HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1907-12-5, Page 3•
+++++4+4.. 44-4-4-++++++ ++ er, sively towards the deor.way through
-r 'n which elaggIihad plisse/1,
"And this is lindlAe," tha gli4 oil IJ es
„e. Mimed with on appeeling
+ look 1,1 her pitying Pyt,s,
"Ah -;--11-- I 80 Illis k Bobble," he
4.lwealhed, rotifer then etild, as he nerved
lewards the Lemon from which Bobble, In
"1- loyal obedience to insteuctions, was
+ lii ding out Ids hand.
-44 4+++++++44-+++++++++*
'VIS 0111Y a 01111 Ent.11,1011 fariellaellset
iniareed by nee. seuv,Y vepturS EMU 11110111-
11011. Of three generlittolia, 13111; id Maggio
'Coutilintd h leekeel, the bright, spring
alifISIntle, the sWeetOSt spe.d, nr earth,
.euggcislIng all that mede life dear to her
I n the pllat preSent.
Very vivid was 1110 memory revelled by
two haltennined rosebuds whiter rodded
her in the tweeze, For 11 tells (woe two
Juel. such Innis that she nod leer boy
lover hed exclumged vows eight. yOarS
'NA ere he sailed foe America to seek
Ids fortune. 'Then they hau °limited the
1(111 tegothee, and Jack, alwaye, unteter-
ful and die:liking scenes, had deeeird that
_see should come 110 hu 1, stand -
1114 00 the !WOW, with her pink Sun-
bonnet falling buck on heishoulder:4,
end her curls flying In the wind, should
„send him nway with Me picture in his
111111(1 Ire would most love lo dwell mom
'when far awoy.
And she had acted her part lo the lel-
ler. and, with the bloom of health and
lempiness 00 her cheeks, and laughtee in
kV 101t bl'OW1.1 OYeS, hint volved 11111 11
11101 ''ffood-tve" us to turned the corner,
:Mid then thrown herself upon the
ground and wept be'r inieeey bilo
lire crown of her bonnet.
And le -day leek waS comieg over Mel
:stone hill to claim fulfilment of her pro-
And her buck. 'WU I.LiWal'CIS 1113 slintintt,
end her Nice turned to the house with an
.alinost agonieed expre.erdon. For
through her titled ran some weeds spo-
ken by laelg king ago, whorl sho pleaded
fee the lire 01 1111 ailing puppy-. feet rid
et it, there Is 110 1.00111 for helpless
LIOngs in the world, May only tender
the rest.",
And Ilenbie was inside Mat butise, and
Jack bad dol. seen Bobbie. Ile had come
a year after tree lover had gone, his
birth being the oonthitattion of the Ira-
gedy begun with iter father's cruel death.
When her dying tnother placed the eds.
shapen Illtle heap in. Maggie's arms as a
trust, girlhood, foe her, rolled leek into
Me past, and womanhood, with all Its
.elietteity for self-sac:glee, look its place.
•She had been with Bobbie this morning
'n place flowers on their maniere; grave;
It was, and always would be, the limn
eF the invalid's daily wane
Maggie hed never stimmerted eentenge
to tell Jack the whole truth nout Bobbie
--only lhat by her Mother's death she
had become Ins guardian. And Ire had
answered that there was plenty or room
in Amerika for eapable boyssuch as het.
Mother was sin* eo be, rind they would
Lining him along together soon, tor the
.yellow T01100508worelereul stimulus.,
and lor was teeing rapidly.
Then his letters became. stroller mid
hss frequent, and 100 full of his own
concerns M leave any opening for men -
Mon of Bobble, and slat thooght 110 had
forgotten Ins existence. Bestiles, if the
doctor's peedictions were true, Bobbie
would soon join the angels, aud Jack
need never know.
But the doctors weee wrong, and he
was still with ber, and in those long
yenrs or helpless dependenco, had so
twined himself atotaid her Insert as to he
p'art al lietliM iLself, Lo be given up for
nothing the world oould poselbly offer,
A And ilow her book woe towerds the
path by which Jaen must come,
stead of a pink stunbonnet, she 51001; 11
pinIn brown hat that matched her dress.
Suddenly, al sound of Ihe well-remetn-
liered vnik..0, her heart began 10 throb
..SO 11 is you, after all I was nol
quite etire, as you stood so still. By
.Jeve, l believe 1 half expeeted to see you
on the lop of Me hill, wearing the pink
"sun -bonnet just as I left you, Fueerions
oluinge here, I suppose. es they do hi
Anierlea," he added, lookitig down at her
with ettrioes earnestne,es.
"Ws; that wile eight years agosho
nidelanely, holding, out her hand. And
Men she flushed °outsell, as she inter-
preted the sewprised serunny of his gam.
She did not loll him that she had play-
fully donned the pinksun-bonnet nun
'morning, and Mon, shocked at the pic-
ture she an in the glass, had hastily
returned 1 to its hiding -place.
"It does not seem .so long, bid Mal, I
suppose, is because I have been so busy.
1 guess it would take away the breath of
you Cumberland folk to sea the way. we
'hustle' out West."
And Men, tie she eeerned inenpable of
response, Ite rattled on, and gave a gra-
phic neoOtinl. (if his successful effoets, all
the while taking mental notes of the
giel who walked eo quietly at his skte,
Yee, tier fare woe Oertainly that of a
Medonna, mole than (wee .so notv that
lib's Purls had gone. 13u1 how would a
Madonna face alitt his 1e00111 sureound-
ings? Ile tied long ago decided Met a
ntetumegtie ellidoemei-w1111 mOney 111
ll s Strings--mighl well become a fash-
ionable fad. 11111 this chess and hal 1
And did he really like soft brown ores
'better Man merry 131110 ones?
II was ParUY 10 (J0(110 .11t1r4 fIllestiall
that he had suddenly come bn lenglaad.
