HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-1-30, Page 3O 00 efeereeetteCielleeeleSereereleirest>004241
q rroux3o g oo•ao o4cres6t
• A year ago'I was Irons—Where 1 could
Bear the ecunding ace. I was born
with a litrht heart, a strong bill, swift,
Wings rind Spry feet.
"Pcel.v\stct! Peel -west)" 1 say all clay.
I urn so happy, and all 1 know is one
kind of work end seven kinds of play.
Work is breakfast; arena call it "lish-
Ing," When I was Iwo days old, and
only a tiny fluff of buff down, I began
le work.
My needier, Mrs. Sally Forth Sande
piper, aItowed era how to Ind wee
water wigglers, and eve provided my
Own. food ever slnee.
All our.raeo litre to work; I never
lino a, single shirk.
Peet-wcetl No week, ne east The
Taw of life, short, sweet, complete.
All geed sandpipers say this over
Annoy limes a day, especially the last
line, "Poet -weed" Work is very easy
when your bill is long and strong. Al-
though the day he breezy, 1 work and
sing my song--•'Peel-weed''
But although I like work, I like "the
Eason. gangs,' loo. Tho -first, "hob -
Low,' 1 never had to learn—Weiler
did mother, nor Blether ip, nor Bro-
ther Kip, nor little Sister Wee Tee.
We all :began to play bob -bow as
soon as we could wall, and before we
learned to late. Its such fun when
rightly denote I'll tell you how. Just
run a dozen steps or so, quickly, stop
suddenly, bob your head down and
flirt your tail up, ruin a few steps more
along the shore, and "Lector" again.
A thousand times a day I do 11 just
that way. 1 hip along, to gaily sway
In play amid the spray, and never stray
away. -
\Vhen we bob-ixe,v, my little Sister
Wes will cry, ".See, oh, see Till Tee
Jill and Ip ftp and. Kip flip-" and. all
the Bine suers saying it Little Weo Tee
will teeter.
Our friends, 1110 little waves, playing
lap -lap on the beach, bob *to us polite-
ly, A million years and more athey've
bobbed upon the shore. 11 we didn't
bow back with all our might, we'd be
extremely impolite.
13u1 there are six other games. Tho
treeend is "clownsquat," or "quick sit.'
One day, near night, when 1 was two
(days), I heard a frightful "much -a -do,'
land suddenly a scary, hairy giant (the
Icind that roars "Bow-wowl") crushed
land dashed inlo.'sight.-rruslied the
craniding grass and rushed to loft and
Tight. Alas! 1 didn't knowwhat had
)gene to pass! 1 tried to flutter and
Ily, er utter a cry; but out of the cor-
ner of my eye 1 saw mother playing
'quick Sit.
Then I saw 1.p quick sit, and Rip
quick. sit, and 11ltl0 Wee Tee quick ell,
too, and 1 knew what to do.
We were safe. The scary, hairy baw
wow. giant couldn't see us, and with
e great commotion, rushed away.
That quick sit is a good name, I've
.played it many times since. It has
only one rule, very easy to remember.
When danger threatens, make your
best sit quick. The enemy will Lalce
you for a steno or stick.
• It's a very, .pretty Irick, but not the
only way to safety. Sometimes its bet-
ter to play the game of "run, run, lit-
tle feet," or "lightly skim the wave.'
ler even "1-2-3—dive]"
When on n seaweed raft ).stand, and
Stift away from homeand land, It
hakes Inc feel sea very grand to know
if I should look on high, and sec a
danger in, the sky, .I'd only have to Op
kind slip from off the deck my senweect
Olhlp, and lnlce a steady, long,sirong
dive, and after that come up alive!
Pc tiweetl its great funaboing o
serldpiperl You ought to try it.
There are two more games. Number
el? is "kick the slides." I've playact
this many times in. the edge of the
Sedge with my brothers.
At night we play run, run, little feet
along The beach until we reach the
amigo edge; then 1 jump quick, and
give a stick a kick, and. Ip will pick
(another stick to kick, and lisp will keep
alis feet a -kicking against the thicket.
Task—)tele—tick—a-tick, Soon we
make the rough way slick, and bring
lo view a new, grant, graded avenue
For our little Sister Wee Teo -like a
troyal princess—to Lass 'Through, We
'Eike to do it, for her, and she likes to
Have Us, too.
We .play this every nig1ef—with .all
our, might -in aha dusky light.
