reeve in Huron for many years, and possessing a remarkable representative memory could respond to any question put to hits along that line. 11e'had an honest abjection to the theatre I pernntitled ;ern to hear and see A•lel,,ial Nrirson in iuliet and he left the building declaring that such a perfurinanee was a slur upon Shakespeare anti profaned his name when his words were used "in sic a manner by sic a woman," FORDWICH 'Phe postponed meeting of the Farrners'Snetttute will be held here on Tuesday, March loth. when ad dresses will be given by Garin Bar boor, of gross Hill ; W H. Fraser, of Bluevale`; and Miss Rife, of Hes pier. Sessions at 1 50 and 7 p. tit. Musical program will be provided at the evening meeting. Miss Rife will address the ladies in the afternoon. She is a fine speaker, McMichael Bros, of Qu'Appelle, Sask,, are in this iocality purchasing horses for the Western markets They reportequines hard to purchase—there are plenty of them, but farmers are asking a higher price than the Western market will warrant them in paying. As a rule horses are not in as gond condition as former years, no doubt owing to the scarcity of Oats. DROPPED DEAD --While standing in the battery conversing with E Gibson Monday morning John Wilson fell over dead, heart failure being the cause Mr. Wilson was one of the pioneers of Howick, retiring fromthe farm to a ordwicb a few years ago He was Presbyterian in religion and a Liberal in politics. For the past year he held the position of Canadian em pluyment agent from the Dominion Uovernmeut He leaves a widow and grown ul, family to mourn his demise. me funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon to For ich ceme tet t -- OANBROOK Mies Dthel Mclunes is visiting in Ethel this 'week. J. Long has his supply of ice put in fur the Summer. Woodbine, C.•meet Court oodb 0 F . Friday evening ofthisweek. There was service in the Lutheran church last Sabbath, the pastor being in charge. Herber and Mrs Thornton and baby, of Wingham, visited at A. 1. ,y1.. Helms this week. Eli Smith will take charge of the ee,vtee in the Methodist church' herr next Sabbath afternoon,- Mise Menzies, of Cranhrook, Is the guest of Mrs. W. Hainstoek and Mrs. . H Brown. of Forrdwich. b''U •t3)UU . 'lteffi elltl of the Beneipte end Exnenditnre and of the Assets and Liabilities of the owil. hip - of Mori FOR IHE YEAR 1907 lF RECBTPTS Balances onhand$771 Provineiel Gov't railway tnxntion : 208 tteintltleg bridge on bay. tine . 1 hats lit W,Waimah, tall. B Line nee. - 1. O thuripbell, refund on eutvert .. Twp. or Grey, enlvel't lots 15 & 16 en Lamont drain• 40 Wil. ()lege, License Rend 8 Baal( of Hamilton, Interest ........... 1 W. G. Nirhoienn, lase 80 John Brett, 8 trees on non, 8 Oo.'Drees., sohonl gi•ente....,.. ..., 81 John 0150)1, nsieisment on Cole drain 1 E Armetr otig, 4 98 450 8 187 „ 1 Drainage debentures .. 85 Sehootdebentu s Wm. Graig, cedar out of culvert. Plank at Sunshine bridge ... ,. .. Overdrawn ace. per Geo. Taylor ,, Wm, Thueii, work done with grader Bunk or Hamilton, int. on Ry• funds 10 Bk. of Hamilton, int. on Drnm. funds 2 Jas. Russell, ass's on Cole drain Blyth, bol. B Line account Plank Bold off bridge . A. Shaw, oldInnk 10 Proctor, collleetor 1848 Tp.. Mullett;, share of deb. S. S. No, 12 10 W. H, MoOutoireon, overdrawn lion Int. on Bally and J2Ilison drain 8 45808 EXPENDITU1OE Roads and bridges ..•. . . ...:.... ..„....s 9808 87 MiseellaneOus 810 41 Interest 104 78 Board of Health - I8 50 Debentures .- 8403 50 Offlaers' salaries .. ........ ........ 881 00 Printing and. stationery 57 00 sexes... 8555 46 Drainage .601100 Schools700711 Bonus ...:. , , , .,,, ,.•'.• 8500 00• Borrowed', money ................. 8000'00 95002 68 MO 00 b 80 W 00 1 50 600' 0S 40 2 000 5 70 4 00 70 57 00g0 5e 2 08 400 L 10 4 64 ASSETS 1 Cash on hand ..c.,...,,,2 8241 88 Urreollected tapes 2831 00 Read 'trader .. ......:, .150 00. 120000 Cletmentt l Hall1'61 Cement silo,,,.,,... ,,,,,,,,,,,,;, ,, ,,,w - $ 6400 00 LIABILITIES Drainage debentures ,,,,, , ,,,,, ....4 510 8pp Itnthrev gdebeeture ,2575 Roily hod Lllisar dtsib , ,, 180¢ ) Gle.hiin � 1004. 