HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-1-2, Page 4of
hi -
or :holiday Buying
Our stook offers many inducements in
Really Suitable Presents at a ball Cost
When you have from anywhere up to thirty or, [Orly friends
to rem0e ber, the velli° of this will bo soeu,
For the Little Folks
We have all kinds of Toye, Dolls, Teddy Beare, Sleight, Carte, Dolls' Car-
riagee, Dolls' Furniture, Piebure Boolte, Blaokhoards, ibivobs, Games, &o,
For the Boys, Girls and Grown:alps
ibie early to eolee° from -Ebony Olotb Brushes, J:lb ny Hat Brushes, Ebony
Military Bru01be0, Ebony Mirrors, PeelerKnives, Ink Stands, Stationery Sote,.
Writing Portfolios, Poeta in Padded Clovers, Fountain Pons, Bibles or Hymn
Boolw, Bottlee'of Perfume, Boxes of Bon Bona, Burnt Leather, Ohioa Oupe
and Saucers, Panay China, Boxes of Stationary, Work Beel(ete, Leather
Wallote or Purees, One of the New Books, Poet Card Albums, Piece of Ham-
mered Dopper, Jewel Cages, Photo, Frames, Mtteio Rolle. Ash Trays, Mani -
burs Sete, Oaudle Holders, Collar and Cull Boxes, Brush and Crumb Trays,
Card Trays, &o.
��� �Z N of LOST in Bruasele, on Taettday evening
racal this week a white woolteu cheat pro
tactor. The limier will greatly oblige by
leaving it ut Tea PoeT,
A ohiel'o among ye takix' notes, MONDAY 'mow fell »early all day and
An' faith he'll prent it, although net oold it was rather a disagree-
able day to travel far. Theeleighiug watt
HAND Ten POST the names of your
HAVE yon plotted out your Municipal
candidate yet?
READ interesting diebriot matter on
page 6 of thie issue.
A menu of the shop windows have
been very testily dressed for the holiday
Beres New Yearto all the readB a of
TEE Pon. If. you are in arrears kindly
equ0re up.
BeveeELe post office will be open on
New Year's Day from 9 to 10 a. m. and
from 6 to 6 p. M.
HOLIDAY preeente orweddinggifts herd
to beat may be had at Wiltou & GO
lespie'e. See their advb, on page 6 ot
Tao Christmas paeeenger railwaytref.
.fio woe very heavy this season and the
trains were a long piece behind their
time table.
A Liter Year Party under the aaepieee
of the Epw..rth League will be held at.
the Parsonage on Thursday evening,
Jan, 2nd, at 8 o'olock, The program is
in the hands of a:live committee.
Oilman Goons. -if you are looking for
genuine big bargains for holiday gifts or
presents for a wedding Leaiberdttle &
Sou'o stook gives yon a •great rouge at
low, figures. A glauoe et their advt. on
page 6 will give you a hint.
- Adam Veneta, a former resident of
Brunetti, le here on a holiday from Swan
River, Manitoba, after an shames of
nearly 8 yeare. He has 160 acres of
land near the above mentioned village
bat ie 'still a bachelor. We hope for good
0800lte from this' visit. Mr. !Parma i9
intereeted in the aisle of Manitoba lands'
and ie ready to disown the situation with•
those deeirone ot purchasing.
A, 0. U. W. -The ammo election or
officers for Brueeels A. 0. U. W. Lodge
took plane last Friday evening when the
following brethren were chosen fur the
year 1908 t-Maeber Workman, John
Simmons ; Foreman, Wm. Wilton ;
Overseer, Wm Work ; Recorder, W. B,
'Kerr; Financier, W. H. MoOreaken ;
Treasurer;- G. A. Deadman ; Guide,
Watson Ainlay; Inside Watohmsn, Wm.
Armstrong ; Outeide Watohmau, M. H.
Moore, V. S. ; Medical Examiner, Dr.
McKelvey ; Bepreeentative to. Grand
Lodge, G. A. Deadman ; Alternate
Time. Farrow ; Auditore, Thomas
Farrow and Watson .Ainlay. The in-
stallation will tike plane on Friday,
January 8rd at 8 o'olook p. m. At the
close of last Friday evening's session a
treat of Jersey dream and honey was on
the program through the kindness of G.