'Ille seventh game is—"going Tameli
Mother always played this beat when
• )meanies were near our nest. Shed flut-
terfeebly, just ahead', always keeping
out of reach. A -matt would think her
almost dead, and these her away along
tie beach.
So go the days --one work, end' sev-
leoi plays! Play -days soon go y and
one has to think of the serious §< Lle of
1 am old, quite old, now -a year last
Might. Mothemn and ip and Kip and
,Woe Tee have gone soi.ewhere--1
debit know where. Perhaps I shall.
(never see Thom again, but I am not
1'have the white sand beach, and the
`friendly fi01'-bowing Waves, the small
tet the salt sea-bileeze; the !letting is
Igend, vary good, and last night 1 saw
la sight. t was so wonderful I want to
Roll you about it.
The moon was full, the tido was h(gn;
at the waters edge f clic) espy the dab,`
%est little lady, all alone, ne, pla Lng Mm
Seth, h lht.
amid 1 foam,Bet
Ilvtien I went tward the spot, and tried
to say "So swede she shyly, flaw away,
But them sopon
the salt, wet seed
She'd writeh with her little feet, in
lanea 0 1 could h •T'
g gt x elsland hr name
, and her ed'<lress completer "Mles
Sweet, See Street;' 1 could easily rcatl
Sono stlmner clay, not tar a\vny,
Ill call to ace 1110 qinittly little tady-
hire) with spectclee on her breast. Then
1 will soy, "i wish you'dy ,play the seta
on games with' mc. Lets he Mr, mut
Mrs, Til 'l'ee, told—and—build it .Westin
—YOutlee Compehicn,
It is tarty to mance the statement that
a Inedieine will cure rlleumatlssul, but
tlse 11YumuWn sufferer must have more
thou mere elitkineals—he must hove
loth reasons and ,plow). Dr, Williuule*
,� t � lieu
Pink Pills' cure u11 forrnsof Il.o lnla t ,
!lore is the reason tlheurnatisut fs a
d reale of rho bklod (hory dose of
Dr. Williams' Piulc I itla actually make
now, rieh, rod blood. This new blood
drives out the poLscmuus acid, loosens
the netting joints, and rheumalisin 1s
banished, 'Thousands have teetilled le
the truth of these statements, and hero
is further fresh Hoof, Mr. 110001 Mon-
Ligny, of SI. Jerome, Qum, seys: "For
many years 1 was a victim of rheenla-
Le m and was almost a cripple. My
work made it necessary Ior me to be
O lt my feet a good bit of the day, but
;my limbs became so swollen and rho
pain so agonizing that 1 was forced le
stop work, I tried remedy after rem-
edy, but nothing gave me relief end I
began to think I would never get bet -
tee At last I was persuaded to 'try
D•r, Williams' Pink Pills. In less than
a month I noted a slight change in
my condition. I continued the Pills
for three months and at the and of this
(erne the swelling had disappeared;
,every pain and eche hadleft mo and
i felt better in every way. I was
completely sweet and once more able
to go about my work with ease. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are certainly
worthy of all the praise I can give
Thousands write giving just as strong
proof of the value of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills—rust only as a cure for
rlieu'malism, but as a cure for nil the
ailrnenis Reding t'helr riot in end blood
such as.anaemia, heart palpitation, in -
dl eetinn, kidney trouble, headache and
tlnchnche, disordered nerves; etc. Dr,
Williams' Pin][ Pills are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a
box. or six boxes for $2.50 tram The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brdcicville,
Blue Inas Remarkable Preservative
Camille Fiomiarion, the eminent sci-
cientist, publishes this week the results
of the remnrlcable experiments that 111
]las been conducting for Ihe past two
years to discover the effect of various
lights on the growth of vegetation. Ile
Me a number of plants which he sub-
jected to red, green, blue and while
light—the conditions otherwise being
similar—and the results were most as-
M.-Flnnunar_ion exhibited to friends
lettuce stock• which was an hare) as
time. This had been, grown under the
Influence of red light. The leaves, how-
ever, of this stoelc hast lost all their
qualay and were inedible.
