HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-12-19, Page 2Cur Clubbing List 1:0,04t aeveeospuepormt mo„t'e ipnated y$, 480S4lDo;, During the year $760 lute been received for fu41tr8 maiu4ouenoe of paying pt6.. Unite fu addltiou to the amount Dated above. The Physician of the Finn of Refuge reported ;-The ueW addition fulfils all Tan - the requfeites for the. comfort of the 1:art PONT and the follewing, named pap- females, Although there may be a great am will be taut from now mftll Dao. or unmber of deaths thle yeti, quite a number came in a dying aundilion, and only iivod a few days, Tbe number of WEEKLIES deaths was 16. Three were 86 years of Poet and Torouto Globe '., $i 35 age, Tho youngest 17 yearn, 8138 „ fdnil aud Empire 1 8.6 age age 78 yens, ,‘ London Adver4iaer 1 60 'Revell by Qualls; Shearer aud Londun Free Prose i. 80 stook that Limo Council, through 44 '' Family Herald & Star..._ 1 80 repreeeutxtivee, momorielize the L • Moutroal Wituaee ,,,,,, 1 80 la)nre to amend the aeeeaeme44 Au • 'Weekly Sun 1 80 that io toweshipo three oumpeteot • Farmers' Advocate 2 85 Tilt POST has made ar414 04)etite to olub with all of the leading Woeklieo and, Dailies and ether Journals of every doeoriptiou. 1, 1908, for the pride of one year's eubooription, viz. t aver, Hain - our 844(0' t, so men, toted That the rime both arta t the jinn n ter• not a or ired said the val. are, ex. o1. that the sou es not was ved n the the and the air 0 a. outside of the municipality, be app DDAILIESto vaipe all its reof property. Pon and Toronto Star in rural parte of the municipality $2 86 vnine be put ou the land and in u Toronto News 2 8o parte and urban oeuufmpnhtrea Pon ou ' Toronto Globe 4 60 'laud aud buildings. Poto urban p " . 44 Toronto Mail -Empire 4 60 a deoleralion be made to the Ulerk u ' Toronto World 8 00 ooet of all buildmge erected between t " London Advertiser 2 85 of va+natiou, and by him property a ed on the roll, Tb81 the Oterk be uo of all eh10ge6 caned by the buyiu selling of property aud the reg0 entries. made on roll, That 4118 valuation be the baoie on which 00001y rate is streak, and that the Undone remain fora period of five ye. and if this proves 0atiefn06ory, it be when PrenIame are given with any of the above named publioationa you se- cure them through the club with TEA POST. Call at the effioe or remit the amount by P. 0. Order, Express Order or Reg, - Wei ed egiWteied letter, addressing THE POST, Brussels, On. G tended to ten years (+881 to spec1al o nettles and approved.) A motion wee presented requiring owing 8u the number of inmates in Huron County Council. House of Refuge, hereafter, no per being 60valtd8 or insane be admitted paying patieuts GB the House was befit for that purpose. No aotiou tan On this motion. Council aeeewbted at 2 u'wook to, visit Means. Lamont and Caution mo Wlogham Hospital aud the High School, that the Comity Engineer heed , The members expressed themselves very report to the Olerk forthwith of all highly paned with these efficient and bridges 61104 have been taken off welt.egoipped institutions. • county and put on the townships, 1'. Metcalf, of Blyth, reported con- that the Olerk notify the Oinks of earning the H0ron County fruit exhibit mauiapalitiee of these bridges and 613 at Toronto, The Oou❑oil re08tv841 the looatiou,-carried. report with pleasure aud expressed gram. Gogooil adjourned to meet at 9,8 'Manion at the 8p.eudtd exhibit. The m, Friday. thanks of the Ooauait was exteuded to Mesare. Metcalf aud Len for the interest they bad taken in the exhibit on behalf of the County. A motion that the Comity bear the net ($484 60) of a ouOOrete urate built on the bouugsry of Hmlet4 and Goderioh ToWnehfpe, wait referred to tee Road and Bridge Committee. Toe Road and Bridge 0om40)4tee reported as £ollowa :-(1) P Wa reoommeod that the report of our engineer be re. oeived and printed iu the minutes. (2) Regarding Bayfield bridge, we recom- mend, ou amount of the wings settling on South