The Brussels Post, 1908-2-20, Page 8:81,,ee,91088'e,=.eeagateeesttrie gree -' ,
P c'"a
Pratt's Animal Regulator
Pratt's Cow Tonic
Pratt's Food
Pratt's U'Ieave Cure
Pratt's i gg Producer
The Worth of Pratt's Preparetione ie
RIO Well known that they need no further
repommendebien- from 06. A,.k for Doe
of Pratte, New Horse Books and Pratt's
New Poultry Book. They contain vain -
able information.
A Fine Disinfectant
Lice. k'liler
Animal Dip
Nothing better where a prepar-
ation of this kind is desired. Put
up in two sizes, 26e bottles and
large tine 50c. Full directions
for using on each package.
000TBEEN EETE00108 W. 6. & 8.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and Booth, as follower
Goma Boma 6o1Na rlonT1.
Mail 7.05 eau I Express 10;55 axe
Exp retie..-. 11130 8,81018;1 ........ 1144 a.nO
Expre8e .. 8:00 pan119apreee8:01 p.m
Following ie the 0-1; It Time Table at
alton:-To Toronto To Ooderiun
Ex0reea 7:40 a m I Express ..... 11188 a m
Express bleep m I Express 9:'11 p
oca1 Bails gums
A-ohiel'e aman9 ye takil' notes,
An' faith he'll prent i..
ASSESSOR LONG ie on hie rounds.
A. O. U. W. Friday eveutng of this
Tan W. 0. T.17. rooms will be open
Tuesday, Tlureday uud Saturday even
Nonott could beat the valentine J. F.
Ruw.and received tact Friday—a flue
baby daughter.
Tits me two -e at W. W. Harris' Dream.
ery 10•.8 fined this week .preparatory to
Me next season.
TEE Baobegor8 and Benediote of. Brea
sale Witt (old 100 Aaeemely iu the Town
Hail here ou Friday evening, March 6 h.
Home 0o. Commit wilt meet 90 epaulet
9eseiou at I3eafortu neat wee8 10 diocese
the Good Read( pr, je0 . Tue tow,*
Oooeoil re arranging a baugaet for them.
To ought to be a..moholy'e Mishima to
fill in the numaroua and d0u98rou0 path
holes in the ij:-.uuee Ruth and Booth df
Brussels. They are a meu000 10-p00111
Lane 2laooabee Social ie on the pro.
gram for Freddy evening of this week.
They always have a good time at them,
Gamea, program of muaiu and lunch will
°oneti9ate the bill of fare.
A. SoeAou3N has engaged Misses Ritch-
ie, of 'Toronto, to take ubarge of the
dressmaking department in oouueotiou
with his e9ure.. The young 'wines will
assume (metro' about the 2nd of Maroh.
Tuey oom8 bigh.y reoommeuded.
A Deena will be vend neat Monday
evening under the aaepiore of the Bp•
worth League of the Methodist church
on the enbjeot "Resolved that m0e*o ex..
arta a greater inflames for good than the
reading of books," A musical pro900m
will also be given.
REAL Wintry weather contivaee to pre -
Vail o00ai0g 01noh iu0onveuia000 to the
travelling public. Traitie are nearly all
late, some of tbem home babied the
Schedule. Laot Saturday the tra*u due
here trent. /Kincardine at.3 o'clock did out.
arrive tent after 10 p. m. Wednesday's
nig11t train was cancelled.
A Iixe01NG riuk for Brussels is among
the probeodttiee. P. Anent and N. F.
Gerry took a trip to Oloaley a few days
ago to see ops there. I6 ie proposed co
oiroulete e enbaoriptiou del and if euf
element Mulley 1e in otgbt Mr. Amrnt will
get oat timber this Winter to gat ',Mugs
in shape for bulling next Sommer.
Rink would be constrained tor 81181909,
curling and hockey, po.aibly for ruler
Skating. Give it a boom.
GaoLootoor. BPsmMmss—The Broeoele
Sehree Board 11,8 b -en very furbunate n
sectoring three oompumeutary palmetto
of Canadiau enemata meed rocks, This
oabieetis presented by the (,ieolo9ioml
Survey, Department of Mines, Ottawa,
and ooutaine 141 8p oimeue. A text
book of Mineralogy mad Geology, tri aid
In 608011109 tbeBe Bemuses and a printed
1189 of the epecim6ue aouo01pauied the
b(ghiy appreciated gift. Tum Bouuol
Board aokuoweedged the receipt of the
oabinut with many thanks. •
Moon Centime eltent200—i110Uot
Olom•ue De famouo thruugbuut America
as an all year round bealib resort, and
thousands of people bear te0tlmony to
the benefice derived from rte mineral
Web8r8 in mutes of rneamatlem and kill
dred dioeanee. Foe bnt008 and liver
trouble+, di9ea9ive troubles, net vane
disorders, genera. deuheiy, etc. the effi•
Oaoy Of its teeters is woaderitll. Beveu1y
five per cant of rheummtwe are oared end
ninety permetuenefi116d. Write .3. D.
