HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-12-19, Page 7oR•14-Afv+o+):(4-v+):orwa-4-3:44-o+A+gf+A+):(+a4-go-n4r(4-3.1+x(+1243:( feigned in um b"ek reg'nnn Yiew
--------------- A hearty breeklaet before keterting out,
ull, his
't Sun-
ned to
er I"
1 sim-
c her
11, 111
College. Poe, us Dill with eating a
, GentleMan Dan burst into the k
come here glee this?"
Me faro aflame with anger, ti
manded elm
Suem et cnce,
"Sunbente 1 Whitt inyle 7
gasped the exeionviet, his mouth 1
eyes element; from his heed, "not
f:f beim at you!' Wee? Are you i
T °I ien you Sunbeam nmst be
A pelorted Me other, Imeatlecesly,
+ ber fotevard at once, you old seam
have none cf your trieks, ',engem,
, Bill pushed back his hair angle]
•••*4 ' 'Old your row," he snarled. "
mem this is your dodge lo smell
e eight 7tway 7 You pretend she's
ee end mime geseIng 'ere. But 1 3
- born yeelerclay. She's sato enoug
III» even es he spoke his fears of the
prevleus night had returned, greatly In-
tim:deed hy the morning depreeslen from
the evenlitfes limier. He revelled her
face at the her window. Perhaps Dan
was speaking gospel truth, end she had
really gone. If so, where? Ile turned
eppealingly to 'telly, who with n low
cry of anguish had ren cautiously to
close the door lending into the pith:ewe.
"Nonsense !" retorted Dan, dropping
Inka chair and mopping Ins brow
vigorously, "You know well enough,
Rill, Met ) have done no such thing.
Don't bluff me. . . Is she here or Isn't
"No," growled 13111, glaring vicieusly
at his weeping seder who had seized
Dan' e arill, exclaiming :
'What do you mean? Where is she?
Hes she run away really, Dan lf se,
the darling lazy be Idlled—fallen over
the cliffs and 'eot meshed to death I"
She sobbedconvulsively. Bill shi-
vered, end Dan grew white as see
stereo, though he exelaimed angrily,
turning to Me other man,—
"You know better than 11)0, so speak
in You've hidden her somewhere.
How else could she have gol. away?
The window Wail boarded up; she Ime nee
tidied it . , . the door yes Melted.
SoIIleIlosv or other ,you get her out.
Where is she? Poe your sister's sake
you might, speak at any rale, for lite
game's 11p, len bound to find you out
in the nci."
"On my path, Den,I know nought.
l'his is a shock to mo I was calin i rit
breakfast, so us to come to yau at once.
I denim whet to think, on eny oath."
r.i+A+ 3:k $.3a4.3:-t-AtA4-a+Ki
All 111.71 11101171(1e eliinheam kept on re.
111 1114747 Eimen's angry look and Nemeth,
mei ptezzling (wee Mein. She 70111(not
Mid 1111y reti,on for 811711 .1
Irmo 0111' 7010 btAd 11(t7.1.71' seen her
befone end 17 slight unensiness
the teem null had deeeenden upon her.
thilde trreveulcd her anwlioning Miss
Field, the 470Vv11117ss, 11110 her charge, as
to the beautiful slrenger's fooling 111 the
house, and 110 (hence nerd WaS utlered
that could enlighten her. Nor did sho
eve Eileen again, somewhat to her 11i3-
7ml:o1ntment, for she wielied to ask Iter
what she had done to preveke such
marked antipathee end longed foe the
opportunity of doing so with the ardour
of a youth et the scent of battle
in that :"
"Ole but 1 am riot even what you
might call of respectable pareulage,lui ,,
ke in Sunbeam, 1101, with exelieulent•
"What Sir fielph Rept Wel: is what you
ought In know. . . lely father is no-
thing but a burglar. . Ho has been in
prison StiVell years . . Even your see -
vents would shun me, if they knew it.
El'ell the village people dtd.
Lady Grose drew her et) her and kissed
her, exclaiming--
ierhat makes lee differencle, Sun-
beamre . I feel suyou are right. To a
hungry heart snch things are trifles
And 110W 1 ask you to be tt daughter to
me., to replace Me little girl 1 lost so
!teeny years ego. You are horaeless-1
am chillness. We earl thus help each
11. ;Aron did not return to the house °Ilier' 80' if 8.11' 11444 71011571118, will
with Lady Larkin, anti Sunbeam lunched i
in the echoolroom after a short, walk in Sunbeam hesitated. Again the 1101,
lee Perk. Lady Lar11
bed sent up bleed rushed to her brow.
