HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-1-16, Page 41.110111114001141.0411111.111111001111010111111011.414100.1114110.10100.110020001014411.11.110111
Cig Nrusotto Vast,
THURSDAY, r1:J1V, 16, 1908
adeno°, Iltora&ore, the Aue arta, eoo#ety
Mud the home, malty of the articles of
which are emberuebed with bright and
t ve i t uu
ilia ruuti llUa kat' s.
The Weekly Mail and Empire bee few
a m
e an expositor0 lluu a tit Qo
e as ut
unto und-Provincial I.iemtn,uturr happen•
With a eipie tot obtaining ase#0tao0e
lo the building of unduly bridges a de.
paiation from Huroncounty waited "on
the on. Dr. Resume, Moister of Pub -
lie Werke Tbureday of Iaet week, at
Toronto. The deputation eaneieted
H, Either, M, P. P., - M. G. Cameron,
M. P. P. and A $ielop, M. P. P„ War.
den Ourrie, Omuuty Treasurer Dr.
Helmee and Co. Clerk Lane. The de.
potation pointed oat that it was impost
eibte for Haran county to reoeive sestet
aloe from the Government in 0000001100
with its roads ayetem, the o0noty at its
own °hargee having pot the roads to
order before the euheme unde, . wbioh the
Government pays oue third of the out of
establieni0g o mono), road system came
into operation. During 1867 and 1858
the twenty expended $800000 on. Its
roads, and aline a further slim of 975,000
hae been .laid out. The oonuty 41e0
took oyer the toll roads. In view of the
fact that these expenditures had been
• undertaken the deputation asked that
the Government should oontribube one
third of the cost of building county
bridgee, There are In the county 111
wooden bridges which ehonid be repla0ed
by steel gtruobores, some of which will
ran to a length of 500 feel, and next
year the c080010n of three bridges le
contemplated whiobalone will ooet be
tween 940,000 and 950 000. A. wooden
bridge at Goderioh, which coat 927,000,
should also be replaced by one of steel.
The Minister promised that the repre
sentations of the deputation 'should be
The following will oompose the 0o.
Commit tor 1908: -
Thee. Stoobere
-Thee.•Stoobere ' Dauganoou
Wm. Hueter Luokuow
H. J A. MoE3wen Goderioh
H. L. Salkeld Goderioh
Wm. -Fraser......... Molesworth
1'. Lamont Zurich
F F. Sheerer Furdwiob
Joseph Heinetoak Fordwioh
Thos. McMillan 8eatorth
Geo. Taylor B (grave
J. M. Goveolook Winthrop
Jae. 'doDermid Braoefie d
J. Kelerman Dashwood
Robt. McKay Eemoudviile
Jno. Mosgrovs Motivate
Joe. Hawkins Etimville
W. J. Parke Westfield
Wm. Bailie Duogannou
G. 0. Petty Heneell
J. Watson Seafortb
R. McLean Gorieriab
G. M E1 iota (d .derieh
Dr. MiiueBlyth
J. Leckie Brunie
W. J. Gtbbinge thump
A. Q. Bobier Exeter
R. B. Harris Wroxeter
Dr. A. J. Irwin W,oeham
Dr, Smith Bayfield
The Winnipeg Oommeraial tenders
this exoellent and Seasonable advioe to
the business world :-
If a merchant elaokene on his ed.
vertismg his present cuetomen or hie
prospective patrons will Dome to the
conclusion that hie bueineea is aleck
ening and while one hammers away
enthusiastically at hie pabiioi1y cam
paigo he gives the impression teat
bagmen lo booming with him, and he
fixes bimee.f fa the eyee of the trade
Be a man of push, enterprise and prug
Make the good times yourself ; re.
eture coofidenoe by being oonfiient.
The beet meth)d ie by bright, cheer
fol advertieiug. Dorn'' go around
with a long face, with "blue" °tor
Lee of "up agamdt it," "down and
oat," eta., or people will be afraid
to do bueinele with you. If every
jobber and manufacturer were to be
gin an advertising campaign in Jan -
nary and announce that the depree
akin had passed, we venture to pre.
dict that lu a abort time an atmoe-
phere of oheerfu nese and ooufideoce
would be restored to the moat gloomy
iu the land.
