The Brussels Post, 1908-1-9, Page 4Enter Any Day
Our management trains more
Ilookkeopore, Stenographers and
1 elegr3 phare than any other 111
Western Ontario. lee oab'a
Mune for two eoureee,
Most emineetly quellled 11,-
ntruotors. Oraduatea assisted to
geed poeltiooe, Ctbel coheirs
engage our graduates an timbers.
1ndiVidutel tueti'netile.
MAIL. 003310eES in 0tatrla8la
tiou,01v11 Service, PeulhnlObip,
Shorthand, Beolckeping, eta,
Seed a nosta1 for information
about CANADA'S CIn0ATaao L1AIN
or leurtne etou Bnlelilten 1,073•
A, A. BmN0n, M A., Ph 0.,
Grim F.•Powell, Prluolpal
Tbe ekating and darling rink at E ere
was burued.
John Bird was fatally injured at Paris
by being crushed in at. elevator,
M7 fes Margaret McBride, of Bt. Thom
as, committed suio,du by taking barbelm
Western cattle men have ben, fitted
greatly by the wild weatber so tar, and
hope to get through the Winter without
You May lee tick To -Night
Without a momeude warutug pale
epriege Opoe na, At the oht80111 is 10-
etantly oared by Nerviline, Surprieiog
what fifteen drops of thin marvemus med.
Joins will do. We external action is no
lees 0smolt than its wonderful effect
when taken internally. Of oonree Ner
viline is powerful or to Gould not be so
penetrating. But not irritating or 0006•
119. There are other pain remedies, but
when you Dee Nerviline yo0 tee the
difference. Thet difference is tithe --
others relieve but Nerviline doee ours
opreine, etruine, ewellioge, eoreehe tooth,
aohe, uearalgia, t0mbego, in fent all
mueoular pains. Large Lenten 25o at all
CJtt, a ettl l at n fV e *wag.
' Two Toroubo bakere were fined for sell.
ing light weight bread.
Lieu' Ooi. W, el Button died on New
Year's Day at Lnenet 8e1.
Dr. Pinup J. N. S;rathy wee found
dead 01 hie home on Spoilers aveioe,
Peterboro' will promote a bill before
the Lenielaturo to meet its Aldermen
every two years,
Henry Ammer, ex Treasurer of Berlin,
Ont., was arrested IU 0000800tio,: with. the
"000tage in hie 80000nte,
F, F. Wartmau, of Colebrook, hae
been :onei004ed for the Oommone by the
Liberate of Lennox and Addington,
It hae been doodad to keepBrookville
eobooln closed on a000uu0 of the emalipox
outbreak. Twelve patients are in the
The Crown Bank of Canadais to be To cheek a old quickly, get from emir
amalgamated with the Northern of Win• druggist some little Handy Qold Tablets
81989. pelted Prevenlioe, Druggiete everywhere
De. F. J. Steele, eaeiateet general ere now diepeneing Pr°ventian, for they
manager of the William Davies Qom. are not only safe, but deeidei11y portion
pang, died ae Roobester, Minnesota, and prompt, Freemen Doman no
W. 13. RouenWae recommended for Qglgine, nO 1llxetive, nothing harsh nor
Poetmaeter of Torouto by the Retort siokerling, 'Taken at the "sneeze stage"
Aaeooietioo Patronage Committee. Prevention will prevent PnvUmuuta,
The St, •Lawrence is olear of ice front Bronchitis, Le Grippe, etc, Bence the
M utreai down, tometbing that hoe not
b-enthe eaee at tills date for teirty years.
In fight int the I4aliet quota of
Montreal one men wee shot dead and an.
other was /tabbed and fillet, sod Will
hardly rootlet.
The report of the board which invesoi.
gated the Mount Temple dieeeter exon.
grated the Oeptain, bat bound eeooud
officer Owen Lewis grossly aalpable.
Fite firemen were thrown into a barn.
Ng eters at Montreal by ibe masonry on
which they were standing giving way.
Ali were reamed without serious Injury.
