HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-12-5, Page 51'D k*`�,•ti-r �'-:d.,-,•i-" '�J �'°�3k.'=8�firS�f r('
a The Leading Senoo1 8r
liy giving u bettor course of train-
ing 611880 that given by any other 3801.
08 1800 ij)01l1II1IO(8 in Ontario, the have tie-
0oino one of the leading business a
training 80110013 to Cu10d88, Our
g'0(10( 038 era lit demand as 011100 880..
B88t't018 RNLI 18001ne80 (Jollege touch-
sers. Our 00111134118bein1,1110 beet, our a
grad nater, enu1e0d, 11 interested to
er 1our OWIl W0,laru 1Yl'it0 now for our4
is catalogue ; it t3 Ir00, We have throe I1
dopnrtwouta, Oommarclal, shorthand
and Pel0gr'8pialo.
Winter terin opens January 0111,
MOO la the feel Office, Ethel, 10.4
1� Ts prepared to give 1088040 011 Piano
or Maud Urgau. Terms on application.
Poetolhoo 40(11.086—Brussels. 1ie8i1101108—
Lot8, UDn.1A, Grey, Pupils may have their
1000000 at their own homes 11 preferred.
Teacher of Piano or Organ
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Mee and Resideuae—
Hale of iutorest b} per cent per annum, first
Excelsior TAN 00euranee Company
The Equity Fire Insurance Company
All business attended to promptly,
Clerk 4th Division ()curt.
0 01111, will sell for better prices, to
bettor men, in lees time and lees chargee
than any other Auctioneer in Nast Huron or
be won't obarge anything. Dates and orders
sun always be arranged at this of ee or by
p 0r000a1 application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Tnrmo reasonable, Sales 'arranged for
at the suite of P1E POET, Brussels, 9011
lVA • Honor .raduu,e of the Ontario Vet-
erinary Oollege, 10 prepared to treat all Ma-
umee 01 110010018001011 animals 111 18000100(8
ent manner, Particular attention paid to
Veterinary 110utr0try tiu11 Milk Fever. Calle
promptly attended to, ()Moe and infirmary
Four doors worth of bridge, Turnborry et.,
Brussels, 'Phone >•7 k
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, late.
dardsisor k Bru000IO.'ti
dBanSoliolltor too 010lro.
polrtau Bank,
of Toronto, hits started thousands
of young men and women 011 the
easy way to independence and 0uo-
0088. Let lie Love you the right
0(arl. Write for Catalogue and
plan to upend the next sixi m011611s
wiGll 110. hinter any t11110. Address
W. H. SHAW, Principal„
Yonge & Gerrard ate„ Toronto
:>zx:ixx aos.
tJ ilia toga.
For selling liquor in a local option
district (Stanley township,) Mr. BEIaefar,
of Kippeu, was fined by Police Magis-
1103e Auder,ou, OR Slouchy, $50 0110
octets The iufo,matiou was 000ured by
lnopeotor i'0008000, of South Huron.
V e Harrleter, 8801101tor, .Uouveyaneer,
Notary Public, dao, Ufiloo-Stewart's Blook
1 door Nor111 of 00010al Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bauk,
Pony Boaudrett rrjotoos over the birth
of a daughter.
John Budge and hie Dieter, Mies Budge,
attended the funeral of a ei01er in Hum -
ltiehard Stonehouse is spending a few
days with his daughter, Mre. Barney, of
Mise Morrie and Mre. Bryant, of Eti -
lett, visited the latter's parents, Wm
and Mre, Ward.
Garner Nioholeou, Chas. Johnston and
Gutman McCollum have returned hums
from the baiting grounds.
Clegg & 0o.ebipped a carload of bogs
on Monday and Armstrong &Go. shipped
a carload on Tuesday at $5 30 per cwt,
Johu Ferguson, North of Belgrave,
10810 8180 been indisposed of late, I' nut
improving as hie friends would desire,
the are sorry to Bay.