40 ' Blyth district s0lice1.ifYy ,.r., •.....,.,le be $ 8688 20 W, undersigned ord eraideclare the foragoingto tton true mid correct Ai+tlnor nfetem, ib of tie. reeeipfe and expenditere fold if the Snot huhilirle. 01 the Town: Ade 6f Morris for hevoar 100X.. R lo1bNsTr1I, Audital•9. rbeke1i Ato11AB, nited States Subscribers y The 17 sited States subseribers g to THE Pose are new aware of b the Mee Lime wo have to pay le, i poetege on each paper going eau 0 the United States, 'Phis mance .520. in a year. Cmtaequeutly 5 the price to eubst>ribers in the Ulrited States is l.50 ayear, and as we mast .pay the pustnge iti edvuuce, s0 we met ask our g�y salt eriuore to pay in advance. s Mniny eubaeribors have already renewed for 1908 saying they cannot do without THE PosT even „ if they do pay poxth:e, We brunt l the reader of dile u•.bice will the comingweek be amongst the nnlnber. We are send lig TRE Q POST for the meth th of Fete eat y that those who are lute in remit- * tine may tot arise a copy. After this mouth all sense. iptiousnot paid in '•dan uce will be', stopped c 5 nd all accounts in arrears pwill iei "Qr be handed iii for oulleotion, 4 rug tdY u.;OY ti,Y' w rias' Frit v,3Y,t ✓ ri APPRECIATED.—The following speaks for itself;—Mrs. and Miss Long.— LADIES —We, as members of Court Woodbine, C. O. It-.; in meeting as- sembled desires o tender you a hearty vote of thanks or the able and efficient manner in whibli our Fowl Supper was gotten up and conducted on Thursday evening, Jan, 9th, and also for your hospitality and good will. We appreciate the painstaking effort with which you supplied the wants of our guests and we feel sure they all went away with the cravings of the inner -man well satisfied. We hope our presence and conduct while with you on that occasion was of such a character as to leave you so impressed that you will always have a kind re- gard for the Foresters of Cranbrook. Signed in behalf cif the Court, JAMES D. McNAIR, C. R. ALLAN CAMERON, Ree, -Sec. BLUEVALE DEATH OF MISS. WASMAN ^The death occurred on Wednesday atter- noon of last week of a well known and Highly respected young lady of -Clinton ,vlrss Mary A. Warman,in her 21st i•ear. Her death was very sudden; though not unexpected as she had been tor overave with year v' h the dreaded t i while plague. and had ,been gradually declining. She Was a popular Young lady, and had many friends here, and it is with the deepest regret that they hear of her sudden demise. The funeral took place un Friday to Clinton cemetery WALTON Russell Porter made a business trip to Toronto last week. Jas: Harris has purchased the house and lot of Win. Sholdice, Price $700 00. Mrs. Denaut, who was on an ex- tended visit "down East" returned last week. • Mis Roy, Scott, of Detroit, is visit reg friends and also attended the Sholdiee-Christopher wedding. Rote. Blair intends leaving for the West shortly to look after his home- stead duties,- having taken- up laud near Hanley, Sask. Word was received here that Mrs Walton, of Barrie, died last week. She was a former resident of this vic- inity being a sister of Mrs. Win. Pol- lard. Last. Sabbath evening Rev: Mr, IL,ger.; of Seatorth. occupied ' the pulpit of the Methodist church here. Ile is a practical expounder of the Gospel. Morris Council granted $5 0o to Walton Public Library, Rev, 'Mr. MacNab is proving himself to be a general indeed in the management of the Library, 'It could •easily be bet- ter patronized. Ed. and Leslie Bennett. of West Branch, Mich„ and Miss Inlay, of Wingham, are visiting friend's here, 11 is about two years since the Ben- nett boys left here, Leslie is a photo- grapher in,Detroit and Ed. is brakes - man on a railroad. Now that Cupid is rounding np his work in this locality we see no roason why a few -more weddings should not be consummated before balmy' Spring arrives. We refrain from mentioning the names of several bachelors, who have matrimonial inteutiohs. Wednesday afternoon of this weep a very pleasant society ripple was oc- casioned by the marriage of Will. Christopher and Miss Lucy Sholdice, young people well known in this cot