The Brussels Post, 1907-11-28, Page 8E► arly Bugles
i0 a pleasure now while our stool[ le.
at ita,beet, Here are two or three
suggestions Butt, may help you :-
Fancy China Plates -Very eulteble for
plate mile, or as plagues, some twelve
different kinds to ohoose from, ab 250,
50o, 00o and 75o each,,
POliehed Wood Salad Bete, 40o per set,
Limoges .Chane -Nothing more euitable
than a piece of this for one ycn know
to collecting this (:hint, or to stern one
on a oolleotton.
Souvenir 0010ndare with a large view of
Brussels, very prettily decorated, each
woe in a box ready for mailing, 25e.
Our 5o and 10o Oaleudars, are, if possible,
more pretty than ever. Wmdew die -
play this week. Seoure your supply
before the beet get pinked out.
In Handsome Boxes
Not Cheap Stationery in geed),
styles,. •If you get it here it ie right le
every way. We have at present a very
large numberof how Boxes of Shetionery
At 25c each
All New Designs
And by the waythem make one of the
Zest usofel Christmas Presents.
We shall be pleased to show them,
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Gram" 900TH GoINa NORTR.
Mall - 7:05 a.m !Express 10:55 a,m
Express 11 25 am) efa11. ,1.44 8.01
Express ......8.02 p.mI Express 8:61p.m
Following ie thN0,P. R Time Table at
To Toronto To Goderioh
Express 7:48 a re Express' 11:52 a m
Express 5:85 p m' Express.,.... 5:8011 m
gA'.caJ et% Xte11TS
A ohiel's amang ye fakir' notes,
An' faith be'11 prent i0.
Is this Indian bummer
NEST Sunday will be the let. of Deoem•
Beaming Council next Monday even.
Hua0N Go. Oounoil opens next Taeeday
at Goderioh.
Tait Pon gives the news. 10 canna
satsuma it t0 January let.
ROBERT TIMES0N has ebipped over
6000 barrels of apples thisseasou.
NEw wells are being drilled at George
Edwards' and David Walker's.
2 OARS of anal were received daring
the past week by W. & R. Pryne for the
National Flour mill.
Tam pontic sohool cleared something
like 87 from the illustrated teeters by
.Rev. Mr. Spence, of Milverton.
W. 3. Fawcett, manager of Brussels
Braman of the Metropolitan Bank, made
a business trip to Toronto this weak.
Tex COLLBOTOR OLIven has reoeived
something over 81200 1n taxes so tar o0
the $9,000 to be oolleoted. 8% is added
after Deo. 14111.
A 0811ENT smoke stack may be built
at the Escalator knitting factory to take
the plane of the metal one damaged by
the wind storm last week.
Two building tote on Mill street are
offered for sale. -They are the property
of W. 3. Norton, Calgary. For further
partiontare enquire et THE Poor.
Leer 3donday Jaoob Teudaut lost hie
prase containing $20.00 and tome silver.
By advertisement In another oo10m0 he
is offering a reward for its recovery.
SotoETaule over 700 boxes of 'vapor•
aced apples were manufactured by
Brnsoele factory this Fall. Mr. Cun•
niogham has oloead down for the sea5ou.
BueeIreens,-Newton MoOsoley deliver -
Ad a load of hay to A. T. Carrie one day
lest week which weighed 3,480 pounds.
He also delivered the same day 8,650
pounds of hay. Good loads for a pain of
Tam Grainger-Raneford exit over the
negleot of the defendaut to stay the Sow
of brine from the laud of the plaintiff
will be heard nest week in Goderioh.
A number of witueeeee have been sum-
moned and somebody will have oon-
eiderable mete to pay before the ease is
definitely settled.
AT the emotion sale last Saturday of
stook and, property belonging to tb8 late
Thos. MaLarohlin the young Wilkes
stallion was purchased by Archie Pat-
terson, of BiueVate, ab $190 and the 2
year old mare cola went to Walter
Lowry for the sem of 290, The house
and lot was not sold, nor was the etable
0.001 perk tote:
ANNUAL MEErma,-The annual meeting
of Bast Huron Liberal Aseooiation wilt
be held' in the Town Hall, Brussels,
Friday of next week Deo. 6th, commenc-
ing at 1.80 o'clock. A short program of
addressee willfollow the routine business,
Hon. Mr, Mao3sy, Leader of the Op-
potition, will be present. A public,
meeting will be held i0 the evening,
in the same plass, beginning at
7.46 o'olock, when &shimmies are expected
from Hon. Mr. MacKay, Mr. Inwood, of
Toronto, Mr. Hiolop,'and Dr. MaoDonald.
