HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-1-16, Page 5wee barge and wart 0031dooted by Rev. A., BD oiler Dobson, , 1 pastor from ohildtlood. After uuriul in the Preebyterlan mane tery, a eerviee wee held in the (Mural. The text wag the words "Underneath are the eyerlas1htg urine,' from within Mr. Dobson showed the (matron, strength and hope which these words give to the tempted, the oulforinm, the sorrowing and the aying, and oleo the 1000110 by whish God bongo men to the everm01104 arms. Trial Oetarrh treatment') ere being 300i10dout free, on rtguoet by Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wig, These testa ere proving 00 the people-withuut a penny's 000t. -the great volus of this solenti80 pre00ripllon known to druggi010 everywhere an Dr, Shoop'') Catarrh Remedy. Bold by all dealers, 0000. The replier week of prayer was held in the Methodist Church Met week The 6 0. S. intend holding their annual "At Some" coo the 24th day of January. The elnotions of Deputy Reeve and Uoan(iilloro for the townebip ..1 E ma for the year 1908 mended ar follows :- Corry 43 48 62 84 46 50 10 44 887 Richmond 45 26 27 86 70 68 18 81 431 Majority for it ohm an 94 0 eland 47 58 56 59 67 55 6 95 442 lJ0')tee 88 64 65 68 65 58 10 81 484 Hanna ' 9 4 8 8 4 5 1 7 41 tloLory 7 18 15 68 82 82 2166 239 dant 28 25 54 94 95 121 26 80 623 Scott, Ooates, Cleland elected. John Hamillou was ')looted Reeve by Boole. motion, Worn has been reoeived by friends here of the death of Robert Handl ton, at Nrwdale, Manitoba, on Deo 1811). The deceased wa-a a brother of John Hamilton, the present 'twee ut the Township of E ma, and eeoond son of the late Hugh Hamilton, of the Eima boundary Emit He was well and favorably known 111 Eltna, Wallace and Lletowel. no moved with hie wife sad one child to Manitoba about 26 years eke and was among the_ first settlers at N wdale. He leaven a widow, three one and one daughter all well provided for, Mre, Hamilton and family have the eineere sympathy of all their friends here. The Annual Meeting of the Elma cheers factory was held on January 4183, T. E.. Shearer in the chair. Annual meeting minutes read and adopted ; direotoro' meeting minutes read and adopted; abetraot statement of the uuditore' readand considered. Mr. Hart, a dairyman's inatra0tor from the Ingersoll district, gave an addreee ou paotearizatiou of whey, be strongly recommended it both as to feeding mute and for destroying germs. The meeting decided to have the whey pasteurized during the season of 1908, probable cost one bocdred dollars. R. 8. Ballantyne was emoted salesman and George Loohhead as auditor. Directors were 0leoted- as follows :- Thos. Diokeou, T. E. Shearer, Wm. Jolly, Walter Inglis and Alex. Bimp- .eon. 8 ballot being taken regarding paying byBabouok teat it was deoided by a majority of fifty abase to oou- tinae that system. A vote of thanks was tendered to the obairman. The direotors met at the close of the an Dual meeting when Thos. Diokeou was ohoeon President, T. E. Shearer, Vise President and J. A. Turnbull, Bee. Trea0. The milk hauling to be let et the factory ou Friday, January 24831, ut 2 p. in. The Beoretery was ,1101r001ed to advertise ter tenders for dividing.whey and skim milk and for the pUrehaee of the old ice haulm. • PSI it 4.) v *Oft. Orland Baker, of Toronto, spent hie bolidoyo with hie parent') at bows. Mies i Bt0840uver, of Bo. Mary's ')pont Nan Yeor'o viottiug Wee Pear! $alcor at the parsonage. L O. L -The oflleere eleot of Bine- vale L 0 L , No, 766; are :-W. Master -Fleury Mechem ; Dep, M, -Arthur Wheeler 1 Chaplain -Rev Geo. Beller ; Ree. S o. -Geo. O. Thornton ; Fiu. 8ro. -Atex. Auderoou ; Treat.