HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-1-16, Page 8... Good Tonic This time oyear a person very Iy '. ersoL 's often recede a goad reliable Med• loin° to build up their strength ae a eafeguar0 kgeinet Golds or La grippe. There . is no better remedy, for this pmpoae than. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil WITI1 14 YPOPNOSPHlTES orae a.eurefor Golds or Colds that have run onhisunequalled. Put up in two sizes -50o and 01.00 per bottle. Sight for far-off vision may remain as good as ever it was but almost everyone, at a cer- tain age, requires a Glass for reading or close work. We can Ripply the BIGHT GLASSES for this trouble. No Exorbitant Prices Fe SMITH DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. guilt Ettu misers A °hiel's among ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll pcent it. SLEIonING is -line. Tug days are stretching quite .percept ibly, WEDNEenii'e storm made the roads heavy. Mame. Jewitt & Bateman shipped 3 decks of home this week. A.0, II W. will meet Friday evening of this week at 7 30 a'oimer, BUFFALO Robe footed. Apply to R. Leathernale & Son, Brunets. • S 0 T. M. will hold their regular meeting Toerday evening of next week. TEE aebool Miee Tillie Zimmer wee teaobing;in near Gowaoeiowu le tempor- arily closed owing to au epidemic in the locality. • 2 Loans of young people drove to Sea forth Monday evening for a skate. Another company wore the sliding steel at Wiugham. IN mentioning the Damao of the of firers of the "Little Stars" Mieeion Bend of Melville ohuroh lest week the hame of Isabel Street] ,i as argentin wae omrtard Messes. PATEN have ordered a new maehine for $skmg oats for horse feed. It will be in working order next week eo that the pub'io may have their waute eupp•ied. Boa times have been on bend, ae well se on foot, at the glutting rink in hockey exhibitions, the yawn/stern as well as the more ado!, having warm contents. Sae urd'ty wae a field day for tn.. juveniles. Cowes Oeuuoit will oonveue Toeeday afternoon, 2871 Moet. The question of who is to be Warden is always a most interesting feature of the January ses- sion. Robert llSeLeao, of Goderiob, a, mentioned as a likely 0000p.nt and the names of Reeve Leokie,of Bruiseeis, and Reeve MaMiNau, of Hulett, aro. also spoken of. Any one of them would fill the position in first nines style. EARL Beene, formerly of Braeseie, hae porabaeed a bakery in Cavalier, North Dakota, and will ran it On a oaeh baste; Efts many old friends here wish him the beet of suo0ese. Be should do well The Cavelier Ohrooiole (aye :— The Cavelier bakery has been said tbie week to 0. E Seeker, formerly of Bras. eels, Ontario. Mr. Seeker ie eo etrauger here, ae be has e. clamber of reiativee in tbie vioiuity.' He hae 1,d several years' experience in the work, and will no doubt make g.od from the start. ROSINESS OBoNOE.