HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-1-30, Page 8"Grippe" le going the rounds. We all hope we won't get it, but it you should happen to be so uufurtunate we would like to supply yotl with the remedies, make you better as 800P ce pitiable, snob 8e :- BLOOD ROOT COUGH CURD, EMIILItION,OP COD LIVER OIL, WINE OF (l0D LIVER OIL, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE TABLETS, LISTERINE-AND ANTISEP•l'INIi- to be used in Atomizer or me a gargle for sore throat. Chlorate of Potash Tablets, Licorice, Chlorodyne, Cough Lozengere, Menthol Drape, Horehound Drops: and all the good kinds of Cough Drops, Aromatic Cascara, Camphorated Oil, Sweet Cil, deo. Also a bull stook of Abomizere, Hot Water Bottles, Combination Foun- tain Syringes, &o. Perhaps you have your own particular Recipe or Prescription, if so bring it along and we will give it our careful attention. PRICES RIGHT. Fe R0 SMITH DRUGGIST AND OP'T'ICIAN. acaz Retus gems A ohiel'e amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent 30183 THE EMMABDTr. Hosea FAIR 1'uuraaay of next week. GOOD morning have you had the measles 7 Senn as newsy items, they are always welcome. THE fellow who said "Give 9)e more snow" will pleaee stand op. Mune PRYNE shipped a ear of their wet, kuowu dour to Herman teat week. Oma thanks aretineto many who have squared up eabnuriptioue to Tan Poor. F. B. So,1TT oond0oced an 8001300 este st Blyth on Wednesday for W.Oampbell. THE W. 0. T. U. regular meeting 39818 129 held intheir rooms, Smale 1210011, 00 Friday afternoon of this week - TIM agricultural implement agento ere busy platting next 898800'8 delivery for haying and harvoetiog maohinery. Rseaeva your seas early for the Masi - cel Edwards entertainment Thursday evening 0f next week. Plan of Hall at Fox's. De. R. J. WHITFIELD, New Pork eye 'specialist, will be at the Amerioeu Hotel, Bra8sele, on Thursday of next week, Feb. 6th. A. 0 Deems had to kill a fine 1,300 pound steer feet 8at0rdey at the wattle peas, Bruseele. Ie i8 supposed to have raptared a blood veeeel in a e00immage with ether cattle. 7.31 no have been a long way behind the 801390018 owing to the snow elorme. They are not often on time from the Eget even when 1138 trsok is all right whatever is the reason. IN a photo. of she Faculty and Junior year et0deu10 of the Veterinary College of Ontano, pub.ished in the Torouto World, we puttee the well known figure of Dr. Lambie, formerly of Bremen], who is On the elaff I. O. RIOH.ADo snootiness the opening date .t lite boot sed shoe 'lore Be Sas urday of belt week, Feb 8th. The stook wilt be plaoedin his vaesul 0tore, •I0oat- ed between the Currie batches chop and J. Hewitt's oarber ebop. LADY 8e0ceaa8 do01AL.-Friday even- ing of next Week toe Lady Manahan will hold a mond in their Lodge room commencing at 8 o'olook. Au will be welcome. Program wi.l oonsiet of games musical and literary eelrolioue and luuoh. Silver eolle0tioo at the door. "SCUereteo IN Soee AND STORY," Will 0008D11at0 the program of au euter0810- meat to 9)e held 111 tae Town Hal, Bros Bele, on Thursday evening Feb. 13313 under the no,ploed of the Suite of Soot laud.