The Brussels Post, 1907-12-26, Page 593 Tho Leading 5� ohool +� REHR STRATFORD. ONT, By giving a hatter ouurse of tralu- ,n lug 1.11181 that given by any other elm. tet s ilia institution in Untitr-0, we have on- �. aamu uuu of the leading business training sohoole 111Canada. Our ggraduates urs to demand its Oleo aa- etsuu,te and Business College Lewin - ere Our metros -being the best, our 1.0 graduate,' suuvoud. L interested in 1 }Uel uwn wetlare tvr" now IUi' ser Ll • ,,p eto1ok, uo ; It 10 true. Wo buys *11100 j department%, doluunorolal, Shorthand a and Be0g0Itphl0. Whiter term (moue January 6th.. y� JLL101'T & AI0LAUHLAN, by py Priuufpuls, ryp AIRINESS CARDS. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCEJ. AND ISSUER o1(• NI&BBL&GE LICHNSES !lice in the Post Otlioe, L'lhet. 00.4 Il E1 THA C. ARMSTRONG Is prepared to give Ieaaodo on plane or )teed Organ. Terme ou Replication. Poetuniue a0drese—Brussels, Resiuuuue— Lot 8, 000.10, trey. Pupils may have their legions at their own homes i, preened. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howiek Mutual Fire Insurance Company moo and Reeldenoe— WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: INe0IANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Rate of Interest 64 per cent per annum, first Meanest LIFE AND FIRE INS. AGENT Excelsior Lite Iusuruuoe oo apauy The Equity Fire Iuehrauoe Company All boldness attended to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk 4th Division Oourt AUCTIONEERS. g/t S. SCOTT AS AN ADOTION- s1 • sun, will sell for bettor prices, to better lion, In lees time and lase charges than any other Aaotluneerin East Baron or no won't charge anything. Dates and orders can nlwayeve arranged at 01810 office or b0 personal application. RQBT. H. GARNISS 13L01+.VALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Bales arranged for at the office of Tan PonT, Brnseels. 9901 VETERINARY. G. A: CUNNINGIiAM— • Honor aluduu.a of Mc Ontario Vet - emery College, 10 prepared to trent all dis- eases of domesticated animals in a woman. ens manner. Partinular attention -paid to Veterinary ,Je001etry and Milli Nevar. Uutlb promptly attended 00. Whoa itudlunrmary —Four doors North of bridge, lnruberry et. Brussels. Phone 47 lo URAL AND GUNVEYANCINU. oliday Presents Our new goods aro now dere, Wo bought ,at 010100130 prime dirout front the manu- facturer and can save you money on Ladles' • Gold Watches, Watch Chains, Goth Rings, Birthday Riuge, Looketo, Neukloto, Bracelets, Stick Pins• Pearl Set Brooches, Manioare Sets, Umbrellas, &o. Gents' Watches, Vest Chains, Cuff Linke. Scarf Pine, Looketo, Metelt Boxes, Pipes, Umbrellas, Canes, &c. Babies' Bracelets, Rings, Necklets, Lockets, Silver Mugs, Spoons, &o. We carry a large line of Cloaks, Silver- ware, 1847 Rogers Bros.' Kuivee, Forks and Spoons, Violius, &o. Our first ambition is to see that one Jewelery is of a quality that will wear. Our prides are 1(e low 00 the lowest. f' A• l3. M:ACDONALD— £L barrister, Solicitor, Notary, lino. bu0eeed0r ec t. 0'. Blot. ()Mee over Stan, dart) Bunk, Brussels. bulleitor. for Metro- politan Beall, . W M, SINOLAIli— V V • Barrister, tuliottor, ee1veyan0er, etnry Public, &o, Ultloe—S thwart's Block l door North et neutral Hotel, 80110100r for the Standard Bank, 1)130UDF00T, Id.AYS & BLAIR— IIA101IIS'1'ERS, S4O XOI (1108, NOTARIES ufloW. 1.itouD800T, It. 1). 10, O. BAYS O. P. Bram. OOloeo—Thane formerly oaoupted byMeeere Uum0r0o,k Holt, ONTARIO.101Elnon,. DENTISTRY DR, R. P. FEILD, O verloote of the Royal College of Dental Surgeonsario and Thilvorolt , Ofnee tort to Brevet'',' Phncogrape Oollery, Hltt1SSltlrS, • t'fb"�, =4tt t $S e.. ac;2:1 r; t,t '"Business Knowledge" 1 ' and "Everlasting Push" �' 0'0 aro oott, Attend Qd, auooese. 