The Brussels Post, 1907-11-28, Page 6ETERNAL CROWN OF ropy :;1,)4010„,1, ,1T111t1I.ll'allirlIenS uOmf , pil1l1a0r0%1iu. opof obawdhgiecsh. the hoese rested-- No irelitible romesen. tenon of these aneient louses of the Philistine cities ie et hand to enable WI to give any tioeutote desoription of lee shape mei plan of the builithig. The ,tuegice mentioned earlier in the look were enuengeous lendere, who at the head of their Milo mid nation delivered Israel out ol the band of its (Inners, fighting alwaye in lle• mune ef Jehovah, But Samson beide no army inle battle, and does »ot light so nitwit in Joliet! of Isom! as In eettheg his OW]] pCtStin /11 qUarreiti with the iffilietines, The trou- ble in whieli he is utmost constantly In volved, again. is 001 (>1,o:seined 1iy OnpaesS1011 1114 he iliS OW11 untioly tiffoition for firet one end then al/other Philistine woluati. The story, therefore, leeks !he newel point alld emphasis which thc eat'ller stories of Ilie Wok conlain, On the nther Muhlit abounds 111 rude humor and aerounts ol practical jokes perm, - anted by the hem. sailisoll. 4111 WS Per- sonal menthe:. ite it stands 11, luny be onneltleved as 11 lypinol hit ol Iilliliii vhie1i ''Us without 11011111. in great tenor among the jcw'sli pronto. 115, 11101.041r01% gli11101, e„1" a side of eurly Hebrew lik, nod ettneeeter elsewhere represented in the Old Trskon ell 31. Judged Isruel twenty yeureeortes the sum filial of Um informitlioti • Igoe com.Crililig 'Samson 11$ one of lite Judges of Israel. \\*0 tire not told anything regarding his capability as n judge, but ‘,.c rror :utilise. 11.4101 the leek (if moivil ellieogle he that it weted be regard for his ()Welch.) prowoo 11111e0 111011 for his talent for jug tiee that would respect. 013NER.N.L INFORMATION. Every Man Has in His Breast the Keys to His Own Heaven. "The Kingdomof Cod is within you. -Luke xvii., .21. The religion that has relations only to heaven and angels, or only lo 11 su- preme beteg remote and detached from daily kfe and from our families and friends, our business and affeirs( iesues 11 personal selliehness and is one of the causes •of social dlserganigation and Ileed. It postpones to that dim future the ,problems that oughl to be solved in the present. It promises those who Were broken with injustiee and greed of their fellows ft place where right would pre - veil and red would bc, their portion in the future. It shifts to an imaginary and ideal world alt the perplexities and wrongs of the present. world. That kind of teaching ingrained in generations accounts for the dull pati- ence, the stolid, brutelike content of the peasant in Europe; he is born a bear- er of burdens. a tiller of the soil, to walk bent and never lookup; it is all enduruble because it Is all so short; be some day will be better off then kings and einperors are DOW. " Rut RS the generations are horn the We are living in the glut, of things and Inspiring vision of that future loses its selling these thing.e at the end of lis - force; the ideals are gone and the chil- dren come into the world with their fa- thers content with their present condi- tion, but devoid (if aspiration and also .devoid of their father's faith in the cern- pensuttons of the future. whatever good Is designedi.foe man May .tee realized in large measure while he lives and Atoll make Ins good to consist Only in goeds. Beller conditions cif lie- 4eg easily become the toe of the best. ileaven Is net meat and drink; 11 15 the hello, heart. Making houses and lands iho supreme end of living is lithe 1.)11,10e than look- ing forward lo harps and crowns. is easy. bring treed thom slavery to a superstition to relapse into slavery to clue lower selves, We are in danger of living for a living instead of for our lives. We are "on the make" instead being (menet in making manhood, We aro digging the lead of conunerdal advantage with the gold shovels of character, We mey metteured by our own menseeraents. In sermonand ora - thole WA" assure ourselves that we are ft great people beeause 'we have here so many acres. so many minions 01 bushels of core and of wheat, eo high wages, so VAST FINANCIAL RESOURCES. THEN COMES THE REACTION. Som e daring spirits assert that if there is any good, if there is equity and rights, men ought to enter into and en- joy them here and now. And some who catch the vlelon of a God of real love nie unwilling to believe that he keeps from his children the present joys of his home; they invite lo a pre- sent heaven. Then how easy it is to fall into the error of seeking only a material pre- sent day paradise. to live as if the only things worth living for were food and clothes and pleasant circumstances. Better u worthy. beautifill ideal afar off than an unworthy and &busing one al- ready iodized. The heaven that eo many are seeking will but bring all