HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-12-19, Page 5hrist as
Our new geode ere now here. ,We bought
at oleaeet priced sheds from the manu-
faotarer and can eiwe yen money on
Gold Watches, Watch Maine, Gem
Rings, Birthday Rings, Lookote,
Neatle s, Braoelete, Stink Pins,
Pearl het Brooches, 14lanlouro Sets,
U,sbrollee, &o,
Wetohee, Vest Chains Cuff Linke,
Scarf Pine, Lockets, Match Boxes,
Pipes, Umbrellee, Danes, 1100,
Bracelets, Binge, Neoklete, Lookots,
Silver Mope, Bpooee, &o.
Wo Carry a large line of Oloolts, Silver-
ware, 1847 Rogers Bros.' Knives,
Forks and dp000e, Violins, &o.
Our first ambition is to see that our
Jewelery ie of a quality that wall
wear. Our- priced are as low as the
H. L. Jackson
. racal ttivs X,ez s
-.SDLO0RrrrroN price to all United States
8ubsurlbure la $1.50 a year, petyeb.o
etrtatly In advauoe.
Tufo Wa.kertan Methodist Church hate
esteemed au iuvitatiuu• to R -v, Mr. Wil -
sun, of Teeawittur, to etiioi,10 as pastor
atm the uouoineiuu of Rev. De.
Douga,'s term, wliioh Dioses JnIy next, •
Tun BEET OiearoTasa9 GIST -What will
your eau or daughter 0r your friend at a
dietauoe receive mere g ally than a
year's sub81r,ptton to THE Ton 7 Flfty•
two times a year, it win be it pleasant
reminder of home and of the giver.
Tam Uaterrrh treatments are being
mailed out free, on raven, by Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are
proviug to- the poopte-without et pen
uy'saost-the great value of thea 80180-
tifia prescription known to druggists
everywhere as De. Bboop'e Catarrh
Remedy. Sold by all dealers.
Tim Stratford Beeoou antes that Rev.
G. F. Stilton, of that city, who was pastor
of Brussels Methodist chinch for 2 years,
hue been asked to take ohargs of a large
Western church at a salary of 03,000 and
parsoneg'e. "lie has the matter under
0uneideration," eaya the Beaoou, "but in
all probability wad remelt) in bte present
ohttrge, for wheu seen hie morning he
stated it would taken prerty etroug team
to pull him away trout Stratford blonde."
Tux Teeeweter News says of a brother
of J.. 11. Uamerou, Unsettle :-:The Oun
valence thea eeleote a candidate to non .
teat South Bruin to the Liberal iutereste
at the next Domtniou etaettoue is likely
to be the sauce of an interesting sou-
. test, Though the 'present representative
▪ would no doubt make a ettoug eaudidate,
be is not likely to bave a "walk over" for
the honor ,•of being again the party
ettindard baerer. The name of R. I1.
(Jameson, of Luakuuw, hag been frequent
ly m8011011ed In ooneeotiou wet11 the
nomination, and we have it on go"d
authority that ha i8 dlapoeed to- think
favorably of permitting Itis 'lame 90 go
before the oonventiuu, Mr, Cameron
would melte u etreeg candidate, He le
well informed 0n potittoul Watters, et
good ptettorm 9pe81181, and -1e fairly well
end favorably k0owu throughout a large
mitten of the riding.
To olleok a orad quickly, get from your
drnggiet some 111118 Untidy Cold Talnets
nailed Preventing, Druggtate everywhere
are now diepeoelug Pieventios, for Obey
are not only Bate, but decidedly certain
and prompt, Prevention contain no
Quinine, ea laxative, nothing hareh nor
mewling. 'Taken at the ' OOOOZe stage"
Preventtoe will prevent Pueumuuta,
Bronchitis, La Grippe, 810, Heuoe the
name, Prrveutioe. Good for feverish
ehddren. 48 Preveneoe 25 cans.
Trial Buxee 5 ole. Sold by ail deelere.
Gould Hotte.=Are you going home for
Ohrietwas 7 'Enke advantage of the
cheap rates offered by the Grand Trunk
Rahway ey810m. Single fare between an
stations iu Canada good goiug Deo. 2411
and 26111 1907. Valid for returu multi
Deo, 27111 1907. Single fare and one
third good golug Deo. 21e1 to 26th 1907.