A. musical program will also be provided.
8.11 will be welcome. Beate reserved for
"DOLMA, THE TEA•GIRL".-This aspen.
see operetta was presented in. the Town
Hall here on -Thursday evening of lash
week before a tairly geed bodge, under
the auspices of the Foot Ball team.
Mr. and Mre. Firth did their respeobive
parts with their usual ability and great-
ly pleased the. audience. Tbe other
members of the company do nob nom•
Pere at all with 1ea•girl demisted the first halfs of ebbe
program and in the latter half the fol.
lowing nuBrbera were preeented 1 -Solo,
"Good•8ye," Mr. Firth ; recitation,
Mies Edna Porte ; solo, "Jack's' the
boy," T. H. Lalonde ; duo, "Little
boy, little girl," Mr. and Mre. Flab ;
nolo and quartette, "Moon Dear" ;
reoitabion, !Mee Tewaley ; Mira "Vader
she Deodeb," Ma. Firth ; . quartette,
"Smile ot0'me." Euooree Were not look -
the, nor wore r08p0ne00- elow in their
pre8entation. Mies Porte is an a0e
eemplished pianist and a capable ace
compatible There are 011ma00110 tidy,
Well 805850ted 0hfng8 in OOnneotion with
.tbe entertainment promoted by this
company.. This Wm their third appear -
an CM in Brnsselr,, The tr0ap5 went from
here 10 Wiegham,
TUESDAY was a somewhat tem -�m
Goon morning I Have you had the
measles 7
TBE Fire Engine was out for a test
on Wednesday afternoon.
A oat of bogs was shipped by Mseere.
Bateman & Jewitt on Wednesday.
BtusooLB Monthly Horse Fair will be
b01d on'Thursday, Deoember bob. Local
and outeim buyere are expeoted.
Snooper of this week the regular
mortally meeting of the Directors of
the Howiok Mutual Fire Ioeuraues
Co. wid beheld at Gerrie,
AN assembly is ou the program in the
Town Hall, Brussels, Thursday evening
of this week. The Loudon harpers
supply the muoioal program.
$1.85 IN ad7a000 seamen TBE Poor and
Weekly Globe, with idnetratel magaZi08
5800100, from now to Jan. lei 1909.
This ie certainly a oiuoh you should out
A. T. Cunene, batoher, shipped to Jas.
Broadfoot, of Aotaeonish, Nova Bootie,
150 pouude of choice beef this week.
This is the emend shipment in three
BEN. EDWARDS will lit up an outdoor
Mating rink, he says, on their vacant lot
on Mill et0eet, where the factory former-
ly stood and will utilize puwer from the
Eleotrio Light Worke to flood it.
ST. JOHN'S Ohurob Augh0ad Aeeooia
lion win give a Msaouriog Tee and
Musicale in the Town Hall, B0Oeeele on
Tuesday evening Dec. 10th, eommeuolng
at 8 o'otock. A good time is guaranteed.
A BPEWAL meeting of the Coni011 -wee
held tans week to Giemsa the question of
renewing eleotria light co8tra00 for street
lighting. The probabili1ieeare there
will be no difficulty in adjusting the mat-
The 10rnit008 of Station agent Henry
was shipped to Wingbam this week.
They have secured a comfortable aid
convenient residence, the home Of Mr.
Bell who reeeully removed to South-
THE School Board has inoreased the,
salary of Mies Helen D. ford, who teach
ee in 00njanotio0 with Prineipel 'Demer-
o0le the advanced classes, to $600, the
eame to come into. effect 'in 1908. Mies
Ford is doing excellent work.
iAow that Winter ie approaching a
word Of 0a0ti00 le offered in reference to
boys and girls getttig un the ins on the
Maitland too soon. Several drowning
aooidente are already reported by the
giving way of ice. Better not be in too
big a harry.