- alias Neuaie Btra0h8u, Aliso Ewd Newcombe and Gavin Speiloe•will be the talent. All are goodaad plane') wherever they go. DEATH OF JOHN SPRUNG. -.There pe8e• ed away ou Wedueoday of lade week at a ripe old age, John Sprang, cute of the : oldest and most highly '.teemed reef. dente of Hallett township. Born io Pianos Edward county in 1823, he epeob mob of Me younger daye i0 that county. Re came to Huron (handy &hoot 1868 and settled o0 the lenge Line, where fie has resided tepee Ha wife predeceased him by lase then a year. He had been ill for some time with dropsy and hie death was not 6011061y unexpected, ected Monet it was very sudden. A mew 8.Q more than motel ability, he was very welt known and highly r 8peoted by ad ; s Member of the -300108108 church, and a Liberal iu polities. He hag a brother and a slater l3vwg In the Went sus' leaves et family of three daughter, Mre. J. Cunningham, of Bru.eele; Mrd. R. Govier, and Mrs. R. Oox, of Hulled ; and one son, Hamzadan, of Manitoba, to mo000 hie loos. The funeral took plane Friday alter0000 to the 13th Don. rime. eery. Juo. and Mee, Ouuuiugbsm and Mise 3dla, of town, attended. Rio Rouor Judge Ho.t held Division S Oonrt at Bros -els on Tboreday of lime week week January 28rd. The following castle 1' were tried ;- q Bpeir v9) E.otoo.--Anaction for wagee. 10 Defendant Ileum presented a actuator r' claim. The pl&imiff'o oiaim was granted and 613 allowed to defeodaut on o .outer (Seim. Judgment for Omuta( 655 and ousts. W. M. Sinai/dr, (or pendia, A. B. MaD.uald, for defendant. 3&m11t0u Iue1bsror Go. vs. Franck. S Aotlou by the plaintiff's on 'three uotea H given by ptaiut,ff for au incubator and ly broader. The 830teudau1 net up au agree. d went made with the agent of the 0 p.atutiff to take batik the ll;dabator it she W had no 000oe318 with it, Tae jury redeem, a ed a verdldl fur the defendant and the plaintiff's oleim watt dlsmlo,8d with conte. is f3. Btoknell, Hammon, for plaintiff, A. s B. MoDonald, for defendant. Iva Moore vs U&0adiab Bennet; Co. -An 1e action for negligence by the owner of the 0 Hleotrie light plant. at Braseel8. The fr defendant tailed to deli von a parcel at e8 Toronto'whIoh resulted in Mee t0 the +it plaintiff: Ou the evidence being given an Mut defeodaut oi8imed that there being th rad notla0 given they, Were not. liable for B damages, The ease was with wawa k' holt the jury And judgment reserved, de A. B, MUDol,ald for plaintiff, F. E.F. ' AP Pester, Montreal, far defendant. '' lit Mammas are stili baying their =ra boniuge in Branae e. Reeve Lemis albeeding the Co Colored th•e week at Godaliob. Percy Spsiren and A•lau Walker, of Goder,oh, «pent a few (aye 111 love. Bsussaio monthly Horne Felt will be held ou Thursday of next week Feb. 81b. It eboold bee good cue. Teo W. 0 T. 17 •adiee will serve lanai in their roome emele Block, Du There day afternoon, Fib. 6th. Tan .Loyal 'Temperance Legion will meet o0 Friday alteruu09 of this week at 415 o'clock in the W.U. T. U. rooms, Smele Block. Tag Eekhardts play on every cmc oeivab,e thing Elia. &IMMO wan be male from. Hear them to •)he Tuwu Hai. Tboreday evemme next Tag Wroxeter hookeyites trimmed our juniors on 1120 rink here Thursday niter Aeon Of last week. It watt not the niu80t day that ever was for a game. THE owner' of anew pew, have very generooely used them in the iutereete of many of our villagers, woo are oorreepood ing,y 80%8910111913' the slum plowmen are better rem,tuerated. Sums Ooneerl Thursday Feb 13th fn Tow° Rau, 'Hider the immense of the Bone of Scotland. Talent will embrace Gavin Spence, tenor; 81,8e Naaute Straohan, soprano; end Mite Eoid New oom be, 'cellist. Mimed, Eekhardte' Town Ha11, Brae eel., Thursday eveuiug of next week, Feb 8th, ander the stemma of the Agnotesnral Society. They give a rare 10081oa1 trees thee 8.o elle Mould mien. Pian of Red at F Ix'8 Dreg store BRDB9EL8 ENCAMPMENT NO 40, I 