HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-12-19, Page 3HEALTH
X"3'984 -**4) 04t4ste'G"le41'
A. bump on the head Gs one of the
.cothnloneat of accidents, but the tido
which cover's L1u cranium fat 'Pugh
:and is protected by the hair of the scalp,
•so !t it is .ermlparulirely titre that the
('1Ow 1'esul'ts in anything more serll-
ous than a bruise, This 1s fortunate,
for an open wound of .the scalp Is 8
rater difficult affair to manage at
Mimes, and its complications and se-
''quela aro likely occasionally be give
•more Or loss trouble.
A severe bruise, such es may he
'caused by striking Lilo heed with. can -
.;side' able knee against a blunt prajei:-
lion, say Ihe rounded edge of e table,
usually results in more or less 'buggy
.swolling, due to the effusion of serum
rot blood under the scalp. Ordinarily
this gives no trouble, except that tl
May he quite tender for a few days .
The effused serum of blond is sootier
or liter absorbed and the bump be-
COMOA a thing of the past,
in some cases the fluid becomesfull
Of pus, owing In the lnllauunation of
the bruised tissues. This kind of a
wound must be opened and the mat-
ter w0sllaci out otherwise 11 may bur -
POW qutii a distance along the skull,
and possibly result iie the destruction
of some of the hone.
An ordinary bruise of the scalp does
not call for much atlentLm. 1f the
-swelling Is considerable, the scalp and
'hair should be thoroughly washed, and
'then a lotion should be applied of bor
tc acid dlsstived In eelogne water, or
t,'a ;';' of witch -hazel, if the hair is
very thick it had better he cut short
over the bruise, so that the lotion can
more readily reacts the part, if the suf-
ferer is a ley; but if she is a gill the
lotion will have to reach the spot as.
best it can -the halt. need not be cut.,
'unless it is really a case serious enough
to call for the offices of a surgeon.
When Use scalp is cut or torn, the
matter is more grave, both in its pre-
-sent state and its ,possible consequenc-
es, and had ,better be left to the doc-
tor to treat. A blow hard enough to
tear the scalp may have been of suf-
ficient force to crack the skull, and even
if the Leone is Intact, -and the fracture
may occur in another part of the skull
from that struck, through the Opera-
tion of what, surgeons call contrecoup
'or a "counterblow," -the scalp may
become inflamed and slough away,
leaving the bone denuded so that it
may lose its vitality and give rise to
trouble calling for surgical interfer-
ence; or it may become, the seat of an
erysipelas. At any rate, the wound
will need washing, and possibly a few
stitches to bring the cut edgesl to-
getter,-•loutie's Companion.
Watercress is an excellent plood
Lettuce has a soothing effect on Lite
'nerves and is excellent for sufferers
from insomnia.
Tomatoes are good for a torpid liver,
but should be avoided by gouty people.
Celery is a nerve tonic; onions also
are a tonic for the nerves.
• Spinach has great aperient qualities
.and Is far better than medicine for suf-
ferers from constipation.
Beetroot is fattening and good for
people who want to put on flesh.
Parsnips possess the same virtues as
Cranberries correct the liver.
's,faupl)1 a4( sa1Blnulrie sae -timely
Bananas are beneficial to .sufferers
from chest complaints.
Celery contalns sulphur and helps
to ward off rheumatism.
Honey is a good substitute for coil
liver oil,
• The j.uiee of a lemon is -excellent for.
sero throat, but should not he swallow-
ed but t usttd as a gargle,
Neuralgia, Relief. -Ginger poultices
instead of mustard, prepared in the
same manner you would prepare mus -
'lard poultices, wall rngiovc neuralgia
al ones and will not blister.
Roast Lennon for f'd.11ghs,-lioosll a
lepton carefully without burning II..