abutment, that a row of good sound, woods❑ poen be driven around the outside of the abutment, as deep as possible, 'aud ae the 0on1raot 1or the superstructure has been let to Hill & Co. to 0e erected this Wiuter, that our Engineer tet the 000)re01 'for piling e.e soon es p00841118, so that the euperetruce tore oau beerected before Spring ; oleo that a row of plea be•driveu around the centre( abutment, and the approaches be fixed as soon as possible in the Spring,. (3) Regarding tb8 antra of Hemphill, of Wroxeter, that ou. Eu)44088r and Mr. Fraser have hod an offer of settie40801 from Mr. Hempen), we adviee that they offset a settlement providtug Mr. Hemp. hill eign an -agreement and have 1t re - glittered againnt the property, that the county wits not be held reeponalble for (lemmas hereafter. (4) No 0atiou to be taken re bridge between Lambtuu and Heron and Middlesex. (5) Regard- ing bridges to be built next Rea. sou, Via :-Hall's -bridge, Goderiob Tp ; ponooil resumed et 1.45. Edaoatiori Warren Oreek bridge ; the one North of Committee reported 1n favor of appoint Wingham ; one a4 Iolmeavilie and one mend of 11. Nioholeo0 148 Trustee of on boundary between Huron aud Perth. Goderioh Collegiate Institute, also t1ar. We reoommood that our Engineer salt the Orediton Public School be giveu a for tenders for theme brines, to be °pri m grant for Cou6muatiou Claes work, when ed at January meeting, 1908. Also, that the Inspector certifies to rue work done. cheque of Mr. Sproul bald by county be The report netted. returned to him. (This last clause was ' It was deolded to ask the Clerk to pre. left e0bjeot to adv)08 of .county 80110i pare a Bylaw to be 000aidered at the tor). (6) Regarding motion re Ropoo❑'o January :Haddon, authorizing the issue of bridge, no actio❑ be taken. (7) Thnt deb8040ree for 920,000 for 20 years et 4%, the bridge between Huron and Perth, to be used in pecmaueot bridge 86r00404o. we advise that our Engi0884 await the -Carried. decision of Perth. 00nuty. - A deputation wait appointed to examine Holmeeville bridge, to see if it is poseible t0 880018 a better bite near by where a shorter suntan could be minutemen's. ty built, It was moved by Messrs. Baillie (W. Wawa00eb) and Taylor (.Morrie) -Teat we the members of the 110400 Council extend oar e18oere thanks to the 84160808 of Wingham for ibe Modena told right royal welcome shown to tie during our stay lets,-Ourrted. The Council adjourned, (Oontiunod from last week, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. • FRIDAY 1108NING. After routine, the question of the re. turn of marker uhequed to Messrs. Sproat and Barber was taken tip, and occupied must of the foreuoou. These obequee were depuetted me securities ou 00n1reot8 taken fur work not competed. While (118 Connell wiebed to adhere to its rates in this respect, it wee felt that it would not be tight nor wise in these oases t0 re1"in the deposits, bouoe the motion passed for their return to the co&1reotor8 named. Tbe Finance Committee reported 1.- (1) Id favor of payment of a u0m.,er of 1400•..0018 amounting to $1,875.84. (2) Thai 950 be give. to anti cameo) Iu• specter for peones. (8) Referring to a000uu60 for jail guppies to 0001)011. (4) Reaommendmg that •others be left over ti)t January meeting. The repos was adopted, after might amendment in. one ansa. A motion was presented, that the Warden, Treasurer, and parliamentary representatives be a deputation to wait on the Ontario Goverumeet, to arrange if possible that Horoo may partimpa5e iu bgood roads appropriation fur permanent ridges lir in some other Way, to report at January section, A motion wee iutroduoed, asking that all bridges of 20 feet epee, that have been regarded as County bridges, but have been 01ortene46 by the County, be regarded still tie Oo0Oty bndgee. Motion lost. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, TRolte AY 1IORNINO. After routine, Uoonotl resumed bee). nese. Tho report of the Road aud .Bridge 00404016te was taken up, and Ooonpied most of the forenoon. After 000sider14bie dieoueeioo the report • was adopted, after amendment of mane 5. 