The Brussels Post, 1908-1-9, Page 1V(a:. i. 6. No. 27 14 5 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9. 1908 ESY THAT YOU WANT is made out of good material and put together in a good durable and workmaulikc manner. This is what We offer you. They tine all our own make and combine the experience of over 80 years in building Harness and cut- ting leather. Wo now offs+r them at the f hllowing prices to cash customers -Team harness all oomplete, iron diad homes, regular price with hip !traps and baulrhauds regu•er $35.00, reduced to $32,00. -Single Barnette, rt g rlar prioo $18.00, reduced to 811.00. -We have Single Harness up to $45.00, if you want something fine, BLANKETS, ROBES. &C. -Slagle Unlined Blankets. cut, eliaped and strapped, regular per pair $1.25, reduc- ed to $L00 per pair. -Heavy Single Bliu,ltet, regular pride $1.00, reduced to $1,20 per pair. -Ihitoh Ker-ey Blankets with aurl'ingle, regu ILr 43.50, reduced to $3,00 per pair. -Large size Rubes, regular $9 00, reduced to $8.25. -Wool and Plush Ruga reduced iu price. -Trunita and datuhrls, large stook, lowest prioee. See our Rawhide Whips at 855. t 'Agent for Columbian Stook and Poultry Foods. C. cerhaealliaareeasWrevasceta chards 4111011,, .1=1.11M.1,111111.111.111100111•0110.111•1•11.101M1k New Advertisements. Card -Robert Graham, Harness 1, C. Richards. Wanted to rent -THE POFT. A good tonic -F, R. Smith, Girl wanted -MIs. A, .H Lofft, Hair dressing -Mrs. R, Hingston, Barred Rocks for sale -Alf, Beaker. Winter goods sale -E. C, Danford & Son. fhztrivt th , BLUEVALE Sunday Jan. Nth will bo Missionary day on the Bluevale Circuit Rev, D. Rogers, of Seaforth, will preach at all the appointments, WROXETER j, R. *endt spent Sunday at his home in Mildmay. C. O. Stuart returned to Wood- bridge on Tuesday. W. R. and Mrs: Jex returned from Listowel on Monday. Miss E C Lawrie is spending a week with friends near Fordwicb, Miss May Harris, of Saskatoon, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs, George Harris, S. Rasmussen, who has spent several weeks here with his family, returned to New York last week. Oswin Smith has returned from Radisson, .Sank., for a mouth's visit with his mother, Mrs. 0. Smith. Rev. Mr, Wishart, of Brussels, gave addresses on Local Option in the Pres- byterian church Sunday morning and Methodist church Sunday evening. SALE In going through our stock we find we have ton many Winter Suits and Overcoats on hand fur this time of the year. • We are placing on sale on FRIDAY, JANUARY 10TH 1 10 U1Vlr 5 All aizes 84 to 42 ''These Snits are well made and Trim coed and good Fitters. $12.00 :J. uits for $9.00 10.00 Suits for 7.50 9.00 Suits for 6.75 8..00 Suits for 6.00 4 60 MFI'S OVECOATS All sizes 84 to 42. We have thein in 44, 47 and 60 inch lengths. These Coats are the products of the i.Iowudes Co., Toronto, and Gnppley Noyes & Handal,, H"milton, and cannot be equalled for fit or workm tuehip in Canada. Regular $22 00 Overcoats on " 20 00 it 16 00 16 00 i° 1200 64 10 00 t° ri CC ii Sale at $18 00 " 16 00 •' 1300 ii 11 00 9 00 7 60 ,1 it We have 19 Fur Coats lett that will be cleared out at Cost. Come early and get ,your Choice as every artiolo ttdver- t`aed is Bargain. a 1 TERMS STRICTLY CASH AT SALE PRICES UNFORD & SON Clothiers arid Furnkhers Graham Block Brussels atesaamantelaatialseiBlellissaa J. W. Sanderson returned to Toron- to on Monday, Gavin Davidson, who has spent the last year in Regina, is home for the Winter. W. M. Robinson, who is going out of business, is having a clearing sale of his general stock, Herman Morrison left for Pine River last week where he will have charge of a station on the C, P. R. Chester Smith returned to Colpoy's Bay on Monday after spending several days with his parents, John and Mrs. Smith. ORANBROOK Miss Calder has returned to Toronto. We congratulate