Under the effects of red light certain
vegetables, such as lettuce, grew fif-
teen tines as fast as under blue light,
On Ihe other hand, ,blue light has re-
markable ereservative powers. An nate
tree planted two years ago has kept
it thst leaves, which are note es fresh
and vigorous as when they first ap-
peared. M the same way ripe fruit
can be kept fresh under a blue screen
for twenty -"days without decay.. The
.strawberry plait can be retarded for a
similar period and then allowed to
fructify. The experiments are expected
Lo have a wide application to motet
The discussion has brought lo light a
curious story from Lyons, where many.
pedplo are employed in the great eine
malagreplr works, II is declared that
woricers who are developing films ein-
em' a red light• for a long time become
nervous and Irritable. One day the
women workers were so overwrought
flint they attacked the Oren. and a
great row was only slopped when the
light was changed.
Ice eight Met Mick on the ocean, and
snow falling oven in summer. Such is
the weather experienced in the Polar re-
gions, When the air is dry and still, it
is remarkable how low a temperature
can be borne with ease. One explorer
tells us that, with Lhe thermometer at O
deg., it was too' warm for skating, 'Tho
limner weather in this region is, more-
over, in some respects" pleasant and
healthful. Within the Arctic zone there
'are ,wonderfully -colored sunrises and
sunsets to be• seen'. They arc bout bril-
liant and impressive. But the nights—
tlhe nights are monotonous and repelling.
A rigid world buried in everlasting
snow, silent save for the.cracicing of the
ice or the wail of the wind, Travellers
it these regions experience; many dis-
comforts. The keen air causes their slain
to burn mud blister, whiletheir lips
swell and creek. Thirst( again, hes been
Mich complained of arising from the
action of the low temperature oh the
warm body.
No sale mother would wish herself
treated under the conditions of medi-
cine,ar surgery of hall a century age,
Why then shohld she give her lithe
o ne the old-fashioned medioinee of half
a century ego, which more likely than
net contain poisonous opiates
that can-
ned cure the child, but mere)Y drugs
It into lolnpOrny nsensibility. Baby's
Own'l'nblels Is a modern medicine pre.
,pared with ell. the care .and skill of
Modern moiled sdienee, And the• 1110 -
thee lobo
s Uden°(irine to
child Me 'the guarantee' of n. Gomm
rnent analyst Ilial It does not conloin
one particle Oi opiate or poisonous
soothing stuff, This medicine cures all
the entree, nilme•nie ref little ones, tine
metres baby n healthy, inuighing, happy
child. Solei by all medicine dealers or
by Mail 'al 25 c-ente n. Lox Nem Tho
Dr. Wllbiaitw Medicine Co., Brockville,
(By A. Danker.)
During the past three or four do-
eadcs the science of gunnery hue made
c.neeiis,llc oII des, and 1.11 )114101 i'11 gun
us Inc excels is the old 37 -pounder ,1 Nel-
son olid Napier as 1hu1 llum-honor°:I
'1,1 weapon execs -led re lighting venue
the catapult of Llia old I1onuurs. Tho
.011'0lele 100 -tuts- gun, for instance, was
etipable of thivaw'ing a greet utast pro.
a. r to t ilio
lit weighing lou] i n t d 11 ,
] f livo dle, re ceritidge lolug about
the size of a sack of ceuls, and every
math asdtr about heI eppearance
mid size of the arils in n scuttle. And
when ilia monster was discharged it
ge to
r.• era. r l o it telt r lit
was m Sly fa h t. 1 ng e
gun to open their mounts wkle, or Ulm
strum of their rat's might. have been
damaged, and to )told their caps on
lightly or they would Have been blown
off r: by is dtuirlcane. Windows, too,
of h•cuns within, ,perhaps, a couple of
miles of the fort, if not opened would
be blown in.
13ut the mighty ordnance of the
DrendomietL Is tar more effective than
even dose monsters, for they throw
art enormous shell no less elturn fifteen
miles; ono of those guns therefore plant-
ed on Epsom racecourse could llwow
o shell into the Bank of England; and,
according Lo a statement of the great.
est .British authority on gunnery, '1
Mont 13Lanc were situate between,°those
tvva pi.noes the flight of the projectile
would be.some hundreds of feet above
the summit of the mountain. The Oruro
derous, deafening roar of theme ponder-
ous missies as they burble lin their
Madly course is altogether indescrib-
able. • It Ls as though a furious hurri-
cane were raging, a hoarse crashing
blast, angrily rending the air with a
discordant, grating stridor, which, as
the distance increases, changes to a
snarling hiss; until with a dull thud.