When thoroughly hot cut anti squeeze
the juice int:, •`a cup over two table-
spoonfuls of powdered sugnir, Dose, a
'1'o Slop Coughing at Niglil.--Apply
a cold towel saturated with cold water
1111011114 the neck and over line chest,
and on top of this apply a large, dry
`bath towel so as to keep your clothes
or gown from getting wet. You will
soon .cense coughing and go fu sleep.
How to Itandla Ifot Compress, -'['o
prevent burning hands in dipping Ulan -
trete In boiling water for application
to any part of the body halting pate,
lake one end of tt •blanket in each hand
and twist, same tight, then dip in het
wafer, not putting Ihe ends }fill are
holding in, and in 'bringing it out place
bands far apart, which squeezes blan-
ket dry. Place dry blanket on bed,
Wen hot one, having ,patimsl, lie down
in- it OS hot. 115 he enn stand it, wrap,
ping mound the holy where pain is,
also placing )rot wales :bottles, Keep
patient in pact for fifteen et' twenty
minutes. Splendid for ,stomach' in
tries of indigestion,
Flotillas Ism edn 1 in ti
i n) a on of cosh and
riot air cheminaliy uniting to snake a
teen an office holder,
"Yee told me your husband had
"'Walt twoL
1 tw 1111 h milliner
00 e alongwith
m s v tri my new het and the
She --"Why do yen suppose they have
all Ilya 1lephone-wires so high in the
air?" fte--•"CIs,that ie to 1ha.p they
can keep uptie eenvmvsatlon t' to
pose!" '
sound motto, for daily mishaps make
`y,AM-BUIc a daily need. It can be
used with remarkable soothing and
healing effect from the oldest member
of the fancily down to the newborn babe,
Mr, Ren. Hager, Edmonton, Alta.,
has recently had occasion to test the
remarkable healing -powers of ZAM.
13UK. He says,-
Si'hen opening a can of Pineapple
Sauce the other day the Can Opener
lost its grip and my hand was ripped
open by the rougit edge of the half
opeu..d can. 11 made a gash in my
hand about two inches long. The
pain was fearful and the blood simply
gushed away from me. I had a box of
ZAM.BUK handy and I immea ately
applied some. To my surprise the pain
suddenly ceased and the blood stopped.
ZAM.BUK'S quickness in healing up
Sores, Cuts, Bruises, etc., is a great
puzzle to ane."
Blood poison, cuts, bruises, old
wounds, running sires, eczema, ulcers,
boils, eruptions, scalp sores, itch, chap
pad hands, burns, scalds, and all skin
injuries and diseases. ZAM-BUK is
the best cure for piles yet known, 'liOc
.boa, all drur isls and stores, or ZAI4j.-
BUco., feorgnto. 3 boxes 11.25.
!1150)ar%1. Sole tearsetpt er is,Wnr,
.test n,�a ro07iFu m sem-aa5C c'a., meronts,) Z 4
AM- Bax
Men and Women of Ontario
is for
The Great Provincial Charity, The
Hospital for Sick; Children,
Calla On You For Aid.
Remember that this Hospital Is not a•
local institution, bub Provincial.
It cares for every
sick clfild in the
Province of Ont
ario whose parents
cannot afford to
pay- for treatment.
Busy dollars are.
better than idle
Mars. The sym-
pathy that Weeps
is gond, but. the
Hospital has to have
the sympathy that
"1 Lima riornxss'• Works.
Last year there were 1093 patients ad.
mitred. Of these 378 came from 261 places,
outside of Toronto -all were children of
poor•pegple who could not afford to pay for
treatment of their 1i1tld ones.
Each child was in'the Hospital -471 days
C t of
$1.31 each
per day, or
$62.22 fors
the 471, days
If your
dollar cculd
the feet of
a little boy • MAssana
or girl with club foot, you would gladly
give it, and your dollar will do that
There were 79 oases of club feot treated
Dmsonr. Arran.
last year. Out of the 79, about 80 were
from the country.