weed for her M go down to the dr/143'111g- ‘dilof.Bir BelPh and ler, Sinclair say yes,
room at three O'clock, reedy to accent- 1 must ask them both, as they
made me promise to de nothing without
puny her on a shopping expedition in 00,,sellind diem And Mr, stultdr____,,
order to °Mahe the verious necessities emu,
she required. But IL was long before of cetuse, leave all that to Sir
thin hour when James cunie to request na1Ph Freer'" interposed Adele, some-
il-,,,;;;ufjeTengjei31 hlatle Artl0sreseFnield a:1110e feliati'rhe iiilinnmvwfinourifisairvse.ry1 rmsti lit an Igict chombseevnlILIsi
,e„„ what stiffly. "You see, he is a young
room elter delivering hie inessage.
y,iu'l,,,,suptfdosxelisi.saFiliyeidee;tsisnoliiienlieheezslecitourusego. hat will be enough, won't It 7'
jrsengn,lasnbeeetlsaaidt. hey, puzzled.
ingly. "She has lunched here to -day
and is interested in yoeng "girls. No «,0'1'301f Aelort.uses71,1:bisbh.efoluiencisitanlilen,gly replied,
doubt Ledy Larkin has told her about sti e
emi already." and knows
"Why is she 1/11088740d in yeeng
girls?" asked Sulibeam, tieing from her
see! as she spoke.
"I think it is because she last her only
child, a girl, years ego,' replied MISS
Field. "Inn I will lee you about that
=ether time. You hail better go down
at Caiee. Perhaps. she knows of some-
thing that niuy met you, if she ap-
proves of yeol. And 1 run sure stee will
de 111711. .
"I hone so," felleeed Sunbeate, smooth -
Me her huh' with a hasty hand. "Per-
haps it is silly 0!)n, eliss Field, but I
feel rather nervous."
The governess laughed, her somerehal
hard Moe softening.
"Poor child !" she eeelahned, gentlY•
"And you need mt., They ain both the
kindest, souls in the world, ever ready
tie lieth tthese loss fortunate than them-
Hut in spite a that cheering assurance
the girl fell her knees eheking beneath
lier LIS she entered the drawing -room,
and, foe i. memenl, the mist before her
eyeS prevented her from distinguisheig
ilny object distinctly,
l'heti she glanced around the. Immense
1,,,111, half hoping that Eileen wee there,
811NV Lady Larkin and a stranger
only. 'rime had etopped talking, end
were 0..serving her, should feel that / must •see him. You in
"So eou are Simb. um ?" Ham ready see, a blood lie is never quite dissolved." 111
Cruse, rising and holding out her hand. Lady Cruse shook lier head.
"Lady larkin has told me all about you, "I know, my child. Nor perhaps then d,
(111,1 1 to, Hutt 1 rulisi make you,. ac_ should I wish it to be. 1 should be the le
' 0111.1. IrM person lc rob a parent of a Child
A letter fluttered from her knees to willthgle- But we On consider that
the ground es ehe raw, i4enbearp Meep_ matter lathr. For the present you have
ed aud picked it tip. Lady Cruse laughed left him willingly, ihereforeo he Deed Tiot
as she took It. exclehning : know where you ere, Now, Adele, I will
Ins Sit' nalples! Poop Sir Ralph ! leave yott both. As soon as Sir lealph
whet would he soy if he kiiew !het 1 has beard n13' Pretiosal 10 'have
171171 reed il, Ail•ele. Also tvliat should
be sae 11 he knew whet 1 have PrePosed
to do for Iii8 little protege. Ith
me SO, poet' men I And yet, once—s"
She eighed, itnil a ead Intik chased the
smile from her ftwee "Me little one
loved 11117 eo ! Per Sir Ralph I Will he
ee 1, I wo n dee ?"
Leder her eyes on
'beam's 1(117111117 i Inco
"Yes, yes," exclatmed Adele in some!
confusion. "110 heeded the responsibil-
i y on 10 his 'uncle which was sensible
lee 111111; his fiancee, Miss Enron Bi -
',neve, tithes up all his epere lime, end I
aii1 afraid you would have found him
somewhat, of a broken 'seed."
Both women noticed Inc effect of those
words ueon Sunbeam with different feel-
ings. Adele's heart sank ae 1110 gires
bitieh changed to a deathlike pallor, a
pained expression filling her dark eyes.
And for the moment she felt vexed with
herself for causing both, though, for
Eileen's sake, she knew she had done
Lee wisest. thing.,
Ludy Cruse, not seeing the neeesstly
for 11, fell aogry with her friend for her
bluntness. It was feminine, of course,
that Adele should at once think it wise
to nip any bit of ('ornanee In the child's
Mier), es things stood, but foolish also,
and not untouched with feminine mean-
ness. Thereforo, she sought to change
the subject by saying kindly—
"All 1 ask Is for you to leave your
father entirely. And after ell Sir
MIMI says, 1.10 hot think that wnuld
be such a terrible taste, since you wish
14 remain in biding teem him.'