men to the level of the brute. The dat-er is that we shall miss the real benefit of this great truth that All tide does not mean that prosperity is wrong; it doos not mom that misery or poverty is n virtue. The danger Is mil in our many acres. our high wages, (Air millEons of money; the danger is that these are the ends instead of the intans; that we are existing fee our tie- ing; ihnt WO make the man the tool of leo, money instead of the money being the making of the man. If he will man may (Ind the riches cif character; he may enter Into the para- dise of is mind at peace; he may taste :sr Ihe divine joys ef serving his fellows; to may. In thought, eemnoine ton all the geed and great; he may bear the morning stars sing together. The eternal erown of glory is the clown of elsaraelee. The streets paved with gold are ihe fair. clear ways of virtue. The harps of whose music we never weary are the strings of sympa- thy and love and pain; these make the heavenly harmony. The angels the .ftwes we learn to tom These make heaven when we see them in the ligOl of the presence of eternal love. IIENRY F. COPE. THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, DECEMBFAt 1, tie •ou IX. The Death ot Sennett, (Olden Text: Eph. 6. 10. '11.1[1 LESSON WORD STUDIES. Based on the text of the Revised Via - Sion, The story of Sdnison.-The story of &animal 15 reeorded in diapters 13-10 of the leok of judges, and falls neturally into three parts. In the intreeludory portion [chapter 13) we are told ef the announcement to the mother of Samson .of the bit*th 01 a son, who was to he brought up from ehildhood according to 111.l billet discipline of a Nazarite, in order that upon reaching adult numlicod be might deliver Israel from the hand of its oppressors. the Philistines. The second porlieti of the neretthete which is %Veined in ehaptees 14 and 15, cene coins neer with the inarriage of Samson to the Philistine weman in Tit -wale and the• riddle which lie peopounded to the. Philistines al the wedding fewst. Betray- ed by his wife, who las the allSW(T to the riddle 10 liee e0111117rna-11, Saieson *Mole in anger to his father's house. only to find mon his euesequent visit 10 Tinmeth that Iths wife has been given 40 another in merritige. This lends In a :fend between Samson and the Philis- tines In which the former first. see; Ore to, the standing gone of his enemies, and theee in 111171 revenge themselves on the household of the WO - man 01 Timnah, !Samsun's former wife, 11/110M they blame for their lmuble, Thereupon Sannen, single-handed, .smites the, Philistines "hip and thigh with .great slaughter." Shortly niter. Ward the people of jtelah, threntened with dire destreetion et the hands of the Philistines, deliver Samson bohitd into the lomils of the enemy, hut, exerting once mom Ms greet Strength, the eat, - live Wars the ropes which 5,ln,1 him and .again Stades Ina enemies with great slaughter. The third division of the nar- rative motels the Attecloneen of Sant - 5O111 fOr Delilah, a woman in the valley of SA'.rek. between elebren mid the Minis - Sipe cities to the nest. It is this. Minch- rnent whleb brings upon Stinison his un- doing; Having confided to Delilah the. !secret of his great strength, he is be- trayed by hor into the hands of his enenties, loving first been shorn of his long leeks, the budge. of hts Nazarild vow. Al this point elm leeson Retentive begins, • Verse 21, Put out Ms eyes -In eceor. dance with 1110 cruel, though common, testate of the limes. Gate--(Ine of the eve prinetpal cities of the Alluded about two leas from the shore of the Mediterran- ean on n bow hill, amidst trees and gar- dens, and In close proeimity to the innin caravan route free Egypt to Jaffa tool the East. It Is supposed Wel the andent as 01 the time of the fudges lies buried beneath the immense 51110.1 ldlls Whi011 In% to he toned beiveeeri the piveeni (•ily and the seacoast, end wbiboh ore gen- t -Melly eeteriding easteverd to. the wind them the mot delve Ilia Mope sand In- land. At the thee of one leseon men. ilve (Oita eeenls lo here °Merged n posl Bon of great imporlimee nit the copild et the fffillieline confederacy, This Me tetelanee ft Yeleined until the 1111111 of . Mexetelec the Oreut. Ile did grind le lite prioiln hot:see-A common form of menial labor for slaves o, captives of war 11111 the grinding of grain in rude. hand -mills. 22. The hair .uf his head began to grow -ll ie nevossary to ;suppose tome lino to have remised Menem the cap- ture of Samein and the feast- mentioned tii the next verse. during whieh time Same/nee hair bad again gerein suffi- ciently long .to comply <alio more with his Nezarite VOW to Wille his hail' un - 11, 1014.15 of the Philletines-Cor- responding le the elders of Israel, the chief inen from the different Philistine (kith:nett them together -iProbnbly ut Geza, though the pkice 10 not ininione4. From the following vi•rses we learn that there WAS 044. 