- Edward Jubaetoo ; Lecturer -Joe. Oartio ; Com mittee-Aueon Thornton, Gilbert Neth ery, 1hoe. Elis, Jae, Fat000k, Geo, Mather% Om Season's Woax.-Goo, Haney & Sone had .a ouoessoful year's work in 1907, 00 may be seen by the following. work oompteted :-Addition to A Peoo. tor's baro, Morrie ; driving abed for Jae. Bowman, Norrie ; straw shed, for Wm. Framer, Morrie ; straw eked, for Jae. P1a00031, Morrie ; renewal on dwelling, for Jus Curtis, Morrie ; new addition t0 dwelling for John Nethery, Morrie; barn split and snlu a for A. Grav i r d g Tnrnberry : new driving abed for .I'. McEwen, Tnr.lberry ; new etraw•ohed, for John Musgrove, Turnborry ; new straw shed for A. Wheeler, Toroberry p' barn split for John. MOGlynn,Turnberry ; new driving -abed fur T. S. Powell, Turnberry ; split barn for Wm, Corbett, Howiok ; new dwelling for Thou T,,mbfe Huwiok, and the flue new Presbyterian I ohuroh, Bluevale. Besides all these eon• trams, there was a lot of other smell joba too 11nmerou0 to meutton. DOES AFTER, GERMS. How tlyomef Does its Work ill Curing Outarrh. Nature's remedy for catarrhal troubles i0 the oils and balsams found in Hyomei. 11 ie a epeodlo, not a more all. It haft bat one mtseiou,the cure of catarrh. The natural way of oaring a dieeese is always the scientific way and the Bolen tido way of oaring oatorrh is inn simple way, with Hyomei. Catarrh ie a germ disease sud can be cured only by tieing Hyomei, the treat meal that reaches and destroys a11. 0atarr1301 germs. Breathed through the neat pooket in haler that comes with every outfit Hyomei'e medication reaches the moat remote air cede of the nom, throat and longe, going after the dieeaeo germs wherever peanut, destroying them and preventing their growth, thus making ecterrhal tronb ee impo1fble. There le no dangerous stomach dosing when Hyomei is need. It ie solely au fuhelatiou treatment, prepared to kill the catarrhal germs. We partitively guarantee Hyomei, for should you buy a complete outfit, price $1.00, and be diseate8rd with reeelts your mousy will he refunded. Hyomei is sold by druggists everywhere. Write for Irterotaro. Bootb'e Hyomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Mid -Winter eLEARING SALE COMMENCING SATURDAY, JAN. 11th, for 80 days we will offer for sale all Winter Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices to make room for :Spring Goods. i ii t r tj ala? -.1i fit n=df Itt;:i 'd This w.d'id ii a nig Mese and has pled. tt of room mr II thousands of nonrated. lute fur pingo who are WOItTEX anti IP ifVI1A1t14U Y, u belts you.self worthy null the ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. ty ran quality you. Come now and give ('t iIJ mite utipur,uIUy or ')Low lug you now },y we prepare y0ul g MHO mud women for !Wall of lrsl'tmuea8, Our oatalogno a gives Intl per.leul tea, Write tar nun 01 iti W J 1.t.luTT, Prmoipul jy 8p beeir•tl10 Ot c, 31,. go- 6 a (bait l�0Nel AND 1L1•AAN1k`II 3TI3 j • StiSIN SS CARDS, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER Or MARRIAGE LICENSES tlL'e in the rind °Mee, Ethel. 80.4 li]iirilA O. ARMSTRONG .� le lirolutrmi to give 10e0o 10 on Plane. 0* treed. Ur ,n m 1er0 on application Peet 1010 Itrgldt000-li1'lreeels. 