Foe the father of a certain blue-eyed girl
hi: hod left behind tens011 influential
man, with one fool 011 lite steps of the
\\lino there,. ileelf, and perhaps ---
Bid the tete at his :Ode was his
nflintirod wire, and (hay were 110141,ing 11)14
house. Mit ,..tirely she !mkt he vele.
Ired or ill, for her. Mee looked glutei ly
while it, Ille sunlight.
"You aro not so robust as when I len
yett," he said, presently. '9 mos' risk
, Peggy hoW You 01111)10Y yniiwa11, 1 suln
pose she is 41111 wilh iii, aint 111111MA
610.1105 1111d oal. :cakes as email 2 11 111141101
me- hungry to think of them. Ah, here
ie cue old Mend, Heger 1" he added, ELS
01 splendid retriever hounded out to meet
nthetn, "NO 1 Is 11, though ?"
"This is 11ogete0,sen, His sire lies n1
ihe 100101 1)111 renetee, 'Young lingey ban
been keeping guard."
'Weeping guard in the bread daylight?
Alt, 1 see, you have grOwt1 lemons in
the absence of your natural proteetore.
We 1111101 eller all that, Ab, here is
*Peggy 1 -You, at least, eve not changed.
1 nto going 10 linve a getkl 'roast of bat -
'cakes beforle ..1e61d you for lellIng your
enietress Mope her colOr (May."
"Ab, slulrO, now,- Mr. :Milk, I'm Mat
glae eo.eree -ye, brit e thinke therie veleta
1eellis1CoOrnbee10re left abooli ye, by the.
1(101E1 Mini" she •added, 101 lier 1)1110)
wsy Abd elre glanced. appeeherk
11011, (10 you de, nobble?"
WW1 evident OffOrt he took the wan
Illtle fingers within lids own, touched the
to:named thee with his lips, and with a
perceptible elilvee slid Into the chute
wie, us .back to the winaw,
The 1111.10 felloW noeustorned to teeing
caresses herrn those 111)0111 he», turned
hiquirIngly to Maggie, hut dorivod no
111101.111aitOn from Ilia done:NIA CyaSi
which dared not meet 1115 own,
"And Imw old are ycti, Bobbie?" saki
tee roan presently, Impressed with the
necessity of saying 60;1)0.1011g.
"1 am nenely seven now. I nni going
to have U new Crutalt Oil my birthday.'
The silence beettnie almost besuppor.
table, arid disneter was only averted by
Roger, who noisily &mended usual al-
ien lions,
Very feeble was the onslartgla on Peg -
KY's eakrs, and whim lhe oregano* enakt
no longer, be kept up, Jack Hollowly
asked to lee exerised while he retro:41i'd
his memory by a stroll round 1.110 farm,
runt Maggie relieved her overburdened
soul by showering lesses upon the un-
conscious 001150 of the trouble Ito could
not ninlereland.
With tact born of Perfeet se meanie,
Bebbie asked no questions, rind 11118 only
n little quieter than his wont when
elaggle announeed het. Intentient of pie -
paring him foe bed before the usual
F'eggy, had hinted le Bobbie the object
of. the man's visit. but he loyally fore -
bore to mention .11.. But when Maggie
name 10 Wes him "Good -night," he no -
heed that she had changed into a prettier
dress, and drew sobbing infereroe.
No doubt Maggie tene beautiful. So
much Jack Holloway was foleed to ad-
mit, as sho came hare -headed to meet
him on the bridge, the selling 0110 light-
ing up the glossy waves of tier gold -
brown hair.
1 -ler 1,51: dread over,'Ihe peeiLement of
Me afternoon had brought a flush to her
icheek, and he saw her OA the sweetheurt
61' old. But she had deceived him by
suppreesing nn ittipoetant feet, and
"Was 11 lair? Why did yee, not, tell
me?" he asked, no if .oho 'oust hove peed
his thoughle-nsinde.ed, she had.
"I could non .11 knetv youe dislike of
ovevything unpleasant oe helpless, and
I was afraid you might eay something
I dared nol answer."
"You had no right to keep from rne a
111,1, tliitl yott nmst have known would
influence cur future. Yoe should have
!mown thet I Would 1(e01) 013' promise,
"Jack, will you tel MP (Pit y011 ?" said
the now trembling 'girl, as she grasped
the rail 01 11114 bridge for support. "Afti,r.
my first .letter abOut Bobbie you never
gave inc a chance al retrying anything
more about Mut. Your tellers were so
full of your miceesebel wove: that I could
$co you had no morn even for a meranry and be 0)1e1 sin lite foot on the kidder
er hbm. and bot much for myself, end 01 fornine when he WEIS engaged lo
then when they got 'steelier and (Moiler, to' lte
and finally ceased, I concluded Met the gr:11
c gil: ea
(sx)n tn ro
t.p o03'.. 110\ \ day
Mil dream of your. youth had gone, end years from this humble steel he 51011
draniug n selary of $8,000,000 e year,
and owned more millions Man he bad
O'er (trellIllt of possessing.
Lege than sNly years ago Alt% NVana-
01011e1, Illo "Store
was a barefeoled led in Ilie streets or
Philadelphia, thoilliful to pick up 0
ceust or a cent by any kind of menial
work. 'rho son and grandson of poor
bt.lektayers, 11 seemed es Impelees for
11101 to win wealth 5 lo enoture a rain-
bow; and 1.1 was /1 P1,011d dllY when he
carried home a dollar and e ball:. his
[list Week's 00001ng5. as 4'1'1111d -boy to
ft bookseller,
ellee. .1011N D. ROCKEFELLER,
who is credited tvith to fortune of $500-
000(100, begat'. Ins sensettonal eal.0111'
by handling a hem and (hiving a
plough on fetus In Tioge County, 1111-
111 he wns Promoted 10 nit otflee-stool
In Cleveland. Ohio; and he regarded
his foelune 8s good as mane writer he
perelmsed a ertft of hop -poles, steered
it done' the (AIM 'River, and sold it lo a
miller for a profit 01 $50. N'Ir W. A.
