HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-1-30, Page 5iceeeerreratiAxVirOetr ow Open ENTER ANY DIY 1t'i„4er '1'crin in all departuee0t8 of the CeIIIvul 13ovtm'so Oullrgo, Toyota°, •fl.•r•. 0plendal 0hauuee fur apeudieg a low months pioao- elitty and pro6lebly. Twenty -live teachers. t'ataloguo ft ee, Wlib1 tor 11, W. H. SHAW, Principal 11. It, SHAW, Secretary. Yuuge tt Gerrard ate„ Toroti%o %t:cl.ct il.etz5, (.8 °darie ti. While walking to hlu h .me in the 811• oon , Gctiertoh town -hip, Wadneetla, night, George Moutgomury Blipped and fell on duo toy road, Masking both bonne of ono leg browaoi the knee and ankle In 1.hie uondition tie crawl. d on hands and knees to the beton of a brolher.in mi ed d•etant awak t nod e 1 law, u halta t tit: family by hie gnome. Montgomery was then driven into Guderiob, a duct •r amused and the bones set. It you have catarrh rid youreell of this rtputeive dleeaee. Auk Dr. Shoop. of I -Monte, Wte., to 01811 you free, a trial box of his Dr. Shoop'@ Catarrh Remedy. A simple, singe met will sere ly tad you a Omani& truthwell worth your kuowuig. Write to day. Don't suffer longer. Grorl ire. Joseph Leath hoe returned to Bluevale after au oxteuded visit with his brother J amee. Mr. Vaoetooe, our baker, lett dor the West to e.ek opportuuitiea for exceeding bndine.e. The merriod women of the Methodist Church are arrau4mg for a high elan outman to be held in the Town Hall in tbs immediate Mown. A ema a.0 nit8ee representing the 8dw,ok 8. 8. Aeaooiatiou met in the base• mew of Methodist Oman to arrange for a aouveutlOn to be held before the sod of February nil a date yet to be fixed. W. H, Gregg le the presiding ufiuer. Pay Mare And Net the Rost A cheap &eh inviting ouch remedy is never eatieGwtory. The best to Putnam'. Paiuien. Corn Extractor, come bat a quarter, and t8 guaranteed to euro thoro• uglily. Use only Putuam'e. T. It, Batmen[ woo Waited to the board Of Dlreetore of haat Garan Agrloul1nral 800laty at the A,uuual lneeting bold In Bruooela, The mill( route(' were aootioned at M010ew0rth on Saturday, the annual meeting of the Oompany 11avueg beau 11010 911 Jan 11th. When Tolle Reek Muria O. 0"11 de I8'9 bard to Wu. k. Stuopiug over hurts, Wong to tedious, and yon Wander what ty. Geer try I'lerYiline 7 Nothing bite It for weak or 8(81280 bolt. Io penetrated t0 the o0re Of the pain, brlog8 oui0 that dellen (8 retain. No 8lniment 118 eo 9188,n, BO nothing, e" 00981111110 kill •mu00ular, rbe1muttu or fanatic pains, Y,.8,' dealer fele P1Itl811'e Neryiline on large 250 9941104. Why out try it? .Tro rdwlgll. Tia annual meeting of abe Howlett Agr108ltural Soulety woe held in the Furestere' Hall here ou Tuesday after nowt, 219.1 moo. There was n fair a.• Ileutiauue and au ietereet taken 111 the attire of the Satiety. The pennant .1. 1(L, Johnston, presided. Toe autumn' report showed the turo reuelpie to be 6886 48 and the expenI0 Ore 6505 62 .,as tug ., Mountie of -$880 90 en haat. The foilowieg officer. were sleeted fur 19U8 Pr.e 3. H. Join:stou ; Vice Pres,, Joe. Duweey (81)11 Wm. Weir ; Littleton, W. a Gregg, W Evans, W, Sunsuit, Jab .vlonwee, W. R8uwwk, W. Lambkin, Jelin Reiland, S. G. Gregg and Albert Johnston ; Hue. Dtreotors, J. A Patter amu, J. G Lambkin, Time. U. 9114(1, B. 8. Ouolt, Thee. Done. Auditors, 8. G. Gregg and B. 8. Cook. J. H. Johneion 8110 W. Won were appointed delegates to the Ontario Association of Faire and Brbibnious, which Ine01.0 u, Toronto on b`eoraary 1981181/d 20th 1908 It wan l(an)ded to bold the Fair tut Batutday, Out.. Brd and to .,ilk for two export judges one for horses and one fur cattle, sheep and swiu8, IGrippe ie sweeping the moony, Stop it with Preveutioo before 18 get8 deep.y neared. To aback early colds with these lit,le Oaudy Cold Ogre Tablet° le sure.y 80nelble and este. 