The Imperial blunted expreee, East
bound, wag wrecked near Oheplean, and
Mre. Ben Sloan, of Fielding, Seek„ was
killed and several ether paeeeugers injur-
A 0, P. R. frieght train eranbed into a
street oar at Oteawa, and the wreak of
the oar struck Augnet Wealth, who was
working below the eubaukment, killing
Jobe and Joeeph Dwyer, two brothers,
were eiltrd by a premature exploeiou of
dynamite on the National Trane000tin
entre Railway o0netruotion at Hawk,
East of Kenara.
Makes Life Miserable
Troubles That Keep Half The Bros.
sets Doctors Busy.
For the eake of your personal welfare,
jnet think a moment about the proton
of dieeeting food.
There are certain aeoretione called
gastric juices that tot npoo the food after
it ie swallowed end the change all the
nutrition in it into lite•giving blood.
Anything tbot interfere with the eeore
Mon of thee« juices canine Indigestion sod
makes 8 oitrmii0 trete of etomaoh week.
oath inevitable.
From now on build ap the strength
and health • f the etomeeb with Mi o 1,a.
tablele. You will Boon find yourself
strong and never know the meaning of
Half of the preeoriptione the Salmis
dootor° write are for troubles that regolt
directly from a weakened etomaoh.
Strenglhrn the stomach mosole, inoreaoe
the secretion of gastric knees, sed you
will find that ottoman efi3,attone—in-
digeeilon, with its beadeebre, tlrz2iaees,
depreee,on of .pirite, ,pate before the
eye., nervonete es, eleeplesenese and
general debility have been overcame.
It Mao ne dad not have en anunually
curative effect in etomaoh disorders, it
00019 not be Bold on the .guarantee to
refund the money ordain it does all that
ie Olalmed for it.
Mi 0-08 is sold by droggiete every-
where for 50 cents, and we positively
guarantee ,o reined your money should
you puraheee a box and be diseatiefibd
With rasa te. Write for free sample,
addressing Booth's Mi -o na, Box 977,
Buffalo, N. Y.
trema, Preve,itioe. Good for feverish
children. 48 Prevention 25 dente,
Trial Boxes 6 ale. Sold by ail dealers.
C E N T R nP L
of Toronto, has started thousands
of young men and women on the
easy •'ay to independence and the-
me. Let 0e give you the right
start. Write for Catalogue and
plan to epoud the next six menthe
avith 1,e. Eater any time. Address
W. H. SHAW, Principal
Yonge & Gerrard stn., Toronto
We have some dandy Cut-
ters at the Cober Carriage
Shop which you ought to
see if you think of investing
in one.
Repairing and re -painting done
on shortest notice.
Next door to Town Hall, Brussels
The Regular Monthly Horse Faire will
be held for the season 0e follows ;
FEB. 0th, 1008
MAR. 5th, 1908
APRIL 2nd, 1908
Leading Local and Outside
Buyers will be Present
=TIL =
Good heavy Tile of all sizes can
be had at the Heufryn Brick and
Tile yards at the following prices:
2 '
� inch ....$ 9 00 per thousand
B " .... 11 00 "
4 " .... 10 00 " "
5 .. 22 00 "
8 " .... BO 00 "
7 " .... 40 00 "
8 " .... 50 00 "
10 "....8000"
COMMENCING SATURDAY, JAN, 11119, for 30 days we will
offer for sale all Winter Goods at Greatl3 Reduced Prices
to make room: for Spring Goode.
We Draw Your `Attention
to the Following Prices
—A11 Wool Manitoba, Gtj pounds, regular $4.75, for $4.00,
—All Wool Blankets, 7 pounds, regular $5,26, for $4.50,
—Flannelette Blankets, 11/4, regular 91.25, for 91.10.
—Wra erette regular e earl
Oo and leo for Soper rd
pp g , r p yard.
Flannelette, regular 13a, for 12e.
—Flannelette, regular 12o, for 11e.
—Flannelette, regular 12o, for IOa
—Flannelette, regular llo, for 90,
—Flannelette, regular 10o, for 80,
—Leat 8eaeon's Prints, your choice for 8o per yard,
-Ladies' awe Children's Hose, reg. 26o for 20 and 50e for 40o.
—Men's S,.x, regular 85o, for 27o.
—Men's Sox, regular 800, for nor
—Men's Sox, regular 25o, for 20o.
