HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-12-12, Page 5'z.
The Lea I • g: �;clloul.
O:&011, NI X141
llygiving a better (tonne of train -
j log time that given by any other ohm
E1100 Institution in Ontario, we have be -
came ono of the loading business a
training aohools in Oauada. Our qy
graduates are in demand ad ogles) as- ai
xi:tants and Business College touch-
QQI 010 Our commis being the boot, our VqC�
11 graduate[ on0eouO. II loWrested iu Ay
47 your own welters) write now for our PP
01 catalogue; it le lroo, We have three et
'PUepar(moots, Commercial, Shorthand 6
uq stud Telegraphist. �I
.1.D Wfntoii LL 0i'T4, MoLAUl0LA N,
11100 In the Post Otllce, Ethel, 00.1
is prepared to give lessons on Piano
or 0teed Organ. ''Palmas On appli0att0u,
PostulIoe address -Brussels. Iiosidonoo-
Lot 8, 0011. 10, troy. Pupils may have their
lessens 00 th01r Own 010mea II preferred.
Teacher of Piano or Organ
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
OBlae and Resldeuae-
Rate of Interest 0,} pargaae caper annum , first
Exoo sior rife Iueurauoe Company
Tho l4goity Ffre lusuraoce Oolnpooy
All Mistimes attended to promptly.
Clerk 4th Division Oodrt.
RER, will sell for better prices, 00
better men, in lees time and less chargee
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can ulwuY arras a be ed at thle oMee or by
Personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the olfioe of Toll rein, Brueeels. 22tl
Vt • Honor Uradua,0 of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat an dis-
eases of domeetleatod animals in acompet-
ent manner, Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Leut108ry Ind Milli e'ever. Calla
promptly attended to. 011100 and Infirmary
-Four doors North nl bridge, Turaberry et.,
Brussels. Phone 47 1r
it •
Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Eta.
8000ensor to tie 11', Blain Office over Stan-
dard Batik, 100000010. Bolioitor for Metro-
po1itau Hama.
Y'r • Barrister, Bulloitor, Conveyancer,
Notary Public, No, 011100-8 towart'e Bloch
1 door North s)1 0000ral Hotel.
Solicitor for the Btaudal'd Bank,
J_)ttOUD1100T, HAYS te BLAIR-
BARtt1STL1tS, 801,I0.011 ORB, NOTARIES
W. 100011001(0.0. R, 0, Hess
Odlooe-'!'hose l0rineldy occupied by Messrs
Oamereu ,le Bolt, '
0onunro0, ()Pavane.
DR. R. P. FEi-0,,
tlradua(e of the Royal College of Dental
G a of Uu
tarlo sad. First-otaa
e Honor
unto of ''O Pb to say. Moe
next to Brewer% Photograph
g "Business Knowledge" E
jg and "Everlasting Push" g
are two essentials to
onooe00. Attend
i ed.
anal proparo for first -claw 11111111 0 0 0 l't
(1000(10000000100000 0(101, (0000(01(1!' by
outs, Hundreds of our 00adent0 aro
going into good positions every year,1.1 g
Lotus train yonfor ono, We will do •
it right, Winter term 01,0110 .1111013
a0.1' nth. Write for 'Catalogue and .0c ip
w11e00111 we totaled0rdluary Business ab
. Doliegan.
W. 1,'i!1L1,10TT, Prinot(1al. Yk
Our Clubbing hist
'1'11E Poe'r hoe made arritugoulouts to club
,with all of the leading Weeklies and
Dailies and other Jolt1nule of
ovary description.
Twit POST and the following named pap -
ere well be sunt from now until Deo.
