The Brussels Post, 1908-1-9, Page 5g rJ'fte 1411011g Sebool fadozdj STRATFORD. ONT. 1iy giving a batt er oeuree of train- ; hug than that given by uuy other aim -11 :Y Clay institution 10 Ontario, we have on. 00030 0110 of the lending buelueea 4.1,11110g 00110010 lo Canada, Our r 11 1at00 are i11 demand. an 011100 aB- g ut Qp .� 7� NIXtRntN Itnld (7llRllmue Oallugo Crush T u1W, Our mimeos being tae beet, our it 9 grail tut Cos au ueooi, 11 interested 1n �D a' your own wellaru write DOW for our 11 if catalogue ; 1t i0 tree, We have three Udepurtm ante, Jun mu rola', Shorthand qy and Telegrnpine Q,` Winter town opens January ebb, • 7t, It 111,101"1' & alQI,AURLAN, it Veluelpalo. t 3=ai-44::=L4ii'-1i yihl4 ierill2tT;: BUSINESS CARDS, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF M&1U1AGE LICENSES (Ince In the Poet mince, lintel. 30.4 pLfI i1UA. C. ARMSTRONG le prepared to give ',a.m.., au Pians. or Reed Ulgau, Terme on application P01110 ice address-liru0nel0. liusiuoue0- Lot 8, Uva. 10, Grey. Pupae may nave Choir la0Ronn at their own memos 11 preierl0d. KISS LAURA SPZHCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCIILItAI TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES WA;iRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Eire Insurance Company ()Moo and lieeideu00- WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAMS 1338010000, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Rate of interest si 1101' 0010 per annum, that Mortgage LiFE AND FIRE INS. AGENT Elxc ele[or i,ite [000r0.1400 00 091483/ The Equity Fire Insurance Company All buoiueno attended to promptly, H. R. BREWER, J. P. Cleric 4th Division Court AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- . salt, will sell for better pr3000, to bettornleb, 311 MOM tl1310and 1080 °bargee thou tiny other Auctioneer in East Lauren el he won't oMerge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this oilioo or by personal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLU 1.1 VALE - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. 'forme 1'Oa3Onnble, Solos arra0ged 101 al 3333003110001 d'n11 POOT, lirn018010, 403.1 VETERINARY. GRANT) TRUNK RAILWAY, 8033Ti1EDN BtTDN0I011 W. O. & D. Train) leave Brns8018 Station, North 11 and 8ontb, towe as o 001NO eo0Tn eo1NO Nostril. Mail 7:01 18,111 11apr808 WIG a,m l,xprao0 1l:20 aim I Ma11 -1:44 a.m N:a3 800,, 3:02 p,01 r)xpreaa00, IInl p.m CANADIAN PACIFIC Re R. Table Following id the 0, , R. Time at Walton :- To Toronto '1'o 0od8rlaa Bap' 333000 ,,,.,, 5;;10 a rn I Elxpreoa Expreeil 10:10 p 1030 ii)iztrizt24,1zbaz., ;'1urrtee. h at K Mies J. B, Kirkby, ie teaching who Totleuhgm, 0100 home for her vaoutian end left on Saturday to resume .work. She is 11 good teacher, ,Jl 1101ttei LO w 11. Samuel Burke, 2nd oon„ wail away to New York State ou a holiday with rale thee. He has four brothers and three stator) there. Two of them 000 fruit, gr0800re, one mold $1300 worth of apples and the other had 1300 baskel8 of peaohe. fur wile) he received BOu it basket. Mr Iluree'e nephew Bert, came book with hum for et Iwliday. !y A. CUNNINGHAM- • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- or,uary College, 19;wee/trod to treat all dis- eases of domoeduated animals in a compet- ent manner, ]'articular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Millc Fever, Calle promptly attended to, Ulnae and Infirmary' -Four dome North of bridge, 'Turnberry et., Brussels. Phone 47 1c LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. • Frowbr,d_e. The Methudlet Sunday Submit held It very ouooeooful Xmas Tree on Xrne'• eve, and despite the inulemency of the weather