The Brussels Post, 1908-1-23, Page 1h
Vol., 86. No, 29
New Advertisements
Viunl-Jas. Fox.
Grippe -F, 1Z, Smith.
Boy wanted -D. Ewan,
Bien kets-I: C. Richards,
Notice -W. S. McKereher,
Steers for sale -Peter McDougall.
Emergency sale -G. N. McLaren.
Fence posts for sale -Jesse Wilbee.
New Directory -Bell Telephone Co.
iBistrxct items.
The choir of St. Andrew's Chul'ch
gave the musical part of program at
the harvest borne in Auburn on Mon-
day evening.
A.. Wettlaufer has disposed of
soo,000 brick that are needed in Clin-
ton to be used iu the construction of.
the Roman Catholic church in that
Word was received here on Monday
ninth ing of the death of Harry Kelly,
of Vaughan, Louisiana, U.S., where he
was in the lumber business with his
brothers, No cause was given, the
telegram simply stating he flied Sun-
day, and Was to be buried Monday.
He was married to a Miss Brown. of
this town, and her sister, Miss Lizzie,
ot town, left only two -weeks ago to
visit them, arriving safe, and sent
word home here that all were well,
The relatives are anxiously waiting to
hear the cause.
The L. O. L,. district of Morris, held
their annual •meeting in Bleilt last
week, a large number attending front
the, lodges. Alter the 'business the
following officers were elected for the
ensuing year :-W. M., A. H. Robin-
son, Blyth ; D. M.. W1111am Netbery,
Belgrave ; Chaplain, Rev, W, H.
Hartley, Blyth ; Secretary, Charles
Stewart, Londesboro ; F. S., Wrn,.
Mcliilroy, Blyth ; Treasurer, M.
Bruce, Luntlesboro ; D, fe„ A. Sims,
Blyth lecturer, R. McCrae, Bel•
grave. W. M. Robinson was appoint-
ed delegate to attend the Provincial
Greed Lodge of Ontario West, to be.
held in Mount Forest in March.
R. Muteh and family are spending a
few weeks in Gerrie.
Robt, 'Thomson, of Brussels, spent
Tuesday in the village,
Miss Effie Goodfellow, of Toronto,
is visiting relatives In thls vicinity,
Miss Mary Miller, of 'Toronto Junc-
tion, is renewing acquaintances here.
Miss Jessie McTavish has returned
from a visit of several weeks with rela
tives in Wingham.
Thos. Brown, D.D.G.M., returned
on Saturday after au absence of a week
silent in Wiarton and vicinity,
Mrs. '1', B. Saunders and children
left for Forest on Tuesday where Mr.
Saunders has purchased et business.
Owing to the illness of Miss Henry
there was no school held in the junior
department for two days of this week.
Invitations are out Inc an Assembly
to be given in the Town Hall Friday
evening by the bachelors of the village.
Owing to the bad condition of the
roads Rev. A. L. Russell was unable
to hold services in Salem and Selmer*
on Sunday last,
The masquerade carnival held in the
rink on Tuesday night was well attend -
and a great many splendid costumes
were on the ice. '1'heudges were
Misses Jean Russell and Lulu Hemp-
hill and Neil White.
At a meeting of Court Wroxeter, C,
O. F., the following cheers were Meet -
ed :-C. R„ C. F. Edwards; V, C.,
Thos. Bennett ; R. S,, R. J. Ra0n ; P.
S., W, M Robinson ; 'frees„ D. W,
Rae ; Chap, T, A. Gibson , Sr, W., J
Smith; Jr. W., G J. Btu narcl; Sr. 1,
L Brown ; Jr. B.. W. Knox; Cond.,
N. el, White; C, D„ I. Davidson.
Will. Burke, of Hensen, was visit•
log his psreuts this weak,
Rev. W, J. West, M. A„ of Bluevale,
will take the service at Victoria Hall
next Sunday evening.
lob King. who lives East of here,
was bothered with a disabled thumb,
something like blood poisoning follow.
lig a scratch be received, He is near.
ly all right now We are pleased to state.