A. Deadman.
ATTEND Ie. -A public meetiug of
baeioess men and all othere interested In
the village and vicinity of Brneeele will
be held in the Ooanoil Chamber on the
evening of Friday Jan. Gth, et 7.80
o'olook for tho purpose of ooueidering the
question of starting a canning factory
here. There should be a lerge attend•
auoe. Brussels ._ will make eubstantlal
progress in proportion ae beroitizene take
bold and push local iudnetriee and in
this way build up the town. Everrbody
who owne property or 00rriee on business
hae a right to foster trade and extend
our borders by praising the good and in•
vesting in feasible schemes for the ad•
vauoement of the towu. Outsiders will
not do tbie for us nor will croakers inside
develop those (esteem' that. will • prove
advantageous bat the '!lifters," by a
united effort, pan acoomplieh wonders.
Show your sympathy by slowing up at
the meeting Friday evening end be pre-
pared to give Brunets a boost.
FAntrmse'IosTITOTE DIaeoxont MEmT.-
Saturday afternoon a meeting of the
Dirootore of East Huron Farmers' In-
etitate was held in the Connell Obamber
to draft the program for the regular and
supplementary meetings to be held short.
ly, .Vice President James Elliott loo
onpied the chair in the onetime of Thos.
McMillan, the President. Direotore
present were Matters, Gibeoo, Knox,
Campbell, MoFadzean, Si•npeon, Gard•
icier, Watt, Lemma and Herr and Seo-
retary•Treaearer McArthur. Regular
meetings will be held at Brussels and
Gerrie on January 16.th and 16th and will
be addreeeed by J. Gardhouea, of High-
Held, Ont., end W. F. Hidd, of, Smoot',
on praotioal onbjsate. Both speakers ale
well seasoned 10 practice as well as theory.
The supplementary . meetings are 9 in
number and the dates run from February
Bedtothe 12th inclusive, the a/welters.
being Gavin Barbour, of Cross Hill and,
A, G. MoHenzie, of Fair View. It wee
unanimously agreed to have the Beare
tary arrange for a. lady to attend all meet.
inge add give eddreases. Where there
are Women's institutes the visitor will
probably talk In the afternoon to the
membere in addibloe to the pnblio .611.
helmet in the evening. A mueioal pro.
gram willalso be arranged for earth
meeting end it to hoped a livelier intermit
Will be manifested by the rooidente of the
varione looalitlea than that abeam et
some gatherings last year. The lest of
meetinge will be published hr oar next
much improved and the largest amount
of snow on the ground this Winter.
Front 8 to 9 inches were measured on the
EDuoA'rIONAL.-We, direct the attention
of our reader's to tile advertteemeut of
the popular Elliott Baejneea College
Terouto. The opening of the winter
term odours on Jan. Bch, when a large
number of new students will be enrolled,
This school ie under very able manage-
mentaod has hundreds of ebudeute exon
year fur bueineeo positions. The col.
lege has an excellent reputation for first•
Maas work.
OBIT -After en illness of nearly two
yeare, Mary, beloved wife of John ,Fre.,
010, Legan township, on Monday, 91h
,net., passed away in her 68111 year, Al
tbougb scattered iu different parte of the
country her family was all .with her at the
last, which was a greet consolation to the
dying mother. Her last worde ware ex
preeeive of peace in God and a wiping
0000 to depart and he at rear with Him.
Her devotion as wife and mother son
ber Itindueeo to everybody will long
linger tie a fragrant memory in the
home her p060e1106 brightened and which
dea b has now darkened. 'Though gone
her record baa been made and will remain
a limiting treae0re. D meted was .the
mother of Robert Frauoie, of Brnseele.
The funeral envie° mei iu oherge of Rev,
W Peuhall, of Maarten, and the pall
bearers were 6 sone and a eon twiner.
Deceased wee born In Ehglaud audeuame
to Canada when 15 years of !age, She
was married to ber uowberelt partner in
Goon Trate.-The Annivereay Tea
msetiug wap held in the Methodist
oburoh Braeeele, Christmas night.