—Messrs. Brown & Galbraith, who reoeetly bought the livery and stable of George Robb, Brae sale, parohased Hugh Remeay's stable and livery outfit, including the 'brie, last week and are now in posee-sioo. They are running both barna and have a large and well equipped stook of riga and horese. Mr. Ramsay, who was in town for the past 2 years, hae bought the Iiv• ery.bueiueee of J. E. Sweets and went to Wingham on Testate), to take charge. The Wiugham people will find him Well worthy of their confidence. We wieh him encases. TEE LATE MB. O91ININOHA11'8 800000808 -.The Guelph &tertiary of last Fri.tay says •'—It ix understood tbat the inear anus bneineee so saoaesefu ly carried on by Abe late Robert Ou ieingbam, is to be continued by John Sntherleod, in the preeent office, Trader'e Bank B ook. Mr. Sntherlaud has been aesoolated with the ogeugy for over tbirty years, and represeotativee from the various bead of toes have unanimously appuiuted him ee Mr. Onnningbam'e enaoeseor, There ie no man in the fire insurance bouioxes to day who knows it better. The favor and cot& (eine in whioh be is held far hie likeable qualities and aoneoientiooe, painstaking 008thod8 ensure the growth in hie Mende of an already large olien• tette. 11 ad Fame TEE `Nose —A well known farmer reeidett of this twenty is renew Ing o,d friendships in the person of Rabt. J. Sharpe, of Uryetal Oily, lllauitobe. He Bloke first-dlaee and has dont well from a fidenaial standpoint. Mr. Sharpe went to Manitoba from Ethel 19 years ago and has tot baso here for the past 18 years Ko 001(00a many ohaogee and improvemente. For 4 years 1t wee manager of Hon. Thoe. Greenway'( big farm operatiune but for the past .8 yeare he hes bet'' doing baeineee on hie own aomount and owns 480 so ee it mate out of Orystai City. Last year he perohaeed ' 18 building lots in the town wbere he built and le now living having rented bie land for term. Mre. Sherpa died ill Oat, of 1906 Retying three little 'laagh.. tare 3, 5 end 7 years of ago respectively hat the tittle girls ere being wed tiered for, The vieftor °eye there wae not a big yield of grain lb their iooality.for 1907 and ferret damaged Home of it but the early market wed good, wheat roiling M With de 91.08 and meta ea 98 dente, The money market hes been tight bat la likely 0 lcoeen op. • Mr. Sharps bailed at Winnipeg(1 Si. Pent, ()biome°, Detroit ' aud Goderioh on hie way here and will 0100 tri31(1 white on &onto to hie home neat Aprlt. 't'Ea Pose was geed to hese a'oati from him td And he ok advantage Of hie melt to Brueeele to have hie,to- d decree label nisrked 10 April 1010. .Raouwfor TEE Pose, TEE lohoo, Bunrd mat. for the Stats tory meeting Wednesday evening but as a quorum wae 001 present no badiueee we. dope. FOLATE Division Canrt will be held on nursing of next w eh before Judge Holt. There viol be a large dooket, several the abate being tried by juries. REEVE Lamas is out with a lien gait vaseiugfor stook for the propoeed new Omitting taotory Show your faith in tire town by potting down your nem. for a goodly unmber of ..hares No in etitation will run without money. THE Pose has arranged with the Mail —Empire so that we oat) enpply our Ooo.ervetive readers with that weekly end TEE Peer at the row rate of 91 36 fur 1908. If they would rather have the Weekly Globe it may be had at toe Bane figure. L. 0. La.