HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-2-20, Page 4lar Srusul4 ,asst.
TLrUJ so ,p, ZEB, 20,1908
LST Saturday R. D Warren editor
of the Georgetown Gerald, wee .the nu
anitnone ohoioe of Galton Co, Ltbsrale
for the:. cannon Prevrtloiul eleotiuns
Hon• A. 1 Muolfay,'and C. N. Smith
P. P,, of the Seals, ware the outside
speakers, The l0rm6r iutimal.d the
probability of the eleolione 0omi014 in
Jobe next.
Wit hope the eg't,tton over the pro•
poeed remodelling of the Beuete will not
be allowed to drop Ile there very large
preponderepoo of people think 11 an an
wieldy!! hate neeleae body. 'While the
pereounel may contain numerous clever
menthe life and good condom phase fe
hot 8 deeirable one dor the good of the
Ogoutry. An elective eyetem would he
'Invarioro the present plan.
C. N. Sowoo, i11. P, P., of Sault Ste.
Marie, advocate° the taking over of the
Algoma Central Railway by the Previa..
oial Government. If we were the Gov-
erment we wanld not get up too big
a head of steam to Mottle the job just
now. Let them get the Temiekemng
road through to the Grand Trunk Pao -
Me first andtee bow it goes. The cele-
bratedInterooiorlial railway never was
able to pay for the ,grime on its axles
until the patient Ottawa Government
got bold of it.
TDR woman enffrage'aovuoatee in the
Old Land are having a teal pio'aia in
wbioh arrests, imprisonment, crying
bees, wordy battlee, &o., are on the pro-
gram. Numerous 141, P'e are . dodging
the fair combatants and are aektng pot
-ice peoteotioa when they walk the streets.
Many novel methods are being worked
to seams fund% to aid them in their
campaign. It was looked npou 'by many
as a kind of a lark at the start bat some
at the members ot the Government
think now that it is mora like a hawk
or mow at the present time.
Tno Mauttoba Prot/metal G,vernment
has a bill before the House to wipe out
the three Shhe otause in tbetr Lou,
Option law. This is no d, ebb being dune
owing to the combing down they received
et the tart election over it. ' Hon. Ma
Hanna,, of the Ontario Legis attire, bee
his eor to the gri,ond, it is said, on the
same question. It (e au unfair law and
one that aittlnot be deteuded, at east that
ie the opinion of thoneaide in Ontario
who will never rest satiefied uutil the
clatters is scored out.
Tile Mutant Reserve tote 0o. is to be
woond up 00 far se the OBnadian end
'is concerned, end it Tooke a good deal
se if the rosy timid promises to the
policy ho dent will never be fuddled. It
is said.tbe Oanedian deposit will likelyv
pay the legal reserve. Only 54 policies
were taken out - in 1906. Total habil.
(site are pat at $5,418 717 and meets
$8,701,602. Verily there was ebsolule
need of Government interierence and
Inearanoe Commissions to put 8 stop to
thie style of business being transacted
DON'T you think it Is ab .01 time the
flummery usually on the program at the
opening of Parliaments, anon as the
military eeaort, booming of oaunon,
low neck and short sleeved damsels and
matrons, &o., were Out Out andevery
day common sense eabstitated 7 We
do and believe it 0004 eem0 any too
soon. The same principle parriedout
to a logioal conclusion, if it could be
carried Out that way, would neoeeeitate
the employment of a braes band when
the township Coanoil assembles for its'
inaageral and a pink tea to give ad
dilionel prestige to the firsteessfo0 of
the 8ahoot'Board. Xt is a lot of tommy
rot that ebould never have been per
miffed to Dross the Atlantio.
POoral1eT11R GEN00ALL10MIRDY has eased.
up on the postage on daily newepapere
0000ain1 the Ioteruational boundary and
is proposing to tut down the drop letter
rate, While in the boaineee o! rebates
be ebould have the uneatidfaotory and
unjust lax removed from the Canadian
0o0nery weeklies going to the United
Slates. It means the Iota of many dol
late to ,the newspaper men by oandelled
eubeoritione and 0hoaid haver have been
put an. It this is 010 of the m0rhod0
need to swell the Poet OMae enrpine it to
time it were annulled aro a good share of
it domes aut of the Editor's puree. Our
judgment le that a tax Drs newspapers ie
wrong is principle and is a detelrant
aiming at progreeti0enees in the spread
otknowledge. What d0 you
it Mr, Postmaster Genera, 7
Why Liquid Catarrh Acmedlea F111,
They go +Iron. ne the aluruauA, have,
verylittle enact ors the hating of the.
note and throat, and 011trr01y lois td ogee,
Only by Meantime the air pa•°aged by
relieving time lnflumrnatiou and killing
the game is mire puesible. No oombin•
anion of anlisoepti o0 is eo OUcdeectal a8
Catarrhop,me, To breathing it yen send
the richest pine balsams right to the 98x1
of the disuse. 1.1(tatwe ph 0gm in
Bleared. Ont, hoarsernea, 0t0ghleg and
tanning are cured, For a permanent
aura for oatarrh nothingegnale Catarrh
•tole, 250 and $100 at 011 dealers.