81, 1008, for the price of one
yeur's subscription, viz. :
POST and Toronto Globe
" " Mail and Empire
" Leaden Advertiser
" Loddon Free Preset
51 35
1 65
1 60
1 80
Family Herald & Star,.,1 80
Montreal Witness 1 80
Weekly Sun 1 80
Farmers' Advocate 2 35
Post. and 'Toronto Star $2 35
" " Toronto News 2 30
" Toronto Globo 4 50
" Toronto Mail -Empire ,.,4 50
" 'Toronto World 3 00
" Loudon Advertiser 2 30
When Premiums are given with any
of the above named publications you se-
cure than through the club with ''Ha
Call at the office orremit the amount
by P. 0. Order, Express Order or Reg-
istered letter, addressing
Brussels, Ont.
garal Plus
SuD'oaxPTroN price to all United States
subscribers ie 51.00 a year, payab
etrietiy in advance.
Soar has been known to the world for
3000 yenta and yet it still pays to ad
vertj0e it. See the point ?
WHAT do you think of a year's alb
soiriptiou to Tno PORT an a Obriotmao
gift for the aboeet one?
51 35 IN advance saltine Tag Poor and
Wetkly Globe, with illustrated magazine
08otion, from nolo to Jan. let 1909.
Teat ie certainly a oiuoh you Amulet not
miss '
RURAL postmasters are receiving very
aooeptable anti 011rietmae box airoulare
from the poet office department .notify
ing them of the Moreau in their salaries
which takes effect from the firdt of April
teat. '1'nid ie us) April fool.
lateen is now talk of taking the York
County Loan Company's 0018(00 to the
Privy Council to ,tet Borne legal eutaug
temente straightened out. By the time
Iiia oourte and the lawyers get done
w.th the baeineee there will not likely
be mn011 left for any person alae.
TRIAL Oatarrrh t.reetmente are being
mailed out free, on request, by Dr,
Shoop, Roane, Wie. These teats are
proving to the people -without a pen
ny's oo.t-the great value of this amen•
ti00 prescription known to drnkgiete
everywhere aa Dr. Shoop'° Catarrh
Remedy. Bold by all dealers.
of the Provincial Winter Fair the Grand
Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railway
0yeteme will jean(' round trip tickets et
Bingle first -Claes fare from all stations to
Guelph. Good acme Deo 7 to Deo. 13
Valid for return until Monday, Dee. 16,
GOING noun -Are you going home for
Ohriotwas 7 Take advantage of the
cheap rates offered by the Grand Truck
Railway system. Single fare between all
etatione in Canada good going Deo. 24th
and 25th 1907. Valid for return until
Deo. 27th 1907. Single tare and one
third good going Deo. 21st to 25th 1907.
Valid for return until Jan. 3rd • 1908
F„r farther information and tiokete
apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent.
To °beck a cold guiokly, get from' your
druggist aoroe little Oendy Cold Tablet.
called Preventioe. Druggists everywbere
are now diepeueing Preveutice, for they
are not only dote, bot deoidedly certain
and prompt. Preventioe contain no
.Qniniue, no laxative, nothing harsh nor
sickening. Taken at the "sneeze stage”
v Pneumonia,
vend a will prevent P n
Pre a
Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc. IIenoe the
name, Preventioe. Good for feverish
ohildreu. 48 Preventioe 25 ciente.
Trial Boxes 5 ole. Bold by all dealers,
AN UP TO.DATE Sonoco. The Central
Basilian 00llege, of Strattord, whioh ie
the leading bueineee training school of
Weetorn Ontario, hue again advanced a
atop towards perfection. It has now the
Grand Trunk wires running through the
Claes rooms. This gives the telegraphy
students actual railway wire practice,
they have the privilege .of .reading the
810000gee paeeibg over Grand Trunk
wires. Those wishing to learn 101e•
'trophy Or obtain a commercial 0r short-
hand traioiug should not overlook thio
ap•to dote school, The Winter term
opene on Jan. 6, and those who are iu-
tere.tod should write for their free data
A Ilartl Case Overcame
No longer neceeseiy to suffer from
maculae theumu0iem, Every Duda Dalt
be oared. Ferroeofle is unfailing as
proved by David Johnston,. of Ormond,
Out. "My wife watt a dreadfulonfferer
for two yeara ohs timid oaoroe'y do any
work. -Her knuoklea and joiute swelled,
ooueing torture."` To, get up or down
entire was impossible. She took box
after nix of Ferrozone and rubbed the
sore places with Nerviline. Improve
melt started and she mended feat. To-
day do aha ie quite its lutea and we
Ferrozoue for her recovery," No remedy
more popular with dootore than Ferro.