—Grey District L. 0 L mot Brunson,in the Orange Hall, Brunson, oil Jen 14th. There wae a good camber of def( gates from the differeut Ludeee and tt wee uoe of the beat Dietriot me. tinge that has been held in Brgseets for veers, Officers talented for 1908 ere ; Bro. Dun. oe u Johuehou Wa ten, Dr•triut Master ; Bro. W. J Smith, Baume, Deputy Master ; Bre. Rev E. M. Lang Ford, Readeets, Ohepteru ; Bro. M. 13 Moore, V. 8., Brussel., Rao Secretary ; Bro Jo.. Hunter, Beneath, Fut. Seareva'y awn Treasurer ; Bro Wm H•, t, Jamestown,' Leaterer The offiuere eIeo't were "'etas tad by B Gerry, Peet ()entity Master The C :duty Longe will alert 111 W inuhem ou Tneeday, Feb 4sh At that meettu, the 12th of Joly oelebr,eion is fixers. D ie Brueeele' turn so every vote Would be present. Beer 3317110N FARMED&' INeTITOTE —The auntie. meetlu. ut this Boot. ty w held au the Town Hatt here on Wednesday afternoon and eveuing of this week, the eeeetone being well attend ed ooneideriug everytbiug. President Mo +linen was suable to be present intoW. 13.. Freese, of B.n• vele, was voted to the (Matt and oire0ted the afternoon's exercises all right. Interestingedd,eseee were given by W. 3' Kidd, of Siu'a'e, on "Veuttlatioo of farm 'holdings;" "The potato patch," end "The Horan." J. Gardhoese, of Highfield, who wee ou the realm wart eaumetuted by J Forster, of T routo locality, who handled hie eubj-at well. Dr. AloneBamhes, of Aylmer, failed to pat in an oppearauoe 00r wail any exptanatibu tortrtcomreg oonoerniug her stemma. The eveuing 0088)00 W89 flt-ed with addreeses by the epeakere of the afternoon after Secretary Treasurer MoArtbur spoke a few worse relative to the benefice of the Iuetitnte. Mr. Foreter'e theme wae "Scarlet lite on the tarn," and Mr. Ifuid's addreee ou "The orchard and smell finite" wae Mira fuel ot practical eaggeetione A cholas solo, "One as led 'lother and the other Home Sweet Hume" was rendered in good voice by J .ho Habkirk, with Miee Jean Habkirk as 80e0Wparti•t. A well enng duet, eut.tled eAv0arneee," wae elven by Mrs, W L. Leatherdate andJ. G. Jones, Miee Min• rva Jones being the pianist. A vote of thanks to all who took part Meowed by the National Anthem brought the meeting to a 0 nae. W. B %err, of Tag Pose, wae ohatrrnan. SAD DEMISE or ROBERT OONNINon&M — TneGoe,pb Dai y vteruury of Jauuery 2nd, gives the fabowleg account of the demease of a gentleman known to a good- ly somber of the r. ad.•re of 'IEE Thar and a man peeweeI of al.uy manly traits of ohmmeter;—'rhe stroke of par- alysis by whiob R,bt• Ca"niughem was attacked at his reeldeuoe oe Thursday evening terminated fatally about 9o'o ook un Tuesday eventug, While he had been -iu failing health for a ooneldereble time, he wae healing partrou.ar,y bttgbt on the day be wooetrtoken and had worked in hie office until ria o'clock. He yams preparing to retire when tite stroke name without warn. mg. From the Brat his med,oal at- teudaute bad no hope for bie reouvery. On Sammy he rallied somewhat, bat the 'mprovement wae only temporary. On Monday bis aondiriou wee worse, and from that time he gradnairy eank until the end came. Mr. Ouribingham flintth ed his education et the 1i01erei0e Aaad emy, Co0uty of Derry, Ireland. Iu ouzo lug to Canada, over forty yaore ago, 1e farmed in Erin Township for a year or e". Theo, through the advice Of an Did friend, the late Rev. Mr. Pringle, of Brampton, be took a position as school teacher in that township, whioh he followed for a ehort time. Bing. food of outside employment, he adopt ed fire hlearenue as hie profession, rind fee many yeare, with headqu.r fer8 at 0 15 rd, titd a large 1008"r8s1 in the Ooan see of Well noon,Eattoo, Heron and 001,00. He