Clerk, Who l sntd to have mate $00,-
0110,000 out of copper, MIS a farindet-
boree for many n yeav-spending nine
recenthe Oft 1110 furni and three
through in her own room and eased her
bursting heart with a 111 of weeping.
'rhea, calming herself; she went end
stood by the side of the cot, where Bob-
ble lay perfeotly 81111, feigning sleep.
"Bobble,' she :mid softly, "1 have good
VOW fOr yotr, Maggie is is not going
away. We ar? going to be together, al.
were darling.'
Willi a cry. of .„liey, felMw
raised in lied and threw lilo urnis
around her 1111111. "(Nh, 1 11)11 AA) glad,
Maggie," and Men with a long low( et
her while face, "01111 50 01111'y,
i6 • • • •
A few hours later, a solitery bit tar
wet. with touto, 1)111) containing within Om
folde a Witil1(011 1540e, 541118 carefully re-
placed in the old buena. In Ilia gi.ale
ley tt heap of burnt ashes, solo rettialli'i
of the eight 3'05 0' pile. 11 was Father
Timeis receipt, ror 1110 toll he had ex-
rected.-Ptifireores Weekiy,
mut:nu somig muurt4,4311"...,N.,,,11rs
MOrst of l'hem Started on tee Reed to
Fortune With Very 151111111
14 is a 01,11.011.1 and instruntive fain
that., ed the world's mUltl-ntillionalres,
0.1. least Nur out of five have. be crud -
led in colleges or pots:Hy-sleeken
farmhouses, end lutve enrennenced their
etreituous c1 1111 of Me laddee or rienee
from it lowed rung.
11 wits in 11 very moileel fertithowee
in Wellinglen County, Ontario. that
Niv lamee 3. 11:11, who to -day 11 tha
most pewerful l'IlliWay magnate in
the wined. lirst 11115' 1hp light, nearly
seventy your;.; ago. At wino, he was
toiling Party illid late in the .fiekis lo
stimmel. Me widowed mother, and he
[bought Ins foetime was made when Imo
found employment ieheru the (minter
or a smell oeuniry store. A few years
Mier 110 was glad k) earn tWn (1011010
a duy as a dock-lehorer at SI. Paul,
Minnesota, where, after a rarnanlic
wcoltig. mueried prelly Mary Millie-
gan, nirdd-of-all-work it 11 tittin hotel
near the wharf. 'fit -day efre. Hill
looks down front her $7011.1400 manskal
thn 500110 of 110r early humble to -
511`. Chaelee el. Schwah, (\merle:es
"Sl.eel King." had km rather a strug-
gling faolory-oporalive, anti entered Ins
Rent money by working on nieghboring
farms and .drivitig the mail-cerl, between
Cresson end Loretto. From n1Ong11
and crier he migrated io a small gen-
cery.store, where he sold tea and su-
gar 0101' tile odunter
eon .Two poreeeeei woog;
some othee had taken its ohne. I
eltmg the closer to Bobbie, and foe years
we have been all 10 all to :nett other" --
mot her voice heot,:e.
"Of er.1.1r50, I understand yoli are very
fond or ellen other, liul, hang 11 all,
semelhing is due to the 1111111 you IVO -
in inavey, and who has come all
thle way 10 retell you. I do not think
yon quire understand my position. 11 15
such that 1 eould now aspire In Me hand
of one 01 h 11 preudest wonten in Me
"I gathered thel. long ago, :rack," she
sold. with a wan smile. "so that it was
semellting of a shook, envy six 1104111s'
silenro, to hear you were coming for me.
P.orgive me. (Incli, we were very young-
er,years haVe gone on, and 'rime has
taken loll nom both of us."
There was a quiet digrely in the girl's
manner HIM lind Its efftel, 1i(41110'11010,
woe not a leading eltaracteeistic of some
he remembered, and, pethaps, in other
clothes and 111111(i other sureouruliegs,
"1 am etil) willing lo earry out trty
part of ihe coillraete he said. "ely, pre -
serum hero pinves bill, of eouise,
ne could not
"No, we mold tint Mice Bobbie,- 1"311,'
said hastily. "iteleamlionts rarely, carry
angels, I suppose."
'1110 man's pelted° opinion was met
Amerlean money could compel steam- selnol-imIll he sot ltie face towards
boate to carry anyi
Jeng, but he onuld be 1110 \\'est in quest of fortune. For two
O perry to 110 811011 brolgbh. years he woe a echoed -learner 10 Mk -
"Then could you eiree Ilint V1.11.11
"Leave 1101)111e? No, I could never.
leave Bobble. You would 1101 tindetesland
if I Ivied to explain, Mil it Is guile im-
possible, Shall WO sny 'Good-bye' io the
dream fo14 the future, and lhiiik only of
tho lime when we Were 1)041 mad giel to-
gether ?" '
Tine WaS certelnly the only peesible
conolusionbut It expected a little wore
regret 01 Pie loss of suell n
'You tmOEd 110 right, lo bring me (Wel'
mi a fool's emeriti," he said hol)y, "turd
then tliOnliS8 1110 Wail all Ihe euelnese of
an accomplished Mind fur Ilie S111(0 of 11
child W110 hem robbed you of your youth,
and at the hest eini last 11111 a few miser-
able years. Have yor, thought nf yom..
timelines!: when lie is gone?"