"Your cath Pheugh I" sneered Dan
with a0 low- voice. "Whens Mal, Bill
Green? Come, confess your game, or
"On my mother's bones, there shilke
me dead 11- I lie. I stayed al. 'Alf Way
House and then came Mine. Mit I re.
(172(1)1171' 110W seeing 'el' inies loOking 111
through the bar winder nt me. And yet
vhen I runned out she'd gern, and 1
hought it Was my fancy. But it tiii1S1
iare been 'en Why didn't I guess thaH
Vhere the deuce then can she be? Can
ha have gorn all those hours ego?"
lee stepped aghast. Ins heart slink In.
o his Loots. A horrid fear clutched his
hronl. He tried to speak- again, end
holced violently in the effort. •
'telly, wiping her tears, turned exeec-
alley te Dan, who looked utterly hewn-
ered as he realised that 13111 was lee -
n; the li•uth, and WaS tiS Illnett at sea
7 the matter as himself.
"She's gene 1" he explained, after a
ight pause. "And perhaps you did see
er, then. . . When I gel home I found
id light in the kitchen oul, end think -
077 no—at least nett at present, !in
ales to listen. But seeing a shin
though the day might (mine when I 07
lhat funny I went to the foot of Ihe
"That 1 cannot say," she exelnimecl.
"\Ve nilest wall- Ile says that he is
eoming up fir fl few days to mike final
errangements foe Surtbrenes comfort, i
euppose, as she 1.as run away, 8.) 71)4'
7(10(My gueseing 51 11(7 participation in
lee ad he thinks 17 whier 1107 10 001110
DI (Hire, Therekire. 1111111 lie appears,
suitheinn must remeln with lee. Nee'
husband thinks it better, But site must
knew. whet your kind offer is. Sil down,
Sunbeam; '‘N0 have it great deal to say.
Lady Cruee, oil hearing you went le do
eowelletig, has kindly euggesled pont"
gt,ing 10 hr 1177 n comp:neon. 1171 good
of ler. But, as I said, We 1111.151. wait be-
fore deciding, Ae Sir nelph Freer haii
taken up 11177 =diets for you, you will
hero le consult 111m a 111110. elle may
heve emeething, tell you MAW, your
either evlien he homes. You may even
I.e'ahle to go home then."
e under her door I thought nothin
ore about it, and settled rn)selt in the
1011e11 for the night, 1 slept soundly,
ed only woke about an hour or so ago.
ton I went up to call her, angry wen
myself for oversleeping and being lake
for 7710 151(1 we ought Lo catch gc,es in 13
1%;ry short lime. Even if we find her
o0w we can't get IL Gelling no enciver,
ricked up the key I had dropped ihe
gin lx•fore, and opened the clocir. The
on? was empty, nol a stick was out. et
ice, the candle had burned away en-
el,v and the bed was untouched.
kindly I thought you must have
need beck end let her out, locking
(1001' again, alit now I can think of
thing. ihiless she managed lie ,sop
key in, and—"
Never mind that now t" exclaimed
13', rising excitedly, "the thing in to
her, Slie may be Int,4, dying; dead
er voice dropped to Gil ominous
Yes," ejaculeled Bill, ewe must look
*er, She 11117-4 lia neer. As for 110'
tg dead, Het. Mkt emur teethe. 'You
flys cackle non.sense when you open
r jaw. Just 5' 7711 your lodger's ears,
keep 3', 71 0y0S On Dan and me
go and look. We don't want 5113'.
10 kllOW yet , say she's Milying
et me 001114, with you. . • 1 shall
merying all the lime about hoe" she
beam, for a time, al all events, let me
Icti6w. I told you when you flist sang lir
praises that she might, be the girl I ,ss
have sought for so long as companion. sti
Now I have seen her 1 de not wish to the
•relinquish the Men. I want het, exceed- nc.
'ugly. Do your best for me."
She kissed Sunbeam again with term
ni Allil MO girl Wag conscious
e1 n great longing to throw her arms en;
meninil the stalely neck. She lied never p".(i,
seen any one ieo beautiful, so tinsel- if
noting as this sad -fared women, ,whose \yid
eyes pierced to her 50711, lier heart WBS
117 erflowillq with gratitude lo her when
1.57l7' letelon returned, saying brightly-- eel,
"item are a lucky girl, Sunbeam. Lady
Cruse is the nicest W01111111 I 1C11010. Of alw
e0t110 Sir thl11111 Ne'111 advise yeti to me and
cep her offer."
