The Brussels Post, 1907-12-26, Page 4C Snouts gost, THURSDAY, DEO. 26, i907. Herrn New Year, Tama le a merry gentians ns uu oho field for the Mayor's °heir in the,oity of Tor. onto for 1908 and at the Nomination on Monday d lively time wee put in, Gamma A. CLena. M. P. for South Waterloo, bee beau dangeronsly ill with: an attaok of indigestion but is ooueider- ably improved now. Hie home is at Preston, Ont, 1908 wxrt be leap veer Get ready early giele to Beleot your future hnebaud. There area goodly number of eligible baohelore and widowers in this locality who are only waiting to be sated. Tait death of lion. J. Israel 'Parte re. moved a well known figure from the public aye. Although sometimes diffieett to control owing to his meatal as well es _ physical activity, he was a mac of no email ability and will be much missed. HON. GEORGE P. GRAHAM, Minister of Railways, ie authority for the statement that the Interoolonial railway will show a eurpine for 1907, which should be good news for the Dominion even if nasty medicine for the OppoeItion to take. Tau °endues of some 'reroute audiences in attendance at public meetings ie by no meane complimentary to the so called centre of eduoatioa and legislation. There's many a rural manioi s1ity (amid give the Queen city pointers oa the elements of goodbehavior and gentle. manly demeanor. EDWARD Lewre, M. P. fur Weer Huron has achieved considerable notoriett by the bill of fare he has proffered to the Dom- inion of Canada. True it may not be altogether digestible and people who downs the whole of it will require ae. eimilating powere akin to tbe proverbial goat or ostrich, but the nautical. "Ned" bit off some very good things and if he can pomade Mr. Borden to endorse them by adding them to his platform or putting them ahead of hie Halifax ley out his name will go down to posterity, IN the Dominion bye election in Centre York on Monday Dr. McLean, Liberal, was elected over Capt. Tom Wallace, son of the late Hon. Clarke Wallace. The vooaooy was ocoaeiuoed by the appolutment of Hon. Arch. Campbell to the Senate. Mr. Campbell's majority was 124 at last election and the eonetituenay was Conservative fur years prior. There have been 41 bye eleotions ainoe the general election of 1904 and the results have been Liberals 32, Conservatives 9. There are a few vacant Beate to fill yet before the full comple- ment of the house is complete. No one who attended the recent Winter Fair at Guelph need be in doubt as to the value of this important annual event. It is said this year's Fair has never been superseded either for quantity or quality, barring a ieanness not always discernable in stook. One noticeable feature was the large attendanee of young men, a hopeful indication of a live inter est on the part of those who are to fill the verioae poeitiooe in the country. Guelph ie an ideal spot for tbe Fair and the foot that the Ontario Agrionttaret College ie looated there makes an additional draw. log nerd that cannot be dnpliaated by any other parte. New baildinge for the Fair are a decided neoeseity and we be- lieve Guelph could well afford to make a handsome donation to new and modern etraoturee. The pity Council did the hospitable in a most generous etyle and Alderman J. el, Struthers, who by the way was a one time merchant in Brussels and is obairmao of the Reception ()om• mines performed his ouerone dutiee with e oiaety and ability that was most aredit- able to himself and the pity. IT ie expected that the Ontrrio Legis• Mature will meet on Thursday January 86th. It ie probable that the addreee will be moved by 0harlee R. Moleown, M. P. P. for Dafferib, and emended by A. E. Donovan, M. P. P. far Brookville, both new members, eueeeeding reepeoti- vely the late Dr. Louie and Hon, Geo. P. Graham,, who wee Balled to the Dom- inion Cabinet. The Benicia will be a baey oue. The addreoe from the