HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-12-12, Page 1ii Von, 86. No, 23 A e-ritr Tor RirfARTTGriovES and OVERALL (7.N.I.FORMS gist as ping has commenced at BRUSSELS, ONTARIO; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1907 W H: KERB, Prop FERGUSON & ROSS' denasategiamassimefanstaissraMMMIMIMAY Our stock of Latest Novelties and Newest Notions for the Holiday trade is the brightest and best we have ever shown and comprises most desirable effects in Shirts t)ollars Neckwear Suspenders Umbrellas Neck Scarfs Fancy Vests Pajamas Fancy Sweaters Plain Sweaters Hosiery Fur Caps in fact everything New, Neat and Attractive in Men''s and Boys' wear. We have still a good assortment of VER C OA TS Call and see them. They are good Fitters, good Wearers and easy in price. Also Agents for Railroad Ring and Mechanic Ring Overalls. er uson & Ross Headquarters for Comfortable and Stylish Clothing. TRETTON'S CHEHSTM.AS COOD$ Come early to secure the first choice in Silverware, Crown. Derby China and Jewelry. Lines we are particularly strong in are, Lockets,. Bracelets and Necklaces, Gold and Gold Filled, set with all the precious stones. • r Watches and' Chums i1, Gifts Our Watch Department ie complete with all eines in Gold, Gold Fill- ed, also Silver and Niokle cases, with any Movement desired Euro beautiful timekeeper, • Gold Pearl Set Jewelry. Be sure and see our beautiful aoeortmeub of fine Pearl Set Brooches, Fleur de Lis, Cremate, Sunbursts, Wishbone, Swastika and many other desigu8. Diamond and Pearl Set Rings Nothing more beautiful than one of our elegant Diamond or Peart Set, Rings, Ladies interested in Jewelry should, call and limped'. Men who are interested itAtadies should nee them. Anything I all will be fully guaranteed or money refunded. Sterling Silver and Ebony Goods Our line ie thelargest ever shown here. All Arst-class goods. et mod- erate prides. A lovely present for a lady. Por Guts and, Ladies Maninure Sets -Sterling Silver and Ebony—for the Ladino. Smoking Sets, Shaving Sets, &o„ for the Gentlenen. Optical Department Eyes Tested Free. Satisfaction Guaranteed. American and Canadian Diplomas. • W F. Stretton r. "Sign of the Golden Cloak. . New Advertisements. Conning—Miss Alinn, Xmas—W, A, Grewar. Brooch lost—Pita Posr, Locals—W. F. Stretton, Xnias xoo7—A. Strachan. Holiday presents—F, & R. Sheep strayed—Jus Cusie, Christmas Gifts- Jas. G. Jones, MuriaX s - m s and New Yeat G. T. R. Christmas goods --W F. Stretton. Xmas presents—Wilton & Gillespie. Christmas presents -H. L. Tackson. Xmas shopping—Ferguson & Ross. Mxstrxlct tet s, BLUEVALE CHURCH OPENING.—The opening services of Bluevale Presbyterian church will be held on Sabbath, Dec. 22nd, when Rev. W. A, Martin, of Zion church, Brantford, will preach morning and evening and Rev, A. 0, Wishart. 5, A„ of Brussels, at 3 p. m. A grand Ten meeting will be given the following Monday morning, — GREY to cents gets Ton POST 10 January 151'1908, Township Council will moot on the (6th lost, David Houston is home on a holiday visit from Winnipeg. r1,. t Neil McNair took in the Winter Fair at Guelph this week. Public schools will close for Christ. mas holidays on Friday loth inst $1.35 in advance will pay for THE Poa'1• and Weekly Globe up Jan, 1st, 1909: Miss Sara McKinnon is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. W, Maclntyre, in Buf- falo, New York. Last week Wm. Cusic arrived home from a stay of 3 months at Stoughton, Sask. Miss Annie, tvho went with her brother, is remaining in Winnipeg. The country is agreeing well with her. X M S Fruits Dates, Figs, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Peels and all kinds of Pure Flavoring Estrada. All varieties of Nuts—fresh. Confectionery Stewart's and Perrin', Ch000lates and Bon Bons. All kinds of Fanny Calces. Malaga Grapes fresh and de- licious, fine Table Raisins, Bananas. CALIFORNIA NAVAL. -.ORANGES Seedless—from 25e to 600 per dozen. Evaporated Cream, Condensed Milk, Midas Meat in Bulk, Try Oamp Coffee. Raspberry and Strawberry Jam in small pails. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT ie full of the best that money can buy and the prices right. The borne of GOOD 0HE111oE and lots of it. Alt kind' of Canned Goode, choice and new. PURONA CEYLON PEKOE TEA only 25c per pound with 5 Ib. lots for the small sam of EI.00. Nigh Class Cigars Fi,lx and Oysters on bland W. . A. 0- l E W .L1. R Xm s 1907 Only a few more days until Xmas and consequently a very short time in which to decide what to get for the boys and girls, We are again prepared to supply you with many handsome as well as useful articles for both old and young. L 'Your time will be well spent by tithing a look through our Xmas display, and at the same time we hope to show you some- thing that will be just what you world wish. h+ y1Piotttre Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mitts, Hoe+, Boobs, Shoes, Children S Slippers, Wool Boas, Tuques, Ribbons, Bead, &a., 1540. Girls' 'Fur Handkerehiefs, Gloves, Mitre, Hose, Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Ruff+, Stoles and Throws, Toques, Ribbons, Drees Goods, Kuhns, &o.. Boys' . Ladies Gents' Collars, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Braces, Shirts, Overcoats, Stilts, Cape, Boots, Robbers, &o. Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Hemstitch Handkerchiefs Pretty Dollars Nita, Gloves, Mitts, Silks and Silk Wilhite, Dress Goods, Mushna Apron Lawns, 01oth Coate, Fur -lined Coats, Fns Coate, Boots, Shoes, Slippesa, Etc., Eta. Ties, Silk, Linen and Lawn Handkerchiefs, Madera, Collars, Shirts, Braoee, Overooats, Spite, Fur coats, roar -lined Coats, Boots, Shoes, cloth' and Fur Claps, &o. Priceson Reduced Men's Fur Coats Boys' Overcoats Ladirs'_Fur . Coats. Men's Overcoats Ladies' Cloth Goats 10 thee, linea we will give you the carat • goods and save you money.. Fresh Groceries, New Raisins and Currants of the best quality, Beaded Raisins, Peels and Shelled Nuts. NO FANCY PRICES ft'ICES EVERYTHING CHEAP esietlessowstrasisitaisiseatieitael Alex. Strachan Arch. Barron, who has been at Lloydininster, Sask. is home, His brother George will remain m the West for the Winter. This week Oliver Turnbull, 15th coo-, is away to Guelph with his sheep exhibit attending the Winter Fair, We hope he will do well. A Shooting Match will be held 0n the farm of Wm. Baillie, lot 4,, con, 15. Elmo, on Wednesday, Dec, 18th. A large number of turkeys, geese and ducks will he shot for and free lunch will be , rovided, Aloncrieff Sunday School! Xmas Entertainment will be held on Friday evening 20111 inst,, eomiuencine• at 7 o'clock. A good program and Tree, Miss Alberta McNaught, of Toronto, has been invited to take part.' During the past week John Smith, rdth con., removed to Blyth where he will make his home and will be occupied with an agricultural imple- ment agency. We wish him and fam- ily prosperity and happiness. The people of Blyth and locality will find them first class residents, Mr. Snaith has leased his farm to young Mr. Cameron, of Morris township. The latter will require a housekeeper, now. ETHEL to cents pays for Tag Pos'r to Jan. rat 1908. Township Council will meet here on Monday 16th inst. Mrs. Newton McCauley, of Brussels, was visiting friends here last week, Miss Imlay has gone to Edgar to assist Mrs. R. Patterson to get settled. Station agent Smith was relieving at Brussels for a day or two this week. $1.35 in advance will pay for THE Poor and Weekly Globe up to Jan. 1st, 1909. Woman's Institute meeting will be held at Mrs. Ferguson's on Thursday