No man ie more oonatantly anhap.
py, or makes others more 90, 11190
the pessimist. He le out of harmony
with things: and all other things
fight and worry him. He loses the
trite dignity of life. If every buoiuere
house will go to work with a will to
convince their monomers that there ie
no real ammo for e0epenaio0 of bneineee,
confidence will be restored almost im
mediately. Will it not be worth while
for ae all to take a hand 9D overcoming
this unreasonable snore? Cooditione are
euoh that we are aura it oan be so-
eompliehed if all will put their hands and
minds to the plow. In union there ie
strength. Let ne try it.
We have made arrangements with
The Weekly Mail and Empire, of Tomo -
to, one of the leading mud moat infteen
tial papers of Canada, by which we oan
offer Tun Bnn0BELe Pug and The Week-
ly Mail end Empire uubil Jangary 1st,
3909., for the extraordinary nominal elm
of 91 85, Both publications, each taken
separately for the period mentioned,
would out nearly doable. By aooepliog
this offer enbeeribere get the two papere
for very little in advance of the price of
The Weekly : Mail and Empire le
One of the greaten •weeklies poblish
ed in the Dominion, and p08seeees the
broadest oairooli on Canadian National
life It is eeeentielly a paper for the
home, and ie valued alike ,n town and
country Ito epactal 0eutree, and over ito
epaoially leased wiree it reoeivee the
hreppeninge of the whole world, end pub-.
lichee them simuitaueuUaly to the papers
in all other places,
The Agricultural Section is an %inept.
ed standard authority on all mattere re.
lacing to the boil and its poeebilitieo.'
Oootribatore to thin tieotiou ate men
eminent in the world of agriealtnral
801800e, - ..
The Magazine motion is a mine . of in
torwatiott ou all eubjedts pertainlna to
-toga,. Altogether the 24 papa whloh
oumpriee'1'he Wesk,y Mau and Umpire
ponetitute a complete'nanny, the regular
price for saloon is Our Dolk.r a. year.
!tire. A. E. Pelton, of luuerkip, ie a
wrest at the motel home,
James Munroe and Master Lawrence
spent New Ysat'8 in Guelph.
Muse Thumpeou, of Lretowel, was the
guest of Mise Mabel Tougue4, for a few
Mies Mae Daily entertained a few of
her young trieuda 0u Wedneeday 8v00iug
of Leat week,.
Joanna Johnston left for Marehv'lle
where be has been engaged as teacher
for the owning year.
Robert Thompson, of Ochre River,
Man., ie visit#ug relativee and and trieuda
in tine neighborhood.
Jo.•eph Johuetou,i• visiting in Shel
moth, Mau., having been palled there
through the Donee of hie aieter.
Mrs. (Rev.) T. W. Oosene, et Wargo. -
burg, and M,ee _°eyeurock, of Blowouts,
Sask., were guests so 0. Ooseos',
Weeley MoOormek returned to Tor
unto, on Monday of last week to 00100008
hie entities at the Medical school.
J. E. Dud Mrs. Delmage and daughter
Constanta have returned after spending
a 000ple of weeks with Intrude iu Tor
Mrs. John {Adams and daughter, Mise
Male, left for Toronto, where they par
pose spending a mouth with the tormer'e
eau, ()over Adams.
MATewroonat -A quiet wedding took
plaice nu r'ro*oridge ou New Year'- Day
at 5 o'olook p. m. when Muse Mary L.
Code was molted in marriage to Wm.
Bartley, an enterprieiug farmer of the
township of Wadaoe, The bride was
very beeemiugly dressed in white eek
mull, trimmed with french va'enoiennse,
and was given away by her nnwe, Jahn
R ()ode, whin Mon Phoebe Oode, stater
of the bride, played the WeddtugMaroh.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
S. Salton, of Trowbridge, and owing to
recent bereavement ku the family, ow)
the immediate friends were present.
After the usual 0ougraturatroue the guest. -
uest•repaired. to the diuiug room, wh.uh was
beautifully decorated for the o0oasiou.