throne may be expected eo indicate several important Government meuenres notably redistribution, legielatiou along edooational Hues preparatory to the issue of new readers and text books, e big program for Curtner development of Northern Cullerio, the reorganization el the Oolanization Department, the report el the Commission inn «barge of the re vfeton of the statutes and an exteneive and aomewbat radical program of law reform. Other . important legit/1010n may be looked for along the Tinge of prison labor abolition, following the ra- ttan of the Committee of Ioveatige, tion ; further changes in the lice linea eyetem based npoe the re. port of J. R. L. Starr, the , commiteionor Whet investigated the license eituatlon in Toronto, and if the municipalities ,pass the power bylaws, legislation will follow antborizing the neoeseery Government expenditures to supply the power, The 1 cod of private bills promises to be great, er than ever, altboagh they always malbi. ply before a general eleettou, One of the most important public bills to be urged upon the Government will be oue seeking to place farther reeariotione on automo' biles, VWre1tOn. LONG Saavrca MRnAL,—It le pleasing to tears teat Colour Sergeaut Janne Simpson, at the Brneeela Oompeny, 38rd Regiment, hae been awarded a medal for "Lung Service and good eoaduot" iu the Huron Regiment, Sergeant Simpson hae belonged to the Brueaele Company for over twenty years and ie ane of the few in the Regiment who hae the honor of receiving .recognition from the Goverument of Canada. Long may he wear it. 191oa•a•iw. Muniaipel Nomivation will be held at the Townebip Had on Monday of next week, from 12 to 1 o'aloek, There eboald be a large atteudauoe. Geo. W. Jaokeun and wife, of West view, Sask., are here on a holiday vieit. They went West last Spriug and have taeen up land not far from Moose Jaw in the same looality ae the Barrows' and Denuieou families are looated. We hope tbey will do well. Smoot RrtaoeT.—Report of B. 8. No. 6 Morrie ter !lecternr. Entrance Olase. Tette Yoill, 845 ; Margie Yui I, 328. Jr. IV —E.hei Sesere, 862 Sr. III--Raseel Carrie, 372 ; Mabel Bene, 304, Harvey Henderson, 190. Jr. III —Russel Bone, 439 ; John Riley, 817 ; Roy Sellers, 247. Sr. II —Lila Wilkineuo, 287 ; Genie Shaw, 285 ; Sadie Rdey, 227, Jr. II — Harold Currie, 468 ; Ward Bailers, 210 ; Annie daeoo, 138, Sr. Pt. II. -Juba Ynill, 305 ; Charlie Sellers, 347 ; Irene W tit:neon, 328 ; Ieabe' Shaw, 207 Pt. I -Jim Riley, 269. 0 MILLIGAN, Teaoher. t; est ut>..roolr. MATRIMONIAL —Wednesday atlernoon Deo. 4:h et three °'clock, Mise E -they ruin, daughter of Andrew and Mre. Vein, of Wight street, Cedilla°, Muth., was Ducted in marriage at the Presby terian Meuse by Rev. A. W Johnstone to Wm. Seel, of Cranbrook, Out. They were accompanied by Mies Mary Oouaual and Albert Hedberg, both of Cedilla° The bride wore a beeatifbl dress of white teffetta Bilk. Io the • early evening the bride and erotica held a reception at the U. an home, where shirty five of their friends °ailed to extend congratulations. The eveuiog was pleasantly epent in a veneral social mauuer, after which a Innate was served. An examination of the wedding gitte showed that the bride is held in good favor by her many Mende ae there were meuy of a °boioe and hand• some character. Mr. and Mre. Seel are well 'iked by their friends of whom tbey have many. Mr. See, ie employed by the Oadilao Veneer Go. May their joys be many. Ever (lave Eremite Bind of fierce to be nee up in a knot at midnight with °ramps, Keep Nrreitiue handy. Ten drops quiets cramps in etantly, Used 000aeionally Nervi.ine prevents this trouble entirely, Frum Stratford, Out„ Wm. Dee writee "Nothing I know of will give each quick reties to cramps, °olio or pain in the stomach ee Nerviline. If you feel egoeamieh or sick, jest ten drops in water and you're well next minute." Think of