Tables were set an the eohoolroom well
laden with good thing of tine life. After
sapper the program was given iu the
auditorium The first part was e. (mutate
entitled "Chri.tmae Message" in whish
the ohoir wee aeaisted by theLeague
choir and a soore or more of the juniors
from the Sabbath Soho ,I, each doing
their part well. In the sewed part of
the program Mre. W. H. Willie, of Sea.
forth, 'mug a very appropriate eolo in.
good vei0e , Rev. E. G. Powell gave a
short address ; Dr. and Mre. Gilpin, of
Michigan oity,Iud,, rendered a ohotue
duet, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" ;
Mies Minnie McNaughton oontriaul.
ed an expellent reoltetlon ; W. H. Willie,
of Seaforth, who is always .welcome,
sang a solo and the Lade's' quertette
.closed the program with a well sung
eeleotiou. Miee Ata Pryne performed
the part of auoompauiet in a moat emit" -
lavatory and capable manner. A vote of
thanks mu passed to all who aniseed.
The premeds of the evening were about
Bus illess Locals.
Brom all's Photo Stadia will be open on
Xmae, yaud New Years.
Bus redeemer' in mitten for the next 2
weeks at D. EWAN & Oo's.
SPECIAL -Our Oranges at 40o per doz.
A 1 b, x on bon bone for 30a et GBmwAa'e.
Two pair bobeleighe and a Portland
antter for sale.. Applytto WALTEn Low•
Ens, Sale Stable, Bremen'.
SnooND NAND Onaaue.=-A number of
good 6 and 6 ootave 2nd baud organa for
este at a bargain. Oad and see them.
LEATUEanALE & BON, Brueeels,
Service was coodooted in St, John's
Cherub. Ohrtstmae morning by Rev. Mr,
Lang -Ford, the reciter.
Oue of the numbers on the program at
the Epworth Longue next Monday even-
ing will be a debate on a Missionary
A ma,ieel program and a_ short address
by Superintendent Oameran were on the
program at Melville Sabbath School last
"Where is He that is born King of the
Jews, &a.," wee the text tor Rev. A. 0.
Wiehart'o Cbrietmee sermon last Sabbath
morning. in Melville church. In the
evening the text' was "Praiseye the
Lord." A epaulet musical program was
presented suitable to the mutation,
In the Methodist church lest Sabbath
the pastor ['rattails(' It Chriotmae eermon
in the -morning :upon Isaiah 9, 6-17
and St. Luke 22;4-7. At the evening
0000000 the .topic was "Ohrietmas 8800,
Song and Sermon,' Christmas magic
was rendered by the Muir and a. Ladies'
quartette sang it the °veeing as well,
miss AIM Pryne.euppliud aoaeptebly for
Mise Batley au •organist.
Sabbath•afternocn lags a- Christmas
oolleetion wag taken in the Methodist
Sabbath Mont, Brunie for the Hospital
for Si0k Children 'and the respectable
amount of $2021 oontribnted, Hazel
Leery gave a good recitation; Miudred
Meteor end Georgie lbdwarde Bang "The
Cllrietmos Birthday song", the school
joining in aha _Morse ; short sddteee by
W. H. Salter, of Toronto, formerly of
Bratoole. .
The *east Servant
of the Farmer -m=
let a strong .
makes a spcwieJty of the business of Farmers, and extends
w them •
Every department of banking ix conducted. Best!service
and absolute safety guaranteed,
deposits of el 00 and upwards received, end interest
allowed from date of deposit, COMPOUNDED FOUR
Capital Paid Up - 31,000,000.00 The - r�ytt ty1•^�fr��pp
Reserve Fund end Metropo itan Bank
Undivided Profits; ;1,183,713,23 G ^i0.,' itan
Mies Ford le holidaying in Luoknow.
Banal Zimmer le home from Remit.
ton for e 01018.
Mies Eva Cameron ie r the
Xmas varieties).
Dr, R. P. aid Mre. Fieldholiday.
Ing at Humilton.