The evening was spent iu social pastime,
after whiob the bride and groom left for
their Mime home amid •howere of
rine. The bride was the rempieut of
many ueefol and beamt'fui prowling,
among which was a mahogany eeitee
presented by the_. Bewley bobool amp
Epworh League, in bo h of which she
has naso a faithful worker,
Youth's Vitality Sapped Away
Your 01.ial tonne poorly, ,e tired and
fretful You neuro like Ibis boy or air.
to be m .re rootlet, more e,lergello and
vtvauiuua. The "something" that to
wrong to really ihie. Stomach and
bowels needs atteotiou. Conetipatio,
and Indigestion must be relieved, new
life and vigor are required to ohe blood,
alight aseietenoe to needed for the kidney.
and 11ver. Nothing to so ,ffeotive ae Dr.
H,milton'e Pill's, They pat new life
ont0young fo.ke ae wanes the old ones
Every child should use 'hie medicine
regularly bees see iia bey. A e are not to
be had in any other way. 260 at all
tot odericn.
W. H. Cuff, who hae been organist of
So. George's Euglieh Ohuroh for num
ber of yrare, died Sunday morning.
Goderiob Musical Society have ap-
pointed J Sohade, of Liuneay, ae bona
master of the Huron Reeimeutai baud at
Goderiob, m eaaoeastou to F. Smith, re.
J. W. Oraigie is one of the yonngeel
Coadoillore, we believe, Goderioh boo had
for a long time. He was elected to the
Sohool Beard at the age of 24, and to the
Towu Coattail at the age of 28.
Mre, Webster, while being driven to
the poll to vote u0 Mouday of lint week,
was upeet from a cotter through the
horse getting restive, aid ae a reanit of
the aooident the lady has a fractured
ankle. The mutter was smashed to
The breakwater contractor commenced
work last week and ou Monday of lent
week J. Proudloot resumed hie donee se
inepeoior of the works. Some aeveu or
eight men have been employed arranging
for the oommenoement of the oo0100o1,
and it ander-toad that work will be
commenced at the breakwater ae Boon ae
pOeslble. What will be done depend' o0
the quantity end thiokueee of the Lae
around that etru0t0re.
James Meyioar met with a peculiar
accident. He end eon David were dreee•
stone sb Joha eised's onthe Bay-
a -field Rond. Mr. Maob'anr was 'in a
stooping paeitoo0, 0.010 David was dress.
tog a hard head atone, when the hammer
lett the handle and rebounded on his
father's head. The injured man was as
eieted to the hogee and ohs wound drone.
ed. He ie around again, althonpb the
effeote have not entirely disappeared. It
was a oloee call and 4 miraculous escape.
Sergeant Jame. H Wells of the 83rd
Regiment Band, who aced soddenly on
Friday, was buried wider military
auepioae Sunday, No. 1 oompany of the
83rd Regina -et turned out in full forge,
accompanied by ,be reg,mehtal baud. A
large number of. Orangemen walked in
the protrusion, of which order decreased
was a prominent member, Captain John
R. Oreigle was also barred the eame day
under Masonioaneproee, and hie funeral
was •arpely attended.
Ex JAILER D1o118o1 Dean, -The death
oaeored to Goderiob on Thursday morn-
ing of ex Jailer William Dtokeon at the
age of eighty nine years. 510. Diekeon
was an old resident of Goderioh and for
mew? yeare held the poe101on of keeper
01 the county jail, the preseut jailer, Me,
Griffin, being appointed ou Mr. Dtak•
-mil's resignation to number of years ego.
Mr. Diokeon wan the father of Mrs
William Proudloot dud Mine Dtattson, of
Goderiob, and of 141re Cregsweller, of
Sarnia, and hie sone are :--Robert Diok•
eon, of St. Marye; Wm, ,Dudgeon, of
Chicago, and Do, .lois Diokeon, of Cali
fornix, Mr. Dtakeon was poeeeered of a
rugged OoiotltntiOoi and wee a familiar
figure on Gonerluh streets. Of rete years
he has been troubled w,th (fetfnen, but
retained his health in /pito of his advau•
tied year8. He wag k well 1883 gentle.
Our Clubbing List
Ten PesT hoe made arrangements to club
with all of ilia leading Weeklies and
' s and other
Dat110 a dJournals of
every description.