0 0. F. -The IO.aw1Ug are the new R. ere i8. Braeeeie Encampment, I 0 U. F., for the ensuing term of six wumhe, who were installed last Mounay e.eniug by D D. G. M Jno. Groves, of Wingbam 0 P., S. Wilton ; H. P., W 0 Smith ; 8. W., A McGuire ; S Tribe, W H. MuUraokeu; Treasurer, R. Leatherdale J. W., Wm. Berne; )runts, B. T. Pmm ; ler. Watob, F. MuUraoken 2ud Watob, Jae. Thoelt ; 3rd Watch, Jahn MuNatr; 4113 Wetob, Wm. Golf. fich ; Outside Guard, Wm. Martin ; Inside Guard, Wm MoNeur. Euoamp• meat meets o8. the 2 .d 811 4111 Alun.aye of each month to the 08.1 Feeowo' 3.3, .1 wish that I might milk w tie ail 8.011 aced e.bam the actual Catlie 8.t Btomaoly Heart Sod H'duey ai.MOMS. To expiate 10 person bow weak Bwmica l nerve' leads to Siomech Weokueee, 1 am Bore, Wood iuboroet 311.. Aud it es the 08me with weak Haerte or Weak K o,..8e. Tbue ie "why my preoor,pao..-Dr. Shoop'. R0etorativ.-8u promptly reach ea 8i meets of the S•oma011, Heart 9)°d Kldueye. It is venue w drug the Stem fib or stimulate the Heart or Mantle These weak inside 31ervee .imp y mean more strength, My Rde1or.twve i8 the only preooription made ezpreoely for the -e nerves. Next to ,eehlg you per. eonady, will be 1e mail you free, Inv new booklet eutttied •'What Tu D.." I will also send eamplee of my lientorattve 9)e well, Write ter the book to nay. It will. .arely interest you. Andreae Dr She. p, Sox 8, 3.01130, Wio, Sold by sal deatere. OBITUARY -The Endowing notice (4' taken from ,he Neepawa (Man) Reglnter of Jan. 16113, and refers to a unite of Mrd. David Wa.ker, of Braeeeio, the parents of the yoaug lady being well kuowu to numerous readers' of Toe Poen as they were residents of hie lo0aucy ei-Ou Tboreday ant occurredru the Rad 1009 0. 3,89 Jeul.ir B ., ongh• ter of S D. sod Mre. Barr, of Neepawa, a young girl of more then 0.003 prom Lie and acidly partiuurarly in mum, a girl of gentle attd retiring nature yet one who had already settee a useful part in many lines of (Madden work though but twenty cue y08r8 old. The young lade had epee, her whole youth bleach' ' as a ree.deut of Neepawa and was 1331- loved by a large oirale obleach'an well 9)e relatives. She .wail ai3ing 8i31a8 Pring 90t was not thought near death II the night before her decease. Dar ,g the early morni.,g she peened 0let1y away amonge1 those ebe loved life and who mourn her 3009 though 01 88 those who mourn without hope. She will be eadly tweeted ,n Knox oheech where she was a merau,•r of the ohdir for same years and took gpominent pert i8. Moreton theme work •ldeo having been organist in the audit), School for about five years. er funeral on Saturday was large !Mended, Rev. R Frauds Huli oun rioting the service. 'The ft ,wer8 petoed poo her conn by eymp0,b eine friend° err more than usual bellow 01 and Balmiestppropriate, 80uest data b. tng- Wreeth of rimes from lee nereeved mily, a arose from (Little Rud Jaok, spray of roeee and ;thee of the day from Knox Mission Band, a art of ahryeantbemtime from the holt, an mealier of x0888 .lid lilie9 om the Lulea,' aid, a wreath of roe from the Sunday Sohooi ; a spray om Mre, W. H. Ewer and the .bros. piano quartette ; wreathe irons e I. O 0. 71'„ from Jobe and Mrs. rown and family, and 811t,1ey Wil ns ; oroa908 from litlrener110 McFau. n, and R. and Mrs' MIAs end (ami yi rays from Dr and Vire Puolp, J and ars. X0014 and MrR, W. J. 'HAM. 00, Wit.