the church was crowded. The priuolpo feature of the everting wait a preeentetion to Daniel and Mre. 00'11118, beautiful arm chair to Mr. Oolline and a roulier to Mre. Collins. It was pre dented by their many friends In retire, nitron of their faithful eervioee to th. church, i0 winch they have both been life long members. The Epworth League and Sunday School Wog the opp,rtunity of preeent- iug to Arise Mery Code a beautiful Bette, and an lddreee, in recognition of her faithful eerviu00 to both League and Sap. guy Sollool, Mies Dodo io about to leave our community and take up her reel denim down ou the boundary Beet. We are 'sorry to Ioee Mies Code, but one and all join to wiehiug her every happieee0 in her new life. [� 13. MACDONALD- ,t _. Barrinter, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Snc000eor to G. p'. Blair. 033100 over Stan - (Lard Beek, 1414100018, Solicitor for Metro- politan Sunk, WM. SINCLAIB- a barrlator, &meitor, eou00yauaer, Notary Public, &o. Uaioo-Stewart's Moot L door North e1 Central hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Sauk. RODUF00'1'1 HAYS & BLAIR- BARRISTERS, 0(31.1CIT- ORlS, NOTARIES W. pltouDsooT, Ii, O. 10, 0. Hese re, F. BLAIR. Uaiooe-Tho0o formerly ocoupled by Meoers Ua0Orou & Bolt, 110DRn300, ONTARIO, DENTISTRY When the S3.omeoh, Heart, or Kidney nenve0 get weak, then time orgauesheepr- fail. Don't drug the stunted), nor atm unite the Heart or Kidueye. ']'hat 30 simply a mokeehifr. Get a preeoripuon kuowu to druggtetO everywhere se Dr lihoop'e Reetorouve. The 008107ativ0 1e prepared expressly for the weak inside n0rvee. Strengthen thee() uervee, bode them up with Dr. Shoop's Reetorativ0- tablete or hqutd-and see how quickly help will dome, Free sample teat sent on request by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wie Your )salt) is surely worth this simple beet. Sold by all dealers. DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST eradiate of the Royal college of Dental 80,8000803 Ontario and Firet•olaeo Honor Graduate of 'Toronto University, 011.100 neat to llrower'9 Photograph Oallerv, 11100831000, r3 "Business Knowledge" n and "Everlasting Push" ere two essentials' to 0000000. Attend ELLIOTT 1i%%ate TORONTO, ONT. tied prepare for ar00.oln0e badness pn0itl0u0 Mull as are Upon to our WM- B 414 mute, Huudrede of our atudeut0 are going into good 3300(301000 every year. Let tie tt'ntn yes tile` ono, We will do m dill right, Wr toant o n Cla Janu- ary oy atl+ Wee. nun uuLluuu td.oO yyb,ppP wuea0m yvu 0xcut.urdluury Business eclloges, yl W. J. 17L1,10T'P, Rem and tit 4,31 Location of 08811080- - k4 .4 con. Boson AND A007001bnn BTB Cavan oharoh, Winthrop, will be op, ened on January 12th, Rev, J. R Robortoon, D. D., Knox aolleg0, will permit in the morning et 11 a. m., end in the evening at 6. Service will be con daated ut B p. m. byRev. Neil Shaw, w, of Egmondvihe. On Monday evening, 14.nenry 13111, 8 fowl Kopper will be oorved in the banomont, after whioh an exoel'eut program will be rendered i0 the ohnrob. Mute v11138. FINANCIAL STATEMENT -The fin0,0101 ate lenient for the township of Turuborry ahem that the 'mount on hand on Slat D,•eember, 1006 Walt $54,601, Title URI alloy with $8854 87 of tux00, sobool grant)) of $06310 and 100010 13114 other minor re or Ip)0, made n total receipt up to Deo. 3 ember 16th 1907 of $11 86.60, The ex• pendituro from let of January to Deo 15th 1907 was $581704, made np in pari by ealarte0 and a'lowan0es, $250 ; print• ing and Ota ionery. $75 65 ; merle and b idesa, $97955 ; charity, $46626 ; sellout $59032 I dnauag., $166516 '1'110 balance 001 hood Dee. 15 beim, $5568.96 The 'inclement