If you know of any child in your minty
who is side or has otub feet, and whose
parent., oaa not afford to
ppauy, send the name to the
Hospital Secretary.
The stook books aro
open. Won't you let
the Hospital write your.
name down for a few
shares In I('eaven'e own
work of healing little
ohildron 1
A great mine of Mercy
-the mining stab that
always pays dividends--
ividends-is bought with the money
that helps The; Hospital
for Siok Children to ex-
tract tho Gold of Life
from the Quartz of leve asses.
Please send contributions to J. Ross
Robertson, Chairman, 01' to Doagias David.
eon, Sec.-Treas., of the Hospital for Sioe
Children, College Streets Toronto.
yC. 'tscl
In Moisten elonastcty - 10,400 Pounds
Of Food Consumed.
'lb eelebrale the feosL of their ,pa-
tron saint, the oflhorlos monits_. al the
montester of. SI, Alexander, itussia
y r r
gave recently 0 mousier I.utngu'zl, There
were 100 guests, who occupied tablee.
in a great hall, '1else mettles however,
dined oath in his own cell. AL the
toast 88,400 pounds of food were con -
sumac', with 4,300 bottles of ovine and
beer, Among the items were 4,000
pounds of caviar*, 700 pounds of pro,
served fish, 1,000 petund4a of fresh fish,
besides 101'4 of moat, The monastery,
one of the t'tehast in Russia, has an in-
come of 0910,000 a year. The property
ort the Orthodox ohurals la estimated at
:t85,000,00O,000r Which malcee the StOttd-
and Oil figures leak puny,
New 'Lealand the Co'tnlry Where He
Gels the mews and Lodgiops
as a Itighh
New Zealand has been called the
"Wicking Man's Country," and IL cer-
lainly is heaven for tramps, Plenty of
really decent food and a night's lodging
are to be had Were for the asking- -to
la demanded, 1n feet, as a right. And
when one eernembelws that, after all, the
majority of us inelm little more than
that out of toiling herd week in, week
out, all the year Mound, it is no wonder
that one's mouth begins to water for
that happy land, where there aro no
November fogs, and where beds and
gi 1111 111,0 trite:,
The vermeil for it Is not far tc seek,
New 'Zealand is a land of big distances,
and outside the regions of the towns is
spa, :ely populated. There is no network
of railways there to make traveltttgeasy;
the only means of loccmoton for .We
ordinary workingman is Shank's pony.
saonnd 111118„ nifiiit shrd[u rnfwyp shrdl
011 the, Inrtns---or 'slatioui'-a certain
amount of casual labor is always re-
quired for the repair of fences or stock-
yerds, or Ihee utting down of trees, and
in breeding, reaping, and shearing
seasons. Some means must, therefore,
be found of securing a "constant sup-
ply,' and that i5 why We squulters
make a praotlee of giving
In all applicants for work. They know
better than anybody that 00 per cent, of
these "stvagmo,' asl Ivey aro culled -
after the blanket es "swag" in which
their belongings are tolled -would dio
sooner than work; but a3 it is just that
olid 10 per cent, of genuine workers
that they need to have at hand for
emergencies, the custom continues, and
\vitt continue, despite its abuse by the
Arrived at the "station," you begin by
demanding work. Of course it may be
offered you, std, if that is so, you have
L') choose between accepting it cr going
away to sleep in the open, unless there
is nnotnee "station" near. But the odds
are fu favor of all the work having been
snapped up by the earlier applicants,
and in that case you sigh loudly when
the boss shakes his head, and march off
to the cook and ask for a ticket, which is
always forthcoming,
This is usually a long, low wooden
erection, with a fireplace at tate tar end,
and rows of bunks on either side, simi-
lar to those on board ship. Appropria-
ting cite of these, you sling your "swag"
into it, and, taking your soap -if you
are particular•i-go outside to wash. Then
you return, and smoke and chat with
the other swagmen till the ringing of a
belt announces that supper is ready.