Dr. J. W. Coyne, of R , is a
visitor at 3, 3, Gilpin'''. .
Mre. Welsh, of Berlin, i g her
sister, Mre. John Thermion.
Miss May Deadman le h the
Queen's pity for a holiday
Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. Chant.
mss with relatives at Far
Mre. Paul and Mies Gordonnt 8
few days with B nevalo friends.
Mist, Julia Sharpe, of , ie a
visitor with relatives in B
George and Mre. Hahne children,
of Wingham, are visitors
Mise Dora E. Shaw le a holi-
day visit with friends at
J. Leslie and Mre. Herr , wee
in town' for Christmas with e,
Tboer.'CGrry and fa their
Ohri.tmae turkey w,tb A relatives.
Ga,field Beaker, drnggi Mecham,
was a Ourietmae visitor h relit
Miee Maggie MaNaughE lioton,
le spending a few holiday berm
W. W. and Mre. Harris children
are making a visit with re Roth
home to
e vision
oma irom
L. epaut 0
ordon ep
and ahs
in town.
way on
of Blyth
6 relative
mj y ate
et of Obx
006 with
on, of O
e at ler
1061009 at
Hilton and Mre. Hooter and baby, of
Port.Uolborue, are visiting relatives iu
Mise L zzie McArthur, who .hae been
le.nhuig m Brum Co., le home for her
Mre. Neil MoLaoeblin le spending the
holiday with reiativee in °heresy and
J. H. and Mre. Cameron are ependine
a few days with Luoknow relatives tied
old friende.
John !end Mre. Goatee are at 8eaforih
'hie week eojoyiug the Ohriatmaetide
with relatives.
Whitfield Roe lee been laid up with
the meuele9 but me hope be will aeon be
Wear of them.
R. D. Cardiff, of the Metrop•Jitao
Bank, was here from Toronto for hie
Cbristmoe turkey..
R and Mre McAlpine, of Luoknow,
spent Ohrletmesat the parental 'home of
the latter in-Brueeels.
Alexa Roes, of. Ottawa, is enjoying a
1010 daye in town. He ie a eon of Wm.
Roes, William street.
Mies Mabel Colvin has returned home
again for her holidays from her millinery
position in Orediton.
• Miee Tilly Zimmer and Mies Jessie
Ell.ott arrived home from the Clinton
Model school last week.
Mre. Stewart, of Woodbridge and Mies
Helen Stuart, of Wroxeter, are making n
vent with Mre Jae. Fox.
George Rose, who is a etadent at the
Ontario Deotel College, Toronto, is here
for the_Obriatmee vacation.
Mimeo Mary and Edith MoLaaohlin,
of Toronto, are welcome visitors ruder
the parental roof in Braeeele.
Miss Olive Bailey, nurse,' of Guelph,
llama home owing to the illneea and sub
esquent demise of her brother.
W. J. and Mre. Fawcett and Mee
Mary were in Sudeten for Ohrietmae
enjoyingthe day with relatives,
Bert Lett, is 'mending the Christmas
variation with relatives iu town. He
came from Brantford on Saturday.
W. H. and Mre. Willis and Harvey, of
Beofortb, spent Christen&e at the home of
B. Gerry, Mill Street, Mre. Willie' father,
Misses Linda and Edith Colvin were
vieitora with Mies Maud Stem, in Swat
ford for a few days during the peat week.
Thos. and Mre. Bone, f Woodstock,
were visitors with Thos. Bone and family
Brneeele, The gentlemen are amine.
Mies Beryl Porter, of Ooraona, Lemke
ton, Oo„ who was visiting at her anale'e,
Rev. E. G. Powell, lett for ber home last
-S Y. Taylor end family, late of Paris,
are now lootited in Oalgary. Mr, Taylor
le teaching sohool and pushing real
Mrs. Thome Maxwell went to Toronto
on 'Thursday where she expecte to spend
a mouth or so with her nephew, Lorne
James Forbes, who has seen it good
abate of the United States in the past
sew yeare, ie home on a- visit. with his
mother and eieter;"
Mr. Harrie,of,Petrolin, was a visitor
at Pater Watton, Queen :treat. It ie 10
yeare einee 1e woe here, Mre, Harris
i0 Mre, Wateou'e Meter.