0 temple 10 flagon at Ashdod. and from reference$ such as Josh. 15. 41. and 19. 27, we learn that. the deily wes werehippol in ether tones of Pniesline territory, as 1110 nainoe "Potted:won" !House of Dagen and peeper winos indicate. 'Recently diviphereel Semen' ineeriptions also testify to the wide extension of Dagen worship. For they suitl our eltiese in 1111 probability not feund in the origi- oel narrative, since 811213 11 least of spe- cud rejoicing on account of the capture of Samson would scarcely have bee,l pt strolled uniti Ms hair had .fignin grown long find his great strength re- turned. 24, 25, 11 we omit the dove clause nini Interchange the position i VCTStS es., and 25, we will men whet is mnsidered by moo rommenitiews 10 be 100 probable original feem and order of the narvetiee, Some time enclthe cap- ture of Sameon be the Philistines the loiter eolebrated al the oil:Amery sea - ore n great tenet ei tomer of their god Dagen. In conned -ion with this feelal occasion there great rejoicing, mot i • II when their hearte iyete inure retnembering the reputation of Samson as a wit end priefficed joker, demand that the Minded oiplive he brought More them that ho may make It1 semi for them. Accordingly. Samson is brought out of the prieon house, and Placed between the tellers: Slid 41-110/1 the people ewe' him. they prniseil their god:, for Ihey maid, NW god bath deli- vered Mk: our band one enemy, wrol the destroyer of caw country, who bath elain many of us, 20. The Ind that led hint by the hand - ("eliding the blind men from place lo piece. 27, The hieuee-Apparently nob en15 temple of flagon. but a kii•ger building offivettiently sllented near at hand. Templee in this early period Wer0 een- sidered ne 4IXIIIII5111el5 1110 AI:Ming/1111100 Of 1110 (lefty, and not getteralig as 11 building in which the wereffippiers as, setithled for their feelivittes Ein11' merry. malting. In 1 Sam. 0, e..2, nnWiludg. 0. Interesting 111-1515 of Knott ledge About. 'Most Everything. Some of the gioat Allenlic liners cut- pluy 15:1 firemen. . lemiion's melee pleygrounds are the envy of till other cities. A chimney 1i5 feet high still .'.way 10 inches in 5 etriong wind witIlolil danger. For $5 steam will do work which wouhl eost $800 if done by hand. There are now 202,0e0 Sunday-sehools in the world, with lolal of 26,000.000 pupils. Sherks were praelleally unknewn in the Adrialle tilt suez Coed was opened. Now they In. Chinn it Is net pessillle for a fa- ttier to leave ITIOTe 1)1'01301'1y to one eon than to anether, all atiest share equ- ally. 'Ohore is mere variation among thee divorce Mee iif different mittens than among the laws governing any 11(51 1111', Last year the Austrian Dovernthent derived $150.000 from the tax on play - Mg -cards. Austrian s a re invi Lcra te gamblers. Swiss farmers prefer eingIng milk- maids, it brag held that the melody soothes the cows and induces them lo yield more milk. Business men in illasgow and Edith burgh are vigortatsly pushing 0 prO- jevt for a ship canal to unite the Furth and Clyde. The ilovernment ef Spain has en- gaged a nember of °mem:neon experts 14: tour Ihe iountry and give 111S1111C- V.011 ki Ili,' farinelS. The King of itaty spends Quito hems 'in hie etude riory day reeding Niel and current Metalline Ile k greet ad- mirer of the works ef 00101541, anther?, In one ef the East liellen islands there is a neeniel temp owing, Ow wn ler Militate 00 being lietiyiki charged with alkali. For a cells:devotee distance roved the spring all vegeta- lion has been destroyed by this 4,heini- ilubbbt '. soys a nelininliel. have white lulls se Illat Ilie young may L ble to distill/nese their mother in ease of Pursuit. Thy color of 5 rabbit is so Ile that of the ground that thi, would otherwise be dinicull. if ird impoesilee. Ilantines 111.0 11011' 110,0001 ill 1.011tVal 115 ileetrielly, Thoy ave Mina in, etre tight mono. Withal aro lintsled. elertee Ugh'. The yowelifill Immo hove itio surno ere '1 as svoshhic, and the ripening of Ihr !mil can easily re. gu le. tee Experinemie love recently Wen einde ile paste cin betide, with tri 1,, Mee re When lim Millet troves 3m muzzle the juili,va, leaving n shi(enn smoke behind 71, aml (naleing the merkeinen k iveteli Ile eeeree, end, oreeesare, correct Ms aim few lee next ehol. Tremplee 11111e.n 4-wo1'5' \Ng -wk. day, Sir. 10111111 SiMpS011, 1.111111 nci,i1111en at Thereby. in the Wielon .nr Cum1ertnn(1„ England, hos during the onel tweet vein., yeara 1.01'01,0,1 It dls- innee or 11101111 miles. Do glee only even et) dittle etre through 1 bit (0511. and timing ihfirst seven years bad only tarclays' holiday. An exlreordireire (ffirlitem lins bero lnade 111,P 01(hillilioft inVitlltIOrtS nOW brine hell 111 Berlin, A slit riorinker named Weehert living In straisburet. has ern! 111 11 (leek of the grandfrither Mimeo, oriole (a 'fool b,ih , mede (lithely 01 edrow. Mode. Milder:to dew. find ONTO' 41e1011 11 eXellISIVely, of t•Innw. Wegner he. inlien fifteen 3ienes eon - :Iliad, ;.this etretwe oieee of moiling - lent. .. keens peered Ihne. Mill under the Nye:ruble elretinistenees 1)110- 11411 litel longer than Iwo yonrs, A petal has just .heen granted ill Germany kir en 'invention for the inan ilf11 01 Rya of glass telegraph and telephone pelee. A oortipany has, 110011 organized, end El factors foe the mene. feeturing of gloss eon% has been 1mill ab eiross-Alniereele, 410111, Franlifert. 