1111M0DAY AFTERNOON. The Special Committee reported ;- 1 Tht a no union h t () a !ken with refer. eine to the communication from County Oouuoil of Oxford, regar0iug sanitarium. (2) Regardiug petition from Coquty of H141(0,1, re good ro8d0 grout, we reoom. mend that the Warden end Clerk sign and forward the borne. The Executive Committee reported as `•� " `M follows :-(1) Re • 018.440 of Mr. Boeeu• berry al Bruoetleld, for to0s of a horse, that the matter be left in the bends of Coons. Lamont aud Geiger, and if tbey euaoeed to making setiefaotory -settle. 40ent, they are MMatr0i18d to draw on the Uo, Tread, ler the amount, (2) That in future all o,ntraots foe county roads' and bridgoe a mune be inserted provid• hag that 1118 00006r00tor be toeponetble for au aocide0ts that may non Prom aareleee or improper protection, or by ob• etroatiag truffle on any 000uty road!, This to be a notice to all parties de• littering materiel t0 take necessary pre. captious eo that no danger rimy follow to the public. (8) We 488omm800 the grant to the Herm] Poultry Association of $25. The House of Ranee Committee re- ported at o0neiderablo length. The sub- stance of the Inepeot0r'e report to Nov. 8006, ie ae follows :-Inmates 14dmttted eine °petting, 844 ; inmates ori 184 De. comber, 1006, 921 admitted for Ant time, 17; roped witted after absence, 1; deaths during the year, 16 ; abaeoud8d during the year, 0 ; discharged during tits year, 18 inmates ou let 1 aoember, 1907, 80 ; amen of main, 511 number of 48mul es , 29. Admitted during yin year from neural mOnioipallties, ae follows :-From Goderioh toernebip 2, 00deei011 bow04.4, one snob from Morrie, Colborne, Meseta,' Bay, Weer Wawee. ugh, Tuokersmibi, Stanley, Ulinten, S014fut41, Enter, Blytb,lineal), Total expend 145148 on honed and farm, $6,588 01; value of provieione and feet en need, Dee. 1,100'i. 92204 90 ;,german 8nt Imp 0verneute„$487 48 l prednoe sod,, 100.7; $481,88; promotes, pt0d000, •new clothing and ttt0) on hand, $.944,00 ; Danger Lt Corn Salves They u00141ty notate Beide and horn the flesh The one safe cure in bound form Of Potna40'11 Paimede Chau Ex tractor, wbiob le purely vegetable, 000880 no pain and oared in one day, Don't forget the name "Putnam'e” NIAGARA ELECTRIC POWER AND ONTARIO. To the Editor of Tim Foam : A good deal ie fn the papers now about Public Owuerehip of Public Um( hies and 4ho0g111 is busy with that sob jest, but it i8 astonishing to find how little is said about the new and bizaree idea that it can be right to appy the general revenues of a proviooe to oon street and maintain a line for the tease mission of 818111rio energy from Niagara Falls for the ex01081es benefit of a few 084804ed municipalities that ocu84itn48 the province. Public ownerebip has of donne, been 80o0eoafolly applied to both national and mumoip141 undeat8kinge, but it hoe a6 wale been a cardinal principle that the public which pays for OW138 and menages the undertaking must be the Setae public that uses the unruly turnieled, This prinotple ie Ito eimpie and so ob• vioesly 0041801 that examine of ar. gnmeote about it would be out of glace were it not for the foot that we at pregent see pdbiio ownorobip scheme proposed in thin proviooe 44itio01 any nob guid- ing prinOiple at all, Tat me 11108441450, 01 national owner., ehip the petal Benton! of Great Britain a0d Oenada end the 131i4i811 telegraph 448rvi08 are good exempie0. 