Tett POET and the named pap-
ers will he sent from nountil Deo
81, 1909, for the pricy of one
year'e aubsoriptiou, viz. ;.
Poco and Toronto Globe 01 35
Mail Mud Empire ...... 1 85
" London Advertiser 1 00
" Loudon Free Press 1 80
" Family Herald & Star,.. 1 80
Montreal Witusgs 1 80
Weekly hue .. 1 80
" Farmers' Advocate 2 35
POST rod Toronto Star $2 85
Toronto News 2 85
" " Toronto Globe . 4 50
" Toronto Mail -Empire ,,4 50
" Toronto World 8 00
" " Loudon Advertiser 2 35
When Premiums are given with any
of the above named publications you se-
cure thein through the olub with THU
Call at the office or remit the amonut
by P, 0, Order, Ex reee Order or Re .
i teted. letter, addressing g
Brussels, Ont.
men and alw.ye took an votive interest
in what was going on, In religion be
wail a member of the Presbyterian
church. The funeral took place on Fri
day afternoon.
The Star sari :-Tile atter inadequacy
of the e000mmodation of the Goderiob
poet of6oe has so frequently been 0000
plaited of, and acknowledged by the De.
partme0ce concerned, that the public
may well complain of negleoo by tin se in
charge of snob matters. It is an abeolate
feet that when three people g81 into the
mousy order offiin at one time theroom
re 'crowded thus the door cannot well be
opened, The letter bozos are of a size
and oharaoter that did duty twenty five
years ago, and the room in which the
poet office staff pule iu about 16 hoare a
day to so crowded that They literally
stumble over the Backe of mail matter
wbioh they ere handling.
Do Your Ears Mug?
When they buzz and seem alightly
deaf, beware of catarrhal infkmmation,
This prows eteadily worse but can be
cured by Cstarrhnzene J A. Hammitt
of Greenmouot,P E. I , proved rhe merit
of Uatarrbozo,e and writes :-"No one
oath Ware worse catarrh than I had for
years. Is osUeed partial deafneee, bad
taste upset my 8temeoh, made me eiok all
over, Oatarrhozone Bleared my noetrile,
stopped the Dough end move me a clear
feeliue in my breathing malts. I am
obeomtely oared." Dowore say nothing
id better than Catarrhoznne. Try it end
tnn'ii say BO 100. Two eizee 25a and
$100 at all dealers.
Mies Oarr, of Brussels, vieited with
Will and Mrs. Corbett.
Me -ere. Anderson, of Dnndelk, were
vieloare with their deter, Hire. George
Rev. and Mrs. Onrrie, of Walton, eprnt
Monday afternoon of last week at the
Garner Proctor, of Pa maritime, vi•ited
hie brother in law, Cameron Roberteon,
and ,nher friends.
Olegg & Oo shipped a carload of hose
on Munnny, and Armstrong &O0, a age.
-load on Toeedey el $6 60 per 100
Ii may lie intereenne to the farmers in
the vicinity of Belgraee to know that
they have ,hipped tr m the G. T R
etatior) this deal year, 900 Dante, 700
sheep. 8,900 hogs, end 8,000 bble. of
Mre, W, K. Whaley and little boy,
vieited friends br Ripley la•t week.,
Wm McOrue is quite indixpoeed tut
We hope aeon to hoar of bog recovery
Robert A'metrong, 8r„ of Seeforth,
°pent New Yrare with his eon, Roder'.
ROY, Anetfa Uprise, of Ilanover, sport
New Ysatewt0h bin father iu Il,lgrave.
Md'verton Qnartetly Ofleial hoard of
the Methodist ohuroh, recentl), by
nnauimone mitten, voted to. Moreau) Elie
eatery of Rev. F 3.Oateu to 9900 and to
invite biro t0 remain ae pastor for third
year, Tbte is the eeound wor.aee whroh
Mr. Oaten has rroeived during the past
nine mamba, .He was a 0110 time pastor
at Belgtave.
We nonce in the report of the Clinton
Model Rehooi examined lie that Mie•ee
Stella Neaten, and O',ve Leiehmen, both
well known here, paeebd with honors.