There were shipped from Belgrave
et1lioll this Full, forty Oar toads Of ap-
ples, or eight thousand. barrels. These
at an average of 6160 per barrel, womu
amount to $12,000 to be distributed
among the farmers in the vicinity ot
P UB W. P1Onniro0T,1 . 0. HLAIn. H. C. Belie
011iaes—Those formerly ()coupled by Molars
Cianor08 Ot Halt, ONTARIO.G0DBa10n,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
8urgeou0 of Ontario and F8l'et-01x08 Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Ofaao
neat Co Brewer's. Photograph Gallery,
Truth ()Mauch treatments are being
mailed out free, 011 request, by Dr,
Shoop, Rome, Wis, Time testa are
proving to the people—without a pen
ny's 000t—the great value of thio 0010u -
title prescription known to druggists
everywhere as Dr, Shoop's Catarrh
Remedy. Sold by all dealers.
:.l "Business Knowledge" tt
and "Everlasting Pushri n
0000000.01) two oattend to PF
.Attend �!
and prepare tor first -oboes bueinese
poettlen0 snail as aro open to our stud-
, ante, hundreds of our students are TU
,goingfoto good po0it1008 every ye8r, d6
6106(1318011 you for .008, Wo will do
1, It right, (Winter toren 080110 .Yuen.,
4L cry 41(11. Write for catalogue than „o1) 11 18118(811 Wo 01008 004lnQ
a0y M10111080 �t
a, Oollogoa. W J ELLIOTT, Principal,
a Looatfan 010011090—. O1t1;�U$e.
Vp 001, i8ONd0 AND ALEx0N
4d,3w` 3r`dto.t"-.9tl52ii
Whooping cough ie troubling the little
ones in this vioinity.
The meeting of those iotereeted iu
Bluevalo cemetery was held on Saturday,
Nov. 23rd.
John „Dimwit, of Toronto, ie ependiog
some weeks with his mother and brother
iu Blaevale.
The annual meeting of Bluevole Cheese
and Butter factory will be held on Thurs-
day, Doo. 12th.
Wm, [tittle, kW old and highly repeoteo
resident, formerly of Morrie, now ot Blue
vale, is quite oeriouely ill.
Mise Uarr,e MoPhereon, of Mich., i8
spending some weeks with her aunt,
11re. Brinker, and other rela0lvee in 1hi8
Preparations have oommenoed for the
opening of 8110 new Preobyteriau Minton,
which takes pluoe m Deoember, on a dm,:
to be announced later.
Rubt. Musgrove in still suffering from a
very stiff and Dore arm, 880 a resut8 0l be-
ing buried beneath a bank of tailing
earth Borne time ago.
Mrs. Maoler0, who has been i1) Lon.
don hospital returned last week, We are
pleased to report that the operation was
a unnietG1l, and hope the cure will be
honees, The mate and engineer of the
Lurlioe 0or0oborated 6hq 08p1ain, W,
A, Rodway, of the Polson (ship worsts and
W. J. Pulling, of Bandwiub, testified to
the good 0oeditlml of the boat,
The Board of health at their meeting
on Wedu08day of lastweek decided to
prohibit all gutheriuge this week and me a
uo0eoquouoo the Oouuty (Jointed le Meet-
ing in Wingham end the Division 880(1
High Courts whloh were 10101) set for thin
week have been pootponed, but the
quarter eeesion will meet here the week
following, when it is ooufidently expected
the whets trouble will be over. There
were n0 eervio80 in the Oh0rohee On San -
day, but the 801100(8 00.0p011818 on Mon-
day to euoh pupils as eau present oorti8-
uetee of va0eination.
OnrP.—Jemima Lawrono0 beloved wife
of William Hoeft, of Ooderieb, passed
away Friday morning at the age ot 71
y0ar0 and 11 mouth's, after an extended
Moen. Mr. and Mr'. Meso had been
living alone their family of four children
being grown up and away Irom here, and
the death of hie wife will mean the break-
iug up of the household. Mr. Mose ie
going to live with his sou Fred in Ouio,
at least for 1110 Winter, Mre. Mose wee
a native of London, England, and came
With her father and brother to time
oouutry when elle was only Eleven years of
age, They lived for 80800 time at King
8100, of wuiob Mr. &loee wee alto a resi.
dent. They were married there and In
1854 (tame t0 Goderioh where they had
since re8ided. Mre. Smith, at Joliette,
Muth. ; mud NIBS Mose, at ()bingo, are
daughters. The deceased was a (mei01.
out member of the Methodist (Mural,
The funeral tools plane on Sunday after-
aitd A Cordial Invitation to D10811e0.