Adam McKay on his election to Seaforth Council, Rev. R. F. Cameron, of Georgetown spent a few days visiting his parents stere. The new school teacher, H. D. Ainley is settled down to work. We wish him success. Russell Hayes, of Londou, was a visitor with Misses Margaret and Mina Fox, during the past week. Mr. Duncanson, of K'iox College, is spending a few days under the parent- al roof, He occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church Sunday morning and addressed the Endeavor in the evening, ETHEL Miss Ida Cole returned to the Ladies' College, St. Thomas, on Tuesday. She will graduate next lune. Last Sunday Mr. Duncanson, student of Knox College, took the ser- vice in the Presbyterian church. Rev Mr. Henderson will deal with the missionary problem at the Metho- dist church next Sabbath evening. Ethel Epworth League has been in- vited to visit Roe's Epworth League next Tuesday evening and take charge of the program. A good time is ex pected. William McInnes is home from Mile- stone, Sask., for a short stay and also W. F. Laing from Waskada, Man. They think well of the West and will return about Spring time, Rev. Mr: Fee and wife are visiting relatives in this locality. Mrs. Fee is a sister to Mrs. Robt. Lang and John and David Dunbar. The visitors spent 20 years in the West, At the regular monthly meeting of the Women's MissionarylSociety, held at David Dunbar's on Tuesday, a very interesting address on Indian Mission work in the West was given by Mrs. (Rev.) Fee. It was greatly enjoyed by the ladies. Rev. Thomas Wilson will deliver an illustrated lecture in the Pownsbip Hall here on Tuesday evening next, 14th inst. under the auspices of Y. P. S. C. E. of the Presbyterian church. The subject will be "India and the Sadie Famine." The annual oyster supper of the Ethel Women's Institute will be given on Thursday, Jan. tbth, in Gibson's Hall. The prospects are that the pro- gram will be very interesting. All the members are expected to conttib ute to the supper. UNDERTAKING. -Prompt and care- ful attention given to all orders for Undertaking. Our telephone No, is 28a and a call will have our im- mediate response. Our prices are reasonable and satisfaction always as- sured. Special attention paid to cavity and arterial embalming fon which we hold diplomas. LEA'1•HERDALE.& SON. WALTON Jonathan Moore, of Guelph, is here ou a business trip. Rumor has it that he has disposed of his farm lot here. W. J. Smith, who has been visiting his father, for the past three weeks, re- turned to his home at Fielding, Sask., un Monday last. Enoch Clark and family have moved into the village, Mr. Clark having sold his farm to his brother Henry, and have taken the house formerly owned by Jonathan Moore. Miss Rose Simpson and. Miss. Grace Gardiner have gone to Guelph where they will take a course at the Mac. Donald Institute. We wish them e successful and enjoyable time, A Succnas.-The annual Tea -meet• ing held iu the Walton Methodist church on the evening of Jan, 1st„ was a decided success. The evening was beautiful the church was crowded to the doors and the order excellent. Program was of unusual merit and consisted of addresses by Rev, C. C. Kaiue, of Courtwrighf, wbo kindly filled. the vacancy which occurred by the absence of Rev, S. Aedersoti, Blyth. Rev. R. S. Baker, 8, A , of Ailsa Craig, who stave some excellent practical advice basing his remark on the greeting "A Happy New Year" and Rev. MacNab spuke;m his usual good form; The dialogue and tableaux by the local talent, consisting of Misses Fulton, Dennison, Driscgl, Barrows and Messrs. McNeil, Carter, Christo- pher and Hoy, were highly 'appr8ciat- ed. Miss Bella Haack, of Drayton, reader, was repeatedly encored, Her humorous selection, "The Bumper Degree" and her rendering of "'l'he Fatal New Year's Day" were the favorites, Master