Inspector Robb and J. H. 0nmeroo
were at Seaton)! op Tuesday attendlog
a meeting of the Oo. Board relative to
the recent Model School examinations.
W. F and hire. Stewart, of Guelpb,
were ehaking halide with old friends in
Brureele on Cbristmee, making .their
hoadquurtere with their daughter, Mrs.
N. F. Gerry,
Mre, Robert Denbuw and children, of
Carlyle, Man„ arrived , here last '.week
end will make only a short visit with
relatives and former friends in Brussels
and locality.
Mrs, Hazzard Wright, of Michigan,
formerly of Morrie, is renewing old
frieedeliipe here. She ie a deter of
George Oreoke, Queen etreet, She is a
welcome visitor.
Dr, and Mrs. Gilpin, of Miohigen, City
Indiana, have been eojoying a few daye
with the fnrmer'e porente and go to
Owen Sonnd to visit Mrs. Gtlpin'e
Mende for New Yoax'%,
Lorne Pringle,; of Toronto, holiday
ed in town.
Mies Minnie Moore of St. Tbomav;";ie
here on a brief vacation,
Alvin Stemn, of Stratford, was renew
ieg old Iriendehipe inBraeeele.
Alex. and Mrs. Thomeon, and Goff, of
Guelph, were °brie'miss visitors in town.
Earl Ament le home from Detroit
after a reeidenoe of several mouths in
that oity.
George Buchanan lie home from the
Medical College Toronto, tux the Xmae
Barrister .j` toDooald hong up. his
Xmas etookit`'' the parental home in
Mre, Humphries and daughter and
Moe't'hompeon, of Toronto, are 010110ra
at Jan. Jones'.
John B. MoLaoohlin is home from the
West on a holiday visit and will not
likely return before Spring.
'Ivan Crooke, who is attending the
Oohege of Pharmacy at Toronto, ie bore
on visit order the parental roe!.
Ohrielmas visitors at James Dadley's
are John Gr if, Toronto ( A. and Mre.
Seievenpiper, Berlin ; aid Miss Sonedler.
some 1 & 2
Fonts III B- Examioed in Ar., Chem.,
Comp., Lat., Geom., Alg. and Ano.
Hitt, Total 700. Honore 525. Pass
I Frain 660 0 Armstrong ..581
W Straohan642 W Henderson -306
F MaKeuzie611 J Robb 469
K Deadman....610 L Rutherford 458
M Brothere....602 C Speir 432
L Lickson ...,586
Fonts III A Barna eubjeote,
S Stubbs 564 J Cunningham 441
O Robb 552 P Bremner ....401
E Evans . 522 0 Holmes 864
R Shaw .....471 C Scott 339
P Baker 466
Foam II - Examined in Ar., Chem„
Science, Geom., French, Dr., Wr. ani
Comp. Total 850. Honors 687. Pass
H Moore 693 S McKerobor „644
G Jordon 686 J Wilton ....,.540
J Leckie 654 0 Armstrong ..500
F Armetrong ,844 W Scott ....,.600
W MoOutoheon 576 A McKelvey ..497
H McCall 656 *S Ament 880
* Missed two eubjeote.
Foam 1 -Examined in Read., Genm.,
So., Gram„ Geo., Dr„ WI:. and Comp.
Total 860. Honors 697, Pass 510,
R Simpson ....765
F Scott 690
J Henderson -670
M Jones 660
A Forrest 655
K Hewitson641
T Dickson 614
A Forbes 618
F Bryane....,603
B Curry 602
O Ament ....,,590
*Part only
U MoMilan ....670
N Ewan 550
B Leckie 541
V Bowman 589
V Walker 582
A Robb 582
P Brewer 486
F Gerry 477
J Armstrong 461
W Bell 436
'3 Speir 229
J. H. GAirm0ON, Principal.
nom 3
BNTRANO0.-Examined in Spell., Phys.,.
Writ., Read. Gram., Cao.. Hist. and
Arith., Total 750. Honors 668.