This r8 an up ue8uriptlou of 0000(8pu
Moo. Ida an unnatural oondi1iou t0 be
gin with, and We more, bananas' it brings
about blood deterioration, iuterteree
with digeetiuo, renders you aubeoeptible
to 800101800e (18008000 and 0110008 0081'
aelnla. Not 80 13110b it purgative 880 a
natural etimolallt to the bowel's ie what
you need. You get it in Dr. H8miltou'o
Pine whioh 80or88808 liver nativity, re.
810 08 1110 bowels 10 pe01001 11008011 881111
positively cure ounetipatiou and int at
tendau8 evils. linnet on having only
Dr, Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and
Butternut, 25(. per box at all neater&
Judge Holt was. in the Forest city on
Immunise oonnea18)1 with the Western
We. John Sernighal ie again seriously
ill, haring sustained a purelytio etroko.
Al her age the result oanoot but be
Maebere Morton 'Todd and Perot'
Panda mot 11 trap and oaptured a well fed
fat ekauk,.wh,oli would weigh 20 pounds)
at least.
The repairs to the North pier are 00111 -
plated, and the next work along the pier
will be making material to top the sunk-
en breakwater.
George and William Jobneton have re-
turned from a two weeks visit to rela-
tives at Inverness, Magmatic County,
Quebec Province.
JAMB l3, Johnston, who watt assiel80g
in (toeing a piano in the eka1iug rink,
Made a min step and from the fall wits
rendered unooneoioae. Fourteen etitehee
were required to al000 the wound in hie
The examinations in the wreak of the
Ontario Government flattery ambler
Lurlioe f1) Goderioh harbor was opened
88 Toronto on'TuOedey afternoon of Met
week. Captain Forest, of the Lurline,
testified that it was 20 years eine° he had
entered Goderioh Harbor previous
to the accident, whioh ooaur0ed about
6 80 o'clock in the afternoon. of October
20th, It woe quite tight at the lime and
he dietinatly made out a gas buoy and
two etallee which he 10011 to mark a
dredged ohanuel and made a Drilled fie-
eurd8ugly, It was, however, to mark the
Drib worst abandoned by the govorurnel
three years previously, Captain Ibreel
01ated that hehad not been Bent (1 notice
regarding lake inattere, although he had.
applied for themfrom various ouetorde
01.1• 0..
Geo. MoOall, jr„ who bee spent the
1x01 two mouths in Mooitoba, hawing
gone out on the Herveelrr'o ex3000100,
bas returned to hie home. Mise Maria
riuUall, who a000mpanied him West at
the sarlletim0, intends remaining there
for some time.
To check a oold quiokiy, get from your
druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets
called Preventive. Druggists everywhere
are now diepeu0iag Prevention, for they
are not only oafs, but decidedly certain
and prompt. 010008 ti00 contain no
Qailiue, 110 laxative, nothing harsh nor
sIukeuing. Taken at the "sneeze stage"
Prevention will prevent Pneumonia,
Bronchitis', La Grippe, oto. Hence the
name, Prevontioe. Good for feverish
children. 48 Prevention 25 cents.
Trial Boxes 5 oto. Bold by 1011 dealers.
Trow bra dg•e.
0100de1y eveuiug, Nov. 18th, a party was
he'd at the home of Tbbe. Clerk, our
village blaokamilh, who i0 about to leave
as, having exchanged hie property for a
farm East of the town of Palmerston.
The night was of special mention owing
to the beautiful moonlight, and the oom
pally numberiug about one hundred
gathered abort ten o'clock. A fowl sup.
per wee the order of the evening, at the
same time a volunteer program of enter•
188iumeut was in progress, there being
8ever(t good eougotere among the number
two vmlioe0ud other musical inetrameut0
which et (several periods lightened the
hearts and Miele of the many listeners.