Mien Netbery has stunned a school near
Shelburne and Miee Leiebman went to
Capfield, Their many Mende
hope they will be ae Ratoeeelni in to -oh
tun as th93' were in their oouree of prep -
80801, n
We quote the following from the
Warren Sontinel.Leader, L•iuoi8, of the
marriage of a we I•knowu young matt,
formerly of near Belgrave rri,d at
the M, E Pare.. nage in Rnokford, IU ,
Saturday, Deo 21st, 1907, by the pastor,
Rev Dr, Sheets, John J. Walton, of
Warren, and Mise Clare Pu more, of
Montieello, Woe. Mr Walton le well
known to mony of our readers. being
general superintendent of the Elliott
Mauufeoturinr Co. The bride is a lady
of excellent character and high esteem.
They will at rime go to housekeeping in
Mr. Warton'° residence on Weet Mein
Street. They have the goon ai+h a of ell
the community and the oo,rgratolatioue
of a host of pereo0al friends,"
Losing Muscular Power ?
The First sign Ill Mental Decay—
'Ile Warning ol(deneral
Changes in the nervone system muni -
feet themeelvee slowly,
They show first by muscular week•
nese--afeeling that threetene para yeie,
or by a fullueee In the head that iudi
aatee appronehing apoplexy.
Iteeeme like etiff,leea bat y00. 900x1
dieoover there'e a tack of power -that
1h. endnranoe of this or that muaole ie
not what it oUeht to be,
Your friends may uo1io8 a alight thick
nese of speech or that your memory is
decidedly facing.
These symptoms may grow worse very
quickly if they are not treated with
Ferrozooe. You mast build up the
nervous eyetem. This Dan be aaoomp
Hebert in no other way ae thornn hiy and
pet !Deviant y ae by the doe of Perron tee.
Thee remarkable remedy, which hae
cored tens of thoneend- of Oaa"adian
people,inoreeeee eno.mouely the Aimee•
nye power, etimuletee. the f.•rmstion of
blood, the rioh red Mud that puts new
life into the nerves,
The first result of these changes ie in•
careened strength.
Natural oirenlatinn quickly follows,
and that fullness in the bead, en disturb
iog and alarming, too, gatokly paean
heea u[j'
f ® lea
on5um 1n
pt (]
Your doctor will tell you that
fresh air and good food are
the real cures for consumption.
But often the cough is very
hard. Hence, we suggest that
you ask your doctor about
your taking Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. It controls the tick-
ling, quiets the cough.
Wo publish our formulas
Weom btinieh 9008800
Wo urea you to
consult your
One of Ayer's Pills me a bedtime
t will cause
an increased flow of bile, and produce a
gentle laxative effect the day following.'
l:ormula on each box. Show if to your
doctor. He will understand at a glance.
Dose, oneP ill at bedtime.
Meda by the J. O. dyer mc., Lowell,
These changes are wrought in a
tint ural w,y,for ohe reaenu that Ferr
in me treats the onuses that mote Mese
For the aged and weak who need
strength -for thoee ron down and thin,-
hin;for the sickly and nervous who look stay-
ine power -nothing oomperee with Ferr.
fez lie.
Nn tonic giver, 9oeh !sating good
hea'tb ; try it youree,f. Sold by all deal
ere in 50o. boxes.
?slain the head -pain anywhere, health cause
Pain is congestion, pain is blood pressure -nothing
else usually. At least so says Dr. Shoop, andto
prove of he has created a little pink tablet. That
tablet -called Dr. Shoop's Beaded -1e Tablet -
coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers,
Its eifeetischarm nig, pleasingly delightful. Gently,
though safely, it surely equalizes the blood circa.
It you have a headache, it's blood pressure.
If it's painful periods with woven, same cause.
If you aro sleepless, restless, nervous, it's blood
congestie"-blood pressure. That sorely is a
certainty, for Dr. Shoni's Headache Tablets stop
It to 20 minutes, and the tablets simply dietrlbnte
the unnatural blood pressure.
Bruise 70tr anger, and doesn't it get red, and
swell, and pain you? 00 course It does. It's con.
gestun, blood pressure. You'll find it where pain
la -always. It's simply Common Sense.