Valid for retuoo until Jan. Ord 1908
For further information and woken
apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent,
A OugEe80011 Of Rare Valeo
A 41e019 ed 00111114180 at 9118 891018088 of
the air vaeeugre an08ee bad breath, but
more 0omm0nly emulates from ludigee•
non or all impure eoladitlou of the blood,
Thoueaude of oases prove that Dr,
Hamilton's Pius through their epeoitlu
fiction on the eeoretory and 01110111411Ve
organs, not only owe bad breath, but 110
thoroughly purify the 0yntem that any
thing anggeetive of Hood or dagretive
troubles i8 impoae,ble. Through Dr.
Hamilton's Pelta the akin grown ruby and
o,ear, eotevity of tha body end mind iu-.
ereaeee, and bounding L8 1911 id edtablIOh•
ed. Sold everywhere in 25o boxee.
A Onnf8Toxae Geoeoaa4.-Public atter.
thin will uulutalty be irnate11 on open
iug the pages of the magnificent Christ
mite number just ieaund by the Farmer'-
Advuonte and Home Shipment, of Lou
don, Oat., with the artmle o0 "Bieotrca
Duvet -poem in Ontario" by Prof. W.
B. Day, of the (totemic Agrloulhora
college, whJ has given an exhaustive alio
illuminating study of this vitel oabjeut
Lehigh oonoerne farmere eta well se nap
tains of industry in the toWUO. Beeidee
this there are articled 011 the N41,101141
Live Stook Reoorde, by Jas, 13, Spew:er
B. S. A. ; lite Eugliab Dairy Sbnrthurn,
by Prof. H, B. Arkell, B. S. A. ; the
course of trade iu Canadian dairy pro.
ducts, by Geo. H. Barr ; the reviews of
Oanedian live stook and term iudmntriee ;
Maritime types, by A E. Bu•ke; the
besmlfioatiou of rural homes and htgh-
waye, by J. R. L. Forster ; and the ulfi•
Mal report and ewerde In the split iug
drag oompetitlon, for which (early inthe
year) two eats of oath prizes terra offeree
by tee Farmer's Advocate. The super
vision of this 011igne 0001080 Wae 998nm
ed by the Public Works' Daparbmeul 01
Ontario. W. A. McLean, 0. E , of the
Hlghwaye Branch, writes 8 oompreheu
sive report, iuoludmg the awards of 1118
compe;ltlou, which will 5180 the mune of
road improvement ,a tremendous impetuo.
There are masterly arltalee on every
breech of ugriaaltoral,.from feet burets
and fruit trsueporintion to a "taking"
poem by "The. Kbtn:'. The ilioatr8
tioue of thio lathe are reprod0atiune
from actual photographs, the reality of
.ASertcy For
and ®Yt . ,LL UNIFORMS'
has commenced at
Our stock of Latest Novelties and Newest Notions for -
the Holiday trade is the brightest and, best we have
ever shown and comprises most desirable effects in
Neck Scarfs
Fancy Vests
Fancy Sweaters
Plain Sweaters
Fur Caps
in fact everything New, Neat and Attractive in Men's
and Boys' wear. We have still a good assortment of
Nil and see them. They are good Fitters, good
Wearers and easy in price.
Also. Agents for Railroad Ring and Mechanic Ring
Overalls. -
ear .son . � o s
Headquarters for Comfortable
and Stylish Clothing
Dates, Figs, Relines, Currants,
Prunes, Peels and all Riede of Pure
Film/urine Extremity. All varlobiee of
Nuts -f reale.
Stewart'e and Perrin's Ch000latee
and Bun Bees, A11 Wilde of Feeley
0eltes. Malaga Grape] faith and de-
lioloue, doe :Pablo Remains, Bananas,
Seedless -from 25o to OOo per dozen,
Evaporated Cream, Try Cernp Coffee.
Ouudeneed Mlllr, . Reepberry and Strawberry Jam
Minus Meat iu Bulk, in small pails,
is full of the beet that money eau buy and the prices right, The home of GOOD
OH'E134E uud lute of ft. All kind of canned Goods, choke and new.
only 25c per pound with 6 lb. lots for the small sum of 01.00,
WO Class Cigars Fish and Oysters on hand
'x"tnl� tt."Lel,"14.'lyttr'telrq,'gry.•,.
wuiole a deacerning pubiio will
eppreoiule, To be thoroughly n9909m00
eu, we advise our iea.ere to mute 4114
019 elully read time ep,enniu holiday
aurones wlr_t011 pee oompllmeulary to 411
190 eubeorlbere, or may be obtained at 25o
per copy.