To bhe 1llditor of Walt 700T
Dna. SD: -It may 0114 truth' be said
tints we are au p18aeed to repetve lettere
by ma!', et, tt 4o0Orred to me that e
few lettere in TIM POT might "be it,..
tere00t4g to tum• of pop knmero00
reeder0 41111 it eo 1 will be pleased Ilea
repaid for spy trouble it, wrote!,
ldsuoe returning from the 01 Laud
we have been asked mauy que•tione
shoot the 1ountry,tbe onetime and the
0Ue18 08 of the p"ogle 00 the other side
of the Rea 10 I parpu08 giving a few
eltotoflee of sumo- thing0 , We Jleyd eel0
add planes Tinted. Like many ethers
we always 111400 bed a great melte t0
vide the land of our. birth. Mond or a
very preaioae word in whatever' 0tatida
of tile man is toned, whether in the
abode of poverty or the Stately matlefo110
of the great. A oo1m1n towing ie ex
perteuoed in the thought of home, a
place where the weary wenlleier IP'
the desert ot lite Dao riot kar'1010a it
peace. Jobe Payne, meet of his' life a
stranger in a strange tend, knew eumr-
thing of tbie feeling end immurtauzen
himself by giving to the world that
beautiful melody whtob touches!, a ted.
der chord in every bumau bears
"Home 1 Sweet Home."
The !ova of opautry le also a relies
pa88100 with all O'as8e0 end 00l,lll41411s.
of mankind. Ae "Dietaries, laude en'
ohoutmeut to the eoene' to dielauoe
etrengtheuethe tire which bind ue to
our native 090(10ry The .0(e Al+x4111, r
Mair, of 'L'erouto, rendered u•m+nit lam
nue for all. time by bequeaths„g 0 • Uro
oda par national eoug "'Tee Maple Let,!
"Oauld be the Soot within wbose heart
Nae patriot flame Is buru,ng,
Whir (tele nae prim free b, me to part
Nur joy when book returning."
Generally speaking the Thistle, Shnm
rook and Rues will represeut tbo duffer
ant nationalities ol the reedere of 'las'
P. ex eo each errantry 10111 have epeolal
auraotIoue 1 r those who have weedereu
far away to usher !epos W. have 0(e0
people seep tot joy 00 Mare ehip at the
first eight of their native bine.
There ate many th'ange 10 entreat one.
maroon the sea, the flus old 0(1088 f ivy
covered tai110 record-, of former days
when Might was Rtgbt; the old battle
grounds renowned in 1101114 and story ;
the old atone church where we andour
fathers were wont to; worship l atm the
o'd home where we :.pent oar happiest
days, With a desire to tee those p some
01(00 more we loot May arranged fur our.
p0deag0 o8 'tbe i1Empree:+ 01 Ireland,"
from Quebeo to Liverpool,
B.a',tele to Qin bee 10'1(10. 620 melee
by the Grand Ttuuk Runway. From
Torootu to Montreal f0 0 filo fermi g
uonutry and ,,0100000 0 n' tutees and
mien from ata 1.0 web: mite. apart . by
the way mnkee it very "t,ere04+ng run
0 , arriving at Montreal, the greoleet
uualmeroial oily of Oanad,, it le well to
br,8kthe journey and tee some 01 .the
0lghte.' 01 uuuree the alder pars of the
any le just 001m 014.000 but h,eher up
towar110 Munni royal he. dile etree'O
and great atone bui dings arewen worth
seeing. I wt 1 just mention a f w of the
notable places- • There are mom.''line
Aural ea and cathedra a. Notre Dame,
the ob,ef Roman Oen oho anuren, at the
190 t magn,fleeut place -.f worship I 11,08
ever Beth and probably there is uo+hw0
to earpare it in the Dominion. Doors
are always open and free eeee80: to visit
r0. Then there i0St. Peter's, modelled
after St. Peter's of Rome. Bt, Jamie,
perhaps the finest M.(hodi,et chemo 111
Canada. 8 • Pam'ePreebyteriaII, whose
mtuisler, Dr FLrelay, reoeiveo
eatery of over 27,000 The MhG 1,
U..iserefty and Art Ge,teriee are very
d se. The water worlte on the Leonine
rtv0r with pnederaue machinery evert
-truke of the pump ,•el.ing flit) eel one
of water away up to ther•servolr on tee
side of the mountain,. The great Wiud-
eor Hotel, the resort of royalty and
nobility_from all parte of the world.
Bata viell 00 Montreal without 0eoeun•.
mg the 'mountain would be quite in.
0omp(ete. Yea 0011 00 up soy 1110 toed
railway or Moe circular carriage drive
allthe way Oa the eldee of the moun-
tain are 00metert00 beautifully laid out
for Roman. Catholioe and Proteotante
There 10 also a crematory for the use of
those who prefer to,hevethe )3odleo rf
their friends. redneed to '.athee, The
view from the top of the moUnsa'n (e
moat oharming There Dau be eeen not
only a bird's eye view of the 'whole oily.
bat ar entity ,ones the river the 'elate
of New -York. The Viktoria Railway
norms aors the St. Lawrence 1- two.