About twelve the physical part of the
program drew to a fiuleh, and the moving
urowde were like that of a midway at e
Full Hair. One of our oompaty whom
we feel duty bound to mention woo
Nathaniel Later, whose home this was
fifteen years' ago. Bina° leaving here he.
nits had many joyo11e times, mingled
watt its eorrowe, toeing hie mother a few
years ago, which leas to a certain extent
broken up the household. As the night
was growing on the crowd was 000101000
'ug to weed out, and at e. very respectable
hour Mr. and Mrs. Clark received the
farewells of their many friends. wishing
them en00000 and prosperity in their new
during the Obriotmao eeaeon, and there,
by making the ebanooe of bringing the
dioeaee here much greater. Io ea89 it
Wne brought to lawn, it might oleo Dave
the trouble of having oob°ole gloried , after
bolidays to have the obildren 0000i0ated,
A. quiet bub pretty weddingtook pieoq
at the home of Mrs. 13, H. Jaokeon, EA'
mondvillo, 011 Saturday, Nov. 23rd, when
her daughter, Annie, wee united fn mar-
riage to George Wellington Olen, of
Toronto. The oeremo111 took pleas In
the pretence of only the immediate relit.
tivee of the omltraoting partie0, Rey,
Neil Shaw, B. A., 01Ho(sted.
Wiuta hulls.
Mr, Hegelian is the now Librarian al
the Public Library.
Harold Buchanan ie the new clerk in
Bishop's hardware store.
James Brook hail been very i11 for the
poet week me a result of a stroke of
Dr. Chisholm, M. P., left for Ottawa on
Mdnday of last week for the opening of
the oeselen of 1'1rli8ment.
Bteve Pelton, alter au extended visit
with hie sister, Mrs. J. 13, Ferguson, left
for hie home in San Jose, California.
Mise Wilkiueon, of Victoria 86reet, met
with an Rooident. Bhe slipped and dell
down a step in Iter residence breaking the
smell bone of one beg.
Rev. T. S. Boyle and E. Nash were in
attendance at the 000ferenoo of the
Brotherhood of Bt. Andrew, which met
in Owen Sound on Sunday, Monday and
Tueeday. y.
Rev. T. S. Boyle, of Bt. Paul's 0110006,
will deliver a series of lectures on the
Sunday evenings in Advent, on the four
"Mat things," Death, the Judgment, 11081
and Heaven.
Mrs. A. H. Musgrove reoeived a tele•
gram on Monday of last week au000noing
the death of her brother's wife, Mre. R.
E Simpson, of Toronto, 'Phe deoeastd
lady leaves three obildren.
Mr. Bull, of Toronto, has charge now
of the °Mee of the Western Foundry Go.,
Ltd„ the poeitiou recently held by Chas.
Bell, who ie u0w a member of the Bell
Furniture Go., Southampton.
The Eureka Bible Claes of the Metho•
diet oburoh bald an "At Home" iu the
ohuroh parlors on Thursday evening.
There were about one hundred preee08,
and a very enjoyable time was spent.
Huron County Council ie meeting in
W iugbam this week. It is not often
that our county legielatore bold a aeseion
here. The change is mode 011 account of
the smallpox scare in the county town.
The Young M,en'e Club, of town, .held
their annual banquet and election of
°Moore ou Thureday evening. The
officers are ;---Pres., Thoth King : Viae.
pree., J. Walton McKibben ; 860.•ireae.,
E, MoGnire.
Mre. Wm. Wellwood, who was 00riod0-
ly injured by a fall, in Goderiob, is im•
proving. The splints have been taken
off the injured limb, and Mre. Weliwood
til able to sit up which is a great relief.
She is not yet, however, able to return to
her home in Wingham.
The anniversary 000010es of Wingham
Methodist Ohuroh will be held on Sunday
and Monday, December 15th and 16th.
Rev,, J. 0. Speer, of Brampton, will
preach on Sunday, and on Monday he
will give a leoture entitled "A Night with
the Irish."