inunity. Rev, Mr, Lang.Ford, of Brussels, performed the ceremony at the home of the bride. ;clay their joys be many and their troubles few. Andrew lohustou has disposed of his farm near the village to Wm. Davidson, The price is said to be in the neighbothood of $3,400, Mr. Johnston has purchased the souse and lot of John Irvine ib the vit2ge. The latter purposes going out West in tit's near future, Mr. Johnston will have a sale disposing of farts 'stock, bte, HESE RING,—The Walton Beef Ring Y h•is been 1'e Organized for the scrotal_„ season with a fall membership, except win; entertained by eramaphone selec perhaps a couple of quarter shares to 10us fnrmshe,l by Isaac Jewett, after be placed vet, and will star operations which tee evening , Was spent with tite first Friday 10 April. Phe beeves games, mush• add singitng- file' wed - will be killed this year ou Fridays in- ding presents were beautiful, costly stead of Wednesdays sl in former years and useful end testified to the high and new as time is a consideration esteere its,which the bride and groom people Will be able to gel theirmeat are held. 1110 b td e'a going away y i gown trait mail file flame evening. y,cr n to i'1 rue broadcinth with hat • to ltill•Ilarrl Nov, of 'Velton, will be the hslther ibis search with Jas Me Pod 05811 63 Secretary, Friday, March 13th; is the date sel- ected for holding the Farmers' Insti- tute sleeting in the'A 0 U. W. Hall here, Addresses are expected from Messrs Barbour, of Crass Hill, end Fraser, of Bfuevale, anti Miss Rife, of Hespeier, The sessions open at 3o and 7 o'clock, musical numbers being added to the evening addresses ;Hiss Rife will address the Indies of the e001i02 al ly ill the afte'r'noon if arrange.' mems are made for such a meeting. Her talks are practical and enjoyable, GREY The acv iunsale of Win McAllister, con. t7, next Tuesday afternoon, A straw shed wit be built by Harry Speiran, loth con., 28 x 40 feet; Ince Petch bas the contract, This week Charlie i,alte left for Fense, Salic„ where he spent last' Summer. We hope be will do well. Archie Livingston, who has been visiting here for the past sew months; left for his boom at Dubuc, Asslee bola, last week, Reeve Fraser wee at Seaforth this weelc at the special session of the Co, Conceit where tite Good Roads ques- tion was being discussed. Wm. Baker, loth con., ispulling down bis' barn and rebuilding, It will be 4o x 5o feet, The work will be done by John Petah, of Brussels, Auction sate at W, C. Ellaeott's, lot 3o, con 12, onSaturdayafternoon of this week et t p. m. It is reported that the farm has been leased to Baker Bros,' l'uesdat of tbis week Samuel lions ton,-tietlt con,. left for Grand View, Mauitoba, after a holiday visit with relatives and friends for the past two months, We wish biro success. W. C. Stevenson, lot 27, conto, has announced' en auction sale of farm stock for Thursday afternoon, March 12th, As the proprietor is going in• to grain growing instead of stock sale will be without reserve, Stock is in good shape. MORRIS Assessor Watson is making his an• nual rounds. Township Council minutes may be read on page 4 of this issue The auction sale at Jas. Moore's 8111 line, Thursday of last week, went with a su•eep.and netted well op to $2,000, Recently the members ofJ acksan's church, Stn line took in a load OF oats and mangolds as a New Year's gift tor' their esteemed pastor, Rev. S Ander sen. at Blyth, Reeve Taylor was attending the Co. Council at Setforth this; w eek. Norris• townshipI and could stand t a good share of the fond Roads money, particularly on bridge building. A Brussels Dr. Was called nut to see Miss Mabel McCall, of Morris, who is not doing as well as her maty friends would wish. We hope there will soon be a change for the better. Peter Barr, 5th line, has. 6 Spring, lambs already added to his flock, 2 Of them arriving in January. Some "little muttons" were also on the pro- gram early in the month at Jas Evans' 7th lin, - - Jemees Shedden, 4th line, will rush farming next season, having secured an extra hand last week, The young fellow struck a good. home and we hope he will give a good account of himself. Last week James Speir, who is a breeder of good smock, disposed of a young thoro' bred Durham bull to William Fraser, 14th 600, of Grey, at a good figure. We wish the buyer success tvith his purchase. Rev, J, E Maunders is home for a few days from College at Detroit owing to the auction sale at his mother's farm and her removal to Brussels, the farm havingbeen leased to D. Badgley. oionhe f t6ttt line, who now takes possess - DIED IN CALleoaxxA.