mites in length, fuse opeuen it, 1860 by
the then Prince of, Weise. It. wan eon•
atdered at the time one of toe wonders of
the world but het long Moon be -n
eo(ipeed by enoh brings- a. the Forth,
the Brooklyn and that: torose the Zeal
11ei liver beside the Victoria Fait. 111
We hasten oh to Quebeo. Down the
South, aide of the river the land le
dot very good eo far as we eau see 00111
the frame are u0rrow-t,venty rode or
eo in width, running away book from
the river into the country. On our• way
clown on the train we met lu with Mr
Peck suit eon, from Evmo,,dvtlle, alto
on their way to the Old Land. We •en.
joyod their oompany very moth. It is
nue of the pfeaeur00 ot travelling to .have
good oompany,
In due time Point Levi was reached
when we went on ferry boat and 000000 d
the river to Quebec. The steer here
is two miler wide end nal.,gtinle for hp
largest ships. Histories nssuOtetunlH
cluster aro0ud thin old atty. The great
majority of population are French Can
adlew., a very fine °lase of people, proud
of their °sty and moat ream:01fdl to
etranger0. The city in built on the aide
of the hili and some of the etreete are
very Be0
t sidewalks too narrow ow for
p and el
two to pries each other without one stip
iug said°. While the •dwelltug •booties
ur0 fairly good, 0011 they ((0 001 cum
*1000 ed11) those to Montreal. The firth
eight that aureate the atteoti0n of.
etrang•'re le the m(x11ty fortress, the
gelid rock tieing to re' thee three bun.
tired fest an height Dud oruwu0d with,
the battlements bristling with gene.
After looking around the city we
't 6 Whet a view 1liroked' t o th°made
The broad herbur laden with vessels of
of wide experience, broad' 18710100•
shit, and untiritig energy, employed
by 110, have hent do a curried um uu-
ahrpeeaed in nomad* (ur 01,1,0gu•
nese, ayet0m 4211aeteal buelneei
Tanis infatts .-=Delegrapby,kien-
earapuy and oowmerotet.
Enter alit time, luntynluOl
strut/non, Grnda1tee affiliated 10
poelll u. lee Yuea$lo0,
0 All !bm'aor in Langnagee, Bonk-
ke0plug, tlburtuuud, Pet,tea lien p,eto
He •d a postal Ino 10( 110ati011 about
OAHAUA'e Odw*Tn8T ('MAIN nu fired -
Orland Btanairee
Q nAn119128(0x80 . 001.110118.
A, A.111130110, M.A., Ph R,
'etoci rfueipsl
Ono. 1POTTON. Ptiuolpal
Fall% of MontmorecOLhigher than those
of Niagara. The Chateau Palade • Hotel,
competes fur grandeur with the Wtnd•
eor ut Mouteal.
I had long bad a desire to 'visit Quebeo
bow/field, to %laud upon the Plein% of.
Abr.ham where the Iuttependeuoe 111
Canada was eeoared. Ae we eland there
the.sieton rises before na, Wolfe and but
brave Highlanders ehmbmg up the sheep
bank of 1be river,overpowering' the
Fenlon guard, forming thewer•ves in
batt a array and wiih mar 101 1088(0 and
mee03red slap marebtug forward to meg,
the foe drtermulrd ei her to do or die,
The °'i flfdl wa1 sheet 1100 decisive,
the two g0.1elt leaders, the victor ado
the vaogn eked, both gave their lives for
their uonutry. While proud of urn
country we think of the meuy brave
eold,ere who neve died on every °oast
defending -aha maintaining the euprem
Boy of the British Empire, On the spot
where Wolfe 1e ( there (e a plain pillar
wnh the inscription "Jame. Wo to died
Clete" -"V Morino. " Nearerthe oat
1e amore 1111011111110 01110(1 monument to
nmmrmoratloo of both crave Winter s -
W o fa sed Montoalm, e
"Brave men and true alike
Matters 1108 creed nor raoe,
All are of one great kin
Here In 1be reefing place.
Nation againes nation strives
Entlesely 'Death the eon,
Ween the"`great silence" fella.
All are in reel me nue.
Teore for the wrotige that keep
Far fr m ne peace aur good
Teem that in 1110 there (.
No heppy brotherho'd ( _
P. ace to the quit dead l .
Life's errors ',leered away-
Broihers in hope they wait
1'ke breaking of the day"
Yuare sift*\
JAnE' 9100008.
D apt le Graf ge, F1b. 16,11, 1908.
Are Tone cktldrea "Droopy"
Thte trim, -ie lenbad,y-m0l8 b0 etop-
ped-quieky, nothfpg is eo ears as the
Nervnnt. Treatment. Give le internally,
rah It on the throat and cheat, end then
put 0't a Nerviiute Porous Piaster. TIM
marveloae power of Nervi ine, both Ile e
nnlment-and in plotter form will eorpris•
von. Fur sore throat, contrite, colas asp
ptemisy a ole, it in need by tbooeaude
every day. 1valuable it, ebe home.
eel e''ioly for Dear ng the -minor illeshat
oil children are hound to oaten Large
botte0 250 etch. Nervihne. Flouters
same prat e, a, Mestere or N. O. Poleon &
00., Suigetun, Ont.
