HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-1-2, Page 2'For Holiday Buying
Our stools offers 111any Inducements In
Really Suitable Presents at a Small Cost
When you have from anywhere up to thirty or forty friends
to remember, Die value of title will bo seem.
For the Little Folks
We have all kinds 00 Toys, Dolls, Toddy Bogs, Sleig1i0, Carts, Dolls' Oar.
Yugo, 'Mile' Furniture, Picture Rooke, Bloukboavdo, lilooko, Games, &a,
For the Boys, Girls and Grown=ups
It le easy to soled from -Ebony Cloth Brushes. Eb-ny Hat Brushes, Ebony
Military Bromism, Ebony Mirrors, Paper Xvilves, Ink Stauds, Stationery Sete,
`Writing Portfolios, Poets In Padded Covers, Fountain Pone, Bibles or Hymn
Books, Bottles of Perfume, Boxes of Bou Bons, I3urnb Leather; (Thine Oupo
and Sauoors. Fanny China, Boxes of Stationery, Worts Baskets, Loather
Wallets or Parsee, Ono of the New Books, Post Card Albums, Pisco of Ham-
mered Copper, Jewel Oases, Photo, Framed, Nude Rootlet, Ash Trays, Mani.
Dura Sete, Candle Holders, Caller and Cuff Boxes, Brush mud Crumb Trays,
Gard Trays, &o.
C oxitil ziiz Pius
A ahiel's amang ye takit' notes,
An' faith be'llprent it.
HAND Tax POST the names of your
HAVE yon picked out your Mnnioipal
candidate yet?
READ interesting distrlot matter on
page 5 of this raeme.
A Emma nun of the shop windows have
been very tastily dreeoed for the holiday
HAPPY New Yeer to all the -reales of
THE'POBT. If you are in arrears' kindly
square op.
BaneoELs post office will be open on
New Year's Day from 9 to 10 a. m. and
from 5 to 6 p. m,
HoLIDAY prevents or wedding gifts hard
to beat may be had at Wilton & Gil
leepie'e. Bee their advt. on page 6 of
' TEE Ohriebmae paeeenger railway traf•
fin wee very heavy this season and the
traine.were. a long piecebehind their
bime table. - A LEAP Year Party under the aaepioee
of the Bpw.•rtb.League will be bald at.
the Parsonage on Thursday evening,
Jan. 2nd; at 8 o'clock, The program is
in the bands of a live committee. '
Chrome Goons. -If you are looking for
genuine big bargains for holiday gift° or
presents for a .wedoing.'Leatberdale &
Bon's stook given yon a greet range at
low. &tires. A. glttuoe at their advt. on
page 6 will give you a hint.
Adam Varooe, a former resident of
Bruesele, is ]sere on a holiday from Swan
River, Manitoba, after an absence of.
nearly 8 years. He has 160 acres of
land near the above mentioned village
but fa'atill ti bachelor. We hope for good
results from this' visit. Mr. Varcoe ie
iutereeted in the Bale of Manitoba lands
and in ready bo disarms the situation with.
those desirone ofpurobaeing.
A. O.U. W. -The 'unmetelection of
officers for Brueeels A.. 0. U. W. Lodge
took place last Friday evening when the
. following brethren were chosen for the
year 1908 :-Masher Workman, John
Simmons ; Foreman, Wm. Wilton ;
Overseer, Wm Work ; Recorder, W. 1.
'$err ; 'ioanoier, W. H. MoOreoken ;
Treasurer, G. A. Deadman ; Guide,
Weteon Aialay; Inside Watobman, Wro.
Armstrong { Outside Watchman, M. H.
Moore, V. S. ; Medical Examiner, Dr.
McKelvey { Bepresevlative to Grand
Lodge, G. A. Deadman ; Alternate
Thee. Farrow ; Auditors, Thomas
Farrow and Watson Ainlay• The in-
stallation will take place on Friday,
January 3rd at 8 o'olook p. m. Al the
olose of laeb Friday evening's eee01on a
treat of Jersey cream and honey was on
the program through the kindueee of G.