shove the'rewn'hlp flag a sets of $8915.56 and }at ilit'oe of $8350 99. Gorrite. J. Keine, of the Soo, Klee R. B Keine of Wiartou, and Mies Luoy Hahn), of Fleohertoo, were with their p010080 tit town. John and Mre. Henry, of Edmonton, Alb., arrived home to attend the bedside of the latter') mother, Mrs. Edgar, who is seminally ill. Mrs. Hoye, of town, purchased her eon w Iaw'e farm on the Belmar° road tor $6000 She hes aivae rented it to a goon tenant for term of years. Mr. Hammel who hoe been running the repair department for O. L. Au drew') boot and shoe store, has 00007.0 hie connection with Mr. Audrewe and 1e now out for himself. Prod. Irwin, 10th eon., had the mister tune to reeeiv0 a bad 'Making up by haute ,trunk by a felling tree while working w the bueb. For a few days he was in a orltival condition but under skilful treat- ment is now on the road to recovery. IIIVIIt shiers 1''or earning Monier% With nursing comes all unoeaehlg strain on the moth"r'a vitality. The b•ood ie weakened. N'rves are irritable through Ions of el ep Aexiety and oar break down even the strongest, Ea perienoe teaohee that nothing is more helpful than Ferr"zene. Whoa an ap petite it brings I No blood former or nerve Ionto more potent, no modioin known that 8o steadily brings back the beolthrvigor and epirtt that mothers re. quire. 8L'o beoaoee Forrozone nourtebee, bet,uee It oopplleo the ma1eria'e for re building that it dove mooh permanent good. 50e per box a all dealers. 1 tilel. Annual cheese ID0tory meeting will be he'd in the Township Ha 1 on Tuesday aflame°. of peat weelc. There should be a large torn p0l, We welcome Ben. Gibenn and family, of Fordwioh, to Billet as resident's. They base moved into the house recent. y vacated by Joseph Hemew rth, Robt. Gibson i0 a eon of Mr. avid Mre. Gibson. At the minim' school meeting ()brie. Eolamier was re elected Tlaatee. Jno MoLeod, was appointed caretaker at 1645.00 and Conrad Bernath Secretary et $1.85. Oar 0eaohiog staff is doing well. O 0. F. -Court Ethel No. 261 ie in a fl,oriehine condition with a membership .f over 100. It meet' the 2nd and Icon Friday evenings of a -eh month in the Gibson Hall. The officer° for the our rent term are :-P. 0. R., Harvey Dob eon i 0 R , G. W. Pollard ; V. 0. R , Z. McCallum ; 12 S., J. W. Wellings ; E. 8., R Barr ; Treae , Robt. Gabeou ; Chap., Jot). Hing ; 8. W., 0. Eokmier ; .i W , A. Fleury ; 8. B., not tiller) ; J. B., Geo, Imlay Trueteee, G. Kraut -r, 0. Barmier and Dr. Ferguson. High (bort representative will be Mermen later' The annual ,,yeter supper will be bald shortly of which dee notice will be given 3&I. w 0tt41. Melvyn Graham, of Maple Oreek,' Sank., arrived In Atwood to epeud the Winter here, Ed. Robertson, formerly of the Be. staff, here uo0epted a 330eittou with the Rlp,ey Express. Maas Jamie MOMane passed the Model 8x30010. at Clinton, taking houore m teaching and 80001ona1 examfuatione, Jas. Donaldson, who- wee nominate,, for Reeve, and Robt. Buchanan, who woe uomieuted for Councillor withdrew from the contest. Mies E. M. Bond entertained the choir et her home in the Methodist pareouage Atter ohoir practice wail over sumo vete iu0ereeting garnets were indulged in for a tone, followed by Cason after winch n program was given io 'anode everybody was to try and iuteroot the rest for five minutes. Robert Thompson, of Dauphin, Mani tuba, to epeudtog ibe bulidayo with hie father, Audrew Thompson, 4th inn., E mm. Mr. Thompson ltas been in the Whet for the past 17 ye)tre. He lately had the misfortune to have bio barn and crepe destruy804 by fire who e threehiu,. whmh woe ouuoed.by a 'mere flying Prow the ougi0e. Gr te0. A