Bandy Finlay met with a earl one
100oident. He wee out shooting rabb'te,
when the breech of his gun buret. Not
only was the gun blown to pieces, but
Saudy was badly hurt, Hie arm, head
and face were lacerated, and the doctor
had to be called in to attend to the
Court Maitland, I. 0. 0. F., eleoted
declare as follows :—N, G., Joo. Perrin ;
V. G., Joe. Gueet ; Reo•seo., T. J,
Elliott ; Treasurer, H. B. Elliott. Court
Maitland ie in a flouiiehing condition,
and the members are lookingforward
to soon moving into their new ball in the
Winson brook.
More trouble. has been experienced
at the eleolrio light works. A few weeka
ago one of the dynamos played out, and
bee been replaced by another. Last week
another aooideut 000urred, by which the
engine has been pat out of business.
The parte were (sent to Galt for renewal,
and until the repairs are made Wingham
will have no etreet lighte, which will
probably be for several weeks.
1St vLti.
Horse Fair Friday Dee. 0th.
A u0mber of the membera of the
Blyth Court 0. 0. F. attended the tan
oral of Geo. Roberton, of Loudeeboro.
Alex. McKellar has arrived home from
hie trip to the West. He ebatee that it
was getting pretty cold when he was
M18800 Jimmie Thompson, of Toronto,
and &limas Thompson, of Clinton, are
visiting with Gbeir sister, in 10100, and
other friends.
A petition ie being oiroulated around
town and largely signed by the people
waking the Postmaster General for mail
8ervioe on the 0. P. R. and also that a
mail box bo placed at the citation for the
ouuvenrence of the people.
Thursday evening, Deo. 123h„ Rev.
Egerton Ryerson Young, the noted
mteoionary, author, eauoei01 wed dog
traveller, will give hie lecture "Life in
the laud of she Aurooao,journey by canoe
and dog train in blizzard 0torms" 'in the
Metbodiet ohuroh, Blyth, under the 0110pi•
Dee of the Ladies' Aid.
The A. Y. P. A, of Trinity ohuroh at
their mee1tug on Tuesday night of leaf
week 11184 a debate on the eubjeot "Be -
solved that life in the co0obry ie pre-
lerabie to life in the city." Owing to
unfavorable weather the attendance wee
not very large, but the debate proved in.
tereetiug. The negative won by one
point. Debaters : Affirmative—Oliff•
ord Tierney, James Barr, Btauley Buob.
mann ; Negative—Leon Boott, Mre. Wm.
H. Hartley and Mies E. M. Metcalf,
Judgoe—Mien W. Tlompeon, Mrs, File
and Percy Ste0deman.
Seal or tat.
The many friends of David Ferqubar-
eon will regret to learn that he hoe been
oonfiued to hie home for 0everal weeks
with a very severe attaok of eoi0tioa.
W. 13. Thomas, general 000001ary for
Catladaof the Brotherhood of Bt. Andrew,
woo in town this week. While here
Mr. Thomas addreoeed a meeting
of - the yowls mon of Bt. Thomas
abarah and et a (subsequent meeting a
brunet] of that fraternity was formed
under the nonio of Bt, Thomas Chapter,
No. 117. The fdllowing o84eere were
elected ; Director, A. Middlomoet ;
vine -director, ll. Tredget ; eeoretaey-
treaeuree, 13. Darnell.
Owing to reports of the prevalence of
0mallpox in Goderioh and Brentford, Dr,
J. MaGinnie, medical health °Meer for
the town, has been asked to place before
the Board of Health a proposition to lave
the eehool children of the town yaeelnat-
ed during the coming imeatiiln, Thie
might be a very wino step to take in view
of the fact that so many are travelling
Ev' i y Falmer
It' ' 1. Mechanic
is a' convert
to tiro creed of
High Grade
Overfills. Cheap,
sweatshop Over-
alls won't do for
the former or
Tile Gope1 of Good Overa11s
We Preach it. Do You Believe in it ?
1'he Overalls hearing the
Gold Crown ticket are the
only Overalls made in
Canada of imported Amer-
ican denim, fast color and
non -shrinkable,
A Cash Guarantee :
10 Cents a Button
The Crown
King lines
of Overalls
and Jackets
are Highest
Grade, Union
made and
wear like a
pig's (lose.