12081,18n108 - Lot 8 *300.10, ',trey. Peons may cavo 33101)' lessens at their own homes 3, warmed. • MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Plano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. M=SS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howiek Mutual Fire Insurance Company Moe mud Resldence- WALTON. ONT. JOHN SUTHEPLANL� 1Ne0RAN0B, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. MONEY TO LOAN ON FAR'Yl PROPERTY Itate of lutenist 51 per omit per annum, drat Mongolia LIFE AND FIRE iNS. AGENT Excelsior Idle limonites Oo npauy The Equity Flee.Iceurauoe Oompauy All business attended to promptly, H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk 4th Division 0ourt AUCTIONEERS. le S. SOOTT AS AN AUOTION• JL'• Nan, will dell for better prices, to better mon, rn lees limo and less ohutues thou any other auctioneer to Mast Aurae or he won't moven anything. Dates and orders nun always be arranged at this eines or oy p ar0oual application.. ROBT, H. GARNISS 13.1.13 'WALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. 'Perms reasoa,ble. Sales arranged fo, at the When of 1118 P018, Bruene18. 22tr VETERINARY. (1A. CUNN1NGHAM- NA • Goner Iret.luu,e of tLU Uatarlo Vet- erinary College, i9 prepared to treat all die - 80400 O1 domesticated animals 1n a oompet- eat meaner, Partl'luler attention paid t0 Veterinary uestistry and Milk Nevar. Valls promptly attended to, Olken and infirmary -Pour doors North of bridge, '1'ur'oberry et„ Brussels. 'Phcuo 4f k LEGAL AND tIONVEYANCING. A 13. MLODONALD- t�pBarrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta. Successor to 43 l3. Bhur. Oluoo over Stan- dard (funk, Brudeele, 8818016or for Metro. poliLou Beak, W M. SINOLAIR- V f • Barrister, 881101ter, 0puveyaneer, Neatly Public, die, Ufbuo-kltewart'e 13look 1 dour North 11t Ontario Motel. Su lioltor for tbo Standard B auk, i LloUDF00'1, . HAYS & BLAIR- is Itit11'1'Illts, 8U1,1U1T"140 NOWA1L1348 16181,1,., 85'1'0, W, 1houn1uoT,ii. 0. R. 0, HAYS 0, F. Bonn. Oleos -Those lolmerly uupupled by Meatus Uamereu do God, (301aal0L, ONTARIO, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, lanrairer t!oadua6e of the Royal college of Dental $urg00us of ()Marie and FL'et•oloeo -Honor Graduate of Toronto Uuiveroity. Ot2ae mixt. to Brewer's Photograpb Gallery, B11U8d1L8, ii lt� tlIi Cir l f1 aft INVESTIGATE ` IN'1'0 111E MblitIed OF TEE Li eiddaff GENTHAI STRATF'ORD. ONT. It to the most 80008801ul heathen II training school in Western Ontario. j One O0mm0rolal,.euol thaud ')lel '010. gruphl9 Dopar6moute aro ill ober330 qcl uUlo ln8tbut0ra0f expm'lm,eo. All if out. CORY[ed -Urn tLONlugb, up•tOrdatO iD a one mud praetioal, We have bou0m or the Province, business trulutug 0ouool' 111 tau Province, tint our free oata•1 0kue end learn what we ere dolma.' sr 88„155 Oommernal seboole as well as bast- 1hers mel employee* gredulttu0, Stud+ N all 68 are entering 0eon week. Lu ter da 11 NOW, EL1,101.1& MOLAOIILAN, 11) Prlooipole. y� f=i :a i tit -a tli= if,#6if tS +a' ......ameem.. "-.-..33.33 Now Open ENTER ANY DAY Mato: Terra 811 all departments of the 001113161 Buolnwso Oolloge, 1'08,3160, . turd eple1(lid Glances for upending 0low mantle pleas- antly and profitably, Twenty -live teachers, ('Itnlogue free. Write for it. W. H. SHAW, Principal E. R, SHAW, Secretary. Youge & Gerrard sta., Toronto DRAM. TRUNK RAILWAY. 000011NRN 10XTRN0ION'. W, 0. & e,. Praia° Leave Bruesele Station, North inti South, Re f01/0.0 1301130 Bonin 001130 NORTe. Mail 7.05 it 10 I EXp res' 10:85 axe Slap rose .,-.11:15 a,m 11 11 ... 