HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-1-2, Page 8List
The Leading School n
Tile P081 halt mode errnIgoutente to olttb
// with ail of .t116 leadiug Weeklies and
Aailies and other Jout uols of
every description.
it l
By giving a better course of trnill•
Menials that elven by Buy Other 81m -
liar Methadon in untarbi, wa nave be-
come 0110 of the leading bundoess r`
training schools lu Cunuda Uur
goa4uat08 nre lu demand as 04000 us-
01e1au6e and Rosiness Soilage worth.
ern, Our Oversee being the bast, our yy�
graduateVenesead. Ii interested 10 1y
yotll• uwu welfare write now for our ry
oateluKue ; ft 18 free. We have three el
nep,.r;m8u0„ Uumm0r01al, Shorthand pt
Cie 101legrnptl8 4.i
inter aria °pima January 0th.
N LL1U11 & ,uoLauriL&N,
1001 u
or -
Mae in the Post Office, Ethel. 80.4
.Y.! 'lo prupdrod to give „aoo.ie ou plan,.
or stood urgau. Perms on u,plwatmu.
Puktul000 each 000—brussels, lleeiu0o00—
Lot8,Uou.10,tarey. Pupils may nave their
legions at their own homes O proton ed
Teacher of Piano or Organ
pile prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
tel ;
ug 2
0 (a
gent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
'.c'0 and Reold'euoo -
Rate of iutoreet Si rex cent per annum, first
B100101or 1,100Insurance Oo opuu-y
The Equity Fire 000200000 Oompauy
11 The
attended to promptly.
-""" Ulerb9th Dt,ti Nine. Court
• BBB, will doll for better prices, to
better men,in lase time and lees °bargee
than any oher Auctioneer in Neat Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
cats always be arranged at this ollloe or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Bales a001800ed' for
at the ulnae of. 'pint Rosa, Brueaelu. 228)
TUN Pon amd the following named pap.
ere .will be dont from now until Deo,
31, 1908, for tlleprioe of one
yeeree Oabsoriptlun, viz. :
Pose and Toronto Globo $1 85.
„ Mil 11.1011 Empire 1 05
1 London Advertiser 1 00
e Loudon free Prose 1 80.
„ n family Herald & Star... 1 80
" 1. Montreal Wilmees 1 be
11 " Weekly r,uu 1 80
11 " Farmers' Advocate - 2 86'
Pose and Potent° Star e2 85
" Toronto News 2 85
11 Toronto Glebe 4 60
" 11 Toronto Mail -Empire 4 50
Toronto World 8 00
" " Loud,u Advertiser 2 85
When Proriiiume are givou with any
of the above mimed publioatioue you se-
cure them through the club with Tem
Callat the tffioe or remit the am01111t
by P. 0. Circler, 1}xpreos Order or Reg -
idea ed letter, addreesutg
Brussels, _sot.
111 • Honor 00104110.o of the Ontario Vet-
er;nary 00110ge, 10 prepared to treat all die -
eases 01 domeetl80.ted animals ,n a compet-
ent manner. pa0tluular attention paid to
Veterluary 1)050,8046 and Milt .0008x. Oalle
promptly attended to. UOfoe and Infirmary
—Four doors North of bridge, 1'urnberry et.,
Br,00018.' 'Phone 117 k
i5:l'a:trui tt.C.t>;lS,
VV 80 1 8..018
Miee Gallie Berry lett Wednesday of
last week for Cypress Rover, Mamtube.
lbiite Minnie, Atkinson, of Seatur0h,
wag a visitor at B. LI. Forguoou'a tor a
few days lamb week.
Quite a number of doge in Walton and
vicinity bavo gone 00 doddom via poieou,
Several were quite valuable..
Christmas wee quiet y observed in our
village and moat of the blueness plane,
were dosed. Services were held iu St
George's church Xmae eve.
Miee Margaret McDonald, of Toronto ;
Jnn. Gardiner, Robt. Duncanson, of
Knox Oohege, Toronto, and Frank Mo -
Gavin, of Winnipeg, have beau .epending
their handaye uudor the parental rode.
We are always glad t0 see them.
'.081• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, BM.
Suesesaor to O. F. Blair. Canoe over Stan-
dard 0uuk, Brussels. 8oliolto14 for Metro-
politan B mak.
