The Brussels Post, 1908-1-9, Page 8vise gee Good Tonic This time of year a person very. often needs te good reliable hied- foine to build up their strength ae a eafegnerd against (folds Or La grippe, There is no better remedy for this purpose than Scott's Emulsion of God .Giver Oil WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES or es a Dore for Colds or Colds that have run on it is unequalled, Put up .in two sizes -500 Mel 51.00 per bottle, A Person's Sight for far•eff vision May remain as good a.e ever it %%as'but a11noat everyone, at a cer- tain age, rt'(jttil'es a Glass forreading or Diose work, 1%'e can supply the BIGHT GLS .Ea fur this trouble. No Exorbitant Prices DRIIGGIST 1 AND OP'1'10IAN. tl' oral IttiDS Items A ahiel'e among ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll ppent it. Ween& 1908 Qum a stook of caw -loge are coming to the Anent saw mill. Comma the columns of Tae PosT . for bargaies of that's what you are looking for. True foe harvest tomes next. Tears hie not been much show for it so far thea Winter. • RENEWAL and uew enkeoriptions to Tan. PosT are rolling ill. Our clubbing he, may be read oat page 4 of this issue RE1EWALe and new enbaurtpti•m• hay, been rolling io at 'fait Poem for which we are very grateful. See the otubb,ug offer on page. 4. A °ea of floor was shipped by W. R. PryoecO Eon to Novi Somme and e. coo- eigument t0 W F Stewart, of .-Guelph, during the past week. Metiers. Pryne reoeived a oar of Nu. 1 Manitoba wheat. A seam new sou has Dome to the home of J. L. acid Mrs. Ca len, of Innereip, formerly e1 Bruese.s. Leat Saturday, January 4th, is the red letter day rhe family will observe over the very import- ant avant. Fria coat was exchanged at the Central Hotel, .Brussels, Saturday night, L tea Bleak Galloway with Iambekiu 0o'lar. The party who made the mistake ie asked to return it a8 emu as possible to the Hotel Eamon OLD Boss. -'rhe 8th amine. At Home of Huron 0.d Boy& .-eocia tion at Toronto will be held Friday evening, February 7th, in the Tempe Building. Tan Poem acknowledges the receipt of an tnv:tett/1m Tax Po1T bate arranged with the Marl -Empire en that we can supply oor Cou.ervative readers with thea weekly and Tun Pon at the low rate of $1 85 for 1908. If they, would rather have the Weekly Globe it may be had at due eame figbre, IT le reported that George Muldoon bee purchased the eligab a -tote, corner of Market and John 818reet8, opposite Victor is Park from Oonnoillor Bicker aud will erect a flue residents i8 ibe ooming 8ummee. The lot is at present utilized by Aiigde Campbell by the oat door skating rink aud will make a most deer. able Iodation fur a home. Brume Connell for 1908 will 00081818 of Reeve Lsokie.and Ooouoillore Robert Graham, Alfred Banker, Jamee Joule and Daniel A. Lowry, This gaiutette oomporal very favorably with the Boards of former years mid 8ho01d economically and jodioionely forward the beet interests of the people as far as opportunity per. mite in this year, The townspeople should bank them to wise undertakings. A missionary debate was on the pro. gram of the Epworth League Monday evening of Iaee week as to the g0eetloe of Home and Foreign work, For the affirmative Geo. Buchanan, lllie888 Nora 'Maunders and Reside Mitchell took part and 4d defence of the negative Joe Sinter Roy Pryne and &fee Rilia Cunningham, spoke. .Deoision wag given for trema leve by the judges, who were W, J. Fawcett, Rev. J. E. a8laander8 and. Everett Walker. - T e Leap Year Party given under the 8nsp10se of the yonog ladies of the. Bp - worth League at the 'Metbodl8t Portion &green'Thursday evening of Teat we. k was a meet enjoyable 00088100 end everybody bad a good time. There were about 120 re890nd84 to the lnVita4iou and Rev, a=d Mrs. Powell left nothing undone in hos pitably entertaining the large company. The program included 80018x,, char, gamed Medea! and literary 881e018ione, supper, &o. The young, folk hope a similar treat may Dome their way again Ada1nENT8.