zone ; it does onre, 500 per box at all
BRyoRE the Ohrietmas vaantion it in
expeotod that every rural school in the
Province will be flying• rte own Union
Jack. The fleet aoneignment of these
Sage purohaood by the Provincial Goy
eminent on the reoommeedation of the
Minister of Education, ham reaahod the
department and the staff are sending
them out in hundreds by every mail,
They are Mug shipped to the vari°u0
counties in elphubetioal order. The
flags are 6 feet'oy 3 Leet in size, and are
of the finest and etrongeet material. The
list of rural schools to reeeivve them bee
been made out and totals nearly 56,000.
With the Sage will be forwarded a brief
official letter suggesting plane for their
It ie understood by the terms of the
settlement in the naso of 130ggner vs. Mc-
Quillen, whioh has been in litigation for
Location at College- .0
COR, 000(001 AND AMR/ANDER BTO. ill EOM time poet, and 891(0 recently settled
w ! o & `7 1d' 1P 1101 Brantford before Judge '1'eotfiol, that
the laew 111 (1000tioa 1,880[40 to Ed, Mo
Quillen, sk„ the duaahter 4s) res)@ive (6160
iu ono wombat time and 5175 on the
death of nor father, 'The action arose
004 of a diepu4e as to who was tf la owner
of 4110 land in quee0ion, E4. McQuillan,
or., or hie son who died intestate,
kill lt,re
The eplendid 200 wore farm on con. 6,
Hulett, °weed by R,bl. MOM/ 1x11,
hoe been sold to hie brother Thomas,
for the cam of 51.1,000, There i0 a
good brink house and large bank barn
on the plane, and it is well improved,
Thio wi11 give the Reeve of 11011001 360
aoroe of splendid farming laud. We
buys not heard what ltubl. Molli.lan In -
tondo doing.
Rev. W. J. Aohtun, of Bothwell, was
visiting hie father and brothers on the
9th um. lent week.
W. H. Ardell and Mies Lizzie have re-
turned to town from Milverton where
they have been all Bummer,
St, Btepteoe S. B. entertainment will
be given In the Town Hall on the eveniog
of 'Tuesday, December 17th.
The Polies Trustees opened the tenders
for the runt and have rented the building
to Jame's King for the Winter for $60.
At fns regular meeting of L.
0. L. No. 767, Gerrie, held
w their Hull the lollowing officers were
oeotod for the emitting year :-W. M.,U.
W Walker; D. 9, Wm. Montgomery I
Chap., W. Evans; R. B., Tuos, Nash I
s' B , W H. Gregg ; '1`reas., R. H. Oar -
don ; D. of U., Rob4. (lathers ; Beo , Wm.
Hays ; Com., J. Rolston, P. Zimmer-
man, D. Uathore, J. Shearer, A. E. Vau-
A tinkling oouell, from any ouuee, i0
qutukly stopped by Dr, Shoop'. Cough
Cure. Aim it is 0O harmless and sate
that Dr. Shoop ;elle mothers everywhere
to give it without hesitation even to very
young, babes. '1'110 wholeoome green
leavoe and tender stems of a luug•heal-
ulg moumauwu0 shrub, furuieh the
aarotive properties to .Dr. Shoop'o Cough
Cure. It MOMS the oough, and heals the
gore and seueitive bronchial membranes.