'rhe glnee MIMI; Of which lite poles are node is elrengthened liy inierleying end Itilertwining with strong wire threads. One of the minelpel advenleges or Ogee polee went(' be then use tro, pied countriee, where -the wooden poles ore Aeon deetroyed by the owners. of ibeeete and Clininlic influence& 'rho pellis Are vary Cheap. rosting 010 etiell peen of 22 Wet in lefiglio 'Tile' imperial Peet temarltemil Gerninny has or. (level 11 bergs stiOplye ' Il sereirierife of ji•hovelt 01-15I 11114 501 in4NtI05 lIb ono:O. Thinee, better for peeffie Who, til.te 1111 Important dlifeyenee betWeen this atel there et they eeree, WO 11111'0 indleatente of Ito custom or perloeing of the enerifielai meet in n building venerate 'Rom the inimediale sanctuary. 21). Samson called uifon joheveli-- Sioneods devotion to the Cod of his people MON. lito that (4 his genoration, of 11 primitive. though roboel, nature, We note nod 'hr.:ways 'not for strength Ilint the name el lenoviall may he 411' 511011 in Ile: eyes of the Philistines. bet that hy the death of notny of thew 110 lei el 0115e temp& for the kos of hie 150. Bowed himeelf With all his Miglife. Pulling both tellers Vomited end out of Owe tis lie Me SO. Moto num they that he taco/ In his Mee -There 111 110 S11001110 huMbasis placed in the elneing Nieto of the enerative 41,0 t P,f7 11-1S)' Rome 4,171-telli-Tetelleitgefieli,Ve8.114434 SOME 11AINTY DISIJES. Fried Oyster Dainty,- Cut top off ono 'on! id while then St" 160 0111 in- side of loaf, 'roast the top of lotif which has even cut off; butter Inside. Pry lAto dozen oyg.!.( I'S 111411. U11(1 111',1W41, 011 11 loaf eihile hot. Put the toasted Me eel Serve Rico Cnialle is a retitle1 child's supper in cold weather. 'Mix a tablespoonful it': ground rive with little (old wider; MO: this pour one pint of Soiling inillt. Feb 11, ku• len minutes; aild lithe eon, Sweeten and naw.r wr.h grated tenni/mon. Serve al. once. PAUL .1011.'s Pudding,-1.Ine puthlinl: dish with slices of Mead, i•uilerrel on loth sides; One and oneshalf pinto of • lielf cup of maple spiels one mg '1 101551', 1141 e0111)11115. j1hb.'e lle55581, 11.‘pv0 4:4511,,;,1eNePirl n0.7Ig ingredients, pout, over breed, Cook ie elow owe toe hems. Steve with cream Add Apples: to Grape Jelly.-ln noth- ing grape jelly one will ilnd thal, a rich fewer may be obtained by adding eight geed sized apples lo one eased et grupoo Ily using liwee-fourles 50 l0 to ere, cup of juice jelly will keep longer and turn 10 omen'. Checoluto Fig Fudges, -Two oups of sugar. one cup of milk. one emitter of bekere' chocolate, and half a Dolled of tiss out fine. Put in saucepan nil to- gether, end toil until it forms a soft bell in water. Teen add hutter the size of a \relent and stir Until (10110. 1'0111' 11110 tins. W11011 hard cut into squares. Quick Net Dake. -When noticing a "limeiy-Op" colic, after putting the dough in pen, rover generottely with 111.:16, @Mee chopped or whole nut meals; then spi,Inkle a mearter of a cup of grimulated sugar over the top before biting in oven. When done the eal(e tl 1111110 detteions coaling of not elmely. Looks go -.d, lodes good, and St11--its the nine of icing. old Fashioned Mixed Krael..-Put over the Ilre aloul. two pounds of spare ribs and eook until tender, then add PM medinni sized potatoes cid into eighthm. and rook until CICtle; then mkt one [emit a goad snuerkraut end boil 011e 110111, -with jest enough wince lo keep 11'0711 burning. stirri»g often. Add pepper if cluticed. 1,111 no still will be needed. This stuffing for baked fish is excel- lent. 011ie itr.0 tablespoonfuls of hreed- evimille with (leseetilspoonful of chopped paioley. n leaspeonful of C1101)- 1.1:41 pnrsIt•y. a teaspoonful of chopped sweet herbs. add black pepper and salt • aste, and two minces ot finely slireffiled suet. Wink an egg into this elefline. or if you have not One use a lithe mine Beeliosie eerved with chops and steaks 15 alienye Meet. Boil wine beetroot. un - 1,11 lendeie serepe, off the skin. chop very thirty. and pour ever all tahlmpoonful of melted butler. add a dash of vinegar. pepper and sell to leek,. Serve hot, plied in the centre of te dish with eliop amend ft. savory eoutliev-Mix together n pinl•of biontlerumbs with. a Pa Sp.inilT1, 1 of greled n elinowdepoonful ef peed, herbs, pepper and snit. 13ent two eggs lightly arel add a betoken:simnel of milk, Pool. (hie into- the dry ingre- dients, TIliX all together, beat for two or three inimileee Pour 111 In gretteed pie - dish and bake for ton minetes in 0 quiet( oven. ... Barley and Trentitoes.