Aye, erten and orlon hurl Ilie trembling
giel tortured itersed wItli 11101 thought,
but ille eruelty of 11 (101)1 lips 01 11114
man riming her destroyed the Met tee.
lige of past tomenee, mid deckled Mat
Iti at least, wee riot the 0110 In hill thel
"1 do not Mink we 111ed discuss Mal,"
siee 140 Id quietly. "0110 relnlione ore en-
tirely with pest, Good-bye. Lel its
think no 14104113' we can of etteh olher
for ite; sake.," And with a 0)0(11tt 111011
bed regnined ils firmness, elie telowed
hot steps to the }tense.
slight restle In 13oblife's Aorta Made
her stop it hle door end lielen. "Please
Ood," came lei tioivering loons from the
tonteling Agora on -1116 bed, "lake me up
tieemothere before Megote goes, (Seeey, end
then Roger earl en) and take are Or
And pleette Pe,ggy bring flowere for
both -White ()tea fOr 1119, and yellow
ellea fOr Mettler'. And, please, God,
(Meet let Ma .Orn any Mere, and Men
Maggie Won't kliineehoW ba4 1 feel:
"Please, Oed, 1 like•wl1tI eoses'lest
Ofe.1111, 111011srioWdoepsiteqesnee eeke,
Adnen," .
teleeierse teqlstepa Maggio ,a1k1
8011H, and 1) only rifler. a heart-
beetilditg epell 1110 e quarte-Inee that Ire
e'er on %mit-Inv terms with Fortime 111
km te ea,
Mr. \V. S. Stratton, the well-Isnown.
"Gold King,' was one of Ilie Moe chil-
dre11 or 5 s•truggling hoeldotildi r, and
D.11.11 yeers ago was winking 01 a Car-
penterot homer hi McMinn, After six
imp:datable months of clerking in an
Leon store he drifted, willt S3no--el1 Irk
ttoridly. poesesslotts.-in his poettel, er,
iitolorarkt. where Ito neent nineteen
year-, in a limitless eenveli for geld, urt-
tressed 1111,1 a proverb,
hopeleee were Il, . roily y'este
et elle John We enemy. oho ‘vrt.„ de.
stilted 10 'make tuillionK in California.
1301'n in 13111)1111 ervenly-Ilve years ago,
his puerile, deepideing ef ranking a
living in Ireland. emigreled bo A1111deti
when ilie 11111115' Crfestr, w1(5 n boy of
lon; and Hiroo. years Inter he was help-
‘1)1•11gth 1,1(:144''1)1,0P4P:°r•lentj•In'singswied,fl
ee's apprentlee. 511, 1101101, the "blind
ilill Il'o114t00' 11,10 01jrntng.. 51513' y,a,
ago. a t1011111' 5 Work find his boiled In
Mr, 3114011t ;zellsony's More n1 \\Inches.
tee; 01111 sixteen 41e111.5 11i1er had Made.
eel .41111e progress on the mad 10 o'eaigh
ghat be wits glad lo mien hod and
ehenner by working on ble falherie hike
141 Ihe Shenntidneli Vallee., • elle peril
tee Benner, whe lepeebehinti 111115 nn
eieernsous, forfilitis 14 few yeare ago.
toiled for 111511y years On his father's
Sarni on Ihe honks of the litideon be.
fore be nrede '1114 way, at the ego ( 1
eighteen, 1111teta ill New VOrk Siete.
WItere he feund employment, AS a tiled(
111 0 sho1 store; end int had00een•.100e0-
1y,s'e yeeee of life when he opened his
(Modest deaperneeeholieth reke Street,
Chicago. lt, ie fetiotitioria ttotrieldNiee
Mae efre, [eon feelkAPLIPil hie, Staneleall
Feld, who were Mr, Palmer's partners,
like himself eere sone of Noe farm -
ors, pad bad been clerks fa wholeeale
drapery 110 LISPS.
as the \meld knows, wits Cradled In a
very lowly "but and ben" in Dunferm-
line, Seotiruid, Ma soil of a poor da.
meek -weaver; arid the first Instalmeot
of lite many InnlionS that have flowed
hilo his exchequer wire his neer week's
eurninge of 81.25 as. 11 leobbin-boy 111
Allegheny City. Mn. C. Yeelos be-
gan Ills brilliant Oareer as a money.
liy working ne Merl( in a flour
mid grain establishment, receiving for
hit fleet year's labor a preSenl, of $80.
feir, Edison's Oral. money was earned
ly eelling newspopers, canny, and
oenenula on retread Trunk Itallway
trains: and he owed the twin in the
1.1(10 of bee fortunes lo tiro amide:a of
Sbeiltv-1411ggruani.noTevili.Yhyt'llelPTI.S.atS1, geImiId rate.
ful father, by way of reward, initiating
lite lad into the mysteries of telegraphy.
eo. to Rhons. the teleodetploa
millernalre, was of humble birth, ond
%Vali f01' some years an ill -paid deft(
ili e general store; Mr. James 11. Keene
was in Ins early yeare a gold -miner;
and. us a boy, efie Leleon Balliett sold
perneut; and popcorn at motley Mies
lattope working at the carpentes bench.
All mulleenillionaires, however, have
not reached their riehee from suet' hum-
ble Leginninge.
MR. PlEllPON r h10110AN
bad millionaire for tether, and hos
Luill his enormous forluue ern a vein'
substential basis Of inherited money,
His father, however, began Ide work -
one days as a farm -boy, and did not
leave hie clerk's desk he a drapor's
eountiog-house until he was within
two years of forty. Mn, Chauncey De -
pew is the son of parente who could
afford lo gtve hint a Yale University
'reiteration; Mn, D. 10. Peareon WaS 11
pracleeing doctor before be turned his
Thoughts to Millions; Mr. Henry Clews,
tile bunking Crresus. ie 11101111)(1. Of ft
laatiLY of good and old standing lin
England; 5I1.' Rdward liarirbnen, one
of Ihe railway giants of Inc world, is
the son of ,a Now Jersey clergyman.
nod was IliMSelf partly educated for
111e Chillteb; Mr. ,\V. C. \\linnet, had
4eonmarativel14' ricit parents, and was
trained for the Law; while tim present
grnPrnlions of Vander.bille, Aelors,
e la vetneyers, and 13ennet ts ha re, of
rouree, all been born to .neillions.