1:44 e.01 llxp tans ....:1:02 pan I taxmen 8:51 p.m CANADIAN PACIFIC R. R. Following is the CP It: Time Table ut• Walton :•- To Toronto To Ooderloh Itxproes ,,..,, 1:18 a. m I Exproes .,,, 11:02 a m I'.x3iese ...,., 1:80 p m Express 9:80 p m 61511=1.11 tail 1. J1'ure-tvi le. Mil,') Spar"ng ie the new teacher in S d. No. 16 James Armstrong la home on a vied nom the West, P. Patrick and wife have returned from Miohigun. J. Boletml hes rented Mr. Hendereo»'o 1,.rm at Whiteehmoh. H. FatricI will attend the Western Ontario Dairymen's Ootiveution at Wuodotook on Jan 15. Hi ter. The bell ringers Dome to town again on February 5th ill Industry Hall. E, 0. W1lford left for his anal year in the Medical Col ege at Toronto. Al though missing half 1118 term on amount of having typhoid fever Mr. Wilford i. going to try and oaptare bouoro at the exams. in April. The annual meeting of tae Blyth Agricultural Society, will be held in In duetry Had on January 22nd at p m for eleot:oo of of8oers, receiving the annual report and any other baeineor that may be brought bfore the meeting Mr. Popleetooe, the. ohoir leader o) St, Audrew'e ohuroh, treated the ahofl on tlondsy evening of laid week to a very delightful sleigh rode. The party drove to Walton and baok and ou their return enjoyed an elegant sapper at Btother's restaurant. To check a cold quiokty, get from your druggist some 1:11)0 Dandy Cold Tobin celled Prevoutioe. Druggists everywhere are now dispeneiug Preventioe, for they are not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Preventio9 contain ne Qoinine, uo laxative, nothing harsh nor motioning. Taken at the "sneeze mage" Preventioe will prevent P,eawl0la, Bronohitle, La Grippe, eta. Renee the name, Preventioe. Good for feverish ehildren. 48 Preventioe 25 cents Trial Boxes 5 one. Bold by all dealers. I .ir.t e.vs. eq. The Canadian Express Agency for Lletowel has been transferred from J. A. Hacking to Harry Maloney. George Brune and family,. of Napinkn, Manitoba, have been the guests of Dr and Mrs. Bruno during the past few weeks. A baud composed of members of form- er town bands, on Monday evening of lest week serenaded the men who ran for Municipal honors. Wilfred Faille, formerly of Liotowe', ie supplying the pastorate of the Van - 4813m M, E. Oonferepoe till the ego of the Conference year, winch 010008 Sept. 1908. Mrs. J. R. Rieharde wag pa0eiag fn front of 'Lu'rbrigg'e bakery on Monday of last week when aloe fell 011 the °tipper,/ Me on the eidewttlk, Measuring Dna of the bones at or above the wrist of her right arm, W. B. Bloke while coming down Main street ori Wedueeaay morning of Mtn week slipped and fell On 'ha toy sidewalk. Fortunately no bones were broken, al- though Mr. Hicks reoeived a most Revere shaking up. Poisoned Ry A Razor Don't trim your 008110 - wltb 8 razor, nee a purely vegetobte remedy like Put nam'o Corn Ex6reotor. No pelt), certain more, and all for a quarter. Every dealer sails "Putoum'e," VViu_ ltatm. E W. Bradw,u, of New Liskeard, spent the New Year ho Maya with has parents,. J, E. end Mrs. Bradwin. Ohms, H. Green moved hie family to Southampton. last week, Mr. Green hay tug accepted a position as foreman Stiieh. er to the Boll furniture faodory. L, F Biekly, of Toronto, hoe been ap- pointed as Local Manager for the. Bell Telephone Om ill lingism and has eo tend upon hie duty, O. N. Griffin, who has been in the gtooery bedtime in Wmghem for many. years hes sold out to A. J. Maioolm, of Mitchell, who vela take poea0eeiou in the near future. tan of Tnrnborr made J ' MaoNaa b r hie team in drawing out the largest record to w b largest load of briok that ever left the D' uiott briek yard. The loud 0008i86ed of 2250 bricks, average weight of a brink 8uppu8ed to ha 4i poends, George 0 Young, 800 of A, and Mre. Young, of thio town, and Mies Jeeota A. Henderson, formerly of Witigham, were married 1ilDunn Avenue Presbyterian Oburoh at Toronto, on Tuesday Deoem bar 6101, the ceremony being performed by Rev, A., T. Goggle. Through the generosity of et number of our t.Wnepeopie a free bed, for the Use of patients who are not in it p110111 8 to pay, fe being established in the Wfughem hoepitol, The Met of msialsin'ng a bed Of Chia kind is,atimatod at$200pee year and while this amount 1)330 not yet been anbeoribod, enffi0teut motley v will be forthourning to e)08re the 03108900 of the projeot. Ed. Jeukine, of the Blgevale road, loin a rentable four year old horse un Monday O'oumg of meet week. The unmet, winch 30 WO of a matched team, got an the railway tenth, end run along it for or mole, whom it watt otrogk by the train and Kited, A tioklhig cough, from tiny came, ie quiokty etuppod by Dr. Shoop's 00ugh Cure, And It 1e 80 hormieee and safe that 1)r, Shoop tells mothers everywhere' t., time ft without heoita'tou even t0 very yut111g eabea. The wliolaoume gleam uvea and tinnier 04ume of a wug•he- - 1ng muculalu011d ah,ub, fur,.inh the oarattve properties to Dr,, Shoop's Dough Cure. It amine the aoogh, and beaie the acre mud 0en01tive brouohial tmpembraneo No opium, no uhlorotorm, uotbmg harsh need to blurs or •uppr000. (amply a r'e911111aa plant esteeol, that helps to -hew aohimg lungs '1'he Bpanlartle nal, tine 'drub weigh the demo, ones "The Storni Herb." Demand Dr, Shoop's, Take no other. Sold by all dealers. tl1In Con. The 0111111161 meeting of the Hertiom• rural Sooiely will be held ou Jen. 20, A. Butt, eon of E Butt, has been laid 1111 work for a couple of months with app' ud,mtae. - Nater Holmes, who jammed the end of h a Sugar 10 a prase, 18 taking an en forced Loltd831. The Sager Dau be saved, The trophy won by Dr. J. N Grouii, on dept. 21, 1907, for highest general aggregate at the Gun Olub, has been fort warned to him. It io 0 mos MMOR1 dm1ab.y negate. d. ,17ra.-W G. dmytit was crossing the rued to go to her dau"hter'e, Mrs. L. F. UuUnr•y, when she slipped ou the me, ten .ou broke her wrist. The break how • ver wa0 foiled to not be serious and she Id 110W get Mu along nicely., The New Ere. says :-Some exchanges ere pobliehing a report tothe effect that Rev. Jona, Greene, of this tow», to dead Won he was to than offiue Saturday amu he was remarkably lively for a dead mar' and on Burnley he took part in the tier votes of Sealant' Methodist church. He le at a lose to know how auoh a report originated. Toe officer, of the Y. P. Guild of Willis ohuroh were e:eoted for the next three mouths as fol'owe ;-President, Mien Leda Smyth; Ito Vioe, Mtge Annie Watt; 2nd Vies, Mote Maggie MoLeu nen ; Rau.•Seeretary, Miea Liniao Oautel• un ; Oor.•Soeratary, Mies Ida Walken• ')Law i Treasurer, Ohms, Lindsay ; Or gimlet, Mies Hazel O'Neil ; Aseietant, Mise Ida Walkmahaw. The offioere of Ouurt- Maple Leaf No. 16, U. 0.1`. for the °anent term are 160 fo,owe :-Uhler Ranger, J. H. Porter ; V re Outef, E Finch ; Fiu. Benretary, W. S. R. Holmes ; Rue. Secretary, J. P. dbeppard ; Treaoorer, D. Dickson ; ILamo Dodds; Sr. Woodward, M. Graelie ; Jr. Woodward, J. W. Fatah ; Sr, Beadle, Fred. Brown ; Jr. Beadle, Henry Poi and ; J. P. 0, R., R. J. Moller; Auditors, H. T. Rance, 0. 