'B(098118108 0ontaitl no quinine, no laxative, °oohing harsh 0• manning. Puellmonla would never appear it early made were promptly brukeo. Ago good fur feverish children. Large boa, 48 Tolima, 26 conte. Vest pocket bonne and by ani dealers. • Forey,.tvi•t l e. Mee, Ben. Hislop hue been on the Wok list. W. R. Belden shipped a Dumber of Holstein cows to Mr. Bioko. at Toronto. Thou.-Jaoklin hue puroheeed a portion of the big swamp trona Samuel Berke and le taking out wood, heading, now logo, ate. Geo. McDonald and Geo. Joboolon waited 011 the Grey Commit at its last meeting asking to have the side road through the farms at Thos. R. Bennett opened for trafo next Summer.. A new bridge will be required for the river. 0 lin ton. 00. Y. M. O. A 0„avzamm8: The 119188 0ou6en8100 looking 81W88800 the urgent* Mien of any county 8881 00uada along Y. M. 0. A. linos opened dere Thnroday atternoou of last week In Wesley Malan dist °boron. Beery Yeigh, of Bradt. ford, a promiueus Mum, ee mnu and ae800iation worker, wan °bonna nommen and palled on C. M. Oupououd, ProvhlOial Seorelary,to lead the devotional exercises io the regretted'abeeuoe of C. 13. Keenley side of Luuclon. Huron county and 168 needs Wile presented in a splendid ad dreee by A. Oul.80, who has been work fug ap interest throughout the rummy, and J. R. Boardman, International County Secretary of New York, epoke on the county work plan. Too Witte of the W. O. T. U. entertained the delegates and bneineee mea of the town to the number of about one hon. dred at 88 banquet, given in Willie Presby terian church. Shortly atter dinner opening were given 'by G. F. Blair, Goderioh ; W. J. Fawcett, Brus- sole ; Rev. W. II. +Kerr, Oliu1ou ; R. Holmen, Oliuton ; A. E. Roberta, New gentellatallta York. Adl48rnmeut woe then made to the auditorium, where addreaees Were given by 0. M. Copeland, of 'Toronto, ou .".tho Magnitude of the Thing Mone 011rletiao A.soutati0n Work," Itnd 3 R 13oltrllmen, of New Turk, on "O0nnly Work in 75(198)8 Arooruui '' 'there woe a 800)8 repreeentattou ut the several muni 0150111in of the (Imolai, peanut &0 d1118^ 90888 The 0o, Y M. O. A. oouv8110ion wooed its moolieg Friday and the work Woe now been eu0ateelo lly Iennobed in Iiuruu, audit drpeod0 on the efforts el 8110 local tend810 and he Iib• rality of 1b,. bueivaee men ail 40 w11e11189 the motley neseary to carry on the work will be raided and a Secretary placed in the fnld. 91)01 as pledges to the am hot of 61800 or over ere 0eonrod a Seminary wail ba 0015 °yeti, who mil give hie whole time to the work of the comity. The following are the members of the 00004 Gewalt ee :—G F. Ran, H. E Hodgeus, Godorioh ; Geo. Bpolinn, W J Getter, Winghdm i J 8. MoBereher, Wtaxeter 1 Jae Soon, F J Hill, Olmton ; .I. 0 Stoneman, Renaall ; T. B. Mo (1olInm, Ea:ter; Gen-Obeouoy, Heatnrn&; J Il Gammon, 14,0600le ; A, E Bender, Blyth ; 3. H. Holtzman, Crediton. Mond, Pure. Rich Red Ros) glow m the face, 858411(11189 eyes, sign010118 opirits are a,I outcome of good blued. No sorer way exists of purifying: and ertr1Oweg the blood than to ue0 Dr Hami110u's.Pule. By their gentle (8011081 on the fonie kidneys and liver theye y fitter every tprity from the system, leaving it wholesome mud able to do the work memory for the mamte0(8n0e of hearth. To be well, look well and feel always at your best, nee Dr. Hamilton's Pr le of Mandrake and Butternut, a truly wonder til modioine for young and old. Price 26o al ani dealers.. I .i rr lt,p w E+1. Congratulations are extended to two of •0r local barristers, H. B. Morphy and F. R. Blewitt, on the honor done them by heir appointment of'Kio5'o Oo00eel. At the first meeting of the Pnblio eunool board Dr Foe80r watt elected ohair wan, the cid members were re eleob•d 'or obi year. W, C Otimio was reap uointed to the Library board and Geo. Bray to the High School hoard. Harold, 8011 of Lidford and Mrs, I &them, died Monday of last week and wa"'bursed-Wedo00day, 3(800ary 220d, after about a year's illness, broneht on by rheumettem. The deceased was 18 veora 10 modIbe and 24 days