FOOT BALL MEEr1Na.-Ml interested in
Brussels 8001 Ban team are requested t0
meet in the Couuoil Chamber cm Fiiday
evening of this week, at 8 o'olook, to aloes
np the business of the past year and Iny
plane for the coming eeasou. Let there
be a good atteudauue,
0ondnol of a few y0Uth0 in the Public'
Library on a recent eveniog if repeated
will ensure them trouble as the Board of
Management will not allow ourryiug
on ut tbat description. A wasoh bas
been set So Be to mere ties name's after
which a lesson will be taught them, A
good time to stop is right bow.
AooIDENT.-As Thos. 21ra011an and hie
eon Douguld were leaving Brussels' for
home tact Saturday afternoon a bolt
broke in the buggy permitting the horse
to get away with the trout wheel. Both
gentlemen were anoeremouiooely tjirowi
so the ground head first but fortunately
eeaiped without any 8801005 damage
barring a bloody nose, &o. The horse
was captured before going very tar aid
the outfit put to rights. It might ''Belly
have been worse and we are glad u0
more serious results than above men-
tioned have to be recorded.
DID WELL. -At the Sealorth Puhltry
Show last week Damsels fanciers did
well. Oouooillor• Ballantyne captured
four fiesta for Buff Wyandottes taking
them on wok, bei, mookerel and pullet.
He sold his entire exhibit to Andrew
Sutherland, of Sealorth, and will now
devote hie abtenbioo to the Columbian
Wyandobtes whiob strain be also owned.
D. A. Lowry, of town, wee awarded let
and 8rd for rose oombed Buff Leghorn
pallets and end and 8rd for cockerels
of the same breed. There were over
600 entries at the Fair and oonsegaently
competition in many olaeeeo was keen.
Tut following obttaury n5tiee, taken
from a Miebiga0 paper, raters to a bro.
ther 0f James Dualey, of Brueen's :-
Oman Dudley was horn neer Caledonia
Springs, Canada, May 5th, 1887, and re-
moved in childhood with hie parents to
Be Marys. Ou August 27, 1861, he was
United in marriage to Mies Mary Potter
and in 1875 they removed to M10higan
and eettfed In Lyon township, St. Clair
00anty, Where be epa0b the remainder of
hie days. Over fatty years ago he gave
his heart to God and tae ever remained
eteedtast in the faith. Be Woe a
most oansoienti0ne worker in the obnroh
end Sabbath School and wielded a strong
influence for good throughout the o0m•
muuiby by the unyielding rectitude of hie
abstracter. Be died October 19, 1907,
aged 71 years, 5 months and 4 ,'days. In
hie death he leaves a widow and five
children, font sone and a daughter, a
brother and many friond0 and neighbors
to mo0rn hie departure, Funeral ser•
vices were oondnoted by hie pastor, W.
0. Helm11otd, in the Lyra' 111. P. ohuroh
before a large congregation ,end the re -
Main Were interred in Lynn 0amotery,
Make Your Unusedd Fun&
bea. in:erestat the highest current rates, Amounts of
$1.00 and upwards are received in the SAVINGS DE.,
Interest is allowed from date of deposit, and compounded
every three months, No delay in withdrawal.
The Metropolitan .Bank®
Capital Paid Up, $.1,990,000.00. Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, $1,183,713.23
I Tug Board of Health ofeGoderioh have
declared there will be tlo Liberal Oon-
veotion, no County Couuoil, uo Amine,
no County Gotta sittiug5, no Division
Court until further uouoe un 10080001 of
smallpox, . - -
Wm0DIN0.-A quiet but pretty wedding
wee solemuizsd Mouday evening at the
home of &ire. Suight, 276 Wbaruoliffe
Road, West Loudon, when ber yoasgeet
de-ngbter, Bitted Evelyn, was united in
marriage to Witham IL, Smith, eldest
Mu of Mrs. A081e Campbell, of Brueeele,
by Rev. G. B. Sage, in the preseuoe of
the immediate relatives; The pride, who
was-ouat,enued, looked charming in a
gown of white net ever white Bilk voile
trimmed with babe ribbou and insertion,
Atter 0ougratnlatioue a calory lunch was
served, A umber of beautiful x10559008
were received among whiuh was a oabiuet
silverware from the Helena Costume
'Co., where the bride worked for some
time. and a handsome band,painted
berry set from her girl frbeues. Amu a
beautiful oast chair from the employees
of Abe Uanadiau Express Go., of which
the groom 1e au employee. The bride's
oravelhug amt was of navy bine with
V01901 bat to match and sable furs. Mr,
and Mre. Smith will reside in Weet Lon-
don. Mrs, gash[ woe a resident of
Breesele a Dumber of years ago.