The Overalls bearing the Red
Crown ticket are made particu-
larly for mechanics, cut large
and of generous yardage, with
ease -back suspenders and many
Twenty five Clients
a Rip
For every button that comes off one of the Rail -Road King or Mechanics King Overalls we will give you ten oente, and
for every rip in a seam wewillgive you a quarter of a dollar, within thirty days from date of purchase.
),(3,:, %, F. C. Dunford son
Clothiers and Furnishers
Moved by Baker, seconded by Hewitt,
that claim be paid in fail. Applioatious
forinenronae were aocepted amounting
to $85,000.00. '1'be meeting adjourned
till 'Tuesday, the 171h day of December, to
meet at the meal time and place.
The annum) meeting of the Anglican
Young People's Association of Be. DRvid's
(March, Hentryn, was held OD a recent
eveniug. A11 reports showed that the
past year had been a very eaooeeeful one.
After the ordinaryroutine of bueineoo,
interesting papers on Mission work in
Japan were giveu by Misses Emma Kerr
and Annie Cunningham. The following
officero ware elected for the ensuing year:
Patron, Ray, 13. P. Westgate ; president,
Geo. Kerr ; vioe president, J. L. Thomp-
eon ; 0eoretary, Mum E, Kerr ; treasurer,
Mies L. Bauwinbamer ; organist. Mise
A. Cunningham ; additional members of
executive committee, Miens M. Tbomp.
Boil, L. Thompson and R. D. (Miming.
ham. Bsgiuoi,lg December 211(1„ meet-
ings shall be held every two weeks during
the Winter. The subject for Deo
2nd ie "Life and Works of Longfellow."
Last week wound up the work at Elmo
cheese factory to make cheese for this
semeo0. Oa Monday they started the
butter making,
Nathaniel Oogblin, formerly of Atwood
hoe purchased the fine 100 acre farm on
the 8th 0011. West, kuown ail the Nichol
farm, from James Donaldson, jr., and
will take poe0eeeion in January.
Wm. Blair, formerly ot Atwood, who
was employed as operator at Lomeden on
uhe Prinoe Albert branob and also at
Prinoe Albert has been appointed 00 O.
N. R. station agent at Chamberlain,
The infant child of J. and Mrs. Amman,
Trowbridge, was eeized with 0011001Bi0ne
on Monday evening and eaooumbed to
the attack in a few Imre. Interment
took plow on 'Tueeday afternoon to
Boundary cement.
Fred, W. Thomae, the travelling
Sooretary of the Brotherhood of St.
Andrew, addressed a oongregatton of
men in St. Albau's ohuroh on Monday
evening. After ooneiderable dieonesiou
it woe deoided to organize o chapter.
Judge Barron, of the County Court of
the County of Perth, bald ounrt in the
Agricultural Hall, Atwood, for the par•
pose of bearing appeals ageing the
award of Geo. L. Griffith, to8Oehip
engineer re the Hay Award Drain. After
hearing the evidence Hie Honor reserved
At the special meeting of the share-
holders of the Western Ontario Portland
Cement Company, a by-law was passed.
giving the directors power to borrow
more money. The number of the direot-
ere was hummed to nine, the following
four being the additional men : B. Hiles,
J. Here, Atwood ; Mr. Rideau, 11nev88le,
and Mr. Sled, Linwood,,
A meeting of the Direotore of the
Elms Ifermere' Mutual Fire-Ineoreuoe
Company wag held in Atwood, on Nov.
18th, at tvhio8 all members were present.
A claim was promoted by Andrew
Querrio, of Maryboro, for $8.45 for dam.
age to house by lightning. Moved by
Grieve, seconded by MaOloy, that the
tame be laid over for farther investiga-
tion. A claim was presented by Mre.
Edward Glenn, of Morringtou, tot $0.50
for damage to barn by fire, Moved by
Baker, eeoonded by MoOloy, that the
Maim be paid in full. A olefin wan pre -
tented by Alex Henry, of Blma, for
$5,10 to damage to home by lightning,
Many Children Sick.