moved' bie offioe to Gne.ph about 'her y•ifve year° ago and termed a pattuereh,p with 11. L. Drake, whioh, Now ever, wae soon dieeolved. Srr.oe that time tie has permeated one of the largest fire and marline ineoramee pram titles in Ontario- with marked 8nna8se, r, Me Cauulghure was Sret trturteed 11 - Ireland, hie young wife dying on the men on the way to (114nutle, After a tepee of fourteen tears, he metered re n0ehter of Wm., (Berke, of 01 ,rheerar, thigh„ who thee reeidad til Ueuada, Re I Make Your Unused Funds bear inerest.at the highest current rates. Amounts of $1.00 .and upwards are received in the. SAVINGS DE, PARTMENT of THE METROPOLITAN BANK. Interest is allowed from date of deposit, and compounded every three months. No delay in withdrawal. ALL DEPARTMENTS OF BANKING ARE CONDUCTED WITH ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION AND SECURITY. The Metropolitan Bank Capital Paid Up, 01,000,000.00. Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits. 01,183,713.23 BRUSSELS BRANCH, W. J. FAWCET'1', Manager leaves ao relatives excepting hie berms ed wife. He took a greet interest in live stook, pertion arty in driving horses Through his early connection with farminu on bie father's farm in the 0 0 Country, he took a great interest in the Agricultural College here and in the 'Fat Stook Show, of whioh b• was always a warm e❑pporter. He wae, indeed, a .public spirited citizen, though never aspiring to publio of hue. Iu politics he was a strong Con eervative. He wee a warm friend of the pony, and, without oeteutatioe, most liberal contributor, both to oche of thie kind and to all public obj ote where private bele wae needed. H+s bluff msuner often oaosed hie real nature to be mieaoderetood, and con peeled great qualities of bead end heart, Only 'hoes who knew him realized how hie a man be wee 111 his death Guelph loess our of its zone' useful pampa Business Locals, SPECIAL: Oqr oranges sr 400 per doz. A 1 ., a on bon bons for 3011 at Gaewma's. 16 roam bred Be, red Rook OIOkerle for sale A good oh."oe for fermirg nom minify ALP BAEEER, If.0 ue•a Two pair bobsleighs and s Portland totter for ea e. Appy tc WALTRa Low. ERY, Aale Stale, Srueaete, APPLES Fon BALE.—A few ohoioe bar. rel. of No. 1 baud pioked apples—Spies and Greening, for este. Apply to ROST TEMPOS, Brneeela, 100 emit farm to rent for a term of years in Southerly part of Grey town ship. For further partiaalare apply to or write THE PoeT, Brueeele. Hem DRme-INC —Switches made to order out of uombmge or out hair. O°dere from a.'iste. os pr..mpmy attend d err. Mite it RINaur. N, Mid et. Wert. SECOND IND OaaeNe.—A Onmber Of 800.1 6 nue 6 eotaye 2nd head urgbne for sale at a bargain (WI and see them. • LEATHERDALE & SON, Brussels. 1'EIRSONAI, PA RRAHIIAI'llti. Mies Lizzie Brown is vieiting at Blyth. M es Flee. Bull, of Pollan, le vieiting Mrs. I (1. Richard+. Ben Dark, of 'Moieeworth, wae Vicat iris to town 1 to Wedb.eday. Mi•e Cora Lowrok, of Toronto, wae a visitor with Mien Alice Bone. Mra Leckie ie noideying with re'a- tivee and Old friends in Toronto. Mrs. Walter Smith is seriously ill we are sorry to state, but we hope she will e000 be better. Mtge Kirkwood, of Preston, t Ibe rues, of ere. A. 0. Damao, oor�glr of Wiliam and Albert streets. Mise Miele Andereou, of Blyth, and John