-D. 0. Roes was a0mpelied to pee It walking etiok during the past :seek owing to a badly sprained auk.e ori 088ioned by it fall from hie stable loft We hope he will eoo,i b. n8 8pey as usual. -Leet Friday Mies Veen Gerry had the misfortune to trip end in her fall die loomed her deft elbow. The injured member web Vety badly swollen and was bleak and bine to nem bat the meanies 1 i8 genteelly disappearing and Mies 1 Gerry's many frle,d8 w1.11 hor a speedy recovery from her accident, Maalox; harm -Yellowing Was the o program al the Little Stare Mission i Band 12th birthday party held Deo, a 30th t -Opening hymn, 458; prayer by' p Peeeide818; ward8 of we -coon, Mee p Ron ; duet, Aaa mod Stabs Moore, "My () Mother's Prayers' ; Illiseionary, dialogue, a Nellie Ewan, Hate arld Carrie Amen; k and Chao. Moil111au ; duet, Jnok lateen ! i aud Ogee. Meddle))1 • reports of 8eor8 i w 1/ley and 'Permute f tab Ban, "Fairy ? t Queen" by 6 gels; duet, Bate and Grace w Hdbklrk, of }Myth, '"The Bnnshine r Band" ' reoitation, Tommy Melemoh• i lin ; Panto; drill by 8 girls ;duet, b Bethel Kerr, Nellie Fos, "Teddy Beare I m Lullaby" • recitation, Grace Robb ; re len merle by Rev. Mr, Arehart, 13. A. Son. p tribnt2184 for bilge/one by the Bend for ,g 1007, 58100. That :f8eere for 1908 are 1- b Pres. Mica Lizzie Roes • 1st Vioe Pres., m MioB Jean 1abklrk 1 gad Vice Pres., in Mien Kate Bomb (&elretary, 1Ca48 to Aritent i r.Crpppure71. Edith Deftdmati, ' bo ereweerwirserew THE pew Munioipat 00008418 will meet Wording to Statute on ,Monday of mai week. W00008Dey afternoon of neat week ie the date of the animal meting of Baa, Eileen Agricultural Society. 8osoon Board will meet fu regaled 88881..11 uu Friday eyelike of ,bis w.•.k Bud neat Wedoeeaay eve8ltig the Stet Utory meeting will be held. Sxa me at the nue bite been extra go d bile were aid large Orowde in atteudanet a uuwber repairing ,hither after the nni011 8ervi088 10 the 1bnrobt8. One neighbor, the Wlugham Times, celebrated 8uother birthday feet week and with 1.i, B. E1 /octet the he en I8 mea lug a 8004ruela, vey8ge. Wa hope It will continue 1, prueper. Don'T f rget Beet Huron Farmer.' IOa,,tute 011811ug in tan Towu H., 1, Bru,sele, Wednesday aReruuou aro. eveei lg of next week: An 1"tere8111u. program wall he presented. NEW Te0S•-111e Exee•eior Kurori ip Feucur, hate hal 8 n88' 50 f of 80104, ..taws put up It was p,au8a in 908.t,un on Monday. The n14 one wee blown a0wn by a reoent ;norm Improvement. are a no being made to the boner. 1:)E 1'OOLE nit, reeig,len hie pointi011 ae 'Venice tie 1,1 Officer of Brtladela 13. ',batiks $10.00 le hardy mom ware, with the men), detl88, eume of ln.m being far from p11888an1 when da.y .8 faithfully performed. It as uo dobut e reep,881bie poet and llv1og up to the law often raea0e much to a mumorlrahty. Zink about (lhrt81me8 presents of tea. worts, OHM. Bauble meet have been a great friend of Santa Omee led 8 fine baby buy arrived the day before Cbr18tmna and appear. to be so well eancfied 1018th eta quarters that be is "hely m801111=1,3 to make his home there. Pus Pon 88180de u ourdtal wem0me to 50011E Mr. Ritchie in -becoming a resident of 4fd88ele. 0 0 .8' -The following are the effwere of ()inn t Prinoeee Alexandria, C. 0. F,, No, 24 for 1908 :- P O.R, Geo. herr; 0, R., 13. N3uLeum.lio ; V. 0. R , Chas. Ritchie R. S., W. L. Lertheroale ; B, S., S- T. Plata; 3.'re88., R. Leatnerdale ; Chep , win Miller ; 8, W., Jim. Shame ; 7. W., Jae. Barg888 ; J. B , J no. Meadows ; S. B., Jul). Story. Iu8ta,tatio0 wl . be 41.14 next Tuesday eve,ing. The Court ,8 lhrivaug. 