MODJtatd( dtetriot passenger agent,
Grand. Trunk Railway system Termite
for beide me dlooripuve booklet whine
you at about it,
A etmer 80 .vas held Monday evening to
disown ,be ()aniline Factory project in
Br0ese18 when a ;More of 01tlzeil+ 0e.
eembled in the Gounoil Chamber,
Reeve Leckie enbmitted ooneiderable in•
formation do"tieruing the end0a90y• in
Ontario and Maimed what had been done
With the etdok Bata int towel $6,200 had
been Subsoribed but es $25,000 wait es
ti01ated as the Iow89t talo ne08888131 to
Iannth the e1198rpr108 there is appere"tly
' a big 611ort098 y09. &etas. swore' bad
expreeeed their opipioue the matter was
referred book 10 the oaavaeeing Coin
IMMMOO 10 km what further aid may be
armored when another meeting will be
balleli. Brp08ele will have to beep •itself
if this nr any ether industry i8 seduced.
TAxm a look at the addreee label on
you* PooT. We thank mauy wbo beet
ueell 081911ng up.
Fines lost De Brussels on Monday
afternoon ooutatuiug a num of money. a
reward wee be peed by returulug it to
TEs POST at Dire.
Jona tiALEKAITE bar( dlvposed Lf h,s
well ,.red trotting mare "Bweethear0' u
George Muldoon, of time, at a good ti.•
ere. Mr G bundles a et of floe horses.
• 200.808. JE0ITT & BATEMAN urdere,
in a Dar of tinge fur wawa:tent u1.
Wednesday. '10 titer 80u03805e sou.
that et shippers the freight Train mine
ean06ned owing to the Gritted otitis of
the• rel.w.v 101111 °1.00k ban w be retuned.
RUBERT lam= 1188 m*Bpuee0 of h1,
re61de1,00, 1 aroberry 610800, now 'shat.
80 by Dr, Fetid, to .tire Keys. 5.13 t,*l
.Morri.+, for the sum nl 61000. Mrs
Heys reoeutly 8014 her 100 nate f.rm tt
her eon and win take up re810ence
TEE assets of the Canadian Fere E
glue Uomptuy, Loudon, vr01o11 aa0igue,
about two weeks ago, wit be sold a, ouu
tion on the 21181 of tins mouth, The
Oamadieu Fire. Engine ()empty w.*
organized about eight yeale ago, who.
the Ronald Remus Company wee bulge.
out. The Oauadiab 00mpauy was o8p
etaliz•d at $40 000
'1EE W U. le U. Social neat Tommie)
evetau9, 25t13 teat. Au Iiltere81mg pro
gram w111 be presented. The bill of feet
welt consist of Bo89on beetle, bread an
butter, oak- stud ooffee. A dobiee un the
praotroa* topes, "Resolved thata tiny,
uroee buueow*le is preferable to a gunn
mitered sloven," will be given. Adm.
81+u fee wul be led and 18 by Idvitaeluol.
Prrgram will open at 8 u'ulock
Gaspe I. e.v8eputg the mum ry. 80..
it with Preveubme before it gees deep
seated. To cheek early cows with tine.
lade Candy Uow Odre Tob-eI-8 18 sure
eeuab,e and sale. Preenuties minno-
w) gamine, 110 laxative, nothing hereh
meeting. Pueumuu18 wunld neve
appear if early roads were prompt')
brukee. good fur rev- riot) obi dreg.
Large box, 48 nib ate, 25 mute. Vest
p00k01 boxes 80141 by an 11001008.
last wee8 the po.tpuu8u D•atrmt Orauee
Lodge w1e held Its W ur01a,G nut tar
netted bneiu09e 1080880080. The lol,ow
ink of6uer8 were ,*entad for the current
year :— Worompful Master, Fleury
Harney, Goderieb ; DeputyM8e*et,
Matthew Dane, Gorrie; Chap am. Rev
T. S. Boyle, Wiugbnm ; Reu.•seo., T. G.
Sheppard, Nile; F1u.•See., el. A, Mega -re,
W mgbam ; Treas., Jas. Geliey, W lug
ham ; Dir. o1 Care A -ex. Delehm0 ,,
Balgrave ; lit. Leat., Robert MoR'e, Bed
grave; 2nd Lem., Wm. Hays, Gorn,'.