Barrett, of Rooenville, Savk , were visiting Mteeee Hebkirk, Brueeele. Al ee Teach, $'•by, of Boll. at, is visit ing bar ouuein, Mies Stewart, of Church street, rind other friends in thio vicinity Mrs. W. 1' Stratton, le in Detroit pinking up the Ieteet pointers in the optimal bn•inete red vieiting relatives 08 welt, Miss Alive McLau: Nein and Miss Laura Andrews, of Gorr.e, were vithore at the boors of Geo Brown, Queen street, 09 Tuesday. Mies Sere. Long, of 0ranbrotk, and Mies Elua Porter, of Blyth, were visit leg &hes Margaret Porter, John etreel, Broome's for a few days. Ex Warden Millet, of Toronto, wee a visitor in town on Thursday of last week and on'ied on a number of o'd Mende. 'I'Hu Post in the camber. R. J Sharpe, of Crystal City, Man', wae a v,eitor at Jae Bberpe'e Brgeee e. Phe veeitor re a nephew James E Nutt, of Gndench township wae al -o here. Postmaster A..'l Kay, of Stratford, aoon[npau(.d by Mre. $,V and 909 and danehter, and Miss Reggie Bev, of Winnipeg, spent a few dvye in Breceete renewing old friendships The primary o, j•oi nt ibe visit was to be pre88ut al be 26 10 wedding anulvereary of. the former's sister, Mre. W. H. Kerr, welch Important event took pace last Friday. J Lee i• Kerr and wife, of Blyth, were 14100 lu attendauoe Th e week A F Stewart, of Maid stone, Sask., ecu of Alex. Stewart, Queen etreet'Aaet, arrived in town for a vieit Be hae b en 2 year° 1» Baekatohewan end thinks hie locality will be a great eaobeee t'1' mixed farming and cattle rauehi0g, oiimate is goad. A large qa&n tity of lend le held by epeeglatore. It he -a flew 881114ni101 50 miler West of Batttetord, Maidstone being en Ole main line of the 0 N R. He Rays frost oamght Kate di•triote bad Met Sgmrtter and there woe oleo an overpine of ,rain when grain watt filling, Mr. Stewart 8ti11 bolds bie (atm property iu North Dekoia. John Petah arrived back teem a trip to Detoraine, Manitoba, Saturday hfter000ir - ta(1en on 54OOant of ebe serioaa illness of his father whom we are pleased to state le now (bis to be about, A fine Winter. to beteg epjnved in the Wpat, Mr. Petah iteye, there hoing only a 000ple of mohair of snow. The close times are being felt bet in the Delornine and Metier& oo0ntry they are not feeling it So bud as eeme other seotio,a ee the ornp wet geed there, Wheat it selling et 01 09 Messrs Petah Mise Ethel Creighton. of Winnipeg, end Mrs. W. D Densmore, of Goderrob Meter, Ind °omen, reepeotfolly, of Mrs H. L. Jackson, are enjoying a be idey in Brows e, The former was a one time resident and hae a wide 9irole of friends, U IU U ItOi!Ui1111 ES The annual meeting of Melville church congreget'o, will be held nn Wedneeda, evening of next week, oommenofug at 8 °ethick N, Mb Sabbath tits Onmmnnion will b observe, hn M-,viile choroh Rrv. G P Daemon, of Whtrohoroh, wW preach MI Friday 8' 2 80 °item k "Let n9 not be weary in well doing &c" wae Rev A (3 W,ahert'e rxr lest Sabbath m ruing in Me•ville church Itl the evening Rev E. G. Power', ot lb. 88110,1,81 (March, oouup' d the po uh preaching a strong uiseoaree on "Tire burning bosh:" In the Methodist ohnreb Met Sabbath mnemes Re-. W B E to, of the Woo. a'004 Bapton O,:ltege, wag the preonit'r end spike praon08 w0rde, h'o t Et bele "My ohuroh" Rev. A. 0 Wuhan, muster o! Me vete charah, preeoh.8 u Berm u n the