Tt'u W bridge.
L. 0. L.-1..1urday evening, Dau 7Th,
IA 01411141 meeting wee hwd in L. 0 L.
Nu 652 eau til wbioh the fouuwmg of
fluoro were elected fur the e119ul0g year ;
iv. e7., Rube. Bowes; Dap. M., Wm.
dewier ; Uhup,8in, D avid Edgar;
dem.•deo., Teo.. Tughou ; Fia.-Bou., L.
d. Oliver; Treae., Joe. Jubuecou ; D. of
U., Jobe Tugheu ; Leucurer, Juo. Breen;
is Uummr9888 ma,, Wm. Thumpeon;
2,iu, W41. 084400 ; 3rd, Hugo W,,,aer ;
4.11, John Dunnage ; 640, Wm, Juhuecu.
I3etariu, i 1.
While Gutting wuott RJberb Yol11 had
the mneloriuue to nut 1118 foo.
Mina Lulu liemphue, of Wroxeter, ie
the plea uf tier 81.180, Mrs. U. Uuuk.
Uuuuoitior Johu Stewart 1a to be num
mended sur u1'ieg eu erelnro tight p.au
nu ole the end uf hie vereted811 in Imola a
way ill Mr a tight° up 9110 810910 for 4.nce
5118140 8e.
1118 Hanaall Foundry end 10aunfeetur.
mg .0. (Lou) 11801 Ile 198808, 10001140
leu tub 10.11. A very n0tielaetury report
of the year's beauties wits prreeu1e0 and
4,1 p18.eul expatiate Lhem8s,ves tie w.1
pieeeed with the e0u0neaeIUi mautegameUL
d the 00800011, . A Maumee el 6%11 wee
When the Stumm!), Heart, or K1duey
118,068 g81 weak, then Lh880 orgaueeiw8ya
lull. Duu't drmq the autumn], our 8t1m•
urate the Heart or Kiuueye, That is
annoy a mak88hlf4. Geta preset-1p9lon
k00900 t0 000gg1018 everywhere as Dr.
duoup'e'Rantu, atrye. Tee r81tureuv8 10
008par00 expre0aty fur the weak within
UBrvee. Strengthen these ,arvee, build
.nem up with Dr. bb..op'e Reaorative-
1a01nte or lquia-loud inn hew quickly
118tp will mune. Free sample tea neat
leu request by Dr. Shoop, Reece, Wl8.
Your ueaal1 10 eurely. worth thioBimpie
tent. Sod by all dealers,
IS 908.98,
The Council made a grunt of 010 to
B.ytb Booms Lierary.
James 0011, jr., 111 still ooutlued to the
house, um 010 m.cy fr18ude wan him a
speedy 00000017.
Tee offer of Robert Milne to purchase
commit 010ewa k Oebeutures of 1007 at
par wee aeoep,e11,
Uouu. Jvuu Burr, of. Hudetl, was at
Guelph Fat bLook Show exnlbltiug BUM
of 1118 wed bred einem.
The 13. S, of '1'omty Ohurob will hold
(heir entertainment and Kamm tree in In•
dunbry Hon on Franey, Deo. 20.19.
Ruy dime hen 9910 mIefortuue white
skating to tall aud 118 a ooueeq,8nu0 to
having m1100000 1luhuaye from Lite Sauk.
A.t the Ontario Whiter plans, in
Gu81ph, Jubu Burr, of 13u118tt, look 2nd
prize ler du0rtborll Blear nutter 8 yeer8,
and 8re tor bhorthoru halter.
The uuminetions for Reeve and Come
olnore ante ehree Pub. to Schoot Wanton
will be held 111 IllOUO40y Hol,, Blyth, on
Monday, Deo, 80th, at 12 u'oloOk noon,
and in the 8veu1 of a poll being (980089ary
the 018 011119 tatted 91000 on 1510uday,
January Ooh,
AtdreW Poach le a Mayoralty 0a0di•
Surae time ago Fred. Elie sipped
and 101.10e0 him knee, teed hum since been
lard up with it. T11uugb not eeemlug,y
serous at first the tame nae not teemed
atm 9r0011 080, 801 111.