—Mena, Ladies' and Ohildren's Underwear at Greatly Re-
duced Prices,
—genre and Boys' Heavy Rubbers reduced 150 and 26o per
—'.Bon's, Women's and Children's Plain Overs, reduced 10e
per pair.
—Oce nitwit Calf Coat with Black Dag Collar regular 980.00
for 924.00.
—Men's s regular ra 75o,r
Caps, re g for GOR.
--Men's Cape, regutar 50c for 40e.
—Men's Cape, regular 25o, for 20o.
—Horse Blankets at COST.
THURSDAY. JAN; 9, 1908'
1'ne libel obergee laid against the
editor of the Toronto Globe by Dr
Beattie Neebitt, were heard before Magic.
trate Dennison and the ease Wae sent toe.
higher Court, the editor giving $200 bail,
Net maob suapiolon evidently that he in•
sande clearing out, Dr, Nesbitt lead
better take hie medioine mud turn over a
new leaf. •
Tore is a Winter to Meg about. Mild,
good roads, freedom from blizzards or a
eorplea of BMW that we did net know
what to do with some year0, It to easy
on fuel and kidder acid we should be
grateful for it. True this aerie Of a
Winter may not be helpfal to the sale of
heavy clothing and varione other lithe of
goods but the Baine likely outweigh the
GREAT anxiety hoe been felt over the
long delay of the 0. P. R. eteamebip,
Mount Royal, which sailed from Ant
warp over a mouth ago for 80. debut.,
Oauade, with a large number of Tanen.
ger°. No word hae been beard of her up
to tbe time of writing this note and feare
are entertained that the ship is lost with
all heads. A search is to be made by
another eteemer Which will oarry wireless
telegraphic npperetnx.
Tam old time famous sootier, Edward
Haolan, of Toronto, who did so muob in
agaatio sport to advertise Canada, passed
away at hie home last week. He was a
wonderful oarsman and was credited
with being a Olean sport. The laurels be
won were his by merit and often against
strong eompetitore. With the champion•
ship of the world in his possession he
bad very little diffionity in getting his
hat to At his head, It's a pity it ie opt
so to•d0y.
Notlg.Troo for the Dominion bye
Bleotion will be held in South Huron on
Wednesday of next week and the Motion
a week later. The Liberal nominee will
be M. Y. MoLean, of Seafottb, sed the
Ooneervative standard bearer Henry
Horton, of Tookeremith, Although the
latter is a strong mai it is expeoted that
Mr. McLean wilt win. The 000test will
be very brier and in a measure the
oendidatee are unprepared for ib owing to
the demise of B.13. Gunn, M. P., after
vary brief idoses.
IT's about time that the Railwey Corm
mieeion'e attention wee palled in Bowe
decided manner to the senseless tax
placed upon the travelling public to large
gatherings by the railway aumpaniee
io levying 25e on each ticket bolder for
tbe so•oelled vieing of the oertitioate.
A representative of the railways will
vielt one of these gatherings, put his
little stamp on the said oertifleate, spend
perhaps an hour or no and take away
from $76.00 to $100.00 in hie pocket,
mousy he never earued. If the railway
ranee are not stiff euoogh for goodness
sake put them up bat wipe oat this
b i
peon yne badness of padding ng out re.
oeipte by the vising busineee. It eheaid
never have been permitted and the pub.
lie ebould rebel againet its imposition,
Perth County.
The editor of the Mitchell Advocate
oelebrated hie eixty eeventb brrtbday on
Tuesday December 31110.
Thoma, Ma0lookhn, a former ()leek
of T. 8 Ford Coat Ettore, now of Hum.
bolt, Man., ie vieitmg his mother, Mre.
T. Worden, dad other trattoria he Mitchell
and vmtuily.
J. and Mre. Newell, of Emmett, Mich.,
are (pending a weak with reletivee end
friends in Dublin and Ligan. Mre.
Newell was formerly Mie Mary Murray,
of ton. 14, Logau Townabip.