-Wesh half a eln, of barley and soak for four hours. At the end of that thee put II inth the double boiler with une (meet of lolling water end one lea.spoonful eall. teiek fee one hour. Then add onothalf eon of tenintots and a medium eieed onion out 11li fine,' Tee il took half an hour longer. About ton niinotes bee:re setivieg mix In ene tablespoonful of grated cheese and 11 nit'ee Of 11111,10r 1110 SiZe of a walniit, Bollix! Turkey. --Singe, draw end otieli a Ittikey 55eighing Mout eine 00 lan 1101111dS, and velar wilii a dressing mule by chopping n quail ,emell tees rather coarse, and adding to them a Mond or gilded brend crumbs. levet liffileeponefets of sett. half 0 lea- spoOnful power. a grain ef nayenne. ti0111.10l. of a VIM1111 Of 1211I101' and IWO eggs slightty. Fill the boost Of the biril with genie of this dressing, and put the rsillaind"' ink) 111'2 1"'El'W" 415 up and ',nos. Dip it lnegt, pitice, of cot- ton cloth into eold water, and after ringing 11 weth dredge il thickly with uv. Pin the turkey in this vicith and plunge 11, inlo teeter. Boil tupelo ly for fifteen minute% end then vet leek elide it will just sinuneti for lease lours. Serve with o3oler eteme. Mince Pi". -Ons potted (if finely chop- 1,ed lefied beef, one-half pound of fenely (hopped suet, tine pound eiill washed end diled ellITIMIS. one pound eioned 1•1111.11118, (11)0 pound finely tell citron. mie pound sugar, ono -half le0,poonful salt, the juice and 1 1111Ir paled rind of two oranges, the juice and grated rind ef one knion, one pint eider, one-half pint brandy. one-half pint of sherry wine, onn tenspoonell of ground cloves, one neepoonfei of einnetnobt5 ene tenemon- tot <if more, one grated nidineg, Nlix all the ingredient,: is 11 10p:41141r, This emount t§ eerfleienl ter six good steed 'pies. Line a pie 1111110 141111 cont. Mix one pint, of mime: ineel with one pint of finely (Mopped tipples, and 1111 1111' pinle. cover With millet 114141 bake 1111 t1611111. If liked, a few epooneful ot /trendy mem he poured over the mincemeat hefore the crust pul 0(1 scallop in plieo, und set, where the sun and winvi will quickly dry. After using oold watee starch, set it settle, then poor off the 11111.01' 111141 41110W /110 Merrill to dry, When it is ilry it ran 111 II011111iIed ill 1.11-e SIlleelit1ON for flaDre LOW, When altering a bleuee for eny 11'10 11o01 it le n geent mistake to move the :doubler seam to 'the freed. A far teet- er Men Is Mut of dropping it back - weeds instenit of forwards. To pteitont flonnel from shrinking dip it, \elite, dry, in cold waler, wring (no unil put It 111 warm or even 1101 :aan- ;tuts. made of akind ny of 111111)111111)ewe, .),,wder, atid wash 11 culin., In papering it nom remember that large patterns mid dart: colors will make uldwar smaller, while 11 plain or striped paper, Li a light hue, \vitt give an mpression of incroased size. A gotid floor -slain that, goes right into he \wad and is very dutiable is made 11 linsosloil oilored with grimed bum( embete Bub 11101,011011y hile the bounle wffil a 11011ne1 pad, end next 4155 pellell with beeewax end turpentine, After a child IIRS 1)C011 vatioinabel, 415(01111 Ille Skin ar(31.111(1 Ille dressing ap- !oar very imlbbllhlWd gently apply a little !oracle 1)1111131011t With a eamerstheir leoell, Do reit on any account disturb the dressing. If the child Si,e111$ very feverish end 111 the doctor shouid isa called in. Fine lieen. such ne Infant's clothing, tegikettonekerehiets, de.. that lois. 1)5- 101110 yellow, nmy Isa whitenfla hy ill,: ill elreng suds mi,ad w1bui Yellow oiap and milk and water, half milk and half water. Reit for half 1111 1101.1r, W111411 1.1 Ondinary tol, suds, rinse in Clear 110t water, then in. cold blite-waiiev. When n1 house is being done hppaint Is not infrequeffily .'pill doorsteps, and.44 bit eomelinies found very difficult, to remove. In that 01150 matte 10 strong eelution oI potash and wash the Siniply leaving the solution to soak in. In a short lime the, 115 1111 will beeonie eon, and can then Le washed of with wow utul wider. TI1011 1180 Ma W11101. Paint Wh1eh 11US Liaell left on foe gone time will yiefit lo this treatment. Scrupulous cleanliness is the true se - reel of liteming milk. every out, bowl or jug being scalded daily, elony pcople n pinch of Weerionate of &oda to the milk when received from the dairy, and If this is $ticred into sour nilk IL prevents it from curdling when bolted, and