1 /^i ELLIOTT H. L. Jackson JEWELER Itaral Ittivs Pins made and will be bettor than the old one. 1 'ine committee woo upnudm0ue in the opinion that in tile long ran the weeny and adjoining townek11po will save money and pr •vide a better and safer highway for iho publio if the old bridge to alien dotted and the new bridge dui t at the pint above 011(001, and the eomml/toe advlee that the engineer defer molting Pr 'enders for a bridge at this place the tbeli 'apart io ouneldered by 11113 Council, ,-4r wOtr<A. The ()errant Works have &o•ed down for the Winter. The Monioipal Nominations for Il ma will be he'd in the 17 taste Hall oh Monday, Deo 800, 87108 011ie Ballantyne, who has been attendiug the Alma Ladieo College, St, Thomas, has returuod home for the Xmas holldayo. At Guelph John 13, Oowan, Donegal, re: ceived prizes ee follows for his Berkshire hogs t—Otte first, two eeoonde, one third and a fourth and fifth prize, and also a second prize for the beet 8 ewe lambs of Leioee0er0, A. Steveneon, of Atwood, auto received a number of prime for hie sheep, On rueeday night of Iaet week the Y Ing People'e meeting met 00 the home 01 Archie Siu,peons, Newry, thr debate being, "Resolved that Canada is a better country then the United States." A. Simpson and Masai MoMane took the negative aide while Chat, Laidlaw and E win Leslie took the animates, The affirmative aide won by a narrow margin of two pointe, after which a ep'endid program was giv.•t by the young people. RENEW, RENEw, Fait THE PoeT. 1.908 le leap year. SEE our °lobbing list before deciding ori the p,pere you will take for 1008. MUNICIPAL nomina110110 ou Monday, Deuembor 301h, E motions ou Januar} btu, 1908 SUB•ORIPTI00 prise to all 'Malted Stater enb-unbars is 31,50 a year, payabs strictly in advance. TEE House of Oommono at Ottawa adjourned Thursday of last week for the Obrietmae reams and will re•aeeemble on Wednesday, January 8111, Taut, Oetarrrh treatments are being mailed out free, on regoeat, by Dr, Shoop, Raone, Wie... These teats are proving to the people—without a pen uy's coot—the great value of this eoten• tion prescription known to draggietr everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Bold by all dealers. BnnoeELo NOMINATION,--Naminati0n for the 0,000ion of a Re ve, four Ouunoillure and three School Trustees for the Village- of illageof Brussels, will be held in the Town Han, Br000elo, on Monday, Deo. 80th. 1907 at 7 80 p m. If a poll ie demands. au eieoliou will be held un Mouday January 6th, 1908 at the following pollint. places :—N,. 1,'rhomeou's bleak, with J i'. Rues as Deputy Returuiug Officer , No. 2, Oounoil Ohamber, with N. F Gerry 00 Deputy Returning Officer No. 8, Geo. Bat's reeidanoe, with P doott as Deputy Returning Officer Poll opens from 9 a in. to 6 p. m, F. S Stott, Returning Muer. Realign From The Worry Guth Life is a rues, but we can't all gel there together. In ooueegaena0 we worry —Oan't help it bemuse nerves are wont., vitality ie burnt up and there's uo may MP power left. Out ont the worry part and build up. Lot Ferrazode he p you It's a most utreugtheuiug nutritive tom. Flliethe blood and iron, supplies build- ing material for worn out Organa, ge0er• ansa the sort of vitality that makee you want to do things. No medioine more brimpful for men, women and children whet need sereugth Dud staying power. Tr3 Ferrozooe 50o per box at all dealore. FoiolooS' INU'UITUTE MEETINGS—Th. regular meeting of Emit Huron Farmers Institute wile be he d au the Town Hal Brume e, on Wednesday January 16th. Outeiae