Jimmy Scott, of Roxboro' sang well, while the Tyndall, Bros., of Auburn, captured the mai, once by theird uets and solos and re- sponhded to repeated encores. Special thanks' is due Geo. Scott, wwho so ably counteracted the disappointment caus. ed by Mrs. (Rev.) Baker having con- tracted a very severe cold and abase- quently being unable to sin; • Thee mot7ning and oouclgding feature of the program was a tableaux by Miss Maude Morrison and the twin daughters ot Mr. add Mrs. Calder, Winthrop, The ladies deserve to be congratulated upon the refreshments which were an ex- eellemt preparadou for the musical and literary feast, The pastor, Rev. R. J. Currie, B. A., corcupted the chair at the request of the, League who had charge of the entertalumen t, Proceeds were over $50. A Happy and pros- perous New Year to the Epworth League. JAMESTOWN Walter Innes, of Moorefield, was a welcome caller on old friends here last week. Will Burke, of Hensel,, was a New Year's caller at his home East of James. town. He appears to be well pleased with Hensall. A mid Winter clearing sale is being conducted by our merchant, D, Mc- Donald, to reduce Winter stock and make room for Spring goods. His advertisement in another column should be read by bargain hunters, M' K1 LLOP Will, Stafford has been home fora short stay from St. Mary's, ' Alex. Minnis was the guest of John Stafford over the New Year, Miss Mabel Stafford has recovered front her late illness we are pleased to state. Mrs. John Dundas has returned. after her visit with her daughter, Mrs, (Rev.) McLean, Toronto. MATRIMONIAL -On the evening of Wednesday January 8th at 6 o'clock the home of Samuet Stitt was the scene of a very pretty wedding when his youngest daughter, Miss Florence A. was united in marriage to Emmerson` J. Fulton, of Walton. Theypurpose leaving in a few weeks tor California where they will reside Rev, R. T. Currie, B. A. was officiating clergy- man. MORRIS W.. H. and Mrs. Stewart, of Bowling Green, were visiting the former's sis tern, Mrs. M. Watson and Mrs, Jas. Clark, of Sunshine. Friday evening of last week au en- joyable time was spent at the home of Jas. Russell, 5th line, by a large com- pany of young people. Francis Beirnes, of Henfryn. has been moving some of his effects to the Hunter farm, 7th line, which he has leased for a five year term. He got about 7o acres plowed ready for Spring Work. The family will move there in March. HYMENEAL. -A quiet wedding took place near Sinitaluta, Sask., on Dec. rah, when Miss Lizzie Bielby, daugh- ter of Thos. and Mrs. Bielby, of the 8th line, became the bride of Fred. Clark, a prosperous young farmer of that vicinity, The ceremony was performed at 5 o'clock at the home of her brother, Richard, in the presence of immediate friends and relatives. They will live oil the groom's fine farm, "Maple View," on the outskirts of the village. Many good wishes from old friends here are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Clark. PASSED AWAY. -Last Monday even- ing at 5 o'clock, John Forrest an old resident of the and line, crossed over to the great majority, passing away at the home of Chas. B. Forrest, his nephew, with whom he had lived for many years. Three weeks prior to his demise he had a stroke of paralysis while visiting at his sister in law's, Mrs. Alex Forrest, 1st line, He ral- lied somewhat after it but Sunday afternoon lapsed into unconsciousness and passed away as stated. De- ceased was born in the parish of Blan tyre, Lanarkshire. Scotland, and came to Canada in 1855. He took up,a too acre' farm, lot 27, con. 2, Morrs, and resided in the township for a number of years going from here to Algoma in 1854. In that Northern cbuutry be was actively employed in the construction of roads and other public works and was noted for his industry and integrity. Mr. Forrest was in