Rey. W. J. and Mrs. Reilly. Formers
ly of Brussels, Celebrate-
The:- Ohateworlh piper Saye of a farm
e. Rector of 190, Juhu'e cherub, Brit,-
A large and very pleasant gathering
rook matte m the Town Hai ins, Friday
evening, when the congregations of 8t
Peale, 8t. Mark's and Ss. Jobu'e
churches entertained their Rentor and
Me wife and a number -uf their 11,1.0110
untefne of the eougregatioue ata oelebra
tion of the sweuty.flftb anniversary of
their marriage. Four tablet were laid,
with the hest of everything eatable and a
epleudid lea wag enjoyed by.all present.
Alter the guests at the first take had
0opo)taed the to e1, Raaf Dean Ardill,
of Owen 8ueod, proposed the health of
the bride and grin= to a short humorous
speech, wh.oh was responded to by Mr
Ren y u, a happy manner. Table after
rob 0 was spread until al had replenished
8hemaetve0 on the good thione provided
After tea ore 0 ahem rend the follow
lug address end Mani Lambert eon Mrs.
U. Magee made -the 810 mp.nying plee-.
, motto., Dt. O,dhetmwrung as ohair.
0 , beba.l of tn0 (Norou members of
idle perish, it owl toes our p eeeare and
duty to retoiim yen 10-u,gh8that we are
nut Vogel fell of 164 firm that 3011 have
tortoni a gUarler of a oeotary of wedded
,if. together, may the nett 100111) flue.
year, be ea 140eoeful and peppy as the
east. Your friends herewith present to
you the 7-e dervtoe and C+'mmeuion.
der, ese end de0(4e yr110 enespiaooe al she
name. Tile kat, 8 mem 0101 of 100nty.
114. years of wedlock, ie presented to 8
sight token '•1 the tweed; end high re
nerd it, wbtah you are held by y, ur many
(riende of tote parcels. May (t adorn
your tables for many years and may the
refreshing beverage you tip from shin
e be snob se
ill aid in prolong
'b nor thief; to assn a time as eat
tgy 1
enidell wedning, when theme trifle wli
teeal to memory the ane,t00 Of melds
five 40are before, the Iledghllal bo000un
wl(1:14 wry osrbr0(0 1o•O1g110.
Binned on belie.,r rl(h nn,igregatloo
by tiles OLD0081
St. Pool'. church, Cltetsworlh
MRs Maass,
C. M ,
81. John's oho oh, Deeboro.
Mime H. Lemma,
Bt, M"rk'a,'hnroh Holland.
sl nroortptlonH from Melly lands ; the Chatsworth, Deo 27, 1907
stately river winding it0 way bntrerd Iinmed,Nteiy following the preaenlatinn
to the eel 1 and the ep'rev end turrets from tee eodtregetion7, John ttoDotia
of the rt'iony ahorohee sod Ohne build read an audre%e and A. ,MsG,itivray made
Inge glittering in the 0nnehine. A tittle,the toe, )tlpanying' pre0entaiien on be
way up the kit, Charles river ore the halt of the ow zen Blonde, sir follows t-'-
Rsv. W J Rosales sop 7‘1124 RRoL,L4,
DaoR 71901087,-0t, 1111e 118914. 04
080100, 1,110 26un attniveteary of your
marriage, when so many at y1t(r friends
have met to enjoy year ltnaphltlity and
offer their ewlgra etalio111, U, Id 11 0807
aluaero pleasure for those of lir ont0itl.
your own 00nereg•11011 90 bepre00111, and
Fe there )nthe etj i mr((0 of this very
in0ereeting event. The anuivoreary of it
W011111ne eliunld ,tear's 11e 0 104 WO 10
040011 ; 11111011 Mote so ehoold h • 11 •
present annioeroaly,. 1uveriug 08 it dues
twenty flue years of mart ltd life, blessed
with health and 1(sppin08', enriolod with
goodworks and ulmenled With mutual
love sod devotion,'
For happy they, 1ho happii i.t of 1110(0
Whom gentle entre unite and in on,
Their hearse, 'their 10,10080 and their
beluga blend..
During thirteen of diose twenty five
pare yott have been r,'Nlllelll0 al. 001 111
•Nk1, and 1i I1,81 tine We hate lens net 101
reep„ot you NB 0t110N111 8114 to ole yurs to,
friends. Outline your owl: chose,
ephere00 wulkero id 1111 Mooter'o 01111
yard; yon have identfied yourslvee wvth
the welfare of our 0(110ge.111 me0y ways,
ncouragtnk and aide g tie it, evert-rhiu0
that tended towards oar ed,aneemeut
and 8ympetifznlg with ue in (hose lhink8.,
in which we feted, , As a 01,2114 re0ogni
1100 0! 001 reopeot for yen air commie
and ifl0nd0 we mown. to you, enth no
ordinary teenage o1 plea0ur8, tine table
oenbre piece, homelike that you wi1•n00epb
11.1109'as 8 reoompenee for poor men),
good offiuee it, our midst, but - 80 a 10111
imprearion of the feelings wbtel, prompt.
td °e in m king the preeeutatese, We
sincerely ooitgretulate you on the twain
me111 of this .very tipeer, 0(102 stave 111
your married. lite, 10011 ,Ina1111ot in G00'0
t oodneee you mai long he epered W thio(
each other's ',newt y. May y ur nuw,rd'-
career through life be b; eased with joy..
and happinee•, and adorned 00 in the
past, with good works.