No opium, u0 ohlorotorm, nothing harsh
tided to injure or 0uppr00e. Simply a
reeiuous plant ext1acl, that helps to heal
aahiug lungs. The Spaniards °all this
Blume whioh the doctor uses "The Soared
Herb." Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no
other. Sold by all dealers.
411.111110' 00,08.
Esme Fire Insurance ' Compouy
Will meet on Tuesday, Deo. 17th,
John Graham has installed asoetylene
lights in the Bee block,thus giving hie
(imams the U0e of 1110e clear light.
Henry,Reid, who daring the past sea
aou has been employed as blaokomith at
the Cement Footory,.lelt for his home fu
Wee. Candler purobaeed the bowie on
the Orauslou propmty and had it moved
un hie premises where he will re•boild it
for his father and mother,
()te()t()tempLodge No. 630, Atwood, met iu
their room on Tueoday night of last
week for general bOeiuees and for election
and iuetallati0u of offioere, with Past
Worehipful Master Wm. Graham, of
G,rri0, iu the chair. The following ot.
fleece were elected and installed for the
Dealing year :-W. M., John Hatherly
D. M„ Adom Smith ; Chap., D. A
Thompoon ; Reo -See., G. F. 'Thompson :
Vie. Seo„ W. D. Gilchrist • Tread„ Wm.
Sweeten ; Lunturor, A. W alloughby ; D.
of v. T. A. s
mith • let U. M. Jas.
Smith ; I. '1' , H. Brown ; Auditor°, A.
B.'Thompeou and E, H. Swing.
lis oderieh.
Town Clerk Joboetou has resigned.
Iles Feeaenden has severed her con-
ne001on with the teaching staff It 1110
' R. W. McKenzie, of Goderiob, u of
the most highly roepeeted and oldest
reeideuts of the County town, is ser.
lonely ill, with alight hopes for hie re-
Quite a number of men are building a
platform along the 0. P. R. at the book
t d bythe men
f the elevator, o be used
who will be engaged loading the oars
with wheat.
Dr. J. L. and Mrs. Tnrnbnll and
children left last week for Vancouver, B,
U., where they will reside for the present.
En route they will visit relativees in
Perth County,
The non jury sitting of the High Court
of Juetioe will be he'd ou the 20th day
of January. The Deoember sitting of
No. 1 Divteion Court wee adj.,nrned to
the regular sitting on January 3rd 1908.
„The pravisionel school of iuetruut1ou
for uoqua,ihed military officers will open
in the Goderiot Oolleeiete Iuotttnte
.gymoasinm on January 7001. It is ex
peoted that about fifteen young efficient
and about the Sane number of non.
oammleeioued offiuers will be in attend
enoe. The course will be six weeks. It
is not known yet Who the Matt output will
The following are the Exeoutivo pom•
miltee of the Y. M. 0, A.: Dr. W. Y.
Hoyden, president; Gurdon E. Wight,
man, viae•president ; Chas, Lewibe, pee.
tarY, Sidney Belcher, tCOatlGC@C ,G, A,
Robertson, B, A,
We extend oougratalatione to Lorne J.
Elliott, a former strident of the Goderiob
Collegiate 1110titnte on hie rumen in
Paeeieg tiffs final examination lu law in
Manitoba with honors, Mr. Elliott has
reoeived hie pall to the bar.
Pity The Busy OIAie Mau
He feelu halt dead, a o@rfee of nausea,
heodaohe and nerve ilraiu, He is on the
verge of breokdowu through overwork
and look of exercise. Theoe ditlonitiee
are beet overoome by Dr. Hamilton's
Pills whioh melte the bowels active,
stimulate the liver and kidneys and
thereby free the system of impurities.
To revitalize and stimulate your whole
being nothing compares with Dr. Ham•
iltuu'0 Pills which do make good Tooke,
good epirite, good health. Sold every•
where in 25e boxes,
, WEDDING BELL0.-A very pleasant
evening woe spent on the 20411 of Nov
ember at the home of John and. Mrs.