'14111 site looke =lumpy that 1 felt (..nt,
Olnity Mr the if he asks you
Inclined lo ery. Is She Unhappy, I.ady st
"She herl 11 great sorrow. /Oen), years
ago She Itn,1 her 11111i, girl--Ilie child dis- be et
uppear(d from ber home whilst Lady
(:11/80 WI'S la a ball, She wos a widow :11ou
then, and engaged to Lord Cruse, And, .7N
ailliciigh she awl her husband are de- s17s1).
tioted lo teeth other, elle has never for- i I
1 Ins
4771( 07 that tereible grief fey e
• laying a (111)) (711147 hand on his
+=sense7 leo you want lo rouse
1cions ?" retorted Don, as 13111 shook
elf free with a low curse. "We
find her hiding in one of the small
eirvee heneath the cliff or perhaps nearer
home then Young ems like her
meet" seek" dent)) welingly, 1171c1 aS the
niist cleared on' eerly after dark she can-
not have 11171 it accidentally Re. Welt
find her right enoogle and go on at once
by the next t .
Itelly eighed heaelev. But ,lie checked
lirnsobs, although her heart was full a
Misgivings. For she knew that—es often
before, see must give in to the Iwo T»dli
W110 had ruled hee more er less tor so
ninny YelleSi
"1 wish you bed stayed. 10hPre you
was, 11711," :me snapped, her eyes' flash-
'rho men laughed.
"1-1151's kind to the one what's kept
YOU 7111 roue lift, but genlitood ain't le
1.•i7 found growing on thistles, and If you
just Icerp your tongue from wagging, it
don't mailer, to tile what, you think,"
retorted her brother, sidling up to the
batil«loor and lifting latch,
"We were happy enough, Sunbeam
and me, until you came, Now the Lord
akne knowS when See lie regain
with smite on her face," she eentinued
"011,. that'll be very soien," 7177
7(7(7)7771 Den, gOod-humoredly. "When
ehe is my wife she'll be smiling Teem
morning to night, So keep your pecker
up and look cheerful, or you may gol
u6 Ink Iroublo.
'With which piece of advice be followed
11111 out Into the garden, erel then en to
the math, road.
1-letty walehed Mein from the window
with streaming eves. BM hearth ,;11
is searching for the ehild. •Thoegh
. .
' 'No. 1 do not 111thic so," replied Sun. inTrYbOtlY hut herself is sere that the
benne. coMeing deeply. "I think I shell tillte thing must, have died.
"Oh, poor Lady Cense! How dreadtel
for her! And she has never heard any-
thing al, 7111 (1770111 the elite:1.9"
lady Larkin shook her heard,
"Navel', How she disappeared, why,
('11(1 ‘vnet e, are ettbjee s burled in the
depths a mystery, But the t wits years
ego. The girl must huve been found
lied she lived. lint glad she likos y011;
Stinliettne ns you will be very happy
there, Jr you go. Leith your nemesake,
Yoll Pierce the Mends end win hearts ,31,
.111•771 eight. 1111(1 net expeet. Lady Cruse'
to say sir much That she dld is
proof positive that you have 75 071 her to
Y0111' side, Yoll have conquered us all,
111"I'Nboog,111.11‘.)"1, till," n m ;enured &mime in,
Smiling, but with a sharp pang of pain
(15 she recalled Eileen's 11)11(7(10 towards
"Nearly all of them," replied Lady
Larkin, divining her thought, and won-
dering if the girl's sudden gravity was
due to the remembrance that Duncan
was. engaged to Eileen.
"I'm heti sorry 7)0171 her," she mused.
"But It is better, Eileen InlIst not be ((71.
351, Flee jealousy is aiready up In
arms, 11,0ne must be sacrificed, that ono
Is Sunbeam, of course. Per 1 cannot be -
Neve that Duncan has not made love to'
her, she le so charming, it I knew any,
thing of mer1, 110320111<1 not help himself,"
Mettalvdttile, iSomplete car41,o,nallon
never retern 110\1*. Aly father 77111 be
(1(7471'). for lon g time, anti—',
"volt w111 yorne 1" interposed
Lady 11811 41 eageely, her eyes
t71111 excitement, for she frit stratigly
drawn .this girl a the people 71,1111 the
,!iiiticertmee of a young (Imam, '
l•Milhohni Itlushad again es she leoked
(me one to the othee iineslioning. Hnl
foe the moment weeds felled her, al-
, though 11 longing to say yes invaded her
lion: 1 vsm11 vt,ppoworlip, fe,e0c, silo, 740,
115(1 ilo 770 1(1(1 tillyiliafg lo Mese the
sadness trent Lady Cruse's eyes. Never
before btld :AP IlibTa2(1 by IlIly
71 "Wined yoii '771 '1' come le tue, Sun
benne Mal Iny home a Mlle?"
11,Ne(1 Leidy Cettee. "I a111 a lonely we-
• nal»; tT y0ling life 11140 youes would bo
77 confined pleasure. And 1 Until; you
41001ti Ile very hoppy with me. 'What do
yee think about it? 11 (7011)' friend, Sire
Ralph approves; will you come?"