Ii was decided that no partilD18r plane
would be 8eeigne0 for the annul 12.h of
July oelebratiou in the Go., the Lodge+ w
make their owu choice ea beet ammo
tbetr convenience. R. Birmingham, of
Toronto, one of the Grand Lodge organ
iters, was present and delivered an od-
drees of speedo' interest to those sea, m
bled. The a80e0danee was pot ae large
ae usual owing to the bad oouditiou of
the roads.
°antler& given u, the Town Hou, Brassiere,
Thursday evening of Met week if trded a
very pleesent new hours to iovero of Soot
0ieb song and story, Program wee v8r
ied, well reeder0d and eliaded many
enuoree. Gavin Spence, who cinema the
performance and does it wen, was not ,.
stranger to a Brueeele 1ud•enee 8k be we
here 10 yeere ago. Since then be bar
girdled the globe and the peeing yearn
have added to his popolorily and ability
IE le 24 years aline Kr. Spence m -
(leash,. fire.. He smug tee "Hendren
Pipers," °Hielau* Rory,' "Jee0*e'o
Dream," "H000b Aye," and "Rini
orenklo," and supplemented the program
wins 6006011 0 Cries incidents of 'nor
and explan+Lots nOEnn 016 10 the vainer
numbers on the program. beige Nennfe
etraohan, well denominated the 800ta0ll
Nightingale, wbo wan born in Gan8h*eta,
8809'and, in a poptl of Herr A bert 91
Bach and in gue.fied to Ding in English,
French, German and Latino. She malt
friends from her first uumber, "600ta01,
Blue Beta," and during bile evening sena
with equally good effeot "Uumin' thro'
ties rye," "Wh,.tle and 1',l 00me tam yr
my lad," ".lock o' Huzledeen," "Go d
bYei" "With 8 maple hale 8Lreng,''
"Oaller Herrin'," end ',Geier Ou," *her
two latter In character ooe0oWe. V,ro
seldom are the two well known SO0;ti4
duets, "Crooked Bewbee" and "When ye
gang awe, Jamie" rendered with better
effect than the presenantlon by Mi -e
Streehan and Mr. Spence. Mimi Enid
Newcombe, the 'cellist end pleele8, did
bar part 1n an art,etie trimmer and will
be welcomed back See holds silver mod
1 bronze medal+ and her b me to in Lau
don, England. Her odntrlbuaon6 on the
•'cello were "Br -ken Meed,° by "Van
Mane, and "Terentelte" b, Popper se e',
. encore. ',Revie.," by Daeleer, was well
pl..yed and iu response Loa rtoeli "Auld
Robin Gray" 'zvae Femme'. Mem
B,raoban and Mr. Spence appeared in
. Higheand oo0tame. The Tenter beudlem
ate piano witb no emelt ability. "-Auld
and theNanette Amhtm
6 no nd
'Lang y
brought the 1•hjny,eb,e program to a come
'115- Company armoured here under the
muteness of 1118 weal oa01p of the Song of
There're no donut ab0at this foot. 800tle,d, '
,N1 WW1.. ,an -»+.tesla -::mutt:
The Metropolit
Capital Paid Up
Undivided Profits
Savings00 •
or more opens an account, .Interest
Department 1, allowed from date of deposit, and
compounded FOUR times a year.
Farmers' b*Sirle0S a rpecialty. "Joint Deposit Accounts"
are a convenience by which money they be deposited Sr
withdrawn by husband or wife,
Business Locals.
2 8Ptt0N0 Delves for Bale. Apply to
Jou', Hut, Qu, eel. street, Bremer'.
APPLE° Fon Strez.—A new oboioe bar.
rel. of No. 1 *laud Molted apples-8pies
and Grenutu9, for gam. Apply to
ROMT, THOM-oN, Brtleeaid.
HAIR DEEB*INC: 1SWt1011e. made to
order out of uumbtug's or out bait.
O dere from a niatau9e pr)Imp1131 et1eted•
.2 t8, Mae 11 Hncesee1, Mtd Et. West.
SECOND ' AND Oaetoe.—A Dumber of
geed 5 two 6 00,68,8,' 1180 basin organa for
.els 681 8 bargain. (.a- Red se. them.
Cott, id nut Mended where MoUretoree
nawe are ewe aid hoed 'Fetes fur
naW 9001011680, flt,ug atm Improving 88W0,
.outs mud m8O11Dne. Ouruer Mlh Bud
Manu et. Brit*vele.
Dow x .N IBB P018 DEMOS —A repair
.hop nl anon 1013* , ffrrs Ii take a part.
tier with $6000 to $10000 Tule ie a
not theta. tied we, t,,,t be delayed, I
been it large number of new 0I'oi0e
'incident made mum tested Du me tine.