speakers will be J. Gurdhuus,• Highfield, Out„ and W F Kidd, o Sunooe. A meeting wi 1 be held n• Garde on 111e 16th with the same apneas. ers, Supplementary meetings are date, as follows :—Fordwieb, Feb. 8 ; Binevalr, Feb, 4; Jamestown, Foo. 5 ; Molesworth, Feb. 6 ; Ethel, Feb, 7.; Wettest, Fen. 8 ; Moloch, Fob. 10 ; Winthrop,iFob. 11 ; 3t. Columbian, Feb. 12. Delegation 1— Gavin Barbour, Ocoee Hnl ; A. G Alp MaKeazte, Fairview ; i41ts+ I. liife, Hew pier. Oilp out this het of mee11Ug0. When the Stomach, Heart, or ,Kidney nerves get weals, thea these organfatways - fail. Don't drug the stomach, nor etim• nlnto the Heart or Kidueye. That is simply a' makeshift. Geta prescription known to druggists everywhere ea Dr. Shoop'e Restorative, The roetoretive to prepared expressly for the weak inside nerves,. Strengthen tlleee hervee, bald them 0p with Dr. Shoop's Restorative- tablete or liquid -and see how queokly help will oome. Feet sample test sent on tweet by Dr. Shoup, amine, 'Wig, Your health is rarely worth this simple teat. Sold by all deafen. COUNTY s. --Lt twaordenoe with lg to b9 TORONTO, ONT. 71,b w' and prepare for first -elan hastuees Q'l. eo01ti000 otooh as aro upon to our ntad- l9 flute, Hundreds of our etudoute aro ofug into good positions every year, �� Let us train you for nue, Wo will do 0 Lt it night. Whiter term epete ,innn- jJ cry nth. ^ W tv to 100 catalogue alt , oe 0,100,01' We extol ordinary 0ueiu00a Uellagos. `i, J, 13I blbT'I', 11°6 Pal. 4t dU L000n, V of a Anno-- Nen 8Te • qp' on, Venda ANn \LExA D A Question Often Aimed Why so many poopte feel worse after taking pile than before ? Trouble is that drastic) pills are need. No medical action ie obtained, the boweie are irri• toted and dreadful-oonetipolion follows. In I10tng Dr. Hamilton's Pills you are namely uoneoions of having talon midi• eine, Although very mild, Dr. Hamilton's Pills do regulate the bowels, stimulate normal sateen of the sleuth., and create neither nausea, griping or violent action. Positively guaranteed for biliousness, indigestion, etomooh and kidney ills. For a safe family pill rely un Dr. Hamilton's, 250 per box—at all dealers. 1VI telfii l l op ConNoin,—MoKillop comtoil mat in Seaforth on Deuerober 18th, All the members ware present. The principal business of the day was the passing of ,000aa10 amounting to 33,248 60. Conn. oil adjourned to mart as per statute on Monday Jon.18th 1908, at Calder's hall, Winthrop at 11 o'olook a. m. A meeting for nominating a Reeve and tour oounoil tore for the muniaipality of the township of MoKillop for the year 1908 ' wid be held at Calder's hull, Winthrop, o8 Mon day, Deo. 80th, 1907 from 1 to 2 o'clock p m. In the event of more persons be mg nominated than are required, an eleo0inn will be held on Monday, Jan. 6 18, 1908, at the following plows and by • he following named persona viz :—Pot ng Div No 1—A Wm Reidy'o house, q v 10, 000. 5, Jae. Evans D. R. 0. Thee Muylau, Poll olerk. Polling Div. N0, 2—At Jae Dorto ma's house, lot 26, nun 6, Jae. Dorro.uo, D. R:-.0. Jos. Dorranoe, Poll clerk. Polling Div. No. 3—At Jae. Martin's house, lot 11, con. 11, Jae. Davidson, D R. 0 Thos. Davidson, Poll oierk. Polling Div No 4 —At eahool house, Leadbnry, lot 26, con 12, 0. White, D R. 0. J. Balfour, poll clerk. M. MUEDIE, Clerk. C N Gp a moo 011011 at the ittelt nteeti00 of the Oo110o11, warden 0nrrre, Meseta. Middle- ton, Taylor, Oburohill and Oox, and Oounty- Engineer Patterson, metat Boimeevtlle bride an Weduroday of last week and examined the 0trnoture and ite opproaohee. The bridge is a wooden cue and was built in 1896. It 10 606 feet long and ie badly out of position on amount