the :projectile stares the wetter, raising
n fountain of foam high in air, follow-
ed hail a mile fut'ther away ihy an -
ether foaming geyser, es the rieooHct-
iing shot again rebounds; sometimes
raising quite a long series of these
w aterspouts right away into the far
BuL how utterly puny and insigni-
ficant are these achievements of man
compared with the work of ilea Omani-
•potenat. Creator Who has stared on their
course through the dread abyss of the
illimitable, .untold myriads of miglity
globes, at a velocity infllittely exceed-
ing that of any cannon hall. And yet
this Almighty Being in His wondrous
condesension and love has provided a
means by whish all who have inany
way transgressed against flim, instead
orreceiving the condemnation due to
jusCee, may, it they will, receive e free
and immediate pardon. For the atone -
mord made by the Som of God upon
the Dross is a full, perfect, and com-
plete saiisfanlion for the sins of .all
who Will lay then] upon. Him; for He
bare the punishment due as their Sub-
Neglect a cut or a scratch and it may
turn to blood. poisoning. Mr. Joseph
Laltbertecf 3d Artillerie Street, Quebec,
says: "I rut ono of my, fingers on. a
rusty piece of tin and hod no idea it
would become so serious, but in two
days blnod poison had set in and my
fingers became terribly discolored, and
my hand and arm swollen. I was
alarmed and began using one ointment
after another, but none relieved me. 1,
was about io consult a doctor when a
friend advised me to try Zai -Bute, This
T did. 'Zani-Buk began by drawing out
the inflanunatton and in one weak Um
wound Wes nicely healed.1 feel so grate -
fu lfor tny speedy cure that l unhesiLat-
ingly give my testimonial to the merits
of Zam-)lute.^
Zam-P,ulc euros Cuts, Burns, Chapped
Hands, Chaflugs, Cold Soros, itch, Chil-
blains, Eczema, Running Sores, Sore
t hroat, Bad Chaste Ringworm, Piles
!blind or bleeding), Bad Legs, Inflamed
Patches, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Scia-
Itce, Abscesses Std all diseased, in-
jured and irritated conditions of the
skin. Of all. druggists and stores, 50c.,
elopes!, paid upon receipt of price, from
Zan -Bok Co., Toronto. 50o. a box, 0
boxes 52.50.
A Fcw hints as to What May Be Done
In An Emergency,
The man who knows exactly what to.
de in cases of strenuous emergency is of
inestimable value to the community at
large. A few hints, therefore, with re-
gard to simple expedients which may
bo resorted to in case of lire should
prove of interest to our readers.
in the first place --)seep out ail'. With-
out air fire cannot burn, and thus the
danger will be at least retarded if the
doors and windows of all rooms are
speedily closed and the fire -engine im-
mediately sent for.
Should the clothes catch fire, throw
yourself upon the floor and roll over and
over on the flames, dragging the hearth -
rug or sorne Lhiok material with you if
e I
-Smoke is one of the most fbrmidab o
clingers, and `When houses- are on flee
es many deaths are caused by suffocation
as burning. Wiles attempting to cross
n room flied with smoke, creep on they
hands and knees, keeping your head •as
close to the ground aspossible. This is
el'l'er:Live' because smoke rises, and Die
most breathable air Is therefore near the
A fairly efilciellt respirator can be
gtrielcly devised by drenching e. handler
chief with water and covering the mouth
With it
Ori n
13u1 pr°vontioW is betterrthan
cure and
n small hand -pump or chemical cure,
often be sufficient Lo stop a
flee when it is in its early Magee.
Gralefnl Palienir--"DOeler. haw can I
ever ropey you for you' lcindness • to
me?" Deefor—"Doesn't mnllor, old
rnnn. Cheque,money order, or cash)
hubby—"1 can't get the enders un-,
ter the bootiense to wm'k at ell, and
1'v, o?led them twice. eV s,,,oeI3ut did,
yew use castoreoll, dearieD!
and Schools
put one Ceiling is fir dweller
end oboe) for iU(c ly, cknnlinsr,
economy -4r as moons Haled nn `no
seams. Ismael 1)—for la are -proof quality.
PEDLAR. VAzir�res
Above 2,000 modern dedanr to every style of
Food ast d,.wallr to mutt in harmony with
interior sch ur—adapted to ony color -memo or
irchit for 1 othve, All }v us to mad you
llustrated detail. and quota prlas. Address 701
Oshawa. >tont:eat Ottawa Toronto London Winnipeg
D. IL Bastedo
77 King St„ Host - Toronto
All Ladies' and Men's Furs at Cost
Write for Catalog.
idt.t51747 2V-0:71MSS
Canaria, We pay highest Now York prices. We
pay express. No Commission,
Oieanangbe 000t1Lri005h 0 per oaoeeo Slat place i hqp
Wandsworth, England, Alan Four Years
Out of Work.