L'uey are naw scud naw tome 9616018 and
DID ex,remety Moldy, needed in lumber
112na'8 uu,fi,e and Mau smelly be 60861.
Your ghettoes are donned iu this enter.
plies. !mien, 'f' ,0l0G0Edoa, new t rim
mer, fl er mum Impr0Ver U11 08106, 40010
'.ud m8ouluee, coiner Mid ants Maio Bt.,
Bt. John's chorem, Sabbath School
Bruenele, forwarded $8 58 to the Baby
Poor fund at 1'Orootu and also Brut 0
.a tie hath of mothmg.
Rev. Mr Whhert, B. A.., will preach
t ,be prepa,atory service to ;be oum-
mum.u, a, Ripley B,lirday morning uf
Dna Week. l*1e 1011, make a YOBS 101111
Luuauuw friends on Friday While
rue's IuR play.
La -r Settee b mnreiu,. Rev. A C. W ,h
.rt, B.A. p ea e i in obiob
111 '•L.vmg 1%9186160." The 98801,19 881,
mon was fuouded o0 the famfnue words
•• Whet ellau a pr*.flt a man it he gam
nn when wort' awe ,nee bee 0061. ?"
At the M60hodtet Sabbath 1uu00l 18.119
p'u,.uay lit ad5i1i01 10 Liu reenter 1e86iu
•lit "rhe Nuteemetee Sun," a short
.euttauuu wan given by Myrtle Friend -
hip; a choice reading by Mia• Ruby
P um ; brief anemones by R Blrmn.g•
nam, et 'Toronto, and D 0 Taylor, of
Luukuuw, end a web reoderet duet by
u*ea.rPrat le-ate,rdaee end et t0 Pone.
'Dm Ulioiou N w Era nays 1—A• 1be
lit ail So.rd magnum On Tuesday even
ng 0 ubanlm0O1 vide of appreoa9iuu was
panned to R»v. W. E Kerr and his wife
for fethfu and efliu,el*t minima muttered
dm tug their term tete. far By a 0na0*
01006 sla'ki'ng 9„te Mr Herr woe invited
w 081.11ru ae pastor uf Ontario Bt. for a
fourth year, Mr. Kerr aoorpted the tit•
vitati,.u,thanked the Offio18111 for their
oyal suppers and 1uimdug 'sympathy
through the ye6886 and expreeeed the hope
lett the moetng year of hie paetora'e
may prove the beet. Thin church is re-
ported to be iu a very flounebing Gonda -
tem. A,allg ah linen It Wan never among.
6r or more prOeperoue m ice history.
"Needs of the Mime ahuloh" was the
pastor's M*eeieuery theme at dee Meiho•
diet church Bruege's, met Sabbath morn -
mg. He developed it along 038 foelowing
lhvieione (1) Au iiteueity of
Love ; (2) A ee,19e of individual
eepo110i011*ty ; (8) Larger m'aeere
of liberal6y ; (4) A New spent of
prayer, Iu 1h6 neaten* D 0: Taylor,
uf Luokuow, a well known lay chinch
winker, gave a ab ar and forcible addreee
ban ug hie temarke tete Acta, 5 tun 29,
'We ought w obey Gud." Many w
'emitting facie re.a8*ug to Chula ala the
work there wet, dwelt upon. Mr. Taylor
el.u'woke to the Ellsworth League which
mei atter 1118 regular church Service.
Es will be %paktum° emelt.
Mire 20r90re1 Ametet was 1111'. g0e91 of
Wlnebu0r friends during the past week
Wever Innes, of Moorefield, was here
t r a,day or two combining Dueness with
pie aware.
Mrs. E•1. Niobo'eou wag a visitor at
M r parents• home In East W'tweooeh
thi( week.
einem Mabel and Lindey Colvin are
atleedtng the Sprig millinery openings
101 T -runto
George Roos woe home from She Den-
tal O Ileee, Toronto, for a short melt
daring the peat week.
sire. Beebe) Th.mpnon lett on Wed-
needey for a vent to Bentley, Mau.
Wr wi h her an enjoyable etey,
Bo girt F,ai1oie hen taken a p0eition
in the Peuelau9uiehe0e elerria4e ram
wry, He to a o mpe80nt baud,
John 8lemmon, of Peegae, who was
visiting re8tiv08 and lrieude here, left
*h,, week for bin Western home.
David Brown and B Irving, 1,9 Winni•
pt•k, were 9,0880te at Geo Browne', Rase.
dare, Brueeele, The former ie a relative.
Demeter f3 F. B•alr, of Godennh,
meted au oh !Heinle lie Brew -els on
Wednesday while r,tDrntng from a pro-
fessional visit to Gorda.