Signed on behalf ol the Others bye
Ohateworlb, Dro. 27 1907
After. the 'person tail 88, 11pee01(ee
w. re Mede by Joe B. Dobie, .00010 110-'
Duunln, Rev. Weil wood cud' thin Breese,
and Mine Ge bra„h eaog, Miss Wylde
Freeman a0eompaoying her 013 the. piano.
M. Oamlroe also meow end the happily
spent evening wasbet natio' 'o' a c. o' a by
singing the Nutiuuel A. them.
Grey Council Meeting.
The Connell mat purenuntto order 111
Motidsy, February 10.11 et the Town -hip
Reit, Nand. Mrmbero all pre0ent,
Reeve • us the chair Minutes ,of hint
meettn0 read and edoptoa.
Moved by John Brown, o,00nded by
Jae. MoFad'n an, Ihet the (4pp n0ati011
of'l'homte Bowie 1. haver t No, 18, 000.
7, changed from S. S. No. 610 t3. B• No,
11 no notion be tiler,. Carried.
Moved by John Brown, eeoonded by
Joe MuFadaeun,'hat Adam Tomball be
appointed Weed I, I•tieetor for ,hr Town
ship foe the year 1908 Inepe0tor'e fees
to. be $2 00 per day, while oa.uully eo-
gegen 111 inepeOtine Bond Tree to be paid
by the partiee in detail t. Carried;
Moved try Jahn Brown, Beclouded by
.1 hi, 011t0, 111o1 the Ando:ore' Report of
reo'•'pt, and expendtutre for the year
1907 as readbe adopted aid that thirty
amine be printed. Carried.
Tenders for the Johbetou bridge super,
eerawure received from the following
firms ;-
Portiere Bridge Co ..61400 00
A Bin & Oo 1390 00
Ontano Bridge Co 158000
We're making quite a specialty
of the " Imperial" brand of fine
shoes for both gentlemen and
ladies with every condition war-
ranting the biggest kind of trade,
They represent new and aurae.
tive styles, Conscientiously made
from high class materials and with
every bit of extravagance taken
out of prices. We don't know
of any better value for the money
W•118,118 110 13(101,4 Or k11,10e8
prom fly slope.
°es' Not
Color Hair°
Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now
made from our new improved.
formula, does I:ui sraln or color
the hair even to the slightest
degree. Gray hair, white hair,
blonde hair is not made a
shade darker. But it certainly
does stop falling hair. No
question about that.
Does nor change the color of the hair;
Formula with ..oh bottle
6how tt to 70280
tiers dbwt.r
Ask him abort ys
taxon h
en do •r /Assays
Indeed, we believe it will stop every case
of falling hair unless there is some very
unusual complication, something greatly
affecting the general health. Then you
should consult your physician. liAlso ask
him about the new Ayer's flair Vigor.
--.Made by the J. 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, Ido.,-..
8+ratford Bridge Co........... 1448 00
Moved by Jae. M„Fadzean, seconded
Mr silo. Grant, that the tender of A. HijI
& Oo. be aoeep•ed al 91690 00. Bridge to
be 10 mpleted on or hof re the 1st ,day of
September A. D 1908 (tarried.
Tendert for the ,1 hneton bridge abut.
merit's received from the following coo,
tractors :-.
8. 8. " Oale, $400 per an. yd. eXoavating
B em•wort h & Eokmier,-, 94.00per en.
yd exesvanug I,Io net d,
Frain & Jaoklili, $486, excavating 85
per aa, 711.
Mavod by John Brown, seconded: by
Jobe Grano that the aonbraot of the
,Juhuotno bridge abnlmeme be given to
H+<meworth & Elltrrtiss et $400 per. off.
Yd , 0x010va3l g, uloladeo. - Beim abut.
0,711(0 t0 ea 00(np.el811 on or before the
80+10 dap of July, A, D 191)8 Contract-
ors to pay one ha t of ,ii.neotor'•' fees
wb,Oh-mast not exceed $200 per day.
Mout d by Jae. Mol'adzean, seconded
by Jahu' Outt, that the Reeve have
Treueorer's 0Unde drpOsil.ed in Standard
Batik Brussels, acid that the bonds ear
not be withdrawn without a resolution
of 4'oo„01l. Carried.
On motion of John Cott, seconded by
John Grant the following amountswere
paid ;-
John IYI Davies, eelary as Auditor 910 00
James Llvun+0tnn, " " " 10 00
Thar Chapman, ooal oil for Hall„ 1 00
Thee Vodd.n, gravelling, 8 R 4
0000 6 and 7 7 60
James Peer,ou, oOntreet gravel„ 1 20
Moved,eeaonded and carried, that the
Cannell do now adjourn to meet on Mon-
day March 9th 00 10 a. m. Township
Hall. JoEN MoINToo», Clerk.
Our delicious Cod Liver
preparation without oil.
Better than old-fashioned
cod liver oil nd emulsions
to restore health for
Old people, delicate children,
weak run-down persons, and
after sic1 tv es, colds, coughs,
bronchitis a i i ,:;,il, throat and
lung ir0tlif14'..S.
Try it r-;::1 1".'tar guarantee.
James Fox, Druggist
I have found a tried and tested cure for Rhe14.
inlet -ism? Not a remedy thatwill straighten the
!distorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor tum bony'
Wim'avths back to flesh again. Thad is impossible.
tt I can now surely kill the pains and pane of.
this deplorable disease.