Alfred Marlyn, aged sixty-five, on
whom an inquest was Belt at Wands-
worth, England, a few days ago, was
found to have died from starvation.
The widow said her husband had been
out of work for four years, and had been
very fit. She supported him as best she
could, for he was ;too proud to go to the
Ile was brought home by a policeman,
who discovered him lying on Wands-
worth Common, and said he had been
walldng about all night. Some days
afterwards be was'tatceu to the Infirm-
ary. where he died,
"We have been living on a little bit
of bread and tea," the poor woman de-
1 went out to wort, but I could only
earn 2d, or 3d. I sold everything I had
to keep him.
".lust before he was removed to the
Millenary I put hhn on fire floor and
sold the bedstead as old iron for 5%d.
to get him a cup of tea and a bit of
bread. Ole could eat a bit of bread as
bit; as your handy
A nurse who removed the old man to
the infirmary said he was lying on the
floor in rags, and Was unable 10 walk.
The only furniture -in the house was a
talkie and a box.
There is Only One Ecieciric 011. —
When en article, be it medicine or any-
thing else, becomes popular, imitations
invariably spring up to derive advant-
ages from the original, which they
themselves could never win on their
own merits. Imitations of Dr. Thomas
Ecleclric 011 have been numerous, but
never successful. Those who know
the genuine are not put off with a sub-
stitute, but demand the real thing.
"Here," said a lady Loa beggar, "fs a
glass of water—pure, pelt delicious wa-
ler What? You refuse it?" He.shoo(c
hits head and sighed. "1 have to ma'am,"
he said: "You see, l've got an iron con-
stitution, and water would rust HI"
The Greatest Tonic is"Ferrovim." It is.
pleasant in taste and contains just tho nourish•
wont and atrongtlt-giving qualities that are need-
ed by those who aro sick and weakly.
Some orators are unable to deliver the
goods because they lack proper terminal
Bil'lotlsness Burdens Life.—The bilious
man is never a coliipanionable man
because his ailment' renders bins mo-
nose and gloomy. The complaint is,
not so dangerous as it Is dlsagreeeble.
Yet no one need suffer from it olio
edn procure Parmelee's Vegetable Pills,
By regulating the liver and obviating
the efleols of bila in the stomach they
sastore men to cheerfulness and full
vigor of action.
Wise isthe man who knows whet
not, to say, and remembers not to say
Jodi. n Word of caution; Where the akin Is
destroyed by bunts or scalds apply Weaver's
Costa immediately : the sooner the batter.
Picture books for the bcnelLt of trav-
ollers aro kept to the Parts polioo sta-
tions. It frequently occurs that for-
°ignores lose things which they are, un -
elite, to describe heeause of their un -
'familiarity with the French lenguegoe
The picture, boobs contain representa-
tions• of various articles, end the in-
quirer' hiss only to turn 111e leaves and
Ip0in11 out She IllesisaLionsr which ren
seinbie • the ,property he hes lost.
ISSUi; NO. 1-013.
A MO'1'11E1I:S SONO,
Baby, listen while '1 tell
'Mat 1 love you very well—
Love your little lies and eyes,
Love your language; wonder wise;
Love your Ogle smile of glee,
Love your laughing nuleety;
Love yew Mr the joy pill -bring
Inc our ,>onetent harboring]
Ilaby, listen "while pray
Heat '(1 to guertl you night and day.
• yeti from above
n Y1' watch v fro
A g
Willi the lerelerter-s of lore;
11; rine evil eon e n`,t neur
' rc, oLlstt
law thy d
om' cheer—
Only lit end joy be thine,
Gift of livulg Ione divine!
filthy listen While I sing
01 your life of golden spring,
Bringing to the: barren mirth
Beauty of dho blossom's birth!
Bony, listen white 1 tell
'Thal. I love you very well --
Cheeks and chin. end nom and oyes.
And your 'language, wonder wise]
If cha:ce were mine of fame, or worldly
if I might choose of all ,the world might
Of me, it would be Lhhs, a sad )heart's
"The day Ls brighter for she passed
this way."
1 ask no :plaudits from the hands of
Ne cheering things tomer* my onward.