his 77th year ; was a Presby. terian in religion and a Liberal in poli- ties. He was a hearty. jolly man, well read and a general favorite in the cornmunity. Although well advanced in life he adhered to his practice of making nearlyl histis to adjacent maal r localities on foot, His brothers, James, Charles and Alex. all prede- ceased hon.l3The funeral took place Thursday afternoon to Brussels ceme- tery. Rev. Geo. Baker. of Bluevale, conducting the service. Mrs. Chas. Forrest, of Birch,Run, Michigan, a sister in-law, was here for the funeral' GOLDEN WEDDING. -Tuesday of last week an event ot more than ordinary interest was on the program at" the comfortable and commodious Home of John Roe. 2nd line, vii the celebration of the 5otb anniversary of this well known and worthy couple, Some 5o guests assembled among them all the members of Mit Roe's family, several of them corning long distances to be present at this unusual and always happy anniversary. Valuable and well chosen gifts of diamond, gold and other ^valuables were presented to the principals with expressions of love anti good wishes characteristic of the affection and esteem of the donators. A bountiful supper was served "which was' heartily enjoyed, During the evening there was a short' program of music and speech making, Rev. Mr. Batter, of Bluevale, voicing the senti- ments of the guests in. his cantgrat- ulatinns to the host and hostess and tine 1 fort come. good wtslas the years o m ir, and Mrs. Roe werborn in the Emerald Isle, the former in the Co, Kildare and the latter in the Cu. of Fermanagh and were married at Newbridge Perth Co. They are old residents of the end Hue where their industry and thrift have been rewarded and both are enjoying good health and the comforts of a fine home surrounded by a wide circle of Heide. Mr, ,toe is '1 years of age and his partner has attained to 6q. The children are Mrs. John Patterson, of Clay Centro, Kan - W H, KER.R., Prop sus, who was accompanied by her bus - bead, daughter (Mrs, A. Ross) and her little daughter ; Mrs, David McCutch eon, 6th line Morris ; Mrs. Thos. Scott and line, Morris ; Mrs, Jas, Jackson, 'I'eeswater ; Mrs. Fred. Taylor, Gorrie ; Drs. W, J. and J, W. R., 01 Philadel- phia ; and Miss Martha, at .home, Three children died in infancy, After enjoying a very happy time the guests departed to their several homes wish- ing Mr, and Mrs, Roe good health and long life so as to be able to join them to the celebration of their diamond jubilee 25 years hence, Tax POST joins in the •congratulations over the auspicious event that so few are per- mitted to see. GREY Ernest. Rozell paid a short visit to Guelph. Additional Grey township news may be read on page s of this issue. The statutory meeting of 1go8 Coun- cil will be held at Ethel next Monday. Arch, Livingstone is here on a visit from Dubuc, Sask., and will return uext March. Missionary sermons will be preached by the pastor at Roe's and Union churches next Sunday. Miss Jennie, daughter of Wm. Arm- strong, has taken a school for tea near Simcoe. Norfolk Co. She left on Saturday. We wish her success. Measles have been pestering a num- ber of families. There were 6 cases of it in the family of James Armstrong. loth con.. All are doing nicely we are pleastd to state. Rev. R. Pearson, of Calgary, preached at Roe's church on Sabbath morning. His many friends were glad to hear him again, He left for the West on Monday but did not take the wife with him this time as hinted in THE Pos' be was likely to do. Taxes were well cleaned up in Grey this year. Last Saturday Tax Collec- tors Bishop and McNab had only one taxpayer each tosettle with to complete their rolls. On Dec t5th Mr. Bishop had his full amount except i$867.00 and Mr. MacNab had $zg5 out of the total on his roll. SUDDEN DEATH. -The sad news of the sudden demise of