We sell at 26 cents, and cheerfully recommend
Dia Shoop's
Keep It In The House
Coughs and colds develop like wild -fire. At night
there may be a sneeze -a alight tickling in the throat.
Next morning -e bad cold. At the first signs, take
Bole's Preparation of
Friar's Cough Balsam
It breaks up colds -stops the cough --heals the throat and lungs, never falls to sure
chronic bronehdio. Largest and beat 05 cent cough remedy in the world, 'Used in Canada
tor over foo years. Prepared recommended and guaranteed by ae
NATIONAL DRUG A 00401001081 CO., 1.1001780 -•LONDON, Owe.
a s 4,t, clot.' 8'0, iWAR•,.r.
Statement of the Affairs of the = ank as at Dec. 31st, 1907
Notes of Banti in cir-
culation ... 9 893,530
Deposits not bearing
interest 716,693
Deposits bearing Inter-
est (including inter-
est accrued to date) 3290 299
Balances due to other
Banks in Canada, . 160,985
Balances due to agents
in the United King-
dom 415,246
Capital Stock, paid up.,$1,000,000
Reserve Fund , , .. 1,000,000
Rebate on bills dis-
counted 20,459
Dividend No. 1,2, pay-
able January 2,
1908 ... 20,000
Previous dividends un-
clnlmed . , , , 6 00
Balance of Proflt and
Loss Account, car-
ried forwu:d
96,476,754. 64
00 .
92,281,997 99
$7,758,762 63
Specie and Dominion
Notee , .... 584,721 10
Deposit with Dominion
Government for se-
curity Oo note circu-
lation 48,200 00
Notes of and cheques
on other Banks
245,429 80
Balances due from
other Banks in Can-
ada 1.31,817 90
Balances due from
agents In foreign
countries . , 110,982 92
;2ailway and other
bonds, debentures
and securities , . , 676,639 77
Call loans secured by
bands, debentures
and stooks , , ... 805,579 62
Current loans and dis-
counts . , 94,987,368 94
Notes and . bills over-
due festi mo.teel loss
provided for) . . :. 2,776 82
Bank premises, safes
ar. office furniture. 165,238 76,
97,758,752 68
Dividends Noe. 9, 10, 11 and 12...... 9 80,000 00 Dec. 81, 1906, balance at Credit accottnt;,$183,713 23
Written off Bank Premises account,.. 10,000 00 Dec, 3 ' 1907, profits for the year after
Balance parried forward 241,632 26 deducting chargee of management,
interest due depositors, rebate on un -
matured bilis, and after making full
provision for all bad and doubtful
debts 147,819 03
9331,532 26
9331,532 26
W. D. ROSS, General Managor.
.iil.0000000. 1Rrti.1r-t dy: er•. ti ' .
Roftdy On The /their
'Photic where y. u'0 find "Nervlline"
in every well regalaten ltoue• ltoid, So
as u, 0 t ke t. 811 little ohlldren
p e a I a the av
will cry for 10, Bo oertaln t0 aura oougloe
sudden outdo And Cheatnst that t
slide of bottles are used every day.
Poleou'e Nerelline dove prevent illness,
it does ease paid and loflommatiott, tutd
by being handy will save worry and keep
down the dnotur'e bills, Large bottles
eold for quarter at all dealers,
When the Stomnoll„Beart, or 1(ldney
, unrvee gat weal', thea 'fees moue always
fail. Don't drag the etomaoh, our stint.
1 uhtte the Heart or Riduuys. That d8
simply a mnkeehift. Get a preeortp'1o0
known to druggists everywhere se Dr.
Shoop's Restorative. The restorative le
prepared expressly for the weak Weide
oervee. Strenethen these uervee, build
them up with Dr. Shoop'e Reetoretive-
tablete or liquid -and see how quroltly
help will Dome. Free sample 1, et . neat
on request by Dr. Shoop, Raalne, Wie.
Your health is surely worth this Hoopla
teat. Sold by ail dealers.
Makes Life )jis,trable
'Freebies Tlud Keep nail The Bras.
seta meters Busy.
For the sake of your personal welfare,
just think a moment about the preemie
of Mauling food.
There are certain limitations called
gaetrio joioee that sot upon the food after
11 to swallowed and the change all the
nutrition in it into bfe•giving blood.