Mies Lena .Beeker parpoem going to
Cavalier, North Dakota, ehorbly - to MO
est her brother, Earl, who hart pars
°heeed u bakery and reetaorent -
t u t!1
Martin 'Dad the mixt r nne to
haus m fail en he io8 a short 11,010 ago
in wit ch a jetty wax done one 111ri•n
Wo hope he wile eo"u be o. k, It is not
bft81* be i8 Ob the "'hell."
We are very careen) to see
that your Gla -tees ere fitted
peeper y to the Noe so that
they will appear brcomiug
and give eatlof,cbo, y result-.
born properly fitted Lenses.
Anything in the Optical line
we eau supply satiefaoturily.
The most np-to-date Jewelry
both iu Quality, Style and
on all Geode sue Repairs,
Miro Al *, Emil 11, of B . eh, is 01sit
Ing relative. mu friends in town.
Mime- Maggie and L.zz'e 'Brown were
vieitlug Mrs .1 Denim Kerr eit B )011 rule
?Alae Mary Ronx went to Toronto lair
week to pick op the latent mi'lh ser)
pon*9re. She will r, Onus to her poet
11011 .t M0,1k801, for tea- season.
Thus Ruse, of 011eseey, and Robert
Rose, 0I Kietoardine, were visitors under
1116 parental tool 1001 101811, oomin0 from
Wtueh'm .vh.rr they were par*lalpeting
iu a bonepiel with their reepeative mime.
The buys are both good intuit tweeters
R. J. Sharpe, of Oryotul 0*y,
who has beet rebewiug old frleud'.hipo
lit Huron Go. for the pae* 2 months,
started homeward tide wt els but will
Malt relatives and friends en route. He
'eye he wont he eo long in doming batik
Mise Geraldine McEwen, wbo is at.
tending the Ladies' Cu6ege at 8t.
Thpmao, ie here cm a v181t with her aunt,
Mrs..Leokie, reurutieg from a- relent
illness. The victor i8 a daughter of W
A. McEwen, merohan1, of Thesoelou,
John Walker, formerly 4f BI ueaetp, hn0
leased theestore lately 000upled by I. V
Fear, Beaforoh, mud will opru up. a U*rn,
tore and underLakn g ui.itteen about the
first of --Maroc. We wtrh lam 'omega
and as he has a good share of "go" about
him he Owned do well.
Ina tetter frim Adam Reid, of Ling
don, Non. Demme *10101.0 other
he 08) 8 ;—" W e have flue weather here "
Demi Po80,—I eee by THE POST you
are wetly burled with enow, Weil you
039813t pend us up u few oar loads lea w.
have hardly e,*tugh for steel ele.ghlee ap
here in Guo'• country. Yeti poop r mow
be a bad lot .whet you get tomb a nose,
We ore Living in Paraui,e but have not
tome 10 go Dat sod plait iOwer8 ,ilia you
people Yours truly,
Birile, Man., Feb, 12th, 1908.
DRAB 058,—W,• are having a lovely
Winter, juet enough snow to mak* good
sleighing and bright °nubbin° every day,
We like it flue in "Buuuy Aherne" Ail
are well, trusting you Are the name.
Yours tray,
Jamas elommeee,
Stratboon0, Alberta, Feb. 10911,
DEAR MR. Kene,—I am Mewed to tell
Stott we have the moat be*.otttol Winn r
I have ever seen, It bee 0een jean like
Spring for the peat five meiih8, but we
get the wlctry weethor at night when it
is very oold and windy but resiling to be
compered with loot Winter. ' The titer
110001010/ *81108811 550 below Eerie ono.
time+ iheit, '!Irma are t 1111 1,rre 0i pea
met .rod real estate 98rlhemell *111 not
Sniuob 8e.they did a seer.ago. We all
long for TEs Bitumens P085 every week
as we•wonld rattler have 411hnb all the
teat ofthe pewit's tint together. Having
so merry roomers we 96 the reeding of
mealy pnper0. bMt my tie'I em Pi*T Am
pleased to {.1080 tb+t 11,8 1.01. err n j ,y
Inv the beet of line,h ata* 1 ,ern h,uu11
Improved 094,30 oomNebera, The mom
dislike hero are the cold D1911te and
4!x.'!i3eeet1elAteeel Kellie
fiSTA0615B1 D 11417(4
Head Offices - - - - Toronto
Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of • household.
This form of account is specially suitable for those living in the country, as either member
can attend to the banking when in town. In case of death, the money may be withdrawn
by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or all for farther particulars.
Interest added four times a year
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
3. 8r. KowZand, Manager
do t winds. I doubt if trnit will ever
grow n 11118 ouu"try WWI kind restarts.
Y:.aro oinuerel,,
Mee A. SAGE.
Calgary, Jau. 101.1t, 1908.