"1 slimed' like to beyond all things,"
exerlaimed The girl. 'But there is mine -
thing 1 ought, to toll you, 'You do not
'know oll about rno. 1 ant nott---'t
She hesitated, cheeiced by a smile on
the older sVoman's taco,
ft young face, 11 young itt IS
"I know enough,.1 want a ,inurg
alt. I do niet 11111110 111(10.11 fear any hing
drepigul now I have Seen yOU, SUnbettre,
Larkin has told me that you have
rep °way teem your father to escape 11.
distatiertd inaretage, There la 110 crane
to her work, whleh 117 That 11301170711,
COnsisled in preparing the breakfast.
He glanced Inqueliegly at her as elm
cerrkel it in and wished her good -morn,
the aedleg—
"And I hope the eight's rest bee dis-
pelled the clouds that oppreesea you thet
night, Mfse Green."
"Some elanids don't go Away ever, sir,"
site replied ln a solemn valve, her eyes
merle& For the life of her she,counin't
look lnlo his merry face just then. Bre
eides 1111 migle see that. elm bud been
"You seem very here, fhts morn-
ing," lie coolinueil, "I suppose the .eune
1ms called your niece out, and—"
"Sunbeam stayed away last night, at
Olney, with eorne friends," interrupted
"Oh 1" ejectilateil Duneen, wondering
what elle. wane Inid looking up sharp-
ly. "Then when you said she was in bed
and fast asleep last night you really did
n01 know if that lees truer
She looked oonfused,
"No," she etammered, "I don't exact.
Ie. 1)117 11 was late, and as she was with
quiet fell( / geeseed speke the truth.
won ask eve when she comes beak...el
she comes to -day, For they may per
suede her to step on, and there's Pre
ctous little in St. Lawrence to want lo
make her come back. I hope you've all
you want, sir. Are you going sketching
all day, and will you tette your lunch
iiNhor it "
ol•lday, thenk.s. I shrill stay In
St Lawrence. Perhaps, 10-m0rrow or
the next day 1 shall go.up to lewn. 1
Italie business that may demand my pre -
80700 171080."
1171 SnllIed 74) himself as he band ber
sigh of relief, hut as she closed the door
11 loelc of intense clouded Ms
features and he knit les brows, per-
"What does it mean?" he inueed.
"Does she Ile, or have those reseals fold
he: that? Is she in the plot, or bine,
she? Al all events, she does not know
I heard Gentleman Dan's unceremonious
entrance, The reseals have vine off
new. I wonder what will happen ? Ry
now Uncle (7511111 Is home with Adele.
peor tittle. Sunbeam I . . . I MUSE 110)
go to my unclers rt. in rase the serunpa
get on to the right scent. Bo( 111 not
quit the village lo-riny. I'll sketch the 1
//rot . . My landlady looked glum
when I told her I shobld remein. For
smile reason or other she wanted to get
rid of me."
(To he continu(7d).
PAttleD 1171 ANYONE.
Is Said In Promptly Relieve Backache
and Overcome Kidney Trouble and
Illaileer Neetaliness.
la, will appear Very interesting to
from a Toronto daily paper, giving 01
name' people here is the article taken
a simple prescription, as formulated, th
hy a noted authority, who claims that 111
he has found a positive remedy to cure n
almost any ease of backache or kidney , w
or bledder derangement, in the follow -1 to
ing simple proscription, if taken before of
lee sthge ef Bright's disease; 1 pir
Fluid Eetract Dandelion, eine-half 7 th
ounce; C.empound Kargon, 0210 otinecH le
Compound Syrup Stirs/Teethe, three wt
ounces. Shake welt i» a bottle and 1 77s
(eke in teaspoonful doses after each nee
meal and again id bedtime. 4)0
A well-known authority when nee- .ort
ed regilisting prescrild:'Ill, 511113(1 tre
that I he in gredieres all harm- 1-011
less, and cen he obtained nt a 83(1811 )131
cost thom ;my good prescription pita 1 eft
mucy, or the mixture weuld be put lie fro
if asked to do so. Ile Nether staler!, lee
that while this preseeiplien Is often ees
preeeribed .131 rheumatic aMictio»s 'with 1 nee
splendid results. he could see no rea- I are
ion upon the keiney structure, clean. or
sing these most Important organs and sutt
helping them to slit end finer from lite! 6,,
blood the foul octets and tveste metier'
which canse sickness and .sufferlieg,
hoee who suffer caa make no mistake
In giving 11 a trial.
Drink is the eblef cause of suicide:
The Germans are wearing aluminum
eVormout billiard bells are ettt into f
Pettit preserved without sugar keeps the!
best. eery
There are eight while men to one white. ittali
models of the
fameue Starr Skatee.
The "VELOX" our
new nockey skate-- and
emeodies 42 years experience
in skate =Wog,
au old favorite—that is better and more
populer than ever,
if your dealer tides not handle Starr Skates, write for free copy
al out ipoe Skate Doak and name of tee dealer iu your
neighborhood ram will supply you.