Alexander, the 12 year old sun of
Donald McDonald, wino lives East of
here, ran the mower last year in cut.
ting tg acres of hay and the reaper
in harvesting 35 aeree of grain.
Not many boys of his age could
do it ' but he has an acquaintance
with the work owing to the illness of
his father, who is none too ragged yet.
On Sunday Feb. 2nd the Quarterly
meeting of the Bluevale circuit will be
held in the Methodist church Bluevale
On page 4 of this issue may be found
an interesting illustrated sketch of the
new Presbyterian church and facts
connected with the congregation.
Our thanks are due to the Wingham
'rimes for the same.
The missionary anniversary services
of the Bluevale circuit were conducted
by Rey, D. Rogers. last Sunday, as
Misted by the pastor. Mr. Rogers'
many friends were delighted to greet
nter C�
eimeseleitiE222126eaeee 1616616631:6611111111111111
In going through our stock we find we have toe many Winter Suits and Overcoats on
hand for this time of the year. We are placing on sale on FRIDAY, JANUARY 10T'.EI
era e
All sine 84 to 42 'These Suite are well mane and Trim
need and good Fitters.
$12.00 Suits for $9 00
10.00 Suits for 7.50
9.00 Suits for 6.75
8.00 Suits for 6,00
60 1E'S
All sizes 34 to 42. We have them in 44, 47 and 60 inch
lengths. "These Coats tare the products of the Lowndes
g T and Cn li Noyes & Randall, Hamilton,
Co„ lotcnto, Coppley y
and Cannot be equalled for fit or worltm,tnehip111 Canada.
Regular $22 00 'Overcoats on Sale at $18 00
tt 20 00 tt 16 00
.t 16 00 , tt .t 13 00
el 16 00 - 44 : ."ii 11 00.
1t 12'00 44 ,r 9 00
ti 10 00 tt �.1 7 50
um*, smauvramon.monmiostimor.....*
We have 19 Fur ;Coats left that will be
cleared out at Cost.
Colne catty and get your choice as every article adver-
tieed is a Bargain.
Clothiers and nommirimommoimisomionoisiono
Graham block, Brussels
their former pastor once more and to
listen to his very appropriate and in-
spiring missionary address.
Friday evening of this.week a public
meeting will be held in the Foresters'
Hall dealing with the leading issues of
the day. Shunt addresses will be given
by A. Hislop, M, I' P. ; W. H, Fraser
and W, H, Kerr. Ladies are invited.
Meeting will open at 7,30 o'clock,
Quite a stock of cordwood is being
received at the grist mill,
What about that telephone line from
Ethel to the G. T. R. depot?
John Scott, of Woodstock, was here
on Tuesday attending tbe tnneral of
his sister,. the late Mrs, A McInnis,
Last Sunday afternoon W. H, rKerr,
of Tres Pos'r, took theservice in the
Presbyterian church here Rev. Mr.
McRae was absent at Clinton where
Mrs, McRae is ill.
A contract has been taken by Robt.
McDonald and sons to clear several
acres of bush on the William Slemmou
farm,' adjoining Ethel railway station,
Wood, bolts, heading and logs are
being taken out and 'quite a gap has
been made in the standing timber al-
Friday, Feb. 7th, it meeting under
the auspices of the Farmers' Institute
will be held in the 'Township Hall
here. The speakers will be Gavin
Barbour, of Cross Hill ; A. G. Mc-
Kenzie, of Fairview ; and Miss Susie
Campbell, of Brampton. In the even-
ing a musical program will be rendered
as well. There is always a large tern
out to these gatherings here.
The offieersof the Epworth League
are :-Hon. President, Rev. ieo.