evening the Epworth League gave a
Soofal avemng on the Sellout room of the
'M81.11od108 ohur0b, The President,
"Chester Armstrong, spoke words of wel
oume and tbeu mtroauted the following
wen rendered program •-Reoitavioo,
"Row Persimmons miuusd the baby,"
Bites lford 1 duet, Mimes Peed Leather -
rade aid Alta Pryne ; Ladies' quartette',
1"Whip poor -will" ; eol0, Lorne Rokmier.
The spelling match evoked uo email ill -
tenet. Stave were ohoesu by Mies
Thurso Gerry aid Mtes Carrie Hiegetun
ane 26 heed up uuuer mob captain.
Booedatter rotted the spelling went Saab
time the uumber Of Ouuteslauts reaming.
Some want down on ladle ; um 0 few
refused to let their light shine from the
ohaudeuer, others got hung up 0u sur.
eiag10 and despite Methodist traintug
hallelujah tripped both big mud little,
Muse Htugetou'a side won by quite a lead
and J. T. Wood 05001011 off inn honors in
remaining at bre poet, the last word he
spelled' bsiog hstnouaueee. There was
Quite a bit of tau over the match and
some of the grown-ups rather surprised
the youthful at their ability to haudte the
twisters. The pubtio sobool Speiltug
Book was need. A mumu of anew apples
uud taffy was served before the imolai
was closed by a hymn and 1115 Benedio-
+tion by the pastor.
1 ' Business Locals.
Goon matter for Bale, Apply to N. V.
A mese Jersey cow for sale cheap Or On
shares. G. A. DEADIIAN, •
Seim pin, heart design, lost in town
last Saturday. Fender will be eaitably
rewarded by leaving it at THE Pon.
Sumo br000b toned in Brueeele.
Owner may have it by paying for this
notion and palling at Geo. Thomson's
Loa i0 the Town Hall on Wednesday
evening of this week, a silver • beaded
umbrella. Will the finder please return
Boar of mousy Met by the undereigied
who will be grateful to have it returned
to him or left at Tag Pon.
, • D00001, MOTAG0ART,
Oranbrook P. 0.
A imam shop in a good town offers
to take a partner With $500 to 95,000.
Tbie is a rare Mance eo do out delay and
es I have a large number of new cboioe
modes made and tested in my line your
chances are doubled, T. MoGlteaoo, claw
gummer and flier, and improver on saw
tools and maohines, corner Mill and Main
streets, Bruseele, Editors of papers
should oopy this if they wish to help
and in0ourage enterprise,
People We Snow.
Peter Stewart i0 back from hie trip
to North Dakota,
Mrea Vera Danford le home from Tor-
onto fora holiday.
dna. Walker, of Teeewaber, wee in
town for a dew days.
Mies Brown, of Toronto, is the guest of
Mre, (Dr) Graham,
Mime Retia Harbottle has returned to
her position at Weliaud.
R, G. Norman, of Toronto, was here
last week on a holiday,
Miee Jennie Brian, of Seaforbh, ie
visiting her sister, Mre. P, Scott, Brea.,
Miss Aileen Soott, has gone•to Seafortb
for an extended vial[ with ber Grand-
mother Brien.
Will, Lynn and his Meter, Mre. Brown,
spent a couple of days last week, visiting
at Watson Ainlay'e,
Mre.: Thee, Donfbrd Will make an ex -
'ended visit with her eon dames aid
tonally at Clinton.
Ray, W. E. Rare and ;daughter Grass,
of Clinton, are spending a few days in
town With relatives.
Thos. Newsome hue been bothered with
an attack of la grippe but is lighting it off
, and will soon be 0, k.
too Hunter nae been a prlsonbr t0 the
house from an attnok of mea8180 but is
about as wetas ever now,
Mre, W. F. Stewart, of Guelph, i0 a
Welcome Waiter with reletives'und 1rie0d0
in Brueeele. She and Mr. Stewart are
enjoying their life in the Royal 04.
m e
liVE are showing a
large range of
Watches --;-newest designs
of diffeteut Manufacturers.