—WM. and Mrs. Finlllater, of the end liue of Morris, received the sad news on Sat- urday evening 15thinst., of the death in Los Angeles, Califol4tia, of their dangher, Miss Margaret Ellen Find later A telegram .vas received on 'Thursday evening stating' that Miss Fiedlater was seriously ill and Miss Nettie Findlater left on Saturday morning for California, but would not. be far ou her journey before her sister's death '1`lie deceased voting lady' had been residing in California for some time. 'She had been ill at Christmas time with pneumonia, but word was received that she bad fully recovered. `Phe bereaved family will (nave the sympathy of many Needs in their time of affliction, Corin's .VrcToSX,—A very pretty wec'lytling • took place, on eatednesday afternoon, Feb. 1gth,?fat the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs, Joel Sel- lers, of the veld con, of Morris,. when Miss Minnie WAS united in the bonds of matrimony to Wan, 'Woodrow, of, Pease; Seek„ formerly of this town ship. The wedding march was played by Miss M.• Roe seri the,ceremuuy was performed by Rev G Baiter, of Blue,• vale, in the ptreseuce of sheet fifty[ relatives and friends of the, bride and groom. The.bride looked' charming gowned in pal nt-dosprit embroidered with ribbon over silk. She carried a. b0 uet of oretun tea yeses and maiden. q rot n hair fern, They tuere unattended. 'Im- mediately after the 0eremtuy, of con- i tied gr ata ation a, at c Jur tug the aerying 01 the wedding dinner ta' company matel1 They llrtenrl to leave early in Nl, 1 ah tot' their t>tta• home 111 the 0Vesl. We are sorry to lose theta filieereeeezereeetzeitestiwitieleetteleettehereeletteetewil Dr., Dtl J. Whitfield New York Eye Specialist will be al the American Hotel r$RUSSEI.S Evdry Thursday p rewired to properly examine your eyes and adjust gleam. efeetialAwleeetweivereweeWelezieweelle from the neighborhood but we wish them a eo,nturtable and safe journey and a happy and prosperous future. JOHN JOHNSTON PASSES AWAY.—The Dally Columbian of New Westminster, B. C., under date of February :nthspeaks o the demise of a fetrmf er ell known resident of the 6th line as follows :—By the death of John Johnston, .brother of the late Wrn. Johnston, of this 011y, which oc- curred Tuesday Feo. 11t11, there has been severed another of those interest tug links which connects the present with an interesting period, the repre- sentatives of which are fast disappear- ing itom our midst. Born near the town of Boyle, county Sligo, Ireland, in the year 5524. of a family of land- owners 01 ancient origin, the decease° was a typical specimen of his race, possessing splendid physique, ready courage combined with a nappy els. positron and love of adventure. He followed the impulse of his people and emigrated to. Canada in the year 1842. After a very long voyage which 00- eupted several weeks, he arrived at Quebec, from here he proceeded to the county of Huron, Ontario, where be was among the first settlers in what is uuw known as the township ot Morns, where he acquired much land and was engaged fur a considerable time in the pursuit of farming: But bearing of the discovery of gold in the Cariboo, tie started for the scene of operattons and arrived in British Columbia in t8b3 by way yof : whither he waPanama, was preceded by his brother. William. Landing to this city he soon made his way to hedi in the out t diggings, g, Y means of access tothese being by way of the roadaria a nam fafamous be g the e. He was engaged thus for several years.' with varying success, until the excite- mentsubsided, and later in company with the late Sergeant-Major Burr