Supper is served in the station dining -
room, after the regular hands have been
fed -another long, barnlike place, with
a trestle -table in the middle, and forms
cu either side.
The lavishness of the meal would
strike our tramp dumb with amazement•
A basin of boiling hot broth is followed
by a joint of beef or mutton, with two
vegetables, and then comes a pudding,
the lot lopped down with bread, butter
and cheese, and as much tea as yeu can
drink. All this, mark you, of the best,
and for nothing I Afterwards
until you choose to turn in, and in the
arerovided with breakfa
you �
luornmg provided
on the same hospitable scale before you
start away againfor another day's tramp
to the next "staten" In search of
Tills is no highly -colored picture; it is
just a plain statement of fact. In the
ccuntry districts of New Zealand, if you
don't like work, you can live like a
fighting cock for nothing, so long as you
are prepared to keep on the move. You.
see, a squatter never knows when he
may find hinted in a hole for labor. A
man may leave, or something may hap-
pen that necessitates the hasty engage-
n a e -
of a'dozen hands; and it is there-
fore as tench* to his interest as the
sWagrnen's that he should always 110v13
n certain ntnnberof potential laborers
available for any emergency that may
arise. Not till railways mance quick sup-
ply of later possible will the system die
out. -London Answers.
'Wounded Animal Assails Pursuers,
Whom elle Fatally Gores.
A tragic accident of the those, result-
ing In the loss of two lives, occurred
recently in the woods of Rehon, to the
Department of 'Meurihe and Moselle,
France. During a bear hunt a party
et sportsmen came across at old boar,
and a M. Rischter [!trod, wounding tee
beast slightly.
The bora• charged, knocked M. Rlsclt-
ter dews, and buried' his tusks M his
flesh. Antsier gentlemen, M. 'Frimont,
who stood n fete yards away, aced nt
the hoar. Tho animal turned apart h[.
Frimont end ripped ltis side with its
A few minutes later otter members
of too hunt crime up and .succeeded in
killing the boa', but M. Meahter died
111111 an hour later, A doctor was sent
for to attend M. Figment, wwlio, how.
ever, was mortally wounded, and dled
a few lnornillgS after.
Atter having fried all the well ad-
vertised patient snetlioife5, the public
are turning to the old household re-
cipes for treatment of ine[plent diseases
of the kidneys, liver, bladder and uri-
nary organs, "which, „11 neglected too
long ars almost incurable. One reme-
dy that has come back to popular fa-
Yoe Le the following strrtple presorip.
Lion: Pour ounces syrup of rhubarb,
one ounce compound vimosa, one
Mime sweet spirits of mitre. Any drug,
g180 will fill this at it modor.te cost,
or yeu den buy the ingredtonla separ-
ately and mix at home. 'hike a des-
sai'tspdonftil in a little water after
Meals std at bedtime, A few descws
will drive out the trouble, and save
you ottdtaetn pain and money,
7th Ave, and aath et,
Maximum of Laxury ab Mlnlmum Coot
Accessible Qelot and Elegant. within live
Minutes' Walk of'rhpabres, ahopeand Clubs,
New Dutch 'Drill Booms Largest in City.
Cable cars. Pass hotel to all Railroads.
European Ilan. 91.00 por day without bath,
m00 per day with bath. Suites 98,60
upwards, Send for Booklet.
STEARNS & DArlt, Props
It well known that to Judge Halle
burlap the author of "Sara Slick,"
Nova Scotia produced a famous hunter-
isL, but the neighboring oolong of New-
foundland had a humorist in the lata
John 11, Boone, who, if without the
:lanae gained by lfaiiburlon, was quite
as great, Boone was a barrister, and
look a malietous delight in mystifying
the Bench; in which eitlempLs ills hu•
mor was often called Into play.