of age, and n;svary bright boy,1iked very much by hie eahoolmate8.. - E•trly Wednesday morning of last week the marrlaee took place in Christ (thumb, Listowel, at 7 o'ologk of Miss Oonebanoe Viols D. M. Bamford, only daughter of tire. M. A. Bamford, Mill street, t.. George 8. Dundee, ut Markdale, Ono. ' he service was performed by Rev. N. A. F. Boerne, fn the preeenee of immediate friends, After the oeremonv the bride and groom took the 7,42 train for Torou io. The annual meeting of the agricultural •ooiety was held in the Town Hall Sat nrday. afternoon, 18th Inst. In the absence of President Wilson, Bare Arnold, the vine president, presided at the meeting. The anneal report abowed a substantial awn of money to the credit of the eoaiety atter paying all prizes and •xpenees. It was deoided to engage' ex• pert judges In all departm»ate for the next fair,•aud co bold the fair one week earlier than lust year. A11 the officers were re elected for another year, with W. E. BinningSsoretary•treaeurer. Tho work on the 0, P. R. will make rapid progress Won the Wotan shovel ting a 00010 through the big hill wide enough to lata train ul unto through. The rails will at once be laid through to the etatiotr in L'etewel, and the treoke in the yards steed with the earth yet to be removed from title big oat, and no doubt the opal ing of obis branoh will shortly be 00- flounoed. Stop that Mottling OOavh 1 Dr Sboop'o Ooneb Ogre will surely Stop it, and with portent ealety. It he 80 (830x00181 that Dr, Shoop tells rnothere to nae nosh. ing aide even with very young babies. The wholeeom0green leave@ and tender ammo of a lung healing mnon8ainoue shrub famish the moralise 5ropertiee to D. Shoop'e Onagh Onre. It °alma the 0000, and battle the seneit5ve bronobial membranes. No ordain, no chloroform, nothing harsh used bo injure or Bepprses, Demand Dr, Bhoop'e. Take no other, DID YOU KNOW ? That Ooanoillor Jae, G. Jones used to be one of the 18,011et 100 yard epriotere in town. Hie avoirdapolee did not then ronnh the promo day etaodard, 91'hat"Billy" Smith wail oho champion fancy skitter of Ode locality and in hie ear110r years needto practice as a tight lope walker. That Alex. Strachan wee a member of Brunets L armee team and deed to make iE interesting t' for big nenin tine some. what etreno0ae Indian game. That D. 0 Roes wait quite an athlete in hie more youthful dart eating i9 hie work at the olden Caledonian games. That Walter Lowry won renown st a p88981180 838 a holiday celebration in town by his outfit which °waisted of a goat and small oart, That G. A. Deadman was among the first in Bruoo9 a to introdooe the bioyole —one of abe old high wheel variety. That 3. T. Rose played 2od base in the palmy daye of baseboll with a vim and exaotneee that was dllBoalt to equal. Other notables in the. early games were Matt. Armstrong, Oon. Vanelone and Alex. Brook. 'that N. F. Gerry oonid show hie silver heels to the moat of them in speed eget 10g in the old rinks for 5 or 10 mines. That Albert Dames and Andy Carrie need to play orioket in real "hold Hiugland" style. That John Wright oonld beat the big drum of the Salvation Army with a m0000d. 1arity and method not often ear. pease That ex•Oonnoilior Jae. B&Ilsolyne wore a Highland costume and danoed the 000188th Wilma to the bagpipes' skirl. That THE PoeT had nearly to o11a•tise Druggist Fox foe "ease" he gave over a base ball match between Wroxeter and Brussels. "Jim" wee a"hot rooter" for Wroxeter where be then resided. The Nurthernere played great ball in those days, That Brneeele "Clipper" base ball team bad nearly the whole baseball world, re,oheble from town 0.0 far Eaot as Guelph, at their fesb. That Harry James was a proteeeional lacrosse player and that no "ooremoo eoreb stick handler" could atop him. That J. T. Wood was credited with be. ing one of the epeedieet 100 yard daebere in Waterloo Co. That the editor of Tax Pon wore a base ball