E Deedman....715 W Sperling.. ..642
E Gilpin 632 O Lowry 541
M Thomeon....632 K Wilton 582
13 Armstrong ..629 J Armstrong 520
B Werwiok....600 H Mooney 508
S Gerry 606 V Ainlay 483
B'Harris 597 S Fox .. ...482
E Plum 586 Winnie Long 481
0 Leckie 568 H Onmpbell....450
Willie Long667 R Emigh 260
E Somere......548
JR. IV -Same subjects.
F Stubbs 661 L Bateman' .. ..446
O McDonald 525 W Ainlay 451
P Dark 509 M Thomeon....420
G Kerr 604 S Gurgesee ....419
W .Seer 600 F Robb 409
P McXeuzie...,487 H Ament 869
I Strachan ....409 E Lamont 540
E Flatt 450 0 ElOigh 108
D. Snrrmn, Teaober.
nowt 4
SR. III -Examined in Gram., Phys.,
Aria), Geog. Comp. and Spell. Total
600. Honore 450.
S Brothers ....525 A Wilton 878
V' Rose 505 E Barkley ....575
Bezel Lowry 483 H. Burgess ,:..658
0 Crooke 488 H �imtnone....,398
A Moore ... 479 H Lowry 804
N Fox .426 •
Je. 111-
T Deadman....579 I MoLattahliu..375
E Lowry 504 J Elliott 874
E Toole ..;.489 13 Kerr
W Lott 486 F Lowry
A 1V1oLauchliu 476 L Lowry.
El Moore 460 W Harris
A Roe 407 H Sox
W Armatrong..459 G Colvin
J Jackson 487 R Barkley ..,254
L Ballantyne 436 A'1 Biebop „234
H Work 416 F Wood .,....157
J Habkirk •376 L Holmes 83.
H. M. DowNINo, Teacher.
nom 5 _
Sit, II -Exam. in Wrie., Draw,,. Geog., inefeserforattersfeeteerVerWeWeowNdeeseu
Ric iti81a8164 13 ,rote
Head Offices - - - Toronto
The Standard Bank pays interest
four times a year on all Savings
Bank deposits.
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branche .
• 10
3. F. lEk.0v Aland, l'oloerntager
Bile- Kiat„ Rpell., Lit. and Read,
Thtel 050, Honors 485.
V MoCraoken ..574 0 Drone ......477
G Edwards ,,.584 L Bargees ...461
1 Bwllentyue ..551 I MaLanahlin 457
L Jaoltsou ....540 P Thuell 861
H Crone 609 0 Jamieson..,. 351
R "iaolair ..,501 M Edwards....203
A T canton. -485 T Snider 188
On. II -Examined in Writ., Draw.,
Geog., Spell., Read., Bible Hist. and
Comp. Total 660. Honore 486.
M Friendehip..684 W Pe yes 468
11.-tewert ....674 L McCracken 480
I Toole 556 R Hewitt ......874
L Ament 543 V ein0lair, ....850
el Mercer ,,.,,536 F Payne ..,...812
R Ritchie 507 E Porter 90
G. Rose, Teacher.
Root[ 6
Cuss IV -Examined in Arith., Dict.,
Langtiege, Read., Writ., Draw. Total
R McKay .....611 A Moteuoblin 437
0 Powell 602 W Buohanan ..684
T MoLauohlin484 P Barkley .,..861
0 Jet:kee l ..., 476 M Garter ......557
L Jackson 459 R Currie 346(
W + •omere .•..444 3 Thompson 536
S Motauohlin..444 0 Crone 318
MesaIII-Excellent-W Harkness, H
Gerry. Good -W McDonald, L buider, J
Jamteeon. Fair -W Bargees.
CLASS II -Excellent--F McKay, 0
McKay; D Roes, 0 Beet. flood -M
Fawcett, HStewart, A, Fox, V Harris,
R Rawer, A Currie, J Warwick, R
Moore, M Salton. Fair --G Ramsay, R.
Payne, G. Snider.