AL one time an Italian, who became
dissatisfied with his position as a tele-
grapltLst, went into trade, gave too
much credit, and came to grief. He
engaged Boone in order to be declared
"My lord," saki Boone, "may it please
this honorable Court to hear nye on be-
half of my client, Mr. TarduccL 1 -le
comes' from sunny Italy, lay lora, the
land of romance, science, and glorious
literature ---the home, my lord, of the
illustrious Michael Angelo and the sit -
'vine Raffaello; birthplace oil Tasso,
Arloslo, the immortal. Dante, ana the
humorous Boccaccio;' the prolific mother
of art -and science, birthplace of Gal-
vani and the martyr Galilei Galileo,"
After Boone had spoken a little more
in this strain the judge began to get.
"Wihat has all this to do wills the
case, sir?" he at last gruffly inquired.
"Merely a few preliminary observa-
tions, my lord," was the solemn reply.
"My client from sunny Italy, home of
the painter and the sculptor, begs this
honorable Court to apply to htm 'alae
very lowest form of pictorial nit. My
lord, he prays to be whitewashed."
"Now that you are married, my son,
listen to ate." "What is it, dad?" "Try
to be a husband,not an ex -bachelor."
Dad (severely): "And, look here, Ethel,
you mustn't encourage that young man
to stay so late every night. It's dia.
graceful 1 What does your mother say
about it?"
Ethel: "She says men haven't
tattered a bit, dad 1"
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator
does not require the help of any pur-
gative medicine to complete tine cure.
Give it a trial and Le convinced.
"Tooliedy is a collector of antiques."
"Oh, that explains it." "Explains what?
"Explains why Ito married the antique
Miss Tinkler."
TONS Or IRON consumed m each
year 10 med.
sloe. In amps atsd .the best tonic, i l so
drolly manipulated that the weak and sickly
teat all possible nourishment and beneat from it.
Two frogs strolling one day fell into
the other was an optimist. Phe, possi-
theo they was an optimist. The pessi-
mist began ie squeal, and after one
abortive effort declared "there was no
way out," and thereupon threw up the
sponge and was drowned. Tho other,
remarking that 'while there's life there's
hope," paddled and dashed around and
around the pall, until be eventually
found himself standing on a pat of but-
ter, Moral : Don't be downhearted,
• Many Inherit weak longs, and as
disease usually assails the weakest
,pint, these persons are continually
exposed to nttacks of cold and •pulmon-
ary disturbances, The speedy use of
131ck}e7s Anti Consumptive Syrup will
be found a preventative and a poke -
lion, strengthening the organs so that
11153' are not so liable to derangement
Rom exposure or abrupt atmospheric
oltanges, 13iclile's Syrup is cheap and
Capt. Watt Able le Silence Too inqui•'
sieve Passengers.
Capt. Watt, who commands the liner
Lusilrtnia, is, needless to say, an ex-
ceptionally able navigator, says Lon-
don 'Tit-B[ls. lie is not, perhaps,
mete so tvell known as some American
captains, who have won popularity
among passengers, for Capt. Watt.
Maintains that the captain's place -ds
bride no • in ,
on file t the saloon,
g , and
Ile believes that he best serves their
interest by insuring the safety of pas.
stingers rather than by Melting after
their entertainment. A story Is told
of Capt. Watt, Who was lacing •plied
with all sorts tot questions regarding
the ship's progress by a too inquisitive
passenger. "How tar aro we oft land
this morning, captain?" he inquired,
"'three miles -That is all," replied Vie
captain. "But I can't see it, put in
the petwslstent passenger. "Ramiro
ou 5110 bolting the wrestleway. Yeti
meed tech dowvn there," end he pointed
signlfleantly to the water,
Growing Demand in London for High-
land Evening Dress,
When in Scotland the King Is a repro/.
lee wearer of the kill; so, too, is the
Prince of Wales, The general revival of
drimoe \wtoearin
theg oforeLthoe tci11 may trerpfore be
of royal example,
'Twenty years ago," writes a corres-
pondent to tho:'1'irnes, "the kilt was prae-
ltcally.unknown in Aberdeen: it was
indeed held up to universal ridicule by
. the townsfolk. 'That has quite changed,
and on my last visit Io Aberdeen 1 dls.