Henderson ; President, Miss Elsie
Pomeroy ; 1st Vice. Miss B. Slem-
mon ; 2nd Vice, Miss „L. Sanders ;
3rd Vice, Miss O. Raynard ; 4th Vice
Miss C, Chambers ; Rec.-See., Joe
Pearson ; Cor. Sec., Miss Mamie
Hansuld ; Treas. Miss Minnie Bate-
man ; Organist, Miss Netta Simpson.
UNnssrAx1Nc,-Prompt and care-
ful attention given to all orders for
Undertaking. Our telephone No.
28a and a call will have our im-
mediate response. Our prices are
reasonable and satisfaction always as-
sured. Special attention paid to
cavity and arterial embalming for
wbieh we hold diplomas,
OYSTER SUPPER.- i'hursday evening
of last week the annual oyster supper,
under the auspices of the Ethel
branch of the Women's Institute, was
held in the Gibson Hall, There was
a gooe attendance ; a first -etas sup-
per ; and an A 1program. The WALrON
chair was competently filled by Jno.
McDonald, merchant, and the musical The annnal meeting of Duff's
and literary bill of fare :consisted of church was held Thursday evening of
vocal and instrumental music, reci-
tation. readings and dialogues.
OstTUARY,-On Wednesday, Jan.
5th, one of the pioneer residents of
Elmai passed away, in the person of
Janet Thomson, relict of the lute Iohn
Henderson. 'l'be deceased lady had
reached the advanced age of eighty-
seven years and ten months and was
a native of Dumtrieshiro, Scotland,
She came to Canada with her parcels
while quite young and was married
to her late hesbead in r84i and after
living in Galt for a few years they re-
moved to St. Marva where they con-
tinued to reside until 1862 when they
removed to Eltna. After the death of
her husband in 4876 she went to re-
side with her daughter, Mrs. Alex
Buchan. The deceased was a good,
kind woman and a loving mother.
She was a very short time ill, old age
being nor principal trouble. She is
survived by four sons and one daugh-
ter, john, of Seafnrth ; Alex., Peter,
and Mrs. Alex. Buchan, of Eima. and
'rhos. W. of New Ontario, and by
one sister, Mrs. Robt. Walker, .of
Brussels. The remains were laid to'
rest hu Flma Centre cemetery on Sat-
urday, Jae. 18th, Mrs. Walker and
Robt. Thomson, of Brussels, attended
the funeral.
Township Council minutes may be
read on page 4 of this issue.
A number of yonng folk took in the
Oyster Supper in Bluevale on Wednes-
day of this week.
Mrs. 'John Stewart and baby Cecil
were visiting friends around Sunshine
for a few days last week,
Percy Russell is home on a holiday
visit from Buffalo. He holds a good
position as tailor in that city.
Miss Norma Sperling, teacher at
Molesworth, spent Saturday and Sun-
day at the home of her aunt, Mrs. John
Mrs. James Grasby, of Sunshine, has
been under the doctor's care with aa
attack of the grippe but we hope she
will soon be o k. again.
An auction sale of farm stock, im-
plements. &c., is announced by Mrs.
Thos, Maunders. a miles South of
Brussels, for Tuesday, Feb. 25th, with
F. S. Scott as auctioneer; Sale will.
be without reserve as the farm has
been rented to D. Badgely.
Geo, A. Pipe and wife are home
from Toronto spending a few weeks
with friends around Brussels. Mr.
Pipe was married on Christmas Day
and his many old friends wish him and
his bride many happy and prosperous
years. He was a former resident of
this locality.
this week.
Considerable interest was manifested
MRs. DevxEs PASSES AWAY.- We here on Wednesday over tbe South
deeply regret to report the decease of Huron bye•electiun. Walton is on the
Elizabeth Stubbs, beloved wife of John boundary.