of next week. Mise J. J. Allan, refracting optician, will be al the Royal Hotel, Ethel. Wednesday, Dec, Atli. Lawrence Dobson has gone to In- nerkip where be will make a visit with his son George and family. Adam Turnbull and Ivie Campbell and son, Willie from this locality were among the visitors to the Winter Fair at Guelph. The auction sale of cattle at Thos. Davidson's Tuesday afternoon resulted in the disposal of the lot. Prices real- ized were fair for the season and scarcity of feecl. A number from this locality beard Hon. A. G. MacKay at Brussels last Friday and were well pleased with both his manner and matter. He's evidently a "comer," The auction sale of farm stock, im- plements, &c., of Robt. Docket, at West lot 26, con. 4, Grey, will be held on Thursday afternoon of next week, F. S. Scott will wield the ham- mer. Ethel Orange Lodge will hold. a big Concert iu the Township Hall on Wednesday, (8th inst. In addition to local talent they have engaged the well known humorous vocalist. Will. j. White, of Toronto ; and Miss Hazel Bell. a fine soprano vocalist of the Queen City. Doors will be open at 7.15 ; .Concert commences at 8 An A r program will he presented. DEBATE.—The debate in the Town- ship Ball Saturday evening on Cap- ital Punishmeut, brought out a large crowd. The decision was given to favor of the affirmative although there is no doubt some of the points were missed by the judges on account of the rapidity with which some of the speakers brought them out. It is im- possible for the judges to catch all the points where the speakers talk so fast. It they would be more deliberate in their delivery it would be easier for the judges and better for them- selves. The program was well car. ried out and well received by the audience. Tlie next and last meeting of the year will be held on the 21st inst., the subject for debate .being "Imperial Federation vs. Colonial In- dependence." Geo. Addy upholds Federation and Telford Kieffer advo- cateslndependeuce. The committee decided to have a change in the pro- hristmas Presents ----mss Our new goods are now here. We bought tit closest prices direct from the manu- facturer and oan save you money on Ladies' Gold Watcbes,Watch Chains, Wine Gem a Binge; Birthday Rings, Lockets, i eahlets, Bracelets, Stink Pins, Pearl Set Brooches, Manicure Sete, Umbrellas, tvo. Gents' Wetehee, Vest Chains Cuff Links, Scarf Pine, Lockets, Match Boxes, Tinos, Umbrellas, Canes, &o. Babies' Bracelets, Rings, Necklets, Lockets, Silver Mega, Spoons, &o. We nn,rry a large line of °looks, Silver- ware,, 1847 Rogers' Bros:'SKoivee, Fonts and Spoons, 'Violins, 4Cc, Our first ambition is to see that our Jewelery is of a quality that will wear, Oar prices are as low as the lowest. 110 L Jacks la JEwaL,EW gram at the first meeting in January,.' Instead of the usual musie, recitations, &c., it is proposed to have an old fashioned Spelling match. . Further particulars will be given next week. Notice is giyeu this early to allow plenty of time to study up dictionar les and spelling books. It is expected that the oldtimers as well as the younger generation will take e hand and look out that the youngsters are not vanquished. UNnica'r•Axlxo.—Prompt and care- ful attention given to all orders fur Undertaking. Our telephone No, 10 28a and a call will have our im- mediate response. Our prices are reasonable and satisfaction always as- sured. Special attention paid to cavity and arterial embalming fur which we hold diplomas. LEA'rHeanALE & SoN, BELGRAVE The Methodist church Sabbath School of Belgrave intend holding their annual Christmas entertainment in the Forester's Hall, Belgrave, on Christmas night, December 25th. A good program is beiug prepared and a fine time is expected. MOR—RI—E— Township Council will