covered that even the schoolboys have
returned to kilts. 14 has become u recog-
nized article of evening dress, and,
what is more strange still, many of the
young then of the better-tc-do classes
ere learning to play the pipe.,; • in Lon-
' cion, too, there is a growing demand for
Highland evening dress oullits among
the large body of Scotsmen who belong
to the varices national socielies. The
Scottish evening drt:ss Ls picturesque,
but has tate dlisadvanitige of being costly.
An outfit would be cheap at 0150, Me
average price ranging from 0200 to 02:5.
But in spite of this and tate proverbial
ennnlrtac' of the Scot the vogue is in-
creasing. Of course lire King does not
sport his Highland dress in London.
Mr. ICipling's Canadian Tour.
Ontario and all Eas'1s1'n Canada is
deeply disappointed that Mr. Kipling,
upon the occasion o1 We n'cent visit
le Canada, should have only seen "The
West from a Car Window" and the
least not at all. The older provinces
aro always proud and neer jealous
of the \Vest, into which they um send-
ing their sheiscls and their sons. With
all its rowers us a word pulpier, it is
hardly to be expected that Air. Kip-
ling ran do justice to all of Canada.
Ile has not seen the thriving cities and
downs of Ontario, with its e 1lendid
railways, mills, and mantifateur'ing in-
deetries, He ltd only a fleeting g'lim'pse
of Toronto, and saw nothing cf the
score or more other industrial centres
of ate Dominion. It Is leo bad, Cana_
datum believe, that lie should liavespent
the most of the line whirls he was.
able lo give to the study of conditions
In the DotnInion le the troubled shores
of the Pacific. With no desire to mini-
mize the seriousness of the labor dis-
turbances out there, or to disguise the
fact that Canada is in sore need of
more -men to carry forward We work
in hand, Canadians would have been
proud of some pen lsicturee by Mr.
Kipling of the industrial East, where
the people are prosperous and happy.
This ocnvicton is by no 1)100118 local
-It is widespread, universal. ("Cana-
da," London, Eng., Nov. lath, 1007.)
The Demon, Dyspepsia, -In olden
times it was a popular belief that de-
mons luoved invisibly 'through the am-
bient air, seeking to enter into men
and trouble thorn. At the present day
the demon, dyspepsia, is at large in
the same way, seeking habitation in
those who by careless or unwise liv-
ing invite him, Ansi once he enters a
pian it is diltteult to dislodge him. 1-1e
that finds himself so possessed should
knows that a valiant friend to do bat-
tle for him with the unseen foe LS Par-
melee'S Vegetable Pills, which are ever
ready for the trial,
Magistrate (to prisoner): "It's some
time since I sate you here." Prisoner:
(virtuously): "Yes, sir; I've been quiet an'
lave-abidin' since the Iciest time i was up
before you, and that were 'lout six
months ago." Magistrate:"Alt, yes, I
remember' I
gave you six mcnths for
stealing aham. IL's a year this time."
ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM is especially intend,
ed to break up neglected coughs and many hope.
less oases have boon caved by its use. Contains
no opium to say Perm.
"Marquis, Ls it possible to confide a
secret to you?' "Certainly; I will be.
as silent as the grave." "\\'ell, then,
I have absolute need of two thousand
dollars." "Do not fear. It Is as If I
had heard nothing."
h.lod' ' f r h -Miner's A hcme o t o s e s Pack. -
Pnospectors and others going into tie
mining regions where doctors are few
and drug stores not at all, should pro.
vide themselveswith a supply of Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oi(. It will offset
the effects of exposure, reduce sprains,
end when taken internally will pre-
vent and cure colds and, sore throat,
and as a Lubricant will keep the
muscles in good condition.