Maguire, Lot 4, (Jon, 4, Howiak it being
tbu marriage of .their daughter, Matilda
to Wrn. MoLeuoau, of Grey townebip,
At half past five o'clock the Rev. Mr.
Dobson and the groom entered the parlor
followed by the bndll-who woe handsome-
ly aroma iu Dream eolienne and wear•
lug a baguet of bridal metes and ferns.
The brims wap given away by her father
and there in the presence of about 110
guests the nuptial knot was quiallly tied.
The ga0010 took their seats in the eom-
modioue dining room at the tables that
were groauiug under the loads they bore
of all the deli000iee of the season. When
the tables were eased of their burden and
ample justice done to the inner man the
room wee cleared of all unnecessary
furniture and some amused themselves
by playing dtffereut kinds of games while
others tripped the light fantintio toe to
the strains of the violin predated by such
mac as Masers. Sanderson, Doig and
WElliomeou aseieted by John Moutgom.
ery. Mr. Murray oontioaed to give in.
etruotioue as the ohungee took plaoefu
the different sets until the wee ems,'
hours whoa they departed to their
reopeotive bonnet all well satisfied
with their eveuiog'e entertainment and
wishing for many more events to take
place in the near future. The preeenta
to the bride were very onmerous and
ooetly ebowing,the esteem in which the
young couple were held. The groom's
gilt•to the bride was a gold brooch, eat
-with diamouds ane pearls. A large
number of the goeete present were from
o dietauoe, Temogami, Toronto, Wood.
stook, Hamilton, Clinton, Teeewater,
Vaneoter and other pointe.
L l lar to-sv e1.
Geo, Klemm, of Buffalo, ie home re•
anperating his health, atter spending
eight or ten weeks in the hospital there.
Se has now about reoovered his wouted
,,,,Rev. D. N. Mo•Camus, pastor of the
Methodist obaroh, bae reoeived an in.
vitation from the Methodist 000300ga
6100 at Bt. Marys to become their pastor
at the end -of his term here.
Mho Ada Zilliax, daughter of Fred.
Zilliax, who underwent au operation
for appendicitis at Stratford Hospital,
is progressing very favorably and it is
expeeteai will be able to return home
W. 0. Kidd, of this town, has sold his
etalliou Moubare to it company of ten
infiueutial horsemen of Strathroy, for
52,000, Besides being a noted speed.
producer, Monbure has a track reoord of
the first rank among Canadian stallions.
Contractor Ntoboloon'o friends in
town were very pleased to see him able
to be about town. He baa nearly re-
oovered from hie reoent dynamite 00.
cedant. Hie eyes are weak yet, but will
soon be all right, and hlo face ioJrapidly
healing and will have no soars.
Dr. B. D. Tagbao and hie bride at•
rived in town on Monday evening of loot
w g
eek and are the pleats of John and
Mre. Scott, Main street West. The
wedding took place in Ottawa on Wed•
needay, Nov. 27th, at the home of E.
T. Smith, of the Patio Works Depart.
ment, the bride being. Mr. Smith's
youngest daughter. Rev. P. W. Ander.
son, of Ottawa, eon in•law of B. Roth•
well, town, was the offioiatiug minister.
Mies lidos Scott, who was bridesmaid,
has also returned to town.
R. K. Ball, of thio town had a year's
oontraot with the Abel Co„ but woe die.
!Mimed when the company were redao•
ing etaff, and sued to recover Milano., of
hie salary. Hie Honor Judge Barron
has given judgment in this 01030, Hall v.
American Abel Manntao0arine Co , 1,r•
oeutly tried by .him, for 511830 for
plaintiff, lord full audit. The plaintiff
lined the defendant oompony for weans,
he having been liked as au agent for
one year at $75 per month and expenses.
---CSO TO -
Ewan & Co's
if you want a First-class
THEY are specially made and Up-to-date.
A large quantity of Piano Box and Port-
land Cutter's.