pee- ning of ils being noel for puffilinge. and eNTT1 101' .eoffee, whon 0111erwise it would be thrown away. 13oracki, neid, which ninny eeeneed 1111115 authorties edit to their $uprilies, should be toed, however, with cautionespecially ellieve there are children in the household. THE CONVICTS OF CANADA REPORT 010 THE MINISTER Ole OUR. TICE ON PENITENTIARIES, :Eleven Per Cent, ot the Inmates are Youths Untles"reventy Veguis et Age. Tim ann.uel loport of ibe Minn:ter or Jusbee as to penitentiaries in Canada kir the fiscal yeae of 111110 11101t1118, Marelt last, issued recently, ShOWS the everuge daily populetien oi the emlitentieries for it136.07 IN11S 1,433, an increase of 20 as cenipared with the preceding year, The Ilguree for the net five yeale intimate Ilea the gradual in, elease 111 Ilic number of eollviels 1101'- SpfldS With the increasing population of the country, and ls not indicative of any noticeable advame in erlininelilY• The number' .of Crit11111111S, WO report netts, wile uteempany the rush of ino migratien. Is evidently offset by the ex- istmg empkiyment at a re muneretive rule. During the yew' 157 Convicts were re- leased en parole, 20 were pardoned and 12 died. TUE PAROLE LAW. . The repert of Parole Officer Areht- InIld stales that the opeetitions 01, 1110 parole late continues to be saltsfnetery. The number of pardons granted during the past seven years is 2110, as against 1184 granted during the preeetting six yours. As health resores Conadian penllenti- avieehave on enviable record, The .1111111- 15r of- deaths Occurring in prison der- ing lbe past 1.1114.0 yeal'S 1111$ been less than one per vele. per annum. Only ono convict, successfully escaped last 1 year. The .escape occurred a few days after the. ,openIng of the Alberta Peni, Wintery, arta was due 10 the inexperi- ence of the guards. The number of absolutely illiterate in the penitentiati, ies is -equal Le about 17 per cent., while net more than 10 per cent. have bad the (Weaning° bl a good %minion school SHARP nii.TORTS. Ready Answers Which Turned the Joke on the Other Fellow. In a Loidon.truction room two men were disputing thr possession of a plc- -lure by n celebrated English painter, which faithfully represented an Enell second determined to outbid the other. F1115111,-, one of them (mei:- "My dear sir, it is 01 110 use; 1 4:111 tiot give M. The painting once be- longed lo my grendfather, and I intend le have it." "Oh. ill Ulla ellae," replied his 014111, suavely. will give it up. I think yclii are fully entitled to 11 it 11 is one of ,Your feltIllY Portraits," at which there was grout laughter throughout the mom, 111111 [hie sheep reloel WO are inclin- ed to rent( the lively of the Irish girl who. caught in the net of pleying On Sunday la:1'0111g, and being arcosted bo' the 114.11'.611 lath -St with filo greeting. "Cool leoinilig. doughler of 111.• Evil C111 0." 11:111111 promptly, "(load mooting, father," 1,,1'd Coelthurn, after 11 long stroll. sat down on a hillside beside a eheplierd anti iibserved that the sheep 401:dal the colitost situation for lying down. "Aloe." eald lie, "I think if I were a Owe.) I should certainly huve preferred Ile eller skle 41 IMO hill." The ,sheeherd atesevered: "Ayemy iord; hut if ye had been n shrop 00 51.011141 i,u te had 311ilie SenSe." alld 1.013 WaS 11e001, tired of reIntieg the .elory, and Limning the Intighoon Motion, A man who was offering pienteitous 1111'0 1 Int 14011 at 11 e0l1111ry fele' WaS dis- paraging the slow of' cattle. "Call these hero orize earlier" he ecarnrffilly lead.' "Why. they abet 1)0- 1 btiit' 11 whet our folks ralepti. You may not thine it, len my tether' raised the blitgeet tall of uny mart mend out. parts," ean very vvell believe it,- °beery- ot a byelemier, setmeeing him Morn heed to fool. 11 is Tem everyone who enjOys 11 jOke fit Ilk own expense, The judge who p“,ntott w,th his pane anti 'There is a great rogue at the end of my mine," wne intensely enraged when the man looked hard at him and askod, coobIy- "Al which 61(3, yomi homier A irking of Cuernree was bregging of Me allaeliment to the jure sysleho 1(511 said: - "With trial by jury I have lived, and, ty the blesting of Geld, With Well by jure 1 will *did" "Oh." eald Curran. In notch einem,- merit "leen yeu've made up i30111' niind to be hanged, fi•Jeli?" .111ilt,;(1s KNOWING. To heve Alienye a good light, coal 011 lamp burneve eleeted be boiled in a beset with enough told wnier 15 coVPI. lhern with 0 hand fll I Of WitShIng soda added. To cleat] a fishy trellis -pen, fill with cold water and onto on the ,firei to boll, When boiling pill a MI hot cinder In and Ilion, west/ in the lisual wey, If n tonepoonfol ef lemon Mice is added lo the wince that pastry 18 inede 0.1111 it Will leefotted 10 make if riee in dekeS 51111 be 0111611 W11110' nntl 1 igh ter. To inerenee the polished appearance of alimehed 01oIlles, odd n pleee of wax the sie o of e bean, and a il\aSpOonflit Cif powdered beret( To 5'1t110 shwa While lt (gentle Quilt 'betties a 1,0 11 good ..stitute ler certain ,Oirelehers, loneten 13ETT1i111 she-ttAnd /Mr eve 11 11 (1151015(1 47401,, tell me everythiing tint happens, won't. you? Collein Formiee husliend does," 1`11 go Irannle.O hilshend 0110 better. 