beef ring is being organized this week OD the 0. line. P. Patrick and wife were away spend• 111e the holidays in Miohigen. Joseph Varooe, of Tavi-took, ie visiting hie daughter, Mre. Robt, Cochrane, 1411) amt. S. R. and Mrs Crerar,0! Toronto, were here on a holiday visit, returning to the Qnren city this weep. T. R. Bennett wits presented with a free may of the book "Farm weeds of Canada" by the Dominion Dept. of Agriculture, B. W. and Mre. Dark, of Molesworth, and Mies Emma Hollinger, of Detroit, ate their Xmas turkey ander the parental rod, 10th oon. The animal eohool meeting was held l3hareday Deo 26th and Wm. Grainger elected trustee. T R Bennett got the eontreot for hardwood at $2 00 per oord Goon OoLT,-Robert eloAllieter, 2nd con., diopoeed of two conte 6 menthe old, erred by Baron Bleak, to Herbert Elliott, of Molesworth, for the handsome figure of $100 each. They area pair of dandies. Wm. Cochrane, of Verna, B, 0., is palling on his brother, Robt. Cochrane and hie brother Matt. from Wingham, was here for NOW Year's. The former RUB been away for 23 years and Donee gne11ty notes many changes. Matthew has Bold hie farm at Oxbow, Sak,, but may Minot again. Mel .Mop Miee Alberta Robmeon, who was re aiding in Toronto during the past 0000011, hae returned home. Daniel Beeley 10 preparing material for aelarge barn wiveh he intoudo bt 43143033 the omits)/ Summer. The oldest person in the Noriheru 0000io11 of Mu1ulop ie George 'Thornton, who woe bort, to the year 1810. W. and Mre. ldaokwell take pleaetlre ie 0040000ing the engagement of there daughter, Emily Loose, to J. Robert Naylor, of R,whetter, N. Y. L. O. L, No, 818, Winthrop, held their animistmeeting and el0utioe of oflioore ou Deo. 18111, which recanted iu the follow nig being emoted t, r the year 1908 :-W. ad., Jo0o1'3, Hoge S^oforl3, ; I) M., Fret Searlott, Leadbury ; ()nap aha, J ht. Scarlet,, Loadbury ; R. 0ea., John Bee lard, Winthrop ; Treoo, Wm, Tre• weenie. Winthrop; Fut •Seo,, John No. Ilroy, Beaforih ; Loot., George Homier. HOD, 8eitfortb ; Sacoed Leob., Robt Hurdle, Sealorth ; D, of O., William Juhueaon, Winthrop • let Oom., Joe. H 14'.mpben, Winthrop; 2nd Cern, Georlte Dem, Winthrop ; 3rd Ootn., David Boyd, Leaitbury ; 4th Limn., John Gat oraith, Winthrop ; lith Cum,i Noble Forbes, Laadbaey. Trial Catarrh treatment') are being melded ant free, on request by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Will T11088 10800 000 proving 10 the people -without a penny's 000t -the great velem of Nile ooientifio preoaription known to drfggiet0 everywhere ail Dr Shoop'e Oetnrrie Remedy. Sold by all dealers. Vnitod Stator Subsoribors Uv o Owing t 1.110 fact that 1 00ht 6 postugo is nosy demanded plwh week nu each eopy of DIP PORT going to the Milted SOoLoo the price bite been increased from $1 to $1,50 payable iu advance. This notice 30 giv011 so 011110 all AT •eunwnl0 may bo forwarded 1 t Y ONCE 110 ere will not continue to mend the paper initiate Chili ie the name. Our pu0tnge bill hag to be mild every week and at the low rate of $1,00 per year credit cannot be given. Kindly remit promptly, elaelesaelerueitaiweeleseweeetuseivelefeeeileureeettrevell ntr al to o e Frank O'Neill1 lute left for t purohoeo Spring emelt and thence to hie store in Moose Jaw, He will return shortly rind in the Spring take will) him hie daughter, Mine Belle O'Neil, of 0111.