It ie the oilstone in the Damen of Hor•
on to giro the Christmas offertory to the
reepeottve olergymeu. Ie Trinity °butch
Mitohtll, one geub amen placed a $10 bill
on the plate and others a five, which
stows the reopen to winchah their pastor
Rev. 0. U. Porton is bell.
fp;Nlr, Herrin, of Toronto, gave one of hie
femme' reediuge et Diukeve' Ohtiettnae
Carole before a large audience in the l
baeemeub of Trinity church, Mitchell,
under the auspices of the Anglican Yoong )
People's Aesuoiation. This was one of
the grabd treate of the eeaeon, and the
music was furnished by the Mitchell
The eugar beet growers fn Mrtobei'
yioiuity ate a little put out over the
outcome of a stili money market, The
faotory in Berlin seamy handled ell the
beetle, but were thou unable 00 market
the eager: Thee the oompany are se
meant a little tied up for money, and
the growers are the weery Dues. The
latter however, may take sager for the
am0unte due them and over two oar
loads have already 00039 to town. Some
have as mach as a ton of sager on their
hands, whine they the bending over to
the nnerobante or anyone glee who will
An interesting ogee /tieing out of a
bora waren woe tried in the pollee
quart at Mitchell Saturday before Judge
Barron, of-. Stretford. Meoere, Jenne
Boyd ds Son, undertakere, had paid $180
for the horse which they' .had bought 1
from 13, Farrow, of Stratford, the de.
fondant iu the oath. The plaintiff
Maimed the horse wee not ae reprseented,
had disposed of the animal for $65, and
entered action to recover balance of $96,
After the examina0lole of ':e number of
Wi0neseee the ease whiehlatted ail day
wee finally handed to the jury, Who
after some dehbett tion,. yearned a vet.
diol to Boyd 16 Son of $76, Farrow t0
pay tlotte of 01311,
Albert Seeley, a Pattie obipper; was
fined for cruelty to cattle in a oar,
Alex. Omen, moored,impligated rn the
0, P. R elation rubbery at Wuodetoak,
was sentenced to Sive years in Kingetoa
CONBEifyaolyie GsunnoAT9.-^The exeon-
•tiee of South Huron 000.erv8tive A090.
0101100 met here Tbureday efterle0Ou and
vboee Seery hirci, of Tgokeremitb
township, to ooeeeno the bye-eleottou in
South Hubei, oeoeed by the repent death
of 13. 13 tenon, 1v1 P. Two names were
proposed, Air. Burton and John Me
Naogltou, of Smiley township. Both
were ooueldered ebrong oaud:dates, but in
the cud the elective of &Ir. Horton was
made nnaormuUe. I1, VIOW of the abort
rims remaining before the nomination°,
which take pleas 1,u Jeuoary 15th it was
pre utteaily heeded to diapause with 0
art oenyeutiuu, the feeling beteg that
the Coe ervntrvee 1,l the riding would
etaud etroag behind the ohoioe of the
exeontive. Iter H,+rtou lean ex president
of the South Hume Conservative Amman..
tion and ie alto au ex•reeve of Tucker.
smith township. Ile ie a euooeeatul far.
mer. The bye eleolto0 will take plain
on January 22nd, nnnieatioue takiug
place on January 15. Mr. Gttcu'e major.
ity iu the eleotion of 1904 was 111.
A tiokliug oonob, from , any cause, is
gaiekly stopped by Dr. Sboop'e Cough
(Jure. Aum it to so harmleee and safe
tbat Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere
to give it without hesitation even to very
yonng eabee, The wboleeoree green
leaves and tender stems nt et lnug•heat-
ing mounatu0de shrub, furuieh the
00001:ve properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough
Cure. It omen the cough, sun bee's the
sora and seueitive brunehiei membranes.
No option, 0o chloroform, uothtrlg harsh
need to iojnre or ruppreee. Simply a
09910008 pleat extreot, that helps to heat
aohiug lunge, Tbe Spaniards cell this
sham which the dootor nese "The Seared
Herb," Demend Dr. Shoop's, Take no
other. Bold by all dealers.
Re 1',c ave.
MATEI40ONrAL--Tbe home of Maoolm
and 01re. Wit eh, two miles South of Bel.
greys, was the moue of a very pretty
wedding en Tuesday, Dee, 24th, wheu
their oily deagbter, Mine Mary E., was
nutted le the holy bonds of matrimony
with John Stewart, of this place, Rev.