V Y a Butxloter, eultoitor, 00nveyaneer,
Notary l'ublfo, Ito. 0i00e—Stewart's Block
l door North el: neutral Hotel.
Bolloitor'for the Standard Bank,
' ptOUDF00'1, HAYS & BLAIR-
•,, 1 1„tii8)NOTAIOUNS
ti Ait1El80U1t8, St 130 0
I'f1SLIJ, k]'1'0.'
W, Paomuro00, K.0, 1t, 0. 15820
Utfioes—''hose form0017000upled by Messrs
Cameron do holt,
setegte rr,t1.
Through the ,xploeioo of a cap of doe.
oil, aomdeutly .est on the top of ter
kitobeu range, Mrs. John Y0om01e, of
Bottom, Mau., died Saturday morning
after suffering intense pain, Mre. Yro
round had started afi,e in the kitehe..
range, and left the cup of opal oil upoh
the stove. The (mai oil explodtd, cover
ins her in a sheet of ilame. Before sh,
oonld give the alarm ohs was teartnll)
burned. Mr. and Mre. Yeumuoe ware
very prpular amoue the - young peony
at Medora, mad bed been married barmy
a year. Mre Yeomans W484 formerly
Urea TAlem'n MaKay,,end. am&Hoye- Sea.
forth, Out. •
Oreduato of the Royal college of Dental
Bargeone of Uutarlo and Filet -chem Honor
Graduate of Toronto Uuivereit9. Olfoe
next t4 Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
"Business Knowledge" n
2 and "Everlasting Push" g
aro two 8000/181410 to Pf
eu00080. Attend b9
�yMe aro cion to our stud- I
pugltione oathand prepare tar firet•ohtee business .fl
,D th
ncute. Bttud,ede of our etudeute are
going irate good y001011000 every year,
1,00 us train ylou ror. cub. Wo will 11e
it right. WVlnter IOW'nl 04)0480 J
itry 410)1.. sella Jot catalogue ata .,0c
wlte,0,1, we imee1 0r110ary Buxintieli �.
U011oges, W .1, Nlih4UT'L', Prinelpal
tJ Losaie0,, 01 rtllego—
'0,1) arra. 3("N018 Ann 11111ttimn0R STS �1y,
t.4., ==s,t0 ri , 014 to r ltw
Wm, Btothers in Wiseonein. Be was
married to Martha Bellows,k
denhrer et
the late James Bal owe, of (lolbnrpd
Township, and his widow and is Mosby
of four Boos Bbd ter00 danehtere enrvl0e.
The ohlldren ere Wm 81111 Robert, of the
Lake road, Oolborne ; A xonder, on the
homestead I Time., at Dauphin, Man, 1
Wm Hawltina
1 Sheppardton ;
Mre, Rome, of Toronto, and Mre. O. H
Green, of (#oderieb, Capt. Bogle was ie
hie eev900y fourth year.
7.e10 Te1110 Bldhte lip
Malty rrlediontea st,rnulate, break down
101105 you worse then ever. Ferrozone le
dlffsrend—it'd a blood former, a nerve
treng'hener, a body Weider. Palo
anerinie girs'are given odor and vigor
"Buster th.,u nil t0tiee I found Ferrozone
write' Mrs, E F. O't011etou, of Wrol
stook. "I wee eompletely run down,
obeeks were blea0hed, Ups white and had
every sign of anaemia. Ferrozone added
00 my weight, gave me strengthamb,timi
and good health." Nothing Better, try
Ferrozone yourself, 50e per box at all
Ata epode] meeting Cit the L. 0. L.
No. 681, held on Ermine- evening, Deo
901,11, iu their Hall, the following uffiorrv.
were eleoied for the ensuing year ;
W. Q1 , G. W. Pailard ; D. M., Geo.
smeall ; Chotp., Robt. Barr ; Treats.,
O Rtynard k R. S., Bert Grimes ;
F S., Jae I Welch ; Committee, Char
Switzer, Ed. Pollard, Wm Coate, C
Bothwell. The Lodge is in a tiuuriehtoa
The concert which was held under th
% artimee of the Orange Aee,.oiatiou wee
a deoid'4 an08080. Will. J. White, el
Toronto, de,ighted the audience with he
oomi0 ewogs and famey epe00hee, He te
nndonbtedly the beet o•'median that ha..
ever been here. He kept the house in
Were of laughter. Miee Hazel Bell, who
accompanied him, seas . just splendid.