DEAR Ste —Please find encl.eed one
dollar lur which renew my PdsT for
one year. This as my Oren Winter in
Manitoba and it oert0inly .1186 been n
very mild 0110 an tar Nut very 111 11011
80010 $Irlellitle 111 9--1111 lit town but in
1110 o uutry *I Is very pour ul s•.me pl •eee
white other pause are drifted 010° mmkes
,t tory hetet for whre•o. We eolruely
ever .6819 a eilrlgh oath about a wo, k ago.
Doe could not help hell( Manitoba with
,uoll time weather. Bi-111,'tie ix 9015
gaud fur 681 .here i+ x light tie up fpr
mutiny. If you went to tee a 0' ted 1ive
ly town whet° we have siwees Moe
weather oom8 to Nrrpawa.
Yours very truly,
W. re. Lens.
Neepawa, Man., Feb. 9ut, 1908.
It would be a difficult mutter iu the
yeal'8 meander to eeleui, a week's weather
that could be rougher or roads more
drifted than wa8 on the program for the
first week of Ram Huron Supplementary
h'arnlerlf' Inetitnte meetings. The re-
sult wee lour hose had tie be cancelled
910., 1" .,dwiuu, 11oIe0wo,- h, Ethel and
and at other paints the attend -
PIPS very enla;l owing w the weath-
er ow d'ti0118 mid the wino -t impit.ltable
urate ul the hig11weye. No one was to
bh,u,e lumen end the beat had to be
made nt edver,e ,-i, eutnate'toes.
flret, Mee lug hv.d wee at, Bluevsle,
'keratin), Feb. 4611. There ,vee ubuut
3•i pres.alt to the tate' ouu. 4V. H.
Frites* stab V. t the chair and filled
It rue, pleb y. Mr, Barbour, of Cross
Hi'I delivered an *aldose ou 'Cont
gn,wiug anti tautly 1110,, ;" A, G, Mo—
lionise uf F,tirv,ew, 8p lee on 'Dairy
cattle," In tate evening the attendance
was algin email. Seminary eloArt ter
made u anulpeeent ohuirm at. Mr. Bat-
buur de iVered a good sddreee on ',Farm -
ere and their Sona;" Mr. Mu$etzie
dwelt ou •'l.ayiug out the farm and plau-
hag farm buildings;" and Mies Camp-
bell, of Brompton, 1 *168 ,repent fled gave
eu addreee ou rite Influence of women."
ltev. W. J. West, M. A., also spokea few
timely 01o1118.
J,me'towu meeting came the tullewing
day but ou anemia of the atom very new
wets Liniment. Mo. Barbour ep"kt on
• The beef ,.teak weer," and Mr, McKen-
zie nu "Swine." Nu evening meeting
WKS held l.lvitig to bol weather.
Alter a tis -up until the following Mon-
day the delegation went to Rarlouk. At-
tendance was email, only about 85 pram
mit. - Juhn McGregor was in the chair.
Mr, Barbour spoke on "Corn growing
end cultivation and manure," and Mr.
McKenzie i0 "Beef 0,19118 aid draft
heroes." Iu the evening there was a
gond attendance when Wesley Beo,.m
presided in good form. Mr. Burbo*r
gave hie address en "Farmers axed their
Sous ;" Mr, McKenzie on "Laying ou
the farm ,tad planning the buildings ;"
and Mies Campbell on ' Influence of
omen," The good muslin' program
ueu"lly supplied here was much missed.
1'uo.dey Winthrop wee the scene of
operations. The attendance was better
and wider iutereet manifested. Jams°
Ouwau filled the position of chairman.
Mr. Barbour 2p0ke nu ..The beef steals
*dim," and Mr, MuKeiezie t n • Dee y
battle nd" Iu the eveiieg Reeve
Goveuluek was in the and in „d-
ditimi to the epeekere uu excellent mate-
rial program was given. ou account of
the 'Huang of Mies Gil Olin, the lady
speedier, she wee not present.
St. Col uenbieu was the °losing meeting
of the melee and was one of Ube beet.
Froth McQuade Yvan chteirineu at both
meetings A Farmers' Club was organ-
is d here with Frank M Qu de as Pres-
ident ; Thos.'21 lady, Vise Pres. ;. and
Jae, (1. 0' •ulliven, Seo'etary-Treaeore•.