The Starr Manufacturing Co.* Limited
In order to avoid trouble le the
front 11714s, lice or seab, the s
should, without fan, be treated t
a year with one of the PeoPrie
dips 011 the market. in a few
after shearing the ewes in the em
the lambs should be dipped, and so
cf the preparation rubbed over
ewes, tegain, before welter sees
the whole flock should be either
ped or have the "dip" poured upon
animals from a coffee pot or other
s(1e. the woo) being "shed" or opened
a Intervale of foue or five inches Mr
that purpose. With shoet-wooled sheet),
dipping at this season is guile practi-
cable and safe, but with the long -
wooled breeds, the meth of material
3(17(11.7 ha pouring is much more
eoonoinical, as no tank is required,
unit much less of the dip is used. To
facilitate 1110 work of pouring, three
persons are required, one lo hold the
sheep, one to shed the wool, and an-
other to our the liquid, which should
applied warm. The man holding
the sheep nest sets ft uncle it rump,
the back leaning against him, and
vith hie hands sheds the wool on its
it‘tee,lc and breast, while another man
le shedding on tho belly, thighs and
lower sides, and the pourer attends to
both. The sheep is then allowed lo
' to pens ten feet wide because 1 Met ,
te Oepelnle 111y 10W1A 1n10 SeVera • '
flocks. If 1 had been seeld»g to build e
expense of material, construction and. a
11.5e I should have cut loose from the'
double pitch roof and the par/Mons. g
' My house would have been constructed ('
e. of the most economleal suitable ma -
(Mal obtainable, its width would have, 00
flock been fifteen feet, unless the lumber to 00
beep be used would eul, 4o better advent,: 71
wice age for a different width of the 110532, 1,71
tore The back of the houee should be three be
days feet high and the front six feet or MO.( n
trig, er if neeessary, to gem the right pitch; B
me for tile kind of roof covering to be used,1 be
the The roof to be of single pileb, the front!
in, of the house enclosed be' wire nellingdp
dip- except the lower two feel, which are) ev
1be boarded. If there ls danger of 63/070'
ves- drifting Into the front. ot the house the
wire netting may be retniereed by cur-
tains of burlap or cotton cloth let down
when occasloo requires, The floeue is
Iva drained ground, elevated enough
le, keep out all surface,' waler. My
house .is covered with asbestite paper
held In piece by narrow strips of thie
heard. Roosts In pairs extend along
neer the back of Ihe house. There are
Water should he supplied by pipes 1
I Bo
no roestInk platforms.
Old be continuously running. If the gr
water rnust be brought daily it must ma
be kept in pails or fountains inserted
in front, of the house where 'they can an
be emptied and filled from the outside lia
of the house. of
May Reach the 16,000,000 Mark In the
Year of 1960. •
I small'
When Delete Jep gave Lillian 1110
beautiful rod hood, witli its long,
graceful cape, he laughed p.4144 3771C17
I "NOW, little girl, you ere oettily and
lenlY 'Red Riding -hood,'" And Lillian
emiled And eleppeci her hands, for the
idea pleased hen
'f hut very afternaon mother itslied
1101' 10 carve 4 baeket over 10 greedrna.
Just Mee the other Little lied tenting -
hood, Lillian bed to pees throtion 41
etreteh of woodland beforie elm reached
"Wonder if I'll meet. the welS1 the
story tells eboute she murnilierode„Theit
41 7144' thought of meeting such. a feelene
clime animal in the peaceful little "'tie
woods, where nothing but birds and
litarrelS bed ever been seen, .she laugh
41 merrily.
13u1 the afterneon was. growing short,
nd 5110 tnnet hurry 111 order to mace
Orandeint's before nightlall. So .elle i
Iiisped her basket tightly' end walked
n faster.
All at onee she gave a strire What
uld that. great thing be that WAS
ming 80 swiftly toward her? • in the
im light sten fancied that it looked
st like a Mg wolf? What 1( 11 should
7 Surely she Inust Lett him 'Olaf. she
msn, I. Little Red Ritiing-hood at ali,
ut then veolves were so wicked, Inv-
ite would at her, anyway.
Her heart beat quickly, mei she
wised a moment to think whether It
ould not be nest to try to clinth a
ee. True, she couldn't climb very
well, bin no (1Muhl. she would be able
to get beyond reach of the, hungry
The next inelent all her Marts van -
felled, and, sobbing for joy, she threw
her arms around Rover, as he dashed
manly teveard her. Of course, Rover
was the wolf she had dreaded, and the
nicest, kindest "wolf' in the world.