Phone who did uo0 hear them mewed a
rare treat.
To oheok a cold quickly, get from your
druggist Borne little sandy Cold Tablet•
nailed Preventioe. Druggieta everywhere
are now diopeneing P,oveutioe, for they
erenot only safe, but decidedly (tenant
and prompt. Preventing ooulain no
Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor
wakening. Taken at the "sneeze stage"
Preventioe •will preveet Pueumoula,
Br000hitie, La Grippe, e0o. Hence tbe
name, Praventiae. , Good for feverish
ehildreu. 48 'Preventioe 25 Dente.
Trial Boxes 6 ole Sold by all dealers.
Erlo r -d wlele.
Miee Lowiolt, al Toronto, is spending
the houdey aeuson at her borne in town
Miee Elsa Ayleeworth, a elndenl of
London N,rma Soho°I, is epending her
vacation at her home here.
Miee Mae Spenoe, a etedent.al A'bert
College Belleville, ie spending her vada
tion at bar home on the 4th coo. of How.
A A. D bean, of McGill University
Montreal and W. P Demme of the School
of Pramual Noieuoe, T •roltto are upend
i,g their vacation at their home here,
li Armstrong has eold cot hie blaok-
anathing besinees in Moleeworlh to
N. Mr 0,mpbell of that burg. Mr. two
Mre. A.metrong will spend some time
with friends in the vioiuity or Fordwioh
before re-°mingbus 'boss. We have not
been dofinitely informed as to what he
will do yet.
The semi annual meeting of the
Presbyterian Guild was held in the ba -e
meet of the (March Wednesday evenin0
Deo. 1111]. Reports from the endow
nommit0eee showed the 0001017 to be in :a
duariehing ooudition. The following
, Moore were elected for 1908: Pres.
M,se Margaret Ometed ; lat. Vitae, Mies
Elsie Bntohlueon 1 2nd Vioa, Miee I. W.
Castell ; Bed., .Mira McNair ; Secy., W
H. Breoo ; Cor. Belay , J Johnston ;
Treas. W. Lynn 1 Treas. of Free W211
Offering, Mies L W. Castell.
When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney
'waves get weak, then these organs always
tall. Don't drag the Otumaoh, nor etim-
alete the Heart or Kidneys. That ie
.imply a makeshift. Get a prescription
known to drateiste everywhere as Dr.
dhonp'u Reetorative. The reetor06ive is
prepared expressly for the weak inside
nervae. S6renethen these nerves, band
them up with Dr. Bhoop'e ReOtorative-
'ablete or liquid -and see how quickly
help will come. Free sample test gent
, request by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.
Your health is surely 'worth this simple
teat. Sold by all dealers.
<;. ode rich
The kitchen of the oats parlor oar
which is attached 00 the morning train
tram Toronto to Godorioh was badly
burned Thursday afternoon while the we
was lying in the Oodrriob yards prior to
its: return in the afternoon. 'she lire woo
oaueed by the exploeioq of a pipe ow)
(tented with the 8500 000 range and the
force of it snapped the look on the kitoh-
eo door, preventing the exit of the
gook and the porter who were engaged in
the 000lting oomplrImente et the time.
The fire spread rapidly and in the narrow
eobdnes.of the cafe car kitobeu it woe
impossible for the two men to keep away
from the blaze Their clothing naught
fire and they were in imminent danger
of being severely burned when one of the
men eusoeeded in opening the door and
with the application of water maugl,4 to
extinga(Sh the blaze. The kitchen woe
minnow entirely ooneomed by the flames.
The funeral of one of the old lake cap
tains took place Friday: afternoon from
Isis foie residence in 0.11borne Towoeh'p
to Colborne oemetery. The late Oeptmin
Alex, Bogie ;vee a native of Scotland,
and started es it oall0r on the AElantiu
000aa'at the age of thirteen years. He
5nnie to tide country when quite a young
man. with hid father and hie family and
(tattled at drat in 014,64011, a short time
later m ,ving.to Oolborue T'uweehip. He
has been a captain 00 the Great Lakes
.1I tree :de until about fifteen years ago,
within feiung henh.11 obliged him to give
up hie 0011npatiml and retire from votive
Me. Rev. J. Hamilton, pastor of Lee.
born Preebyteritin Womb, 80n110018d 0he
9erVione, and the pati bearers were .Dept,
Lawson, Capt. Linder, Capte. MoDOmald,
Wm, Wmteon and Wm. Wallowa, n) Gods..
rich, West Sitron'o.M. P., E N Lewitt,
Wee pr0080tat, the funeral, leaving h,m-
etd'f been at one Sime a SMlar with Capt.