uniform for anent seasons in Kent Co and did exeontion with the bat and "live" ball. The) B. Gerry can piloh quoits with the beet ot them and eaore',ringers" not 1 a few. Our delicious Cod Liver preparation without oil. Better than old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions to restore health for Old people, delicate children, weak run -dawn parsons, and after sickness„ colds, coughs, bronchiti a �' ` : `:1 throat sand 9 nslf for WA L=Lal' ,'',t?:1:ri111l.ee. James Fox, Druggist 1881[15!81813 MONTHLY HORSE F.1RS BRUSSELS The Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held for the season as follow° : THURSDAY, FEB. 6th, 1908 MAR. 5th, 1908 APRIL 2nd, 1908 Leading Looal and Outside Buyers will be Present. Ind'stion t� 11 r. .. Stomach troubio is but a symptom of, and not In 080elf n true 810eaa0. Wo think of Dyspopsia, Heartburn, and Indigoatlon as runt disenaosr yyet they are symptoms only of n certain epeclao Nerve sickness—nothing else. It wfirst this fact that forst correctlyled Dr. Shoop fn the creation of khat now very popular Stomach Remedy—Dr. Shoop's Restorative. acing direct to the stomach . Shoo. aloes brought that 00(0000 and favor to Dr. Shoop and his vtal Restorative. le. no With- out that original and highly vital principle, 00 inch lasting aeeoimplishmento were ever to be had. For stomas distress, bloating, biliousness, bad breath nndsallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop'@ Restorative—Tablets or Liquid—and 000 for yynun self what it con and will do. We Bell and Ch0O9• tally recommend r® hoop's storative "ALL DEALERS" Heaviness, Lassitude, Drowsy a'nd Dull, Do You Fool That Way ? Bow provoking these eymp1011.8 08107 Yoe 81095 woil, but whoa' yon awaken lbere 10 83000 of the oxhiliratt0u that rest and Bleep ebculd cooter. honed of being alert, baying quick. nape of approbeneioo, there le lan9810r, 180) 8089, a dislo4livation to do Whigs. Three none for this feeliog. Laxy liver, lazy kidneys and a mighty btzy worn(8o8) which dose its work . very poorly old compels the other organa to do things they are unequal to for any 'engtb o1 time. Nota tib 00980900800—blond is filled with wastes—poioote weigh down the nervous 8yetetn—rebuilding prooe8800 are abeolately stopped. You'll note an instant change when you take Fenn me. Appetite Monrovia, digeetion b000mee good 90 ever—akin grows ruddy and wear, all venae of languor, nneteadineos and depression fades away mud finally disappears. Ferrozone elari8ea the brain, sapplies tone and vigor, impede 01ee1ne00 and 8tr8ng8)2. Yon feel like a new person, toll of life, full ot ambition, ready to do tbbl98,—and able to do them Moo. Think it over. t rr e ie a o l n'o Fe ozon that apiife0, apbuilde, that nonri01100 and restores abe elok by supplying the elements their weakened system need. It 0an't belp bat do you good. For men, women and ohfldren, in toot any one'eeekiog Strength and health, Fen mons le invaluable ; try it, sold by all droggfete in 60o. boxee. Elan To Fight 1)iljt''fse Battle 11.9010)41 Miamkclt 'Troubles lo BrtlllO4'I$. The increase of stomach trouble in Ilruosele bee led toelfeottv0 mee0nree 10 combat the disease. Lcoa1 aaenei18 boyo 00011 entabliehi:d with the leading drnggleb8 for Mi•o nit etomaoh labiate, and in order to Minot& people 0afferiug with wank etnmach or indigestion to .nee the remedy, it ie sold with the dietinot nudtrabauding that money will be re. funded in every 01800 wber0 it dean not Dara, M1 o•na le not to mere digeettve, but an eb8olu'e etrengtbeier toed builder op of the whole digeetivs treat. It yen 0aflor with headache., giddineee, palpitation, bad taste 1n ,tin mouth,' m m00110000, coated tongue, distress after eating nee MI -o na and 100@ bow' `gniokiy theta sym5tom0 of a,woak etomaeh will Stilton, pear. The remedy strengthens tba mae0alar wa11e of the 0tomaob and inersa080 the flow of gastric) home eo that eouriohment is extracted from the