evening h.1 we live ter Many a nay on the wed (01,80,, woe to "Behold I ttend at the dos. and (10,184." RIs. R W. °raw, pallor of St. He en Presbyterian ohuroh, has reoeiv'•d a oat from Meevitle Preobytprim% church, Fergus The etipeed is 01200 a tear, with it mouth's %bpi lay belt free Mamie. Ie re nederetoud Ghat lir. Craw will a( (rpt tite 0011. Hie depuriere will be moot regretted by the people of St. Helene, by whom he is held in high rater m. Rev R J. Treleaven, of the firer Me1hodiet church, asmilton, has teeniest( and 14002p1ed b (a,1 t0 the pa -'Orale of Carlton street, Methodist ohuroh, Tor onto. Mr. T'eleaven will tertian, in Hamfltou until the Sommer of 1909. He is a native of Ashfield, a member of the wetl.kuuwn faintly of that name, and ba.. risen to a splendid potation in the Methodist ministry. The uuiou eer.vicee whioh have been in proureea between Melvil.e and the Meth odiet bhnroh, Brueerls, for nearly two weeks, bave been a marked .acoeee and greatly et jgyen by the large eongrega tions whioh fined the oboob each even auk• Bervme are held alternately in the church e and the,paetoe, Revda. Macer,. Wiebart and Powell, preaching night about. Good singing, pointed, well de livered oermone and fervent prayershave eharuotrrized the meeting's. Thie, ('Thursday) evening eervioe is in the Methodist obormb when Mr{ Wtebert will preach a,.d Friday evening the me. ling will be herd to Maville ohuroh, Rev Mr Powell oo• oopying the pu pit. N•, small amour,, of good hay been ao00mp,i'.h d and many in both congregations won d bepleased to see the services connected for a few we ka more. Brussels Council,, The statutory meeting of the Villeee Counotl was held Ott Monde) at 11 a. m Alt the members were preeeet tint— Reeve Leckie and O"utiai<lore R Graham, Ad. Barker, Ju., G. Jones and D. A Lowry and took the ouetomery declaration of , Mae, Mlnut.a of last meeting read and ad pled. The following e000nuis were preeeu'wd ; - Bleotrie Ieghl, 845 00 Bell Telephoto:: Ou. 65 J"o. Wheeler, wood fur Tuw.. Ba4 50 Municipal E roti,,„ xpedoee 40 00 Dr Too e, .lenioal 11 a,.11 Offi "r 10 00 it (isms, dump groan 1 fur 1907., 10 00 N Mn0tonl y 7 87 TBE P teT, printing anaemia 5 75 Mov d by R Graham; seam,ded by A Beerier that 1400011,114 10 paid. Carried 0.. mutton of J G. Janes, eeoondell b, D A Lowry, W. H, MoOranken and J Y fi Kirk were app' i.,ted Auditors at 06 00 eeoh. J. J. Gilpin was re.appnieted s mem her o1 the Board of Health on motion of Me•ere. Baeker end Graham. Moved by A (Barker, eronnded by R Graham chef Hiv E. G Powell be re pleated a member of the Public L'brary B ard. Carried. Tim question of Dr Toole reoignine from the Board of eletteh wee Mown -god find eventuated in a Mutton bens pro posed by A, Seeker, second d lit R Grtllem, to Increase the cutlery to 020 This wae adopted. Tax (lolleator Oliver rep rted as to ha aooee still tine, It wee moved by Jae. armee, 0000110ed b4 R. Grahlm and oar tied that the time be entreated to next (loauotl meeting and that all am ort,. then unpaid be vol gored., through the Coerce The Clerk wee inetrnoed to writs the pantie° interact ed, hearty all Of . them beim/ 11010 reeldent, The Street Committee ter 1908 will oonotet of the Reeve and Oouuoftlere Graham and Broker, Finance and Property—T1e Soave and Oonnailloto Jones