11. Dowding ; Truatese, Henry B., Grazier, Jae, Fin0h, 'Geo. W. Cook. Soso or Appetite And Energy Blowy they are a wurry-eumbined tbey are a burden, telling that waste has 000m Immeueely greeter than the body's power to rebuild. The first need is to reconstruct the blood, make good the .1810118031 of red oe Ie. Ferrozone im- proved digestion, makes blood, the kind .hat nourishes and rebuild.. Qulukly the uervo00 8y0tem re0pouds to the new power napped by Nervlline. 13treu011 re1arnd, ambition revives, energy and euduranee give the 8y81001 just what it seeds to mannan the balance of health. No tomo better than Ferrozune, 500 per Dux at all dealers. F'uradwlok. Mrs. (Dr ) Ido1aughtou and Mise Florence have returned from 8e0torth where they 0peu6 the botidaye with friends. School opened on Monday of last week with a fair attendauue. J. Leggett, of Walkerton, 1s in charge of the senior uopartmmlt and Mies Segewurth, of Mt. Forest, of the junior Department. Rae0LT uF 110NI0IPAL RIFOTIONs FOR REEVE 1 2 8 4 5 6 Shearer 96 85 105 48 111 79-618 Guwdy41 40 03 26 28 85-•288 FOR DEPUTY REEVE 131611)e10031.......78 61 71 122 64 83-474 Doig 50 27 89 89 77 29-861 FOIL COUNCILLORS Winter19 47 56 119 80 96-418 U,iderwousl80 56 100 59 45 29-870 Duwusy .3.7 60 41 108 52 78-861 Gregg......., 44 19 94 62 79 86-828 119ailwi033- 84 69 65 40 49 20-807 Muohell.......11 6. 49 29 89 0-134 LO,.ALOP'1'ION BY LAW • For 79 52 99 115.95 83-528 Agetues 62 72 72 49 42 46-342 Hewok 0011110t1 for 1908 :-.Reeve, '1'. Shearer ; Deputy Reeve, Joe, Haiootook ; Containers, John Winter, J. Underwood end J. Llowuey. San Danes -The community was somewhatstartl' d en Thursday; January 2nd, to hear of the etiddeu death of Mary Ltitiejohn. It had not been generally known for some time past that Mies Li661001In was IN Wittig heaah. About three.yeare ego owing to a threatening nervous breakdown ahe passed through a period of deep despondency but reorder. ed under ireatmeu1, Of late, however, her ailmentrecanted and all treatment proved unavailing. Atter apeodmg two menthe with friends in Toronto, 0310 re- turned to her home 00 Tuesday night to speed New Yeur'e Day with the met of the family. Om Thursday evening a little 01ter,8ve o'clock, came the sad end which has overwbeimed the family ' with a total, deep mid bitter, and which has oast a gloom over the neighborhood. Mr, Littlejohn'e family have, the deepest sympathy of everybody in the con• munaty, nut only beoaaeo the are held 1n the highest reepeot hy those who know them, but because their departed one shared same high esteem. She was of rt gentle, affautianate dlepleltion, kind to everybody, and loyal to her home with its many duties, ,For °even years enc had been a consistent oummuinIniy mom• bet of the lrroebyteriau ohuroh, tied for 'a number of yearn, amok m 10003 of the choir. 111vi0g lived;a elm -Alan ids dor ing years of hearth and vigor Until the ehedotTe fell, what but a Cnrietiun's re- ward 10 her portion It0N i 'J1ke paltered We Draw Your Attention to the Following Prices : -All Wool Blankets, 6j pounds, regular $4.75, for $4.00, -All Wool Blankets, 7 pounds, regular $5.25, for $4.50. -Flannelette Blankets, 11/4, regular $1.25, for 51.10. -Wrapperetto, regular 100 and leo, for 8o per yard. - Flannelette, regular 15o, for 12o. -Flannelette, regular 18o, for 11o, - Flannelette, regular 12o, for 10c. -Flannelette, regular llo, for 90, - Flannelette, regular 10e, for 80. -Loot Season's Prints„your