But even in three rare cams one has
only, lo go back, With %Try few excep-
eions. ge.norntlen or Ltvo to discover
Me very lowly sources from which the
colossal forlinies or to -day have sprung.
0111 Lady 1)1(1 Not Go Info the Store
lo be insetted by the Op! 1011110
A worean who looked as if she had
.been a long time in the vale of teals
event lute an establishment the othet.
,1) y.nimil babi, waat a pair 01
epees. -
'Inds way,' said the obliging shop-
sintu, witlt tris hate parted In the mid-
dle; und he led her up a blight of
retells into a long 1100111% whore a 61)0(0
ITS0t*Vat for optical purposre. A
neevorts men et once (attended
bor. "SIL here." he said, placing a
deln for here nerd hanging up an
A. 13, 0 (tiled 110111 411 her. "Fix your
«les on that, madam."
14 Wan to hit Vo [115. .1,101,10.
takC11.- 8nid the 00011100, tartly.
"certainly not, utadnot; you wish 10
renew yOlir eyesight. Itist len tne
\\Mat you see 011 Mal card -0, n, 10.
00 you follow ine?-
",lisl lot 1110 linve my umbrella, end
I'll roller ye. I didn't tome hero to
Let tirade fun. of. I ken ralui and mete
ete well as you ken. and count, leo.
I want a pole of specs.'
"Exactly; but 1 eboulr1 recommend
eye-glassee with such a nose as yours,
"Whale: the nutter with my mom -
oh? 11 it nine, ranch of a nose, you
pita going to make fu11 at it.''
"11, is a 1)001111101 31010,"
" sled Ih
ne 0(1-
11018)1 Dully, 'and wouhl(Worn (1 11001(1.
10411,4pair of eyellasses. Will you
kindly look al. nits done of lines? Do
they appear• to be the ettine size?'
Peer to be? They are all of a
size. No nonsenee, young man:
"Ceelainey not. madam. 11 the eIr.
tees appear lo be 011 of one size, your
!to( dt,forimi.i,
'ape(orniettl Goalless graeilus! \Vito
said my ryes wero deformed? if over
T lienrd the Itkel"
"lent sett, madam, we are compelled
lo lest the optic nerve, and deternithe
if 11110 person has preehyonin—"
"No. sir, I'm a Baptist. And I won't,
istay here lo be insulted
"You mieundersland me. madam. 1
yott are Hill k. led with liyped rin yop la
in either ey0---"
"1.0014 beee. young num,- eat,' Me
woman, Ileveely, "I dare eay pee think
pou're. mighly Mover. Mil, I want a pine
of sp00„ I aitft 110 youlig OS. f 11813
10 110. or Ten---"
"011yes," intriempled lho melt 0pt0
den. "1 000 Au ore gelling old. titul---"
Then the fealetere ilew. Ile never
$011101100, end 11 l\ 00 ,e01111
time before noyelling In 1110 Nom conk'
1..• .11::001med eveopt, ole ninbrella
onil 14 'ink of 1100100 10.1110 revolving
Ihe1140 111,,, 0 pail. of 111011114111 sails:
4411141, Ilo' woman mime oul or nu, 5141)1.
,he wee 'eying lo straighter; out the
Oh, 411 her &gloom mut noilleterin Lo
tweeter; "Oldindeed3 live rained no.
imilieella, terl I Ii (1(0011 lived ell ettieee
eerwe 10 tie Menthe! ,0011 11 1$141)))- 115
111p1,, old! The s41onndre1
slZING 11111 UP,
"Who le that big melee' aseied thee
strain:en ee
'91110 I,' replied 1110 1111t1(l., "la 511.,
"Only Plaio \leslere Why, he Mee
the hearing 4,41 e major generel."
eve.. nee Hie eryearing of 5young'
• Stellii-"Wittet .geselonie ,11e11e -
'Sore thing. Olaf 801i1e4151 .09 big in your
/ About Ms House •
nage:oils Fruit ":..nnpole.-One and a
nalf peek of pare, mired unil Cithod,
two ounces' 44 ginger mot, four puunde
Or Stlfrar. one pint or wtilir :111104 ill
fillgal% Put peare and ginger el the
mein); boll slotely for ono leen., Boil
two lenume 'twenty minutee, 00 1111tii
lender; (alto lernon seeds rind (top
tile lernOns line, Add them ti the pears.
Gook tudil 'the syrup
Potatooi on Half Sholl.--Bake large,
smooth potakms of uniform eitie unlit
'they eret sun. Lev* caelt curefttlly
10 half lengthwiee, serap out the In-
terior, do nut break the skin, mash ilhe
potato Watt a little 1,01 milk ond :nrtl-
41)1 Emelt you eire bent it to a
cream; $101.4011 With salt end 1,14)01%
etertt in Roo large lablcepoenfuls 111
(11(110,14111,0140kit, 110-3 ettpfui,; 10)
10 1111111 1'01111'11 10 t111' ,n•t in the
oven until hot and alightly 'browned,
Serve in Ilm skins,
Jelly of a New Colon -lake the pure
ple C mooed grapes, wash and pUbU
_platting 111c pulp in one dish and the
skins in another; cook und sivain son-
araieiy and 1111114e your telly separately.
lirom Ho pulp you will have 11 111.0,it
letaulitul amber eoler, and frein the
telcins 0 (lark red, find ritelt 1)05 11 11,410)-
01)0 Mid CiiSlillet (WMI' 01 514 own, One
has 5.0 introit 'jelly tha1 le reel Mut it
le a pleasant eliange to have another
nice color.
