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DFCEMf3EE 12, 1907
goad cgewo gums
SonodriBoard will meet Friday even-
ing of this week.
A mums from Wednesday of next week
will be Obrietmae Day.
NEXT monthly Horse Fair will be held
in Brenda on Thursday January 2nd.
Mus J. J. Annex, eyesight specialist,
will visit Braeeele professionally on
Tuesday at next week and may be seen
at the American Hotel.
• Tin Somas Sooxw.—Tuesday evening
of last week the Sootoh Social, under the
anepioee of the Young People's Guild of
Melville ehuroh was held. There was. a
full house and a most enjoyable time.
An excellent program was rendered ae
follows t—Male oborue Sootswhit'
hae, Alfred McMillan, Lorne Eokmier,
John Lynn, Jack Leakie Willie Straub.
an, Oharlie MoMillien and Elmer Ewen ;
for an encore they sang "Will ye no'
come beak again'' ; Addreee, Rev. A. 0.
Wishart, B. A. duet, ":The place o' the
King," by Misses Jessie and Margery
Straohan ; reading, J. H. Oemaron ; solo,
"The land o' the teal," Eire. S. 0. Wit.
eon ; duet, "The bonnie woods of Orai-
gee lee," by Jaok Leokie and Charlie Mo -
Millan,; reeitadon, "Bairniee paddle
Boon" by Mies Winnie McGuire; duet,
"The auld oontrie," by Misses Alice
Thompson and Jean Habkirk ; Mete
(thorns, "We're a' Boattieh here "•
recitation, "Beirnies'weaken np," Miss
Beanie Davidson ; solo "O'er the moor
among the heather," Dougald Strachan ;
reading by Robert Strachan ; solo, "Bon-
nie sweet Bessie," Mise Kate Mo=inlay ;
closing song "Auld Lang . Syne." The
proceeds were $2100: Lunch was served
in. true Soottieb style the bill of Pare in.
eluding scones, oatcake, abort bread, &o.
BA= FBOM Nonon Discos. -Faber
Stewart arrived home from, Langdon,
North Dakota, and Battletord, Saekat.
obewan, whither 130 had gone to look
after his poeoeeeions in the line of real
estate, having 800 aoree at the former
and 640 aoree nrar the latter place. He
reports times quiet in Cavalier Oa.,
Dakota, and the crops very light. Those
who barveeted early and are :good farm•
ere moored the big market prices and had
a good year. The farmers who do not
work to good parpoae would have trouble
in clearing expenses, as the market
slumped: On one of Mr. Stewart's farms
where hail had caught the atop wheat
yielded only about 8 bnabele to the aura
and on the otherlarm the average yield.
was a trifle over 11 timbale. 'Oath ran
shoat 30 buehele to the acre. .Hay was a
good mop. Stook is away down in prioe.
'Oahtle run from 2 to 2,i elute pea pound
and bogs from 4'to•4] dente. Horses are
also flap, posaibly down $100 a team.
The money market ie tight and the
elevators were compelled to desert for a
time from buying owing to inability ho
deal with banks and part of the time the
shut off•ocourred while the market was at
Ate beet. Depbeitore had no trouble in
withdrawing their money from the
banks in Langdon looality. 0onsidering
hard. times there appears to be no
depreciation in''mute and the prices con
thine to role high. Proet oeught tho
Drop in Battleford country and the people,
feel the•pinoh.' Spring was late and Fall'
wet and :in' tt good many plane the land
was not 'ready for the 'Mop.' Borne.
Meade are well taken up and. the bulli of
tbo rbilwby,lande purobased, although'
the latter in largely held by epeoulabore.
Land prices range high, renning froth
616 to $18 per core. Cattle largely ran
out all Winter here, the only shelter be.
ing the scrubby bluff end straw steaks.
Fall plowing was nearly all done tbie
year so early sowing will be possible next
season if Spring comes iu favorably.
The aoil in Maidstone locality where Mr.
Stewart's land le would be dif Butt 10
surpass. It is heavy clay' loam.
Always the Lowest
Strictly One Price
oliday Evctyboy
More and more every season people are searching out the use-
ful for Holiday Gifts. A Dry Goods stook is pre-eminently a stock
of useful articles and one like this is full to overflowing with lines
that make useful and appropriate gifts for the greatest of all Holi-
day seasons. 'What can be better to give than something that will
be of some practical use to the recipient 2 Our stock today era -
braces hundreds of such lines and the searcher of the practical and
useful as well as the beautiful will find themselves well repaid by
a visit here. We are ready for the Holiday business now. Prudent
shoppers will make their sekctions now while' stocks are at their
best and
Before the rush that Invariably
comes with Christmas week
In every department of our store we have placed a variety of
Novelties which will be found most, suitable for Christmas Gifts.
Handkerchiefs, Table Cloths, Silk Waists, ' Fur -lined Coats
Gloves; Napkins, • Ladies' Fancy Ties,, Art Coats,
Fancy Linens, Fur Ruffs, Chenille Curtains, Mantles.
Every Beeson seems to see them grow daintier and prettier in design. '1'hie
season's stock excels aby we have ever showy, both for downright good value
in plain, and for neatness and beauty of patterns in fancy linens. Noperson
ever has too many of them and being easily eedt by mail they make an ideal
gift for abeent•friende. If you are fond of thedelioate sad dainty in Handker-
chiefs you'll enjoy looping over our -stook.
Always 'a gob], always aooepbable, there are few articles more suitable for
Xmas gifts to a Lady than a pair of fine Kid Gloves. We have a partioularty
good stook of Fancy Gloves in fireb-class qualities suitable for the Holiday
season, Guaranteed Kid Gloves with two or three Domes at $1.00 and $1.26.
E trust we will have the pleasure of showing you through
�t V our stock before Xmas. Looking or buying we want you
o feel perfectly at home when in our store.
erCUSO. 0 SS
We always pay the highest prices for Butter, Eggs & Dried Apples..