1.1 Germany -with a Chemist in the Oily of
Darmstadt 3 Lound the last ingredient with
Which Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made'
•a perfected, dependable prescription. Without
that last ingredient, I successfully treated many/
many caseeo1 Rhonmatlom; but now, at last, ittult-
forinly cures all curable cases of this heretofore
'much dreaded disease. Those sand -like Ranular
wastes, found in Rhemnaticilood. seem to dissolve
Gild pass away under the action of this remedy nit
freely as does sugar when added to pure water.
And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wagtail
freely 9000 from the system, and the cause of,
Rheumatism is BBono forever. There (0"now 100
real need -no withal 000008 to suffer longer wttb.
out l olp. We sell, and in confidence recommend
. L H'rogs, 11ALntesnme, &o'-7.8, 1Dolt,
Anat1oue#r,uu0 wow, fuetl'noOde by the ueet
dwell/nen to bent by (•((6110 uuotlnn at Lot
7, Cou.10, Grey, on /111010107, S'obrnary 27,
at 1 O'olook, too following vulnebl0 pf0per•
ty t-1 agricultural mare 7 rotor old to teal,
1ugtioullura1 mere6 yeal'a old, 1 drlvlegC
mare 7 years old, 1 draught 0010 risi24 l
your, 2104enmdtub eowr, 4(owe gupp00od
to Ouif, 1 farrow ouw, 1 fat (ruw, 4 810Ur0 din
lug 2 yoore,0'heifers Tieing 3 years, a heiler0
minor 1 year qlu, a toilette, 2 110002 Dave, 0
store p1ge, 4 Shallot Alga, 4'Ueellog bender
41oot cut, 1 now Maseoy.Harrie mower G tr.
out, 1 hey rake, 1 Moo borrow; '1 Fleury
9100;1 gang plow, l set ir011 harrows, 1 tan -
Mug mill, 1 wa000, 1 000 bou.o,olgbo1 147
reek 1 hug ruck, 1 lout punter, 1 beide.. ,1
net of duuoln llw'm0e,' 1 Det pLJW m114,000, 1
sat olugre harueeo, 1 pule in 00000,1 nobler,
2 tnekeyb, 00 linea, u qua0blty 4t magic
fluorjug, 8 I. um0Or ot 1l torso bhe, u nu10et'
ut cedar )met., quantity titmau0utdd, a
flu-se:tity of tutaeo ggrule (rate and peke), a
Lumber of otber artlele( tau uutueruull to
mention. Dine uureeerved 10 plupt.etor
hire sad hie faun. 1arms -AM et, 00 ul ab
dud 14.110, 0uo1I, veer bllatumed IL 9 mon ha
weed wl I be gtveu sou la 110411..44 00,ui 1041
juluo(10.00; 4 pe enol. elf ter 0,0111414 o.1..
dltunl,.nut0, 1(Uu10o2 al0Jaw,U111,
11 ,`a UCEION SALE U14 PAR141
11 0W,O$, L1 Ordstirm re, .dm -•t'. 0. -,tett,
Aiu11uaourt Lobo have .41st, Uuted' uy but- un•
telaued to ball e7 puede 410ut14,1 0v 0001.0
11 Let 110, Lou, 7, Morrie, urs '1'uubday,
11011.2604, at lu'olubk, ate 00108dug vain,
ubre pe19erty.t-1 hem rat purpose inure
flame 5 year's Loy 01011111. 1 genet's' 1,11,-
90110 were. -1 go beret peep iota 141010 0 yenta
1d, 1 dllvmg mere .1011111 7 yea ue, 1 Cul ere!
t(o1urpudn heron 0111 rte105 2 reset u Oa11-
geldi l dprlug-geidmg by auk11. 00,-1 gpreug
gnld00uy o0.,tlauu', kluge. 10901140 deld-
'ela007 oaten P'1(8 l ep, tu0 d,.y by aW
et01114n,11reeu W,1ph 00W, 0 0008 9uplr.,eed
111 0011,U bleere rie.ug 2 y bete, 1 slows/ I l.mg
1 year, 1 honer - rl1tpg' 1 peer, •a. 0u1Vob, 1
1'uuroueu.urolt Ytu'uoulrn bow 111 ole,
0 pike Lunen menthe 412, 09 none, 1
°Utter, 1 eye bob-elo/aud, 1 Minuet. wagon,.1
100ea Wagon, 1 tug baggy, 15,uet Jt. Wu.,i1
b1u4n1.8 18.011, 1 s,aaeyyH4r,1d W01001
1t. Oat, 1 alueeey-Hallie heed 21111, 1 0'1014 ds
Wood 40Oe, 11011.011 ray 4w11ye,d,',. 1 1013,,
:thud., 1 twin. 12w0, 1 narrow plow,/ anolBer,
1reU01ub mol, 1 0,12,002 lo. destine, 1 hog.