the protection and oomfort con rained in a 26o, bottle of Nerviline and get it today. eereee. Happy New Year. Renew for TER Poss. Tau Pose gives the news. Tbree or tour weddings in Grey this weekand more to follow. Nemioatioe Day ,next Monday at Ethel from 12 to 1 p. me followed by epeeohafying by the candidates. Soboole will re open on Friday, Jan. 2nd, nuleea where trustees have senotion• ed (Wetting until the following Monday. Charlie and Robert Esket who spent the peat Summer at Moose Jaw, are home for a holtday, They may return next Spring. The taxes are fairly well gathered in althoneh several will be palled upon to pay 5% on account of not making pay.. m80before Deo. 16th, Mise Bessie Davideon and David and Frank Davidson were at Biuevale this week visiting old (needs and attending the °panti g eervrnee of the neat Presby terian obierah, O.iver Turnbull, 16th cone will take advantage of the Short Coarse at rite Agricultural College, Guelph, and poet himself along the linea of agrioultu rel in• etruotinn offered. Last week Wm. Mitchell, eon of Riab• and Mitchell, 11th eon,, name borne Irene Seeltatoon locality, where he hae been farming. He looks well. We are glad to state that Percy Mitchell ie maklug good progress and wee able to dreee himeelt last Saturday and get down emirs by him• self. Smoot ReaniT.—Following is the re- port of le el, No. 1 Grey, for the nineties of November and December :—Class V.— Addle —Addle Grant, Maggie Steveneou, Willie Hoover, Lizzie Hoover. Sr, IV,-- Harvey V,—Harvey Hoover, Leslie Switzer, John McCallum, Jr. IV.—Jeaeie. AI. wok, John AI°ook, ldv Rands, Sr. III, Arolie Engel, Jamee Stevenson, Annie Lowe. Jr. III—Minton Lowe, Gore Al. Cook, Sr. IL—Willie Grant, Stewart Miller. Jr. II.—Willie Hollieger, Willie Am°°k, Mearva Hollinger, Gladys Hellen. beak, Mervin Miller. Pt. IL—Malaolm Engel, Pt. I.—Willie Miller, Willie Engel. R. LettermN, Teaoher I Smarm RzrotcT,—Tae following le the 1 eehnot report of 8: S. No. 5, Grey for December. Names are in order of merit. Olean IV—B. rt. Dunbar, Alex Conine, Etta MoDnneld, John MoUaeh, Ernest Clark, Themes 0 ark. Olean III—Wil• lie Clo.e, Ernest Rae, Edith ef nod. Claes It -Willie Campbett, Elsie Rae, Frank Lindeay, Isaac Clark, Lizzie Kleinehroth, Alex. MoDoneld.. Sr. Pt. II -Lyle Bradford James C)olline, John Savage, Annie Clark, Harry Hodson. Jr, Pt. II—Gordan. MoDonald, Eva Red. sun. Br, I—Ida Bremner, Herold Brad' ford, Henry Rleinehrotb, Jr. I --John stun Armstrong, George Campbell, Gor. doe Rae.Average attendanda 26. L. A.:Meollar, Teaoher. Miss Jennie Armetrmtg le home from Clinton Model school, David Davidson, le home from Strut. ford Business College for the Christmas holidays, Ho will return after New Years, Bottom, Reeelte.—Report of S. S. Na. 10, Grey. for the month of December. Renate in order of merit, Sr. IV,— (Katie Denman, Alma Speiran, egnel) Iveb Speiran, George Evans, Willie Speiran. Jr. III—Marguarette Hutoh- ineon, Myrtle Speiran, Mary Meobea, Wilfrid Whitfield, John Hollenbeok. Jr. III.—Henrietta Denman, Maggie Love, Hart, Speiran, Gerrie Speiran, Gordon Whitfield, Millie pox, Fred. Oox, Edith Piokrell, Stanley Meehan. Br, II.—Freddie Rahanheok, Lorne Pratt, Bennie Hollenbeok Earl Rethwell. Jr. 11—Stanley Speiran, Gr❑xerc inglie. May inglie, Erio Hutehlueon, Oarrie Ward, Jennie Ward, Glydue Hollenbeok. Pt II. let.—Lee•ie Lake, Jena Love, Selvan Better,' Out well Speiran, Lawrence Whitfield, Eddie Ward. 11 0. MAcGILrrvaeT, Teaoher. Sonooa REPORT.—Fotiuwnig ie the re• port of S. S. No. 3, Grey, for month of Deoember, Marke given in Phy , Gram., Arith., and otaeework,—Sr. IV—Hugh Smith, 459 ; Rowell Wilbee, 299. Jr, IV--Jooeve Taylor, 281; Oeoil Me. Sinnott, 191 ; Ernie Cardiff, 160 ; Tom MaDoeald, 181 i Burnet Smith, 66. Sr III—Jean Smith, 401: Oliver Doll, 325 ; Merton Abbey, 287. Jr, Ili— iice Oliver, 864 ; Katie MoDonald, 259; Austin Grauadan, 252 ; Fred. Cole, 234. Sr. II—Beeefe Smith, 304; . Millie McFarlane, 279 i Mariou Smith, 231 ; l,e Hunter, 92, Jr. II—Stuart G aot, 220; E 1ze Bnehop, 190 ; Millie Diet. ser, 189. Pe II—James Dietuer, 207 I Jimmie MoFerlane, 167. Pt I—HAr- otd Cardiff, 229 ; Georee Bishop, 87. M. ZIMMER, Teacher, Ethel. - Smoot RzronT.