At a meeting of the Quarterly Board
of the LIOtOwel 1yletb0cuet eburou it wee
dimmed 10 881000 a beerey invitation to
Rev. 11. D. lleinntu0, at present at Pe,
trona, to be0ome pester of the abOro11
B. F. Brook wee able to be down town
on Weuoeeday otlast week for the first
Elmo 11100 018110010604. about six W04038
ago. ilea Immune wr101 10 1101 entirely
healed, but is making good progress,
10116 he hew nearly recovered from hie
other 111381180.
1tev. J. W. Mann, of the Baptist
ohurah, bee given at hie reetgoatioe, to
take 8ff901 81 the -end of nue mouth,
rhe auliOuneement aurae as a terpriee
to 1310 omlgregmauu, to whole 111e mite
letra1h011 has been very mn08pb1ble,
Thee step is due to the peremptory
orders 01 hie pleyelo1hu, who hag dlre0tet
1tilr. Mauro to wind the Winter 1n it
warmer u11inU10.
Rene on the Listowel -Linwood breooh
of she 0, P. R. tare mew Rud. Within Menu
Lour miles of Listowel, anti 10111 likely .be
laid into town- by New Yoar'B. The
Gorden out 118 aboth 0ulehed, mud the
work of grading the 1019011 fa the etati011
yeti 1108 ro maltih5 good progress A
10000le Men at wnra 1111 loch grading
for th treat b •0w1'011 .8.100 and Meth
anon, 1'ho u0W Stable, 10. roofed tu,
Mre. Ohri0t,na Haines Intend %way on
Deo. 10th, at she residence of her dough
ter, S1rn. E. A. Johnson, Main 811011
WOVE, ie bar 90th y8er. She bed baso
hying in 108011 for about two years, and
o1aeo here from Puellee h towoehlp,
where she heti resided for many years,
being oue of the early 900010r8.
E. B. Duggan, of the U. P. R. engineer.
lug stuff, woe taken soddenly 111 un
Thursday evening, 5th inst., while pee.
g111g the poet often and b. 0sme 000011•
801000. Medical m019101108 1980 tOm-
rnoued and hu was what to the Queeu'8
betel, where he boarded. Ii wee 80028
11o0r8 before he rattled. His mother tied
linter, who were sent far, Dame op from
'19100100. Hie illness was caused by
Emile kidney megabit,. He bad remover -
ed eutliolently to be taken name on Wed-
ueeday morning of leer week.
Raton REsooT.-Rrport of S. B. No.
10, M4rrio. Exaw. in Lit., Hese, Spell.,
Mem., Geog. aid Arith. dimes V -Slaty
Formol, 888. Ulaes IV -Ferre Eukmter,
886 ; Ar118 Shaw, 878 ; Frank Shaw,
802 ; Bells !tubo, 243 ; Alma Lag,
202; Agnea 8Ll0r, 159; H. Audmraun,
50. Sr. I1I-A. Bn8ukennd5o, 408 ;
Viet a Uur110, 260. Jr. III-Geurdo-
itieflntl, 816; '1'eleenu Rabb, 811;
Jo11uey Menai, 256 ; W. Meatier, 129 ;
Harvey Utet1,72. Ulnae II -Mary 15111•
.er, Grace (herds, .1. Rehard leu. Pe.
1I -Al l3reokeurtdge, Atex. Shaw. 21,
1-Vlula OIoLnud, ZeiMa Turvey, Herb.
P owell, le. Bteokeurtdge, Medea Jobe -
8100. 8 d&NDERION, leauuor
Sonsor, REPORT -1189400 uf No. 8,
Morrie, fur tum 034,1411 UI November baa -d
upon reg0lar atteudauce, good behavior
mud tin reamed of the Friday oxen:mem
time.:-Otaes V -Edam Johuetou, Jr.
IV -Emma. Johuetou, Tenet Jermyn,
Harvey Garuiee, Walleoe Agar, F,oreeue
South. Sr. IU -Harold Jewett, John
1Tnyuue, James ivlaoRweu, Wilbert
& lathers, Dian. elder, Abner Knox. Jr.
III- 'Andrea Spoon, Charlie Brewer,
Garret Wnsou, Wldle Brewer, Ada elo-
Mcoa8,, 4'eoub Knox, ,Laura Jermye,
E r,1010 Uulrohiil, Demi Blathers. Sr.