Get their feet wet, catch cold or
cramps, and give mothers an anxious
time. With the first 0hiver or ammo))
rub the little o0e'e chest with Nerviline,
gargle the throat, and give ten drops
in bot water at bedtime. Neat morn•
ing all ie well. No cold, no time lost
at school. It Poison's Nerviline isn't in
your home get it there at once. Dealers
eell it in large 25o. bottles.
W rox,eLer.
A Kintore oorreepondent writes 1—An
interlacing event took place at Brown's
ohuroh, Sintore circuit, Monday night of
last week, wheu the oongre98Oion cele-
brated the event of paying off the debt on
the new church, The ohuroh woe bail,
and opened for worship abont two years
ago. The omit woe about $5,000, and the
cote which was given by the trueteee was
burned at the meeting. The Ladies' Aid
served supper and an excellent entertain•
meet woe given by the Ball family., of
London. Oongralolatory addreeeeo were
by Rev. Cooper, Wellbilru 1 Rev. Hannah•
son, 'Thorndalo ; Mr. Pool, St. Mary's •
Rev. Oeterboet, pouter of the ohnroh, and
eom0 members of the 0100100 boitrd,
The Best People in, Brussels.
Guaranteed in Catarrhal
No other remedy or medicinal treat-
ment has been 8e popular or matte ec
many remarkable cures in Broeoole Rn
The boat people atteet its 0nrative vir-
taee. The fairwayin which Hymnal
woe sold, to reft)nd the money unless it
gave eatiofactiou, was the beet proof
when it wee introduced that it possessed
unusual °unitive powers.
Later when Hyomei was used and
recommended by our well known pbyel-
Olau9 and business men and their wive()
sea treatment that absolutely Oured
ootarrh, u1) matter how eeriouely or long
standing, the Bales rapidly grew and to-
day there le no other remedy that has
nth 10 large and ample sale.
The first breath of Byomei'e healing
air kills all oaterrhal poioon. There's
nothing else that give0 snob quick
curative reeulte 111 catarrhal oondittone.
We positively parttime Hyomei, for
ebobld you buy a complete outfit, price
$1.00, and be' dies8861080d with reenite
your motley will be refunded, Byomei
is sold by druggist° everywhere, Write
for literature, Booth's Byomei Go.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
The Brookville Board of Trade ban-
queted Bou. Geo. P. Graham.
The Deer Perk Sanitarian hoe been
planed in the hands of aliquidatoe,
The Bt. John, N. B., Telegraph states
that Coiling, the murderer, hanged the
other day, confessed to the slaying of
Ming MoAttley. -
Roller Flour Mills
Every good house -wife knows how necessary
it is to have good Flour to make her Bread
and Pastry palatable
White Loaf - Flour
possesses all the qualities that go to make
a nice, white, spongy loaf. Once you have
used this brand you will want none other,
t All kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand.
From W. J. Gage, Esq., Toronto
A Problem of National Importance
Dear Friend:—
.. bright young lawyer at the Muskoka Sanatorium for Consump-
tives some weeks ago, speaking of the burden placed upon hien by having
consumption, said :
"One has to lead a life of concealment. If I go away from this place
people are afraid of me."
This is the sad lot of those who suffer from this dread disease.
On behalf of the thousands who ars sick and will not be received by
other hospitals, I make this appeal for the Muskoka Free Hospital for
Nearly 10,000 people from every part of Canada aided in this good
work last year, sending us $20,000.
The Trustees have faith that a still larger number will help.
The Physician's offices, throat rooms, eta., up to the present have
oocupied rooms in the hospital that rightly belong to patients.
To male better provision for the work, and furnish more accommo-
dation, a new administration building is now under way. A cottage for
the Physician and his young wife had also to be built.
To provide for this outlay, and to care for patients for the coming
year, we must secure at least $80,000. o
The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives never refused a
patient because of his or her inability to pay. It cares for those whom
other hospitals refuse. It cares for those whom other people are e
afraid of.
" I was sick and ye visited ms," was Christ's commendation.
Should not a richer benediction be yours if from a loving heart your
dollar makes a golden visit to this hospital, bringing health and joy to
those whom other people fear, and whom, in many, cases, nobody wants.
Will you have the luxury of giving P
Faithfully yours,
Toronto, 1907.
Ma A