Anything that interfere with the Beare
tion of these tutees mune iudleeetio” and
mean a obrume et01e of Manumit weak
bees inevitable.
From now on build up the strength
and health . f the etnmeeh with Mi o ua
tablete. You will soon find yourself
strong and never know the int 8011ng of
Half of the preeoriptione the Broa-ele
(looter., write aro for troubles that result
directly from a weakened etomaoh,
Strength, u the etomaoh moeolee, moraine
the eeoretion of g0etri0 jurors, and' you
will find that o0mmou afii,ot,oux-iu
digestion, with its beadeuttee, drzznrees,
depreeeion of rpirite, rpote before the
eye., nervoueu.se, eleepleeeneee and
general debility have been overo, me.
If Mt -o 00 did not have an anneually
curative effect in etomaoh disorders, It
copra not be Bold on the guarantee to
refund the money 0uleee it does all that
is claimed for it.
Mi o-na to sold by druggists every,
whore for 50 oente, and we po8ititely
euarantee r0 refund your money ehonei
you purchase a box and be di000toefied
with run le. Write for free acrd.,
addreeeing Booth's Mt•o nit, Box 977,
Buffxio, N. Y.
We have some dandy Gut-
ters at the Caber Carriage
Shop which you ought to
see if you think of investing
in one.
Repairing and re -painting done
on shortest notice.
Next door to Town Hall, Brussel,'
The Regular Monthly Horse Faire will
be held for the seaeou as follows :
THURSDAY, FEB. 6th, 1908
MAR. 5th, 1908
" APRIL 2nd,1908
Leading Local and Outside
Buyers will be Present.
Machines may be seen at
MoKAY & SHAW'S Hardware
Store, Brussels.
Easy payment system may
be arranged for.
I also handle the Nordheiul-
er Piano.
Farmers or Storekeepers
by cowing to the.
Enter AnyDay
Our manes.went truths more
R uokkeeporo Blrm'gutpuorx nod
'I'el0urapboa then al y nibs In
WI elate Onto' lo, No vault
oti0rge fit twt 0040680.
Mont eulliloutry quoliaed iu-
epuctorn tlradun'an uasiste.; to
•med vu itla a. titer
ens �our iete9 a9 a0.glare
lndi.dat nttoti,n,
1, 0OlJ115ffi1d
in Mntrloula
tiou,Civll Soryien, iruuma eh01,,
Bburtuaad Bo Motet tug, 0 to.
Send a I dull fur m,rnmittinn
about ('ANA0A'8 0,aad0E00 '.-RAIN
0 L' 11 ren ottani: 114a1N4ne ' UL-
5, 0.1112801t,518,00010
Vlarv1rt• ellnal
Ono. 14,007001, Prluoipal
- Lot8 n a 18 Gr,• aoututut , • 100
sores ply toa
DS, tarn ubi'ouk
P. 0,-0f
1. and a Y rector., .Ag for sale, Lot 80,
Ooo. 8 Atonia, or Brueeelo P. 0, JA11183
81'1Clli, 10.tf
tirade a)wos Ior axle ail aul,poeod
to 5e with lamb. ONO. ld0DUNALI), Lot
17, Oon, 1, Grey, Wro eta 10, 0, 4641
Woman. Er,.5 exper tar general
bone.. w-,rlt, Must he welt ouaaa uveae•
keeper and good 000.10 cont(, Pormuuenl
place to right party. Wxgee 41300 per
1110100b. Addreee M1(3, A, H. 1.0t'l'T, •
07.2 80, 2lorls, out,
ninon 115 de Maine on Prise -,.e Wept
With stable and all 00 ,venie liens Por far-
ther ppartloulnrw sooty t., W3f HMS NY,
G. T. G. agent, Wluguaw. 21.0f
lend for sale * 0niutortnble .,well -
Me, hart and soft water under cover ; ap.
pin, plum dud aberry trees, 80, Permission
out he given at mute, For pr,oe, terms, Xe.