A. Deadman.
ATTEND IT. -A pubiio meeting of
bneiuees men and all others interested in
the village andviomity of Brussels will
be held in the Couooil Chamber on the
evening of Friday Jan, 0th. at 7.30.
o'olook for the purpose of considering ebe
question of starting a mooning factory
here. There should be a large attend.
sum. Brussete will make substantial
progress in proportion 0e heroitizenn bake
bold and pneh local industries end in
this way build up the town. Everrbody
who owns property or carries on bosinese
has a right to foster trade- and extend
our borders by praising the good and - in-
vembing in feasible- sohemee for the ad•
vauoement of the town. Outsiders will
not do this for us nor will (weaken inside
develop those featured that will prove
advantageous but the "lifters," by a
united effort, oan a000mpiieb wonders.
Show your sympathy byshowing up at
the meeting Friday evening and be pre-
pared to give Brussels a booet,
Saturday afternoon a meeting of the
Moutons of East Huron Farmere' In-
etitute was held in the ()canon Chamber
to draft the progrtm for theregularand
supplementary meebiuge to be held short..
ly, Vice President Jemee Elliott o0
monied the Chair in the abeenoe of Thoe. -
MuQlillan, the President. Directors
present were Messrs, Gibson, Knox,
Campbell, MoFadzean, Simplon, Gard.
War, Webb, Lawson and herr and Sea-.
retary•Treaenrer dloArtbar, Regular
meebiuge will be held at Brunets and
Gerrie on January 15th and 16th and will
be addressed by J. Gardbouae, of High
field, 0021., and W. F. Kidd, of 8 10005,
on practical subjsot0. Bath speakers' tie
well seasoned in practice as welt art theory,
The supplementary meetings, are 9 on
number and tae dates ran from February
3rd to the 12th inolaetve, the speakers
being Gavin Barbour, of Cross Hill and
A, G Molfenzie, of Fair View, It was
nuanimouely agreed to have the Sears
tau arrange for a lady to attend all meet.
Ings and give 'addresses. Where there
are Women's Institutes the visitor will
probably talk in the afternoon to ,the
membere in addition to the pubiio ad.
dreams In the evening. A mooioal 'pro.
gram will also be nrrang d for earth
meeting and it ie hoped a livelier intarget
Will be manifested by the residents of the
various localitioe than tont shown at
some gatherings Inst year. The hot of
meetinge will be published in ,00r next'
LOST in Braude, on Tuesday evening
of this week a white woollen chest pro
Moor, The finder will greatly oblige by
leaving it at THE PusT,
Mornay snow fell nearly all day and
although nut sold it was rather a disagree-
able day to travel far. The sleighing was
much improved and the largest amount
of snow on the ground this Winter:
From 8 to 9 inohee were measured on the
EDDuATIONAL-We direct the attention
of our readers to the advertteement of
the popular Elliott Bueinees College
Toronto. The opening of the Winter
term moue on Jan, 6th, when a large
number of new students will be enrolled,
This eobool is under very able manage -
Mont end has huedrede of etudente wools
year for hueiness positions. The -col-
lege has an exoalieal reputation for first -
Clam! work.
ODI: -Atter an illness of nearly two
years, Mary, beloved wife of John . Foot
oia, Logan township, on dlunday, gib
inst., passed away in her 68th year. Al
though mattered iu different parte of the
oouutry her family"tvas all with tier atthe
last, which was a great consolation to the
dying mother. Her liter words were ex
premise of peace In God and a wiping
nese to depart aud be at rest with Him.
Her devotion as wife andmother eon
her kindueee to everybody will long
linger as a fragrant memory in the
home her pregame brightened and whieb
dna h has now darkened. 'Though gone
her reoord has beau made and wid roman)
a lusting treasure. D seated was the
mother of Robert Frannie, of Braeeele.
The funeral service woe in (Merge of Rev.
W Pauball, of Monktou, and the pall
bearers were 5 sone and - a son in•lliw.
Deceased was born In England aud•eame
to Canada when 16 years of 'age. She
won married to her-nowberelt partner iu
GOOD TIME. -The Annivereay Tea
meeting was held in the Methodist
chards Bulieels, Obrietmae night.