But just Mot some dear hear,. will fond-
ly whisper:
"Your presence here has anode a bright -
If I can feel that I have scattered
That 1, perchance, have cheered a faint-
ing heart,
I will not grieve that fame has neves'
Since lova has given mo the Leiter part.
The etiquette pertaining to lea -drinking
in China is curious. If a lady asks you
todrink tea with tier -and especially If
the .Lea be sweetened—you can count
yourself as well received and much 1ikod:
11 she does not like you, the tea is bltter,
end report has it that in eases of this
sore drainings are often used. Of coulee
11 is needless to say That after one sip
or such lea the unlilcod visitor shakes a
prompt exit 1 When paying a call, if
lira servant should bring in a cup of tea
there -is no need to take any particular
noiioc of it. Allow the servant to place
11 where he likes near you, and continue
your conversation as though nothing had
happened. If your business is pleasant
and agreeable to the mistress or Lhe
master of the house, he er she will pass
the beverage 10 you; if not., you are ex-
pected l0 leave it untouched, otherwise
you are likely to have a quarrel on hand,
and a Chinese quarrel—either with a
elan or a woman—is unpleasant.
To•provide a restful- environment
without sanatorium restrictions, to en-
able tired humanity to recuperate na-
turally, to secure to the average man
or woman the needed change from wor-
ry and care, and to do these at mod-
erate cost, is the mission of "Tho Wel-
land," the home of "The SL Catharines
Apply the manager, St. Catharines,
or any Agent of Grand Trunk Rail-
way System.
Fattier: ''Remember, my son, that hon-
esty is the best policy."
Son: "Why, father 1 you allus said you
wanted me to follow in your footsteps."
Time tries all things, and as Biclile's
Anti-Consumptivd Syrup bas stood the
test of years it now tanks as a leads
hag specific in the treatment of all ail -
melds of the throat and lungs. ;It will
soften and subdue the most stubnien
oough by relieving the irritation, and
restore the affected argent; to Healthy
'conditions. Uso will show its value.
Try it and be convinced of its efficacy.
Tramp: "Madam, I, was not always
Madam: "No, it was your other arm
you had in a sling yesterday."
No,Rensoneble Inc ozpects to cure n neglect.
od cold in a day. nut time and Allen's Lung
Balsam will overcome the oold and stave
off consumption. Cbn(Sh will coasa end lungs be
as sound as a new dollar.
At a party recently they were playing
aganae which consisted in everybody
in tho room making a tate, and the one
who made the worst fake was awarded
a, prize. •'They all did their level best and
then a man went up to ono of the women
and said 1
'Well, madam, I think you :have won
the prize.'
Oh, She said, I wasn't playing.
Alice: "Don't you think a cookery book
14 fascinating reading?"
Clara; "Yes, indeed, it contains so
many stirring incidents."
No man fears the woman lie can
emarkable for
P least): r'
flavor. The big blaci.
Pg chewing hewin tobacco??ov.
Bro �
r ial
T,. to
0 tr?
J. C. nerves Pelletier, Dop'i. de l'Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont., writes:
"The Pernna Is particularly efficacious in the cure of catarrhal affections
of the leings and bronchial tubes, and it is in consequence the remedy most
appreciated here in Ottawa. Six bottles cured me this winter of bronchitis.
I am completely restored and I owe thanks to the Pernna. I have recom-
mended this remedy to a large number of my friends afflicted with the same
troublte, and they have verified my good opinion of this valuable remedy."
CATARRII of the bronchial tubes
often very quickly becomes catarrh
of the lungs, Catarrh of the lungs
makes Lhe patient an easy victim to the
germs that cause tubarculo=]s. Sound
lungs protect themselves against dis-
ease germs.
Poruna has acquired a lasting reputa-
tion in relieving catarrh of the throni,
bronchial Lithos and lungs. This should
prevent ]lie tubercular bacilli Mum gain-
ing any foothold in the lungs, and, saves
the patient from the inevitable remit.
Mr. Wickliffe R. Smith, Editor of The
Potlatch 1•lerald, formerly Principal of
Life: Schools at Cameron, Idaho, writes:
"For some time I suffered with ca-
tarrh of the Throat and bronchial tubes.
I tried many remedies, but could find
nothing that wound give me relief.
"Finally I tried Peewee. Three betties
cured me, made ane sound and well. I
believe it will do as mach for 'others
as it did for me. 1 shall be glad' to
recommend it to those suffering with
"It would please me mightily, Miss
Stout," said Mr. Mugley, "to have yell
go to the theatre with me this evening."