meet on Mon- day 16th, inst. The annual school meeting of S. S. No. 9 will be 114 on Thursday do 60 inst. $1,35 secures Tac POST and Weekly Globe and illustrated Magazine to the end of Igo&. Last Saturday Thos. Beilby, jr., arrived borne from a sojourn in the Great West. He may go back next year. Miss Murdie has been re-engaged by the trustees of S. S, No. 9 for the incoming year, She has done well in the school. Salary $425. Mrs. lames Hall. 6th line. has gone on a visit with relatives and friends at Toronto. We hope she will have au enjoyable time and a safe return. We noticed the following Morrisites at the Winter Fair at Guelph this week :—Robert Sloan, Jas. Henderson W. Grasby, Robert Nichol and Waiter Broadfoot, Last Sunday afternoon Rev, M. J. Wilson, B. A., of Teeswater, preached the anniversary missionary sermon in Johnston's church. He gave a fine sermon. On Monday evening, Dec. 23rd, the animal Sabbath School entertainment will be held in the Jackson church. A musical and literary program will be presented. Miss Edith and Menno Jackson ar- rived home from the West on Tuesday of last week. They were absent three months and spent the time at Delor eine, and calling on old friends at other points, THE POST is sorry to hear that Miss Ruby, eldest daughter of John and Mrs. Clegg, 5th line, is laid up with an attack of typhoid fever. She has been attending Wingham High School. Miss Clegg's many friends hope she will soon be convalescent. OBIT,—The death occurred in Mul- lett township on Wednesday morning of last week of Miss Jennie Scott. grand -daughter of the late John -Mc- Millan, aged 36 years, 11 months and 3 days, The deceased was well-known and highly esteemed in the com- munity in which she resided. The funeral took place on Friday from her late residence lot 2, concession 8, Hui- la, to interment at Kinburn cemetery, Service was conducted at 2 p. m., fun• eral at 2.30. Deceased teas a sister to R, J. Scott, 6th line Morris. Last Saturday James and Mrs. Evans and son John, and Mrs. Hugh R. Elliott, of Brussels, went to Zorra to attend the funeral of Mrs, Wm. Bruce, Mrs. Evans' mother, who died Friday morning after an illness of three,weeks, Mr. Bruce passed away iu May 1906. 3 daughters (Mrs, God- dard, lvlrs. Evans and Miss Jemima) and a son (John at home) survive. The funeral took; place on Monday. Deceased was a fine woman enjoying the esteem of the community. She was in her 79th year. Apoplexy was the cause of death, the end coining peacefully, East illur+on Liberals VISITED BY HON. A. G. MacKAY. Enthusiastic Reception. Fine Addresses. Friday afternoon of last week the Annual Meeting of the hast Huron Liberal Associa- tion was held in the Town Hall, Brussels it largo and representative audience being present. Barrister W, M. Sinclair, President, oc- cupied the ohalr and offered a few introduc- tory`vords before calling for the minutes and the Treasurer's report, both of which were adopted, A Committee on resolutions was elected consisting of. P. S, Scott, Wm, Isbiater and A. $. MacDeiald, S'onowing.of ee-benrere were elected for next year Proeidett, W. M. Sinclair, Bras. sots ; let Vice President, President, ht.Al Ms, hive. , MOEf• boy ; 2nd Viee President, Ales, M F. S. scat, Brussel ; Seeretnrv-Treasurer, II'. S; Seott, B'oessbs W. H. Kerr declining after it tenure of 27 years owing to his nomination to the Legislature • Auditor, W, K. Sinclair ; Chairmen of Municipalities, RewCiolc, Joe. Henneberg , Wroxelber, John Donning Tarnberr , Alex, Kelly ; wiv hath, R. Clegg ; East Watvanosh, J, °aerie ; Iborrls George Taylor ; Grey, Jho, MuTeg- art ; letaKiltop, .,tno, McDowell ; Hullett, Thos. McMillan Blyth, Win. Campbell., A an pbell, - A program of normal' makingwas drafted and addresses given by Dr. '. MacDonald, •ex•M, P., of