Tables were net lot the eoboolroom well
laden with good thing of this life. After
supper the program was given iu the
auditorium The first part wag acautate
entitled "Chrisbmee Message" in which
the choir was assisted by the League
choir and a eeore or more of the juniors
from the Sabbath Sono,), each doing
their part well. In the eeoond part of
the program Mre. W. H. Willis, of Sea•
forth, sang a very appropriate solo in
good voles , Rev. E. G. Powell gave a
abort addreee ; Dr. and Mrs. Gilpin, of
Mlohigan oily, Ind„ rendered a ohoiue
duet, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" ;
Mise Minnie MoNaupbton eontpihat-
ed an exuelieut recitation; W. H. Willis,
at Beafurtb, who is always welacme,
sang a Bolo and the Ladies' quartette
.closed the .program with a well ming
mintier'. Mies Ala Pryue performed
the part of secompaniet in a most eatis-
faobory and capable manner. A vote of
thanks was passed to all who assisted,
The proceeds of the evening were MOM
Business Locals.
Boowen's Photo' Studio will be open on
Xmae.0tud New Years.
Bre reduction in oottere for the next 2
weeks at D. EWAN & Oo'e.
SPECIAL -Our oranges at 400 per doz.
A 1 b. x on bon bonefor80a at GREwAR'O.
Two pair bobeleighe .and a Portland
ouster for eale, Apply)to WALTER Low-
Enm, Bale Stable, Brussels.
BEooND HAND OnaANe.=A number of
good 6 and 6 dotave 2nd band organa for
male at a bargain. Dell and see them.
Service was oondaoted in St, John's
(Murals Obrietmae morning by Rev, Mr,
Lang -Ford, the rector.
One of the numbers on the program at
the Epworth League next Monday even-
ing will be a debate on a Mioeiouary
A musical program and a abort address.
by Buperinteudeut Cameron were on the
program at Melville Sabbath Bohool Iasi
"Where ie He that is born Xing of the
Jews, Spa.," was the text for Rev, A. 0.
Wiehart'e Obristmee sermon last Sabbath
morning in Melville oburob. In the
evening the text 'was "Praise ye the
Lord." A. epeuiattn0510l01 program wae.
presented suitable to the ocoasioo.,
In the Metkodiebobereh last Sabbath
the pastor preached a Christmas sermon
in the morning moon Isaiah 9, 6-17
and St. Luke 22,-14, At the evening
service the tome was "Ohrietmae Star,
Song and Sermon." Okrietmas rondo
wee rendered by the obuir and a Ladies'
quartette sang in the evening: ae well.
auies Alta Pryne e0pplied aooeptebly for
Mies Bailey au .organist. .
Babbatb.atternooa last a Ohrietmae'
collection' wag token in the . Methodist.
Sabbath Sobool, Brnosele for the Roepitel.
for Slots Oblltlren and the reepeabable-
amount of- 82021 aontribnted. Hazel
Lowry geve a good reoitetion ; Mindred
Milner gid Georgie ThiVlA
rde sang The
Ohriotmne Birthday wog" the school
joining in the tihorue; short address by
W. H. Salter, of Toronto, formerly. lof
The rest Servant
of' the Farmer__
19 a Strong
makes ittpreialty of die business of Farmers, and extends
Every department of banking is conducted. Best service
and absolute safety guaranteed,
deposits of ; 100 and upwards received, and - interest
allowed from dale of deposit, COMPOUNDED FOUR
Capital Feld Un - %1,000,000.00
Reserve Fund and
Undivided Profits, 01,183,713,23
Metropolitan Bank
W. J, FAWCETT, Manager
Mise Ford is holidaying in Luoknow.
Russel Zimmer is borne from Hamil.
toil for elem.
Mose Eva Cameron ie home for the
Xmas VaOatiOL.
Dr, R. P. end Mrs. Field are holiday•
ing at Hamilton,
Dr. J. W. Coyne, of Ridgetown, is it
visitor at J. J. Gilpin's.
Mre. Welsh, of Berlin, ie sidling her
sister, Mre. John Thomson.