and Lowry. After a short disoueoion an other looal matlere Connell adjourned, Rnld their wheat 97,.0 for one oar and scY>xxv $106 for the se001,11. They, have 88,808! hoed est Nebel, yet Horse market le eel et Mr Ps"o , met SRmnet Hol+gcrd, 1 v(nw ynf Brueetes, et Winnipeg n1 the retorttr,p and e.ye he i8 looking flints Mo001.T --In Morrie, on Deo 251b, to Mo. and MTS. W A MoO.dl, a son.' 1'E mem —At Woodhnrn, Ont, on Dos 1 • 27'11, to Mr. and Mem W E Thump son, formerly of Ointment 'county, a daughter, ESTABLISHED 1873 TFESThNDANDAN OF CANADA Head Office - - - Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deposits may be made or witlldrflwn by either of the two members of a household. This form of account le specially suitable for thoso living in the country, I either member can attend to the banking when in town. In ease of death, the money may be withdraw by the survivor without delay or cost, Write or call for further particulars. Interest added four times a year Savings Bailie Department in Connection with all Branches. 130 BRUSSELS BRANCH 3. F. R.owlarad, P9.anager 1d d,Rl?eT MT% OAMP—FAIMIAIRN—On Jan. 71h, 1908, by Rev. W 0. Sherman, at Walsh Station, California, Mr. Edgar .3. Camp, of Piorin, to Maes Davina, cameleer ' -f Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Fair. Moire, of Walhh Station. ELLIOTT -MILLe —I., E he', on Jen. 14 '•, ht R. -v, J Beoder•nei Mr. Gee. W E nett, of Mmeeworth, to Mee, thirtieth J., Armond daughter of Richard and Mra Mille, of the 6th ono of Grey. 140:•Tr—REareis -At t he home of Mr A her Henderson 0 rtenoe, Ont„ on J , . 8' It, let R -v W J. Tr hie, Mr .lo,-. M Scott, merchant of Yep row Grae,, Seek , to Mies Sadie B. $• eler, of Ot:rbeiton, era, Inenteo0 L Goderiele on Thoredas, .lar, 9 h, N n,. 0. Diekeoi, ag..d 89 years. e>..V C'I'IOST SAS.r}7, 1'00110DAT .1AN 23oD —Fern] amok, am p FWeu"., &' , ut 34, tens 12, Grey. B tie unto ger etl nt. 1''oaak J. M, $a"•hi,.e .n, prep k' 8 Boort, ane. MYR - Fall Wbeat 90 Barlay 60 Pea 76 Cate 40 Bottpr, cobs and 1'o s..., 20 Egge per dozen 19 Hay per ton 12 06 Flour, per bbl 4 60 Boge, Live 5 60 Apple° (per bbl.) 1 50 Potatoes ear tine 50 8a t, per W.I., retail 1 26 Wo. (tvaahed) - 20 92 60 80 48 22 20 33 00 6 20 5 50 1 75 50 1 25 22 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, ANTED TO RENT. —100 anre farm with implomerts Sad teem (i1Ve full partl0nlare to aevee.Lo Po0T. 27.3 • DUFF tIRPI GTON COCRER- sLe lm' 91.10 41'1+9 +T' 01 W .''.e wrath, wen/bine from 81, 10 monde Pr'er 91. 280 J '+ J°+,8, Lit 18, ann..8, M cele. Rex 84 Bro+egt,. For Family Colds n Reliable Clough end Cold Ours should nlwaye be in the house- reedy 100 010 the m0nteut the Serf eyatp. tome appear. It 18 always en1iet', cheaper and better to check it cold in the very beginning. Ju' iiinjte Pire n.ip WI•CU '1'Att is tate Id reliable it, the majority of Mabee 1114 teensy lino uovor without it. Sallie Pr ice ae 0tbe''e -111011 Wily not have the last? 20o per bottle at Ftrtf • Drug Store ,1 rLOWS FOR SA1. t' -THN) UN- \\ J DENela0'r111 br0 a nimbi of pool, 9 8,18,,,0 08•we f rtnle wblo" ere duo to (a vO rnr,v. For inrt , r ortta2+a' a implyto W'I Pte101t [);, Let 19 14, Com. 12, Oreor 01'8olrroolt 9, 0. 