N'egeloble Eecaltop.---Put 11 layee erre!'
of finely eut celery, onion, rilid bread-
erumbe txt a butterol baleing Melo i'll‘a•
sent with salt and pepper and repeat
In1111 dish is neaely full, tiering the
crumbe uti top. Dal wilb pleees of but -
lee and Sprint:1e with grated cheese,
then 1111 dislt merely full of milk and
bake one-half heure This diet' fe
gine), but was vole.' a geent entecees at
it dinner prepared on snort notice for
unexpected gueels.
Finer Ilash,--One pinit bowlful of cod-
flehe sluedded line; Two bowlful,: of po-
tatoes, pared nnd cut, in smell Moe.
Pelee in a efewmin, cover with widen.
and bail twenly-live minutes; drain off
all the water and let it remain on the
stove two minutes to sterile, and then
mash until peefeetly simiol 11,411(3 one
slnurJ Clip of cream and one well beat-
er egg% and beat Me Int:cline vapidly
with .11 spoon for five minute.. Have
hot in a [eying pan the tut from seven.
tii pieces of bneon, In 14 wheel' put Pile
hash and, etiole lintil lim 41) go look
browo. being (mogul 1101 10 burn. Turn
itnrefully, .1)01(0111sta° up. on o hoe plat,
ter and 50011. hot.
Soft ninke a thick priddifig
mist, line a dish w1111 same. or a cake
Jin 10 emelt beilere pal a layer of sliced
onions. Men a layer. of eon reor eat
in sliols. 0 'layer of elleed potatoes, ti
10 3'01' Of 11:141 alSO of on -
hers; sprinkle pepper over all nod then
'corer with a creel 11111.il be find
flOwn lightly with a eloat previously
clipped In ladling WaiPr and [toured
well Bolt roe about ewe, tenteg and
serve hot to a dish.
Luncheon. Eggs. --Boll six eggs until
hall( after witieb, 111111 ellt 111 halves
and eay them on (1 Atte or disn. ()vim
them grate Iwo lableepoons of cheese.
rut 111t o pan a enpful of mill( and
;When this lo boiled elle into it n
5p00111111 of butter and levo of flour.
well eleame I together. When this is
.coolezel In a thick 01.00111y eauce seasein
with eall and pepper und pone over the
eggs. Serve tot with -mined or toasted
Grape Ine.-Take one coffee cup 01
eirapes, nne leaeup or sugar, onn egg,
41 ehrell or sail, 0 d00101't:ge0:0M 01
flour, and '11 teaspoonful of butler. Bake
wier two (musk, This makes orte pie
rind ie delicious.
Bent Blanleels U1ilibl Sun. -Bent your
Mani:els with a bamboo carpet benter
when neerly dry on 1110 clothes lino;
it nnekes Mem light end eon rued they
look like new,
Preveol Vt'alses Btriging.--To prevent
weiet non: bulging; up (mound the
neck Iron from 1110 c.)1111r down to me
boriorn of tile Waist. AISO Z400C1 for
Kerosene Dust, Cloth. -Dip 5 oieett of
elteeseelolit in kereseno end let %evap-
orate. Then tiSe 1110 eloth its 41 chistlev.
II will lelen up thol. without, :mallet,
nig it cnd poli,11 14 the 201110 Mire.
eftike elalting Ilug.- '1'0 make a 1)101-
141,' '1115111(1(1 rug for youe room Iliel has
malthig on Ilet reser, go') . 08111(1110
from the stores and Mill some siring
sow them togellier \vie]: large stiloliers.
See or eight pieces inalie a good sized
To C'eari Cerpel on teleor.- Tolo. half
11 (lozett large pedakiee-whiell \tell be
0110ligh for Carpel, of 0110 rooln-
Mimi rind rub well Wilh dry tng into
parent; then lido a debit \\Teen out
r,r hoe water and wipe .011 thoroughly
and your (emote. wilt leek ISp 1105V.
Dain 11)' Lamideted \\.alsis -when
itemeug lingeele waists lion
the sleeves (tree. S\ 11•611 ono eleeve is
Ironed 111 11 stil li ensned Reale pnper,
sicouel.ene Ilie ester, Then, iron Me
loily poet nf 110 vaiel and lire Aleeves
liry 111 n1111101. Shape W1411011
TO Me a '101110 C10111 ti \\.41Pltii..- Lad lee
000 their own maid ed ati Amyl(
04.111 111010 1110i1' 10110401h 110 ,SPI`Vieil
'for a longer lime. .11iter nintemelus
snore distleillee 110 selett'S ololleuese.
171111 0 Pier"' or 01011: over Ille sPilk /1/1
they appear. ha,. 8 11a54001 1-
10,") 1)) I 017 (.4 n teealg'11)1,111.'00114
view. If Me eriede ere <11 grease the
01101114 011b.s. 11,
yal;nd,/ t,(1111ar'(111 4111 '14,111 1115,31)41'1,10110111PedlY
in 15 ;0111111as )(), 0110 biro, spoonful
nt Nal 101(11) anti one pound or 1'1401,
bilo ill 111110 elieselved In imilt water. 1.
in son water so Hutt it will net diseorn.
ler taking Out 11141' 1)4111 rinse 11.1 onee
(tend nee roe Reoonailliak,.-,An old
bi,„„,140, vath g0w1"-1zeLI. 1-* AT THE KING'S STABLES
ecrowed on the end Witt 1140410 variOns
(purpose.; emelt as drawing yettele owe
has moiled lo ilie top; 101(411(k/1 paekage
Morn a high shelf; faking 11 pieture, Vont,
the well; getting babe's plitylltings
Mae hate I'd '1Vd tinder the eideliornel,
elo, etc., until you 01111 hardly du
out 11,
Bernfeld Careless 0110A.--lioe Ls an NVI)ere fUs Malesly'S 11101.1105 111111
Idea 111111, has helped Willi the older Oars, AVIIII AD the Fittings
ogres, as welt sus 1 lw cli lldmti StrPtolt a
strong wed ite:eek 1.1 141100 where every
one oaft Soo 11, Tido. a Tilece of leper
erid write on ite txtioing es foe
carvings people." l'ick tip evorplhing
yin son lying around and pin it 011 the
line will Ihn owner's or Itser's name
written on a pieee of paper. pitignet on
Ree lop or the 'article. e'er will be sire-
l'a.seel how nutealY Prel'Y 0110 Will littnt
erne:kings Give Eno% Warmth.- ill
a piece lo put. things away.