Miss May Deadman ie home from the
Queen's any for a holiday.
Rev. A. 0. W febert, B. A. spent Christ.
mac with relatives at Fergua.
Mre. Peal and Mise Gordon spent a
few days with B nevale Iriende.
Mine Julia Sharpe, Of Ingersoll, le a
visitor with relatives in Brunets.
George and Mre, Haiete and children,
of Wingbam, are vieitoro in town.
Mies Dora E. Shaw is away on a holi-
day visit -with friends at Irognois.
J. Leslie and Mrs. Herr, of Blytb, were
in towu for Christmas with relatives,
Thosr.'Ohrry and :ami y ate their
Christmas eurkoy with Atwood relatives.
Goo field Seeker, druggist of Ohotbaw,
was a Onrietmas visitor here with tele
Miss Maggie MoNsughton, of Clinton,
,a epeadiog a few holidays a0 her home
W. W, and Mre. Barrie and obildren
are making a visit with relativee at Ruth
Hilton end-Mre. Hunter and baby, of
Port Colborne, are visiting relatives in
Mise L zzie MOArtbOr, who lean been
teoohing iu Bruce 0o., to home for her
Mre. Neil McLenohhp ie spending the
holiday with relatives in Cbesley and
J. B. and Mre. Cameron are spending
a few days with Lunkuow relativee sed
old friends.
John 'and Mre. Goatee are at Seaforth
'hie week enjoying the Obrisimaetide
with reiativee,-
Whitfield Roe has been laid up with
the measles bat se hope he will anon be
clear of them.
R. D. Cardiff, of the Metropolitan
Bunk, wan here from Toronto for hie
Christmas turkey.
R and [Ara . McAlpine, of Luoknow,
spent Obr,etmae at the parental home of
the latter iu Brussels.
Alex. Roes, of Ottawa, ie enjoying a
few days in town. He ie a son of - Wm.
Rose, William street.
Mies Mabel Colvin has returned home
again for her bohdaye from her millinery
position io Crediton.
• Mine Tilly Zimmer and Mien Jessie
Ell.ott armee hums from the Oliuto0
Model eahool last week.
Mrs. Stewart, of Woodbridge and Mise
Helen Stuart, of Wroxeter, are making a
Visit with Mrs Jas. Fax,
George Ruse, who is a student at the
Ontario Dental Collage, Toronto, is Imre
for the.Ohrtetmae vacation.
Misese Mary and Edith MaLanohlin,.
of Toronto, are welcome visitors under
the parental roof in Bromide.
Mies Olive Bailey, nurse, of Guelph,
eame'home owing to the illness and sub
erquene demise of her brother.
W. J. and Mrs. Fawcett and Mies
Mary' were iu Harristou for Ohrietrnae
enjoying the day with relatives,
Bert Lutt, is spending the Christman
vaoation with relativee in town. - Ho
came from Brantford on Saturday.
W H. and Mre. Willie end Harvey, of
Seaforth, epeab Christmas at the home of
B. Gerry, Mill Street, .Mre. Willis' father.
alleges Linda and Edttb Colvin were
viaitora with Mies Mend Stem, in Sprat
ford for it few days dnriug the peat week.
Thos. and Mre. Bone, oI Woodstock,
were visitore with Thos. Bone and family
Brussels. The gentlemen are cousins.
Mies Beryl Porter, of Corneae, Lamb.
ton, Co., who rasa visiting at her uncle's,
Rev. E. G. Powell, lett for her borne last
week. -
-B Y. Taylor end family, late of Paris,
are now loon:tad in Calgary, Mr. Taylor
is teaching imbed and pushing real
estate, -
Thomas Maxwell went to Toronto
002 'lbnreday where she expecte to epwnd
a month or ao with her nephew, Lorne
James Forbes, who has seen a good
share of the United States in the plot
few yeare, in home on a vieit with hie
mother and sister.
Mr, Harris, of,Petrolie, was a visitor
at Peter Waters!), Quenu street. It is 10
year(' since be was hero, Mre, Harvie
ie .vire. Wateou'e deter. -
IDepeotor Robb and J. H. Cameron
were at Beafortn op Tuesday attending
a meeting of the On. Board relative to
the recent Model School examinabrone.