1I-Ed,8 Rutlnale, Olareuoe Jewitt,
Admin Brewer, Wilfrid MaoEweu, Irene
Scutt, Auuie Rutledge, Freda Turvey,
Mary Thyuue, Aoner Netbary, Robbie
MaOMioua,l, Jr II -Leslie South, Juhu
61oOIiouael, Pe. 11-Uharlie Johuetou,
Sadie 010.19118hae1. Pt. I-H8rm8u
Nethery, Wi fou Sellers, Charlie South,
ti80,58 Beerier. Lorne 'Purvey, Ethel
Ouurahill. BELLA Munon,, leather.
The 08nuing Pottery unaged operation
for this 8088011 twat week. The output
hoe been remarkably large, ooueideriug
the uufevorable season and other draw-
At the annual election of of ioere of the
Jenne St. Epworth League the following
were 0(001811. Pres., W. Uole, M. Salter,
lit Vice Pres.; Gore Prior 2.1d. Vtoe•
Prin.; Dr. RJnletou, Ord Vete Prem. ;
Mese Genie Harvey, 4th Vote Prem. ; J.
e2. Southoott, beo.•Treae ; Miss Brown
. Word was received by the Exeter Band
boyo of 1110 8er1o0e ninon of a former
mrmoer of the Band, Alfred Cane, now
,1 Parolee. He ie auffermg from diabetes
and iutehde going to a sanitarium for
treatment. The members of the band
and other citizen made up a purse of
money and emit it to Mr. Ootiiu to aeetet
hem 1n meourmg the treetmeut, •
Mrs, Harry Reeve, Loudon Road South
ie 090overutg wooly from the 880090 of
her fall into the oelutr at her home
reoeutey. The p.aoieg of a furu0o0 m
the,ho0ne naiad tared a obmuge being
made ,n the elara1108 to the 00111x. For.
gating the change for a moment she at-
tempted to go down by the old way, but
LLB the steps had been removed e198 fell to
the fluor beneath, about eight feet, and
Wend her shoulder.
MORS lop
Hugh. RoOe shipped a oerlo0d of sheep,
lambs and fat cattle to Toronto.
Lae. Spurting,ehoe a very $110. red fox
in MoMurdie!e bush nue day recently.
Unaa. Dutma5e, jr. hes put new aiding
ors hie been whish greatly improves the
appearance of
D. Ooie,.of Ethel, hag taken the emir
1088E .of moving the Winthrop 0011001
house for Jae, Nohonon, ,deo WO 81111rt
btn.dlug for John Mu,Oauune, of Wal.
John P9bhielt end family, who have
hied reeideuts of Winthrop for a mien
bar of yeere iota, remov0A to Brewton]
where Mr. Pethlok has oeoiitod a 'termite
out job.
Th i flooring and eeatO having boon
taken out of the old ober011 bonding
at Winthrop avian Nae held in a.ndryw
Ua•teed hall $un.lay, Naw Oher00 will
be reedy In It few weeke,
John Gnmoldby, having pnrobaeod
from Geo. Mellen lea engine and ,irain
grold80, nate ale senses it in the old
carriage W0910 bedding Winthrop where
he emit do amarum eeeppiug during the
1 Winter,
''OwNennP Coveort.-Coeu011 met et
Celder'e Little WVuahrop, un T000118y
Deu. 10 h. Al rhe tn9mhere were present
Minton of lest meeting read and adopted.
Qu mueinll of Murray, anointed by Mo -
Dowell, 024 d0 wee 001818ed 100m Mehl
& Loeby'a see tint until p'aelertug on
bridges is 0..raideted, Obegooe for
eohool truate88 reguleitiolle were own-
ploted and will be 11.10 with the .Reeve or
sent to the ,Seoy.•Treeetwere, Aeoounls
to the amount of 90 62278 -were pealed
and ordered to he paid by cheques on
Troosuror, Oounoil adjourned 90 mast
11581, tit the Oona-nerularlh, el, Bduforth,
on Monday Deo. 10.h et 10 .10100k a, m.
Almost stead 00 ItrunchitIo
Few people have guff -red more than
Jno, 1' Teylor, of Dement, P. 0 Ont.