'Thane are tttilttive provided for every 80bj006 of the .. nation widths name to a whboe properly 'F pa MX CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Of Toronto, bee started Smoueande of young men and women ou the gamy nay to i0depe0deuo. and 8130. Ode. Let tin gore you the right start, Write for Catalogue cud. plan to spend the next pix months' with ee. Enter any time, Address W. H. SHAW, Prlrloipal Yonge & Gerrard els., Tonne 0' mautoipel owuerehip, weterw0rke, lighting planta aud fire flitting e06ablieh• mento are good illustrations. These utilities are fur the nee of every member of ea011 oorporatto0 or municipality that provides them, and the people ae.0 whole, therefore, properly pay for their previa. ion. But in this power transmission plan, by wbioh the people et the proviooe at large are to be ceded upon to 000861001 aud maintain a liue for transmission of bydro-eleotrlo power to a 'few eeleoted 0040400016ir e, the cardinal priooiple of au such eutelp leas 18 801111668134 violated, None of abode guarantees of earn), which ,boulu always be present when soon a redioal, e0000mioal move ie made are provided, and a ship without steering is beteg numbed upon the waters of Provauoial-life which is likely to bailouts a vary daugerooe 000004040 dereliot.ae the time goes ou. It is to be remembered too that the carriage or trauemiseioo of a thine from 648 producer to the die6aot oode0mer is e0 far as the mummer is 00008r0Bd, just as im1.ortaut ae the production of the num Itself. It ie nothing to the ooneam er, who i0 the reel benelioiary whether the power or other product that has been made cheap to nim to So made cheap by the goverumeu1 `producing it or trans 40141108 It or by paying someone else to do one or the other or both. The oon- 8omer gate the ultimate .benefit by his governme01. By considering thio we see the vioione-. unee of tie 00/arm power policy, wbioh 1m008ts to no more and uo tees than bestowing beueflts on the people of certain parte of the p rovivae at the mak oat of site people of the province at large. To pro- vide and maintain a power supply. for the whole of the province and for the general benefit of all the people thereof and at their or general oust might be right, but for the whole province to provide a supply of power to few selected and a ready moat highly favored parte of the pr0viuo0 eau bsrdiy be right under the oiroam81auo80 that axial. It has been said by some that the budding aud matutenonoe of piths Niagara power tranemldelo0 line will 1301 be a charge on general reveuaq because it will be self-euataining and therefore be a thetas ou no one. Whether this is tr004 or not no one can tell. But if it 81ould be true we do not see that justification could be got out of the truth. It would be as Wiee to say that the province should go into mauuf0otoring axes cheaply for the 8x0)1084 a benefit of lumbermen be- cause some set of 80016118510 theories be- lieve that the government could make thrm and sell them without any obarge agal081 provi0oial revenues. Manufacture nod trade ie best left to private enterprise and mash be. eo left when it bffe016 oertai0 communities. It t8 better to be sane and model :dor public polio}, as we do. our private conduct on well known and well establiebed Ifnee. R. T. REYNOLDS, Ottawa, Deo, 8, 1907. WOItSE.TfAN ONIONS Bad Breath From Indigestion Cannot be Uvereume-111 W Perfumes. All of es coffer from bad breatb- 80me1)03ee our owu, but oftener that of our friends. Nine tenths of this bad breath mimes from some stomach trouble and 8140not be overcome 448th breath pert0mee or any other palliative measures, If you occasionally have a bad breath ;' If there is heartbaru, flatueooe and acid galptuge lit mdigestedfood 5 it the etom- arh burns or 8marte ; if there ie eleop- tesOnesB, nervonenee0, beadaohee or any. other of the many symptoms of iodine. tion, nee Mi•oma etomaeb tablets and get well. Mi o ha is not a mere digestive nor a physio, but a Maio remedy that etrengtb- 8ne the 40080)08 of the etomeoh and buwele so that the flow of panto juices ,s - u0reaned, and the loud is 04ge0580 miter. ally and does not stay In the 06oma0h 10 fermata and pol8on the breath with 14610080)10 ()dere, A little 50 omit box of Mi o•na stomaalt. %ablate taste for a couple: of weeks, and will ward off a dozen mild 144100118 of iudigeetion. If you suffer with a obro0io one of stomach trouble, the use of Mlro.u14 for a res8ouable length of time