of the piers tattling ohowiug that in emcee plaoe0 the river bed ie not good, and. t is thought that for concrete work'. .uliioulty would be met with in mooring ,.cod foundations, A new bridge on present site might be shortened to 440 ft., Mit in orderto do so approaches used• ad would met ooneiderable, especially at the Booth end. The hill 0n the Goderioh toten811ip aide is a long heavy one, and to , 1 appearances an expensive one to main. "014,0. A survey muds 10G le point about 100 rods above the ofd bridge., not more than 800 feet would opan the river, and emAte two good solid banks on emit aide, on a level with the bridge when emoted on concrete worst 16 feet high. The. bottom of the river here wonl1 n0 doubt .fford first claim foundatione. The coot „I making approaoho1 at this pleee would ,0 very 0111.111. No eluting down hills on ,ichor oid0 will bin rogored by the county.. By putting the new,oridee at thfe point ,he Matmma. to Bolmoeville will be in etea06d halt a mile, but the road is easily 1.twt.ovs, N.1 - Nolo u 1184 ie a candidate for the Mayor's ohatr for 1908. Be should win. Up to Monday night al last week 0. •r uberner, town (elector, had taken in $22 800 in taxes, leaving lees than 3600 on the roll. Thescholarsof Knox Charon Sunday 'taboo) were giveu a slei0hride on Tam day afternoon of teat week, followed by a ,upper in the school room. Geo. Wright, bomber, bought an ex• ooptionally five animal from Amon 8m, h, of Groy. It weighed 1,850 lbs., and made prime Mahatmas beef, Mod Engineer Peters• n, of the 0. P. R 1.000 III town aet week, and drove out au the Gordon out, which is not yet mom p oted '1'be rails are now laid within a short dielance of the out, and as moon as .hie is finished will be ooatiuned on to wn, which should be reached by New Y tore. 'rows treasurer Binning has received freta the County treasurer a cheque for $4.288 84, being Ll towol'a share of the tat t,•0 R'nado grant. The cheques for E111.‘ 0nd Wallace, the f"rmor for 31,455 46, and the letter for $272 66, have obi -been received by file treasurers of these townships. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little (lousy Cold Tablets oailedPreventioe. Drupelets everywhere are now diepenoing Pieveetios, for they are not only safe, but decidedly ocrtain and prompt, Prevetttioe contain no Quinine, ho Laxative, malting harsh nor Weakening. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventioe pili provetlt Pnenmouia, Bro,obi0i0, La Grippe, oto, Hence the name,' Prt•vonlioe. Good for (everieh children. 48 Prevention 26 cents. Trial Bone 5 ole Bold by all dealers. ROLE'S PREPARATION OF Friar's Cough Beds- n One of the good, old-fashioned things that has never been improved upon. Infallible for coughs, colds, bronchial and lung troubles. It is the largest and best 25c remedy for coughs and eolrls. Prepared, recommended and guaranteed by the largest wholesale drug house in the world. If your druggist does not handle it, let us know. NATIONAL DRUG & CHEM. CO,, Limited • oo LONDON, Ont, The Methodist ()lunch Sabbath School of Belgrave, held their annual Ohrietmas entertainment in the Foresters' Ball, Belgrave, on Christmas night, Wm. Watson, oontrootor, is through with this eeaoon'e work, having ereoted the very commodious eobool hoose in Belgrave, and two beautiful country reeidenoee, one for Wrn. Boost and one for Mr, Mattoon, both of Emit Wawa. nosh, Bel weave. Wm. Galley, of Edmonton, ie visiting friends fn this vicinity, Wm. Watson received a car load of British Oolumbia etiologies. The many friends of Jay O'egg will he .orry to learn that he ie oonfiood to hie homethrough illness,. ' 'hoe, alio