G. W. Rivers, B. A.., 33. D., performing
the 0eremony. Promptly at 12 0 01008,
0oou, the iridal couple, who were on.
attended, entered the parlor •to the
ermine of the wedding marot played by
the bride's aoaeie, Mies AfoOlintoe, of
Westfield. The bride was 9:080 away
by her father. After the oerem.ny and
aougratulatione, aboni 70 invited gneete,
mo" tly relatives 1,t the 0onerautiug
parties, Oat down to a aump8Uo0e wed
Mug dinner, to which ah did ample
joabioe. The afternoon wee epeut el
pleasant conversation, singing, oto.
About 480 the bride/ oonple, ao0ompeu•
ieet by a some of young people, left borne
to take the train at Blyth to speed the
hooeemuon at Georgetown and other
points. Tee malty useful and ooatly
presents brought by gueete testified the
esteem in which both bride and groom
are bald. The bappy °oaple have taken
up their reeiden08 in Beigrave. Their
many friends juin in wishing them a long
and pleasant voyage through life.
To improve 111 Temper
Relieve the pbyeioiao endearing of
corse. Qeiokly dune by the reliable
Putnam's Corn Extractor. Beware of
acid,—fleet eating enl,ebtntes and theist
on "Patuam'e ; " it's the one sure and
painleee mire.
Dr. W. J. Milne preeented Wingbam
oe Stat with v
b p vihanl0 andaahair.
Tbe meeting of Morrie restrict L. 0.
L. will be held in the Orange Hall here
on Jen. 14th.
Owing to poor bealth Frank Metoelt, a
well-known bueieeee mac, proposed to
sell out.
After a tapes of two menthe Myth
Pobha Library ie muse more opened to
the residing publio, The Library le still
in the old stand and will be • render the
direction of G. M, Ohember, & Oo, It
will be open every day, Saturday Mined.
ed, fur the changing of Cooke.
Following are the uffieeere installed at
the last meeting of the Blyth Lodge A.
F. & A. Y1.:•—Wm Watson, J. P. M, ;
R Vuet, W. M. ; Dr. Hamilton, S. W. ;
R. Brow», J. W.; G. Juhnetou, 8. D. ;
W. J. Parka, J. D. ; W. Beeoom, I G. ;
B. 11. Galley, Cbap,; Dr. Long, Steward ;
W. Brown, Tyler J. G. Bmigb, TEEMS.;
J. M. Hamilton, 8eo.
Monday evening a large number of the
young people of Trinity church who had
previ00017 organized a eurpriee party,
dropped into the Reotory. Tbey bad
008C '
a rivedmary minutes when the
objeot of their visit beoame apparent and
Stapley Boohanen stepped bo the front
and read au ieddreee while Leon Scott
preeented Mos, Henley with a beautiful
sliver baker.
John Ball, of Fort William, woo epoud•
the bolideye with bre mother and etstere.
Mise Della Graoey, teaoher in the
Tileonbug Business Oohege, wag visiting
With her parents for the holidays,
There is an apidemio of meeting in
W inkiness at Patient, 8taroely a hoose
i0 which there are children, is free from
the dinette.
In speaking of the changes that take
plane in a few year., Rev, D. Perris, in
the oonree of hie sensual on Sunday said
that upwards of 100 members of the
Presbyterian oongregerion had peened to
the great beyond during his paet0rete of
some fonrteeO years.
Mies Mattieler, n
' w sister of
B. Towler and Mrs. Reit. Molgdop, of
Los Angeles, Cele died on the 14111 alt.
Dammed wee for many years a reeid,nt
of Winghorn, having lived here with Dr.
and Mfrs Towler nate their remova! to
to the Booth a few yeare ago.
At the regular meeting of Conti Mai!.
/anti, Oanadian Order Fore8ter8, the
following umoere were emoted for 19081
0, R., 61, Beckwith ; V. 0. R.,11. Thorn.
tan; Trete„ W. J, Noir, Ftn. Beoy., H.
B. Elite t ; Rao. 8eoy., S. A Maguire ;
Chap., Rev, 11, Wear Allen ; Auditors,
N' G. Sperling and W .1, Greer ; 8 W„
J, R, Finlay ; J. W., ala., Hamilton 1 S.