121A3EIti 18L41,, -A1 five p, to, on New Year's Day Roe, J. J Eutaw, Ot Ile. grave, tied the m8tr1m00iat knot 0818w88,. Edward Nmhuleou, of Broseel8, and NI lee dunie, d.agtlter of Jobe .mud Mre Mu ()ahem, of East Wa'v1uoeh, et the hum, of the Oracle's parents, In the teem 0800 of 818er relativ88 of the coo treating partiee. Mre, Hama play. ed the Wedding March es the. prti. 018pale took their pieties fur the cream. n,) They were unattended. The brute wore a beo8mt09 orea01 ooetam.-. After tuns gratol8tioue the party eat down to a splendid weddtug least. Preeeute, valn- able, metal and well oilmen dem088011a,-. ed .he popmarity of the young couple After enj ,wing a, few notice socially Mr.. and Mre. Niebuleo0 left for their home 1e1 Bru888188 followed by the .beet wiehee of 9. wide circle of relatives and (n8,48 for a happy end prosperous future, in which 'FEB POST Heart, 3 jujus. Tau GA100(00 F60T8113.-There WAS 8 goody ani repreen0tative attet.dauoe at tag public meeting ouuvened 1811 the Town Han last Friday 8veuing to Ms Gees the advleability and probability of eetabliehlnig a canning (a0tor, 1n Brussels. IN, 48. Herr wee ohweu ohuir 01eu mod attic twitting the objeot of th, gathering oaaled npuu Reeve Leckie two 13; Gerry to state what alley bad glean811 by their vett to Exeter. Those amnia men went 1.010 the m8,ter very full) adda08108188d many .rotations 0On08rn log the auceee8 and Management of the project.' Fonow,hg thin Damm 8hur1 speeches from a number of 01.11z0n4 ill droning M8.ere. Leaiberda,8, oin8iotr, Scutt, Robe, Tusk, MuOraokei, Paum, Arm8truug and inhere ad of a 410pefu. trout. A 188201011,3 Was 1luanin100say passerine to the ties.rabihty of seuuting f'Ilose1ble 'nob au lnduetry, weld) wan mowed by another ineavhmit Ra8ve Leolee, I3 Gerry, 1). 0. Robe and M. 8, e041 were apeoint18d a OVmmit18ee to anva00 Bra8881e and 11.08lity for Stook, h $25 stoma with 8'View of organizing jawucstook Co. aud 11 entwie8tal 10 room' at 1 nae to erasure acharter and Oslo ilia euterpriee. The qo teem of P.lie 8Onn8Gti00 with Brodeehe was leo spoken of by Mr. Latakia-, who bets ept,the twee hot 811 load, mid the meet ng voltam/ the °,:inion that Bruseel8 onid:be willing to grant rt4ht of way hro8gb bbie muuiaipehty a4 the 0d. ill hold true to a former pr001iee to MI al10e here. .Friday night'smeet 0g 100.8 of the right type end Tau Pose shaves if. each g84heririg8 were held ore 1188gnently the probabilities of nity of action and advancement in oohing ib08r Moen that tend to healthy et rowtb and 'pr0greeeiveneee w00•4 be . El 81184' frail bearers. Ween the Com - t inn 88180 on yen show 4101 prtotraalty unrested you are by. lidding your, name v the 11.4 of 810aknoidere and thetaby t 0Dt 1 knsk0ipa SSIMEEEM .41.11/11.600 point Deposit AA�ccounts are a special convenience arranged for customers of THE METROPOLITAN BANK. Money can be dep sited or with- drawn by husband or wife. Particularly valuable For farmers and tovvn residents. Q Money orders and drafts sold at lowest rates, ([ Farmers Sak Notes collected and advances made thereon; q SAYINGS DEPARTMENT -51.00 or more opens an account, Interest allowed from date of deposit, and compounded FOUR times a year. Q You may deposit or withdraw money by mail, The Metropolitan Bank Capital,Paid Up. 51,000,000.00. Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, 51,183,713,23 BRUSSELS BRANCH, W. J. FAWCETT, Manager THE Leap Year Bali on Thursday night of ,wet week au rooted a large compaty. Au Italian orchestra from London sup p ied the musical premium and sapper was. served at the Hee .The Hall wee very tits efully decorated for the 00Oseitt0 OBIT.