M. Davies, of this place, which sad The annual At Home of the A. O.
event took place Thursday morning at U. W. was held in their commodious
3.30 o'clock. The funeral willbe on Hall here on Friday evening of last
Saturday, 25th inst., service at r,30 week A fine time was enjoyed. Mr,
o'clock Interment win. be made at Nixon, representing the Grand Lodge,
Cranbrook . cemetery, Mrs. Davies was here and gave a good address on
was in her 55tH year and was beloved
by a wide circle of relatives and friends
whose sympathies will be extended to
the bereaved family. •
SUDDEN DSiitsE,-Your correspou-
dent had uo idea when referring last
week to Mrs. Andrew McInnis' ill
health that he would be called upon
this week to accord her death. 'rhe
end carate suddenly and unexpectedly
last Saturday morning, the passing
"away causing. sincere sorrow in the
neighborhood. She is survived byher
husband. a son and daughter who will- out of business the various branches
be sympathized with in their bereave- being taken over by other banks, Mr.
[neat. The McInnis family moved Rowland, of the Standard Bank, Brus.
here some years ago from the 14th of i sets, has been here duringthe week
Grey and the deceased soon made and along with Mr. Calvert has been
many genuine friends, Her maiden; going through the books. The bust.
name was Jane Scott and she was le 1 Hess will be assumed by the Standard
her 5oth year. Mrs.'McInnis was a I Batik We hope Mr. Calvert will be
faithful member of the Presbyterian remainin as lie liar many friends in
church. The last rites were carried ' g
anis locality.
Officers elected in A 0. U. W. for
;gob :-j, M. Govenlock, Master Work-
ran man ; W.'S. Neal, Financier ; Geo. E.
CHEESE FACTORY BUSINESS. -Tues• Ferguson, Recorder ; Alex Gardiner,
day afternoon of last week the annual Guide • ince McDonald, Fot•enkan ;
meetin of Ethel cheese. factory was peter Gardiner, Overseer; Jas Mc-
g v Donald, Treasurer ; Robt. McGaviu,
held in the Township Hall, James Inside Watohntan ;.John Berry, Outside
Burgess, Dairy Iustrnctor of Listowel Watchman ; Representative to Grand
district, was present and gave a Lodge,, J. M. Govenlock; Alternate,
practical address on his work, care of Wm, Neal. Present membership is 72.
milk, heating the whey at the factory, Lodge meets third Wednesday of each
&e., and. the pity was there were not mnntb.
nhore there to hear him. -sac per ton .Tie tidy fat'in plot consisting of 30§
on chee a additional will be allowed acres adjoiniogthis village has been
Mn. Brown for heating the whey next sold by Jonathan Moore, now of
season. Isaac Lake occupied the chair Guelph, to lames Campbell of this
and did it well. Jacob Kreuter was locality, for the sum of 61900, We
re-elected Secretary and J. K Brown understand the purchaser will fit it up
was re appointed Solestnah and Trees- iu modern style as to buildings, &c.
aver,. Old Board of Directors, consist. Mr. Moose also sold his house and lot
the work of fie Order,
Saturday Feb. 8th, is the date set
for the meeting of the Farmers' In•
stitute in the A. 0, U. W. Hall in
Walton. The spet:kers at the after-
noon and evening sessions will he
Gavin Barbour, of Cross Hill ; A. G.
McKenzie, of Fairview, and Miss
Susie Campbell, of Brampton. A
musical program will he added in the.
evening. Meetings open at 1.3o and
7,3o o'clock. All will be welcome.
Owing to the decision at b ad -
quarters of the Sovereign Bank to go
lug old acquaintances in and about
Walton.but will continue to make bis
home at the Royal city,
HYMstemee.-The following interest,
ing note is taken from "rho 'Western
Prairie", of Cypress River, Mai., and
rCfers to a yonng lady, well known
here :-A very pretty wedding was
solemnized on New Year's Day at the
home of J W. and Mrs.' Campbeth
when their sister, MissCarrie M. Berry,
was united in marriage to George E.