+.,.,,., cwt The Metropolit Reserve Fund and Undivided, P,ofits $1,183,713.23 Capital Paid Up $1,000,000.00 Bank Every Department of Banking Conducted with Satisfaction and Absolute Security, Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations Solicited. Savings Department $1.00 or more opens an account, interest allowed from date o` deposit and compounded FOUR times a year. No delay in witted. awal. BRUSSELS BRANCH, W. J. FAWCETT, Manager Business Locals. 16 roam bred Barred Rook 000keele for sale A good dooms for farming cam manicy, ALF BAHASA, urn -eels. Two pair bohnlelgne 9),A a Portland Ontter (Or ea e. Apply to WALTER Low• nee, Hale Stehle, Bruesels. APPLE. Fon BALs. -A few ohoioe bar• rein .l N. 1 baud plaited apples=$pies and Greouteg, for Sale. Apply to RoaT. T3OM:ON, Bruseele. 100 AMIE farm .0 taut fur a' term Of yearn u. buutherly,part of Grey town ship. For further partiouiate apply to or write: THE Poor, Bruseele. -HAIR Dices-LVO--tiwltohee made to nrder out of 00mbinge or out ham Ordoro from a (*13118319)9 promptly attend ed to. Moe. 11 HIN08T00., dill 012 West, BE0OND SAND (RELIti .-A number of gime 5 and 0 uOUlVe Sea baud organs for sale at a bergoin• Oa,' and 8er them. LEATaERDAL0 & BON, Bradeele. Coen is nut enema. where .MoGresar'e saws are sold and used Yews fur. saw gumming, (11iva 8u11 improving 0aw8, 00019 and tnaonme0, Corner 31111 and Main St. Bruseele. why n0 You Faint v Sometimes Iron] Metes 8.r fright but milady because the 8y0tem Is weakened ked depree.ed,-it leeks power to react from trodden etraifl. This oun3ition de =wide 'rebuilding ted no0riehme1,1, whiob t9 best 9oppn d by Ferrozoue. In every form of 31813.lty 1''errezeue I9 a epeuifiu. Ic (endive rile digestive anti *189180 alive power of the body, promotes the 8•lm 0aliou of waste matrllals, buildo Up tie8Ue, gives energy and reeintenoe. To have rich, red b ood, enduring nerves, a strove oonetitmmu and 389ti0g good health, nee Ferrozoue. Sold everywhere in 60u boxes orsix for 62,50 PERSONAL PARA'(,111APIM. Mre. W. A. thawed 1e visiting in Tor. onto. Mise Orme. Gerry ie visiting at Bel. grave. George Thomson was a visitor at Muurefl0ul ut:Tuesday. Mise Mabel Tuokey, of Melrose„, is venting her sister, Mre, (Rev.) E. G. Powell, Joseph Nicholls bee been visiting at his Prettier'%, Thos. Ntohuh'e, Taruberry street. Mre. Hugh Porter and Lloyd are visit. nig relative. amu cid Inmate at Atwood end ioottely Mrs F. (Liver, who has been viei1i0g her daughter, Mre. Wi,ber Baker, at (Iranian, arrived home .sot week Mrs. James t1loArter hoe b. en quite 8.1 with au .1ta011 of le grippe but we Et ant she will 80.W be 9)e wen ad ever. U ever Qu rut and b.tde arrived home W8duerday night tr m weir moduli g t •nr au,, are 000217111.. OOnerat11let100,9 Our old friend J.,bu Redeem to oW$n 831 1U bre ben at preeeat, 0 ° age beteg the Chief 000.8 of 1,,e i11neee. He is past 85. ,tido darg•,091 Habkirk, Repeal', anti '1.01.0 H O'Neill, Bruoefieln, are now attending Enlotl Bue,ueas Omega, Tor. onto, Kenneth, the little sun of Jno. and 81,s. Ferguson, woe under the ,oOtor'o oar0 tune w ek but we hope he will encu b« o. e, M.e, J.