an old resident of this community, in the ,person of Duncan Livingstone, came with quite a shock. He had been assisting his son -in law, Alex. Yuill, 8th con., and was at work Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, when the unexpected call` came and be passed instantly away from the scenes of earth, aged 74 years r month and 22 days. Mr. Living- stone had been bothered with his heart for some time but no real danger was apprehended as he was about as usual. Deceased was born in Dunbig, near Oban, Argylesbire, Scotland. on Nov. t3tb, 1883, and moved to Morris town- ship with his parents, locating on lot 20, con. 5 in the year 1855. In 1869 he was united in marriage to Mary Mc- Vicar, who with 11 children, survive him, The members of the family at the funeral on Tuesday afternoon were Arch, of Dubuc, Sask ; Mr. and. Mrs. Hudson. Mr, and Mrs. Wheeler, John and Miss Margaret, of Detroit ; Miss Mary, of Toronto, and Mrs. Alex, Yuill, Neil, Misses Anna and Susan, of Smith, Nevada, and Mrs Smith, of Dubuc, Sask., were unable to get here. Rev. A, C. Wishart, B. A., conducted an appropriate service at the house and grave. The funeral was under the direction of Court Princess Alexan- dria, C. 0. F., Brussels, of which de. ce'ased was a member. Service at the cemetery_ was taken by Jas. Shurrie and W. H. Kerr. Pallbearers were john Mitchell, Jno, McDonald, Thos. Strachan, Allan Speir, Geo. Mc- Farlane and Alex. Stewart. Mr. Livingstone was a Liberal in politics and held adherence to the.Presbyterian church. In his demise another of the early settlers of Morris -has, been re- moved. Mr. Livingstone has a brother John, residing in Caro, Michi• gan, but was unable to atteud the fun- eral owing to illness. He is 4 years older than his now deceased brother. The two sisters (Mrs. Duncan and Archibald McDonald), Y onald formerly of Grey township, are deceased. HURON COUNTY RE -DISTRIBUTION.. The Wiegham Advance, whose editor is an officer of East Huron Conservative Aesooiation, gives out thefollowing uoeeja7 this week :-A number of our exchanges have outlined possible ebang- es du the complexion of the three Huron ridings, as at peanut constituted for the Ontario Legislature. The Advance has not, till now, given any outline, because 15 has nu authority to epeak onthe sub- jeot, nor do we now know what the in- tentions of the Government may be in the matter. I5 is said however, that Premier Whitney has expressed himself as op- posed to the division of municipalities, and at present two townships in Huron are divided via., Halle t and Goderiob (otownebir.badivi ded If maacmeniciebaupe.litigee wee arilel notbe t necessary. The following is one of the outlines suggested :- WEST HURON -Composed of Wing. ham, Turnberry, Howiok, Wroxeter, Brenta, Blyth, Morris, B , Y , Iilast and West Wawanoeh, mhd Ashfield, EAST HURON -Composed of the Town of Goderioh, Uolborue, Hallett, Grey, McKillop, Tuolteremith, Seaforth' and Clinton. SOUTH HURON-Usborno, Stephen, Hay, Stanley, Goderioh towaehip, Exeter, Heneall and Bayfield. Now, be it clearly understood that the Advance is not advocating thie division, nor do we know that it will be the one chosen, for we have no authority to speak on that line, The above is only ono of the several out- lines • ouggeeted. In its favor, ft is olaimed that the population, are near- ly equal. Also that politically it would not materially alter the noun- ' ty, The West riding would be good fighting ground ; the Beat would be Liberal RS it is at meant, and the South would be conservative as at present. However, other euggeetions may be (and have been) made, It is easy to draw plans, that may be oast into the waste -basket when those wbo -control the situation say of what municipalities the new ridings shall couaist. It is, however, too much to espied, that auy division can be made that will, be altogether satisfactory to all eon - earned. a' ELECTIONS, S MUNICIPA CTION , The result of last Monday's polling in the various muuioipalitiee in this 555110n was as follows :- BRUSSELS. For Reeve-- 1 2 3 alio. Leckie 46 57 89-111 8..T. Plum .,87 - 43 27-107 Majority for Leokie 64 Councillors were eieoted by materna - tion and are Messrs, Graham, Seeker, Jones and Lowry. WROXETER. Reeve -R. B. Harris by acclamation, Ooonnillora Allan Rae 80 Oon. Reis 79 John Daoglae 78 D. W. Rae 44 0. 