Bogie. Captain 13 mill ie survived in one
brother, 1)80411, in Minue4Ote, and two
Meters, Mra,'1'boma5 Btotheol lead M40,
selection, "The Spinster's Warning ;"
Metro recitation Mem 0 ma
lay M KaYt r
u, tet
melital, Mine Agnsa Bullantyro dialokCie
"Women'e lights ;" dlaloarnr, "Beets'
Highte;" )'0uiattou, (01100 Lily Harmon;
1101)048010, "Long, Lung Ago;" 100100tlon,
Laurie 5318105 ; OreudmotherO' Drill,
"0000sp" 12 gide ; reoltation, Arnold i
Melee), ; chores by the obildren, "The
Bing•" Prooeede . mmounted to 885 00 '
Misr ololdrou were earthed tree.
Paxeceeerioos—Before echo's eloeed in.
13 B N . 10 for the Ohrjebm480 hohdey8
the following eddren was read to Miee
Olive MaoOAhvray, the retiring teacher,
uouompanied by a glove and handkor•
chief box, perfume bottle, photo, box and
poetoard uibum ;-
2'o MSS H Olive Mao0fllivral ;
DeAti 'I'0A0u0R,—We, the pupae of B B.
Nu 10, Grey, 41e01re to expreee oar deep
regret that you are having. lbw .60001014
and that as teaa118r and pupils we are
aboutto separate, You hew endeared
yourself to no as teacher.; yon have en•
doavored et all karma to advance oar
,utere0t you have even been patient cud
your dealinge'towerd tie have been in
0pteit of love. As we separate in body
we treat that we will out 0eperal0in
eptrit. We dacha to eapreee our love au
a more tangible way and ask you to Cid
twit Mae glove box, hondkerohief box,
photo. box, poet oath album and perfume
bottle 80 a 001811 token of the esteem in
whiob you 1800 held by us. Ae we eepar
ata we trust that God will be with us till
we meet agate in beet Better Land where
member and popite wilt not have to bid
adieu 00 eaoh other nod where parting
8111 be unknown. Signed on behalf of
the ethanol.
01082141 76(82)480,
Maa0080;Tn Hneon Ica aoo)
A editable reply woe merle by the r;oip.
tent who taker, oharge of the Fullou
eohool for 1908.
1)x4MINATIne.—On Friday, Dooember
20,).. uCi 048004 etlt public soh( of Otte nice
6400 was held at S. ei No 4. About 11
u'oloolt .the 0(8)10re commenced to mime
and kept oomiug until all the comfort
able Beating room Was taken up many
having to stand. The school was
tastily decorated with Xmae bells, red
White and bine aid evergreens. The
mile did (heir part exceedingly wel
and were tooted by the following tench.
ere.:—Mieeee Skilling, Henderson .Bud
M0000, and Messrs. Weir, Bryane and
Juhnaton°. The different eeleetione given
by the pupils, snob ae mesio, recitations
and diamguee, were ee11 rendered reflect
mg great oredlt upon their teeoher, F.
Fraser, who oerlainly left nothing an
dune that would add to the enjoyment
and comfort of all present. Mime Mary
H'ydeu dill her part well 'with .the
gramophone mud the Meagre. Frain, Carr
and Huffman, mouth meanie and • violin
were much appreciated. One of the most
,,,0eree0mg fratnree of the day wee a
closely acute0ted spelling meta iu
which Jane MoLenuan captured first
prize- and Laura Bryaue 2..d. Then
came Santa Otani, who did hie part
admirably, being greeted by the boyo
clapping hand and the girls way.
lag handkerohiefe and all eingibg
"dlerryXmas to you all." Atter the
presents were dte0ribbied votes of thanke
were given and a moat suotweefal time
wan' u - k`✓ '.c•- 4, nbiee by„ kbo. (1ohool.
singing "Qoeeuoloa Heights" and "God
wave the King." Mr. Fraser is to be
01 For A ClearComplexion:-Com lexion:
A Wear 0omp18x1on ie the outward
Bien of inward oieaulinesa. Tu bad health
the face beoumos a eigu board,- tenure of
disease within. If yellow bile ie not
properly worded ; if palid the kidneys
are faulty ; it akin is murky and dealt
°iroler beneath the eyes leek out for con.
etipatioo. Whatever the cease o0
medioioe oompmree with Dr. HamiIoon'e
P211e whiouare mild, safe purifying and
vitalizing in their action,' They give a
mammas rosy tint to the cheeks,bright
err the eyes and establish health that
defies age and disease. Bold everywhere
iu 25o boxes.