CLASS I -Excellent -E Powell G
Thompson, E Jamieson, H Lott, -Good
M Campbell, A Somers. Fair -J Hark -
J. RITaore, teacher.
BARER, -At Granton, on Nov. 28th, to
Mr. and Mre, Wilber Baker, a dau-
Fame -In East Wawsnoeh, on Deo 6th,
0 Mr and Mrs. John Fe le, a eon.
Fame -I0 Blyth, on Deo. 61b, to Mr.
and Mre. Ohm F, seer, a eon.
EoNoesoN.-In Wiogbem, on the 15tb
Ingo„ to Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Hong•
'81011, a 600.
MoGEin -It) East Wawanosb, on Deo.'
14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt, MoGae,
a eon.
Mii0EELL -In Tornberry, on the 14th
met,, to Mr.. and Mre. 'Wm, S.
Mitchell, a daughter.
CAMPBELL -In Logan, on the 8th inst.
A- ex Campbell, aged 66 yeare.
Frunze -Io Logan, on the 9th inn.,
Mary,wife of John Frauoie, aged 61
yeare and 8 months..
Gomm; -In London, on December 10th,
Minnie Berme, wife of Mr J. H"
Gordon, formerly G. T. R. agent
in Whir/ham, aged 40 years.
HNrorT.-At Gaoey,-Illinois, U. 8., on
December 15tb. Mrs, Joeeph $eight,
aged 70 yeare.
MITOBEX.L.-At Bright, 013 Deo. 9111 ,
John Mitohell, aged 91 years and 9
2EiRTTSS2EIIJS 9S.a.T.d==itI.•m
Fall Wheat 88 90
Barley 50 56
Peas 77 78
Oats 88 40
Batter,tube and rolls22 25
Eggs per dozen 24 25
Hay per ton 13 00 1400
Floor, per bb1 4 60 6 20
Hoge, Live 5 00 5 00
Apples (per bbl.) 1 60 1.75
Potatoes {ler bee 50 60
Salt, per bbl., retell1 25 1 25
TO Aman 6oven•roemed aottnge In Rrne•
0010 Beath. For lorthe• partioalare apply
v (w lir cellar, woodshed and good well)
and lot for sale in the vlltege of Ntb01. Pos-
session er.nie be 0000 le February. For
turner partioalare to to priee, terms,
apply to MRS. JNO OLE CMON. 24-e
Those that are alike eatiefaotory to both
tete giver and rnjli fent beeau0e they Pep -
100001 exnelltnit oergnlent, booty acrd
utility. Tae following will give eomo
idea of ouir 0toolt of these better gifts but
you Must Bee the geode to rally uppt•oci-
ate their artie110' worth and oar rettem.
Odle prices vs -
Gut Glass
no diizeiing brilliance and beauty of
ileeign of our Out Glees Mahe it an ale
ways aooeptable gift,
Beautifully decorated. Many tanoy
pieces in Plates, Cups and Sanooea, Bort
Bone, eeo,
Leather Goodly
Very kne aeoortrnent of Leather Fon-
venire, Post °era Albums, Ludiee' and
Gents' Purses, Hand Bags, &o.
Story and Pioture Books
The old favorites -Chums, ('littter-
box, Goya' Own, Young (bleach, Britl,ih
Workmen, ' heed's Oere Magazine. All
the popular. Poets in padded binding.
Bibles and Hymnals
An excellent line f the better edi-
tion, of the Book of Praise, also the
Methodist Hymn Book.
Dolls and Toys
We think oar assortment and prices
are unsurpassed in this line.
Flee Toilet Articles
We are showing some epeeist 'values
in Mauiouro and Toilet Seta, coaly
mounted or plain if desired, alai Jewel
Oases, Novelties in Metal and Pottery,
Beautiful Mirrors, &o,
Handsome Stationery
Our variety oompriees many beauti-
ful boxes ranging in± v iu'ee from 25o to
Xmas Booklets and Cards
Fancy boxed and hand painted, rang•
Ing 10 price from 10o to 400. They are
particularly attractive.
We shall be very glad to have you
drop in and look over our stook at
F X'
Drug Store
P. S. -Let us supply you. with Xmas
Bells. We have a large assortment.