We shall be pleased
to lay away one for you
until Christmas. Come
early and make your sel-
High Grade Watches
at the lowest prices. -
H. L.
00 ill
00 !— eta
Mies Ica Glenn bas returned to her
home m Listowel after a pleasant three
weeks' visit with frien1e m Breasels.
Mrs. Harry Bartliff, of Gunton, ie
visiting under the parental root to Bras.
BEIM for a week Bud ie 0 welcome visitor.
Robert Russ f5 home from the Stratford
hoopoe' and is regaining hie penal good
health. We Lope be will emu be as
Well as ever. •
Will. Hueter, of Stratford, wee in
town over Sunday. Be likes the °laesto
oily and a little bird Saye he may go into
bonoekeepiug there,
W. H, Kerr was at London on There•
day attending a meettug of the Special
Committee of the London 000ferene0 of
which he is a member,
Miss Ne8015 Ray, who has beep making
a vlelt with her meter, Mre. W. H. Rem,
left.on Tuesday for Blyth, where She will
spend a week or so with Mre. J. Leslie
Frank Oliver, of Tileoubnrg, was home
on a holiday vrett re0r0itiug his health
whittle has hardly been as vigorous of
late ea usual. We hope he will soon be
fully restored.
Miee Tillie Zimmer, who is now at.
teudiug Oliutou model School, bas been
engaged to teach at Gowanetown for the
next year at a good salary. She should
make an up to•data [sooner.
()hales Forster, formerly 0f Brussels,
who bee 89508 the pact two months in
St, Mary's, has been rposwiog old friend.'
shipe in town. Be talks of going to
Portage l a- Prairie, Manitoba before long.
Ws•wieh nim Well.
e,,Airs. Robs, 01 Magillop, who has been
visiting ber sister, Mrs. John Sinclair,
Princess street, returned to her home on
Tdesdey. Tbe visitor and Wee . Tesuie
Sinclair were reuewiug old friendships
at Molesworth and locality,
John Pugh arrived boom last Saturday
from the Weet where he bas spent the
past 6 months. For about 5 months of
hie time be wee employed at hie trade as
bricklayer on the new $86,000 Methodist
ohuroh at Moose Jaw. It is a dandy
banding. Mr. Pugh Saye P.3, McDonald
of Brussels, bad a busy and suooeeefnl
Beason in his oontraot. The human in
some mations turned 001 fairly well
8speeially where early 'ratting was prat'.
tioed. Mr. Pugh will spend the Winter
with hie family in Brussels bat may go
West again in the early Spring ea he bas
a good offer, Tbe Weet agreed well with
him. Many former friends were met
with In the Weer by' Mr. Pugh.
We are sorry to report that an old and
well knoWu resident of this locality, in
the peruse of John Ruddick, was'serious-
ly i11 durrbgthepast week but ie consider•
ably improved, now, $e is 87 years of
me and has been a remarkably hearty
man.In addition to A, and Mre. Mee,
rieon, of Port Aueth', Mieb., who return-
ed to their home on Monday, Jltmee
Roddlok, 0. P. R. engineer, of London,
and Arable Roddtok, of Huron City,
Michigan, were here on a visit to Mr.
Roddick, Metiers Roddick are sone sod
Mrs. Morrieou.le a daughter of our towns•
man. VI 5 hope Mr, Roddick will eon•
Rime to improve.
0110 14311 (3111,31f:S
The Metropolitan Methodist obarob of
Toronto ie raising 910,080 for Mieeione.
A Christmas Praise Service is being
prepared by the oboir of the Methodist
ohuroh, sweated by others, The title
is "The Chrietplas Meetings."
sabbath morning last Rev, Mr, Powell
preached from the words "He reetureth
my gonl;' being a part of the 29rr1
Psalm. The evening tapirs wee" Waiting
and Ii0ook105."
ul)eoleueion of first Love" Waa RM.,
Mr, Wiehart'e edbjsot last Sabbath
morning in Melville ohurob. The evan-
Mg 100 W00 "MOMy Shall strive to 50000
in baa shell not be able," Some hot
ghat wee Seed,
ESTABL.d$NED se 73
Head Office - - - - Toronto
The 'Standard =wank pays Interest
four times a year on all Savings
Bank deposits.
Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches.
jr. F. Rowland, Manager
Friday afternoon of this week the
regular meeting of the local branoh of
the W. 0. T. U. will beheld.