• ton, The town hall wee well filled on the 0000eian of a splendid local acumen pat on by the beet talent of the town and a0eieted by sieitore from Toron'o, pro- oeede to be given to needy families of the town. A abort time ago Dr. Gifford wee 0p pointed 000301ant Surgeon at London Alum, Mr, Gifford received notion that hie eervioee were not required, no reason being given for the dismissal. He is the eldest eon of Rev. Dr. Gifford, late of Clinton. ealoafOrth. Arthur MoGovin left on Tuesday of last week for Detroit where he hes sea. tired a 'situation, S. A Dickson and bride were here visiting the former') parents S. and Mre. Dlokuou, Biel) street. Geo. Moffatt, clerk of Rinloeo township Brno, Oo., wee the gne01 of hie eon, Prina�rpal Moffat, on New Year's Day. J M Mulligan, of Dalnth, Minn , and a limner resident of Sraforth, woe in town It ie twenty four years 8inoe he left here and returned to Canada to hunt rip relatives, Mies Camilla Prendergast who hae enoaesefolly palmed the Model School examinations at Stratford, boa been en gaged to teach in anhool emotion No. 6, MoRi{lop tor the coming year. Tremble Of 01d Age With the auvunoe of years the vital Ialtatiane of the body slow down. In 00neeg11en00 the orgene of secretion ant ler, the action of the bowel') are leeeened and there ie no longer healthy (simulation. The brain is oongeoted with blood, giddi nee0, trembling and oold extrenmitiee are common. No aesietauoe ie eo potent Be Dr. Hamilton's Pills. By their direet Lotion on the stomach, livor and kidneys they otiose an immediate ohange. Mild tree from gripe strengthening and cleans lug the whole [system, no medicine is ea valuable in old age as Dr, Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Try these Pillo, 25o per boa at all dealers, 1711 n tom, H. W. Waste hae been appointed care- taker of the Collegiate, at a eatery of 5250. The town bell and that of of St Pant's ohuroh, rang the old year ant and the 'IOW year in, The W. Doherty Organ & Piano Man. nfno0aring Compenv has been t000rper• D red with a capital of $200,000. Rov, W E Kerr elm hie Chrietmoe dinner with friends et Oakville, Harold and Margaret acoompan ed him, Mies Lacy Stevens hae been engaged he the Rohool Board ae etiommeor to Mom Edna Manning al $840 per year. Rev. Mr. herr 'Meted a aeries of ger mono in the popular evilo 00 Sendav evening he pre0oh013 on Gemhline. There were rtoorded , with the town 'leek for th' half year ending Deo 81, 44 'simile, 25 marriolee, said 44 deaths. Daring 1907 there were 66 interment° in Olintnn cemetery, 28 being men, 29 women mrd 14 children ander 10 yeore of age. In 1906 the number of interments wart 59 Walter Coates, who has been living fn the Woot, is here on a 030it t0 hie Meter Mro Mitnnine, and to 0nnn01pitnied by hie wife, Re 11110 egad eomowhet fu appeareneo, hut Ioelte remarkably well, and hie many old friend') here are delighted to Bee him. He will remain Imre for a few weeks. Wednolday of lest week one of our Young bueineee men, in theperson of Edward 8or ton, wart married 40 dle° Jennie Barr, daoghtet of S Barr, of tale 00010. The eam day Otero- was also a ohuroh weddol:, When Mier) M.Rodaway, daughter of F. Rudawoy watt married to Dr. Jeokaou of 0hi0ago. Fo rdvvlcla, Benj. Gibson and family moved to Ethel. Tho). and Mre, Walker oelebrated their golden wedding. M. Lowiok, of Moose Jaw, Sask., is visiting hie parents. Jae. Gibbs, ot Wroxeter, well known to Dor readers left for Clinton, where he will spend the Winter in the House of Refuge, Norman Gibson went to Toronto to parohaee enppliee for a barber shop. We understand he will open tip in a near by village in the near tatnre. Mre. Ne son Bricker and daneh0er, Miee Elda, of Flint,Mioh., visited friende in Fordwioh and vicinity over Ohrietmes, They are now visiting Brussels Mende. The eohool meeting of S. 8. No. 17, Howiok, Fordwiob Public School, was held in the eohool on Thursday Deo. 26th. There