W. 8' end Mre. Stewart, of Guelph,
were shaking hende with old friends in
Bromide on Ohriebmae, making their
headquarters with their -daughter, Mre.
N, F. Gerry.
Mra. Roberti Donbnw sod ohildreo, of
Carlyle, Mau,,, arrived , hero last week
and will make only a short vieit with
reiattvee and former friends in Bruaeeie
and looality.
Mre, Hazzard Wright, of Miobigan,
formerly of Morrie, is renewing old..
friendships here. She is a sister of
George Crooks, Queen street, She is a
welcome visitor,
it io of Miohi nn Oil.
Dr. and Mre. G g
, y
Indiana, have been enjoying a few days
will the tnrmer'e patents and go to
Owen Sound to vilib Mre. Gilpin'°
1 Iriende for New Years.
vrs®s ea
Lorne Pringle, , of Toronto, bolidey
ed in town.
Mise Minnie Moore of St. Tboms.a,',ie
here on a brief variation.
Alvin Steam, of Stratford, was renew
ing old frieudebipo in Brunel.,
Alex. and Mrs. Thomeon, and Goff, of
Guelph, were Christmas visitors in town.
Earl Ameut ie home from Detroit
after a residence of several months in
that oity.
George Bnobenan ie home from the
Medical College 'Toronto, for the Ymae
Barrio's'. fj' toDonald hang up hi.
Xmaeetocklr the parental home iu
Mre. Hompbriee and -daughter and
Mtsti Thompeon, of Toronto, are vieitoro
at Jas. Jones'.
John B. MoLanohlin ie borne from the
West on a holiday visit aud will not
likely return before Sprint(.
Ivan Crooke, who is atteadiag the
Oohege of Phermaoy at Toronto, is bore
on a visit under the parental rol.f.
Ohrutmas waiters at James Dadleye
are John G,ff, Toronto t A. and Mrs
Beievenpiper, Berlin ; and Miss Bahedier.
Rooms 1 & 2
FORM ISI B -Examined in Ar., Chem.,
Comp., Lat., Geom., Alg. and Ano.
Hist, Total 700. Honors 625. Pass
I Frain ...... ..650 G Armstrong .0581
W Straohan....642 W Henderson..006
N M(Kenzie....611 J Robb 469
B Deadman...,810 L Rutherford 458
M Brothers.... 602 0 Speir 432
L Liokaon ....685
Foau III A Same enbjeate,
S Stubbs 564 J Cunningham 441
G Robb 552 P Bremner ....401
E Evans 522 C Holmes 854
R Shaw 471 0 Scott 389
P Baker 466
Fonts II -Examined in Ar„ Chem.,
Science, Geom., Fronds, Dr., Wr. and
Comp. Total 850. Honors 637. Pass
H Moore 698 5 MoKeraber ..644
G Jordon 686 1 Wilton 540
J Leckie 654 0 Armstrong ..500
F Armstrong 644 W Scott 600
W McOntoheon 576 A MuKelvey 497
H McCall 556 'S Ament 380
" Missed two subjects.
Foam 1 -Examined in Rend., Geom.,
So., Gram., Geo., Dr., Wr. and Comp.
Total 850. Honore 657. Pass 610.
R Simpson ....785 (1 Ma8lilan 570
F Scott .......690 N Ewan 560
J Henderson ..870 B Leckie 641
M Junes 660 VBowman .,..589
A Forrest 665 V Walker 532
8 liewibeon..,.647 A Rabb 632
T Diokson ....614 P Brewer 486
0 Forbes 618 F Gerry 477
F Bryan° 608 J Armstrong ..461
B Curry , 602 W Bell • 485
O Amens 590 0J Speir 229
*Part only
J. H. Ceetaaon, Principal.
mom 3
ENTRANCE. -Examined in Spell., Phys„
Writ., Read., Gomm. (Geo.. Hist. and
Arith., Total '150. Honore 568.