Mre. Abraham, near Blue vale, spent a day hast weds at Mr. Daly'• and Mr. Wray' of Bwlernve, Mise Penny McCrae, of Detroit, 18 (ponding n soup c of weeks with her par• onto, Ohm and Mre, MoOrao. Knox ollviroh Sabbath eohool held their Ohrietmae entertninmomt in the l.9oreetere' hall on Prlday evening of iaet weep, - Mr, Ferguson, of Bayfield, who exile on the great hiltoe from Buffalo to Chicago, was the guest 0f L. L. and Mre, Goddess, Mr, Naylor, the Humber for Belgrave Pablio School, will take ftp Telegraphy, and railway work in 'Toronto in the future instead of going to Normal, Mr, and Mrs. Honey and Mies Gal- laher, of Monet) Jaw, are visiting George u, d Mrs. Proctor, 4th line Morrie, and ,cher rolativo0, Mut. Henry and Mioo Gallaher are Wisteria and melded at Bel - Pram until about three years ago, when they went Weet with their father, - Fo rdwlcl►. Dr. and Mre, E. J. Footer have moved into their home. Mies M. Dolman ban been engaged 80 teacher of Lakelet school for 1908. Leet week there was only $102 to be paid in Howiek for taxes. The five per oeut, is a drawing card. Thee. Milne, of Moose Jaw, Sauk., is vieiting his another on the 6th eon., East of Fordwioh. He has been id with appendicitis and has oome home to re ouperate. The annual meeting of the W, A. M. A., Trinity March, was held in the March when the following officers were eleoted for 1908 :—Pree., Mrs Goggia ; Viae Pres., Mre. W. Wade, er. ; Seoretary,.Mese Goggin ; Treat., Mre. W. W%tlhio3 ; Pur, Oom„ Mre. 0. Wade, Mre. Spinks, Mre. W. Wol.aoe, The Mayne Epworth League held ite annual bueineee . meeting in the obnroh to sleet officers for New Ysor. The finwnoiai report showed au inaame of 3101 86 and expenditure of 386 29 leaving a balance in the treasury of $15 66. The following offioare were 1(p pointed :—Honorary Pres,, the pastor ; Pres,, Mite Pauline Vines, let vine, Mise Annie Faust; 2nd Vioe•Pree„ Find- lay Lynn; 8rd Vioe•Pree„ Mies Boyd t 4th Viae.Pree., Mrs. A. Mo0abe ; Boy., Ford Oooper ; ,1'reao„ Geo, Faust ; Organists, Misses Boyd and Ronald. Recently the Epwortb League, assist• ed by the Newbridge Longue gent a Dasa of nuderwear to the Boys' Home at Pore Simpson B. 0„ valued at $14 85. At the game time the W. M. S. at New- bridge sett a Daae to the same pinoe for ase in both the Bove' and Girls' Home valued at about 332.00 Rev. 0, Raley, the missionary there, is eapported by the Epworth Leagues of Wingbam Diet riot. The annual eleoti00 of officers of L. 0. L. To. 642 resulted as follow() :—W. M. 'Thos. Gogvin ; D. M , John Cao ; Obop., J. H. Johneton ; R. 8„ I. Gamble I F S., Wm. Goggin ; Treem„ B B. Cook ; D. of. 0., A. Spotton ; Leat., Joe. Williamson; Onm., Jae. Douglas, J. Corbett, Ed. Campbell, W. A. Edwards, Jae. Wa kom. M. Dane, Deputy County Bloater, was present and presided daring the eleotioo and installation of offiuere eleot. Dietriat Master J. J. Gregg paid the lodge an official violt and wag accompanied by W. J. Strong, Natal Blood PafsoLLn2 Frequently follows the use of cheap Dorn 'salves and plasters, The enfeet is the beet ord that's "Potnam'e," which has a reoord of fifty years euoaese. Re• fuse substitutes for Potnam's which Dost 250 In every drng store. Rarues Reduceii is Price POR 30 Having a large stock of Harness, both Light and Heavy, we have decided to give cash buyers a ebanee to secure a good Harness at Reduced Prices. They are all our 0490 make and the material and workmanship the best. Robes, Blankets, Bells, Rugs, Trunks and Valises at Lowest Prices. . 