Nobody ever celled a doggie nicer than
Mu may be SUM that Lillian. 'Mid
andrna an about ihe "wolf." (inland -
stinted, awl declared she hadn't. the
ghteet intention of 'being eaten by
y wolf, and she was sure that 1.11-
n would escape 11.1un, too, ill SOlig
The fact lbal. she was now "Little
Riding -hood."
a house to hold laying hens at least
tend up, An opening in the wool Is
tilde the full length of the spine front
eump to crown, and a. liberal portion
poured in, which runs down the sines,
completing the operation, about. a
quart of the solution bathe sufilcient
r each sheep. Two men and a bo
• three strong and active toys, wi
us treat from tiny lo seventy shei
a dny, and the expense for labo
nd material is so little. compere
ith the peofit in the ginwIll W00
say nothing of the comfort ami their
the sheep Insured, as' to make it
ime necessity in the management o
0 flock. The feel that no ticks ma
nolieed it 1 this seeson is ree (mese
iy the treatment, should nol be used
Ihe pest may develop during the
nter, or scurf and scab nmy *Peer,
using the sheep to rub thole wool
and fall in condition, evhen the
/amen) cannot well be ridmintslered
eng to the ewes being forwent with'
1177 and the weather lOo cold. If,
er the flock has been treated, sheep
m untreated flocks are purchased,
y should be subjected to the pro-
s before 1 ring permitted to join the
lc, as they may infect, the cleansed
nude with ticks or the germ•s of the
ad disease known es settle ceustng
013 worry and less. The noelcmas-
whose flock is suffering frOnl any
these preventahle causes, will 5150
er in his perket and in his -mind
11 his neglect, while, on the other
hence having done les duly by his
sheep, he will enjoy seelng there heal.
riekp%teeindin PlhmesiPzeumne77.70'e 0011IdWOOWilnalblde 1171111.
IOC or strong lambs fee his labor and
the small expense involved.
Tbe Metropolitan Water Board is en- Fro
gaged in h•ying to eolve the great prob-
lem of London's (England) water stip- A
My, fitly years hence, when the popula- erty
lion ils area will he more than blool
doubled, as a step toward the solution 011ie
shilograigne vraesrleoryteosirpsarls of London largo will
of the problem the board is now erect- an
1, The experts of the Water Board car- sr'iljerle
ill te.tiolladteodn tv,h,(1131.1 bbye 189,010,1100teo, poenpdniaitiaatn by
yf ,p,bavet
t the year 1960 it will be 16,000,000. Inc
Whence is 10 001310 the tuipolluted the
water le supply that vast aggregation 1 may
of human beings? That is the very ing
five of which beMng to a huge tower,
60 feet square in plan, that springs out
o' the nmin mass of the block. The
weight of the tower alone approaches
19,000 Ions. The entire building Con-
tains about 934 acres of Door space,
and when fully occupied will aecom-
enoclate SOITIE 6.000 people.
To promote the oomfert of this huge
army of business folk, there will be in-
stalled 15,0110 incandescent lamps, six-
teen elevators, and sufficient steam-en-
.pg.rizelstsso, rsdYntoarme.gcluPipuinails'' lantlig1de a flinecto0ftyn',
ee'here so molly storeys have to be
served. some of the. elevators are "lo.
cal," others "express"—the last for the
uppermost floors. The pace at whIch.
the elevator moves play.s havoc with
the constitutloas of seine of tile ate
constructional Cross-brac-
;nen: arnrolsm alter with du gonal
emAed "Ito:we:8"v:: 10alle917e0gw:IfIrdenresv Pespeaueiellsr,
Hes such as are used ift the Eiffel Tow-
er is rendered impracticable by the
At the same fime means must he adopt-
ed for enabling the strlicture to with-
'‘I'vhhei 011)1 ro0cIrcle'inilltIals,
been solved in the following manner.
As has 510111<13' been mentioned, the
tower is 60 feet square in plan, leach
et the tour faros is divided by ,verilien
ltb‘1qedgel, g0111M115 into five panels 12. feet
All the necessery erering is hummer.
ated into the end panels of it side, and
itxt teandlesrgiebece‘rivb11,0•1711c eilieevigebtolf elm,11113, \leo) \i‘l.ae111,
81(11a:11 )alletrbcrriegl;t1o7veciree:eornileedatse One hsecloiers-
0" compartments hunt among floe
rier rind one in the centre. Thus three
panels on the side are left free front
obstruction, and great rigidity is Ob-
Nether Reptievere as Ile Was there;
• Talom From Celle •
41(1 ion dille07111Intalis(1.1i.iTrign'iti‘‘n.111,1 G‘‘011.3.•
1, murder, Was the other day
ily reprleved es he was being
in his tor execution,
t.; wire wit:thig round the
and titiesoMe,s had Imo] 11(7.
7718. lei lest moment M(1 Ill'.
len a telegram tees received
le( IrIL`lenei11111011)(0;r03311711:1nI 1 All'iTeeudleitl.111''''
tsoner's eounse1 111111 succeed.
17j.ipg 11;7111 eew feels 3(7447.