Wngham, who dealt with Doin- inion issnos in his usual off hand style, giving 'many items of interest and instruction re. nrdin rho word: of the Liberal Administra- tion atg0tbntra. The or, has devoted a 161 of time to thestudy of the questions of interest to the people of this land and is remarkably Anent, yet manila, iri lila mode of presenting the hiforinatiou, W. R. Kerr, the Liberal standard bearer for the Provineial rlding, was called on next .and spoke for share time. ante ohairmau 'then intrednoed Atkinson, M, P. P. for North Norfolk, who moue to the gathering instead of In, G. Ili, wood, of Toronto, wife wee ueebte to attend. OM. Atkinson 35 a barrister residing in, the town of Stmeoe and Whoa a lively interest in military affairs as well as polities. Be re• %erred to various phases of the 8rovinsfal t(}}ovet'nmeilt's defog6', under both BOn, fir. WhtWioy ah4 .k ler, 1,l. W. achieved. 1111, Situations and the results eehievad. betoru Iiu11. A. 15. Mao,, -:ay was asked to speak the f0lloWing addreaa was read from East kim+on Association to him 1— to the :Honorable Alexander Grant ldc- Kay :— We, the Liberals of Beet Huron, in convention aeaernbled, desire to embrace tote our firer oppurtamty of co0gratulat. Ing you upon the unitnlmunaand hearty eupi.ott you reoeived (ram all Liberals Os rue Leader of bale Majesty's eppoei• ti00 iu the Legislatare, 14 to partlaular•. ly gratifying to us to know that the ohotoe feu apou you who is deservedly popular an Holli sidle of the House. Teat popularity, we oous,der, has. arta=-n• 'z from the malty attitude you have always mistimed in debate and your -foresight inforeoeeting legialatlou- in the intermit 01 the masa. We also oo0gratalate you 0e being a Liberaltu the true sena, of the term, and s strong advocate of those preudiptee of reform which have been and situ must be the goal of true Lib- eraliem. Wbeo a member of the Government as lii.mister of Crown Lanae you strong- ly advocated that the settler should be tntit,ed to greater privileges and emolu- maute by reason of bis undertaking to open up and develop New Outerio. While this policy bus not been effieleutly (tarried out by the Goverumeut iu power, it is quite opulent that the line of pointy euv,cat,a '.by yen to beteg seriously eoustderett and teased imitated by the Government. Yuur attitude on the gaeetion of Lew (storm 1e oemmpuuabre ooming from you, as a !arse practitioner, and it is sui6oieut to nuts that ti+e different legal organizations are taking eemilar step, to the 1108 intim tic] by you. On the queettun of Iiuueatiou, while e Unlvereity graduate, we are pleased With the eland you have taken, nut only respaotiug higher education,but also 1115 progressive and firm policy advo- cated by you fur the betterment of educational fae,lities 1e rural man. impetuous. This ie partiout,irly 88110- lactery iu view of the vauiriatiug, pohoy of the Goverumeut, and the present ,ttintettr of Ldasatteu. • Bat above 811 we especially congratu- late you and thank you for the twee!. fish energy wbion has oharaaterized yunr(mem since you have undertaken the Leadership. With untiring anal and at great personal sacrilioe you have 1u it very short time audreseed entbOe. matte meet,ngs lhruughout this banner Province of Ontario. We therefore hope and believe that your efforts win be rewarded by •the vic- tory wnieli you desireled deserve and we p,aage our5,lVee to use all proper 015tuou5, and our utmost endeavor to return you a supporter of clean and pro- gressive Government. Signed ou behalf of the Liberate of Rost Huron. W. M. S,eia, Yr1acxseldeot, on coming forward to reply Ron. Mr. Mac - Say was enthusuttically received,the large audience rising to their feet and giving three rousing cheers and a tiger, followed by hearty