•hn Coate., Mill street, hae sen 011 1119 took het 381111 Su attar* of eheigiee but tee cope she will soon be a i right agate. George, tee young son of Hugh Ram• say, had beetegu,te f.l dining Ile peat week with Are0a,e9 but to =polling 31009 r led we are 94o vtute. Frank 0 ever, of Ti eonburg, wag borne for a few Jaye last week He hoe d. eloped tut.. a fiue epeoIma., of young mahh0od and 08 doing well, We are pleased to state that Cora No, Duuahl, who broke a buue in her ankle about Christmas time i9 abut to get about welt eiomh to go to school again, Wm, 80, 139, of E ma, 13011 ill Iasi Saturday night Wlab appendicitis and hen beet) dangerously ill. He is a sou in law to George Edwards. lige hope he win eon° be better. J W. Oreigie is at pretreat assisting io tee 8,aud.rd Batik. He mime here from (Madeira where be wait relieving, Mr, Cralgie may always feel sure of a w0ioum9 at Breese 9, D and Mrs. Fargo -an, of Teeeweler, W. re temente vteiture with relativee and friends in Brussels dere week. J:'hcy were former resdente of low0 but have liven 131'feeew0ler for the pail 27 years, How time does fly. W J Pewee' was in London on Tn0reday attending a Commit ee meat. mg urrailgmg pre,lmmarlee for the next emitter Methodist (,oaf,,e"o0 which will be need in Exo'er nein ,lane. Mr, Few. Mitt le President of ,he Laymen«' Ae• 00ae01011 8111 l year, Water and Mrs Wray and young daugb et, Cry88al, of Ba0it St. Marie, Out., are V10114130 at Mrd, Jnhu Mo WEE, ray's, William Street, Brothels, and also with o her friends in Beware 10oallty, Mro Wray le a daughter of Mrs. Mil'Murray and it 1e 7 years slime else was 51808• Dr, MoLaron, of ollot0303 N. W. T., WW1 here r.0 a vied with hie brother, 0, N. MuL.ron; The visitor has spent 7 years in the W et but le still nn the beeeelor ,let 1008 .hoold put a atop 16 that D , MOLaro1, and Dr. Fend were ((mow 8t1debrd et the .Dental College, Toronto, and were pleased 80 re110w the. 8W fetqugehlp, 1 Sta d Face to Face WITH Every Article Purchase Every Article Repaired MUST -STAND TO WHAT AN'A 1 GUARANTEE CALLS FOR. • Optical Advice If your eyes are deti0ieet call and see 031. We measure all defeobo eat efalle and-oientiflcally, relieving you of your trouble and giving you pm feet vision. You oau fully rely on our udviee. It S. Cost you nothing t0 000eult us. O.r prices are moderate. W. P. Strettcn JEWELER AND OPTI IAN, Misses Hattie Downing end Mobel Z mmer nom, mpouied Mtge Helen Ford to Luokoow last Friday evening soil 8peli1 Buuday at the Miter's parental home. Miss Isabe' MaTsggart, who hoe been epeudteg some mouths in Inwn, bee re. toneed to her home on the 18133 o an. of Grey. Mise Margaret Purser ao0ump u ted her for a visit, Robert Habkirk, of Neepawa, Mon„ who tette 919itf1,1 here -left for a tour among frieud0 at Galt, Inurrkip, Wood stook, Torouto and Toeewneer before leaving for hie home. Mite B: Ile Bub kirk, of town, lite omen, eeOumpauted him to Galt, Nr. Habllirk has thine well in the W,•o1 owning. 400 uoree. of rand and being Votively Intere.ted 8.8 a m. m her of the Mu,,ioipal Cuunoii, 801iou1 Board, Se..both Suboo , &I Sri' pomp in for tt*or.' bre,! 081130 011,1111,89y draft horses'. The vi',tor 8ttra038 attention caber. ver he gree by hi. amp a pr. pot. Hon+; meae0riee 8 ie. n 4 iuoheo in height and wo•gtnug 240 puunue. Mr. Huhk.rk ha- been in tilt West for the pian 26 years, A Gat reporter lays; -A visitor 131 Gait -to day, amid utle who urea1e8 . x enemata. when tie 'Anatol dowel Maio Street, i, Robert Hubko(0, 010 eeme from Neepawa, clan Toe eenI..mau a ta..do .10 bet eight it ohm and weighs 280 p uuue. W1121130• .hr W.oG, in rennin 0Om.ary he hes riled fn. 27 yed.re, ie reepoes,b e fur i8r. Habk.rk', proud preportlone le nut known, hot h to em Outdo In hie txereeo,un ,hat ki..nitoho i8 a growing uuuutry. 81r Habltire'9 for met 1101300 woe near Brueeel0. 