Wingfield, the ceremony. being per-
formed by Rev, F. 8. Richardson,' The
bride looked charming in a beautiful
wanking silk over taffetta silk, trimmed
with chiffon' applique. She wore the
usual bridal veil and carried a hand.
some boquet of white carnations, She
was attended by her notes, Miss ,Mary
E. Campbell, who was daintily attired
in white silk and :carried pink =ma -
tions. The groom was ably supported
by Herbert E. Keddy; of Hensall, Ont.
'rbe bride was given away by her sis
ter, Mrs. A. Young, and the ceremony
was performed under a most beautiful
arch of evergreens loaded with cones
and the house being astistieally decor-
ated throughout. The Wedding March
was played by Miss Maggie Diehl,
After the ceremony the guests sat down
to a most sumptuous dinner prepared
by Mesdames Young and Campbell,
The tables were decorated with cut
dowers ably managed by Miss M.
Campbell and 'I'. Campbell, The
bride's going -away gown was an alice
blue check and a cream ground, trim-
med with blue and allover lace. The
groom's gift to the bride was furniture
and to the bridesmaid a sapphire ring..
Groomsman's gift to the bride was fur-
niture and to the bridesmaid a gold
watch chain, The esteem iu which
the young people were held in this
vicinity and also in Walton, Ont., the
home of the bride, was shown by the
great number of beautiful and useful
presents they received. "The Prairie"
joins their many friends in wishing
them every prosperity and happiness.
The young people will make their home
at Cypress River, Man.
out Tuesday afternoon, Rev, D. B.
McRae being the officiating clergymen,.
Burial was made in the family plot at
C brook cemetery,
rate o£ J. K, Baker, Wm: Slemmon and in another section of Written, Harry
Hartwell Speratn were reelected. Clark being thebuyer at x400.
t.15 per will be allowed Mr. Euocb Clark is the present ,tenant.
Brown, this to include making, selling, These sales relieve Mr. Moore of his
boxing and Treasurership, Other real estate here, He has been renew,
particulars will be gleaned by the fol-
lowing statistical returns -
MO.Nte1I RM5nw'VED 0 ct 51:iix1etln' 1'ar018 AMOUNT
Mar 68.286 5,502 11.64 12rJ $ 012 74
,1%,, 141,420 17,700 .:11,00 ]1,18 11� 211710 1i% 20410 12
,7 sly 297,804 21,086 11.18 11.88 1 "1 D 10.0110 2878 88
August 108,000 18,088 10,850 11.06 lir' 12We 2108 27
Sentemb,ir 180,880 18,186 ]0.01 52
Oct, Fs Nov,.... 101,180 10,47894 10,04 1s§ 1272 46
Interest 40.00, balance in beret last audit 411.21 18 21
510105 70
8870 47
1 Holt
intik 47
Paid ;patrons ,gq86Svor haul2 $
10861.0 Secretary -52040 boxes $1 2200 1178 80
I mile Boards $7. ;intil $162.60
Sentoar',8,0014; milk book 200 0
Milk cards 0;00; Milk tiolrata $ M 8 78
Auditor ; intl .7tl8 27 80
Telephone $2 t4; hall rent 51.00
1114103 7878
• Lagrippe is bothering a great many
people luta Wlotar la Grey township.
Hugh McDonald, who resides at
Melbourne, Manitoba, is here on a
visit with h15 brothers, Donald cod
Alex., of Grey, and P. J., of Brussels,
It is 18 yearsteuee Mr. McDunald went
West where he has been eugaged at
farming. He has done well. Mrs.
McDonald died about 2 year's ago.
She was a Miss Smith, of the 4t11 con.
of this township. 'Tine visitor will
probably spend a month viettiug old.
trieads betore returning; West, It is
12 years sines Mr. McDonald was
here. 1 -le is a welcome visitor,
'Tile Council is surely taking time by
the forelock in advertising a eoutraet
of logging and grading, to be let Mon-
day, Jan. 27th, on tate sideroad lead-
ing t0 McNaughtsttltion on the Guelph
-Goderich railway. Some contraetors
claim horses could -be utilized on the
Muter road already made in turning
out stumps alongside of the trach and
the balance of the work Dau be finished
when conditions are more favorable.