traversed the Northern parts of British Columbia in a canoe, encountering many thrilling, adventures among Indian .tribes in that part of the country. He was commissioned by Governor Seymour to explore a creek on tbe'North shore of Burrard Inlet which was afterwards named the Gov- ernor. He traced the creek to its source and found gold but not in pay- ing quantities. Settling at Port Moody about the time of the construct Mn of the North road, he secured 'ex- tensive holdings and along with Capt. Clarice and the late John Murray con- trolled the townsite of Port Moody, lie was a continuous resident of the above place during its boom days consequent upon the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway. About the year z896 he removed to New West- minster, purchasing the old Orange Hall, which was destroyed xn the general, conflagration of 1898, when he immediately erected on the same site the present structure, where he lived 011 the time oL bis decease. The late John Johnston was one of the old- est members of the Orange order in the Province, having been a member of the Association for over 65 years anti.lie was one of the founders of the first Orange lodge in British Columbia. Being possessed of a very retentive memory he was rich in anecdote of a period in Ireland which has furnished many interesting' volumes. He was closely conversant with and abounded in reminiscences of leading events and men of the early history of Ontario teed particularly of British Columbia. He leavessurviving him three sisters, Mrs, Robert Johnston, Mrs, HenrV Marlton and Mtss Johnston, of God. ei•iah, Ontario ; three daughters, Mrs. George Clark, Huntsville, Muskoka, Ont. ; Mrs. John Duruiau. Pennsylvan- ia, T.I. 5, A. ; Mrs. Wm. Noonan Campbell, Port Moody, 8, C., and two sons, William Johnston, Port Moody, and John jobustonof this city, LEADBURY Miss Janis° k'erria, of Wingham, visiting with friends•in McKillop. J. 1, Irvine has returned trout Blan. shard where be has been spending a few holidays, • Mrs, G. A. Melee/tie of Toronto, is visiting her parents aid' other friends_ hi this. vicinity. John McPherson,' has announced a clearing out auction sale of farm sttielt and implements on March 16th, Thos. t'.tirrie of Brussels, was play. ing squirreliu the orchards of Albert Dundas last week but it is e little cold yet for much sport, • Miss Cecil Comte ihtertaih1d a number of bier friends' on' Tuesday' evening last anti the boys are now singing •'I31est be the tie that binds:" Rev. Mr, Rogers, of Seaforth, preached educational seruiotts on the Walton circuit last Sunday necessitat- ing Mr. Currie taking the work ih Seatorth. Robt, Robititoe trod bride and Mis; n n Kizzie Scott, of Meltiltop, left Sea - forth on 'Puestloy last for Seekatob- i-wat where they intend to make their bottle in the ftttttre,. IRobt, Moen has given up the Week - smith shopat Leadhur acd bas moved to rs. Morrison's house down the lath line, .'Phis will again leave bendy a he ll us without a i xa Y m n IS t village. ETHEt. Mrs, Geo. fiouldfng, of Brantford, is visiting her brother, 5, M. Davies, An assembly was held in ,the Gibson Hall on Wednesday eyenfug of this week. Auction sale at Noble Milne's on Friday afternoon of next week. It will be unreserved, Jonathan Wright bas disposed of a fine young Holstein bull to Jno. K. Baker, 9th con. 'Grey. John Imlayof Win barn, was re- nwing old fiendshipsh ere last week. He was a former resident. Will. Laing was away on a visit to his sister, Mrs. McConnell, of Pitts- burg, Pennsylvania. • He will leave shortly for the West, Mrs. W. H. Newcombe, formerly of Clinton, now of Niagara Falls is in the hospital at the latter place, where site underwent an operation and is serious-. ly ill, lvlr. Newcombe was a one time resident o1 Ethel. lialem mKiNo.—Prompt. and care• fol attention given to all orders for Undertaking. Our telephone No. is . 