0NEW SH•E We have put in a stock of New Shoes and will con- tinue to sell them at Low Figures for Cash. Anotauerweveteseeneeoteavie Iw C. dS AN OPENLETTER EP �'T From W. J. Gage, Esq., Toronto A Problem of National Importance Dear Friend :-- A —A bright young lawyer at the Muskoka Sanatorium for Consump- tives some weeks ago, speaking of the burden placed upon him by having consumption, said: "One has to lead a life of concealment. If I go away from this place people are afraid of me." This is the sad lot of those who suffer from this dread disease. On behalf of the thousands who are sick and will not be received by other hospitals, I make this appeal for the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. Nearly 10,000 people from every part of Canada aided in this good work last year, sending us $20,000. The Trustees have faith that a still larger number will help. The Physician's offices, throat rooms, etc., up to the present have occupied rooms in the hospital that rightly belong to patients. To make better provision for the work, and furnish more accommo- dation, a new administration building is now under way. A cottage for the Physician and his young wife bad also to be built. To provide fur this outlay, and to care for patients for the coming year, we must secure at least $50,000. Tha Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives never refused a patient because of his or her inability to pay. It cares for those whom other hospitals refuse. It cares for those whom other people are afraid of. "I was sick and ye visited me," was Christ's commendation. Should not a richer benediction be yours if from a loving heart your dollar makes a golden visit to this hospital, bringing health and joy to those whom other people fear, and whom, in many eases, nobody wants. Will you have the luxury of giving? Faithfully yours, Toronto, 1907. a711111ro ie MPJ •il' 2;. • Always the Lowest Strictly One Price Happy New Year to our Many Customers While extending the Compliments of the. Season we would not be forgetful of the gener- ous patronage accorded us during the year 1907 and for which we desire to express our very best thanks. We solicit its continuance. and take this opportunity of stating that our stores were never better fitted to please and satisfy the public than now. Yours Gratefully, FERGUSON & ROSS. Ferguson.i: Ross We always pay the highest prices for Butter, Eggs & Dried Apples. STRET ON'S HOLIIAY C000S Come early to secure the first choice in Silverware, - Crown Derby China and Jewelry. Lines we are particularly strong in are Lockets, Bracelets and Necklaces, Gold and Gold Filled, set with all the precious stones. . - • . Watches and Chains for Gifts - Our Watoh Department is complete with all sizes in Gold, Gold Fill- ed, also Silver and Niokle cases, with any Movement desired for s beautiful time -keeper. Gold Pearl Set jewelry Be sure and see our beautiful assortment of fine Pearl Set Brooches, Fleur de Lis, Oreoente, Sunbursts, Wishbone, Swastika and many other designs, - Diamond and Pearl Set Wings Nothing more beautiful than one of our elegant Diamond or Peart Set Rings. Ladies interested in Jewelry should call' and inspect • Men who aro interested in Ladies should see them. Anything I Bell will be fully guaranteed or money refunded. For Gents and Ladies - Manicure Sete- Sterling Silver and Ebony—for the Ladies. Smoking Sets, Shaving Sets, &o., for the Gentlemen, Optical Department - Eyes Tested Free. Satisfaction Guaranteed. American mud. Catiadlan Di plomas. Card of Thanks Our very best thanite are extended to oar numerous customers for their generous patronage which is moot highly appreciated, We wish them one and all a Happy New Year and increased prosperity in 1908. W. F. Stretton !'Sign of the Golden Clock.