Have you secured the seats?" asked
Mists Vera Stout.
"051 come now," he protested, "you-
're not so heavy as all drat.'
Useful at All Times.—In winter or In
summer Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will
coo with and overcome any irregu-
tart'ties of the digestive organs which
nhmnge of diel, change of residence, or
variation of temperature may bring
,abcul. They should be always kept al
hand, and once their beneficial action
becomes )clown, no one will be evens
out then]. There is nothing nauseating
in their Structure, and .the most deli-
elinate can use them confidently.
"Doc," said the man who was trying,
h get a free prescription, "what's the
lest thing for a cold?"
"Competent medical advice, niy
The Effects Produced by woo Havel .when:
cambium' with Menthol its yfound 1n "The D t1 L"
epeciacforrrheumatism tand nenralgle., it being
Norah : "An' phwcerc do your mis-
thress be goin' le -night?"
Bridget: "Shure, she didn't intorin
me, but. hem Lho loolcs iv her 01 Lake it.
she rho gain' to wan iv shim comm' out
Mother Graves' 'Worm Exterminetor
Ti pleasant to take; sure and effectual
ie destroying worms. Many have tried
it with best results.
Magistrate; "Yon gave this young
woman such a hit on the face that she
can t see out of her eyes. \Vhat have
you t0 Say for yourself ?" Accused :
"Well, sha often ].old me,she didnt want
to see me any more.e
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious Itch in human
or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol
ford's Sanitary Lotion, IL never fails.
Sold by all druggists.
Men soktora flyfor their Iivets When
eMessed 10
they inset a woman \vho,'is d
Why go limping and whining about
your corns when a 25 cent bottle ot:
1Io11Oway's Corn Cure will remove
them'1 Gfyo it a Ilial and you will not
regent ft.
Tine professor in one of our universities
Was mote( Inc being very absent )Minded,
Cull the Pell emit
is custom to c
before the lecturc. One mor
intafter calling a the to which there
wits no response, 1to loor0d up,- and,
peering over his speelecles, netted sharp-
ly "Who is the -•absent boy in the
vaannt slnoir i .ori before met
roan Who does not mind a joke et
Itis own expense says he went into a
chemist's recently and risked for scene
morphine, The weislunL objected to
jiivieg it without a prescription. "Do T
10011 Ince a men tvhovvollld hill himself?"
the °raalo(nrr asked, T don't know, I'm
sort, said Lhe essielentl ''hilt if I
t'lcoked )ilea yen, floret() be terieptexl,"
is interested and should /mow'
about the wonderful
MARVEL WhirlingSpray
The now Palinal syr neo.
Beg --Most cancan.
lent, It cleanses
6e0 Taw dr"gsietfor St.
Y ha cannot supply the
}HABIS' accept no
other, but semi stamp for
liloserated book—eenled. It giros
full pnarnon1ars and directions ln•
valva le Gn Indies.
Gene.Ar te fCanada.
7th Ave. and 38th 8t.
Maximum of Luxury at hfinitnum Cost •
Accessible, Quiet and Slogan% within Five
Minutes' Wrill1.of Theatres, Shops and Clubs.
New Ihutob Grill ltooms,Lar ost in City.
Cable (lora Pass Hotel to all$Itellroads.
European Ple.n. $1.60 or day Wltheht' bath,
$`ails per day with bath. Suiten $8.60
upwards. Sand: for Booklet,
N5 & DAan,
"1 Wish you'd tell me what ails this
watch," said the caller, pastng it over
aha' sitowea-Se,
The jeweller Look the timepiece and
]coked at ft. '
"Where did youet it?" the aslced.
'Al ,
At an auction stare.'
'"That's all that ails it," said the low.
eller, .hat1'ding it back.
Itiif(kinS: 'rho happiest hours of my;
lite were when I was going to school,"
1311ticins: "I cannot tell a rte, old man.
The happiest )tours of my life were When'
twos playing truant from school 1'
S's Cur,
Shiloh sfrrse thehilahworst coldo,
2hesharPest g
on agues'.
Cure cof your
money back it it
dao •�
than anyt 'ng yoto
eVer' tried, Safe to
take,• -•nothing in
it to hurt even a
baby, 34 years oe
success commend
Shiloih's Clue -
060., 50e, $L eel
and Colds