"Of course, doctor, German measles
aro seldom serious?" "1 never feet but
one ,falai ease "fatal!" "Yes; it was
a Frenchman, and when he discover-
ed it was German measles that he had
mortification set in."
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and.
every form of contagious (tell in human
or animals cured in 30 minutes by \Vol-
tard's Sanitary Lotion, IL never fails.
Sold by all druggists.
Bridegroom (on honey/noon); "I have-
n't the slightest objection lo your giving
all your time to the dog,my own, but f
wish you had made it qite clear, when
you suggested bringing it, whether it
was you and 1 who wore going on our
honeymoon, and wero.bringing Mise dog,
or whetter it was you and the dog tvho
were bringing me,"
"Brick's Tasteless"
is an extract of fresh cod livers, containing all the virtues of
fresh cod liver oil without the nauseous grease, the compound
syrup of hypophosphites, nutritious extract of malt and the
fluid extract of wild cherry bark.
purifies the blood.
makes the weak strong.
is a specific in sore throat and lung diseases.
is so prepared that it can be assimilated without the least
digestive effort.
is sold under the positive guarantee that a. decided improve-
ment will be felt after taking one bottle, or your money will
be refunded by the druggist from whom you purchased it.
Can we be fairer?
Two Sizes -8 ounce bottle 50c; 20 ounce bottle $1.00
.e,...,, ,ose-tenor:"r",Ad.0..m74:4J;t!, ,0015"• '0115.51
(aper ;rrssS".
Power, Heat, Electric Light,
to Lease for a Term of Years.
Central location. ,'About ten thousand square feet Irl
four floors and basement. Exoellont Shipp ng facilities
Standard Fire Sprinkler System. Low Insurer= rate.
MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Adelaide St. West, Toronto
What's the use of contradicting people
rudely, even it you are sure you are
What's the use of being inquisitive
about the affairs of even your most in-
timate friend ?
What's the use of underraling any-
thing simply because you don't happen
tc possess 11?
What's the use of believing that every
one in the world is happier than yeu are?
A little three-year-old, whose mother
was making a simple cough medicine,for
him, watched the process, and asked if
11 was good. lie was permitted to taste,
and exclaimed: "It's awfully good, mam-
ma. Let's keep it all for papa."
"Rut," said the clerical visitor, "do
you know that even .prison may have
its bright side?'
Surel" replied the convict. "1 know
tt has."
"Ail you can see that, then?'
"Not now, but 1 hoes to some day.
I mean the outside."
Teacher -"Thomas, I saw ,you lauglf
just now. What were you laughing
about'?" Tomm '- i owes just 'think-
L ink-ing about something." Teacher You
have no business thinking during
school hours. Don't let it occur again.
The never failing medicine, Hollo-
way's Corn Cure, removes all kinds of
'corns, warts, etc.; even the most dif-
ficult to remove cannot withstand this
wonderful remedy.
It 1s often more satisfaction not to
know things and have people think
you. do . than to know ahem and net
d believe have anyllo y b v it.
LAZY OLDSORES, painful and disfiguring.
will not linger long after treatment. with wapver s
Cerate las been begun: Also, cleanse the blood
with Weaver's Syrup.
"It's • all very well, mamma, for you
to draw terrible pictures; but did you
never flirt when you were a girl?"
"Yes, any dear, I did once." "And
were you punished for it?" "I was; I
married your father.'
A Magic Pill, -.Dyspepsia is a foe
with which men aro constantly grap-
pttag but cannot exterminate. Rade
eel, and to all appearances vanquished
int one, IL mattes its appearance in an-
other dfrcctlon. In many the digestive
apparatus is as denote as the mechan•
Ism of a watch or sotontific instrument
in which evert a breath of air will rake
a variation. With such persons dis-
orders of the stomach ensue 'Irons the
most trivial causes and cause touch
suffering. To these Pa'melea's Vegetable
Pills are r'ecommend.ed as mild and
"flows did you know :it was time to
go' up?" "The•baby has gone to sleep.
large, find eyes. I didn't notice it."