B., Jes. el. Wild ; J. B , 11. S. Reclaims f
Trustees ---Alex, Roily, W. 0, Gray and
Our Clubbing List
T8a POST hoe .made arraogemeute to club
with all of the leading Weeklies and
Dailies and other Jonruels of
every description,
Tiro Pose and the following flame1 pap -
ere with be sent from now until Deo,
51, 1908, for the pride of cue
year's SUbeeriptlou, viz, :
Poor and Toronto Globe 91 86
Maitand Empire,.,,,,., 1 BJ
" " Loadou Adver1laer 1 00
' Loudon Free Peens 1 80
" Herald & Star,1 80
e Montreal Wituene 1 80
' Weekly dui 1 80
" Farmers' Advocate 2 55
POST end Toronto Star 92 35
" " Toronto Nowa 2 55
" " Toroo0o Globe 4 50
" " Toronto Mail -Empire 4 50
" " 'l'orouto World 8 00
" " Loudon Advertiser 2 85
When Premiums are given with any
of the above earned publioetlone you se-
cure them through the club svith 'Tan
Gall at the office or remit the amount
by P. 0. Order, Express Order or Reg-
istered letter, addreesiug
Breasts, Out.
Before leaving the •vow school in
Belgrave, where he has been teaching
only since the new section was formed
iu February, the pupils presented their
teacher, A. A, Naylor, with a silk
umbrella, with gold-plated trimmings
and a collar button set with astone, on
the last day of school for the past
year. The address was read by Miss
Edna Scandrett, at the close ok a start
program given by the pupils in the
presence of the people of the section
who had been invited, and the preeea•
talion made by Miss Laura Clark. Oslo.
Naylor, who loaves to take a course
in Telegraphy and Railroading at ',Lor•
onto, although overcome with surprise,
madea suitable reply.
The mutual school meeting of Union
S. S. No. 17 was held in the school
house on Lec. 26th, T. S. Brandon
was called to the chair and John
Wigheenan was appointed Secretary.
The ratepayers expressed themselves
as well pleased with the Trustees re-
port of the year's work. The school
building cost $2,loo ; furniture and
equipments $3o0 ; grounds, well, etc,,
$30o. The number of scholars on the
roll was 55 with an average attendance
for the year of 37. The Trustees were
instructed to purchase a good bell and
have it placed in position in the belfry.
Tenacious Forms of dyetematte Catarrh
Nut e1 eosy thing to cure, seri a rem-
edy rhes magna good deservesthe credit.
Oatarrhozoue oared Chu. H. Webb, of
Woodetoole, N. Be who writee 3—"For a
umber of emirs I Wae troubled with
eyetematlo catarrh• It was a teet e:me
form of the dieea,e and nothing helped.
I need Oatarrhozooe and got relief. To
build 0p my system I used Ferrozone.
This combination can't be beaten. They
oared me." Your ease may be chrome
but oatsrrbozone will drive out catarrh
and keep it Out. Two sizes, 25o and
91.00 at all dealers. Bold under guarantee
of satiefaetiou,
Jae. Pringle, of Stratford, spent the
week with Maude iu town.
J. H Reid attended the funeral of the
late Mr. Meoroe, of Auburn, Friday
W. K. Pearce
manager of the Derain.ion Bank, Pearce,
ie renewing
aegualntauoes about town.
A. M. Woodley and J. J. PerOeh lett
for their sohoole, the former to Bark's
Falls end tbe latter to Loring, New
The death marred in Ilgmondville on
(friday afternoon of Mre. Margaret
Campbell, relict of the late William Al'
Ian. Demeaned had bad remarkably good
health and had reached the great age of
84 years and 5 menthe, The funeral
took place from her twee home Saturday
afternoon et 8 o'oluck to the plain of en•
tefinent fu the Egmoodvil,e cemetery.
flow Hyonlel floes its Work in
Goring' Oatetrrh.
Neture'e remedy for catarrhal troubles
le the oils and Weems found in Ryomei,
It is a spe0150, not a cure all. It hae
but anem teat , oo he r
t o1, a o[ catarrh,
The natural way of oaring a d18e09 is
always the Montilla way and the eaten.
tato weer of oaring catarrh ie the eimple
way, with Ryemei.