—Report of Ethel Pub- lic Saboul for month of De°ember. Names in order of merit, Senior de. pertment.—Olaee V—Jamee Bremner, Alvin McKee, Elvin Thompson, Irene Heath, Rev Eukmier, Oemetial Dane. Close IV—R. Fraser, 0. Hansa d, A. 0' aper, A. Barr, F Freeman, 1 Engler, A Thempeon, H Eukmier, L. MoInt„eh, F. MoOadam, W. Eakmier, V. McCall. Hr. III—L. Tbompeon, S. Hemewurth, P McKee, 0 Dunbar, R. Luoae, H. Smith, J Co'p'r, E• McLeod, E May bury, R. Thompson. Jr III—Lieu Mo Allister, P Bateman, U. Eng er, N. Mo Kee, 0. Cooper, (J. Eukmier, S. Strachan, E Dobeou, V. Pielard, M. Martin. A. H, 01eoDoNALn, Principal, Junior De-- R. Hameworttt, 17. E . Ferguson, G. Cole, G. Eokmter, R. Coates and W. Tbompeon (equal,) le Heath. Jr. II—L. healed. pada, 1R Dunbitr, 1), McBee, .2, Dob. eon, L Marten, H. Saville, M. Marten, Pt, I1-11. Freeman, S. McDonald, M. Goatee, L. Dene, 8 Gid, 0 McCallum, F, Sanders, L Thibideace Pt. I (a) - 2l Marten, G. Pollard, L. Hemew°rth, H. Love, E. Eokmter, W. Cole, Pt. 1 (b)—L Davideon, J. Lucas, M. Thomp eon, IJ, Molntoeh, J, Heath, S. Thib. idean. Pt, 1 (o)—M Lamont, D. Mo Bee, S. MoAltieter, R• Kreuter, B, Oole, J. Dobeou, G. Heath, F, Moletoeh, Emu* M. POMERax, Aeaietant. t ronelnoi,t Mnnnreaf rarer Spenlls Ili Vanleeli Hill, Ont., no one is better known thou Geo. S. Wateon. When he «aye "Oaterrbozone le a real 'cure," de. pend au it being tie. "My wife he writes "was enbjeob to bad attaoke of throat irritation and bronobitie. Many r. mediae were tried but few proved at all useful. Oatarrhozone was different. It seemed to - get right at the Bore epote and brought relief quickly. We have found Oaterrbozone an obsolete ours ha bronahitie and catarrh," Nothing emelt more quickly ee get it to•day, two sizes, 26a and 6100 at all dealers. Goa e-0 . The newly organized oraheetra of the Methodist S. 8, is doing eplendid work and making orediteble progreee. Rev. A 0 Eddy, B. D•, of Clifford, emialeated a very interesting and inetruo- tive Sabbath School eerviee last Sabbath morning in the M-thodiet ahorob. A meg meeting of tbe eleatore of the Township of Howiek and ,there Interest ed ie to be held in 'the Town Hall, Gorrie, on Monday evening, 27th Met. Addressee will be delivered by eleeere. Dickson and Malaolweon, of Moorefield on Lace! Option. Very aatietaotory progreee hae been made in the ereotion of the new Pareon age in Gerrie. Oontraotore (Muhba & MoArter, of Breeeele, have jest oomplet ed their part of the work leaving the budding in readineoe for the aoetraotore for plastering. Their workmanship, and the very expeditious exeoutaon of it by these gentlemen and their assistants, have given the trustees the highest pleasure in dialing with them. The meson work under the direction of Mr. Was hae proven equally satisfactory, LOOSE LEAF LEDGER SYSTEM The ONLY Commercial School West of Toronto using the above MODERN OFFICE WORK OF AOTUAL CANADIAN BUSI- NESH PROCEDURE. Wholesale houses walling daily for gradu- ates of CANADA'S GREATEST CHAIN OF HIGH-GRADE BUSINESS COLLEGES, because our students "Leer) to do by doing." Eaah student hae loose leaf ledger, bill and charge eyetem, oard system, bank book ; fills out seoree of notes, drafts, deposit slips, cheques, statements, leasee, mortgages, receipts, shipping bills, eta. Our students DO ACTUAL BUSINESS from the first day. Greg Shorthand AND ---e'en,* Touch Typewriting Taught by the most widely experienced teaoher in Ontario ; she is also a GRADUATE OF JOHN R. GREGG, THE AUTHOR, and highly recommended by him. Last year our