elle fall when Ute weather is chooge.
able have a pair of stocking bige evade'
be pull en if It fume eolder. 11 often
save.' girls from taking a hued cold;
also 10.5411 pniting 011 extra skirts, be-
sides they can be token off easily :I it
gets %armee 10 the tpiddie of the day,
111 ...raveling always have an Nitro.
gurize vest 01. long telerveil oorset (sever,
!onetime veith the stoeleing legs, handy,
jtaisekerriveriecli.elle omen and may be
DecoraM Rooms eln deem'.
Ming a 03M11 i1m nOt 11,41 loo nitwit brie -
a -brae. o-pecially the cheaper ware.
A few pleeier or fine ‘)are giVa.
beauty .4.1 a ri.10111 11 11Cre a large num-
Ler 01 trash' silicIt' 50111 confuse and
glvie 11 common appearenue. Several
large teteee of delicate design add
1111114h 10 tile l'00111. A large and 11111(1-
[(51111'1,,.1141110e1141 titn11,11.,,ni
ttify a mantel or.
an several small
ne'.."ii::au(.!Il'11:1tiliYteiu.lng one WrhiCh MILS taken to Ails-
irlute1he1o(111lay111bectraliaforthe use of the Prince of walesightl,)1it:4v0.801[0feweaspg0
flarr !tbber Olovese-Ribber 01.1reeirreagethe Coronation roach
fireritl: is first M interest. This magnificent
vehiole, which was built in 0781, is made
entirely of English oak and weighs,' 4
tons. It is 24 feet long, and the panels
on Me outside are most beautifully
painted by the celebrated artist
hie work rep0e0e0Ling the Royal Arms
and various allegorical and fancy sub-
jecle. P0111' crested helmets, carved
from the solid oak and heavily, gilded,
adorn the top, ene at each corner. The
Cost of the whole was 838,300.
There are also eleven State carriages,
weIghing 38 cwt. each, beautifully hung
on 0 springs, with the Royal Arms
most exquisitely hand -painted on tho
deors, These carriages cost 810,000 each,
and nee drawls by two, four, or six
loweice. according to the degree of the
ceremony for which they are being used.
lit an adjacent building Ls to be seen
rt curious anti elaborate silver saddle,
ptesented to King Edward VII. when.
ho WaS a boy by the letesklent of Mexico;
alse 01 very pretty sledge, a gift to the
lote Queen Victoria by the
13e119311011 NICHOLAS 019 'RUSSIA.
The horses number about 150, all told,
when the Court is in London, and pride
of place Inue1 be given to the celebrated
Hanoverian creams, of which there are
nine, lite youngest. Crown Prince, be-
ing a eeven-year-old, while the senior
of the team is Middachten, .of the re-
spectable ego of nineteen. In the same
stable are the seven .SpanIsli blacks, SIX
Of Which On State occasions draw the
carringe in whet are always seated the
ellstress 0( 1111 Robes arid the 'Master of
the Iledise, and which comes next to the
Sovereignie coach.
Nearly all the other 11008eS are 11ay0
With blade points. They are kept in two
distinct, departments, for carriage and
saddle horses respectively. Of the lat-
ter, some are hackneys eighteen hands
high, of very powerful build. The
stables are a model of order, method,
and tidiness, dOwn to the plaiting of the
edge or the straw and the putting don%
of sand in the centre of the stable, The
largeeL stable holds thirty-two horsed
and the smallest four. They are not all
or the same appearanee. some having
plain, old-fashioned stall -poets, while,
four elmbloe have very .
Bath horse 1100 US name painted oves
,1713 stall. These names ore all chosen. .
be Lady Eweev
Ewell, the wife of the Croa
oquery, Major-General Sit' Henry tWatt,,,!;
To sit Henry lewart is entrusted ilte
important. work of buying all the horses,
with the exception of the creams arid
Werke, wheel are bred at 1110 10111(1.0
Ssit:1:111,eat NitianstillePrt40111 51011e1nlilorso is a Slate
official. rarely al lower degree then an
thie present bolder of the office be.
ing the Earl of Granard, who ne
thiardeman went through the South
Melon War, 18140-1002, end whose sere
vlees were rewarded by two medals and
th'711(t°ia;aPsfi al Me Royal stables nutobee
about 1 10 no. divided pretty evenly be-
tween the :saddle and tininess sides, and
every* geode from Stain coachman,
King's vow:Innen, Qiteerne coachman,
tlown to the youngest groom, has its' "
owe, particular work and duly pre-
The riding sehool is a Rno lnhildbIIg
2(10 feet long. where horses are 0101'-
050(1 and trained. and where is kept aa
nesortment of drums, Irompete. anit
flags 0011ee(11i111014) aceustom the horses
to the tense 1111(1 reeitentent incidental to
n day's work in the capilet when the
KIng 01' 0)1001 15 neloroedltr1110
Celd fe7et--weviii heart.
iiere119a gai ns 1
hive germ.
In getting oherid b nt first thing to get
rie aro herd Of hearing when
.8 . 10 111,11 lobaceojuice. in
the eye. in Bon it Miracle the whole
ft.lSotrmitt1140ffi.men written eutwess without
lIncling the) goose.willt.the.golden-egee11111711,‘
'11413' . ' 11.0VAL MONS AT
are Accommodated.