To day he 19 Well 1110 writes, --"I meet
tell you how moth Catorrhuzune has been
00 me. I wa0 ate bad with bronchitis
somemilee I thought it would goon be
over with me. A spell of ohekirg would
Dome on that left 030 proetratod and -
weak. Sinoe using Catarrhozone I leave'
bed 110 troub 8 at all It etrenstlened
my throat, stopped the oo0gle, gave nee
bee breeihine and entirely oared." Just
the usual experi.nee, Oeterrhozooe in.
variably aures whether Bronchitis, Be
throe or Outgun. Two sizes 26o end
91.00 at all dealers.
Ulla ev89985.
lira. Martin Masters has not yet fully..
regained her tcou8tomed heath,
Mrs, Rubt, llloogruvo he still ill but her
many friends wish her speedy reoovery.
DEATII 01' W. BTzwAET: An esteemed '
reetdeu1 01 81aet0,', Wm. H. Stewart, 1
paooed away o0 Tuo•day of last.
week. Mr. Stewart !ad paused the al
lotted span of life, and wax eighty.
eight. He wee born hl the Oonnty of
044811, Ire and, and came with hie wife
to Denude in 1858, svltline for awhile iu
Hibbert townemp. In 1856, he name to
this vlmeity, and for over fifty years bee
beau a reepeo ed ,eeideut of B,uevele.
Ha was a Onnerrvative, a member of
L. 0 L, No, 785, and a member of Blue
vale Method19l OOerob. Hie partner in
life passed away about two years ago.
He ,ee.ve. four Boma, Thomas, of time -
vale ; W 13., Principal or Anton Sobool •,
Jamas G., (formerly of Winghem,) and
Rouen, wbo recently graduated in 67edi•
cans, There are also two daughters,
Mrs. M. Heaters, of Bioevale, and Mrs.
A. Prober, of B nevale. The funeral
took plans on Tburedey, Rev Geo, Baker
oandueting the eerviooe in the church,
The members of L 0. L. No. 766, ab.
tended the funeral and performed their
08001001A the grave of their deceased
WIaa,, beam.
L. Kennedy bed moved 11ie restaurant
to the Wilson b•.00k.
W. A. Oonery, a former Wingham
boy, holds theworld'e record tor roller
ak.tmr, At a ennte01 in Loudon, Out.,
he aksled nearly ninety live miles iu nine
anti a half house.
Mrs. Slernmon, of Ethel, has been
spending a few weeks with R. J. and
Mrs Tmdau. Mrs. Bier0mu11 intends
spa -ling the romeiuder of the Winter
WW1 her daughter in Alberta.
Wm. Moore is very ill. Some years
ago he fell from the old Button bleak
teed wets seriously injured. Recently,
while working he felt a retort] of the ef-
feote of the fall, and his condition is
causing his friends anxiety,
A petition was signed unanimously by
the eh:Methsasking the H. 8. Board for
the privilege of flooding the North part of
the groundeto be used as a rink by Bigb
Boho41 students only. The Board am
adoredit very favorably, bee •std not
grant the petition owing to the teat that
:be sod had been eo recently laid.
L. 0. L Ne 794 met in regular month-
ly Meetiu5, eau elected ofiieere for the
ensuing year as fo'lowe :-W. M., W. 3,
Greer ; Dep. M., J. Davidami ; chaplain,
Rev. T. S. Boyle, B A., 13. D. ; Sea., Joe.
Guest ; Ffn.•Beo., 13. A. Maguire :Trate.,
D Bell : Lecturer, A H vluggrove ;
D. of 0 , Wm Guest ; Cum., G. Men-
nen, T. Hall, W. G, Salter, A. Sender -
eon, 0. Thornton ; Auditors, J. B.
Fereneon, J. Glenn.
Mies Heeds Robertson, until Intely lib.
rarietl of the Pe ho Library, was married
recently ell the West She went a few
weighs ago, and it had been arranged that
she should meet her future !unbend
't •d said, shehad newer Been at
(whom t 1 s e
(Weary. The g9utleman'a name e0 John
11 Borland, of Everet, Wehingtin Terri-
tory. Unfortunately, Mr. Borland bad
been in the 110-pt0a1 for some time and
was not able to take the long jonroey
from Everett to Calgary. But he sent
another gentlem8u as his representative,
to meet Min Robertson at Oalgary, and
dlreother to Everett. Word bele oome,
that she reaobed her deatiiiatian safely,
and the marriage was duly performed.