Stenographers were all pieced within TEN DAYS of graduation. Many of these young ladies now drawing $700 to 6800 per year. It is freely ad- mitted that we train the moat rapid and accurate, Our Telegraphy Department to well egnipped. Rail- roads are ahem of oper- ators, and salaries are advaooitig•rapidly. Wide Attendance • Students attending one chain from almost every county in Ontario ; many from Mpni- toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Britieh Columbia ; some from the rioted States,. England and Scotland. We train more young people than any other management in Western Ontario. Average situation taken by our graduates is not excelled ; we invite comparison. Individual instruction. Day students attend night aluesee free, and may take all of the above coureee. WINTER TERM BEGINS JAN. 6 WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Wingham 'Business College GEO. SPOTTON, PRIM( IPAL ----GO TO Ewan & Co's if you want,a First-class CUTTER eminemmur THEY are specially made and Up4o-date A large quantity of Piano Box and Port- land Cutters. 4 All Trimmings made to lift out. IT Can be had in any color of paint. ¶f Call early and get your pial(. $eeond-band Cutters always on hand at Low Prides. Fear I.I A /. Y & r Brussels Up-to-date Carriage Factory. Gained Both in Strenglll And Weight. Another Case That Proves The Merit of FERROZONE. OZONE. "I wee in poor heultlt nearly all lust Winter," writes Mrs. Oreee, of Waketield, Out. "My appetite wee variable, I was weak and anfit for work. I euffered e good deal frum rtervoae proetretiou and pelpination of the Heart. My digestion was generally oat of urder. By Spring- time 1 had lost flesh, color, and had a bad Dough. The doctor didn't help me very mob, so I decided to tree Ferroz ole. It did me ever so much good in one week. I gained strength, ,00ked and felt a lot better. When I had used six boxes of Ferrortile I weigbed myself and found a gain of fifteen pouude. Ferrozone rebuilt my oeuetitnt,on, and made me a new woman. Ferrozoneie worth its weight in gold to every weak woman. It ouree goiokly and eaves big doetore' bilis. (MR8.) R CR0138." Nu 10010 eo orrtain, eo betpfai, HO safe ; try Farr. ozone yourself, 60o per box stall dealers. (4oderlen. W.F. Clark will be a candidate for the M ayoral ly. R. W, Mol-nzie, who hes been in fell iug health for sometime, ie not improv- ing, The last few daye hie condition has become more Bartous. Mre, and the Aliases Hutchison left for iloutreal where they will apetid the Winter. They travelled by private oar, cud Mieeee Reyuolde and Proadfoot were of lhe'party tie fur ae Toronto. On the eve of the breaking op of the Model clave of 1907 the popes gathered in the library of the eebool and presented their teaoher, Mr. Tigers, with a hand same eat of Diaksne' worke ae c token of th n 'r pp r ihie efforts in their a soleti on of e behalf during the term. The preeentation was accompanied by a oomplimentary Choice Fruits Dittee, Flge, Reisman Currants, Prunes, Peels and all Mods of Pure Elevating Extr tete. All varieties of N tits—iron. Groceries Confectionery Stewart', end Perrin'« (,honnlabee . and 13u, Bons. tell 'thole of Funny ()ekes. Malaga Grapes fr0u11 and de- licious, fine Table Raisins, Bassists. CALIFORNIA NAVAL. ORANGES Seedless—from 25e to,60o per °lumen. Try Camp Coffee. ltttepberry and Strawberry Jam iu small pails, Evaporated Cream, Condensed Milk, Mince Meat in Balk, OUR GROCERY LDEF'ARTMENT ie full of the best that money can buy and the primes right. The home of GOOD OHEEnE and lots of it. A11 kind of Uauued 5o toe, choice and new, PURONA. CEYLON- PEKOE TEA only 25e per pound with 6 lb. lots for the small sum of 61.00. I-iigli Class Cigars Fi,lx and Oysters on nand . A. ttetelet ettAb'ttetteet at It sem GREWAR addreee, which wee read by Harold Swann, the preeentetian being made by Mise Pearl Hendereun Of