ohoioo for 8o per yard. -Ladies' and Ohiidron's Hose, rag, 250 for20 and 500 for 40o, -Men's Sox, regular 85o, for 27o. -Men's Sox, regular 80o, for 280. -Men's Sox, regular 250, for 20o. -Men's, Ladies' and Children's 'Underwear at. Greatly Re- duced Primes. -Men's and Boys' Heavy Rubbers reduced 150 and 25o per pair. - Men's, Women's and Children's Plain Overs, reduced 100 per pair. -One Blank Oalf Coat with Blank Dog Dollar regular $80.00 for $24,00. -Man's Caps, regular 75o, for 604. - Men's-Cape, regular 500, for 400. -Mon'a Caps, regular 250, for 20o. -Horse Blankets at DOST, i 'Pleaso do not ask for Credit on these' Goods as the above are Strictly Cash Prices,. Trade taken as Cash. HARNESS TIi is made out of good material and pui together o ethr in a good ood durable and workmanlike manner. This 1s what we offer you: They are all our own make and combine the experience of over 80 ' years p building Harness and cut- ting leather. We now offer them at the following prices to Dash customers :- r YOU 1,7 - Team Harness all complete, iron olad names, regular price with hip [drape and backbends regular 585:00, reduced to 382.00, --Single /lameee, regular price $18.00, reduced to $11.00. -We have Single Harness up to 345.00, 1f you want something fine, BLANKETS' , ROBES &O -Single Unlined Blankets, out, shaped and strapped, regular per pair $1.25, reduc- ed educeed to 31.00 per pair. -Heavy Single Blanket, regular prime $1,50, reduced bo 61.20 per pair. - Dupon Kersey Blankets with euro111 Ie regular 8. Q reduced t o3 0 per pair. -Large -Lar a size Robes, regular 39.002 reduced to $8.2 6. - Wool and Plush Rugs reduced on price, - Trunks and Batohela, large stook, lowest primes. See our Rawhide Whips at 35o. ''Agent for Columbian Stook and Poultry Foods. I C. Richar Go, Choice s8 Groce Fruits Dates, Figs, Raisins, - Currants, Prunes, Peels and all kinds of Pure Flavoring Extracts. All varieties of Nuts -fresh. Confectionery Stewart's and Perrin'[ Ohocolatee and Bon Bone. All binds of Fanny' Oakes. Malaga Grapes fresh and de- licious, fine Table Raisins, Bananas, CALIFORNIA NAVAL ORANGES Seedless -from 25o to 60o per dozen, Evaporated Cream, Condensed Milk, Mince Meat in Bulk, Try Camp Coffee. Raspberry and Strawberry Jam in small pails. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT i0 full of the beet that money can buy mud the primes right. The home of GOOD OHEEoE and lots of it. All kind of Canoed Goods, choice and new. PURONA CEYLON PEKOE TEA only 23c per pound with 5 Ib. Iota for the small sum of 31.00. High Class Cigars- FiAi and Oysters on hand ”W'IJ't"Irr1.'tt'p,'h,'sele'Id'1"li '1lu•'v. W. A. R 'al . TO Ewan- . Co if you want a First -glass CUTTEr THEY are specially made and Up-to-date A large quantity of Piano Box and Port- land Cutters. ¶ All Trimmings made to lift out. ir Can be had in any color of paint. It Call early and get your pick. ¶ Second -haus Cutters always on hand at Low Prices. EWA■!r & C Brussels Up-to-date Carriage Factory. NATIONAL Roller Flour Mills Every good house -wife knows how necessary it is to have good Flour to make her Bread and Pastry palatable -.- - White Loaf Flour possesses all the qualities that go to make a nice, white, spongy loaf Once you have used this brand you will want none other. CHOPPING 5 CENTS PER SAG ii"All kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand. �� � �` .1 Jamestown etL.11 ea�► N ♦!►, ir,�. Store � �1..�..�. a o l D. MacDonald, Proprietor ,',1ty plti'h., BRUSSELS