Cheater Armstrong, 91)1 con„ is vigil•
lug friends in London.
Mote Mary McDonald, of the 2nd eon.,
is visiting with friends at Brussels.
Mies Gertie Hanley, of Toronto, is
home on a vielt for the Soma holidave.
Bert. and Mre. Took, of Clifford,
epel,t Xmas with Mre. 5'. Miller, Brd
Robert Davidson and wife were visit -
ng Mre. Davidson's gremdpareute at
O"ff„rd Tart week.
Alex. and Mre. McKay, of Ethel, for
merly of this neighborhood, are vieitieg
ret •tivee end friends here.
Mots Edith MaoGillivray, of Mount
Pored, was a visitor with ber Sister,
vlir0 Olive, teacher of 8. 8. No 10.
Ray, 11 Pearson, of Oalgary, ie -home
.for holidays. It issaid"Mre," Pearson
will 4o back with biro but we don't know.
Jas Holmen end wife, al Moose Jaw,
are renewing old triendshipe in Grey and
eloKitlnp. They formerly lived on Sam.
Dinka -oar's farm, lltb con. Grey, .now
owned by R Dav,dean.
ENTenTAINMONT.—The Xmae Tree En
Iertau,ment at M000rieff on Deo, 20:b
was a grand 0055000, The program wag
well rendered and those having oharge of
10 area be complimented on the way
they had it arranged. A pleasing feature
was the presentation and address to Miee
Agnea Ballantyne, who is 'leaving tins
neighborhood. The present seas a gold
mounted umbrella and French cloak
rhe address, wbioh was aa tollowe, was
read by Mrs. G. MaQoarrie and the
presentation was made by Miee Maggie.
Mann and Mies Carrie Bohuaok.on baba 1
of the church and Sboday Sohool
To bliss Agnes eallaatyns,
Teacher ,S S No. 9, Grey ;
Dana FRIOND,—With n0 sural regret
we whine ho realize that the very pleasant
10005104310,15 between ne are ewe to aeow.
owing t0 year removal t0 another opium
of labor, Yon go withthe beetwiohea of
the 0eotion fairly and- oheertu'ly won by
you faithfulness in the school" as toucher
and adyieer; your ready end ever wel
come sewietanee in the Sabbath School:
and Church and lash but not taut by
your aoudad) and life you have eat an
example to the young people of the mom
inanity worthy of oopying. You may be
cure we will not forget you me you have
left your impreee upon all . yon have un'.
dertaken. For tear you should lose trace
of us weaok you to accept thio Muncie
Clook, hoping it may ohimo many happy
hours in your future, and this gold
handled umbrella, accompanied by the
wish that the storms you have to meet
in your lifetime may be few and far
between. We trust you may always bays
boats of Mende as true ae those of B.
N n 9 and that your pathway may have
many ro0e0 but few thorne. Our ovteh'ie
that your zeal in every good came here
may 0limtil008many to inoreaeed activity,
In promoting Ilte good Wlohing.'you e11
the oomplimente oftide g od mann of
the year and hoping to .often have the
p,oaenre of meeting with you,
Wo ere' nurse yea,.
YOUR Femme 03 No 9
Grey, Deo, 201', 1907
Pilo programs of the evening wag a8 fol-
love':—Oberon ley the ohlldren, "Beth•
(ahem Babe';" reoiteti4n, May Liv
Maslow)t trio"Silent Night ;" rOoitO.
thin, Nine Beth McNaught; motion song,'
O'(211rietmlte Dolls ;" Vacillation, Matte
Levhigetcne ; g0(litet00, "Sweet and
Low ;" drill by twelve hop; "The Snow
Brieede ;" motion 8004, "Ramis Eng
laud ill 0100itati012, Bessie. MSQuarrie;
(our ,aYk.it0.a
ontr y
Is it Inclined to run awayP
Don't punish it with a cruel
brush and combl Peed it, nour-
ish it, save it with Ayer's Hair
Vigor, new improved Formula.