-THI POST regrets to record the Monier of Agues B. ok, beaoved wife of James F, agar, 8r, a well known re-idant .4 Howlett townehip. The 0811 mime on Tuesday and the petie018, who had beet; 111 for a long time with oa00er, passed away to her eternal home m, her 7181 Year, The funeral takes plaice to Ford. mob cemetery Friday afternoon. M es Annie Rues, of Brussels, h88 gone to muted it, Mre. Eegor was a teeter t0 Robert Black, o1 Wroxeter, formerly of Brueeele, and enjoyed the esteem of a wide circle of heeds who will deeply sympathise with the bereaved 18011.141. MAIL Bae AND VALuAELEa REOOv1EH8n'- Wedue. day of this week tie John Bane and 0he8. Alderson, of Oranbrook, were matting wood in front of lot 18, 009. 14, Grey towueh p, they disc ro8red ,h, mai• bag st len from Bin 81818 p'18181ffi08 On Or) . 2011 tvllen the tftioe w88 roubed. S mu 61 tb- w.'od bad been removed and .eplao8d up.•n -he bete by the robbers. In addition to 2 drawers beloeeing to the cafe, the key8 and tin box in whiub the poem. a er801pa ,were kept, ell Mr. Furrow'e private papers were fooud, to atrt, .xoepaing one note. Of course here toss n0 money nor stomata, 'be thieves terve good ogre of that depart. meat The find o8me ae a great Stir prr88 to el om,oeroed and indicates the any port of the route taken by the aobbere, Messrs. Rano and Aadereon "roughs the bag and its contents to Pbetmaeter Farrow who is now in po8 888e1ua Weather the discovery will prove helpful in locating the midnight prow ere remeine to be sten. There is a uert8in ea118400tion in recovering what h8e come to baud. Business Locals.' Bra redn06ion in oaten for the next 2 weeke al D. Ewan & Oo'e. 4PEOIAL -Our orange- at. 40o per doe, A 1 u a nu bou bone for 80u at 08E10Aa'e, 15 PURR bred Be,r.d Rook ooakerle for 881e A good oh.noe for l8tmfig Dom inanity. AL3' BAEEER, Brn-peas Two pair bobeleigh8 teed a Portland cotter 1or 8d e. Apply to WALTE& Low. Ens, Hale Stable, Brussels 11ers Dane-1100-SWieehea n184e to order oat of oombtoge or one hair. 0 dere from a nfaaeoe promptly attend ed to. 04118 B 1330086,10, MITI et. West. Omar, ;e nut needed where M180reeor'8 889,9 are aced and flied Y.,n a for ease gumming, thine and improv,ne tome, tools Bud ma0u'(188. Ooreer Mill and Main St Bra -8e18. 85%1 3' 11eamethe8 are the result of eye-etatm Properly fi ted glaseea will ewe permanent relief. If von are troubled that way consult 8, L. Tante 8' Fne'a Drug Store,Breese)e, on Friday, Jan 10.4,, Smola 1.10100 0880108.-A number of good 6 and 6 umave 20d hand organa for Bale at 8 bargain. Cad end ser them. LEATHE8DALE & 80N, Brussels, You are u8reln1 !n ohooemg your phyeiegem be jun as 00refnl in the °hoime of an optician. Ooneo t 8 L. Tame et Frax'• Drag Store on Fritter. Jan. 1.0 h, and get the benefit of over 80 ye -r8' r xperiet108. RIMED= the date of 8. L Taube'e 9481t to Brueael8, and if your eyes bother 5110 i0 any way, or the ge8eeve you now wear are not 88184818080ry make le a point to trail and consult him at Foxe Drug Store on Friday, Jan. 10th. People We Talk About. mien Alin Bone ie home from Toronto on 8 hodd8y vials. Yeray'R,ohards was borne for a brief ho18tdayfrom Toronto, Mrs. P. Anent , visited relatives 'and 'vends in Loudon for a few days. Mae. Chas. Dodds and Master George were vieitoae with 8eat0r18h relatives last week. George and Mrs, Colvin were vieiting old friends in Walleeley township for a few dela Mre, George Brown is visiting her dauehter, .Mre, J. Leslie K rr, 818 Blyth Shia week, John Ritchie hue gone to Woodetook where he bee accepted a position in a 1oneeri11 parlor. Mi.e. 8 Mime end 01ar8 Hunter have returned to their po81.4io08 at