will give you an absolute and complete 0arm, If y00 want to enjoy your food and never stiffer from indlgeebion, nee M) o' na. It to the only remedy that is relied upon ae a 08rteinty today, relieving the worst troubles of indigee6ioo and assim- ilation, and making a complete Dura. Mi•0-na is sold by druggieto every. where for 504 aeon, and we positively gn14414utee to refund your money 8110gld you p0robeee a box and 'be, dissatisfied with restyle. Write for free Dimple, addressing Booth's adi.0.na, Box 977, B14ffa10, N. 2,. East Huron M. P. At Ottawa. Dr. Chisholm, of Fast Heron, fraakly stated etthe safest that as a medical man it woad be impossible for nim to say that be was net iu favor of meat in. opeotiou, He then devoted 'tome time to the French treaty, saying that it had been made by member! of the Oanadien Government, which meet bear the reoponoibility for its bad points, in- stead of, a0 in the past, being able to biome the Old Country diplomate for them, Looping it over, he totted it to be ver av f crani nab the ha ma, f t u aatnrere of on parti80larly, and those ib the Inane Mm18ter'B own Province, Nova y far their pnovleion, I Scotia, would have the additional advan- tage of direct neon trenepo$tatioo. But 90 far 80 the farmers were pinioned, the. French chitin remained prohibitive 011 cet4le, boron, meat, gram, etc. He ori4ioized the Government for not having mule the Importationef abeinthu, which wan the ruin of Fumes, impossible, Growing Rid llefore Fong Tlnw Broken iu eplrit, weak in body, nervone and di800urag80. Something ie wrung, and 8(406 day 0848 you failing away Just one thing to do -build up. To cid 11118 008 Ferroaone, Wnat a tonic it is 1 Appetite, why it mane yon eat tremend• only. Digest, indeed you will, Rich red blood will carry nouriehmont to every corner of the body, tired organa take ou new lite, Dolor, spirit and -am baton are restored. Perfect manhood and abounding health is the 0nfaillo0 product of Ferrozone-try it, 50o per box everywhere, 13elgra',,'e. David Sproat took in the Winter F at Guelph last week. Mr. Downie, of near Beaton, visi his uncle, J. A. Brandon, Mrs. Perrin, of:Turuborry, is !pend a few days with her sister, Mise 13 8004)11, of Belgrave. Mr. and Mie. Pr1Ogle attended funeral of the former's brother -in la Mr. Robertson, of Loodeaboro'. 11. J. Clegg hue been quite ill and able to leave bie bed bdt we truer will soon recover his anal health, The three St mday Saboole of B grave are making great preparatio for their Christmas enterta1nme010, Wm. Proctor is learning telegrs operating and general station age busmen a6 the G. T. R. station here Mr. Bntledge and the Misses 110 ledge, of Brooefield, and Mr. Du140xg of McKillop, were 1130 guests of D. a Mrs. Sproat, Mrs. Brandon, from near Saekotoo Sauk., bee returned to spend a oo0 of menthe this Winter with her moth Mrs. Jno, OwenB. Mies Clark, school teacher, of tie Hamilton, hoe ret0rned home to h parents id thio village. She will Lok charge of a Bohn! i0 East Wswanos abort New Year. PETER PuRTeapisrm DI0D,-Another the old, and nue of the beet known res. dente of this vicinity passed to the wort mann on Thursday, Deo. 5114, in t person of Peter Porterfield, the wel known former olerk of East Watvonoeh and Postmaster at Marniah. M: Porterfield 4400 e native of Banffshire Scott u a d, and came Eo' a U nada in 1855 After working for 8om8 time in Boar boro' and Westminster towoohipe, h Dame to .Cast Wawauosh to 1861 en settled on the lot where ha spent 1130 res of his life. Iu the same year a Poe Offioe wee esbabhebod at Marnoch, an he was appointed Postmaster, a posi1iot he held until Ja❑. 