111 'tell pm a let of things that don't Nippon nt CONSIDERATE. 'Say, pa, won't, yeti bIly lire a (Muni?" Pm [Heald you'll dieterb me With the eoise." "No, I won't, pa; I'll Only drum when y011'a0 asleep," -_-# ACC011t1iNG TO DEFINITION, "114O5 onle 11 glaziev. Len he's n genius In hie Way," "indeed!" "Yea l bag on lulu* cdpaelly pair 01 cutilffine at ie11ine pinning every taltIng FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND, NOTE'S OF INTERESer FROM 111111e ReNtiS AND 1.111AES, 11'llat Is Going On In the Iliohlands - and Lowlands el Auld Scotia. expects a busy winter at yecht Nearly 40 Indlos are attending Ar- t:meth ambulance Mass. The- river Ayr WaS 011 1110 10t11 ult, the highest for 30 yettre. 111 1-111bn11l.I'pbl 13orderers' Union has - new a membership a MO. A disuppoinling bee -keeping season is reportot from the Borders. M,iibllobII gas \i'l'euirks11u,[1t01. '1.1° be extend - e• $ AL Stevenston the pito ef gas has. teen raised 2e4d. pee IWO fed. 11111101ve (le* 1115)10111 011010101101 oI 14, 001, pil' 4, On the Otlf insl, the Royal 1Idel, Celeff, was exposed at £4,000, but did notsell • A blest at Westfield Quarry, Aiyth, 00 the 'Oh October, dislodged Mout 700 tens of stone. Undertheers are ifeeping nway from Tifficoullry. Duilng September only One, death took team. A large number of Dunbar 'lettermen have left for the winter herring fishing at 'English ports. Elgin is to grt an addition to I1 arch!. gle loglaunrialel ;tlsh iitecelice tilei%sin the shape of a. Offie Scottish Paeriolic Associntion havearraeged an attractive series of lecturas for the winter. Se leyman 01 Cowdenheath says 111111• three, are 5,000 persons in Me burgh who. mow enter a. church. The bathing shelter at the west end of - Dundee Est:It:elide is to be kept open all Ihe year 1101)1101 Soil Union hare ap- petaled a helloed ninoe to deal with 111- fanblio 111 1110 •c,oriuntintly. East. Lothian potatoes are ffirt,ly boi turn out a magnineent crop. Most of them will probahly he shipped to Lon - n. eouoatioe. Foureeee per cent of the 0(1101518 last year 511510t0 total abstainers, Miss Marshall, West Klihrele, has been ce appointed leacher of dressmniting at ihei evening doss for girls at Large Perth will have 11 neW 1.1.1111 hall, ths. rod of which is not to exceed 15115,000. It Is to he erected on the site of the ex- isting building. Only three flutheeay churches now hold servives on the fest day. Steps ore again Iveing effien with a. view of having temperance refivshment, and ten mono open em New l'ear's Day throughout Dinsgow. Leigh School Board have given in- structions to maim orrangenients 101 providing free inetti:t to school children dewing the whiter, "if necessity orises." Ale. James St, Low, insistent gas man- ager of the tfiasgow Corporation, has been Appointed gas manager at Auello 44 per cent. were 'temperate end 42 per cent. were intemperate. Lads ueder tivenly years of ag11 constitute eleven rem' cent. of the totol, nothwithstand- Mg the unsuitability of penitentiaries for IMMATURE CRIMINALS. "It is sato to say," says the report, "that not more then one in a thousand of thie eless Ss benefited by a penitentr my experience." The perceMage ol Canadian -born con- victs 15 01, as eiimpared with 70 in 1107. The percentage of convicts born III Great Britein and irellind is less than in 1807. eliile the percentage of these born in the Unititi Statile relllaillS 1110 8R1110 as it WaS len years ago. In regard to religions, the number of con- victs to each 111X00 of population was as follows: Church of England 4,7, Jewish 4.2, Roman C.alhollc :3, Baptist 2.2, Methodist 1.0, a»d Presbyterian 1.6. SENTENCE SERMONS. Ile cannot do wly) dees not dare. Opposilien ofteu is the best aid. Living for men is the beet evidence of toying Cod. 11 bakes an uplifted eye to iceep a ek an head. No men emu he grent holil lie can see greain:ise. Ile cannel pray for himself who prays only for himeelf, 11 takes $01110 frost lo ripen the best fruits of the bee rt. Ile doilies himself the bestwho cannot deny himself. 'rile woods of prepellee grow in an intellectual desert. lf there is nothing heavenly here there is no heaven there. A heavy heart does not prove that yOu have a burdened . Miley a preacher would be Seldom re elmech but for the 0o1111011. The best way to maintain good cheer Is to comfort the cheerless.. „ Cools on your heeds will do more for the good of the world than ettwns on your head. There Inc 100 ienny frying to whiten the world by blackening others. "Yee] can 11.8 110011 cross the ocean on a chart ns save the world •Ity a creed. Every choice in life is an impact that determines the shape of eharader. 