E Deadman.,..715 W Sperling.. „,542
E Gilpin 682 0 Lowry 541
M Thomson....632 $ ivilton 532
H Armstrong ..629 J Armstrong 520
B Warwiok.,..609 H Mooney 508
8 Gerry 606 V Ainlay 483
B •Harris 697 S Fox 482
E Plum ......585 Winnie Long 481
0 Leckie 668 H Oempbell....400 1
Willie Long587 R Emigb 260
E Bomere .....648
Jn. IV -Same subjects. - -
F Stubbs 661 L Bateman ...446
C McDonald 525 W Ainlay .....481
P Dark 609 M Thomson....420
G Kerr604 B liurgeess ....419
W Herr 500 F Robb , 409
P Me$euzie487 H Ament 369
I Strachan ,...409 E Lamont 840
1 Flett 460 0 Emigh 103
D. SAUTE, Teaoher.
swots 4
Su, III -Examined in Gram., Phys.,
Arith., Geog, Comp. and Spell. 'Total
000. Honore 450.
S Brothers .525 A Wilton 878
V Ross ...... •.605 E Barkley 875
Hazel Lowry ..488 00 Burgess ,858
O Crooks 483 H •immone....828
A Moore ...,479 H Lowry 804
N Fox -426 i
an. III -
T Deadman579 I MoLouohlin,.875
E Lowry 604 J Elliott 874
E ')bole 489 B Kerr 867
W Lott- 488 11 Lowry - 861
A MoLauohliu 476 L Lowry 840
8 Moore 469 W Harris 888
A Roe 467 H Fox 331
W Armatrong..408- G Colvin 803
J Jaokeon,.....437 R Barkley 264.
L Bsllautyne..486 M Bishop - 284
H Work 416 F Wood .,....157
1 88
876L mea
3 Habkirk Ho
H. M. DOWNING, Teacher.
noon' 6
So, II-Extin, bn Writ„ Draw., Geog.,
1131.461.181$ if 1 919TH
Head Office - - - Toronto
The Standard Bank pays interest
four times a year on all Savings
Bank deposits.
Savings Bank 'Department in Connection with all Branche .
J. F. P.r wlarae9, Manager
Biitle' $let., Spel., Lit. and Bead.
'Pupal 050, loners 485.
V MoCraoken ..574 0 Crone ......477
G Edwards ,,464 L Burgess
1 Ballantyne ..551 I MoLauohlin 467
L Jackson ...,540 P Thnell 861
H Crone 609 G Jamiesoo....351
R '-inolair ...,501 M Edwardy,...208
A T omeoo..-.485 TSnider 188
Jo. II -Examined in Writ., Draw„
Gecg., Spell„ Read., Bible Hist. and
Camp. Total 650. Honore 486.
M Friendebip..884 W Pe.yhe 468
1t "tewart ,,..574 L Mo(raoken ,480
I Tonle 655 R Hewitt 874
L Amens 543 V sinoiair ....350
M Mercer 536 F Payne ....,.812
R Ritchie 607 E Porter 90
0, Rose, Teaoher.
Room 6
Claes IV -Examined in Arith„ Diet.,
T.ninguage, Read., Writ., Draw, Total
R Molsay
515 A MOLauohlin 437
C Powell 602 W Buchanan ..884
TMaLauohlin484 P Barkley .,..381
0 Jackson 476 M Carter 357
L Jackson ....459 R Currie 346,
W sooners' ....444 J Thompson 386
B MoLauchlin..444 0 Drone 318
Claes III -Excellent -W Harkness, H
Gerry. Gond-W McDonald, L bidder, J
Jamieson. Fair ---W Burgene.
CLASS II-Exoelient-F MoHay, 0
McKay; D Rose, 0 Beet, Good -M
Fatvoett, H Stewart, A, Fox, V Harris,
R Brewer, A Currie, J Warwiok, R
Moore, M Belton. Fair -G Ramsay, R.
Payee, G. guider.
Ouse I -Excellent -E Powell, G
Thompson, E Jamieson, H Lott, -Good
Mu Campbell, A homers. Fair -J Hark-
J. Rlraane, teacher.
BAxEs.-At Granton, on Nov. 28th, to
lair. and Mre. Wilber Baker, a dau-
FELLS -Io, East Wawanoeb, on Deo. 6tb,
to Mr and Mrs. John Fe Is, a eon.