That Ifyomei {t'iil Tare All Forums
Uf Catarrhal Diseases,
Teetimoniale could be printed by the
thouaalde, many of them from Brunie
and nearby towns, that Hymnal 18 an
ebeolote mire fns all catarrhal tro0blee,
bat the beet proof et it8 unneaal aure-
ate] powers is the guarantee w.th every
00109. ' Money baok if Hyomsi. does not
do all that ie claimed for it."
Hyo0Bi ne eat n motet remedy. Ite
formula ,a given freely to phyeioiane who
want to know what they use when they
prescribe Hyomei, It is guaranteed
under the Pure Food and Drag LAW by
aerial No. 1418.
By breathing HyomOi, the heeling
madwoman goes directly to every nook
and eor8Or of the air pa0em508 where the
catarrhal game may lore, and disinfests
mid heckle,
There 18 no dcngerooe etomaoh dreg --
ging when Hyomei is need. In beating.
reedme0ion'ie breathed through a little
pooket 181100180 It few times deify, and al.
most immeditotely a great improvement
is a'tined and 949011 eeoovmry follows.
Toe complete Hymnal mutt nate but
0100; and In mom °sees is ell;ioeent to
8Ure the iil8ees0, making it nut otrq n.
80leu1110 treaiueeb0, but 01113 that ie high
ly e00uonio'.l, Get ab outfit to day if
you have any symptom9 of untotrb, lied.
see how quickly the remedy 08/i8ve8 and
We-poeitively gtiewent00 13yomoi, for
ehoned you buy it complete bunds, prion
$1,00, and be diesat'efi'19 with rennin
yaor money win be refunded. Avenel
etfe/°nnvv W+/MM+ye,yldldr,�o/'rAk/wRorxeMtmetea
`' OPO
Come early to secure the first choice in Silverware,
Crown Derby China and Jewelry. Lines we are
particularly strong in are Lockets, •Bracelets and
Necklaces, Gold and Gold Filled, set with all the
precious stones. : .
Watches aChains for Gifts
Our Watoh Department is complete with all eiz08 it Gold, Gold Fill-
ed, also Silver and Niokl0 cages, with any Muvemont desired for a
beautiful time -keeper.
Gold Pearl Set jewelry
Be sure and see our beautiful assortment of fine Pearl Set Brooches,
Fleur de Lis, Oresceete, Sunbursts, Wiehbone, Swastika and many
other designs.
Diamond and. Pearl feet Flings
Nothing more beautiful than one of our elegant Diamond or Peart Set
Range. Lake interested 111 Jewelry should call and inspect ; Men
who are interested in Ladies should see them, Anything I sell will
be fatly guaranteed or money refunded.
Sterling Silver and E'oony Goods
Our line is the largest aver showo here. A11 first-class goods at mod.
orate prices. A lovely present for a lady.
For Gents and Ladies
Manicure Sete -Sterling Silver and Ebony -for the Ladies.
Smokiug Sete, Shaving Seta, &o., for the Gentlemen.
Optical Department
Lyes Tested Free. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
American and Canadian Diplomas..
Str h tton
s'Sign of the Golden Clock.
/'t�4 meraettAO
Furnitu r e
t as Prices
What is more appreciated in the home than a
useful piece of Furniture ? What is more suit-
able as a.Xmas present than one of the many
pieces we are showing for the Xmas buyer ?
See our dandy. 3 -piece Parlor Suites
Odd _Divans Music Cabinets
Chairs Parlor Cabinets
Rockers Pedestals
Centre Tables Jardinere Stands
In Upholstered Goods
we do all our own work and comparison will convince any
one of the superiority of our goods over factory made
stook. We have something choice in Parlor Suites,
Couches and Morris chairs all guaranteed to give satis-
Floor Rugs
We also have a line, of choice Floor nags very
suitable for the Xmas shoppers and have only
to be seen to be appreciated.
Special Prices for the
Christmas f s aid �`e�r Year's Season
Call and see our geode whether `you buy or sot. It is a
pleasure to us at any time to have you inspect them.
le s' id by ern pets everywhere �Write
for litetature. Booth's 11y0m8i Co.,
Bufialo,N.'X.. I House Furnishers
and Undertakers