was a very poor attendance there being only the three trustees, the two auditors and the ooretaker present. Alex. Robinson who bait been trustee for the past twelve years 0100 re elected and J, H. Rogers wee elected Section auditor. You May Need It Ask your doctor about the wisdom of your keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house, ready for colds, coughs, croup, bronchitis. If he says it's all right, then get a bottle of it at once. Why not show a little foresight in such matters? Early treatment, early cure. AWo Dub7leh our formulas YPo 7Oaor formulas ,� from oar,04040 an W9nr a on to r 7 �,r� ao duct your y a°°t°r Many a boy is called dull and stupid, when the whole trouble is due to a lazy liver, We flrmly believe your own doc- tor will tell you that an occasional dose of Ayer's Pills will do such boys a great deal of good. They keep the liver active. —)fads by tbo 2. 0. Ayer Ore, Lowell, 11 80,— tw oderio t1. Rev. G. N. Hazen, of Goderiob, hae been invited to Centennial Methodist ohuroh, London. John 0. Detlor, aged 05 years, for 18 years one of the leading dry geode mer- chants of North Bay, died euddenly on Sunday, Deo. 291h. Mr. Detior oorried on busmen in Goderiob about two decades ago. He took an aetive interest in town affairs, particularly educational, and wall an earnest Ohrietian citizen, re opeated by every one. A widow and one married donehter survive, A New Yeor'e wedding was oolebroted at high noon at the residence of Mre. Webster, when her daughter, Lily, bei came the bride of Prederioll 8uephard, BOO or Capt, and Mro. A. M. Shephard. The groom himself follows the nontiool prntovsion, the past season being mate on the F Hecker, one of the Gilchrist boots, Rev. J. A Anderson tied the knot. The bride wore white Bilk grenadine trimmed with eillt applique over white renames eatin. She carried white bridal rosea, Miee Helen Shephard, Meter of the groom, wee bridesmaid, and wore pale blue teffetto and carried pink rooms. The beet man was Mr. Fraliak, of Mil- waukee. The out of town gneete were Mr. and Mre. Middleton, of Clinton ; Mr. Alli Mre. Johnston, o, Cleveland ; Miso Leila Murray, of Detroit ; Elam and Mro. Oorran, of Wingham, and • Donnelly and Mrs. Johnston, ot Protons The honey- moon trip inolodee Buffalo and other pointe, the bride trevelling in a ooetunee of brown Venetian cloth. Another New Year's wedding wee :that of Miee E hal Aoheeon, fifth daughter' of the late John Aoheeon, to A. N. Merrilt, B. A., formerly of the te00hine staff of the Goderloh Collegiate Institute, and now of the Peterboro Institute. The event took place quietly at the residence of the brido'o mother and the happy couple left on the 2 50 G. T. R. train for Toronto and other points e11ro01e to their fumes home in Peterboro. The bride wee a popular member of the Methodist oharoh, Tbe funeral of one of Goderioh's oldest resident's took place Thursday afternoon to Maitland oometery. The deoeaeed Thomas Grahen], wee fu hie ninety• third year. He was a native of Belfast, Ireland, where he was born in 1815, He Game to Canada in 1843, and in 1846 was married in Old Bt. George's church to Jane Birkpotriok. Rev. Mr. Campbell, the Bret rector of the church, performed the ceremony. A' few yearn later they moven to Ashfield towo•hip, where they resided until 25 yeore ago, when Mr. Graham retired cud (lame to Goderiob. He is survived by two brothers and a sister and IBaveB a family of three eons and three daoghtera-Wllltarn B , James and George Graham. of town ; Mise Mary Graham and Mtes Matilda in New York, Dud Mre. (Judge) Johnston, ot Sault Ste. Moria. Mr. Graham was a quiet man. In politioe he