77'"' innocence of thaselles,s,
lodged by telegraph /1777 ergieit
n • the in Mel court of'
111(7111.0111).°111;.i;1.x,,,,c,;,(1,77078 '1(7
m Basement to Flagstaff the Height
Is 740 Feet.
t the corner of Broadway and Lib.
Street, New York, stands a, large
c of oinces icnown as the Singer
e building. To this is being built
extension which, when completed,
be the' tallest structure in the
• Lhe Eiffel 'rower alone excepted;
the vertical distance from the
ment to the base of the 'flagstaff
he peak of the roof will be 6)21),
hiding basement and foundations
total height of this "skyscraper"'
be sot Cliasen at 740 11. 'rhe 7711(1.
contains ferly-nine floors 11177)3'.
• son Why It would 1101 )10 a splendid re-
medy fer ludney and urtnery troubles
UM! backache, as it has a peculiar se -
'017511 In hudin.
In 2,000 revs 1110 shape of fish hooks
has not changed.
It is onty in America that books and
papers are eold Mains,
Of ell callings the waiterie shows the
greatest morttility-91 per 1009,
The railroads of Holland ere so well
managed that the deaths by aceident on
them average but one a year.
The Japanese ceneus As inaccurate.
They take It by simply counting the
hcuses and allowing live persons le cinch
Lavish yeufel meane a grobbleg old
Prospevity is pughed by put -away
Every penny saved le less pang 0,/
Improvidence trifles has never
swelled a thud< account.
Lach (8111' the spending nitierobe 45
succeeefully Mbght, salt clown the 0(351.
Too many women who week 111)71. 1)
easier to go) than to loop.
The worker fares better when she
learns the difference between eroninny
and stinginess.
'11)0 fear of being called mean has
merry a time paved the path to the poor.
A bank occount is a nerve tonie hard
7,, beat for the girl who must, face the
Arithmetic foe fortune -founder:
Give the ratio 01 0114 squandered dime to
th„i saved dam%
Most of ihe money in the world goes
hr eating and dressing, A pointer for
Mt woman who Wonld begin lo save,
Generosity, like charity, should have a
home start, It is neither generous nor
thrifty lo spend lavishly on others (71 (77<'
vost prnhahld dependence on others in
°lair tome downstate:3 she hirnoil bock y
have 'been trying to prildiCg 57(171)
each poultry progress, writes a
ropondent. My netveel, hen house
ceinplekel hos es front of two
inch mesle Wird nelong. The building
is fifteen feet wide and forty feet long.'
Its length may be inereneed at will.
l'he roof is double pitch with the peak
nearer the front. than the rear, I shalt
hove to confess that Ibis Is partly for
rooks, A single pitch or shed roof
lakes less lumber, The house is
vided by partitions of Wire netting in-
serious qUegt.1011 for the present aulboil.
lies to answer for the sake of oeming
G. G. Easton, Mayor of 'Fulham.
and a Ineinfie,- ef the London Water
card, •Iold a newspaper reporter the
other night that the matter WfiSo re-
ceiving the very earnest ateention 701
the board. "Al present," he sold,
"London's water comes principally
from the Thames, taken out between
Hampton and Staines. It is possible
that with the increase of people and
new means of communication; 1116
Thames velley may have a population
et 2.1100,000,
ithen be possible to draw up-
on that neeessarily polluted water for
suPP131 Shall we have to go further
up Ilte river far it? I! so, how far up
the river will it be praeticable for us
70 ga? Thad are seme of the questions
we have to dent with, Fifty-five per
cent. of otir Wilier COMM igOiti the
Thames, about 20 per cent. from the
Lea, and something under 10 per cent,
is pumped front evens."
The suggested solution ot the prob-
lem of the tufttre, continued Mr. East-
on, was to secure wntee from the riv-
ere at flOod time and store it. AIrenily
great reservoirs were being provided,
reservoirs which would contain more
water than the cubic space of tho inter-
ior of St. Paul's Cathedral, had
bePrt 101.Ind that, wilier not eltogether
pure 'became pure by natural action in
ler storage km a few weeks.
"There Le neluelly stored in Lennon
a" the present moment," said Mr. East -
071. een0,,gb mtor 18 fest. for ...some
mon ths."
Don't neglect your cough..
Statistics show that in New York City
alone over 200 people tse every week from
And most of these consumptives raight
be living now if they had net neglected the
warning cough.,
You know lung quickly Co''
.Ernatiforz enables you to throw off
cough or cold.
ALL batInnisTst Md. AN el,CO,
Ipta tr1100.4414041)
. 11101
6C) many, to
Q...,50. temporal,
— token fro
1 Spec 1 a I
ag° 1 scaffold,
fiellied t
rtved, WI
from tire
tiering 11
Th.' pr
ed in lir:
ge,ling I
anti had ,
fakir. iia 1
tidal. .
111,-, MN,
n11,1 lien
N rt, c.1
(.117,' WOO
:if p met 01171„1