Clinton after a holiday here. Musa Annie Beattie, of Toronto, wag the gee t of Wise Jean MOLauohlin for 8 few Moe Met week. Mra, B.rnnm and daughter have re. turned from ' 8 visit to the fernier's brother and family at P818meret411, Mr, and Mre, 0areo8, of Retried, Mani. lobs, are visitors at John Nndd's, John street, Mro, Oareon is a daughter, Mre, 3, T. Wend and Monier ere holt. dame with relative) and friends in Berlin, New Bamberg and other glades, Mies Lottie Budd is home from the West where ohs baa spent the past 4 year18 and is w848amed back' by many old frieride. Misses Fannie and Violate. Black- one and Reggie Btaoket0ne and Thoth nreley, of Goderioh, were vieitore lit own :set woek, • Will. (Tayernft,of S:famiton, who wad hieing lee mother end old Mende in. own returned star $ 40 the ' rb n 011nt i lea a cit tat tis r Y ti FGi y Card of Thanks LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, - I have again beer) sleeted a member of your Council fur 1908. Wi 1 you Mild- ly accept my thauke for the honor dune me, and I will 8a in the past do any beat to advance the intereete of Brunetti to every way possible, oonsietent with econ- omy. Yours Reepeotfully, ROBT. GRAHAM. Geo, and Mre. Themeoo were 018110re in Kincardine for a few days, Mase Nel ie Harbottle and friend, of Berlin, have been visiting the former's grandparents. . Wm and ,Mre, Moffatt and eon, Alvin, spent Christmas bo slays in Stretford with Mrs. Muffett'e brother, George Richardson and futility. Rev W. H. aud dire Ellis, of Wood stuck, were visitors at the former'e par• ental /toms dunes the past week. Hies Ina Flats bee returned from an extended visit with relatives In Tor onto, 8obombers Ned Beaton, She wait away 4 mouths. E. 8perr8,1, rf Goderioh ; B8rrie18er Veneerer, .,f Windham ; and J. Leslie Kerr, of BIy18b,-were here on Monday re cording their votes at the Maniotpid ilea• tion James Stewart ilea gone to Durham where 1,e is engaged in p81n18iug the uew 0. P. R station house. When through he wait be employed at other depots on the liue. Mrs. E. G. Haobburo, of Toronto, and Robert Aabkirk end daughter, of Neepawa, Men„ are vieitore at Mre. Habkirk'e They were former residents of Grey townehap. John Outhill, of Calgary, ie here on 8 vi8i1 10 his parental home, Braeeele, and will probably return iu March. He hoe seen a ooi0ideritb,e portion a,1 the West and takes a0 inte1ieent interest in the affairs of that great w,tintry. Mre (Rev.) T. W. 0081811e, of Wellaet_ burg, non her sister, 1,1 i138 Agnee G01.0n look, of Sheeran, San., were welcome lowborn in B. oesele this week even if their stay wee of a br,el aharao r, 1'h. ladies are 0ob8fu. of tin- Misfits Habkark Arthur Some and Mise Isabel, hie stater, ..f Seaforth, viii e6 their g.aed mother, Mre John Teome.u, of Brae. eels, and other Erie, de 1841 week. Mr 8,ott re remaining in the eam0 aobooa as teaober, having renewed M. oeriifioate and 18 receiving a salary of 0550. Ohms MuKay and family, who renew. ed'10 $81forth •ons rime ago, wil neer, 10 Brussels, tar. McKay tithing ultarge of the E erre Light works engine for W. J. Palmer, the u8)8 proprietor. Mr. Me Kay is an old hand int the boo,nea8, We we1o0me the family b8ok to Braeaels Gifford E aeon, barrister, of Yrrrklon, Sauk , and 8 former'eetdent of Brneeele, died in the former plane 0n Deo. 17, in bee-62od year. He studied law with the Baked in Toronto, afterwards praotioing in Goderioh, Braeaels end Bly.b goingte 11.1.2 Porihw. 81 ubool 15 yea re ago, He was u, marr'ed, M138 Nora Hulmee left on Moidw on an extended visit with re/81180e and Inrooe in British 00,nmhia, She will visit at Winnipeg, spnkaue, 816.141e, Obi c8go and other o,4iee before hi.r retur,, We wish be an or3'yable stay, Mra Holmes aeoompent d her daughter- as far as Toronto. 