28a and a call will have our im- mediate response Our prices are reasonable and satisfaction always .as. sured. Special attention, paid. to cavity and arterial embalming fox which we bold diplomas. LEATHERDALE & SON. Considerable - disappointment was • felt over the Farmers'.lustitete meet. fog being called off owing to the, storm a few weeks ago but the executive have arranged tor a meeting to be held in the Hall here on Thursday, March lith, at 1.30 and 7 o'clock. The program will be constituted; of addresses by Gavin Barbour, of° Cross Hill; .W, H. Fraser, of Bluevale ; and Miss Rife, of Hespeler. The latter will speak to the Women's In- stirute in the afternoon and give an address to the puttee meeting in the evening, A good musical program is usually presented at the evening ses- sion. LITERARY.—There was a good turn- out at the meeting of the Literary' Society last Saturday evening, and an tuners and bl sting prufita a debate, the ladies particularly acquitting them- selves in a creditable manner. A num- ber ot disinterested er•ons wereheard p s to say "It was the best debate of the series, The next meeting will be beld el week from Saturday evening, March 7th, when the Tariff will be discussed, Geo. Addy advoeating a Protective tariff and. Wm, Kreuter upholding a Revenue tariff. Atter tbe leaders have put in their time it will be a go as -you - please, any ono being allowed to ex- press their views. A special invitation is extended to the members of both Houses of Parliament for this Riding and also to the candidates for Parlia- mentary honors to take part in this discussion, CIiUltu11 (HLtIES Rev. Mr. Locke, of Kincardine, bee declined an invitation to tektite he pastor of the Metbodise oburob• next gear.Ho has accepted an invitation to Turouto, Thus. Strachan ar„ was in Toronto this week attending the mutual commo- tion of she Oneakto Btanob of the Domin- ion Alliance. He went as °delegate from Melville eharob. !'Trauetormed into the image of God" wae Rev. Mr. Wiebart'e theme Suet Sab- bath morning in Melville Liberate. Al, the eVeuiug nerve:* she text was "The faebioa of the World paeseth away." W. A. Cameron, of Toronto University and Keel Co lege, will °poppy the pulpit of Meivrhs ebureh uexi Sabbath morning and wilt speak on the work of the Knox UoUsge Stuuenta' Mlesiouary doaiety and hie owe experiences in Mistime work. He formerly belonged to Rev. Mr. Wieb. arts congregation in Besverten. Rev. n. G. Powell preached taut Bab. bath morning on the eabjeat, "Standards of M.saeurement," from IL Oor. 10 and 12. The eveoiog des:ourse was an arraign. mob of the liquor traffic the tome being "Tie relation of the ouareh to the bar routed' The pastor was et Toronto title week aiteudieg bbe Docnrntou Alliance Duuveniisn. Ram, tea. AWN APPREOtenED.—A reeal- ntiou Wen uuautmuuery intoned Uy the Qum tarty Board of the, Jubilee Methodist t.nurau as Parkuiu reonutty to Me efteoi that they plains oii reword the high ap- preetatron of iheesrvtoeo of their pastas, Bev, Ii. J. Amu, . formerly :Et Brnesele, uarieg the past four years. The reeom• tion euye ; "E peaaby do we Mei) to atbaet 10 bis atbeusioa, k,udneee teed even. pathy in limns' of sinkuese, acrrow and bereaveineel. Ourretnuoushlp ae pester cud• boars has.: beau hnrmuarals and pleasant-ehreughjut, and t6is WWI Innen. Eire gnat We plane this reeolntlon on bar miuuces,'with the prayer shat Bro. Ailru, Sirs. Attie and family may null enjoy many ysere of blessing nun esraiee for she Master." • ,III*etoNARP.--The annual Missionary report et the eletbudioi eburoh of Cali. ads Met just been leaned, tuateed of ana- log bbe. amount Wren by ellen . eoparabe a otu:Imeua en a otrouire a harstufo e Pp , H, Fr the total amount raised Oil a 0iramt, by. the sharp), the League and the Sunday ' °s School is given only. The arrant by visriobs stations in Harlin are ae tallows, Goderioon N .rt b 61 . Godori h, Vic. • tori $288 ; Canton,Wadley 0448 Clinton, Uataria St. $440 Seufortu, $8011 Exeter, Jemes St $641'; Exeter, AMU H1; 8272 ; Megaton, $708 ; Bras. eels, $581; Etna!, $201; Genre, 247- Wruxeaar,,$1111; I3,aevate, $178; Ash- field, $282: liolmeavtlie, $221; Blythe 8a1 , R a Annan 24i' D* J270 ;B1roti or, $168 Auburn, $688;Malian $109 ; Ltndeeburu, $807t 13a}field, $82; V.,aa,$21d; (ict;tra,in,$180; Saneeil, $227 ; lt,ppen, 060 ; iivl,rttyo, $261.