applause. The Hun. gentleman expressed his thanks for the aearty reception accorded and said he Was delighted to see so dirge a turn out and the interest manifested. After referring to the nominees for the Commons and Provin- oml,Lsgrsuitnre in complimentary words he proceeded to deal with the Gone leading features mentioned w the address. ill Northern Ontario legislation as it is and as it should bu t2) she educational question and the mix-up under the present administra- tion, Mr. ntaoliuy is in a position to speak, with epeeist empanels On the topic iia he 15 a graduate 1,5' the university and has taught in the Pantie and High squeals. lie criticis- ed the work of the department and pointed out a line of procedure that should be put into practice •1.8) Law reform, The audience very heartily coincided with, the Hua.gentleman's remarks on title topic. As a well known legal light, with oASlarge praetioe in Owen Sound, plus the feeii'ttlmt he was Crown Attorney 101. Soma years in Grey Co, his practical words name with telling effect. ltefereuee was made to the Temper• once legislation also. After an houestrench- 't address the speaker 00011 his seab bind t e Liberals of East Huron assembled were fully satisfied that the right men was in the right place as leader of 1110 Liberals forces of Ontario, A. large majority of those present grasped the leader's hand and assur- ed him of their oonllasnss in the cause he so ably advoeetednud expressed goad wishes for the early realization of his expectations in looking toward the occupation of the goverameutbenohes. Tna itVllNtN(i. 01101021100 Opened.7n the Town Hall at 8 o'eloblc, Reeve n olcie by Mies With Marjorie sty. After e flue piano solo by Mlys Marjorie Straoban bhe Ohamman offered a fete timely remarks after which he milled upon J. Lssne Herr, of the Blyth Standard, tsr a solo, LGOot, Atkinson epolri on sevoral topics, chief of whiub. were Prison Labor and the Pailp industry. A duet wag well sung by Jos, (iRJoanoMs raid cKaMy fo101lnewleadirw. ith one of the hest anti:most esnviergdspeeches oa Pro. polities heard for many s day, Lawyske he Laid out his work well and 7ogleally proved Ida case, interopersuig his remarlte With wolf towed humor. The financial sibuatmn was referred to and a comparison made between the past and present administration ; tho lttlucottonal policy and school bank. gnest5an were touched upon told thepropos- ed ab utttonincut of the Model Sel mots. The spoils ayetem preuticed by the Whitney Government was Oohed up and the ultiuta- tuni of soot] 11 eourso pointed out. Mr. Mao. Kay eouoluded his excellent address amidst hearby appluuso. J. l.oshe Karr song another aelo anit life leas spoalc- er of the evening, Dr. fat a )meld, tools the platform, Haspoke witba 15q, and zest 'on his subject as of old and, gave Maple evidence that the passing years- are not disepating his clear lisadeduess in vigorously handling hltrisate questions of no small consequence to the people of this country. Pew men in the Dominion outparl with Dr, MacDonald in ability to discuss Dominion Wanes, by W. 18, 'tore, a hearty veette 02 thanks Was passed to Hun. A, G. Mackay Col, Atkinsou and Or. MacDouald, also the ladies and gentlemen who sup lied the musical pro- gram. Miss Jests AleLauahlin Was the et- tickWH t aseientpanieb. Reber singing the'Nntional Anthem loyally and instil rutoore wore y t i felt for Sir Wilfrid idatas ttdt el, Hon, M14 t 11. . the mes• largo assemblage die and ab 11 wino* life larggo nssaoublegu dispersed. Hen, Air. Muol(ay Went to Milton from Brussels where he spoke Saturday evening. Be will be heartily welcomed back 50 Brow sols as he certainly found favor in the hearts of the Liberals here and was approvingly spoken of by not a rely 530005rvatives who hoard him.