0110E01 (11131448 Rev, Mr. Perrin, 8. A , of Wroxeter, occupied the pulpit of Melville ehntoh last Sabbath aid ;;ave two good die omens+. Rev, Mr, Wiebart wee preen] ung at Wroxeter. At lite Methodi84 8ubbath School last Solidity Parente' Day wee oboe. veil, there being a good attendance, Bbnrt pointed 8dd.reeeea were sir ti by W..J Fewoett and Rev. E. G Bowen I Geo. btiohtu an gave rt 111881.0(4044 sketch of Mta0kalary Carey ; and Miss Edea Begin!) e8ng a chores solo. The monthly mtsaiooary collection wee $8 74. The new uffi08r8 for the Preehyterian Guild of Melville ohuroh for 1908 are 2- Hun.'Pre8 , Rev, A O, Wiehart, B, A. ;' President, Ales. b Grant; Ser. Sea, Mhos Amite Roee ; See. Treace, and ore gimlet, Mise J. en Habkirli; net, organist Mies Grace Stewart ; Oommittee8 were selected for the various departments, which inolade prayer meeting, Mission cry, Eduoatioua., melte and Look out. New topic oarda have been honied. Merenbe1 8, 8. -The annual eleo4ion ofrffi„era and teaohero in Melville .Bab. bath 8Mhenl for 1908 reedited et fol Iowa :-Superintend.,,t,3 H. 00110eron; A804, Superintendent, A. M. McKay) See, Trees , John 13abkirk ; Librarian, Amber Smith ; Organist, Min Jean Hablrlrk 1 Aeab., 0 44901st, Miee Gran feewert 1 Te8aha•re, Rev. A. C. Wish. art, B. A , Mlne Lazzae Rota, Mra. Jae, Kerr, le. W, McHay, Miee ]fete Smith, B. 0. Wilson, Mies Jean Heleirk, Mre, Deadman, Mine Eala Smith, Min Belle Henderson, Min Dora Smith, Mra, A. McGuire, Miee Maggie Stewart, Min Ella 15 4Arler, Mies Grace Stewart, Mier Mary Forbes aud MIN Jean Reohte, The retool re Well managed and has a good ettendan80. A new di 0ooae of the Rntn an Oa1.1. to (lharalt ie Created to b known a Prang, Albert, a d 10.v, Albert Pascal le na0.t. se Bishop, i V mAl9LtSidED 18781 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - Toronto JQINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deposits may he made or withdrawn by either of the two members of a household, This form of account is specially suitable for those living in the country, as either member can attend to the banking when in town. In case of death, the money may be withdrawn by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or call for farther particulars. Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. 100 BI,JS$ELS BRANCH J. F. Rowland, Manager The Prince of Wale. .has given 9fty refire toward8 the Qttebeo battlrflelde memorial fend, I( the Winter onntinave mild on the prairie, the G. T li will continue plate laying ail season A Chinese laundryman at MacLeod, A'ber,a, tonna the body of a achy 4o hie stove on retorniug after a abort ab• Three young men caught in the act of robeing Hnrey'., drug store in Hand ton were in rammed to terms in the pens. tentiarer, 0.vine to the on'break of small pox in Winnipeg the T. Eaton Oompanv have ordered the yannettion of their 1,700 ampreyeee, 'W. J. Paisley, of Olinton, who wag defeated by B. J. Gibinee, for the reeve ship of that plane b'y two .votes, will de. mend a reoon04, 'Hon. Rodolphe L8mienx has arrived from Japan. He expressed e. hope that the immigration question would be est. tiedin a frie..dlymariner, V8n0onver, B. 0 , firemen refuted a gift of $100 from Japanese residents who eymp..thrzed with the three fire- men wenuded in the light on New Year's Day, Central preen is crowded. There are 221. prisoners ,n it, of whom 24 are fe. melee, There were 161 at this time last year. There are 68 prieonere In Toronto jail aw811in1' removal to the Central. M. D. Si ver, of Sutton West, Ontario, made motley oat of his orchard in. 1907• He statethat he gold to J 0 Henry & Sone, Oahawe, over 1400 barrels