the ohms of thirty•elght pupils all who were looking for schools for next term have been ono• °eeeful in malting arrangemente with trustee boards, At the preparatory service in Knox ahorob wbieh was conducted by the paetor, flfty•five new mem,ere were ad ded to the charm—thirty five being by certificates from other tameless. The season just closed has broken all records at thie port for grain receipts. At the Goderioh Elevator & Transit Co's elevator forty two cargoes %were received, °,,opiating of 62 288 260 hnahele of wheat, 061,015 buehete o' nate, 821,843 boobele of fits seed and 69,857 brethete of barley making a total of 8,841,575 bushels. Adding to tbie the amount of wheat re. ,halved by the Weetern Canada Flour Mille 00., ab.at 2,000,000 buehela, we get a total of grain reoeip'e ter the eeaaon mf ooneiderably over 6,000,000 hnahele, In addition. to the grain unloaded by the Weetern Canada h'tonr Mills Qo'e. awn e avatar, the mill need perhaps 175,000 buehela which was unloaded at the God• arid) Elevator & Transit Co's elevator, This ie all Canadian grain shipped Port Arthur. Ilfam and nSVi tyroh Fort g • VI lesmeeememegweekeeau. Kingly ft EARL GREY'S APPEAL o behalf of Needy Consumptives Strong words of Canada's Governor-General At the official opening of the King Edward Sanatorium for Consumptives, near Toronto, 1 Its Excellency delivered an address that must have an important bearing on the future of the sanatorium movement in Canada. We quote :— n The proceedings this afternoon commenced with a beautiful and reverent prayer from your old friend, Dr. Potts. He prayed that the light of the Lord might shine upon us. That prayer Is abundantly answered. He also prayed that the White Plague might be removed. Well, whether that prayer will be answered or not depends upon yourselves." "Is it not a standing shame and reproach to the govern- ments and individuals that there is not more care taken by the people of Canada to protect themselves against the curse of consumption?" On his way out to the King Edward Sanatorium,—so named by permission of His Majesty King Edward VII—the Gov- ernor -General's car was stopped in its progress outside the Canada Cycle & Motor, Co. by a large crowd of its employees. A contribution of one hundred dol- lars was handed the Governor General, a donation to the Toronto Free Hospital for Con- sumptives. 01'Twas a kingly gift" said His Excellency in making acknow- ledgment. "/ will tell the King." Addressing the large audience that Earl Grey said : "Ladies and gentlemen, when the workingmen of Canada are setting an example of this character, 1 hope you will not be slow to follow, and I trust that the example of the Canada Cycle & Motor Co. may be followed, as I am sure it will, in every factory and manufacturing industry throughout the land." We carry these words to the people of Canada In our appeal to -day on behalf of the attended these opening exercises, referring to this event Muskoka Free Hospital st for Consumptives An institution that has never refused a single applicant admission, because of his or her inability to pay. Seventy-five patients can be cared for to -day. Accommodation could be provided for three hundred if the required money were forthcoming. To make this possible, our appeal is far $Sonoco, to be used in extension of buildings and maintenance of patients. Where will your -money do more good? Every community and every individual is interested. His Excellency Earl Grey has shown his interest and sympathy in the work at Muskoka for needy consumptives, by accepting the position of' onorary President of the National Sanitarium Assoelation. Contributions may be sent, to Sir Wm. IL Mered , Kt., Chief Justice, Osgood° Hall, Toronto; W. J, Gage, Esq., 84 Spadina .Ave., or J. S., Robertson, See'y-Trees., National Sanitarium Association, 847 Binet Street West, Toronto, Canada. Ne.