1st Iasi, le Wee on of the oldest postmasters in the country if nob the oldest in point of 8ervioe, au bad also for over 50 years' held the eon tract for oa'rryiug the mails between Murn0ahand Belgrave. Mr. Porterfield 44ae in hie 74th year, and had not beau enjoying good health for eom0 time. Tbe death of hie eldest eon in the railway yards at Omaha, two years ago, followed in a few mouths by the tragic death of bie son tn•law, James Fergoeon, one of the trio of fishermen dro,vned at Bay field, seemed to dishearten him, Dud he realized that this world had little more for 6140, and be looked Ooufldeotly fur. ward to that "Inheritance which is io- corroptible and undefiled and tadeth not away." Deemed had also for 86 years been bowusbip olerk for Duet Wawanoeh, and he performed Ilia duties in a moot effioient and capable manner. During all then years, be was kept iu close B000h with the people, and up one teas better known or more highly reepeoted io the Oomm0nity than the deceased, Mr. Porterfield was a worthy Son, a true Liberal and a Munch Presbyterian. He w140 the very sole of boner and strict in tegrity, a man whose word was as good. ae bie bond, and who would scorn to do anything mean or deaeitlol with bie fellowman. He bad for yang been a great orderer with asthma and rhe0matiene, and was an easy prey for that dread disease to old people, puenmonia. Ou Saturday before his death be was taken with a chill, and in eplte of the beat medical attendance passed peacefully way early o0 Thursday morniO4), A faithful and loving wife, four sone, and three daughters are left to mourn the lose of a kind and Eiffeo410one husband and father, viz„ Jamal, of Nebraska, Wm„ 01 Calgary, George i0 Brandon, ilia. J. L. 0400088, Bolgrave, Mrs. Jamas Ferguson, of Bayfield, Alex, and Mary at. home, The funeral took place on Sat nrday to the Brendon cemetery, Rev, J. 0. Hanle, pastor of the Belgrave Presby lariat) church officiating. There was a very large attendance ebowing the high esteem deoeaeed'Wee held in the neighbor hood. Mrs, Porterfield aud family will aur led ing en• the w, tin. be e1. Xis ph at t e , lid n, Ale er ar ser b. of ii 8..a I• r. d d d Stops Hair Fall/n0q Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im- proved formula, will Certainly stop falling of the hair. Indeed, we believe it will always do this unless there is some disturb - an ce of the general health. Then, a constitutional medicine may be necessary. Consult your physician about this. Does not change the color of the haft. 00133101„ with 80011 bottle 9 show It to room doctor 6818.110 .bo014(1. then do ss he any The reason why Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling hair ie because it first destroys the germs which Cause this trouble. After this is done, nature soon brings about a full recovery, restoring the hair and scalp to a perfectly healthy condition. •--Node by the Y 0. dyer 00.. Lowen. Yw,--.. f. The Sunday Sobool of Trinityh r i ;'are busy preparing for their Xas tree entertainment which will be held in the Foresters' Hall on the evening of Deo. : 28rd The Truetees of Belgrave Union; 1,Sohool No. 17 have engaged the 0e814108i iof Mies Richmond, of East Wawanoeh,' near Blyth, at a salary of 9860, to, oommen0e letJuunary.MieeRiobmondJ000385 well raoommeoded by Ebe Io•] epeotor. i At a meot)ng of the Lades' Guild, of - Trioity aburoh, Belgrave, the following officers were sleeted :-Hon. Pres., Rev.. W. 11. Hartley ; President, Mrs. R. 1 Corley ; Vine Pres., Mrs. A. Brydges ; iSecretary ; hire. H. Johnson 1 Treas., AlinoD.Jobn000. The work of the year was gone over and showed 8 progressive 0o0iety, with a balance of about $50 on hand. The society ie very helpful, and besides donating °lathing and other goods to Mission work has made many useful ,gifte to Triuity ohorob. They meet monthly, the Doember meeting being held at"$ommerland farm,' the borne of the Secretary, when a very pleasant ane u aftern o u vva a nut P Rev. Mr. Hartley y mad M88. Henley were present also James and Mre, Golley and t5liee Mary, together with a'good turnout of the mem• bare, Five ne44 members were initiated. The meetings are held in the bonen of the members. eseep6ingfor the election of effoote and auditing accounts, which is held in the ohorah in November. The next meeting will be on the first Thurs. A R E day in January ab Mrs. Arch. Brydges, Best te.L,'"7) r" , sa..4 ti; 6s . 