FRA°ER -In Blyth, on Deo. 6tb, to Mr.
and Mre. Oboe Flneer, a eon,
HINoeTON.-In Wingbam, on the 15th
met., to Mr. and Mrs. A, 3. Bing.
st0n, a 0002.
MOGEE -In East Wawanoeh, on Deo.
141b, to Mr. and Mre. Robs, McGee,
a 00o
MrToaaLI,-In Ternberry, on the 14th
'net„ to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 13.
Mitobell, a daughter.
CAMPBELL -In Logan, on the 8th duet.,
A'ex Campbell, aged 66 years,
FaoitoIs -In Logan, on toe 9th fust,,
Mary, war of John Frannie, aged 61
years and 3 months,
Goin -In London, on December 10th,
Minnie Barnes, wife of Mr J. H.
Gordon, formerly G. T. R. agent
in Wingham, aged 40 yearn,
KNIdnir-At Cnsey, Illiooie, II. S„ on
December 15th. Mre: Tempi' Knight,
eged 70 years.
Mlxoan>,L,-At Bright, on Deo, 9th ,
John Mitchell, aged 91 years aud 9
3312"0-96=7-,S A6A.15.2 ==.177
Fall Wheat .. 88
Barley 50
Peas 77
Oats 88
Butter, tube and rolls22
Eggs per dozen 24
Hay per ton 13 00
Flour, per bbl - 4 60
Hoge, Live 5 00
Apples (per bbl.) , 1 50
Potatoes per bus 50
Sett, per bbl., retail 1 25
14 00
5 20
5 00
1 76
1 25
.. AEL0 seven -'unmet, oottege in Brue-
eele Runtb. For forth°, partisulare apply
(w th cellar, woodshed and good well)
and lob for sale in the village of ECIteL Pos-
session oenld be given i0 February, For
further particulars es to Price, terms, due,,.
apply to 11118. 200 BLE v100011. 04-3
Tlsoeo that are alike eatiefaotory to both
the giver and i' lb, fent because they rep.
resent exoolitatt In merit, beauty and
utility, Tse following will give some
idea of our stook of these better gifts but
you must see the goods tofully appreci-
ate their arbietta wort)] and our reason•
able prices
Cut Glass
The dazzling brlllla too and bnabty of
design of 001' (lob Wiese shake it alt al.
aoceptable gift,
China -
Beautifully deooreted• Many hurley
pieces in Plates, Cups and Saucers, Bon.
Bone, &a,
Leather Goods
Very floeassOrtment of Leather Pnu-
venit'a, Post Card Albums, Ladies' and -
Gents' Parses, Hand Bags, &a
Story and Picture Books
The old favorites- Chains, ('hatter -
box, Boys' Own, Young ('aoeda, British
Worltmen, ' hlld's Own Magazine. All
the popular Poets in padded biuding,
Bibles and Hymnals
Au exeelleut Ifue f the better edi
tions of the Book of Praise, also the
Methodist Hymn Book.
Dolls and Toys
We think our assortment and prices
are unsurpassed fu thio line.
Fine Toilet Articles
We are showing some special Igloos
In Mauiours and Toilet Sets, nicely
mounted or plain' it desired, also, Jewel
Oases, Novelties in Metal and Pottery,
Beautiful Mirrors, &o, -
Handsome Stationery ,�
Our variety comprises maty beano
fol boxes raugiug hr vuluen•f'i'om 26o to
61.00. ,
Xmas Booklets and Cards
Fancy boxed ar,d hand painted, rang-
ing iu pries from 10a to 400. They are
particularly attractive.