rood and the refuse is expelled withent the aid of purgative or laxative medicines. Strengthen the 0tomaoh andmake it do its own work by wing Mi owe, Do DOD tuts and aurae it along by digestive tablets that do uo lasting good. Slake a complete ours of Sour stomach troubles and repla0e WeaknOae with strength by Mi •na. using o Mi.o-na is sold by druggists every where for 60 Dente, sed we positively guarantee to refund your money should you purobaee a box and be d,s0atiofted with re001be. Write for free sample, addressing Boothe Ml o na, Bo1 977, Buffalo, N. Y. dazinammallid 08•22.484484.8•18114.4184144114•040144•••••••8814 Ewan' o' if you want a First -@tris currE sennalfiNnainti THEY are specially made and Up-to-date A large quantity of Piano Box and Port- land Cutters. All Trimmings made to lift out. 'if Can be had in any color of paint. 1( Call early and get your pick. 4 Second-hand Cutters always on hand at Low Prices. EWAN oda 00. Brussels Up-to-date Carriage Factory. l�C ale 1 n�b e ulq, stvir $12,000 Worth of Bricht New erg au ise being Slaughtered The Greatest Money -saving Opportunity ever offered in Huron County. Must be Sold and will be Sold, Regardless of Cog or value. Read over this List of Attractions— Compare - Prove what we say - The Greatest Money -saving Event Ever Offered in the County of Huron. TERMS OF SALE - CASH —Dress Goods in Poplins, Venetian Cloths, Tweeds, Pan- emaN, Cashmeres and Serges, regular valve up to 750. Emergency Sale Price ... ,,. .., 89 —Dress Goods in all our best qualities of cloths and col- • cringe, regular value up to $1.25. Emergency Sale Price —Ladies Winter Cloth Coats at exactly Price. All new and this season's best styles. —All Furs are being sold regardless of cost or value. Men's and Boys' clothing -Men's Beaver, Milton and Tweed Overcoats, regular. values up to $8 50. Emergency Sale Price ... 4 98 Men's Beaver and Milton Overcoats, regular price tip to $14 00. Emergency Sale Price :.. .. 7 50 —Men's Tweed, Worsted and Serge Suits, regular price up to $13 50. Emergency Sale Price .,. '7 50 Men's .Tweed ,and Worsted Snits, regular price tip to $8 50 Emergency Sale Price ... 4 98 —Boy's 8 -piece Suits, Light and Dark Tweeds with Enlace.. Pants, sizes up to 83, regular price up to $6.50. Emergency Sale Price 99 8 75 —IV1an'e Orld Pants regular up to $1.75. Emergency Sale Prise 1.15 —Men's Odd •Pants regular up to $3.25. Emergency Sale Price ... 48. 444 2 25 —Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts in this season's best styles, regular prices up to $4.00. Emergency Sale Price ... ' .., ... 444 2 25 —$5.00 Ladies' Beady -to -wear Skirts. Emergency Sale 8 50 Price ... ... .. ... —Up to 80c. Ladies' and Boys' Hose. Emergency Sale Price 19 --Up to 60e. Ladies' and I3oys' Hose. • Emergency Sale Price ' 89 —Up to 60c. Ladies' Winter Underclothing. ' Emergency sale Price .. ..• ,,, -$1.00 Corsets. Emergency Sale Price —50c. Corsets. ittr ... ,,, .•. —85e. Towels. tl - re .per pair —80e. Towels. --Comforters, regular $2.25. Emergency Sale Price —$1.50 Table Cloths. Emergency Sale Price' ... 4.1 89 79 89 25. 20 1 50 1 15 Genuine Bargai° s in the Boot De artme t —Ladies' Dongola Kid and Box Calf Boots, Bale and Blucher styles, regular up to $2.00. Emergency Sale Price .., ... 1 39 —Ladies' Choice Dongola Kid Vici Kid Boots, Balt and Blucher styles, regular values up to $2.75. Em- ergency m- ergencySale Price ... 1 79 —Men's Box Calf, Velour Calf and Dongola Kid Boots, Blucher and Bal styles, Goodyear welted soles, reg.- War eg-ub r values up to $8 75. Emergency Sale Price... 2 50 —Men's Box Calf and Dongola laid Boots, regular prices up. to $2.75. Emergency Sale Price . .. 1 79 —Boys', Girls' and Children's Boots at 20 to 80 per cent. lets than regular prices. —Over Shoes, Cardigans, and all Felt Goods must go. Cost not considered. Gosh Prices Allowed for Produce G. N'_ 1V'1.1.A.IRJM31\1" Next Door to American 'louse 1