1T All Trimmings made to lift out.
11' Can be had in any color of paint.
11 Call early and get your pink.
11 Second-hand Cutters always on hand at
Low Pr136381
Brussels 1 p•to'date Carriage Factory,
Er, 'y Farmer
011111 h, hAl u lY :T 11 '
id a convert
to the creed of
High Grade
Overalls. Cheap,
sweatshop Over-
alls won't do for
the farmer or
Tile Gospel -01 Good Overalls
We Preach it;Do You Believe in it ?
The Overalls bearing the
Gold Crown ticket are the
only Overalls made in
Canada of imported Amer-
ican denim, fast color and
non -shrinkable.
A Cash Guarantee:
10 Cents a Button
The Crown
King hne8
of Overalls
and ;rackets
are Highest
Grade, Union
made and
wear like a
pig's nose.
The Overalls bearing the Red
Crown ticket are made particu-
larly for mechanics, out large
and of generous yardage, with
ease back suspenders and many
T'llrrenty=five Gents
a Rip
For every button that comes off one of tate Rail -Road Kong or Mechanic King Overalls we will give you ten cents, and
for every rip in a seam we will give you a quarter of a dollar, within thirty days from date of purchase.
VIy by E. C. Dunford & Son
Clothiers and Furnishers
The company kept him for seven menthe
and then discharged him, the contract
which had been entered into providing
that the plaintiff could be discharged
for enftioieut tense.
'''hat llyomei Will Cure A11 Forms
or Catarrhal Diseases.
Testimonials could be printed by the
thonoaude, many of them from Bruseele
and nearby towoe, that Hyomei ie an
aboolnt° ogre for all catarrhal troubles,
but the beet proof of its anusnal cura-
tive powers is the guarantee with every
outfit. ' Money bank if Hyomei does not
do all tbat ie claimed for it."
Hyomei is not a secret remedy. Ire
formula is given freely to physicians wbo
want to
hat they use whets they
preeoribe Hyomei. It in gnaranteeu
ander the Pure Food and Drug Law by
aerial No. 1418.
By breathing Hyomei, the healing
medication goes directly to every nook
and corner of the air paseagee where the
catarrhal germs may lurk, and disinfects
and heals.
There is no dangerous stomach drug-
ging when Hyomei is used. Ire healing
medioation to breathed through a little
pocket inhaler a few times daily, and al•
moot immediately a great improvement
is noticed and quick reoovery follows.
The complete Hyomei outfit coete but
51 00, and in moat mums is sufficient to
cure r the diseasemaking Y
it not on a
eoionti6a treatment, but one that is high
ly economical. Get an outfit today if
you have any symptoms of catarrh, and
see how quickly the remedy relieves and
We positively guarantee Hyomei, for
should you buy a complete outfit, price
51.00, and be dioeatiefied with reealte
your money will be refunded. Hyomei
is sold by droggiete everywhere. Write
for literature. Booth's Hyomei Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
The deputy returning officers for the
Municipal election will reoeive 53 for
their eervioee, the poll olerka $2, and the
eum of 53 be paid for the nee of polliog
Rev. C. R. Gonne pot throe dollars
last week iu the Lipton Tea competition.
Premier Boort and wife, of Regius,
relatives of W. Harland, j0. lhave gone
to the Mediterranean fur the Winter
owing to 111 health,
H. Kenner, eon of Rev. John Kenner, ,
formerly et Clinton, has been appointed
at au initial salary of $1,600, principal'
of the Peterboro High School.
Mrs. Knight, one of the filet Tamales
of the House of Refuge, died at the age
of 72 years. The remains were taken to
Goderiok her former home for interment. ;
D. French, fornix rly manager of the
House of Refuge, is now fihmg the poli
Won df welghmester in the town of We
bunkmate, Be is paid by:oommieeion but
hie earnings ran from $60 to 5100 a
mated for the amenia
Tho sere nominated g
six months in the I. 0. 0. F. pre he fol.