7=wtCw 3 71i tt.drQ') IT Situations are available with renewal of hulas, trial aotivltfoa in early SPRING, If you dootro ono you must enter NOW, Short, sharp snappy 0004080 for Mose whose )lime or money lelimit- od, and the broadest and most 001/3- prOheneive ogrrloet= for those who would attain more than ordinary 0000880, DfAIL 001:1103138 in Commercial, Stenography Telegraphy, ORen vice, etu4rloulOhmatlon, Pent anon 1p.etc, Write for pa8tloulare. gingham Business College GEO. SPOTTON, Principal =TILE= Good heavy Tile of all sizes can be had at the Henfryn Brick and Tile yards at the following prices: 2 inch...$ 9 00 per thousand 8 0 .. 11 00 " ' 4 '+ .... 16 00 " 5 . 22 00 ' 6 " .... 80 00 " 7 .... 40 00 ' 8 " .... 50 00 " 10 " .... 80 00 " BRICK Anyone building will find it to their ad- vantage to en the Henfryn Brick. This is the beet standing red brink In t11e coun- try -does not fade but gets brighter. Prices right. S. S. COLE, 19-8 ETHEL. Foreman in theand y , Hanfry0. INGER SEWING MACH/NES THE BEST/ A tinkling cough, from any cane, 10 quiokly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. And it ie so harmless and safe that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without hesitation even to very younreen leaves and tender name of wholesome babes. The aang.heal- ing mou04ainoae ehrub, furnish the ourat1ve properties 0o Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It oalme the cough, and heals the sore and ee0eitive br000hial membranae. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injare or suppress. Simply a 100010us plant ext4aot, that helps to Beal a0hi8g longe. The Spaniards oall this shrub wbioh the doctor nee "The Sacred Herb." Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. Sold by all dealers, Weak Kidneys Weak Kidneys surely point to weak kldoef Nerves. The Kidneys, like the:Heart, and the Stomach, find their weakness, not In the errata 948011, butin the nerves that control and guide end strengthen them.. Dr. Shoop's Restorative fe a medicine specifically prepared to reach these controlling nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone,.. Is futile. It is a waste of time; and of )Doer Y well. THURSDAY, ........JAN. 2nd, 1908 If your back aches or 1a weak, If the orate t, scalds, or is dark and strong if you have symptoms ••••",,,4EB. 6th, 1908 of Brtghte or other distressing or dangerous kid. " MAR, 6th, 1908 APRIL 2110,1908 Leading Looal and Outside Buyers will he Present. Machines may be seen at MariAY & SHAW'S Hardware Store, Brussels. Easy payment system may be arranged for. I also handle the Nordheim- er Piano. S. CARTER, AGENT MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS 4,)% BRUSSELS The Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held for the swoon as follows : Tablets or L1401a'ind epee Who' give 4 nen ammo twtlt do for you. Druggist recommend an0 4011 r. Shoop's ■ Xmas and have the WWuoer° et mpathy of the people '` ®®� XMAS GIFTS in their hour of bereavement, 1'ALL DEALERS" NATIONAL. Roller Flour Mills Every good house -wife knows how neoessary it is to have good Flour to make her Bread and Pastry palatable ,• White W ITEUilyolumrpnitrotiodetssopihnieo day ie toon de for'S.tnae. We age ll pleased to 4808)48 a nine Photo. of one frieude at any time and more eopeoially at this season of the year. We have some nine s0eortments of Photo. mounte suitable and most artistic. Don't fail to oall at my studio and look over my eamplee. I will give you an ex- tra finish in the most up-to-date style. Poet Card and Sunbeam Photos. until after Xmas season, 10o each. Other sizes in proportion. Picture Frames made on shortest notioe. Prides reasonable. Alwaysweloomo at our Studio. H.R. BREWER possesses all the qualities that go to make a nice, white, spongyloaf. Once you have used this s A rand you will want none other, CHOPP//VCS 5 CENTS PER E3AQ ba cola n or Storekeepers Y g to the sAhk1Brussels se is Salt Y �r1 ndB of�oddke tconst! constantly on land. can get any kind of Salt WM � e > thy re wire Gordon Mooney, BRUSSELS Foreii;an, - Brussels. The Loading School CENTRAL i STRATFORD. ONT. j1By giving u hotter (tootle of train.) 