Anneal Union Bible Society meeting
Thursday evening of thie week in the
Methodist ohuroh, oomme0oing at 7.80
o'clock, Rev. Mr. Hassard, B. D„ of
Toronto, will give an illustrated address.
Oolleobion in aid of the Society.
The Sabbath School excursion re.
turns were received last week and will
be distributed on receipt of the official
statement from Montreal: Promsd&
were rednewd ooneiderably by the rain
of the morning ot the excursion.
Monthly Mtseionery service in the
Methodist Sabbath School next Sunday
afteru000. In addition to the lesson
on"The Death of Samson,' there will
be a reading, two solos, abort addresses
and Missionary penmen on the lite of
Dr. Livingstone.
The Oonvent School at Belleville was
The new insurance bill is praotioally
ready for preeentatioo to Parliament.
Six Nations Indiana celebrated the
bOOdredbb amnivsrsary of the death of
Brant at Brantford.
It is reported that the Manitoba Gov-
ernment may in0,ode a State Bahama of
telegraph in their naw telephone linea.
Parnell O'Conner, whose parents live
in Dakota, shat himeelf through the
long, at North Bay and is in a serious
The address in reply to the epeeoh from
the throne will be moved in the Com-
mons on Friday next by Robert R. Hall,
member for Weet Peterboro', and
meouded by R. Lanolob, member for
Laprairie, Napierville.
Magistrate Alexander fell down part of
a flight of stairs in the Windsor Orty Hall
and reoeived iejurieo which will likely
aniline him to hie home two or three
weeks. He i0 85 yearn of age and one of
the oldest 'toting magistrates in Oauada.
While racing fur a tow the Escort foul-
ed the towline 01 the barge Harrison in
Lake Outario, near Niagara. The tag's
pilot house was swept off and she went
diceotly in front of the Harrison, was
toppled over and sank with Capt, Dunkin Flour, per bbl
and two other men. 1 Hoge, Live
BLAeuILL.-In Ypeilaubi, Michigan, on'
.. October 4th, to Mr. and Mre. J. W.
920, Blaebill, formerly of Brussels, a
Cooaaaae.-In.Grey, on Oobober -26th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cochrane, a
Why out vet Rad
for has Row ?
It ie not too early to begin think- ; )
lug about ()brisbmae gifts, From ))
now 0n the time will page very
rapidly. Tuan there ie e, lot of
satiefawttotl f,i malting eelecti110
while stooks are oonlplete itnd
wbilo you eau do co at your leis.
urs, whi011 is au impossibility fn
the hurry mad beetle of the two
weeks before Christmas, Our
full line of holiday geode will be
on display 'within the next tow.
days oolnpprising the finoeb assort -
meat we have yet shown. We
would like you to see it et
MIL oa.—IntGrey, On October 20th, to THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN.
Mr, and Mre. Robert Miller, it
MuNNINGe-OA1ERON.-In Morrie, on
November 18111, by Rev. A. 0. Wish-
art, B. A.,. Of Brueeels, Mr. Jobe
Mannings, of Colborne township,
to Mre. Alex. Cameron, Morris
BYEae-Io Grey, on Nov. 17th, Margaret
Byers, daughter of Daniel and Mrs.
Byers, in her 80th year.
Medium -At Belmont, Mem, on Nov.
10tb, Boatels May, only child of
Allln and Annie Marquis, aged 4
years and 6 menthe.
RO0EasoN.-At Jamestown, N. Y„ on
Nov. 14th, Robert 0. Rogerson,
formerly. of Morrie, in his 90th year,
WEDNesDAY, DEO. 41b. -Extensive sale
of farm stook, at Lot 10, Oon. 14, Elul.
lett. Sale, without reserve, at 1 o'clock.
Obae. Bembridge, proprietor ; Thomas
Brown, anotioueer.
Timmer, Deo. 10. -Lot 28, Oon, 8,
Grey, 40 yuuug cattle. Sale unreserved
at 1 p. m. Thos. Davideoo, Prop. F. S.