It certainly would be a, great benefit to
the people iu that section of the town-
ship to have the road opened out,
MRs. 13aAY PAYS NATURE'S Derr. -
Last Saturday Mrs. Wm. 13ray passed
away from the earthly home to the
Horne Beyond atter an extended illness
in her 48th year. Her demise was not
an unexpected event. Mrs. Bray's
maiden name was Eliza J.Shiels and
she was an old and .highly esteemed
resident of Grey township and deep,
sincere sympathy go to Mr. Bray and
the other members of his tamily to the
hour of their sorrow, more partieuler-
ly in the oft repeated calls that have
come to their home' in the past few
years. The funeral tiok place Wednes-
day afternoon to. Brussels cemetery.
In addition to Mr. Bray five ettildren
survive. Rev, Mr. Henderson, of
Ethel took charge of the service on
Wednesday. _
Minutes of Grey township Council
may be read on page 4 of this issue.
Joon Lamont, of Wingham, spent
the past week at his uncle's, Angus
Lamont, 8th line.
Chas. Rozell, gib con., is improving
his farm by gravelling the lane from
the con, to tbe house.
Many of the concessions had to be
plowed out to make them passable
after the drifting of last week.
Frank McGavin, who was visiting
relatives and friends in Grey and
Morris townships, returned to Win
uipeg last week.
Wednesday of last week J, J.
Mitchell, wife and family and Mr.
Cornell, of Wingham, were visitors at
Richard Mitchell's, nth con.
Angus Shaw, 6th con. bas been ill
with the prevailing grippe. lames
and Mrs. Turnbull and Duncan and
Mrs. Taylor have also been victims
of the same ailment.
Thos. E. Steels and David and blrs.
Sbiels, all of Detroit, were here on
Wednesday attending the funeral of
their sister, the late Mrs. Wm. Bray.
Jno. and Mrs. Bray, of Hamilton, were
also here,
Among those who attended Miss
Maggie Crerar's funeral on Wednes-
day were Duncan and Mrs. Stewart
and Arcb. Crerar. of Stratford ; Don-
ald Crerar, of Bright ; S. R. and Mrs.
Crerar, of Toronto.
A sleigh load of young people ,of the
8th spent a very enjoyable evening at
W. M. Cook's, 5th line. Morris, Thurs-
day of last week. A. certain young
man was swinging his fair lady around
when be lost its balance and went out
through a window. It's hard on the
bead Isn't it Alex?
The contract tor a new bank barn,
42x60 feet has been let by Councillor
Jas, McFadzean, tech con. Thomas
Newsome, of Brussels, will attend to.
the framing and carpenter work and
John Stewart of Blyth, will build the
cement. It will be a modern building
and will be located adjoining the
present barn, Mr. McFadzean hag a
fine farm and is a good farmer.
The sad news was received during
tate past week of the demise of Mrs.
John MoGaviu, ot Winnipeg, on Sat•
utday, She was married 4 years ago
and leaves oue child. Mr. McGavtn
may rest assured of the heartfelt
sympathy of many old time friends in
this locality. Mrs, 'McGavin was a
fine person and beloved by a Wide
circle who will greatly regret her de-
Jno. McLean and bride (who was
Miss Marion McKay of gth con.) left
for their home in Verna, Sask., ou
Friday of last week. They purposed
visiting relatives at Winnipeg, Por-
tage•la.Prairie, Regina and .Peuse
while en"route. A reception will be
held at the latter place where Mr. Mc.
Lean's brother-in-law resides. II ugh
McKay, formerly of rah con. Grey,
also returned home to Earl GI -eye -The
same day.