We shall be very glad to have you
drop in and look over our stook ill
Drug Store k
P. S. -Let as supply you with Xmas
Bells, We have a large assortment.
premises of the undersigned, Lot 14,
Con 15, Grey. They are all ewes. Owner'"
ie regeoetsd to rove property, nay expen-
ses and take them away. JAMES CD$10,
Cranbrook P. O. _ :E4*
liaEcurssimmis D.4i, '-L ueEr swolEtz
t'4�'I,'ti9„'Li'll4i"4'4(li'p, Ili Ili Ili It'I,i 11.'t.'L'll'4i L,'I.Al,rl."1 ill'tl.'II,'ill'tl'I,I'1„a'W4,'ILN•11.'e,•u1'ePpi41'lli iii tal.'lli Ili t.'LN.ali Ilr'I,i Ili le'IV'lead'L'a� IL'lllllr91111�Ve'IJ4i'IWII'pi le'I,. Il.'I.,'leal,el
N. M 0 A E.
Prices Out of the Ordinary for
Holiday Sale
Choose your Holiday Presents from a Strictly New Stock. We have many useful ar-
ticles that will make acceptable Holiday Gtfte. You will find here a strictly new stock' of
Ladies' Furnishings, Dress Goods, Furs, Flannel Waists and Waistingo, Ladies' and Misses'
Skirts, Table and Fancy Linens, Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers and Overshoes. New Suits
and Overcoats for 1'1eu and Boys ; new Men's, and Boys' Furnishings.
Here are a Few Special Prices for Xmas Sale
Ladies' Fur Ruffs at
5.00, 7 00 and 10.00 2 00 and 2 25 Men's Tweed Pants for 1.50
-We are showing sr'eoial oaluee in Ladies' A11 -4 dozen Men's All Wool Tweed Pants -in
Around Ohio Sable Ruffs, finished with 4, 6 and B .vide stripes : finished with gond
tails, at small, medium end ......... .. .. ... 5 00 7'00 10 00 quality of Twill Pooketin,.)` well made lar every
Muffs to match s'0 4 00 to 8 60 wwy ; aes•,rted sizes ; le nlar plicas 2.00 and 'L.25
Xmas SalePrice,m 1 ' -'00...:..2...2.5.
.....1 50
9 00 and 1000 Men's Tweed Suits for 7.50 -
-85 Men's Suite in All Wool Canadian TWeed ;
1.00 and 1.25 Men's House Slippers for 75c
-50. pairg Men's Fanny House Slippers in teeth -
Made in'Metall 1 weed Eatterue ; a particularly hue : er and Velvet -a very eniteble Xmasin-sizes 6 to
lot of Perfect Fitting Snits, regular prises 9.00 and . 10 • regular prices 1.00 aud 1:25. Your ohonoe of
10.00, Xmas Sale Prim 7 50 the lot dating the Xmas Sale for .. 75
1.00 Lk 1.25 Women's Fanny House Slippers 750
-60 pairs Women's Fauoy Hones Slippers, Jol-
iet style, warm lined, fur trimming. flexible sole
with fleeced insoles, sizes 2} to 8, regular price 1,25
and 1.00. Take then) Xmas Sale for
8 50 Boys' 2 -piece Suite for
-21 Boys' Suits in Light and Dark Colored
Canadian Tw eds, Norfolk styles, sizes for boys from
6 to 13 years old. Xmas Sale Price
2 00 Women's Skirts for 1.89
-3 dozen Women's Navy Bine, )gaols and Dark
1 Grey Skirts, nude from good quality ninth, nicely
finished, all sizes, regular prior 2.00, Xmas Sale- •
75 I Price ; • 1 39
2.50 5.00 Sample Skirts for 3.75
--Black, Blue, Brown and Green Venetian
Cloths,also some Dark and Medium Odors, regular
2 50 � up 6o 5.00. Your choice for 3.75
ehoice Qualities FancyNapkins and Table Cloths
Linens, p
Ladies' Fancy Collars, 1.0e to 1.00
Men's Ties, 10e to .50
Warm Underclothing, 50e to, 2 00
Extra Values in White Wool. Blankets
Ladies' Gloves, 25c to 125
Men's Gloves, 25o to 1.25
Fancy Mothers, 250 to 1.25
Sp ', Pi f', Boys' Overcoat?
citul Prices � on
or 'Your Iloilo
Prices for Produce Goods Right .
Hilliest � �'
Next Door to
Ica House
ti :$?..