(Werth re a germ disease and can be
cured only by using Hymnal, the treat•
mens that reecho and destroys all
oetarrhal Wine.
Breathed through tbe neat pooket in
haler that comes with every outfit
Hyomei'e medication reaches the most
remote air cells of the nose, throat and
lunge, 'going after the dieraee germs
wherever present, deetroyiag them and
preventing their growth, thee making
001807bal broob,ea impoeoible.
There is no dangerous etomaoh dosing
When Hyomei ie seed. It t0 solely a0
iubaiation treatment, prepared to kill the
catarrhal germs.
We positively guarantee Hyoneei, for
ehoold you buy a complete antffa, pride
$1.00, and be dieeatla ted with results
your money will be eafunded. riyomei
is sold by droggiete everywhere, Write
for ltteratare, Bootle Hyomei Co,,
Buffalo, N, Y.
The Manitoba Legislature was *pelted
An unknown man oommitted 8010118
at Montreal by shooting himself on oho
George Rally Wet killed in the Teethe.
wey mine at. Cobalt by a baokeb dropping
down the ghat,
William Bell, a 70nu9 Tngllahmen of
Aldboro'110wa911194 was kinked by a horse
a few days ago and died Thareday.
:Engineer John ,t Walker Wan killed
Mid J, Ma0re.y, brakehdauq,. bad his leg
torn Off in a *oIltelon at Iii bb
I Please do not ase( for Credit on. these Goode as the above are
Strictly Cash Prices.
Trade taken as Cash.
Anyone building will find it to their ad-
vantage to see the Henfryn Brick. This
is the beet standing red briok in the 001.10-
try—does not fade but gate brighter,
Prioee right. •
s, S. COLE.
19-8 ETHEL.
Foreman in the yard, Henfryn.
Machines may be seen at
MorCAY do SHAW'S Hardware
Store, Brussels:
Easy payment system may
be arranged for.
I also handle the Nordheim-
er Piano.
Farmers or Storekeepers
by Doming to the
Brussels Sale Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
rdon Mooney
D. Ma DonalProprietor • iJoremalGolt - Brussels.
Lot 16, Coo. 10, Grey, aeebaluiug 109
as roe Apply to wet. WOOI)B,Maub:out
P.0, - 9l•t!
U9L .118I,1O8rr1''09:1111114;L7,1101,."(1)?" OAY
1utl.4 10•11
)r GOUT) J,,
.t. tl thuds Writes for axle all 0att3poaod
t1 tw with lamb, tibio, M0130NALIy, Let
17, Cop, 1, Corey, We'oaober P, 0, Matt
oomlortaule bonne or Princess 810eet
will, 91able autl ail 98,0e'itne89. .1001 far'
1116r Barlleularo apply to SVM, 001CN101',
0. P. a. Agent, Wleguam, 21.01
Sleek and white in color. Auy in-
t.,re,ablOn leetll09 00 hie re885879 wit be
thankfully received, ALLAN LAMONT,
Lot 0, won. ?, Grey, or llruoaals P.O.
(tv,10 collar, 90ed8110d and good well)
and lot fur sale i1, the village of tttuoi. Poe.
session could be alvei ler Peuruury. Per
rurtuer particulars us to pllue, tonne, &o„
apply to MRS, JOU, SLN.d8UON, e4-3_
laud for sale, Com(ortaute dwelt.
ink; bard and soft water under cover i ap-
ple, plum ..Ott cherry treed, &0. P0eeeeelua
00,11 be given at hues. P00 prize, turma, Oe.
0811 at NUE 1'OsT,
bur 8ai8�aluart 817880, oumtut•cuble
home i1, good repair. Small. stable, Ruud
furtlierparti ware 891,17 0n Met prum1000
to S. (RCA t01011U, Brussels. 4001
A7 preemies 01 tau umereigued, 1,ot 14,
1„uu 10, direy. They are all ewes, Owner
is requested to p"oVe property, pay 92p911 -
bee and Mho them away. JAMNS
raubra P. 0. 28.40
Ir, enter,. lel-part of Smith dlouk.
ges86 laet; cud door from Annum au Hotel;
1a40L) 0413d an tattering aim gems' runtish!