0111.110111 CHIMES Miss L'zz e Downing• woe appointed Tre.eurer of the viethud,oI Oh11 oil choir 0n atf0•.uut of the remove, u( R D Oar diff no Toronto Rev, A. t). Wishart, B A, pre„ohed on "The 118009811,) of the power of the Holy Spirit, ,n uh.rroh *mita .m MOvine ohoroh Inst babbittb morning The evening text WAN "(Three died tor our ewe 00uunting to the Sure in•r" !mtv�wc"'ctr,�savaeaaroagek�r,,p.p„ N+�,r�.•.; itt7YAhfoM.fSHZD 66ITS THE STAND BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - - - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $r and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. se B1UJSSELS BRANCH J. 1F. Rowland, Manager Sahbath efterlmnn next will be the Munch y 1'Iiieioliary servioe in the Meth odiet Sab33a,1, Bohool, The eobool is aiming •.1 6104 00 this year for hit8eto,,. The reeuler Quarterly Communion eervioo will be he 11 nen Sabbath in the Mrthudieechurch 88008mees will fol- low 'he morning service end the fellow . hip meet ng at the Mope of the evening serm.m, ,he rmoor teeing charge. ' Leet Sabbath Rev 8. Anderson, of Blush, preaollod two moot i*terreting dies. Drees along Missionary linen in the Melhorlis. charm! here Hie murni,ig dame was a well directed address' an "Buetemett0 Giving" anti in the evening hie teal we "Money anewereth all 'Mugs," 1n ed111110,, to the ooibeme a ohoioe (vartette entitled "The Good Shephern" was rendered by Mie0e8 Gerry, Moreton anil Bherpeeand Mrs W. L Le8therdale at the evening service. 9087?" LAM••NT-I, E.hrl, on JILT, ry 20112, to air find M,o. John N Lamer,, a eon. L' TT. -In Brneawp, nn J8, miry 22nd, to Mr ori Mrs Glenne. Lac., .. 8 n. LowIOE -In For'twtoh, nn Jan. 16,h,. to .Nr, and. Aire, Fred, Lowtek, a son. :DIT± t7 BARB -On Thursdet, Jan 9'h, at Neepawa, Mar,„ Joann., deuehb•r of S. D, end Mre. Barr, 8ted 21 years and 6 m,mthe. AVOTIOST SALE WEDNESDAY, FEB 19TH -Farm stook, imp', men,., &o. 01 15, con. 7, Morrie, Geo mlreeerven at 1 o'eloOk, Thor' & Evans, proprietors!, F. 8. baott, 0 netlerrpr 'l'00118DAY, PEBBOARY 2Orn - Farm stook, imp eme016, &0 N .r,6 d ,01 25, ane 8, Werra, Sem uoreeerVen et 1 p m. J M. Moore, Prop., F. 13, Seed, ano. TDE0DAY, Fen 25T2 -Farm stook, im• p emente, &o. South lot 30, eon. 7 Morrie. Sale unreoerv.d at 1 o'olook Mary A Mauddere, proprietress, F. S, Scott, "uoticuoer, axe V 393En2.10 MA R70'eI.7'30 Fa. Wheat Ber.ey Pear. Osie Better, 10''8 and ro 8 Eggs per dozen Hay per ton F our, per owe Hoge, rove Apples (per bbl.) Potatoes firer 308...., Ba t, per bol., retell Wu. • (w..alleo). 90 91 56 66 77 78 40 42 20 ' 21 20 21 12 00 13 00 2 76 8 26 5 60 5 50 1 50 1 76 50 60 1 26 1 25 20 22 INGER SEWING MACHINES ARE T H E BEST/ Machines may be seen at IvioKAY & SHAG8'fi Hardware Niol 9, lirtioselo.. teas, paynl, 8.t system may be arraligwl for I also h.tnl l 1e the Nn• 1dhe1' m- ev' Piano, S CARTER, AGENT REMEMBER .OUR ShV u ening Saturday, Feb. 8th New Cheap Durable Shoes Shoes Shoes On the above date we are open- ing up a well selec!s'i, up-to-date stock of new Boots and Shoos for people of all sizes, even to the little tots. They will be CHEAP 1Ilpe9 because bought with the mall and we have marked them to sell for cash, so Ow are marked close to cost. They will be DURABLE Shoes be- cause we will handle no shoddy goods and our long experience in leather of all 1111n18 enables no to select with a certainty goods that will wear. Believing we ere placing before you the BENT value in Shoes that '•ou can procure anywhere we ask a ahem of your val- ued trace and promise you courteous treatment. Our terms are Cash and one price to everybody. Remember the stand --next door North of Currie's Butcher Shop. I C. Richards THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. `X,7ANTED TO RENT. -100 acre farm with lmulemerte nett team, (rive fall parttoulere t0 8130891tLe P087. New Telephone Directory The Bell Telephone Co, OF CANADA is about to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Directory for the District of Western On- tario, including the Village Brussels. Changes of firm names, ohnngee of street addresses, or orders for duplicate nddreeees should be heeded in AT ONCE to JAMES FOX, Local Manager, 27.8 Notice to Creditors SUFI+' (RPI` GTON COCHER- RLe for sale. fired tram Wnide strain, w018811 g from 8 bo 10 pounds Pelee 81. Lut 10, 0on. 8, M8.11 orrie UU$Box Si Binnacle, UANTITY Or' GOOD CEDAR Fence Ponce: for solo Y to J Wwn.ES, Lot B, Oou, $, army$ 8.r ictus els P.0, 0941 BLAC%SMITH.-BOY WART-. ED to team Genera Bla0ke inching a0d 0arriage Loulug. Blgheet w gee paid with hoard. Apply to EWAN & 110,, 28.2 Brunetti. QTEERS FOR SALE -UNDER. 'mann 48.31 4 ettlie8 reel„g 8 years, 6 Steers fining •d yearn and a Seder .hat 09 offers for sale. 8303311' 80 L1.19 00 & G1, Lou. 1,311.,1r18, orJam09tuwo P 0, PETElt MoDOUGALL, R J . Whitfield New York Eye Specialist Will be et hie home 10 Elbel every Saturday, prepared to properly ex- 8m1e8 Oyee and auluot Glenne. In the matter of the estate of John For- rest, late of the Township of. Mdn•ie, in the County of Huron, farmer, deoaased, 1lottae is boreby gtveu., nur+ttavt to Revis- ed nitItteeo Unturi ,, 1817, 0ua. 109, end eweng 9)e A1t1,thar. all credit rc0an 1 oU.ere having any.rlted agaNat the 89 ,110 or the . aid John Punnet w . • ti ar nu or about the 8th Our of J thuarv, 1908 aro rrgu red • 11 0r Largo the 1010 lay m Pe'n0.ry, 1808. to peed by poet, prepaei, nrd live. to Wdllam Moises or Attainder 'Bantam', 8.l the town. ship of Morris. in ace nam ty of llur•,e, too Fxeoutero .f Elio last W 1) and Testament of tb•. 81133 . ceased, Or to W. al 33nola.r, of names. and Virago. ddre,reo with tall particulars fu writt c of Muir claim.. the etatemmit of their n0o0uu,o au,1 the 0.10,e of tue'eeter- it.ea (if imy}) bolo by tit ,w And „oti, a I,, farther elven that alt»r the sant Let 1101,310, 9s' date Ma Ex 00ture will pru.Y 8s' to •net ,U8. a the ueaat .1 the da0eas94 „1001333.3112r pat.ae e,,tttled tu8re- to, h.viug rag.r.t duly t, fire minima of wklob they 031.11 thuoLnve notice and that the b,xurnloru 40111 l not be fafurur the easels,at'ally hartthereof, to airy p••reot of wooer) 'pa they 8)1tb10e(wbnave n0sh00 and all 800d„pul w1, .n9) a, 0.5 shall not then hive pollee es may «hmi be *x030,1(83 from Ella beuefita 0i 8.14 dL ,dvutt"u E n.ted this 22nd day W Smeary, 1008. W. A1.1.1NUr.Allt, 80.0 Bollettur for Executors. Out of t e din ry Would you like to have your Note Paper characterized by Smartness and Individuality, without sacrificing Refinement? We are the only ones who can supply such a line of writing paper. It is our Court Imperial in a linen crash finish with the new plaid effect. We can recommend this as a paper in strictly good taste and possess- ing a distinct character of its own. It is entirely new and we would like very much to have you try it. 1 Baa Fox's Du NATIONAL Roller Flour°, OUR NEW "FLA INC 011" is now in full operation. It will save you money to have your Oats "Flaked" before feeding horses rry our New BREAKFAST - • r FOOD ,�, 1 Made fro 11 hite Wheat, Hefalthful,im and Invigorating, Don't forget that ourWhiLoaf" to Flour is taking the lead for Bread Flours. ►'All kinds of reed ltept constantly on Band. BRUSSELS 1