Luna,11 hay ra0hd, 1 grredalouo, 1 001 single•
Mar11080, ren10 u0ary wounds 1 tat0Ouut
000110 ep41'0401' 0144. 040 ee,ae04., 1 1111004-
140 .00, seyalled, !Jake, '. duu100 ,.441 004001•
MIN 414401 111 114e1e0, pule 141111040 00,0000 t,0
sue p.8plly.a0e0 Lied 0.84,11 her ,012411
♦alma 14111001 Aida a Uuder Cush, (Wes
Lows ,4W 401 been 044 0.0011 011. us, 61800
un 140.. 4,06 a„p11Vu„(4144.13 4 r 0 pa,
U11111.. Loll AUL 0400 4441 ul'.dle ...Uuus4o. .4,140.
a. 1u4USNUL.s*, 1140411040000,
L., 03, UuL, 18, tarty, 00111014110,. 100
a0rne App13 01. 44,12. W QU11n,Ur001luu1
Y. u.
e, u s Y,re01lko Lug tug 41110, 1101 60,
lyluuld, ur 412U00010 Y. U. Ja.dh1,
Dl LlH. 1011
R. J. Whitfield
New York Eye bpecialist
W1t1 be at his home fu E3the2 avnry
Saturday, prepa1011 00- properly. 00.
*4(4140 20ye0 bun&M eet(Stae080.
1101311140111010 hoUde ell krluouba Strout
with mum eon all co.,00ulell0dd. For fur -
fuer purbl8Ul4rn apply to WAL, HUNIo Y,
agent, W(0140,ain. 31.14
Pulte Aur rule. Oousloo wme dwelt
10l., har0aed 0011 Water luUer 80400 7 49•
pile, piow 0140 0ue1ry treed, dos. Yoadee0.un
Cut, ue 01,1411 est uuun, 11'010 (14100, tytMo, 100.
0011 at l'Hl/ YOuT,
!.7 WONr1D u0o 4. 04noad 0011.,8 J .yowls, 8
ewers aa
talon 2 years ou 4 *10(40: hoc 09
11n1'e 140 8010. Apply 0110044 02 & 04, 1,ou.
1,,lur010, OrJa10ee4uwu 11.01.
1'lt'1'1'111. 1rlhDUUtiaLL,
lea 0aln—,stun.t e4re00, eu1011u1t0u10
non-. 144 0000' 1'ep0rr, o10aal 8404010, 4000
000, 0te40r0, @0. 1.000000/011 Day finis. b'or
1urtLoon pa440040r0 agp1y 011 the pl'bullbOb
to el, uuary8U11U, 0ru.oel8. 40.10.
0 R1CJi S1'0&tfi 'l ) BENT BY
r 0,,,4ta 104—pa,'4 in 040101 "1:IOo h.
-Ileo 0011 200u0ur irons omellul4u li018n ;
. lw.el j 4oust ad 1111!414„41 044 601410' ,111a1lbIl-
1. g otoollduttlnu,. rot 1040000 parsieess40
app11411LA, 011kr,LV,4 Y, 24,0000.0.
Dr. Shoop's
K. O. T. Mr
Brussels Tout- of 10 Mao0,01008, NO. 24
hold their regular meoltuge lu the LuUOO
16.010, 00..1114 41100.,urs 00 1e. WILL 0.t,
1'ueouay overdoes 04 ' 041041 1MMourn.
YtdltoleetWays weleu.uo.
A, bQ.uha e, smut. •t. MeooJldel, 11, It.
U 170 l-
l4avo been appoluled by.. the uoun0101
Uuverumeu4 to blue,. lmmlbillU44 1101. the
.01410811 kiugou10 lu pubttluud 00 181.10 lab-
ourer. or 1101001410 001 01110 i0 the! 010114149.
Auy pe1'huu 1egU10l0k 1(100 Delp 01100141 0041•
ly we uy /644011 e,atfug 0119 tub hien ui lamp
requlrad, when wanted and wage., 0(1.0,8,4
1 he Lo1Mbu1', 0004V4.1$ Way u°4 bo buniolnu
to set,1,47 all iyquee4o t,1, etsry euo,t 011,
Ln 844140 10 proVidtlueh Uptakes. 14144
Delp Ieg111red, U. 0, of 041,
1114Le01a4 ttoyurLimeUL bMpluy1110u1 Ag0.. 4
a9-ly uxdetoleY.
Synopsis of panaaiall Northwest
• A1'100th Lumusn.d eectluu Ul IIOILi4i0ll
auds lu Mawtoba, Onel +terase 04,
Aluer4a,nxotlptlug 8 14412 28, nutt 0(10400801,
may be heweoteadod oy any p111e,11 Wuu i0
0110 holebnau4talawily,0rony male over
18 yearn 01 age, to the extent of nun -quieter
Section O awes more Or est
"ALL DEALERS" Entry mW be made per0unally 0E the
local laud oll110 fur the district it, 'which
the land Ie eitaate.
Tho homesteader i0 required to perform
the uoudiflouo 800(1eo10d thetewlth under
one of the 14111ow1ugMein
(1) At leant atz mouton' res,do0oo: up ors
and cultivationet the loud m teen your for
(2) 11 the father for mother, It the father
is deeeaoe,3 Of the homueteauer reeliloe
upon alarm id the viol ,ity ui' the laud
010ered 140 the requirements, 04 to reel.
dame may belie -tatted by town person re-
eldiu8 with the tether or mother,
le) If the settler hap ole pexlu0o8nt reel•
deme upon farming land oweed lty him
111 1110 701010113, of uta homeeteud, the re-
quirements a4 to re0ideuee may no 01610.
lied by Tee do
ea on be Bad land.
nit mouthe'nntlob it, written eholNd ht
idiom to 010 pumngetioder 01 Lomhd00
Laude et Ottawa of toteuttun t0 apply tor
Deputy of theata10ter of interior.