B10 51)1(10 YOU GILT THE 1(1:\1) YOU HAVE
ALWAYS DAD, ," The 1) .ti L" 'Menthol Plaster.
For dde only by Daneuralgia,
s & Lawr ane nothing is better.
13e patient with cranks.
Be polite with kickers,
no pleasant lo all.
Bet partial to none.
Be positive for principle.
Bo, persuasive In argument,
leepcncably inclined.
• Be broad;
Be personally interested in business.:
"ilalloe, Badger," said 7'lnbpc; "met
a friend of yours the other day, lie's
hart talking about yell, and 1 feel It
my ditty to tell YOU what 1te said.
"Alt, well, i don't Ogre to 110111' what
be said. 1 know it wee semet1 itt0 die-
agreeehle,"1 1 ed i3adger, ',Vow do
Steil (plow that?" "I40110 yolt tiro to
snxiOus to toll it, ed md. nig."
Make a Frame House
Look Like Stone
Ey far the amt dutch,, tont dchtly outride
Ennh 10, soy house -makes it wanner wigtan,
coolet ,unmet.-wtathcr-proof, it -helps moot, it
Er. -proof too-thoi•,
Modred, of pawns. to suit 051 idsa you hove,-'
petleel ha1tona
Send Fele boouowkf'scbboocukT. cm uet LsrteegeY. or,awd railh taolnufoeer
sllkiach of immures. It'sFREE. �ddes,
The PEDLAR. People 'leen
Oehnes lfontrSl Dhows To,onm teneoa Winnipeg
Clt,solur and ourllaaand Std ,Dioses cleaned TheN
can ba sent 117 boss, lc per er.. the beat place la
Vii cam
'a'li neC
F doh Sr op
aot •
we e t
pR Wlit 3
naw blebs ss
oot Ii .1nves.r,
• �yilga Win,l,a,r, Ont.
al' 6oatA for C,snntlaw
&Mg to the Child white the Melba,
Got Ready the Meal.
The Duke and Duchess of Argyll
went for short motoring trip no``
very long ago, and, In Order ,as
there should be no unnecessary delay,
they wired instructions that lunctt
should be ready for them at one o'clocae
in the only hotel of the little Scots vit.
Ingo whioh„ihey elected should be thefts
first slopping -place.
13ut when they arrived there they,
Gcund that, the meal was not ready,
7'lte little daughter of the house hod
broken her atria, and the hotel-keopee
bast ridden off to the 'nearest Lown foe
medical aid. The mother, meantime,,
was devoting all her atienticn to come
forting her suffering little one,
hal successfully banished from heti
mind et-ery outer thought, Including
the preparation of the ducal luncheolt,
The duchess, however,' was equal
I tee n
he em a O c . Totting the to ch ld
g 1 ii�
S g
her arms, she song to it while tho'ma-
then got ready the meal. Half at hoed,
later lino doctor had 'arrived and ha*
set the little limb, and the duchess Wee
ready to start again; but,lbefore doth
so, tho gave instructions that news
to the child's condition Should he fora
warded to her, and to -day the Mile girl
veers on the mended arta a pretty
gold bangle, a 'memento from lien
Royal nurse,
2 W-�
As a rule chesty men aro naivete
, `'r
Quick ease for talo worst cot,gh--qule'
relief to tile hoiviest cold• -.'arid SAPS
to take,' even for n d lid,
hat is Shlloh's Cure. N-tultreen
old under a guarantee to antec
� ` f3 I l!1$
o ar otitis and coughs
�+ 1s_t
e n
a lir.� �.i,l�E�6F
q lcttgr An any other
uedicunC-*ryout merlr4y' back. '34year'iil
eu 9LCs e6lHutend'Sbiloho Cure. `250,
k' i st