OE the thoileande of people who visit
Fie Malone! (teller), in Trafalgar Square
If 16 P1'Obabl0 Mat only a :mien numbee
are aware that on the site of that world-
renowned spol. there treed to stand the
buildings It: which were kept, the Royal
faloms end hawks, 8041,0 London T11. -
Those noble birds wore accuelourrel to
mint, Or "ineW." bence the place where
thee' were kept when ohnoging their
fouthere, or mewing, eters called Hie
"mewe." and the name having become
attached to the place, it. remained when,
1111:0,3' VII. kept his hoeses there,
the term "mews" hes come to bo ap-
piled lo any totvn ritege of stabling.
The Ileyal inewe 10 at Bucklughani
Pailteit, and there Stand a number 01
stablis and houses lo accommodate the
King's 110r00S and carriages, with nil the
neeeesary ele.
Let us look first into the harness -
mean, where wo shall see Um splendid
harness of gilded copper, whieh Lseesed
only for the Sovereign's CoaC11 011 4)660..
SiOnri of high ceremony, such as a Cor-
onation or the openIng of Parliament..
A oet of tine haeoese weighs 127 pounds
Ir each horse_ This is worn by the eight
19551005 CI1EAM-001.ORED PONIES.
Next in degreo comes the brass har-
0550, of which there are several sets, in.
ing rut) thoroughly with flour. and pull
Mem off wrong istele out, Next time
pin Morn on noun side in. 'Otis keeps
Om finger.; loan slicking together,
inakee :hem go ou mere welly, and by
bringing them on each haml atternale-
ly dietribute.; the Welle. Never wear
thorn when washing in gasoline, as It
sl retinal, I item.
• ^
Vicar Who
Was a Sculptor and a Medi -
Man -Priest Duni a
splendid specimen of the clerical
"Jack-orell-hodese was the late Inner
0, inigereon, for !telly years Viear 01
Peak Forest, In Derbyshire, England.
Thie enervne and versatile gentleman
wrts not only an acecomplislied sculptor -
/1e carved monuments to the 111011101T of
Queen Vfetorta and the lute 1.(.111 salis-
hury-bul a medical 'man nf no mean
order. He dorlored Ilie countryside for
miles around, and used, 11,11. to help Ihe
neighboring farmers to plough. 11101eh.
and slack nt billy limes; at each of
vImtolm ilecuPalt<iis 110 NVas 'meetly skill-
To labor as a stoRer, Nom early morn
to, l,1'010100141 11 eennewhel ineongrtious
occupation for a clergyman, yet 0 few
years ago this strange sightmight have
been witnessed at the Doneastete Gas-
norke, and was Ilet direef result of a
CU1'1,413 ohallenge thrown out by the
stokers to 1110 RV. W. 11. 141(01e, lite
0111.1110 of St. Mary's Church. The rev-
erend gentleman had attended the gas
works and invited the stokers to attend
it speeial eeriee of evening services Ire
was organizing. T1).1 mon replied Dial
theY were too tired otter their (lay's
work, and added that a the elergyman
lutd stoked at the retorter tor eight liniirs
110 would not 'want to attend any ser -
\lime, special 00 otherWiAe.
THE s1'oitrNr1 r:Urt.\TE
promptly eel:opted Ihe challenge. and
offered ki do a day's work tt 1111 any of
Menu Ile woe as good .1111 h1,s word, and
duly appeared one reoening at 6.30,
working steadily with the men trail
knocking -off time, 4,30 p.m, At tind-day,
Ills dinner was Me:right by lite teetir,
who also provided oraneme for 1.1m nuni,
leew people who have viewed the lio-
trian Oatholie Presbytery rit 131'entford,
which was erected in 1905, WI? aware
Mat the building is prooletally the work
of one man. The priesl-linettarge. lea-
ther 1)111.100, &OW up the phms, did the
etrveying, oeted as clerk of Ilte works,
inni laid :rut the beaittlful gardene. 'rhe
chief portion or the labor wee provided
lie the male inembere af ihe ernigregin
Ron. Some idea 0( 1110 eize of tlie under-
taking may he tgatheeed from the fact
that the presbytery contains len rooms.
It WEIS Another F10111a11
1 'aller5011, Bishop of leannaus-who on
one oeension ailed RS 011 OtillIibllS C011 -
(111010r. The biattop Was travelling by
1,111 9110 day when an nceident oceurred,
and 1110 tondnetor had le be token 10
1110 hoepitai, Anximie that the man
should not Stee Ids pay for the journey,
the gooderntured prelate look his piece
41 111e 01111 Of 1110 joorney. faking fates
and punching 11111015 as !hough to flie
11111111101' born.
Al a reeentprigilistic emmuntri• at
Birmingham 11 "flglitIng p0r$011" might
have berm :wen in real lite; file 110100 Of
0110 61 the pae1leipantk--19. Mitten shoe
• esweraln the illeatile" of a well"191lown
lovol onralp. "111 penistied his opponent
set erely," eays, 51 oetveonper report or
111 t proceedings, "rind took a eut eye and
damellint t14,0 11 exeellent pare."
The 14.:0111 01'101CP of finite and
(lburell in Franee hag planed twiny 01
11, poorltr 1,0011101, r100g3111 011.5111.
Tile cure or ,Graineouti, in Normandy,
Nei, however, itioen the hen by , tiee
home. Being (lever 111. Innebinery. the
good hilbrie 1108 REM eerviteable
worksheip, And Combiner( hie 41)11)111,01
(11A1e4 Mill the repairing orblOyelta and
Inoior,eaeg, As the (etre IS quit() ox -
pert, he is frel deIng 411 all badly, -..Lone
don '111-11119, '
(10411(41)5 0(1 PliAMICH
finenetee started Olet Ilk to
o danlist, .
"1 suppoks that '18 tedry When BM
benks were struggling in the teeth eie
the financial 0101.01, 112 atiWibAted
Old Maria,"