N.11, Uuauthori2od 1420lieetted of ibla ad
vertiaemout will nut be pard for,
Friar's Cough Balsam
One of the good, old-fashioned things that has
never been improved upon.
Infallible for coughs, colds, bronchial and lung'
It is the largest and best 260 remedy for cot ghe
and ands, Prepared, recommended and guaranteed
by the largest wholesale drug house in the worlds
If your druggist does tint handle it, lot as know.
NATIONAL DRUG & MEM 00,1 Umlled • 30 LONDON, Ont
ow Open.
'1 'Perm 1: et non e
Winter Lan Id all Topa t t
of the aware' '119.doeue' College,
'lbruubo, :dere sp1014) l olutnuos
for spending a low alumna ploae-
1Httly andprotltubly,
Tweuty4ive teachers.
Ulttgloguo free,
Write fur it,
W. H. SHAW, Principal
R, SHAW, Soot'otary,
Yollgo 10 Gerrard 810.,'Torcu b0
81189WASh UAtsUS.
of M I.1111,1AUE L10INSL1t;5
(tine lo the Pent suttee, Ethel. 30.4
+2lint 1.` IA C. &It11S"LtONG
A., Jo (11'r1ra1'u,l 4U 41130 ,1.00 40 Un 1'1,400
rood. .2 Lion, 11,00,1 ursreuplreatlu
uWaldo il.
Pi nt0o^ mkt 000uw
—.loole, Red .enne-
Let8.0at. 111, tartly. Pupil,' may nave their
106etdla 1111110111 14Wu 1.0100,• I. preferred.
Teacher of Piatio or Organ
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Uouservlttory of Music.
• J14l4tES HA•II%15,
Agent liowiek hlutunl
Fire lusurauce Cotnpauy
•10100 and ltobidpu0e-
Rate of Iuhere9414 per mut per ammo, fleet
1lsoe101or 1.1(0 LUAU ranee 00 A(Any
'ruoEquity Fire fu00rnu00 Company
All business attended to promptly.
H. R. BREWER, d. P.
Clerk 4th Division Court..
1. • can, will sell for better prices, 10
Jotter 1ueu, (11 loss tune ane lees °barges
Man any other Auctioneer 10 kIu81 Ourou er
Ile won't charge anything. hates and order%
tan always ue arrangedat tnr0 ollloe or by
.0reunal application,
141,110VALP4 - ONT.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. tieing arranged for
atthe o1D0e 01 0111 PooT, Bruseelo, 2901
lJf• Honor ,,inti hoof the Ontario Vet -
entry College; teprepared to teems all die-
rieed 4r JOgl:0 10tLLOd ud Nuala in 0 00111100-
1 11114111111 ellrbi'1UlS.1' attention tight to
.eterivary .Jo Amor ant ;!lilt ” lvrc 110118
101wp117 ataaudOd 00, When and infirmary
--pour donee urtb ,if Itreigo, lelubel'ry
Nreeaele. 'Phone 47 It
. narrieLor, Holioitor, Notary, Me.
Suodessor to ti• F. Glair. (Mae over 8Eao.
dare Sauk, neutrinos . Nuliettur for Metro-
politan Sauk,
1A1 M. tbINCLA1R—
V V • tarribLet, 1181,01410, Oouveyaueer,
rubtry Public, ,kir utliee-nteWort'e Blink
deur North 11 (10utr41 Besot,
Solicitor for the Standard Bank,
8000000T, BAYS & 19LAIR-
HA1t1L1t1T1t108, I11LIOIT'r145, NOTARO08
P(1LI1, UTO.
W. PRotuno04, if+0. lt, 0, HAYS
D. F; (1041011.
Olaoes-'1'buee formerly 1(00upted by Messrs
Cameron es Holt,
001)211111)1, ON'r6nlo.
tiraduate of the BOW r'.olloge of 00111x1
401100118 of Ontario and Fll'et•olaee Honor
,.iratluate- of Toronto University. GRloe
1081 to (170408x'8 Photograph (1017erv,
ft -ac �58�,re�"ics� 5t
INTO TRE lle A'f17ILI'r ' o>i THE 1t, qqpp
I018 the moat 0 eetiee101 Mistimes
dj, truiniug sable,' in 1Voetere Ontario...
. Om' t7olnware1tl, 11110' thaw! Rile Tutor y6
ilr g0Opb10 Deiia'tmonte are in chargqe li
of able 1dlteruatornof ekperi0uoe, A,i
oar OOltloee are t o
e Lor u n, up-to-date
fwd 0l41rgo t We have be',omesue
1 Of thelargvl000. utas ertioiugsehoold
•D le the Province. ( Get 000 free data.
h• o ant !mien what we l i iV0 lire doing. -
Q{, gum mer0ml Boll Dole an leo! if
000! 1, (411 bust- .w
00.7thout'mp,nyouriruAmit, Stud•'�(''((
�� entq'nro urs tering. aeon tvoukr 1!tit,',!;.
mi,LIO T'i7 &ticiliA L t N,. 11ja
'."0--8t,:a t'filRii=-t4--8t 6;426;.,19