call at 11116 2042,
A.A. for sale-aluart. street, oumturcablo
home 10 good repair gruel! stable, Rood
wolf, aster., 80 Possession any time, For
further parttenlars apply 00 ilia premtsee
to 8. ()RAWFOltD, Iiruasele, d8•tt
V. breary 1st -part of Smith meek,
08x30 -!set 1 2nd door from Amorieau Hotel ;
lately hoed ae tethering au.1 gout.' furnish -
it g eatubii0nmeut. For Miller oartloulare
apply to 019 ,noIie0LVEY, Hameln
Ll F„ll sere,- ewe of them are rialug 4
Veare nue 'erne risme 1 year 01'1. Two (a
flay 0,04 a geldleg) are bred by Royal Park ;
a af0ly anti gelding by Nootlaud'a Bove, aid
a Hlry by Bursar Aiip:y au dd L 11 00 1200.
'4, Murrle, to ALM, ttoLAUF..11LIN, Pro-
prioter, or 0(0000ls P. 0, .17-18
K. O. T. M.
Brussels Tent of the Maooabeee, No. 24
hold their regular meetiugn in the Lodge
Remo, beaker block, on the tat and 8rd.
1'ue,day oveuiuge of enol) mouth
Viet tots olwaye welcome.
A, 80 ; 8.S, (Joni. A. MauUIRil, Mi.
Ihave been appointed by the Dominion
Govarwuoat to ptaBo Imwlgraut.a from the
United Ringuom iu 111 Saloon ae farm Lib -
wirers ur dont estio servuuta it. th,a vicinity.
Auy poreuu !squiring well help abnuld uuti-
fymoby latter atattug lolly tau Idud ui help
required, wbau wauted and wage. °gored.
The aumbere urrivieg way not ha midtown
to supply all x,:000100 but 00.ry effort will
be wade to provide each apt,iloaot with
belp require F. 8, 8, 001x,
Oanaulau GuVeruuieut I1onplolmeut Agent
82.1y Isru8aela R 0.
t tr
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even num-iernd section of Dominion
Laude fo Manitoba, Seek ,tahewau amt
Aluerta,aseepting 8 and 20, not reaervod,•
may bo homesteaded uy any panto woo Is
the aide head of a family, or any male over
18 years of ate, to the extort of uua-quarter
eeotlou of 000 hares more or less
Blurry may be made puraunaliyY at the x
looal laud 'o1B,e fur the anoint iu whiuh
the land is elta ate,
The lowaeteader is required to perforin
the uuuditie us aounite tett therewith under
Otte 01 cue iollowieg plans:
(1) At least tis menthe' re8rdeuoe upon
and oultlV,ttwt of the lead tt eaon your for
y e,
2 Lf the father lir mot
0 0.i her
is deooueee) of the bomeiitenuer resides`
upon a lam in the vloi.uty ui the laud
entered fur the requirements as to reet-
deuueway bo ea.ielted by such pere000 re•
aiding wltb the father or wether,
(s) 41 the edttlor nae hoe Immanent reel -
donee epeo tartniig laud owned by hint
1u 1,118 Vruluily of die lnilrloetaad, the re-
quir0.meutd an to reuideuee may be gotle-
lied lot 00aldeuee upon the saki ruew
olxmoutno'u aloe In welting ehonld be
kiveu to the Oummie.tw,er 01 Dominion
Lauds at Ottawa of.luteettoo to apply for
W. W, O0)RY.
Deputy of th a Minister of Interior.
N. B, Huttubb,,rtz0d paolio .1.000 of this ad-
vertleuweut tvlu not tre paid for,
Radaoad Rates 1 Ut utl "1 now in Effoot
Froin-St.Jnlm Halifax
Grampieu Irrl,,fau,et 8at,L`eb. 1
Dimon 1001..bat- 17 Hrit,Jan,18
corsiea,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19v1, Jam 24 Sat, jay, 19
Brussels Salt Works saILiNGS TO ,GLASGOW
From -Portland floetou
Ntimidfan 3011, 86
can get any kind of Salt oorluthbtn — )ret. 1 :
theyPe Ilil'e. Fretorl'.n .....,, --. 1Pe ,, 16
q Bielltau Fob, 22
For eauhnge, WAS and 20111 information
Gordon Mooney, apply to
W. n, 'lull)'.
I OlOfnttny I3rl18aele, Agent Allau,lxiun, Bruesola,