Mie+ Rife of He8peler, was present and
organized a Wumen'e 118,10018, l•he
oleo gave a splendid addreee in the even-
ing on ,•The home in relation to the
eollool," The ^t, Columbian Orchestra,
Wider the direction of Rev. heather Mo -
Keown, fu*uiehed excellent amide in the
evehing, The reveend geutleman tekee
n very mantes? interest iu advancing the
good of the community along agrioultur.
al lines and many others could take a
leaf out "f hi. book with profit,
Secretary McArthur informs Tan Poo
that awing to t o cauoelled meetings and
the pour attendance at others that the
arta] moniberohip'hie year is only 161 so
tar. Thio*mnlbe' will no doubt be au
Mooted by many handing in the 25 cents
constituting the annual fee. Arrange-
ments are being made with the Depart-
ment to 11idd meeti/gel et the places not
notched 111 the *dveltteed series and es
°nun as dates are definitely 68191 d bills
will be i9eurd giving the desired inf0•0E-
reoty Ifo Gain In weight
Yo,, know you are too 1bia—yon eat
and eat, but never get an o0noe fatter,
Nerve ars, no -,,r le bad, strength
BP, ln•-, Ellfel1 019 Dee not - hard t0 get
la.t, 'i'.11 must P 1 01008, dig. At 90,re,
ea• •t'1+e moir. Tty 0 -,lip and Watch
your appetne grIIW. I. ennui all you eat
into 61ntrim006 and building mat81ik1—
fi le your veins with rich red blond,—
vises via ambition and vigor. For a
Menne bo Eder, a-fatteningtone, one that
re0inrea permanently, there 08 nothing In
compare with Ferrliz'roe. Try it and
ee8, 50u at all dealers.
D1E0810.—In Brdesele, on February 20111,
40 Mr and Mre W E. Demean, a
Ile lighter.
Goner -In Env*h, on Feb. 121h, to Mr.
a, d Mrs, N B. Gerry, a 1160 11,0
GIBBON —Ih W rax- ler, no Feb 18 h, to.
,*r. and Mrs. John Gibson, a daugh-
MASON —At. EDI 'drop. Beek, on Jenneiry
25ele, to Mr and Mr-, 68'9 i.m
Mason, form.r'y of Elbe', Otte•., 8
ROWLAND —In Brnoeetle, - On Febrnary
14 11, 10 Mr and Mrs. J. F. Row
laud, a daughter.
TUESDAY, Fon 25TE —Farm stook, ;m-
p'.mente, 80. no9H1 $ Int 80, eau 7
Morrie. -Sale oureaerved at 1 o'o'oot
Mary A Maunders, proprietress, F 8 -
Moot, •ootioneer.
WEDNESDAY. FEB. 26TR —F,rm of „'It
implemrnre, &u., L t 81 (ion 17, Go -N...
Bale et 1 p. m. JOHN manes, Prof,.
F. 8. Bootee And.
TEanenAY, FED. 27Th —Farm stook,im
,'serol,., 80 , a' L.' 7, Cun. 10, G.1 y.
Sx a mlrrael veil 01 1 ('hook. Tole,
MoCitenr,t, Perm, IPI nr; F. 8. Sonet, Atm
SATURDAY, FED 29TH. — Farm Stook
and ,mpmelne. to, Lu- 80. ^on 11, Grev
88 0 al 1 p. m. 12 M. 1 ELLAOOTT, Prop.
F R Roatl, 200,
TUESDAY, 1'A11oIs 8110.Furor Ment
, imp ,',hens, dee, Et} L -o 10, Gni, 17
Grey 64418 unre.rrved 1 1 p. w Woo
4Ap*LLI,TE0. Prop 'F R Scat, Ano.
°FRIDAY. \1AROB 6T11 —Faro. stock, kit -
pivot uta, 80., MI L-. 22, Coe 7, (ire,
Rale unreserved a1 1 o'oinuk. N. A.
Milne, Proprietor ; F. R. Stott, Aue,
HR'071_e3£I.8 MAs�Zsr �'.CS,
Feu Wheat 90 92
Barley 60 GO
Peas 80 80
Oats 45 46
Bmter, tone and r0 21 22
Eggs per dozen 20 22
Hay per ton 18 00 18 00
Four, per cwt 2 75 8 25
Boge, Live 5 00 5 00
Apples (per bbl.) 1 60 1 70
Potatoes per hoe 60 60
Be t, per bel„ ret,,,1 25 1 25
Wm (lvueheo)211 22
In order to Meal' not a num•
bar of oat' 250 cold Bio lines
we are this week offering a
fine assortment of Toilet ar-
Linlee - Ink nets, Pin Trays,
Gamete, Ph to, Stehle, Glove
and III ldkorohief Boxes, Pin
()mildews, Work Bpxev. Mir.