rig sstablienmuut. lr'ur turcuer particulars
apply cc, b10 eielf1LVNY, Simmers,
t.,IT19AYED 212055 THE PREM -
1•. 5°11.901 Gnu undera1,10 1, 1,t 19, Oen. 6,
Grey, on or about Nov.let, 0 ranee. Two of
Diem are yearlings 0.10 Wank laces and
Only nae of tun let had u lung ca,l. Uue of
their 8100 had au ear ill. Any 4ut0rmutloa
oouoorulug same 17111 be tuauelnhy eeeely
ed uytOUh J3. LUWl0, drumele Y. V, SIM
FUR 88I,9.• -1W0 01111810 are Haled 2
Yvan' and Curve rising 1 }oar u1u• 'Pwo (a
MI aim a gelding) are bre., by Soya/ Park ;
a Oily and gelding 1,y tiautlaud'e liupo, aid
a Inky by nurser. A piny 0d 1d L.,: B0, 000.
4, dlorrts, t0 ALE$, AIOLAUvKL1N, pro•
prietm, or 1811288018 P. O, 17.10
K. O.
T. M.
Stomas Tout el the luaoeabees, N0. 24
hold their regular meetings m nue Lodge
10.,803, hanker 131ooa, on the 1st and 8rd
1ueaday evenings of 08011 mouth.
A, SO nSdtS,tom Ubiu. Ya 4, MOIIWIOE, 10.1X.
Annual. Meeting.
Meat Minim Agricultural Society.
Tue animal meeting at the East Huron
A'1'uWu 08a11, Brussels, on Wedu eddyheld , the l5tn,1008, at 1 o'clock p, m. Bmaltose of
theieeellug—IOee0ivlug We Amnia( State.
motet aud Aur111ore' Seport, -appointing 019.
center the year 1808, Ie.
JAS, SPEIR, Preeideet,
W. K, NESS, 980081007,
Ibave bean appointed by the Dominion
Government to place immigraate freer the
Dui ted I ingtiom in positions as farm lab-
person tequlnug stun helptshouldlno0l-
fy me by letter ousting fully nue loud of help
required, when wanted and wages offered,
The unmbore arriving may 001 be ouflloieub
to supply all requosts but ovary effort will
be rdade-to provide eao0 applrliaaut with
help required, Le. 8. 111 09T,
oatadtan Goyerument Employmout Agent
-1y Brussels P, U.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY avec numbered section of Damialou
Lauda In Manitoba, Suskntahawau mud
Alberta, rimming 8 and 20, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by anyBrent who is
the sole bead of a tame Y, or any male 0980
58 years of age, to the extent of oue.quOrter
section of 100mares more or les
local laud Marefor theba Made tri0personally at the
0 which
the laud is ei tuate.
The bomeeteader 1s reunited to perform
the eoeditousnouueetod therewith under
cue of the iollotying plane
aid) At
we 11 f the laud resubmits,81 ar for
throe prate,
(2) If the fatherer.mother, if the fa) her
le deceased). of the humueteader realties
enteredft r the the
astto reel
deuce way he saddled by such person re-
siding with the latter or mother.
On if the settler lean Ms permanent rea-
dout* upon rarmL,g land owned by bins
in 1110 vtoh:iby of boa bawe0tead, the re-
liedbynreeideuooupuadtlteeo;,( laeU, sable.
Slsmoutks'nation i1, writing ,.hould be
ulteitler lhlouLue aOttawa of Commissioner
to apply sokpatant,
Deputy of the Iellu(etor of Interior.
N, B. tfuhutheutead pablivaboh of Gals ad-
vertl8emee0 will nut CO paid tor,
Reduced Iglu III" now ire Zffect
4rampinn ,,, 81 Slit,
teem 11 ,flu,, 81 Slit, Tib, t
( orsm Pet Jail 17 liat.J,4n 38
Prl, Jab. 23 Sat, Jau, 05
Prom—Portland Tibetan
(lo11111111..................."",, Jan. 25
Prot-0,010uIreb. 1
810111km ,....................,•, Iaob 22 t'ob,1fi
Vor eleltinge, Beta and tt111information
apply to
57 11, lttialt.
Agent Allan Lino, Itr1eoo10,