for $2678 ooeh. He did not fornieb a barrel, nor pink en app e, nor board the men, but empty delivered apples at Metier', three quieten of a mile, He also so d 860 worth t0 ueiahbore in village and kept 20 bierele for family nee. This orebard winterises 25 acres and comers of over 200 Northern Spy trees and other good ehtppnte varietige, including Bald• wins, Ben Davis, Resets, Greeniege, etc' Thiel orchard hue been little Or n0 expense to ter Si ver, the trees having been pleated whet, he purchased the property. It le rumored that the Legielatnre will open on F,hrnere 6,h. Thomas E Ouffe watt awarded 0260 damages, f •r being improperly ejected from Bhea'a theatre, Toronto John D Terrace was 0. =Att, 8 for true et Bramptoia for the shouting of hie aged employer, Willem Ooary. Philp, Brio t, of Alexoudraa, wee sen• traced to 18 m otic ie 18118 Central Priem) for 818ealing the Biebop'8 fur Tined coat, The minting reamer, Mount Royal, has turned no at Queenatun, Ireeted, with dieebred machinery. Ail were well netwithetanding their never to be forgot- ten 80 day experience, A Winnipeg diepetoh Saye President William Mne$eezie,,of the Oauad,ao Northern, eeeured 0lxteen milli-•,, dol - tare during hie reoent visit to England, which will be teed in extending the rail- way. The Alliin and 0. P. R. eteamehip lines b,atb report that the number of returning Im01igrante from Canada daring the last two months is far larger than the number brought out daring the came period, Edward Farrow, of Elora, dropped dead at e prayer meeting being held in (Mainers Church Monday., alight. He had just risen to speak whet) be collepeed and expired 8lmost instantly, The church was very warm and it is believed chemise of death was heart failure. Ha wee eeventy•atx years of age and an en• thueteatfe member of the Methodist Ohuroh and acme time ago a local preaober, .HORN _ RiTOno,-In Brussels, on Deo. 24th, to Mr and Mre. Chas. Ritchie, a eon. 0era6N.-At Innerkip, on January 4,1., to Mr. and Mre, J L, Cellan, form. erly of Brussels, a son, saee.xxsx x18, Nmaoiente-Mo0ALLOtt -At the reeidenoe ail the Mane'. parents, no NOV Year's Day, ht Rev. J. J. 13-8,fe, Mr. Ed ward Nicholson, Bruse.I8, to Meer Annie, do ehler of Mr and John M,Cel am, of limn Wewau08h. EYE SIG S. L TMJBE Eye -sight Specialist of Toronto, will be at my store on Friday, January 10th until 6 p. m. If there is anything whatever wrong with your eyesight do not oegleot this nppertonity of lievieg 7e119 eyes examin- ed by a r.iimble Spe0iullet at F 9 - Drug Store 800Aa -I H,1wi081, on January 7th, Agnes B auk, be need wif of Jamie E tear, era, in her 71 18 year. Foluten-In Morrie, on Monday, 0 h, Jahn Forrest, In his 77 h 500.r, LIVINOavONE.-I, Grey, on Saturday, Jae/airy 4,h, Duncan Livin atone, aged 74 yearn, 1 moutb sod 22 days. Blve-Cr 101=,5 este.& 10. IC F•^13. Barley 60 . 60 Peas 77 78 Oats 40 42 Batter, tti lel end roue20 20 Hey per ton 12 00 12 00 Flour, per bbl 4 60 5 20 Hoge, Live 5 60 5 60 Apples (per bble 1 50 1. 75 POtetpes tier ens 60 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. \iv' ANTED TO RENT. —100 teem Give full par Mentors to 131117014880 POST. 278 WANTED.—GOODb GIRT., OR beaver end MO Vale htk 9,, pettier ro rime oarty, Weme8 HOW par ME Maw IsmsmEmy MoLA Extra Special Induce- ments, for the 2nd Week iu January, 1908 eoPiars Tit Exactly Half Price Only a few Ladies' and Misses' Coats left—all new and good Styles—these we, offer the first week in .Tannary at EXACTLY HALF PRICE. We Will gave 'Toil Money on Men's and Boys' Overcoats Men's and Boys' Winter Suits I Fur Ooats, Ruffs, Muffs and Caps In fdct we are offering Special Inducements in all Winter Goods. Next Door to American Houise G. N. McLaren