was Oonserv.obive, and for over sixty yeore bee exercised the Irani ohiee. The funeral eervioee were conduct. ed by Reo. G. N. Hazen, pastor of North Street Methodistahareh, and the pall. bearer. were Edward Aoheeon, J. H. Colborne, E. Downing, Robt. McLean, J. C. Laithwolte and RR Thumpeon, The Charm Of Beauty. Nothing Of More Value To Women. IA writ vv wR, Andrew Ray woe lit Detroit last week visiting his mother, who hae been very Mre, James Rogers fa }0 Toronto visiting her daughter, Mira. P. W flocs , weeks. o k tor 0 33013340 f w Kea Annie MacKenzie left for Rey. mond, Alta , whore elle has taken a eohool tor the ensuing year. The annual meeting of the Liotpwel Agrionllarol Sootety will be held at the. Town Hall on Saturday, 18th Inst, b The fleet Northern League hockey y matob took pleas in the rink Doses New Year's oigbt, when Listowel 080 13301M Wiughom by 5 goa10 to 8. The game vette hotly oouteeted to the Oo.eh, Wing ham leading at half time, Word hae been received by friends here of the death of Kra. H. H. 1714 monde, to Yreka, OM., on Deo.' 22 id Tbe deometed was a ender of Mre, 0. E. U• ghliu, of the Wallace boundary, also o[Mrs. Fennell, Buffalo N Y. and Mre. N. 11100448 Jaw, Bask. She was the youngeet daughter of the late Wm. Fennell, of Elmo. Her death fol. towedan operation, She lemma a hue. band and one sou. GOLD AND SILVER WEDDING). -A very inttreetteg and unique family gather ung took p1a00 on Christmas evening at the home of Jno and Mre. Scott, Mein St, Went, the enspioioue 00800iou beteg the oelebration of Mr. and Mre. Scott's ether weddingand also of the aommem• oration of the golden wedding of Arch. acid Mts. Tugbeo, Mre, Soott'e father and mother, Dinner was served at ilia o'clock, when a 11nmero00 company of The glory and eatietaotion of beanti• NI womanhood oan be known only to those po seeeing the unllmtted advan• raise of health. No weak woman oan be happy or en- joy halt the pleasures of lite. Palid cheeks,eonken eyes,exhaoeled nerves, all tell of a terrible struggle to keep up. What the weal[ woman needs is Per - rezone ; it renews, restores and vitalizes instantly -it's a "woman's remedy"- that'a why. Forrozone makee women strong, plump and 11eal1hlul became it contains lots of untriment, the kind that forme muscle, sinew, bone and uerve. Vitalizing blood courses through the body, making delightful eolbr, happy epirite, true womanly strength. To look well, to feel well, to enjoy the unlimited advantages of robust bounding health, nee Forrozone ; sold by all deal.• ere in 60o boxes, and refuse a enbeti3.nte. Weak Women To weak and ailing women, there is at least one may to help. But withthat way, two treatments, must be combined. One lo local, one is constitu- ltional, but both are important, both essential. Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is the Local. Dr. Shoop's Restorative. the Constitutional. The Iormer-Dr. Sheon' s Night Cure -lea topical mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dr. 'Bhoop's Restorative is wholly an internal treat. meet. The Restorative reaches throughout the 'entire system, seeking 010 repair of all nerve. .011 0,00ve and 1111 blood ai1ment0. The "Night Cure", as its name implies. does fie "work while you 013100. I1 soothes sore and indam- Id sclmrgos, while the Restorntivo, 00 s norvo Ids ,eaoltomont, gives renewed vigor and ambition. builds uD waotad tissues, brtngllig about renewed 'str8nth, vigor, and energy, Tnko Dr, Sboop'a Restorative-Toblots or Liquid --as n general toniO to the system. For positive local help, s00 as well Dr. Shoop's Night Cure -ALL DEALERS" The 100 Year Old Cough Cure If the throat is "raw," -chest sore -bad cough -and you ache 'tall over "-take Bole's Preparation of yl Friar's Cough Balsam rl Hest thing you ever tried, It cases the throat -)eats the lungs -breaks up a cold - and cures a cough in no time Prepared by the largest wholesale drag !mime in the world from the fortune lu we for over tt century. 