Then your hair will remain at
home, on your head, where it
belongs. An elegant dressing.
Keeps the scalp healthy.
Does not change the color of ibe heir,
Formula with •ash bottle
chow it to your
Ask 01m about 10,
thort do ao ha ,aye
We certainly believe this, or we would
not say so. Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now
made from our new improved formula,
is a great preparation for the hair and
scatp Stops falling hair. Cures dan-
druff. Promotes the growth of Bair.
.Made by the J. 0. Ayer CO., 00,4011. Ma•s.—
1Vlo I is swore tit.
HYM0NOAL—Ohristmae eve was the
timeof a happy event in the beautiful
home of Harry and Mre. Grainger, let
ooh. of Grey, when their eldest daugh-
ter, Mumma., was united In matrimony'
to Kugh R. Spence, a prosperous young
(armor of Wallace township. At - 5
o'olook, the bridal party took their places
under an arch of evergreens and bell,
where Rev Mr. Salton made them hus-
band and wife. The bride was given
away by her father and looked charming
in a gown of white. Bilk eolienne, with
sequin trimmiugr,and oarriod a bouquet
of rosea and oaruattoos and wore a bridal
veil. The 11 ide wee attended• by her
Water, Miee Effie Grainger, who carried
methadone aitd wore o veil, The groom
wee eel/ported by hie amain, W. H.
Spence, Atter cougrat" atione and din-
ner, the evening was.epen0 in (nude and
social oonvor08tion, The preernte were
nnmerone and wetly. Friends tie for
away as Edmonton sent tokens of reepeet
to the bride and groom, The guests
numbered about ninety. Among those
from a d•etanoe were John Irwin and
Mre. Peden, from Roseburn, Manitoba
William Irwin, B, A , I. P. 8., Stmt.
ford ; Mr. and Mre. Nephew, Kmcar.
dine ; Mies A. Duff, 'Thoruda a ;. John.
and the Mi13000 ,Grainger, of Bruieele-;
Jae. and Mre. Leech, Gorge and Mao.
Dane, Gerrie; 8, b. and elm. MOKee,
Misses Hounab and Annie McKee , 0 D',
and eire, Leppard, Harridan ; W. T.
and Mrs. Malice, Mr. and Mise
Gamble, of Toronto: Andrew and Mre.
McKee, Mi00 Maggie, Mise M, J. and
Thome Male°, Fordwioh. The young
couple went to their home the dame even
ing amid•ehowere of riee and the good
wiebee of a host of triende. Both bride
and groom are OOn0iet0nt member' of
the Metbodiot ohuroh at Molesworth,
1110 POST throws an editorial slipper
after them.
1,1$e A Thiel' In The NIght
That's bow pain oomee, We sit near
en open window, get etiff nook or Bore
back, Perhaps cool off to gtiokly atter
exertion—rbeomatism- develops' Spend
What you may, bub money osn't buy.
anything better than Poison's Nerviline.
Ile penetrating 4)0wer enables it to reach
deep tissues,—that's why it 00re0 aches
*4301-4011 else oan't tough For outward
application we guarantee five times more
strengththan io any, other liniment,
Inwardly We harmless and u0 aura es the
hereafter to wee RD once. Don't nooept
a substitute for Po ROWS Nerviline which
le the one great household peewee of to
Jacob Smnfield was banged at Hamilton
for the murder of Anthony Rodzyk.
The Interco onial Railway management
bee decided that its employees shall not
swept municipal offioea.
A young man lnimhd Roland Madill
wad stabbed by his uncle, Jae. M •rrihoa,
et Gooderham village and may be fatally
John Maxwell, a ten year•otd boy of
Bonny River, N B. drank same whiskey
he found on the Railway track and died
from he effects.
Harness flediHed iu Price
Having a large stook of
Harness, both Light and
Heavy, we have decided to
give cash buyers a chance to
secure a good Harness at
Reduced Prices. They are
all our owls make and the
material and workmanship
the best.
Robes, Blankets, Bells,
Rugs, Trunks and Valises at
Lowest Prices.
Everyone in Brussels Has a Rigiit to
1f I8 Own Opinion.