Beata, Ano,
Fall Wheat 88 90
Barley 65 60
Peas 78 80
Oats 45 46
Butter, tube and rolls21 28
Eggs per dozen 21 29
Hay per ton 14 00 15 00
4 60 6 20
5 40 6 50
Lot 10, Oon. 10, Grey, containing 100
aeras, Apply to WM,, W0000, Oranbrook
P, U. - 01:11
of money-aboub 3e 00 -logit In Brus-
sels last Saturday night.. Pinder will be
rewarded by leaving it at Tem 2087.. 111
1 comfortable louse on Princess street
with stable and all oo.ivenfeneeO. For fur-
ther particulars apply to WM. 051031107,.
G.T.E. Agent, Wiogbam. 21-tf
Oeoaeal Repair and Blaokseiibhatop,
tools, ono. Good buelueso po5ae50toi at
mule. Apply to ,A. H,8S037ITT,
20.2 Wroaetor,
3) The uuderaigaed has a quantityof
good barn timber for sale on 1115 premleea.
Lot 1e, Oen, 0, Morris, it, B, AL 000K,
2041 Bminutia P. 0.
L,fene of the nadereignad,. IMO, Oon. 7,
Grey, on or about October 16tu, nue Jersey
heifer, also one rod hailer. Owners are re -
guested to 00078 property, pay. aapeueen
and take them away. W. 00. 00LE, Brits -
sols P.O. .21.4.
Nov.25 011, the undersigned lust a buck-
skin puree containing Bomething over ;620,
made np of a $10 bill and two 55 Mlle, be -
Bides the sliver. There was also a receipt
from Strat,ord hospital. A suitable reward
will be paid for the 'Altura of the money to
Robt. Hartman, Brussels, or Tam PosT.
21 2 JA0031 'PENNANT,
II rem' of the undersigned, Lot 10, Con. 0.
Grey, on or about Nov. 100, O sheep. Two of
them are yearlings with black loose end
only one of the lot bad a long tail. One of
them alsohad an ear off. Any information
concerning same will -bo thankfully recely
ed by BORT. LO W E, Brussels P.0. 2111
ECUS S lI .79 I&TsaLIG�r'H .tr a It x'- R
w4,'le''wviu'Iy4rlaNAe; W'efe; le'Ib9a'bP1J1100.10101.rAnid4d4dsAa0801.4vv,m lei4.nbm a'arurw ela,"idOPtea'4,' iesetMdlb'eektobote. eeltikee itit.. bllW'dioasseteteisiei Oeettae1
We find our stocks of Winter Goods altogether.too heavy for this season, of the year and
necessary that we should reduce them. In order ,to do this quickly we will offer for.ONE
WEEK the following tempting prices
Up .to $12.00 Men's Overcoats, blacks and tweeds, ,your choice for $9.00
Up to 9.00 Men's Overcoats, blacks and tweeds, your-aoice for 6'00
Up to 6.00 Mena Overcoats, your choice for 3.75
Up to 9.00 Boys' Overcoats, blacks and tweeds, your choice for 6 50 .
Up to 5.50 Boys' Overcoats, your choice for
Up to 8.50 Men's Tweed Suits, your choice for
Up to 12.00 Men's Tweed, Serge & Worsted Suits, your choice for
Up to 5:50 Boys' 3 -piece Suits, Knicker pants, your choice for
Ladies' Marmot Stoles, regular up to $6.00, your choice for
Ladies' Mrermot Stoles, regular up to $10.00, your choice for
Ladies' Fur Coats at $20.00, $25 00, $30.0Q and $35.00.
All sizes in
Granby' Rubbers
and a large
stock of
Good Boots
to CLoose from.
Ladies'Cloth C 'oats
black and
10 only Ladies' Cloth Coats,
,dark cruors, regular. price
$10.00, your choice for......
7 only, Ladies' Cloth Coats, regular up
to $18.50, your choice for 8 90
Complete stock of
Ladies', Children's
and Men's Under-
clothing and Hosiery
—the best values
in tbo trade.
Ladies' Readymade Skirts
15 only ,Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts, regular 17 only Ladies', Ready-to-wear Skirts,
values $8 00, $8.25 and $3.50, this sea - ".regular values up to $5 50, in black
son's best stylos,in black and 0 and colors; your choice for
colors, your choice for - - — only +��
13 onlyLadies' 'U'nion Sere, Skirts in bluesnbllack and dark .
a ,3J
greys, regular values $2.00 and $2 26, your choice for..,.
Prices dor Produce Goods Right or Your Illonc
f � '