Iowa :-'Norman Kennedy, N. G. ; H.
Alexander, V. G. B. J. Gibbing°, R.
S. ; J. Wleeman, P. S, ; H. 13. Chant,
Missionary anniversary Beryline will
be held on Sunday Dea. 15th. Rev. Wm,
Smythe, of Wietrton, will preaob in the
morning and Rev. Jas. Allen, ill. A.
General Beeretery of Home Mioeiono,
Toronto, in the evening.
C. Hoare has bought from Mrs, Ar.
gent, Oarlock, the 8 scree on the point
between the base line and ravel road at
be g
the Northern limit of the town, and ie
setting it out with fruit trees, It is
possible that he may area a house on it
in the Spring.
Daring the season jest clotted, D.
Cauteloo has shipped about 45,000
barrele of Rpplee of which over 27,000
were sinew from this county alone.
The barrels for theoo were assured as
fonowe 1 -From Mr. Ament, Soafor;th,
14,500 ; from ' Mr. Bain, Goderiob,
2,000; Mr. Mollroy, Blyth, 2,000; from
Wroxeter 2,000 and from McLean, God
(rich, some 7000: .
of Toronto, has started thousands
of young men and women on the
easy way to independence and suc-
cess. Let us give you the right
start. Write for Catalogue and
plan to spend the next six months
any us. Enter a y time. Address
W. H. SHAW, Principal
Yonge & Gerrard ate„ Toronto
To cheek early midis or Grippe with "Preventics'a
with sPreveuties is for than to] et it stop
obliged to cure it afterwards. To be sure, Pre.
taken early -at theon tt snee deeply
ge-tiny break, or
heart off these early colds. That's surely better.
That's Irby they aro called Preventics,
, Pleventdestlre little Candy Cold Cures. No Qtfin-
ine. n0 physic, nothing sickening. Nice for the
children -and thoroughly safe too. If you feel
chilly, if you sneeze, if you ache all over, think ofl
Preventias. Promptness may also save half your
usual sickness. And don't forget your child, if
,getscnionlesProventics'greatest effiiecy. Bold
e boxes for the pocket, also in 250 boxes of 48
P000011ties. Insist on your druggists giving yon
An Opportunity to Carry Gladness ' to the-
Suffering and Needy
Toronto, Can., Dec. 11th, 1907
Dear Friend :—
A Christmas message, "Peace on Earth: Good Will to Men," was
sent to this old world long ago to bring gladness.
Was this poor fellow included?
The Place. Not Africa or Pagan India, but Christian Canada.
The Persons. A son pleading for his father. Father, with one arm
(the other lost in railway service), stands with tears streaming down his
cheeks as he tells his story in the doctor's office, Muskoka Hospital:
"I have been a railway conductor. I have been turned out •
of my boarding-house, where. I lived for seventeen years,
because I had consumption. Then I had to leave the hotel
for the same reason. The hospital of my town refused me.
I have travelled for two days to reach here. For God's sake,
doctor, let me stay. I have got money to pay for all 10 want„'
.If this was the story of a poor fellow with money, what about the
hundreds who are seeking admisbion to the Muskoka Free .Hospital for
Consumptives, with their money all gone in the struggle with this dread
The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives has never refused a
patient because of his or her poverty.
It now cares for seventy-five patients. It would care for three
hundred if the needed money was forthcoming.
It has no endowment, except in the kind hearts and the generous
gifts of the people of Canada.
His Excellency Earl Grey has shown his interest and sympathy in
this great work for the needy consumptives by accepting the position of
Honorary President of the National Sanitarium Association.
Your golden dollars may be the Angels of Mercy this Christmas to
'bring the glad tidings of Good Will and Returning Health to some poor
fellow seeking admission into his only refuge, the Muskoka Free Hospital
for Consumptives.
A last word—will you help to care for these whom others do not
Faithfully yours,