tors, Sowing -Seto, .Vamne,
Paper Weights, Pileto,
Frannie, 620., all at one price
See our Window
Drug Store
Ito. Oen arae tart Ol (4rev. Iter talo )l•
ell ,ell1. 1•'(1r1819n1*r pal00nlar'a LNI1lV at
'f as PueT, Bl080818. 8L•tt
Four° Pi. ,s tut sato Apuly tt J.. •8E
WIL' oBIS Lot 8, 0ou, 6, Gr. -y, or !intimate
P 0, 50.11
\A Hou,*. au 1 uun,l •1'Ws wnb cement
fl -t•• i ;toe.ift0 well.; i sore I tot; *0r 8,11°
n,• QUI. a .6.800. n,U,n, 10 lI'.1I y 6.1
115885 309N 0001010.
d t! 910t05 Ni 4;090. n a b (neer, ' n
lh.- premixes a iul111ortahle bauno, bank
Hurn. 0,00110d, &u Poe 0811 ill salt ns givon
,t nun,.. 11 111 les 'rum Ethel mud 5 rrdw
u+sele woe tomboy optrtlou*are smolt, nn
the promle:6 to f, LAMONT, or Ethel P.O.
NT. on, IoI1LEMoNT8, 20-1p, R. ',Gott,
Anotloneer,11,1 ,.,'u i,,,truut,•d bythe un-
1.-,eig'red t, oa'1 by tubiiu iinutlun at Lott
25. at 7, Grov,(adf .hues Este) .a ler' lay,
ht, t r 801. at 1 o'cu.elt.1 bn Iuunw,,g valuable
property; 1 ,eay. dranoht b, cud mars 9
,rore" din teal t. Im,401tad 11 own, 1 heavy
oras ht brood para net ,e 5 years gob uy
dare,,' and. Sup'1sail 00 be l0 lain t•) llu-
enrl0,1 hotel; 11,0070 droo0*0 mare rl.iug
5 )5515, sot by I(nraar and Hippredin foal
to tp.'nrted intro.; 1 o'uered porno,. h .008
nisi(- 7 Y, nr. o11 ; 1 0"uu x11,120 2'iviug
b-t8'-rblu0Oy aro; 8gomlo.wu.ael)ueod
1. Gulf n .nre I ''u t i 1 s o... tieing 2
08 re ; 1 alto.
r ri8n,g 1 see ;8 beef.' 8 -lvoe;
8 th •u' hoe' bol a 8510 1"01, 9 01•Lm ulll8
0 01,• 9.016. lul" rt°n Wind; g2 pure (rod
. i• t r • w 6, 51.+10 ul (1,051 are
11.1 I3*,, bn.' *nneouu •be 190 8101 8.1—S
0. 611., Moet 00,10890101 polo,. wi 0 Duds of re
ueut ye r9 w. r,• brad by eh egg nous •880
w, -lob will be e'4.I at trim sou; -8 our bred
9 •' k sows ei np0eed to *00 101g, 1 thoru'-
red 4or 0,.b,re 6'.1y, 01.d 0,080It at tun im-
9.rtnd 0110. her•d0m wan 0.11? by D.
C FhV 6 Ynr 4240 00 ; 4 den.. maid unload pro-
t0.0 berlv rrl 5o I'lywuu b 90 ale bels, 80 any
101ut1, l lou-, brg d rrllte tel. key q08,
1 b ud,r and 1010010 Our der ?.nark' new. 1
MEW e,-t1111•rie muwl•r. 1 01 bar.ow nt- arly
rw 1 k tii.seyharlle G I1,vet,t with grain
sootier „0d grans *08, Or so) elle 1 elm,at
new, 1 w, plug plow 1 ren104 ,'10W, t n""
ulog min, 1 top muter, 1 °Uttar. A luenba(or
au.t hruuder, elan nay 19.1.0 Drat u ,wd 8 ours
hinds sr 608(1 p,o at .00 lit, 9, 01* y,mdlug
vorirfl*x, dale aut°.urv.•d 110 prupr,at°r
has 'shred his farm and is cul: g Wast.
8rm. A Il en 8 ,1 815 and undo
that met t 9 w u h u nt wi , b•. given
.,a olObt . ul'otP ,11 I jn,•i.0,t,1010011 8on •; 0 metpe
sent * 08 au' 911 h
moo. t+ 7. d •*11,.NL, P..,prretnr,
you want and we offer them
to y'.0 at Re.lue'.d prices for
Cash. f .r 80 days.
The balance of our Blan-
kets at Cost, also Robes at
Coat to Clear. Trunks and
Valises a full knelt.
Roller Flour
� O
is now in full operation. 1t will sieve you
motley to have your Oats "Flaked" before
feeding horses
rry our New
BR:::AFT -
A8 F
Made from White
Wheat, Healthful_ and Invigorating,
Don't forget that our "VV h i e Loaf" Flour
18 still taking the lead for Iireati'�"1lOLlr5.^
ta-All kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand.
W '1
• 1 �e