28 $f R J Vvhitffeld New York Eye Specialist Fannie ethic be me in Btbal every Sntnr.lM1 prepared to ornperly 0x• entice Eyes nod adjust Gloms, Huron County Council. The Onunofl a the Corporation of the county ui Hu on :9111 meet la the Couno11 Ubnnlber, 10 the T•,wu of (40derieh. ou 91,85. duty. the 28th lay n1 Jarman:, al 8 'el• uk'n is 411 worth, haying ,sen"nig as duet the • 'mute erre requites to ;Irmo the tame with the Clerk on or helorr e,' 27th w, LANE, Cleric. D.,ted Januar, 13,11 1008, - G. . MALA MERG SALE ' orale'ted,nkOpn4r4,"t'to'kPtderetrt; luieely.r'erlu'ketUteh'Ibut,'a,'t0heh,'eru Saturday. January 18th, we commence an Emergency Sale. This will be the Greatest MIney Savin; opportunity ever offered to the people of the County of Huron, $12,000,00 Stock of Bright, Strictly New General Yerchandi e To choose from and this stock Must be... Reduced 'foo much stook for a milts 81188on but the prises we are selling at wil' move it ilead it a l ; think it over ; np skk you to eompllre; prove what we say Come ex'ecti g to• get goods vert Cheap—You'll get them, The Terms of this tialr' will be 'TRIUTLY CASH. Borrow the money if ueues:+art, but don't tail to participate iu this—the Greatest Moneydaving it'ent Ever Off'red in Brussels Below we give ,y"u an idea of what we are doing. New lines will be Lidded ev. ry day f'ir this Stook must be reduceu $4,000.00. Drees Goods regular up to 65e for $0 89 Drees Goods, rt go tar up to $1.25 for 79 1 tfii . s' Underwear, reg. up to 60e for 39 4,1$1 25 for 79 Ladies' Corsets, reg, 500 & 60e for 39 " reg $1 00 for 79 Ladies', Gents' and Boys' Hose, reg- ular up to 85e • for Ladies' itendy'made Skirts. reg. 5 00 11 It • II 11 8.50 2 50 11 11' i/ 20081225 Ladles' Black Uudtreleirts, reg. 1:25 " " 1 00 " Flannelette Nightgowns 1.50 (1 ..... 41 t4 1.00 Gloves, regular up to 85c for Gloves, Ye'glllar up to 60o for klelf's 750Neg'igee shirts for Men's $1 00 & $1 25 N. gligee Shirts Mil's 60e Negligee rhirte for Moils $1 26 Underclothing for Men's $1 00 Ui,ilet•elofhiiig for fv1en'a'60e CAI rola/dug for Men's - 25e & 85c 'Pies fur 19 3 50 2 50 1 89 1 49 98 79 1 10 79 19 39 55 88 39 95 79 39 19 1 Men's 501'' & 6Ot Ties for Men's Odd Pt11118, re'geilnr 1 50 for Men's Odd Pants, repttlltr 2 50 for Meet's Odd Pants, rt'glllter 8 50 for Men's tinits, reg 10,00, 11 00 & 12 00 Mart's Suits, reg 7 50 & 8 00 for Men's suits, reg 6.00 & 6 50 for M, n's Overcoats, reg. up to 12.00 for Men's Overcoats, reg. 7.00 & $.00 for 89 1 15 1 79 2 50 7 98 5 50 4 98 7 90 4 98 Boots and Shoes. W"meth's Boots, regular 1.75 for 1 Women's Boots, reg. 2 26 &. 2 50 for 1 Women's Boots, r` g 8 50 for 2 Mon's Bu(its, reg 2 25 & 2 50 for 1 Men's 13uote, reg. 3 50 & 8 75 for 2 Boys' Boots, reg 2.25 for 1 Boys' Boots, rig. 1 75 de 2 00 , for 1 Bogy's' Boone, reg. 1.50 for 1 Youths' Bo 'tet, reg 1 50 for 1 Y .uthe' Boots, reg 1 85 for 1 Children's Boots ii( the same proportion. All Cardigans and Overshoes most go. 39 79 50 '79 50 69 89 19 19 05. EXTRA SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON - Towel Table Linens Blankets , I Comforters' Ladies'Waists, Children's Bear Coats. The fact is this stock must be reducr.d $4,000;00, Phe Terms of Sale are Cash. Cash Prices allowed for produce. Don't fail: to come and Bee just what we are doing. Next Door to Arnerican House G. N. Illicliaren Ma'.Looh out for change of advt. next week.'