'You tOways can measure a men by the things ibet provoke him to merri- ment. Theme le no vital „power in a religion you can pigeonhole Into one day of lhe week. Yonti 1e1151051 is not lo be meneered by what yeti are glelog up. butity %vital you are giving out. The difference between what you ere 11(141 ,,yhat you would be Is the prophecy ^f what you will he. !:,oAry SUBSTITUTES. The 311 051111 genernIkm Can hardly goncelye a Ulna when 11s WaS no such thing (51 11081). '1'et it is o»ly, rein, partitively reeently teal map tee been ...el largely manufaCtured. Until the diet:every of soap s# we know it, the beet eleneing ap,eut was feller's earth, the nbeolibeld mope:Sites of which enables if to remove greasy Mid Oily matter from most fabrics. Another wane of cleansing wee 11111 euilip leery. the foie et 6 plant which' lathered freely on rubbing with wilier. Anether WAS the met of n plant known 111 aonoweri, bile lathering peopertles of which wore duo to the presence 01 n Iffibethire Palled seponin. whieh is el. eo retool In the hoes(' chestnut. 11 is hy 11.0105 11 natural auballtifte for 51011.11 that the crofterS of Ihr Scotcb. fright:olds succeeded in keeping their blankets soft and white for many gen. 0111 I lonA, 1111 (11 Things MAY ha etelfing Aa Iona; tilltrim liiub, all1L 1 find ihe ded.bmined flogleed 1,4 jest. Ale herd to fill, lend 540 weeks, New eeepine, Oliogow Town Council is to supply wholesome milk tor babies, 1,ui lately deckled ngalnst welting nilinicipal playgrounds to children 011 Sundays. There imei hem 110 minister's wife in Port. Inenteilh parish for nearly forty years. There have been three ministers in that lime, bui all bachelors. A new 15110 of dust cart is to Ite talon - 1,1 lit Edinburgh, 1118 hoped this iffiest design will modify the dust nuisance, and it IS 11184) claimed that it is more easily worked. A Cell -ender lassie fell out of is train running at a high rate or speed near Bannoveburn. title WaS UnhliVI, but complained bitterly about her father and. mother being carried away by the train. . Within the past month or 11170 six of' tho 01(1501 inhallitalltS Of Port pn have passed tiway, their respective ages being, 75, 70, 80;87,88 and 90, a total o" Olit'yours. Peelithe hits done something in She past to leop the flag of freedom flying both on the battlefield and et the }Mal- IngS. 501011111 C08110, 1110 IOWn'a 1111- (1011 1protector, boasts of having held out. longer against the forces or (7ro015e11 thee any other place south of the Forth.. - REpoitTED nnAn. French fslaval Officer Returns After Ile- , mare:able Advent:oleo. After an extraordinary series of adven- tures, flaplein Nthuger, a leeneli naval officer, who some months age wee offi- cially reported aa dead, arrived the other day in Paris. The eeplain commanded the nrilisor (181183', whirli beenitio a total wreck off the Chinese coast in May htsl. on this occasion Captain ?clanger WAS titf,tamle<pilinIgo thons710t,betionis .stlitrii111v,vintedle, eiv1011‘i‘leevolirle, reached Shone:111i safe and 'well, owl a. telegram WaS (sent to the Minister of Mee- inc correcting this error. 'he day alter the telegram 501114 sent eve officor was Ming in an automobile with a friend when a collision occurred WWI enether vehicle. The otteupants Of the car were thrown out, and while Cap- tain !Omelet, was lying injured On MO roadway he WM: run over by s beovy fire engine, bie, skull being traothrect nnI several i•ibs broken. Ile was picked up for dead, ond 141011 10 Ihe,Ameriettn hos- Myth Than the receiving surgeon ex., tinrined Ilan, and, in view of his' tonight injuriee, (loalarorl that it Ives leapostilide for him 141 1150 ihmugh the night. 'Based on the dee.tods statement, a second lelegrtim Wns sent eff to the Minister of Marine,- Ormanneing htl to injured officer WaS beyond hope of re- covery, and hal ins death .was 51 miestion of a feW hours, Some (lays elapsed, and RS nothing further was heard (mot shanghai, Ole Minislar of Marine concluded that Cap- tain Moneen: desalt had dely taken Owe. 'rhey acandingiy informed Ms relatives to this effect, arel steeek hire off the etrength of the navy. AS it soi litippened, ho disappointed the doctora, and cheated death. After having bean. niworgielous for eix weeks, ho made elow, tetcover,v. When he was oonveles- eent lie steeled for Mirope. ignorant .of the tad that hie demist had been an. noun/1M in the 17.4'110_4nd Ioreneh news- papers, - 1111101 cliAlomer..-wCan you really re- commend this peened:eV. flaildreeedi- "Very highly, str. Look whet 11 head if heir tee gin, and leow" (removing Whee i 10e1(0,1 111141 Lorvi,t,