_. While everyone has a right to hie own
opinion; gtRit is wisa).o.always .consider
what others think and profit bee- their
Nothing makes life so miserable, or
interferes ao widely with tbe awfulness
of the average Ameriottu as indigestion,
and it ie well for tie to give fair oonaidera-
tion to what others thick about this re
markable effiiotion.
Many people, from their own ex.
peritonea, ere positive tbat Mi•o•n0
etomaoh tablets are an absolute ours for
indigestion and the many disagreeable
symptoms that follow this disease, snob
as distress after eating, coated. 'ton400,
bad taste in ter mouth, dizzineee, fiatu.
leaoe, nervousness and detail ty.
The way MI.o nal• sold on a guarantee
to refund themoney moles( it cures, shows
plainly the value of this remedy. There
will be no oharge whatever for Mi o na
ankles you are satisfied that 18 hag relieved
you of indigestion.
M 1 0.08 wa11000 0p the stomach maeoles
and atrengthenethem eo that they take
care of all the food you eat in a natural,
healthy way, without pain or distress
after meals.
Mi•o-na in Bold by druggists every
where for 50 Dente, and we positively
gutran0eeto refund your money should
you purchase a boxand be dissatisfied
with reeu'te. Write for free sample,
addreooine Booth's 301.0.048, Box 977,
Buffalo, N. Y.
/Y IIt SHOES -ti",
We have put in a stock of New Shoes and will con-
tinue to sell them at Low Figures for Cash.
I. C. Richards
Choice Groceries
Heari Strength
Dates, Figs, Raising, Ourraats,
Prones, Peale andall kinds of Pure
Flavoring Extracts. All varieties of
Stewart's and Perrin'e Obocolated
and Bon Bons. All kinds of Fancy
Oakes. ?goings, Grapes fresh and de-
licious, fine Table Raisins, Bananae.
Heart Strength, or HeartWeakness, meanaN0rve
Strength, or Nerve Weakness—nothing more. Poe.
itively, not one weak heart in a hundred is, In it.
sett, actually diseased, 2t is almost always a
hidden tiny little nerve that really is ell at fault.
This obscure nerve—the Cardiae, or Heart Nerve
—simply needs, and must have, more power, more
stability, more controlling morn governing
e0mnagth, without 1000 the Heart 10080 continue
to fai1,and the stomach and Iddneys also hove
these same controlling nerves,
This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Dr,
Stoop's Retorative has in the pact done so much
for weak and ailing Hw48010. Dr, Shooplhet sought
the cause of all this painful, palpitating, sn,foeat.
leg heart distress. Dr, Shoop's Restorative --tide
popular prescription—is alone directed to these
weak and wastingnervecenters. It builds:
le'strengthens • it offers real,. gonuino heart help.
10 you would have strong Hearts, strong di.
geotion, strengthen these '.nerves — re-establish
deem as needed; with
Dr. s
When Children Cough
give theethat old reliable remedy that never fails to cure
Friar's Cough Baas,.,:
It stops coughs—breaks up colds—and healainflamma-
tion, In throat and bronchial tubes. Absolutely pure and
safe for children. 25c a bottle. At druggists or from
NATIONAL 0500 A CHEMICAL 00, Limited LONDON, Oat 01
Seedless -from 26o to 600 per,dozen.
Evaporated Cream,
Condensed Milk,
Minos Meat in Bulk,
Try Camp Coffee.
Raspberry and Strawberry Jam
in small pail'.
ie full of the best that money oan buy and: the prices right. The home of GOOD
OHEE1E and lots of it. All kind of Canned Goode, ohoiee and new.
only 25o per pound with 5 lb. lobs for the small sum of 81,00.
Eligh Class Cigars • Fish and Oysters OR hand
+datee!Neset seseteletlete rsoe.
Ewan el) ?
if you want a First-class
THEY are specially made and Up-to-date
A large quantity it y of Piano Box and Port-
land Cutters.
4 All Trimmings made to lift out.
1i Can be had in any color of paint.
1f Call early and get your pick.
IT Second-hand Cutters always on hand at
Low Prices.
Brussels Up-to-date Carriage Factory.
Roller Flour
Every good housewife knows how necessary
it is to have good. Flour to makeher Bread
and Pastry palatable .
White Loaf Flour
possesses all the qualities that go to make
a nice, white, spongy loaf. ' Once you have
used this brand you will want none other;
All kinds of Feed slept constantly on hand.