PASSED AWAY,--AbOnt II o'clock
last Saturday forenoon the spirit' of
Maggie E., yotingest daughter of John
and Ellen Crerar, gth cop., took its
Hight. : Deceased had been ill for two
months following a severe' attack last
March from heart trouble. She suffer-
ed considerably for some time and was
unable to Ile down owing to the diffi-
culty to get breath. Miss Crerar was
bora in Grey and was 29 years and 4
months old. She enjoyed the friend-
ship 01 a wide circle 01 friends who
will sorrow over her decease. The
funeral took plate on W
to Brussels cemetery, Rev. A, C.
Wishart, B. A., deceased's pastor, con-
ducting au appropriate service at the
parental noble and the graveside, The
bereaved have tine sympathy. of tare
Tuesday afternoon of next week the
annual meeting of Knox church con-
gregation will be held.
g number from this locality attend-
ed the funeral of the Iate Miss Crerar,
near Brussels, on : Wednesday after-
Mrs. Joseph Oster and baby, of
Howick, have been visiting at J.
Oster's, North ofhere, during tate
past week.
Next Sabbath afternoon' Rev, Mr.
Anderson, of Blyth, will preach a MM.
sionary sermon in the Methodist
church here.
The remains of Mrs. Andrew Mein.
nis, of Ethel, a former well known
resident of this locality, were interred
in the cemetery here. .
There is some talk that a second
teacher would be desirable in our
school if the Spring bring; much of an
increase in :attendance.
In the absence of the : pastor, who
was at Clinton, the service in , the
Presbyterian church last Sabbath
morning was taken by W. H. Kerr, of
Mrs. (Rev.) 'McRae underwent a
medical operation at the Clinton
hospital Wednesday of last week and
we are pleased to state she is making
favorable progress. Her many friends
hope she will be able to return to her
home soon.
Mrs. Richard Proctor is recoveriug
nicely from an attack of measles.
Rev, G. W. Rivers, 13, 71., attended
a convention in London ou Monday.
Miss Jessie McKellar, of Brandon,
Man is visiting relatives on the 3rd
line Morris. •
Marvin McDowell has returned
Home after ae extended visit with
friends in Michigan.
Mrs, Hales, ot rerouto, has return-
ed to her home after' spending a few
days with Mrs. Sproat.
Many sympathize with John and
Mrs. Wightman ou tbe gravel road,
over the death of their infant son.
Mrs, George. Solar, Sulgrave, form-
erly of the 6th line, is seriously ill with
pneumonia. Her many friends hope
for her recovery.
las. Robertson, of Lenore, Man„_
is visiting friends in Belgraye and
vicinity. Mr. Robertson is a sou of
the late John Robertson, formerly of
near Belgrave.
Mrs. Robert Sterling, of Melita,
Sask., formerly of Belgrave, is at the
home of her sick 'mother, Nit's, W.
Geddes, 3rd line Morris. Mrs, Ged-
des is quite aged, and her recovery is
considered doubtful we ate sorry to
Bradburn, of Cartwright town-
ship, who ' purchased 51. Corley's
farm, will get possession next Pall.
He bas two grown up suns, and so can
handle' the 200 acres in good shape.
He gets a due farm, with one of the
best barns in the country, The price
paid was over 1t3,000. Mr. Brad-
burn will fill the vacancy in ',trinity
church membership list that will be
caused by the removal of Mr. Corley.
The latter may make his home in East-
ern Ontario..
.THE- Liberals of last and West
Huron are reading betwecu the lines
in conueotiou with, the bye eloctiou in
the South Riding on Wednesday.
* * w
flora, MR, LEgltttxx, who was the
represeutetivo from Canada to Japan
in commotion withthe emigration
question, has made his report to Par-
It looks as if the "black
peril" were not nearly so full of scare
to this country as S0111e opponents of
the Government would endeavor to
snake out.