0. Pope 40 First 4 are sleeted. For Local Option ......... 48 Against Local Option 63 HULLETT TWP. Reeve- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T. McMillan -73 80 53 71 38 49 89-400 W. Patteraon.54 58 27 58 38 44 57-336 Majority for McMillan 64 Councillors - J, Barr 33 78 35 67 34 48 45-535 13. Cburohili68 72 77 42 53 27 32-371 R. Olarke811 73 5 41 14 29 25-275 H. 15: 5341 51 76 24 67 40 51 65 374 J. Leiper ,..,6t 79 40 69 30 30 48-357 J. Tau,blyn37 61 13 67 21 62 52-308 Council -Reeve McMillan - Council - lora Hill, Churchill, Leiper and Barr. Local Option- For repeal43 82 58 5187 41 26-283 Against " ..85 102 17 76 35 52.69 -456 By -Law suetaiued by 138. MoHILLOP TWP. Reeve -J. M. Goveeloolt (acclamation.), Oouuoillors 1 2 3 4• H. Beuermann .. 34 81 86 62-263 James Cowan .... 84 128 80 63-350 `Phomas Murray.. 126 33 50 59-248 John McDowell .. 43 101, 43 43-285 F. J. MuQueid. .. 63 47 26 42-178 Alexauder Ross .. 55 100 68 '75-298 Council lyre-Beuerman u, Cowan, Mur- ray and Roes. The dent meutiened is a new man at the Board. EAST WAWAN.OSH. Reeve- 1 2 3 ' 4 Parks.. 67 90 46 36-239 Bilis 47 46 54 51-198 Majority for Parke 41 Councillors - Gillespie 60 92 69 81-302 Scott 57 " 97 57 45 256 Burobill 28 67 88 - 71 254 Comininge 89 82 82 37-240 Campbell..,,..., 79 61 25 52-197 Council will consist of Reeve Parka and Couneillora Gillespie, Scott, Burchill and Cummings. KINOAADINE.-'Phe, By-law to grant 38.60'0 for improvement to the Central School was carried, . Llsxowns-A by-law to exempt the local foaudry was earned. EIMTEa,-The evaporator by-law was deteated and a by-law to keep cows off the set eats was carried, TEEawATEE.-The Carnegie Library by- law wan defeated by 88 votes. SEarunrm.-Mayor- Thos. E. Hays. Reeve -Jas. Watson Councillors -D. J. McCallum, Adam McKay, John Oluff, J. F Daly, J. O. Greig, W. E. Kerslake, WiNeaent-Mayor-William Holmes. Reeve -Dr. A. J. Irwin. ' Oouneillora- David Bell, Thos. Gregory. Geo. Spotton, David McDonald, Wm. Nioholson, Geo.. Hanna. Ba'rrrsi.D.-Reeve-Dr. Smith, Coun- oillors-0. Lindeay,S, Moore, J, Pollock, 0. Parker. Mnesta s.. -Reeve -J. Blower, Coun- oillors-T. Honey, John Avery, L, Vat•- oc, W. F. May, Dr. Hurlburt, T. Ford, all by acclamation. T,EswATEa.-Reeve- L. A. Brink. Councillors S. R. Brill, D. Ferguson, J. Lambertus, J. Mcii:ague. Exeaxu.-Beove- A. Q. Babier. Councillors -J. J. Knight, W. Johns, A. E. Fake and W. 3. Hemmen. School Trustees -R. E. Huston, P. Freyne and F. W. Ghanian. . Imoasow-Reeve-J. G. Anderson, Realm- tion,) Counriliors-J. G. Mur- dock, 141. Mitchell, D, 1T, Lawrence and D. 0. Taylor. Howrax.-Reove-T, G. Shearer, De- puty Reeve -Joseph Hainstock, Coun- cillors -- Downey, Underwood and Wfntera, MSaeo,-Reeve--J.'M. Young, "(aeo1.) Connoillora-J. 3, Branham, Thos. Man - demon W.(1 Dryden, deo W.G Fleming g 1dENeAti.--ReaYa�•C�.O.Petty, (loan• 0111018-A, Brandt, A, Soruton, J. Stew- art and J. shepherd. Lraxowau Mayer -Andrew Eoeroli, Reeve -3, A. Hafting (aenl.) Council. lore --A. St. G. Hetwldne, 0. A. Lee, J, H.Ma ersiJohn Watson, J. P Walter and W. Clmie. ..: Latest returns from local option 650- teete ebow that 81 muuioipaltties have parried the By-law, 25 lbws defeated it by Majority vote and in 24 other planta fail. are to eeonre the throe•fiftha vote reelilt. ed in the defeat of the b -lair. ii