11lg bettle 050. At druggists. as NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO., Ultimo - LONDON, Ore relutivaa 00 both oidee of the house, about sixty in ell, eat tiDW3.3 t0 a damp. mono moot whish rollout d mueb credit ou the generosity and culinary OA of Mo and Moo Boole and fltmily, Among Woo present were h following ' ra . and Dameo1+unuhn} hem Drayton top' Mr. and Mrs Cunningham,h3 1. and Mro, Harrison, 'I'erorlte,; a A. anti Kra. Sutboriand, Tomer, ; Rego and Mrs, thinning barn, Eiliel ; G. W. rind Mre. Adan, Hipkeon ; J D. and Mrs, Laing, Owen Sound ; W. J, and hire. flay, Toro • Ro bt and Mre. Hav , Stratford ord Kra. J, Kuuzlue, P',that; 7.. J. and Kra, Mootebeed, Toronto 1 Alex, Cunning. ham, Ohicago ; 111 IAA Anna Wood, Chi. cage ; Mime Tena Calhoon, Palmerston ; B, and Mrs. Rothwell, Listowel ; S. S. and Mrs. Ilothwen, Britton Geo. and Mra. (Joplin, Lli to vel ; A. and Mra. Tugheu, Trowbridge ; Moearo. John. )ton, Trowbridge I Dr. B. 130. and Mre, Tugheu, Trowbridge ; T. J. and Mrd, '1'ughen, Trowbridge i W. J. cud Mre, Tagh00, Trowbtidgs, and otters. Mal. liarrietou, Toronto, and Mr. Canning. ham, Ethel, who were among the guests; were bridoewald and greom,m0n, reepeotivoly at Mr: and Mre. Soott'e woddiog. The peacoat) were numerous and decidedly houdoome as well me use- ful, coming not only from relatives of Mr. mud Mre, Scott, but many of their neigbboro failed not to remember them by mending them beoatiful tokens of friendship. The evening was spent by very appropriate addresses from B. Rothe well, Mre. Boott's nude, and John Laing, of Owen Sound, nephew of Mre. Scott,. a0 well as music and Bong, rendered with a beertine00 that W100 teeny refreshing. Choice Groceries Fruits Dates, Figs, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Peels and all kinds of Pure Flavoring Extracts. Alt varieties of Nuts -fresh. Confectionery Stewart') and Perrin's Chocolates and Bon Bons. All kinds of Fancy Cake). 14101ag30 Grapes fresh and de- licious, fine Table Rmeins, Banonae. CALIFORNIA NAVAL ORANGES Seedless -from 25c to 60o per dozen. Evaporated Cream, Try Camp Coffee. Condensed Milk, i Raspberry and Strawberry Jam Mince Meat in Bulk, 1 in small pails. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT ie full of the beet that money oan buy and the prices right. The home of GOOD CHEESE and lots of it. All kind of Canned Goads, choice and new. PURONA CEYLON PEKOE TEA only 25n per pound with 5 ib. lots for the small sum of $1.00. High Class Cigars Fish and Oysters on hand HIY,Pn"1, M'llrlli II19p4„'h"1,'n,^liana W. A. GREWAR ®GO TO Ewan if you want a First-class CUTTE THEY are specially made and Up-to-date A large quantity of Piano Box and Port- land Cutters. ¶ All Trimmings made to lift out. ¶ Can be had in any color of paint. ¶ Call early and get your pick. ¶ Second -band Cutters always on hand at Low Prices. E lid A ■ . & Brussels Up-to-date Carriage Factory. NATIONAL • i .,?, l�s Roller Flour Every good house -wife knows how necessary it is to have good Flour to make her Bread and Pastry palatable • White Loaf Flour possesses all the qualities that go to make a nice, white, spongy loaf. Once you have , used this brand you will want none other, CHOPPING 5 CENTS PER BAG IK All kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand. R. A. ■„ W BRUSSELS