1 lug than that elven by any, other 0140. dor inetitu41ouiu Ontario, we have be , 00408 ono of the leedl00 buelness,d e training schools in Canada. Our 4 1 1 graduates are iu 1113113004 a8 mace ea. Distance and 1308lneite College teach - ere, Our eour000 being the best, our y�rr � 4r graduates 0teeee1, It Interested In AV (1 your own welfare write 00W for our 81 0a1u10gu0; it free. We have three Q, (11 departments, 'one nerelel, 8410rthuud p 9b and Pslegrapolo. G, 50 W1u0er 108111 opsn0 Ja0uury 664, !,t k1LL1U1,-T do ipale. BLdN, Y Prluoipule, BUSINESS CARDS. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES face !n 8110 Peat Glltee, Ethel, 00.4 BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG ie prepared to give lesson on Plane 04 1000d Organ, Peine on application. Postalle° address -Brussels. Residence - Lot 8, Oon,10, Grey.' Puplle maynave their lessees at their own homes 11 preferred. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Plano or Organ ETHEL, ONT, MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared fikthe Toronto Conservatory Mesio. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howiek Mutual Fire Insurance Company 011loearm Residence- WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM' neerme8808, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROPERTY Rate of interest 5i per cont per am inm, 8ret Mutsu, LIFE ANO FIRE INS. AGENT Exoeletor Llfe I08nran00 Oompany - The Eguity Fir8. Iusuranoo company All business attended to promptly. H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clerk 4th Division Court. AUCTIONEERS. 141 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. • nen, will 8811 for better prices, to batter men, in lees time and lees °barges than any other Auctioneer to Emit Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders eon always bearranged at tole o83ae or by it arsenal application. _ ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE -- ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terat the ollboe of Tan PooT, Brussels,arranged1118 VETERINARY. A. CUNNINGHAM— • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases 0f domesticated animals in a Oompet. ant manner, Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk ,rover. Calle promptly attended to, -°Moe a0411n0rmary -Four doors North of bridge, 1'0ruberry at., Bruseele, 'Phone 47 k LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. B. MA .ACDONALD— . Barrister, solicitor. Notary, Eto. Successor to O. F. Blair. la 8 OM* over Stan- dard Bunk, Brunets. Solicitor for Metro. pelican !leek. M. SINCLAIR—e • Barr/liter, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, &c. Offioo-85ew1444'8 Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. puOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- ' BARRISTERS BOLIOITORs, NOTARIES untied, ETC, W, PROODFoOT,K.0. R. C. Hetes ON F. Bram. Ounces -Those formerly occupied by Meooro. GaDIDRIaII at6mer00 dt Ho11. , ONe:ewe. DENTISTRY DR, R. P. FEILD, GENTitille Graduate of the Royal Gonne of Dental Burgeons of Ontario and Erste: nee. Honor Graduate, of Toronto University, OEN; next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. r =M-..5 �sem$f li t`i1../1 "Business Knowledge" and "Everia•sting Push" m W4 are two 800804itt10 to dY 48 ou000es, Attend ,O1ELLIQTT TORONTO* ONT* and prepare for 3 440841 40 04 outs. po60. 44 0410 as arc open 4* our stud - Mits. Mita. Hundreds of our stltdente aro zt Ding into good positions every year, (tette train yIq ter one. We will do �' coins Whiter term opens 44Janne y 601.Wrlterr 14 11 o r1)1ycatalogue oo1 ace w B wherein we excel urdluary Bullion �� Oollegue, Wq� W. J, SILLIOLT, Prinelpkr ai, ,i,00atlou of College.... COR, 1ONOn atm AD1t)ANA4R BTS A