L promises of the undersigned, Lot 14,
Oon 35, Grey. They ere all ewes. Owner`
ie rnqueeted to p•ovo property, payexneu-
see and take them away, JAMNB CIINI11,
Oranbrook P. 0. 21.40
��.4. SKI X� La a -Err sw, oR.
4AIl4i'trp�424P4� t. I,lV. AAI'Ip'IV'lI+'nl'I,'W"t'WVU'h"tel"I,'Ie't,'hPle'trhlo'I,Pp'a,m'U,''U'nl'lu'Urh'a,'4i Letali4,'4rt,11,,11/I,it14i t. tAt.4JIL'IL'hi'li Ili 011u'h"1 nh"IdU,'le'ti hi tu'td1,rL'4
�G. N. M 0 L
Prices Out of the Ordinary for
Holiday Sale
Choose your Holiday Presents from a Strictly New Stock. We have many useful ar-
ticles that will make acceptable Holiday Gifts. You will find here a strictly new stock of
Ladies' Furnishings, Dress Goode, Furs, Flannel Waists and Waistings, Ladies' and Misses'
Skirts, Table and Fancy Linens, Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers and Overshoes. New Shits
and Overcoats for Men and Boyd ; new Men's and Boys' Furnishings.
Here are a Few Special Prices for Xmas Sale
Ladies' Fur Buffs at 5.00, 7 00 and 10.00 "2 00 and 2 25 Men's Tweed Pants for . 1.50
-Wo are allowing social values in Ladies' A11-4 dozen Men'e All Wool Tweed Pante-in
Around Ohio Sable Rafe, finished with 4, 6 and 8 � small, medium and wide stripes - finished with gond
tails, at 5 00 7 00 10 00 quality of Twill Pocketind b well made in. every
Muffs to match at 4 00 to 8 60 way ; 0.00' rted eizee ; ,. egular`prioea 2.00 and 2.25
Xmas Sale Pride.,,,..-' 1 50
9 00 and 10 00 Men's Tweed Suits for 7.50 1.00 and 1.25 Men's House Slippers for 7dc
- 35 Men's Suits in All Wool Canadian Tweed ; -60 pairs Men's Fancy H013110 'Slippers in leash -
Made in ` coteh i weed Patterns ; a particularly fine or„. and Velvet -a very suitable Xmas gift-eizee 6 to
lot of Perfect Fitting Suite, regular prices 9.00 and 10 • regular prices 1,00 and 1:36. Your ohoioe of
10.00. Xmas Style Price 7 60 the lot during the Xmae Sale for 75
1,00 & 1.25 Women's Fancy House Slippers 75e 2 00 Women's Skirts for 1.89
- 60 pairs Women's Fancy Hoaee Slippers, Jul-
iet style, warm lined, fur trimming. flexible sole
with fleeced insoles. 0izee 2t to 8, regular prior' 1.25
and 1,00. Take them Xmas Bale for
-3 dozen Women's Navy Blue, Blaokt end Darla
Grey Skirts, mode from good quality olnth, nicely
finished, all sizes, regular price 2.00. Xmas Sale
75 , Price i 1 81:
3 50 Boys' 2-pieee Suits for 2.50
5.00 Sample Skirts for 3.75
-21 Boys' Suite in Light and Dark Colored -Black, Blue, Brown and Green Venetian
Canadian To ads, Norfolk styles, 0ize0 for boyo from Clothe, also some Dark and Medium Colette regular
0 to 15 yeare old. Xmas Sale Prioe 2 50I up to 5.00, .Your choice for 8.75
Choice Qualities Panty Linens, Napkins and Table Cloths
® vi
Ladies' Fancy Collar's, l0c to 1.00
Men's Ties, 10e to 50
Warm Underclothing, 50o to 2 00
Ladies' Gloves, 25c to 1 25
Men's Glovps,: 25c to 1"25
Fancy Mufflers, 25c to 1.25
Extra. Values in White Wool Blankets Sp^tial Prices on Boys' Overcoats
Goods Right or Your Mone
Rl�hest Prices for Produce b y Back
Next Door to
Amer icarl House
l fi.
G. N. .... c